Ancient Slavic amulets. Lada Star of the Mother of God breastplate. The meaning of the amulet doll Nurse

Since ancient times, our ancestors have used amulets to protect and attract good luck and prosperity. Almost every amulet among the Slavs was associated with a specific god, from whom they expected help and protection. To this day, these amulets are popular, as they contain hidden power and strength. Slavic people.

Slavic amulets can be used both to protect against damage and the evil eye, enemies and failures, and to attract health, love and prosperity. If you want to acquire a Slavic amulet, you should first find out its meaning. When choosing, be guided not only by your goals and intentions, but also by what is important to you at the present time.


This is a women's amulet. It makes its owner harmonious, feminine and happy. This amulet was used by pregnant women to preserve the child in the womb. It was also believed that the lunnitsa amulet could facilitate childbirth.


This is a talisman of love and family well-being. He is also called the patron saint of lovers. It is recommended to use it to preserve love, family warmth, to refresh fading feelings and attract a soul mate.


This Slavic amulet has very powerful energy that can protect the house and its inhabitants. This symbol represents the hearth or the flame of the sacred altar.


This amulet is now considered a talisman for travelers. Previously, wives gave it to their husbands who went on a hunt, war or on a long journey. This talisman saves in unforeseen situations, disasters, protects from the elements and gives strength.


The meaning of this Slavic amulet is the victory of good over evil, life over death, light over darkness. It was used to protect against damage, the evil eye, dark forces, enemies and failures.


The caroler is a talisman that is used to attract changes in life. It is recommended to wear it for those who are stagnant in business. It gives energy, attracts money, love and prosperity.


This Slavic amulet symbolizes home, family happiness, health, and love. It protects from evil, damage, the evil eye and family quarrels. This symbol will be good protection for your home.


This amulet among the Slavs was considered a talisman to protect the harvest. Saffron milk caps were hung on barns and farm fences. Today it is used to attract money, good luck at work and the well-being of the whole family.

Perunov color

This amulet brings happiness to its owner. He is able to fulfill wishes, prevent illness and attract good luck. It could only be worn by those who were pure in soul and body.

These are the most famous Slavic amulets, which you can still buy in specialized stores. However, in order for the amulet to protect, it is better to make it yourself using natural materials. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.09.2014 09:10

Strong amulets can give protection from any negative influence. So that it doesn't burst into your life...

Slavic amulets and their meaning are a separate topic for study by historians. They can tell us a lot. Amulets are part of the cultural heritage of our ancestors. From them one can judge the wisdom and religion of this great people. Most amulets have solar symbols, which indicates the Slavs’ worship of the Sun. They were used for personal protection and protection of loved ones from natural phenomena, evil, damage or the evil eye. The amulets were selected individually. If, for example, in Christianity, adults and children wear a cross for protection, then in paganism one could choose an amulet that is similar in energy and meaning. Then it became not just a beauty accessory, but a truly powerful amulet.

Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, Slavic amulets are still popular. People wear them different ages and professions. When choosing Slavic amulets, you need to know their meaning, description and interpretation. If you do not pay due attention to the choice of an amulet, then it may not be suitable energetically and will not provide adequate protection.

The amulets of the ancient Slavs contain not only solar symbols, denoting the worship of the cult of the sun. Some of them (Kolovrat, Ladinets, Solstice) represent a swastika. Our galaxy, called the Milky Way, has the same shape and that’s not all. Human DNA also resembles a swastika. This may mean that the Slavs had deeper knowledge than is known. We can also talk about a simple coincidence, but it is unlikely, given all the wisdom of this great people.

Modern Slavic talismans have the same appearance as they did before. On the Internet you can find photos of them, on the basis of which amulets are made. In ancient times, materials that were available to the people were used to make amulets. Initially, wood was used. Later they began to be made from metals, as well as animal bones or teeth. Such Slavic amulets and amulets gave a person the strength of the animal to which these parts belonged.

Nowadays, the amulets of Old Rus' are made mainly from gold and silver, but preference is still given to silver products, since it was previously believed that this metal repels evil spirits. This means that such amulets of the Slavs will provide a person with the most powerful protection. Gold products also emphasize the status of the owner. They are the most valuable and expensive of all amulets.

When choosing a talisman, you need to focus on their meaning and your intuition. If you are drawn to a certain talisman, then it matches the energy. Don’t forget about which amulet makes sense. There are Slavic amulets against the evil eye and damage, for good luck, for financial well-being, and others.

Slavic amulets for men

Men's Slavic amulets have always differed from women's amulets. First of all, they have different energy. In addition, the male amulet was supposed to protect a person during hunting and battle. It also preserved health and brought good luck. Slavic amulet for men is traditionally made of silver or copper. They are simple and concise, unlike some female talismans. The most powerful amulets are those made to a man by his mother, wife or sister. In ancient times, women even made them from their own hair. Such a talisman was supposed to return a loved one from the war safe and sound.

Men can wear Slavic amulets in the form of jewelry, or their symbols can be applied to military equipment or embroidered on clothes.

Veles is one of the gods of the Slavic pantheon, in whose honor this amulet was created. It looks like the paw of a bear or wolf. A man had to wear such a talisman all his life without parting with it. An amulet can lead a person to the very top of the career ladder, making him rich and successful. The amulet is suitable for men whose occupation is affected by the weather: fishermen, farmers, firefighters, hunters and others. The amulet also protects against misfortunes, troubles and so on.

Such Slavic signs are endowed with the element of fire, which can protect against any negative energy, quarrels, weather phenomena, damage and the evil eye. Previously, this amulet was used to improve relations between clans and to protect against wars.

This amulet enhances all the character traits that one should have. a real man: valor, bravery and masculinity. It makes a person stronger and more resilient, and also inspires self-confidence. Previously, it could only be worn by military people, but now it is suitable for everyday use. The amulet protects against evil spirits, damage and the evil eye.

The amulet helps a man become stronger, wiser and more courageous. It gives strength that allows you to withstand enemies and natural elements. Any man can wear the amulet, but most of all it is suitable for people whose occupation depends on the elements: sailors, firefighters, fish and others.

The amulet is suitable for people striving for spiritual growth. It helps to improve oneself and protects against diseases, damage and the evil eye.

This amulet can only be worn by men over 32 years of age. You can start wearing it earlier, but only after fulfilling your duty to the Motherland, for example, after participating in hostilities. The amulet helps change your life for the better.

Thanks to this amulet, a man gains the wisdom, courage and strength of his ancestors. He also receives protection from the elements and ensures the success of all endeavors. Similar properties also possesses the Stribozhich amulet. Special attention It is recommended that such amulets be used by men whose work involves rescue or danger: firefighters, police rescuers and others.

This is one of the most popular and revered amulets. It made a man braver, strengthened the will to win and gave him strength. The amulet protected during battle, as well as in everyday life.

This amulet is suitable for men seeking self-improvement. It develops the gift that a person has, energizes him, and helps him understand the meaning of life. The amulet protects men from failures, troubles, damage and the evil eye. Thanks to the amulet you can find your true love or revive old feelings in the soul.

The amulet was created in honor of Perun, the god of thunder and lightning. He gave the man his protection and strength. The amulet helped to survive on the battlefield and protect the native land from enemy attacks. The amulet also provides protection to a man’s family and helps maintain marital fidelity.

Amulets of the ancient Slavs for women

Women's Slavic amulets differ from men's in their grace and beauty. They help a woman maintain her family home and give birth to healthy children. The amulets protected her and her future offspring. Slavic amulets for women can be worn as jewelry or the symbol can be embroidered on clothing.

This is a talisman of happiness and love. It was popular in ancient times and is in demand among modern women. The amulet helps to successfully get married, bear and give birth to a child. It also protects against illness and misfortune.

This is a double-sided amulet - one side is the Yarovik, the other is the Ognevik. Thanks to this combination, the amulet has incredible power. It helps to increase wealth and attracts good luck. The amulet protects the woman herself and her future children from diseases, troubles, damage and the evil eye. It strengthens the spirit and gives strength to cope with all difficulties. Yarovik-Ognevik helps a woman endure pregnancy and childbirth more easily.

The amulet was created in honor of the goddess Lada the Mother of God - the goddess of love and family. It helps a woman preserve her beauty and youth, protects her from the machinations of evil spirits and evil people. The amulet gives a woman love, helps her get married successfully and give birth to healthy children.

The amulet was created in honor of the goddess Makosh. She patronizes mature women, helps them create a strong family and gives them the strength to preserve the family hearth. Accordingly, the amulet has these properties. It is suitable for married women. The amulet protects from troubles, diseases, attracts money and happiness.

The amulet has long been worn only by adult women who became mothers, and in modern world this tradition is not broken. Only in this case will the amulet provide protection and bring good luck, and not destroy the energy of its owner.

This amulet should be worn by those girls who want to have children. He will help them fulfill this dream. During pregnancy, its protective powers do not weaken. The amulet helps to cope with depression, which pregnant women are susceptible to, and relieves pain during childbirth. After the birth of a child, the amulet will protect mother and baby from troubles, adversity, damage and the evil eye.

The Ladinets amulet brings happiness to a woman; its other name is the Cross of Lada the Mother of God. The amulet also helps to cure women's diseases and protects against diseases. It also protects from the evil eye, damage and any evil glances.

Charms for children

Slavic amulets, talismans and amulets are also suitable for children. There are amulets that can be hung over a child’s crib and then it will protect him from evil, envious glances, the evil eye and damage. In the old days, the mother made a talisman for the child. Typically, such symbols were used to decorate the baby’s clothes. Nowadays you can simply buy Slavic amulets for children in any specialized store.

The amulet was created in honor of the god Rod, the god of all life on earth and in other worlds. It was hung above the crib or placed in the baby's cradle. Thanks to this, the child himself and his entire family received protection. It was customary to always keep such a talisman in the house even after the baby grew up.

To protect the baby, mothers can make a diaper doll. It is still customary to make this Slavic amulet yourself. Do not use scissors or needles while working. A small rope is made from white fabric, which will be the body of the pupa. Then a scarf is tied on her, and she is swaddled in a small cloth. The top of the doll is wrapped with red thread. It is not customary to draw a doll's face. It needs to be placed in the baby's crib. Thanks to this amulet, the child will receive protection from damage and the evil eye.

Ancient Slavic amulets for the home

Slavic amulets for the home protect against theft, fire and other misfortunes. You can decorate the walls of your home with the image of almost any amulet, except for those that can only be worn personally.

The image of this amulet can be hung on the walls of the house to protect it. It drives away evil spirits, prevents diseases from entering the home, and protects against thieves and fires. Alatyr also attracts happiness and good luck. It can not only be hung on the walls of the house, but also worn personally as jewelry or embroidered on clothes.

