The solution to life issues in L. N. Tolstoy’s story “Childhood”

Test on the story “Childhood”

1. Through whose eyes do we “look at the world” in Leo Tolstoy’s trilogy?

A) L.N. Tolstoy

B) Nikolenki

B) Volodya

2. In the work, he is endowed with intelligence, observation, a vivid imagination, the ability to analyze his thoughts, feelings and actions

A) Nikolenka

B) Karl Ivanovich

B) Natalya Savvishna

3. Whose portrait? “Large, stately stature, a strange gait with small steps, a habit of twitching his shoulder, a large aquiline nose...”

4. Whose portrait? “Brown eyes expressing kindness and love, a mole on the neck, an embroidered white collar, a gentle dry hand...”

A) Marya Ivanovna

B) mother

B) Katya

5. What method of punishment did Karl Ivanovich use in raising Nikolenka?

A) deprived him of sweets during lunch

B) forbade him to communicate with his brother

B) put it in a corner

6. The reason for Karl Ivanovich’s anxiety is that

A) children go to Moscow

B) now it is no longer needed

C) children have become big, they need to study seriously

7. What is the name of a serf servant who faithfully and devotedly serves his master?

B) Trofim

8. Why did Nikolenka feel shame while hunting?

A) fell from a horse

B) destroyed the anthill

B) missed the hare

9. What action did Nikolenka want to do to attract Katenka’s attention?

A) give a bouquet of wild flowers

B) ride a horse like a whirlwind

B) kiss your hand

10. How did drawing Nikolenka’s hunt end?

A) drew a running hare

B) stained the paper with green paint

B) tore up the drawing

11. Grisha is

A) holy fool

B) maternal relative

B) neighbor-landowner

12. How did Grisha’s prayer make Nikolenka feel?

A) surprise and misunderstanding

B) pity and bitterness

B) tenderness and delight

13. How did mother want to thank Natalya Savvishna and express her love?

A) assigned an annual pension of 300 rubles

B) gave her freedom

B) allowed to get married

14. Natalya Savvishna decided not to leave the manor’s house, because

A) got scared independent life

B) transferred all her love to the young lady

B) felt indispensable in the manor’s house

15. What was the custom of seeing off on the road in Nikolenka’s family?

A) had a farewell dinner

B) attended church

B) everyone sat on chairs, closing the living room doors

Option 1.

1. Real name of the writer:

a) Maxim Maksimovich Peshkin;

b) Alexey Maksimovich Peshkin;

c) Alexey Maksimovich Gorky;

d) Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov.

2. Gorky wrote the first part of his autobiography:

a) in 1913;

b) in 1923;

c) in 1933;

d) in 1943.

3. The story that ends the author’s biography is called:

a) “My institutions”;

b) “My universities”;

c) “My Academies”;

d) “My technical schools.”

4. What is a trilogy?

b) These are three, united into one whole by unity or ideological content.

c) This is a work, individual parts of which were necessarily reproduced within one day.

5. In what city did the Kashirin family live?

a) Astrakhan

b) Moscow

V) Nizhny Novgorod

d) Samara

It was all foldable, chiseled, sharp. His satin, silk-embroidered vest was old and worn out, his cotton shirt was wrinkled, and there were large patches on the knees of his pants...

a) Uncle Yakov

b) Uncle Mikhail

7. The name of the main character of the story “Childhood”

a) Gypsy

b) Nikolenka

8. Akulina Ivanovna was the main character

b) grandmother

9. Who is the head of the house in the Kashirin family?

a) Uncle Yakov

b) grandmother

a) comparisons;

b) oppositions;

c) synecdoche;

d) epithets.

11. The difference from other works of an autobiographical nature is:

a) in the romantic glorification of childhood;

b) in the commonality of the child’s fate with the people;

c) in the detachment of the narrative from reality;

d) lack of understanding of the purpose of man on earth.

12. Why was the main character punished for the first time?

a) for laziness

b) for a thimble

c) for the tablecloth

d) for lessons

13. Who taught the hero to read and write?

a) Aunt Natalya

b) grandmother

c) grandfather

d) father

14. How did the main character feel when he was in his grandfather’s family?

and love

b) indifference

c) the desire to escape from this family

d) hatred

15. . What are Alyosha’s impressions of the “stupid tribe”:

a) indignation;

b) surprise;

c) disgust;

d) delight.

16. The writer introduces the “grandmother’s dance” scene into the story in order to show:

a) the beauty of Russian folk dance;

b) talent, giftedness, beauty of the grandmother’s soul;

c) the beneficial effect of grandmother’s talent on others;

d) inability to relax in the Kashirin family.

17. About whom Alyosha speaks in this way: “This is how my friendship ended with the first person from an endless series of strangers in my native country - the best people her".

a) about the Gypsy;

b) about Uncle Yakov;

c) about a good deed;

d) about grandfather Kashirin.

c) conveyed by one of the characters.

7th grade. Test. M. Gorky “Childhood”.

Option 2.

1. Indicate the years of