The amulet Rodovik, Molvinets and other universal amulets are also suitable for the home.

Universal amulets

Ancient Slavic amulets can be universal, that is, they can be worn by everyone without exception.

This is a talisman for newlyweds. It protects the love of a married couple from fading, from betrayal and quarrels, but only if it is worn correctly. It cannot be worn by one of the spouses. On the wedding day, it is put on the husband and wife and after that they should no longer part with it. However, it cannot be used without embroidery, which is traditionally placed on the marital bed. As soon as the first child is born, the couple removes the amulet, wraps it in embroidery and puts it in a safe place. He does not lose his strength and continues to protect his family, but with a new addition.

Overcome grass is considered a female amulet, but its reverse side is the Flower of Fern, which is a male amulet. This means that this is a universal amulet that protects against evil spirits, damage and the evil eye and attracts happiness and luck.

This amulet should not be confused with the Seal of Veles, because these are different amulets. The Veles amulet looks like an inverted letter A. It is a universal amulet that helps to discover hidden potentials. The amulet opens the way to secret knowledge. With its help you can perform magical rituals. The amulet makes it possible to establish contact with other worlds.

The amulet was created in honor of the god Svarog. It helps to develop spiritually, understand the meaning of life and not deviate from the intended goal. While wearing the amulet, you cannot commit bad deeds, because Svarog is revered only by goodness and justice, so punishment for such acts will not be long in coming.

As legends say, this amulet was presented to people as a gift by the god Rod himself. It is not surprising that it is considered the most powerful amulet. It protects, attracts good luck and helps you find love. The amulet can be worn as jewelry, its image can be embroidered on clothing or applied to the body as a tattoo.

The Star of Rus' is a talisman that has traditionally been considered masculine. It helps to understand the meaning of life, the secrets of the universe and protects against negative energy. Now it can be worn by women who perform male functions in life. For example, they occupy leadership positions or raise a child without a husband. The amulet gives a woman strength so that she can cope with all difficulties.

This amulet symbolizes the movement of the Sun along its trajectory. It helps a person maintain health, protects against troubles, damage and the evil eye, and promotes procreation.

The amulets of the Slavs and their meaning are interesting topic, which can be developed and studied for a long time. Men can choose only one amulet for themselves, and women are allowed to use the power of several talismans, but the selection of a talisman must be approached with all responsibility.

Folk embroidery is a good example of using ornaments in everyday life. Previously, embroidery was almost the only way to decorate light outerwear, festive shirts, scarves, white canvas sundresses, hats, tablecloths, towels, curtains, wedding valances and hand-made amulets.

According to some assumptions of our ancestors, we can conclude that embroidery decorated mainly those parts of clothing through which unclean forces could penetrate the human body. This is where the main meaning of ornament and embroidery comes from - to protect, to protect. A similar protective pattern was used to embroider the hem, cuffs, collar and neckline. The fabric was considered impenetrable to evil spirits, since various protective ornaments were used in the manufacturing process. This is exactly how the amulets of the ancient Slavs were made.

For embroidering amulets, preference was given to red threads - this color was given an absolutely special meaning. However, shades were also used, for example: poppy, brick, currant, scarlet, cherry and lingonberry.

Ancient embroidery was done using counted stitches, where the threads of the fabric are counted for each stitch. The design was not transferred to the fabric, but only its size and location were outlined. The most popular and widespread stitches were “casting”, “painting” and “counted satin stitch”.

What is the essence of the amulet

The name fully corresponds to the essence and calling of any amulet - to protect and protect a person from any adversity. In other words, the amulet should protect the owner from illness, failure, damage or the evil eye. Among other things, homemade amulets can protect a person from any effects on the emotional sphere, on the soul or psyche. They will perfectly protect a person from love spells, severe depression, the imposition of someone else’s will and suggestions from the outside.

Therefore, magical objects became amulets, which over the course of several centuries proved that they could protect and protect people from unfriendly forces. The amulets are very diverse - they can be bracelets, patterns stylized as symbols of the patrons of the family or ancient deities, beads, decorations on trim, shutters, windows, above the gate, roof or porch of the house.

Today, the skills of our ancestors in everyday defense have been almost completely lost. The disappearance of constant reliable protection turns us into quite easy and defenseless prey for the unwanted influences of dark forces, and we are not even able to notice it. But this could have been avoided if we had, for example, made a talisman for the doll with our own hands. Then you wouldn’t have to seek help from doctors so often, complaining of headaches, general malaise, irritability, weakness or insomnia.

They always carried the “Wisher” doll-amulet with them. Having sewn a new ribbon or button to it, they asked for a wish to be granted, while making a wish in a whisper, in her ear.

The “Ten-Handed” amulet doll helped to keep up with housework, raise children, etc.

How do amulets work?

First of all, the impact of amulets is directly related to the color of a person’s aura. Thus, by putting on a talisman of the correct color, we gain the opportunity to painlessly and quickly remove energy breakdowns in the aura, which may well be dangerous to life or health.

It remains to understand which amulets can really be useful. Naturally, your strongest are personal amulets, passed down by inheritance: rings, rings, beads, earrings or any other thing that brings happiness. Typically, such items are more often passed down through the female line and much less often through the male line - in the form of a belt buckle or knife. If your family did not have such a practice, and therefore similar amulets for the home are not observed, then you will have to make them yourself.

In this case, let's consider the most effective and simplest remedy - protective embroidery. It is best to embroider figures that have a traditional protective meaning: the silhouette of a rooster, a dog, a fairy-tale bird with a woman’s face, a horse and flowers. These symbols have been around since the times of pagan gods who were friendly and protective of people. This option is especially suitable for protective appliqués and embroideries on children's clothing, since it is more convenient for the child than heavy bracelets, rings or beads.

In general, there is such a rule: indeed strong amulet cannot be bought. It must be found among those things that were passed down in your family by inheritance.

However, this happens quite rarely. But any tradition needs a founder, doesn’t it? So why don’t you create a talisman yourself, so that it can then be passed on to your descendants, be they children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren?

Materials for embroidering amulet


For constant protection from damage and the evil eye, choosing cotton threads is more suitable.


Linen brings peace and works best when using ancient patterns and symbolism, such as trees, the sun, birds and stars.


Those who have already been touched by evil will be well protected by wool, as it can close gaps in energy. It is best to perform embroidery with wool in the area of ​​the solar plexus, neck, lower abdomen, heart, in other words, where the main chakras of people are located.

Usually the silhouettes of those animals that you like are embroidered with wool, and somewhat less often - fruits and trees. It is not recommended to embroider stars and birds with woolen threads. But the sun is quite suitable, because it can protect you from darkness and cold on your life’s path.


Silk, in turn, is a great help in various difficult situations related to work and career, as it maintains clarity of thinking.

Mistakes in making amulets

You should not embroider several protective patterns of different purposes and materials on one thing. It is preferable to choose a separate item from your wardrobe for each embroidery, otherwise such a talisman will bring energetic confusion instead of the desired result.

Remember, you should not use threads of different materials in the same pattern.

It is important to take into account that protective embroidery must be smooth, without knots. Knots can break the necessary energetic connection between the embroidery and its owner, making it difficult for the smooth and correct flow of energy.

Choosing the location of protective embroidery

  • protecting the baby from troubles - the silhouette of a rooster or horse, embroidered with black or red thread; for older children, for example, schoolchildren - a violet-blue color scheme that protects against mental fatigue;
  • protection of the sphere of relationships (love) - cross-shaped and circular patterns embroidered with orange-red threads;
  • successful business management in any field of activity - golden-green or blue embroidery.

Types of ornaments

The emergence of ornament dates back to a time when the advent of writing was still far away. This is confirmed mainly by the fact that ancient man, who dug dugouts for himself, dressed in the skins of killed animals and warmed himself by the fire, necessarily decorated most household items with various ornaments. On the tools and clay vessels of people of that time, you can see the simplest patterns: wavy and straight lines, dots and diamonds.

Everyone knows that in ancient times man was a hunter. Of course, he knew that the main strength of the animals lay in their tusks - real weapons in the fight for life. The tusk itself or its cut was depicted in the form of a diamond. This sign contained power and strength. It is for this reason that ancient people painted it on surrounding objects and their own bodies.

Diamonds running over each other were a sign of good luck, fertility and successful hunting. The man asked the Earth, Sun and Sky for good luck and cast the necessary spells so that his fields would be productive. To do this, he had to repeat patterns.


  • horizontal lines symbolized the earth;
  • the points between the lines are grains thrown into the ground;
  • wavy lines - water;
  • oblique lines are a symbol of rain crossing the road to the sun.

In ancient times, masters often painted signs symbolizing the sun - solar signs. Over the millennium, the sun has received a huge number of image variations, including various types crosses, whether with or without a circle. Some similar crosses, outlined in a circle, resemble images of a wheel, and this is not just so: people saw that the sun moved across the sky like a fiery wheel. The celestial body, or rather its eternal movement, was designated by a swastika, a hooked cross, denoting not only the sun, but also a wish for well-being. Most often it can be found on northern embroidery on shirts, towels and in swearing weaving.

Old ornaments can tell us many secrets. Unraveling the meanings of symbols, we understand that this language of symbols conveys to us the attitude of our ancestors to nature. The masters drew the necessary spells in the form of an ornament, asking nature for protection, protection and mercy, bowing before its power. After this, the people with special care selected and preserved those signs that contributed to abundance, goodness, luck and a good harvest.

Traditional symbolism used in embroidery and amulets


  • Square(less often a rhombus), divided by a cross into equal four parts (plowed field) or having dots inside (sown field) - signs of fertility and earth.
  • Wavy line- a sign of the element of water, where underground waters, “heavenly abysses” and rivers are depicted as horizontal stripes, and rain as vertical stripes.
  • Steal, aka lattice - a symbol of the element of fire. Krada is a funeral or sacrificial pyre.
  • Gromovnik, depicted as a six-pointed cross in a hexagon or circle, is a sign of thunder (Perun) - a military amulet or amulet against lightning.
  • Colocres(a cross outlined in a circle) is a symbol of the sun, a sign of closure, and scares away evil.
  • Another sign of fire - cockscomb with seven protrusions.
  • Cres(komoy or straight equilateral cross) is the sign of the god of fire Aguni.
  • Cornucopia- corresponds to the name, i.e. symbolizes wealth.
  • Month- sign of the moon. Lunar pendants were often made.
  • Yarga. Otherwise - swastika, bracelet, Kolovrat. There are different options for the outline of Yarga - the sign of the Sun, the Sun gods Khors and Dazhdbog. According to the direction of rotation, a light sign is distinguished - the sun of Yavi and a dark sign - the sun of Navi. Reveal - beneficial, creative Power; Navi is a destructive Force. By Slavic myths, after sunset the Sun illuminated the Underground (Nav), hence the name. There are two interpretations for determining the direction of rotation of a sign; The traditional one is this: the ends of the beams are bent against the direction of rotation.
  • Tree(usually spruce) - a symbol of interconnection and long life.
  • Spiral- wisdom; if the color combination is blue-violet - secret knowledge. The strongest aversion sign for shadow entities is if the color is white, black or red.
  • Triangle- Human; especially if accompanied by dots or circles on the top side. Symbolizes communication between people.


Makosh- this is an image of a woman with her palms raised, but if her palms are down, this is Lada. They are often shown flanked by deer. These amazing goddesses are identified with the northern constellations Ursa Minor and Ursa Major. Previously in Rus', the constellations were called Losin.

Image of the goddess Makosh

Goddess Makosh in embroidery

Living things

  • Crow- a sign of death and wisdom, Veles.
  • Serpent- a sign of wisdom, earth, Veles. Connected with the Lower World.
  • Bull- sign of Veles.
  • Bear- also a sign of Veles.
  • Tree- a sign of the Universe (World Tree), as well as a sign of fertility and life.
  • Rooster- sign of Oguni, fire.
  • Horse- sign of the Solar Gods and sign of the sun.
  • Pig- a sign of abundance and fertility.
  • Wolf- sign of Yarila.
  • Swan- a sign of winter, death, Mary.
  • Moose or deer (important) - a sign of women in labor and Goddesses of fertility.
  • Goat- a sign of fertility and fertility.
  • Eagle- sign of thunder, Perun.
  • Cuckoo- a sign of life, Alive.
  • Falcon- sign of Aguni, fire. There is a theory that the “trident” (the coat of arms of modern Ukraine and the Rurikovichs) is a stylized image of a flying falcon.

Color solutions for making amulets

The colors of the amulet are directly related to the protection of one specific human chakra, out of the seven existing ones.

For the one located at the very bottom, in the coccyx area, which is responsible for the musculoskeletal system, rectum and genitourinary system - red color.

Orange- ideal for the second chakra, located just below the navel and responsible for the kidneys and sexual energy.

The third (solar plexus area) is suitable yellow, as for the area where vital energy is centralized, which also controls all organs in the abdominal cavity.

The heart chakra, the fourth in a row, needs green color because it is responsible for the activities of the heart, arms, spine, lungs and emotions.

It is important to pamper the fifth - throat chakra, which is responsible for the organs of hearing, breathing, skin and throat. blue, because she is also responsible for human creative potential.

For the “third eye” (sixth) zone, which deals with intellectual abilities - blue.

The seventh chakra (crown), which is the link with God and the Higher Powers - violet.

What do these colors mean?

Red - fire, heavenly fire, blood (symbol of vitality).

Black is earth.

White is associated with a sense of sacredness, light, purity (White King, White Light), while also being the color of mourning and death.

Golden - sun.

Green - life, vegetation.

The color purple is practically never found in Russian embroidery.

Blue - water, sky.

When creating amulets, certain rules must be taken into account:

  1. No one has the right to force or beg someone to make a talisman for themselves, since such things can only be made from a pure heart and of good will.
  2. You cannot make amulets for yourself. (You can only make Makosh for yourself!)
  3. The most reliable and powerful amulets are those made by blood relatives: brother, father, children or mother.
  4. By tradition, marital ties are not counted as blood ties, but if it is a harmonious marriage, then mutually created amulets will have greater power.

    It is worth noting that there is no need to invent anything here, since the most powerful amulet for spouses is wedding rings. It is desirable, of course, that they be silver, as in the old days, and not gold, as is now customary. In addition, wedding rings should not have stones or patterns, but simply smooth. Rings, unlike other magical items, lose most of their power from various inserts, even if these are the most gems. Wedding rings must be worn without taking them off even before going to bed, that is, constantly.

    The protective forces are weakened even if only one of the spouses removed the ring, since they are strongly interconnected with each other. This also applies to other paired magical items.

  5. It is necessary to take seriously and carefully the selection of materials for making amulets, since there are often cases that a material suitable for you (for example, wood or stone) is absolutely not suitable for the person for whom you are creating this amulet.
  6. While you are working on creating a talisman, you should constantly think about the person for whom your talisman is being made; it is important to feel his character, energy, needs, mood and keep his image before your mind’s eye.

If you strictly follow all these rules, then it is most likely that the amulet made by your own hands will really be able to protect its owner from a considerable number of misfortunes and troubles.

Protective embroidery is still one of the most powerful protectors.

The most convenient, safe and affordable materials for creating amulets are considered to be ordinary threads: linen, wool and cotton, because embroidery has been the simplest amulets for a long time. It was traditionally made on any clothing, fabric and towel. The most important condition in protective embroidery is pattern and color. The color scheme must correspond to the part of the spectrum chosen for protection.

All that remains is to put together the type of thread, color and pattern, and then perform protective embroidery for a person close to you. Before doing this, decide why this or that amulet is needed, who it will protect and bring joy.

Tips for making embroidered amulet can be found on the forum in the topic


At all times, the Slavs tried to protect themselves and their loved ones from evil, problems, slander, illness and mental anxiety with the help of amulets. If we touch on history, the ancient Slavs worshiped the cult of the Sun, therefore Slavic amulets always had solar signs, the main task of which was to protect the person wearing them.

You should not think that any amulet can protect a person, because there are no universal options, as, for example, in Christianity. In order for the amulet to serve as reliable protection, it must be chosen correctly. One of bright examples Slavic amulets (individual) can be considered the solar sign of the Valkyrie, which was worn only by Slavic women who cared about the protection of their clan and family. The amulets of the Slavs have long been intended to create a kind of protective screen for a person, home, family from all kinds of troubles, diseases and troubles.

Each Slavic amulet is individual, so it is important to select it not only for its beauty, but also for its meaning. Choosing a talisman is a complex process, requiring not only the determination of beauty criteria, but also basic knowledge regarding a particular type, which will become a real assistant, and not just another fashion accessory.

Each culture is characterized not only by its own epic and traditions, but also by its own system of esoteric images, in which, on the basis of the most elementary geometric figures, the foundations of the life and worldview of representatives of a particular nationality are laid. We can safely say that symbols and emblems are an essential component of all religious faiths, communities and cultures.

Our Slavic ancestors had sufficient knowledge to create their own

model of the structure of the surrounding world. The brightest

DNA has the same shape. If we turn to the Sumerian epic “Enuma Elish”, then it clearly shows the connection between the Vedas of Ancient India, the basis of which can be safely considered Slavic legends. This epic describes in sufficient detail the processes of the appearance solar system. Don't forget about
Mahabharata, which is written based on the Perun Vedas. The history of the Slavs is full of secrets and mysteries, and anyone who wants to comprehend them should not just look at pictures of Perun or Dazhbog, but actually study the records and evidence in the epics of various countries that have survived to our times. Unfortunately, some people, having seen and bought Slavic amulets, consider themselves descendants of the great Aryans, but this is not entirely true, because for them they are nothing more than a trinket, and such people have nothing to do with Slavic history.

These are not all examples of the fact that the ancient Slavs had knowledge that modern humanity does not yet have. To maximize the preservation of knowledge acquired over centuries, symbols were used - simple images that are much more understandable knowledgeable person than numerous library volumes. By the way, paper storage media can easily be destroyed (just remember the Library of Alexandria), and a symbol placed on a talisman or just a stone will not be distorted by a certain vision and will retain its original meaning. Every descendant of the Slavs is simply obliged to know and understand the meaning of the foundations of ancient Slavic mythology, runes and amulets, because this is our history, no matter how hard they try to hide it behind Christian canons, it will remain real history.

How to choose the right Slavic amulet

Slavic amulets and their meanings are a whole section of history, despite all simplicity and clarity at first glance. Anyone who decides to buy a Slavic amulet should know that it is beneficial only if it is charged on time and according to all the rules. In ancient times, this mission was undertaken by magicians who specialized in concentrating energy in a talisman. Today it is almost impossible to meet them, but this is no reason to be upset - the amulet can be charged on its own if you perform a simple set of actions. You should not think that the process of charging the amulet resembles some kind of satanic actions with obligatory sacrifices; in most cases, the forces of nature are used, unity with which for the Slavs has always been the most important magical ritual. In order for Slavic amulets to work to protect their owner, it is important to choose them correctly. Below are basic tips regarding the selection and use of Slavic symbols in everyday life:

Men's and women's amulets

All Slavic amulets are divided into two main categories - for men and for women. The basis of any amulet is the symbol depicted on it, associated with certain forces of nature. Despite the fact that faith in higher powers and gods today is not as great as it was before, amulets are closely related to higher powers that constantly influence a person. That is why it is important not only to choose the right amulet, but also to charge it with pure thoughts, wear it constantly and believe in its magical power. It just so happened that in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs there was a clear division into male and female patrons, therefore amulets should be chosen in accordance not only with the month of birth, but also with gender. Silver is considered the traditional material for making Slavic amulets, as this metal has unique purification and durability properties.

An obligatory component of every nation and religion is the presence of symbols that are endowed with superpowers. Our ancient ancestors, the Slavs, are no exception. They collected all their wisdom and knowledge into their own model of the world, and in order to pass it on to their descendants, they enclosed Slavic amulets in simple geometric shapes, called symbols. The most striking representatives of Slavic amulets: Kolovrat, Molvinets, Ladinets, Valkyrie, Yarga, Fern Flower and others.

As you probably already guessed, the geometric plot of Slavic amulets is the swastika. It is well known that the Milky Way and our galaxy, oddly enough, are also in the shape of a swastika.

Also, the shape of human DNA looks just like a swastika, funny, isn't it?!

In the Sumerian epic one can trace the connection between the Vedas and Slavic legends. According to one version, the Vedas of Ancient India appeared precisely thanks to Slavic legends. The epic also describes in detail the development of the solar system. The history of the Slavs is mysterious and mysterious. Those who really want to understand all the mysteries need to dive deeply into the records and evidence of the epics of various countries.

Spiritual swastika in silver jewelry

Often, unfortunately, the swastika is associated only with cruelty and violence, due to the use of this symbol by the Nazis. If you think about it, these signs were not chosen by chance. Perhaps the Nazis knew a little more than you.

You will find more details about this in open sources, as well as in our articles.

Did you know that with the adoption of Christianity in Rus', all the original Slavic holidays were simply renamed Orthodox saints?

So, for example, Kolyada was replaced by the Nativity of Christ, Maslenitsa - the Annunciation, Dazhdbog - St. George the Victorious, Triglav (Perun, Svarog and Svetovit) - Trinity (Christian Trinity), Perun's day - St. Elijah the Prophet and so on. So is it still worth talking about the strength, wisdom and knowledge of the Slavs?

As they say in fairy tales and epics, believe it or not, this is our story, which has a lot of evidence. Perhaps it is also worth raising the question of why the Slavs decided to convey their knowledge with the help of strange signs? Everything is very simple. Let us remember the Library of Alexandria, which was completely destroyed by Emperor Aurelian during the fighting, which indicates the unreliability of storing information on paper.

The symbol, applied to the stone or presented in the form of a talisman, will certainly retain its original meaning. We, as descendants of the Slavs, are simply obliged to know and understand these simple basics - the meaning of amulets, Slavic runes (by the way, did you know about the existence of not only Scandinavian runes, but also Slavic ones?)

If you are interested, then in the next article I will tell you an amazing legend associated with the appearance of Slavic runes. This is our history, which can no longer be hidden from the people by covering it with Christian canons. Today, every person has the right to decide for himself what to listen to and what to believe. The choice is yours. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with women’s and men’s amulets, find out their differences, and also analyze in detail the meaning of each symbol separately.

Slavic amulets for women

Women's Slavic amulet Lunnitsa

As a rule, a woman wore several amulets aimed at different levels of protection. Traditionally, the eldest woman in the family was engaged in making amulets. At the moments of creating jewelry, the woman had to be alone in a secluded place, where no one would disturb her or distract her from unity with her thoughts. Slavic symbols were also applied in the form of embroidery on clothes.

The main task of Slavic women's amulets is protection (protection from the evil eye, from various misfortunes).

Slavic amulets for men

Slavic men's amulets differ from women's in their effect, because in ancient times they protected the Slavs during hunting and battles, brought good luck and preserved health. Men's amulets, according to tradition, were made of copper or silver. They were worn in the form of a pendant or bracelet. Also, amulets were embroidered on clothes or engraved on weapons.

The greatest power was possessed by amulets made by mothers or wives; their power of love, pure thoughts and incredible faith charged the amulet. In legends and myths you can find references to amulets that were woven from women's hair (wives or mothers).

The fangs and claws of the animals that the man defeated had very special powers. They were worn around the neck as a talisman.

Slavic amulets and their meaning

From sales experience, when hearing the phrase “charge the amulet,” many immediately have a picture of some kind of satanic action involving sacrifices. Believe me, the charge of the amulet and sacrifices have nothing in common.

In most cases, the forces of nature and the elements (fire, earth, water, air) are used. Previously, this was done by sorcerers who concentrated energy in a talisman. Today you can do it yourself. We will definitely describe this process in detail in one of our publications.

In order for Slavic amulets and charms to work correctly and meet your needs today, it is important to choose them correctly. We have identified several rules, following which you can choose the right symbol.

You need to approach this issue rationally and first of all decide what properties your amulet will have, its purpose, as well as what material it will be made of: most often, it is silver and bronze.

Forget about Chinese stampings, a real amulet must be “living”, that is, made by hand. Slavic amulets are aimed at protecting a person from any adversity, but it is important to understand that an amulet is not a panacea.

It is important what you personally do, what decisions you make and subsequent actions. After all, for the amulet to really help, you need to constantly work on yourself and improve yourself. This is the only way you can achieve harmony with yourself, with the world around you and harmony with your amulet.

The Alatyr symbol is the basis of the universe

The Alatyr symbol symbolizes the basis of the universe. It is in it that all the laws of the Universe are hidden. This symbol is endowed with powerful power and protects not only its owner, but the entire family from negativity. With the help of this symbol, the Gods communicate with ordinary people, conveying important messages. A talisman with the image of this symbol has magical properties: it expels bad thoughts, strengthens the immune system and nerves, stimulates learning new things, reveals hidden talents, and concentrates attention. The symbol radiates purity and light, helps to understand the path of truth and the secrets of the universe, personifies the masculine and feminine, and strengthens the fighting spirit.

Alatyr endows its owner with wisdom, piety, protects against illness and helps save the family.

In the old days, this symbol was applied to all household items. It could be any utensil, including towels and carpet. It is believed that the image of this eight-pointed star will bring good luck and tell Right way, will protect you from troubles and other difficulties along the path of life. Everyone can wear a talisman with this symbol, regardless of age and gender. The amulet has a beneficial effect on the aura, cleanses it of negative influences, damage, and the evil eye.

For the Slavs, the Belobog Symbol had a bright and positive meaning. This is the White God, who in Slavic mythology was an example of the best human virtues. It symbolized honesty, decency, justice. Belobog was depicted as a white-bearded old man with long hair.

This old man had a piercing gaze, and his eyes were crystal blue. All the elder’s robes were always snow-white. In the hands of the elder was a staff decorated with a personal rune.

Belobog amulet

Belobog never appeared in Slavic mythology as a god involved in war. For the Slavs, he was a kind of above-the-world being, possessing knowledge about the laws of the universe. But Belobog’s antipode, Chernobog, is often mentioned in myths describing the struggle between Light and Dark forces.

Belobog is a symbol of good luck and prosperity. He also symbolizes the spring sky and is the god of daylight.

Belobog is everything bright, everything that gives people goodness and prosperity. The Slavs also associated Belobog with an example of hard work, so many Slavic peoples recited a hymn to this god before the start of the harvest. They believed that Belobog helps all hardworking people and grants prosperity to the entire family.

The Slavic symbol Bogovnik personifies the spiritual path of a person. Its main purpose is associated with the revelation of spirituality; the symbol strives for light, the divine power of the Universe. The Bogovnik is suitable for people of creative professions and those who develop spiritually: writers, artists, musicians, poets, talented individuals.

It will be especially useful for children, it will help to reveal great abilities.

The Godhead is a heavenly circle that endows its owner with light powers and serves as a guiding star.

We help those who want to improve themselves, but don’t know where to start. The symbol will free you from the baggage of fears and help you take the first steps for self-development. The circle in which this symbol is placed reflects the power of infinity, which is constantly moving.

Thanks to this circle, strength and positive energy accumulates. The amulet opens the divine path to the World of Ancestors, gives peace of mind, harmony to its owner. The Godman brings good luck to people with pure souls and thoughts, multiplies energy. It is recommended to wear it on the chest under clothes. You can give this amulet to children and teenagers to strengthen their faith and their mind.

Silver Valkyrie pendant with gilding

The Valkyrie symbol is important in the religion of the Slavs, although the word itself is of Scandinavian origin. The most relevant use of this symbol is for warriors. According to Scandinavian mythology, the Valkyrie maidens were warriors, companions of the god Odin himself.

The Valkyrie maidens helped Odin, took killed warriors from the battlefield, and helped those who were still fighting, giving them courage. The Slavs tried not to fight with each other, so the image of the Valkyrie, taken from Scandinavian mythology, was not an aggressive symbol for them, but a strong protective amulet.

For the Slavs, Valkyrie symbolizes eternal life, protecting the native land from war. Valkyrie has qualities that should be developed in a real warrior: courage, honor, justice, nobility. Therefore, most often the amulet with this symbol was worn by warriors who had these traits or wanted to develop and strengthen them in themselves. Valkyrie helps to strengthen character, strengthen internal energy, and win battles.

Valkyrie protects a person from bad influences, the evil eye, malice and envy. This symbol symbolizes the worthy death of a warrior, brave and courageous.

The Slavic amulet Vseslavets has a good and positive meaning. The Slavs believed that it helps to preserve the warmth of the hearth, maintain peace in the family, and establish trusting relationships between all members of the Family. Vseslavets also helps the entire Family become famous, gain prosperity and success.

Vseslavets is a fiery symbol; it protects the family and home from destruction.

He was often depicted on huts, on various farm buildings and on household items. For example, gifts with the image of Vseslavets were traditionally given to newlyweds. It was believed that gifts with the image of this symbol would help the newlyweds create a strong and friendly family based on love and mutual understanding.

Vseslavets symbol

Weapons with the image of Vseslavets were given to warriors, as they believed that he would lead the warrior to great glory. This positive symbol protected homes and household supplies from fires, and families from heated disputes and conflicts. The Ancient Family itself was protected by this amulet from bloody civil strife and wars.

Vseslavets is a fire amulet that can save all things from the destructive power of fire.

It protects not only from elemental fire, but also from the fire of the soul, protecting peace and tranquility in the family and throughout the Family. It helps you find peace and harmony, gain the wisdom of your ancestors, establishing a connection with the roots of your Family.

The Grozovik symbol for the Slavs was a protective talisman against the negative effects of the elements. The Slavs believed that this symbol was able to call upon the help of the god Perun, who helped gain power over the forces of nature. That is, with the help of this symbol the Slavs could control the behavior of the weather, fleeing thunder, lightning, heavy rains and snowfalls. The image of the Slavic Grozovik was applied to people’s homes and temples, as well as to military paraphernalia.

The Slavs had no doubt that Grozovik not only protected their home from thunder and lightning, but also did not allow evil people who had negative thoughts and feelings of envy to enter their home. That is, Grozovik protected the home of the Slavs from thieves, enemies and all ill-wishers. The patron of this symbol is the god Perun, strong and warlike. Perun protects people from all natural anomalies, as well as from enemy attacks.

The thunderstorm is a male symbol. It is most suitable for men, strong in spirit, decisive.

The powerful energy of Grozovik guides its owners to new achievements and victories. It helps to defeat all enemies and win battles. It is recommended for use by all men whose work involves contact with the elements. For example, it will be useful to sailors, pilots, firefighters, blacksmiths and many other people who interact with the forces of nature.

Gromovik, as a symbol, was used by the Slavs exclusively in military paraphernalia. This symbol is masculine, so women cannot use it. Magic force Gromovika negatively affects female energy.

Thunderer is a powerful solar symbol with a bright positive meaning. It has a wide range of protective properties and helps men achieve new victories and achievements. The Slavs considered the thunderbolt a symbol of Indra.

Indra is the god of war. That is why this symbol was so widely used in military paraphernalia. His image was painted on the armor of warriors, on their weapons and clothes. The Gromovik symbol is also occasionally used in the household ornaments of the ancient Slavs. For example, he could be depicted on shutters and door frames. The Slavs believed that in this way they protected their home from the penetration of evil forces and people with evil intentions.
The Slavs also believed that Gromovik stood in defense of ancient universal wisdom. It symbolizes the movement towards Life, towards knowledge. For men, this symbol gives the support of the gods, helps protect themselves from evil forces, from the crafts of enemies. Thanks to Gromovik, it is easier to recognize lies and achieve justice, emerge unharmed from military battles and overcome various life difficulties.

The symbol Dazhdbog (Dazhbog) is considered the ancestor of the Slavs. Facts indicating that the Slavs perceived him as the progenitor of their entire Family are found in many historical documents dating back to the era of Christian Rus'. Some even more ancient sources say that the Slavic Dazhdbog is the father of the god Arius, who gave life to the white Slavic race. The solar disk is a symbol of Dazhdbog. The color of the solar disk is golden, symbolizing the greatness of this god, his nobility.

Dazhdbog - god of light

For the Slavs, Dazhdbog was the summer sun, so it was treated with special respect, because it was the summer sun that determined what the harvest would be like.

Dazhdbog was depicted as a strong hero, wearing crimson-gold armor, and in his hands there was a shield and a spear. For the Slavs, Dazhdbog was associated with the sun; it provided light (Ra), which is so necessary for life. For this reason, this god was a supreme being for the Slavs; they believed that he bestows prosperity, joy, light, love and protects the world from the forces of darkness.

This god is the source of everything bright, kind, positive, because he is able to defeat darkness and give happiness. Thus, Dazhdbog is one of the key gods in Slavic mythology; the Slavs treated him as the supreme embodiment of the sun and considered him their own ancestor.

Slavic symbol - Tree of Life

For the Slavs, the tree of life is a symbol that combines all ideas about the world order. It contains all the components of the universe, and they are in close connection. The tree of life also has a connection with the memory of the Family. The roots of a tree are the personification of ancestors. In order for a tree to continue to live, it is necessary to nourish its roots, that is, it is very important to remember your ancestors, maintain contact with them, and learn from their experience. If the roots (ancestors) receive the necessary “nutrition” (memory, respect), then the crown of the tree (descendants) will flourish. The trunk of a tree is an image of contemporaries, it is a connection between times (past, present and future).

The tree of life can also be considered as an image of the person himself, where the trunk is the image of the body, the crown acts as the head, and the roots are the image of human legs.

Thus, the symbol of the Tree of Life has a very deep meaning. This tree contains all the components of the surrounding world, that is, birds live at its crown, all amphibians and reptiles find shelter at its roots, and the trunk is a haven for mammals and for humans themselves.

The Slavs generally treated trees with special respect. Cutting down a tree was tantamount to committing murder. For our ancestors, a tree is a child of the gods.

The Duniya symbol is a talisman with the image of this symbol that preserves the purity and well-being of the entire family. The symbol promotes pleasant changes, attracts success, does not tolerate people with unclean thoughts, and protects family traditions. In the old days, these amulets were worn by healers and magicians to perform rituals. This symbol is considered one of the most powerful amulets, which brings purity and grace to the family.

According to other sources, it is known that the Slavic Duniya symbolizes the power of the wind, as if clearing the space near the house, leaving powerful protection.

Also, a talisman with this symbol helps to fulfill wishes. However, for this you will have to work a little, using the knowledge of Vedic astrology, as well as the knowledge of our ancestors. With the help of this symbol, you can fill your life with new meaning, clear your mind of negative thoughts, gain wisdom, and become a more purposeful person. According to mythology, Duniya symbolizes heavenly and earthly fire, as well as the inextricable connection between generations. In addition, the amulet helps in the following: removes the evil eye, brings prosperity, increases cash flow, removes a hostile entity, protects against magical influence, and cleanses the energy space.

Doukhobor - improvement of the spirit through struggle

The Doukhobor amulet has different interpretations. According to some sources it is called spiritual fire, in other sources the flame of Semargl. However, the meaning remains the same, this is the healing of the flesh through a spiritual connection. The very name of the amulet contains a spiritual struggle with the obstacles that have arisen, the fight against illnesses through the purification of the soul. Doukhobor will support his master even in the most difficult period, when it comes to life and death. It will prevent its owner from dying or getting lost in the dense bushes of the forest, and helps to concentrate on solving problems. The amulet will help overcome laziness, ignorance, envy and indifference.

Thanks to this sign, you will be able to make wise decisions and gain strength. The amulet will help heal the physical body and replenish the internal energy reserve.

Doukhobor can be worn not only by people with worldly experience, but also by very young people who are looking for their destiny. The symbol will help such people avoid all obstacles, gain new knowledge and useful experience. The amulet must be worn by people whose activities are related to volunteering, nature protection, and other professions where the concept of humanity is highly valued. Also, those who sincerely repent of their actions can use the amulet.

In ancient Slavic mythology, Dyi is the god of the night sky. He is often depicted as a Div bird, which has an unusual pedigree. According to myths, Dyi was born at the beginning of the creation of the world from the heavenly goat Sedunya and Rod. And he married Mother Raw Earth.

Dyi was the personification not only of the night sky, but also of the lunar dynasty.

This dynasty is called Dyya, that is, the Devil. Dyi had a huge retinue of warriors under his command, who were called “divine people.” Dyya can be compared with Viy, known to everyone from Gogol’s novel. That is, Dy is the god of the Underworld. He was also called Diy and Div.

This god had the ability to be a werewolf. None of those who happened to see him could retain his exact image in their memory. But all the impressions from meeting him agree that this god was like a whirlwind, he sparkled like lightning. He could suddenly appear on the path of the army to call out a prophecy.

These prophecies were not always terrible; sometimes they were also favorable. Although Dy was considered the prince of death, everyone also perceived him as a fighter for justice. The Slavs also believed that Dyi was the brother of Svarog.

The Star of Lada amulet is a very popular sign, often found in the everyday life of the Slavs and in their protective amulets. The Slavs believed that it protects people from the influence of all dark forces. The name of this talisman is associated with the name of the goddess Lada. The symbol enclosed in a circle in the form of the Sun is bright, living, all-conquering, dispelling darkness and exposing vices.

The Star of Lada itself signifies the greatness of the race of the ancient Slavs.

This symbol is also called the square of Svarog. It denotes his Heavenly Forge, where Svarog forged the world. That is, in this aspect, the Star of Lada means the harmony of the universe. The ancient Slavs considered the Star of Lada exclusively as a talisman for women, capable of harmonizing feminine energy.

The Slavs believed that a woman wearing this amulet would gain wisdom and peace. Will be able to gain strength and get good luck in all matters. However, all this magical effect of the amulet will “work” effectively only if its owner honors her family and shares the faith of her ancestors.

The Star of Lada contains the wisdom of centuries and the power of generations. Realizing the power of his ancestors, a person gains confidence in his abilities. This amulet can become an excellent talisman for a woman and her home.

The Znich amulet carries creative power. It symbolizes the primary fire that awakens and revives all living things. The patron of this amulet is the heavenly God, who keeps an eternal living fire that never goes out. This fire is an endless source of life.

Znich revives not only life, but also feelings, for example, returning warmth and passion to relationships.

This symbol is found everywhere, because it manifests itself in human desires and the thirst for life. If this fire goes out, the world will turn into a desert filled with cold and indifference. In this aspect, Znich is the fire of love, it awakens life everywhere, warms hearts and gives vitality. Znich will be useful to all people whose energy needs to be recharged, who lack vitality, who long for positive changes in their lives.

This amulet also helps all people seeking to acquire new knowledge. Znich makes the entire world around us more understandable, and thanks to it all knowledge becomes more accessible. The Znich symbol retains its connection with the culture of the Slavs, with our ancestors, therefore a person wearing this amulet makes his biofield more powerful and increases his energy. Znich also helps to achieve success in learning, creativity, and mastering healing knowledge. It is also useful for all people who want to revive the extinguished fire of love or find new love.

England is a star with nine rays. This star consists of three triangles with equal sides. The Star of England symbolizes the connection and unity of the three components of human essence, that is, it speaks of the relationship of soul, body and spirit in the three-dimensional world.

Another meaning of the symbol is the embodiment of the inseparable supreme world, in which three realities are united at once (Reality, Nav and Rule). In general, the number three had a special meaning for the Slavs, it was revered by them and considered sacred, which is where so many tripartite components appear in the religion and culture of the Slavs. Nine rays in England are the embodiment of perfection.

The Star of England indicates a connection with Rod. This symbol has powerful energy. It enhances the potential of other amulets and leads to the accumulation of wisdom. This symbol can be considered universal, since it embraces nature, man, and God.

The Star of England protects the wisdom of the Ancestors. It is especially useful to use this symbol for people who want to live according to the laws of Nature, observing the traditions of their ancestors. The star of England is often used to enhance the energy of other amulets, using it as an energy foundation.

The Slavic amulet Colard is a symbol of well-being and prosperity for the young. According to the traditions of our ancestors, it was given as an embroidery gift on the second day of the wedding.

It personifies a strong family union, a long and happy life.

To this fire sign worked at full capacity, it was embroidered on full moon. After the wedding celebration, the newlyweds began new life, forming their views on the basis of ideological aspects. According to tradition, the bride received this amulet. Since it was she who was to bear the child and give birth to healthy and beautiful children. Therefore, this amulet carries a sacred meaning for the wedding feast. He rewards the spouses with wisdom, experience and covenants. In addition, the amulet carries deep meaning for future offspring, purifies the family and attracts the best qualities for the future generation.

Our ancestors also believed that the energy of this powerful sign influences the genetic code of a living organism.

Today this sign is used in jewelry; it is applied to rings, bracelets, pendants, and rings. This mysterious amulet is advisable to wear only married couples or future newlyweds who plan to seal their relationship with marriage.

The Kolovrat symbol contains great power. The Slavs used it to establish connections with their Family. It was believed that Kolovrat reveals the secrets of the Universe, symbolizes the passage of the sun across the sky and speaks of the interaction of important Slavic gods. These gods: Perun, Svarog and Dazhdbog. This protective symbol helped all Slavs, protecting them from all evil and natural disasters. With its help, the priests established contact with the gods. In order for Kolovrat to protect them, the Slavs depicted him on their robes and used him in household ornaments.

The name Kolovrat itself also contains a deep meaning. “Kolo” in the Slavic language means circle. And that’s why Kolovrat is depicted as a wheel. This wheel has eight rays moving in the same direction.

Kolovrat resembles the sun, it indicates how the solar disk moves, speaks of the eternal movement of the sun. Kolovrat is the personification of life itself, which is eternal movement.

The amulet contains the power of the four seasons and four natural elements - hence the eight rays of Kolovrat. It’s not for nothing that Kolovrat’s other name is Svarga. This name is in honor of Svarog, who moves across the sky like the sun.

Dispute resolution symbol

The Slavs used Kolohort when disputes arose. It was believed that this symbol calls on the Gods for help. Kolohort also helps resolve conflict situations, gives a person confidence when speaking, endowing him with eloquence and the power of persuasion. The amulet contains two swastikas located in opposite directions, which, when connected, form a chain of figures and resemble diamonds. Thus, Kolohort symbolizes the union of opposites and emphasizes the dualism of the world: night always gives way to dawn, winter to spring.

This symbol also indicates that the earth is opposite to the sky, and the Gods are opposed to ordinary mortal people.

Truth is born in the interaction of opposites. Only wise people perceive the world with all its components, accepting its duality and diversity. Kolohort is useful as a talisman for those people who fight for justice and often speak in front of the public. It will be useful for judges, lawyers, speakers, politicians and many other people who stand on the side of truth and justice.

The Kolyadnik amulet has a positive and bright meaning. He is a symbol of the god Kolyada, who brings favorable changes and renewals to people's lives.


The Kolyadnik also points to the power of the forces of light, to their triumphant victory over the forces of evil and darkness. Just as dawn gives way to night, so good always triumphs over evil. Kolyadnik belongs to men's amulets, since it is men who are assigned the role of transformers and reformers. In addition, the power of the Family is transmitted through the male line, and women are assigned the role of guardians of the hearth. The caroler gives men fearlessness, helps them defeat their enemies, and gives them mental and physical strength. The Slavs hung this amulet in a prominent place in the house where boys and men lived.

If women wear this amulet, they will develop masculine traits, will become more strong-willed, decisive, and judicious.

The carol book can be worn as an amulet, you can hang it in your home, or it can be applied to the body in the form of a tattoo on the chest, shoulders and forearms. The caroler is under divine protection and contains the energy of the four natural elements. All Slavic men This amulet has been used since childhood, as it was believed that it helps to cultivate wisdom, determination, and fearlessness. The god Kolyada was most often depicted by the Slavs with a sword in his hand, the tip of which was directed downward. Kolyada did not hold the sword above his head, but as if he had folded the weapon at his feet. This indicated the wisdom of God, because only a wise man can lay down his arms as a sign of reconciliation when a fool is eager to fight.

The Ladinets symbol was very often depicted on household items of the ancient Slavs. His image is often found on various ceramics, on household items made of brass, as well as in architecture. Ladinets was also widely used as patterns on women's clothing. The functions of this amulet are protective.

Since it is a female symbol, it was not used on men's clothing. The Ladinets symbol is suitable as a talisman for women of different ages. The Slavs believed that this amulet helps young girls meet their betrothed, successfully enter into a family union and give birth to healthy children. For older women, this symbol helped maintain peace in the family, strengthen love and mutual understanding in it.

Ladinets is the energy of harmony and love. He bestows happiness and prosperity.

Externally, this symbol looks like a cross. The rays of the cross are directed to the left, which means movement opposite to the movement of the Sun. The Slavic amulet Ladinets has a feminine direction, associated with the element of water, with the world of intuition, feelings and emotions. The left-hand movement of the symbol helps a woman maximize her potential and intuitive abilities, harmonize the functioning of the body. Incense protects a woman from all negative influences, affirms life and has an exclusively positive meaning.

Lelnik is an amazing amulet endowed with divine power. Its name itself has a soft sound and comes from the verb “to cherish.” The Slavs used this amulet to protect children and unmarried girls from diseases, the evil eye, damage and other troubles. Moreover, it was believed that the Lelnik amulet helps to unlock human potential, helping young children develop their talents and abilities. This talisman was used exclusively for girls, girls who, by right of birth, are destined for a great mission on earth.

The beautiful goddess Lelya is considered the patroness of this amulet. Lelya, the daughter of the goddess Lada, is the embodiment of the blossoming of Spring. Lelya appears in the image of a blond girl, forever young, beautiful, and cheerful. She is a symbol of the purity and purity of a girl’s heart. Another symbol and patroness of Lelnik is the birch tree, which also embodies female beauty, innocence and purity.

Due to the fact that Lelya’s sacred symbol is silver, this amulet is most often made from it. It is believed to protect against all evil. The Lelnik amulet was created in order to support Life on earth, and this mission belongs specifically to women. Lelnik envelops girls and unmarried girls with love, care, protection, sheltering them from any negativity, evil eye, damage and envy. The eternally young goddess Lelya is an image of the immortality of nature and the triumph of the feminine principle. Lelnik helps girls reveal their abilities, gives its owners even greater femininity and attractiveness.


The ancient Slavs treated the sun and moon with special love and respect. The Moon is traditionally considered the patroness of women, so the Lunnitsa amulet was created specifically for the fair sex. Lunnitsa is a Slavic amulet that was an indispensable attribute in every woman’s wardrobe. The moon was embroidered on clothes and depicted on women's jewelry. The moon symbolized fertility and protected women Health.

The Slavs believed that the patroness of the amulet was Mara, the goddess of fertility. Lunnitsa gives women health, wisdom, patience, and helps with childbirth. Often the Lunnitsa pendant was presented as the main birthday gift for girls. Our ancestors believed that this amulet protects the girl from negative influences, helps her understand female nature and unlock her potential. The Lunnitsa amulet was made in different forms: as earrings, elements of headdresses, in the form of pendants or embroidery on dresses.

It was believed that if you wear Lunnitsa around your neck, feminine power will combine with the energy of the moon. By Slavic tradition women did not leave the house without wearing a talisman, because it protected them from evil and bestowed wisdom. It was important for pregnant women to wear this symbol, it protected and protected mother and baby from all evil forces, and helped during childbirth. Pregnant women wore Lunnitsa on their belts.

The Makosh amulet symbolizes connection with creative energy. The meaning of the symbol is universal. Some people mistakenly believe that it is an exclusively female amulet. Makosh combines both energies - both male and female. After all, as you know, the conception of a child occurs thanks to a man. A woman’s creative energy and intuition are still more developed, so women are closer to the vibrations of the Universe itself.

Makosh symbolizes the absolute energy of creation and intuition.

The ancient Slavs often used this symbol as a talisman. It is found in the form of embroidery on clothes and in everyday life.

Another meaning of the symbol is the image of a sown field, Mother Earth. This is the element that gives life to everything that exists. Makosh also symbolizes motherhood and fertility. Our ancestors, the Slavs, considered the bond between mother and baby sacred. They glorified it, treated it with reverence and respect, rightfully considering it one of the most important energies in the entire Universe.

The Makosh amulet is able to warn against evil and reveal the potential of the individual. Also, many esotericists consider this symbol as the interaction of four forces at once: body, spirit, soul and conscience. Makosh harmonizes and balances these forces, providing positive influence for a person's life.

The Molvinets amulet is an ancient Slavic amulet that dispels negative energy. The power of the amulet repels negativity and envy from its owner and returns what was said back. Molvinets develop the art of speaking beautifully, writing interesting texts, and passing written and oral exams. Our ancestors embroidered this symbol on the child’s bedding and clothing. And all so that the child learns to speak early and has eloquent speech. This symbol helps to correct speech problems.

Molvinets was especially used for teenagers. After all, the symbol improves communication skills and, thereby, improves relationships between peers, smooths out conflicts, increases academic performance, and protects against damage and the evil eye.

Molvinets is suitable for public people and those who have fears and other complexes before the stage. Moreover, if the amulet is used in conjunction with complex methods of modern medicine, stuttering can be cured.

The symbol helps only those who have good intentions, those who do not gossip behind their backs, and do not harm others with their words. The talisman will be useful to everyone who does not harbor evil in their hearts towards others.

Hammer of Svarog

The Hammer of Svarog amulet was intended for all young men who had reached the age of a warrior. This symbol has masculine energy and gives men even more courage, bravery and the development of creative creative power.

The amulet combines several forces at once: heavenly and fiery, which is why it is depicted in the form of a circle, inside of which tongues of flame flutter. The Slavs called Svarog a god with four faces. His faces are images of the cardinal points.

The Hammer of Svarog amulet speaks of the power and protection of God, who is the creator of the Universe. This amulet looks like a blacksmith’s hammer; on one side there is a rune called Alatyr, meaning the center of the universe. On the other side of the hammer is the symbol of Svarozhich, who has great fiery power. Our ancestors had no doubt that Alatyr gives people wisdom, helping them get out of even extremely confusing situations. Alatyr helps a person achieve balance and harmony. The Slavs believed that the whole world was forged in Svarog’s forge. Some of our ancestors believed that sparks appeared from the blows of his hammer, which then became gods. And someone believed that these sparks later turned into stars, helping wanderers not to go astray.

The Slavs believed that the Hammer of Svarog contained the great power of fire, and Svarog himself helps to expose any untruth, cruelly punishing the liar.

Heavenly cross

The Heavenly Cross amulet occupies a special place in the Slavic religion. Its other name is Ancestor, which means the founder of the clan. That is, the Slavs treated this amulet with special respect, believing that it symbolizes ancestral origins and preserves the wisdom of their ancestors. The Slavs believed that the Heavenly Cross also helps to preserve the traditions of the family, comes to the rescue in difficult situations, connecting all the forces of ancestors, both living, both earthly and heavenly.

This amulet combines two strong Slavic runes. One symbolizes obligatory movement, and the other - awareness of one’s origin, one’s connection with ancestors. The heavenly cross reminds people of their divine origin, of their heavenly origin. It makes you feel your connection with your ancestors and calls on higher powers for help.

This amulet will be useful to all people who have lost their faith and become weak in spirit. Both heavenly and earthly forces immediately rise to protect a person who uses the Heavenly Cross as a talisman. This amulet will help everyone who needs the wisdom of their ancestors, strengthens their faith and seeks the protection of higher powers.

The Ognevitsa amulet is a protective talisman for married women. This is a swastika symbol, like most Slavic amulets, so it has a connection with the Gods. First of all, this is a connection with the Mother of God Lada.

The energy of the talisman is feminine, but is designed for mature women who have an already formed spirit, who have known the joy of creating life. That is, this amulet is intended for those women who not only got married, but also gave birth to a child. This talisman is not suitable for young girls and girls who have not yet known the joy of motherhood.

Fireweed protective female symbol

Our ancestors, the Slavs, made Ognevitsa from silver or used sacred trees (oak, ash, birch) to create it. This symbol is often found on women's shirts, which were used both for everyday wear and for rituals. A woman who used Ognevitsa as a talisman must have had a pure soul and pure thoughts. This amulet itself is a symbol of light and goodness. He protects the woman from any negative influences, becoming her patron. Ognevitsa gives a woman confidence in her abilities, strengthening her will and directing her to positive changes.

Ognevitsa is very often found on household items; the Slavs also used this symbol in combination with other amulets. When interacting with other amulets, Ognevitsa is able to enhance their energy and strength.

The Odolen grass amulet is a Slavic amulet with a sacred meaning. Our ancestors used it against all diseases and evil forces. After all, this particular grass is an allegory of the sun, gives vital light and strength to all living beings, and destroys any atrocities.

According to other sources, this symbol is the sign of Fire, which focuses the divine energy of the sun on itself. Evil dissipates before the fiery power of the amulet. By the way, even many witches use the power of this herb to cleanse the house, fumigate premises and treat people for any ailment. Overcome grass cleanses the three membranes of the human body.

Our ancestors gave an amulet with the image of this symbol to a young married couple so that the family would be strong and healthy. A dried bouquet was made from this herb, which was left in the kitchen. The herb cleanses infections and other gastrointestinal diseases. This herb was used not only as a body amulet, but also applied to clothing, armor and weapons. Images with this symbol on clothing protected a person from evil spirits. This symbol was used to decorate dishes to prevent poison from entering the body along with food. Overcoming the grass on weapons helped warriors strike back at enemies in honor of the memory of their ancestors.

You can buy the Odolen grass amulet with free delivery throughout Russia on our website.

The Perunitsa symbol is an interpretation of the thunder god Perun himself, carries energy and immortality, brings good luck and determination. The symbol is the star of England, which facilitates the path of life and helps to overcome any obstacles. A person wearing this symbol will always be protected by the forces of light.

In the old days, our ancestors used the Perunitsa symbol as a protective shield in battles.

By the way, in ancient times, only warriors took with them into battle a shield with the image of Perun and those who held high positions, as well as government officials. Now there are no such restrictions, since every military man can be called a noble person, with great respect.

Anyone can wear the amulet. It gives strength, confidence, and gives impetus to personal development. In addition, the symbol has a rejuvenating effect and will eliminate doubts. Today, this amulet can be worn by judges (police officers, prosecutors), those who take fair justice, not allowing a criminal to go unpunished.

If you want to get the full benefit from the amulet, you need to treat the symbolism with great reverence and respect. Then you will receive the support of higher powers and victory.

The seal of Veles amulet - this Slavic symbol will help you easily overcome any obstacle on the path of life. It has powerful energy and looks like a bear's paw. Why a bear's paw? According to legend, it was the face of a bear’s paw that was favorite with Veles (the god of agriculture and trade). They say that in this way Veles left his mark near a person’s house, hinting to the owner of future good luck.

Such a talisman protects its owner from failures, helps to conclude profitable deals, implement plans, and also make profitable acquaintances. The amulet helps to develop hidden magical potential and intuition. This symbolic amulet is suitable for entrepreneurs who sell goods. It doesn’t matter much what form of trade you have, via the Internet or a physical store.

Representatives of the law can also wear the seal of Veles. For example, if you are a police officer. It will protect you from death and injury, help you solve the crime and find the culprits. Moreover, you can take this symbol with you on trips, thereby protecting your valuables from theft and other troubles. With such a talisman, you will always have powerful energy, and your envious people will not be able to defeat you.

The Rasic symbol expresses the glory and power of the Great Race and indicates the unity of the Great Clans. This symbol occupied a special place in the culture of the ancient Slavs. And although the Slavic-Aryan Race is one, it still consists of four Clans.

Symbol of glory and unity of the Great Clans.

All representatives of the Clans had differences in appearance. They had different builds, different heights, and they differed in eye color and hair length. Such distinctive features between the Clans appeared for the reason that the planets on which their life originated were different. On these planets there was different strength gravity, the Sun shone with different intensities. But, despite the external differences, the essence of all Clans was the same. And the Rasich symbol was created precisely so that every representative of the Great Race remembers which Clan he belongs to.

Rasic carries the sublime spiritual meaning. This symbol was often depicted on military paraphernalia and in ritual robes. This symbol was not used in everyday decoration.

In Rasic, colors are of great importance. The colors of the “petals” indicate the different colors of the eyes of the representatives of the Clans, while the Multidimensionality itself symbolizes the unity of the forces of heaven and earth. Thus, Rasich is a sublime symbol, bestowing harmony, encouraging self-knowledge, it promotes spiritual development and awareness of oneself as part of the Great Race.

As a symbol, Ratiborets is of key importance in Slavic culture. It is absolutely masculine and can only be used by representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Its use is especially relevant for warriors and for men who defend their homeland.

The Ratiborets symbol embodied the courage of Russian men, reflecting their valor, courage and honor. The Slavs believed that Ratiborets had great power and endowed it with its owner. But its power is transmitted only to those men who are sincere in their motives and are ready to give their lives for their native land.

It is known that this symbol was often applied to weapons, paraphernalia and clothing of warriors. This sign assigned the warrior to a special caste, distinguishing him as a brave and worthy warrior, able to make wise decisions and be devoted to his native land until his last breath. Ratiborets indicates that a person is connected with the strength of his family, with his ancestors, who help him win in any battles. Since ancient times, the symbol has inspired warriors to heroic deeds, giving them courage and strength.

The Ratiborets symbol is suitable for all strong-willed men who have pure thoughts. Ratiborets is also good for those men who, tired of an unrighteous life, and having repented of their sins, decided to take the right path. In this case, the Ratiborets acts as a talisman capable of burning out the negativity accumulated in a person’s soul, cleansing his soul of filth. Ratiborets helps men become more decisive and responsible, and discover the qualities necessary for a real warrior. This symbol contains the thousand-year-old glory of our ancestors, so all its owners become real warriors, strong, first of all, spiritually.

The Rozhanitsa amulet carries powerful feminine energy, the energy of creation. This amulet is a symbol of fertility.

The Slavs used it exclusively in the form of embroidery or ligature. A woman in labor is a woman who creates life. Children continue the Family, the more there are, the better - this is what the Slavs believed. Therefore, the norm was for a woman to have nine, or even better, 16 children. At the same time, it was believed that a woman who gave birth to nine children fulfilled her duty to the Family, and one who gave birth to 16 children fulfilled her duty to the Gods. According to the Slavs, a woman who does not have children is not a woman. She has no right to exist. Our ancestors very often were not limited to sixteen children.

The Rozhanitsa amulet was a mandatory element on the mother’s shirt. This symbol was depicted on everyday shirts, on shirts for childbirth and for wrapping a newborn. Also, the Symbol of the Mother in Childbirth was embroidered on towels and other items that were used during childbirth. This amulet guaranteed that childbirth would be easy and healthy and strong children would be born who would be able to adopt all the best from their Family. But the effectiveness of this amulet directly depends on the spiritual purity of the woman herself, on how kind and righteous she is. The woman in labor protects the mother and her children from all negative influences (from the evil eye, damage, diseases).

This is a positive symbol that is exclusively feminine in nature. It carries pure energy of joy, peace, love, creation.

The Rodimich amulet symbolizes the connection between generations, the continuity of wisdom and knowledge accumulated by ancestors. Rodimich is a male amulet, as evidenced by its angular shape, which to some extent reflects the firmness of a male character. This amulet protects its owner from moral destruction and from choosing the wrong path.

This symbol is very good as a talisman for the father of a family who strives to raise his children according to the traditions and rules of his Family. This amulet will also come in handy for young men, because boys, feeling its protective power, will become more confident in themselves, in their abilities, and will find peace and harmony. Adult men with the help of this amulet can emphasize their wisdom and convey it as effectively as possible to the younger generation.

The Rodimich amulet symbolizes the power and greatness of the great Family.

It is suitable for all men who take responsibility for their family. The Slavs applied this amulet in the form of embroidery on men's clothing, and jewelry for men was also made in the form of this symbol. It is known that the Slavs treated their ancestors with special respect. The highest value for the Slavic people is the family hearth, the sacred connection with the great Family. Rodich helped maintain this connection. It symbolizes invisible and unchanging contact even with deceased representatives of the clan. He preserves the knowledge and wisdom accumulated by his ancestors and fills the world with spirituality.

Slavic amulet Rodovik - endows the owner with wisdom collected by all ancestors in the generation. This sign attracts comfort and warmth and brings harmony to the family. The birther helps solve not only minor everyday problems, but also provides powerful support in the most unpredictable situations. The amulet loves hard workers and does not tolerate idleness, gives the missing energy for the benefit of future descendants and the achievement of prosperity.

Rodovik - a symbol of connection with the family

Rodovik is suitable for creative individuals to avoid stagnation in work. This symbol not only protects against dark forces, but also prevents the owner from obeying evil spirits. Rodovik is often used to study magic and solitude with God. By the way, it is Rodovik that can be seen on ancient temples, as well as on the attire of many healers and sorcerers.

This talisman will help you find your soulmate, help you recognize selfish people, and preserve the integrity of family ties. All family members can wear it, starting from birth. The amulet protects against the effects of black magic, family curses, the evil eye, envious people, prevents conflicts, and smoothes out heated quarrels. Brings happiness and good luck in any endeavor, promotes competent decision-making.

The Rubezhnik symbol is a fine line between the earthly and spiritual worlds. The symbol helps to understand the laws of the Universe and brings into harmony the spiritual fulfillment of a person.

This symbol is not applied to clothing or household items, as it has powerful energy of aggression against enemies.

Schematic representation of the Rubezhnik symbol.

The ancient Slavic ancestors placed a talisman with this symbol at the entrance to the house (on the windows or front door), and also sewed it on military clothing. It is also known that Rubezhnik was placed at the entrance to temples as a barrier against dark forces.

There is one more feature of the symbol - Rubezhnik has the following properties: strengthens the will and clears space for good intentions and achieving your goals, helps overcome laziness, fear, removes all obstacles on the path of life, dispels doubts, puts your thoughts in order.

Rubezhnik is especially suitable for those who want to radically change their life and don’t know where to start. Thanks to this symbol, a person becomes a purposeful leader, a winner with full energy to solve life issues. With such a talisman, your thoughts become bright and pure, you will be open to new knowledge, achievements, and spiritual knowledge.

The Rysich amulet was previously applied to temples, used as a pentagram, and painted on windows, houses, door frames, and thresholds. All this was done in order to protect themselves from the otherworldly power of evil. The amulet protects against dangers, conflict situations, protects against the evil eye and curses.

The name of the symbol is closely related to such an animal as the lynx, which has keen vision and the explosive power of God Perun. The symbol is a sign of intuition, develops the sixth sense, increases the agility of the mind. The amulet is especially suitable for those who do not have their own opinion and depend on others, as well as for those who often get sick after visiting an unfriendly group.

Rysich protects the life of his owner. Many compare it to a lynx from the cat family. After all, everyone knows that during floods and other disasters, cats saved their pets. And this is not the first time. And as you know, Lynx and Rus' are concepts close in meaning. Rysich can be worn by children whose lives are under threat in this troubled world.

The amulet will bring peace and security to the life of its owner. Moreover, our ancestors used it as a protection against their own insecurities, invented fears and suspiciousness.

The wedding dress is a powerful amulet, symbolizing the unity of the two Clans. It was embroidered on the clothes of the bride and groom. Such a sign signified the fusion of bodies and souls, the spiritual fusion of a couple in love and a strong union of two Clans. We can say that the Wedding Book indicates the intertwining of the destinies and lives of lovers, indicating that they are now connected to each other with “knots” that cannot be broken. “Knots” are the combination of two threads, two genera, into one whole. And this whole is now indivisible and sacred.

The Wedding amulet symbolizes the unity of two principles, male and female, fire and water elements. These elements are indicated by the color of the Bridegroom's embroidery: it is made of red and blue. The wedding means an unbreakable union. It is no coincidence that this symbol consists of eight rays.

As you know, the Slavs considered nine to be the perfect number, but the lack of one ray in the amulet only indicates that the new Family needs another “ray” - offspring.

If a man and a woman who already had children entered into a family union, then there was no embroidery of the Bridegroom on their clothes. This symbol was applied exclusively to the clothes of young people who were entering into a family union for the first time. He was called upon to protect a couple in love from any evil, helped in acquiring healthy offspring and strengthening two Clans.

Bronze pendant Svarozhich

The Svarozhich symbol has the power of earthly fire. Our ancestors worshiped this symbol and read prayers at the hearth. They say that Svarozhich (God the Blacksmith) protects the soul from spiritual decay and preserves the human mind from degradation. This symbol is especially suitable for those born in the fall, from the end of September to October 15th.

Svarozhich helps its owner overcome all difficulties, especially in the first half of life, attracts wealth and happiness into the house. There is another meaning of the symbol - acceptance of all that is beautiful. The owner of this symbol can reveal his creative potential and develop a sense of beauty. Svarozhich forces a person to act rationally, inclines him to analyze and organize information. Thanks to this, any art in the hands of the creator finds success.

In addition to protection, the symbol helps you choose the right direction in life, gives you fiery power, ignites a spark in your creative path, and helps you realize your plans. For whom would a talisman with this symbol be especially suitable by profession? People with creative profession, as well as those whose work involves risk to their lives. Both in the first and second professions, the talisman protects against real dangers and emotional burnout.

The Light amulet - like yin and yang, unites the balance of opposite elements, the spiritual and material world. The amulet personifies the divine light, thanks to which life exists on the planet today. Helps the whole family to take the right path of truth.

This amulet is worn today around the neck, in the form of a pendant. It is made not only from wood, but also from stone and durable metals. The talisman can be worn by absolutely anyone.

A talisman with this symbol is especially suitable:

  • To workers in the intellectual sphere, the Light will help them concentrate their attention, help them ask the right questions to learn the truth;
  • professions with heavy physical work. The symbol increases the level of endurance, will help cope with any difficult task, and give its owner the ability to quickly make decisions in unforeseen situations;
  • for extreme sports enthusiasts, especially those who are interested in extreme sports. The amulet will endow its owner with spiritual fortitude;
  • for those who serve in the army. Will give strength and faith. The torch will not allow its owner to harden and become a cynic;
  • to expectant mothers. It wards off the evil eye and damage, protects the unborn baby, and helps the birth go smoothly.

The Svitovit symbol represents the birth of a new and pure soul on earth. In Rus', all pregnant women could not go out in public until they embroidered this symbol on their clothes. After all, our ancestors believed that without this sign a child could easily be jinxed, and then the child would be born weak. It is for this reason that the amulet is recommended for expectant mothers to wear.

The symbol will be no less useful for children. The power of the symbol protects from evil people with negative energy. It is also suitable for men. Because it adds strength and saturates with spiritual fortitude.

All of these properties are especially needed in sports, in professions where good endurance and physical fitness are required. For example, the talisman will be useful to sailors, miners, military personnel, and climbers.

In the modern world, everyone needs strong-willed qualities. With such a symbol you will not forget about your roots and purpose. You will quickly move towards your goal, and victory will await you at the finish line. The symbol will disarm all your enemies and give you the strength to always be ahead. Svitovit is suitable for married couples and those who are just going to get married and seal their “nest” with marriage bonds. The sign will help a young family give birth to a healthy and talented child.

The Ax of Perun amulet will undoubtedly become a faithful protector for a man. It is this amulet that has magical powers to fight against enemy and dark forces. It gives men strength, determination, courage and perseverance, is a conductor of light energy, and helps them gain inner confidence in their rightness. Perun's amulet protects from envious people and ill-wishers. It accumulates power and helps to spend it in the right direction. With it you can concentrate on your goal and achieve high results.

The ax of Perun is a protective symbol.

Back in the 5th-9th centuries, this amulet was worn by warriors and warriors of the prince. Recently, this symbol has become especially popular among young people. It exerts a powerful force not only on its owner, but also protects the home of loved ones and relatives from enemies. Our ancestors hid this symbol at the doorstep of the house or under the bed.

This strong sign in the form of an ax is a powerful protection for a man and his family. Therefore, if you want to become a real protector for your family, then this symbol will certainly suit you. The amulet will not allow you to defile women and offend children. This symbol will not bring divine power and good energy to thieves and scammers.

Stribozhich got its name in honor of Stribog, who is the lord of thunderstorms. Stribog is also the lord of the winds, controlling the element of air. This God is the personification of creative energy, which is directed for the benefit of man.

Stribozhich was used by the Slavs as a strong protective amulet, keeping the entire Family and all the economic possessions of the Family safe. This amulet protects from all natural phenomena. Not only from thunderstorms and strong hurricane winds, but also from other negative natural phenomena. For example, from snow and sand storms, from drought, from storms. This amulet was often used by sailors when going on long voyages. They believed that Stribozhich helped determine the correct course for the ship, protecting it from storms and ensuring the optimal direction of the wind.

This symbol also helped those who went fishing. Fishermen depicted him on boats, hoping that Stribog would give them favorable weather conditions for a good catch. The Stribozhich symbol was used by everyone who worked in the field. In the summer heat, Stribog gave these workers gusts of fresh, invigorating wind, saving them from the heat and overwork.

The Stribozhich symbol is very often found on the work clothes of the Slavs. It was applied to it in the form of embroidery. At the same time, a certain color scheme was used in the image of Stribozhich. Red symbolized fire, the sun, and white symbolized heaven. Purple meant spiritual formation.

The Triglav symbol is presented in the form of an interlacing of 3 petals of infinity, which carry information from all dimensions of the Universe. Triglav symbolizes living space, the justice of being. If a person lives according to the laws of the Universe, the symbol will help him throughout life path. This symbol helps you move forward and change for the better.

According to other sources, it is known that this amulet can also have destructive power when a person does not comply with the laws of existence. They say that if you wear this symbol around your neck, it will fill the chakras with positive energy and teach its owner to concentrate on one activity.

If you look closely at this ancient symbol, you will see in it a figure sitting in the “lotus” position, as well as the head of a “bull”. Triglav is an ideal object for meditation, a sign of infinity and a single whole in the Universe. It personifies the living space of people. But how each of us acts in this world, what we think about, is a personal matter of choice. You should live according to the laws of the Universe, fill your actions with goodness, light, develop your spirituality - all this is interconnected with the future fate of each person.

The Fern Flower amulet is a kind of eight-pointed swastika, with a special esoteric meaning. The sign represents the energy of the sun and life.

According to Slavic legend It is known that the fern blooms once a year, on the night of Kupala’s birth. This unusual flower is not open to everyone, and it is difficult to find. And since all family members need protection, our ancestors created this magical symbol. It is believed that the fern hides the bud from a person with bad intentions. The flower helps to fulfill cherished desires that come from a pure heart.

The ruler of the Fern Flower is the god of thunderstorms and lightning - the god Perun. The amulet helps everyone who strives to gain new knowledge and those who have talent in any field. The fern flower protects against diseases and black magic. It will especially benefit pupils and students who are constantly improving their knowledge. It also helps those who often travel for work.

The ancient Slavic amulet Healer has the healing properties of 4 natural elements, which are displayed along the edge of the diamond. The central part of the figure represents the basis of life on earth. This sign attracts the energy of all Slavic Gods.

A healer heals body and soul

According to other sources, it is also known that the amulet heals not only the body, but also the soul. It can be used by healers and doctors to work with patients. Our ancestors very often turned to the Healer for help. This usually happened when healers could not cure the disease. Then the powerful power of this symbol came to the rescue. For healing, the amulet uses the 4 elements of our Universe.

This amulet can be worn by adults, small children, and anyone who needs the power of higher powers.

The symbol not only heals, but also accelerates the healing process of wounds, cleanses broken areas of a person’s aura, destroys negative energy, and gives longevity.

Thanks to this, life flows in complete harmony, according to the universal laws of the universe. In addition, the Healer expels evil spirits, restores the mental shell of the body, improves energy flows, and directs the subconscious in the right direction. As you can see, this is the most reliable tool for recovery.

A symmetrical pattern with an interweaving of curved lines that are inscribed in a circle - this is the Black Sun amulet. The amulet owes its origin to the Slavs. Previously, only priests used this symbol. Only 5 thousand years later, when it came to earth hard times, he was given away to the common people for reliable protection. Already in the 19th century, the amulet began to be actively used in Esotericism.

The black sun is a symbol of all living things

According to other sources, the Black Sun is called the starting point of the existence of all life on earth. Thanks to the power of this symbol, you can expand the boundaries of consciousness and discover hidden abilities. With its help, it is easy to get rid of the burden of the past, no matter how heavy it may be. In order for the amulet to work, you must honor your ancestors. Moreover, we are not talking about grandmothers and great-grandmothers, but about the most ancient relatives in the tribe. A person must intuitively feel the sacred connection and be proud of it, and also know the whole history of his roots.

If the owner of the amulet does not honor the memory of his ancestors, the symbol will only bring harm to its owner.

Therefore, before becoming the owner of this amulet, you need to sincerely honor the memory of your ancestors and only then ask them for help and protection.

Yarovik is a strong amulet that our ancestors, the Slavs, used to protect their health and living property. It helps to preserve the wealth given by nature (for example, crops) from destruction, theft and death. Also, the Yarovik amulet was used as a protective amulet to protect domestic animals (cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, horses) from diseases.

They believed in its power in protecting their property from thieves, fires and other troubles. The Slavs believed that the Yarovik symbol accumulates the energy of the sun, directing it to the success and prosperity of the entire family. In order to protect grain from thieves, Yarovik was depicted on the barns where it was stored. At the same time, the Slavs believed that this amulet protected the crop not only from thieves, but also from rodents, pests, and from various accidents associated with unfavorable weather conditions.

Spring grass was also applied to buildings where animals lived, thereby hoping to protect them from disease.

It is important to note that Yarovik had powerful protective properties only for righteous people leading a decent life and keeping the commandments.

If ignorant, evil people, seeking only their own benefit, tried to use Yarovik, then this amulet turned out to be absolutely ineffective. The energies of hypocrisy and deception are alien to him. All the bright forces of the Universe turn away from people who emit negativity.

Yarovik “works” only when interacting with kind, decent people, protecting them and all their living property (livestock, crops) from negative influences. Slavic symbols and amulets protect us from evil spirits, and also maintain harmony in our own world.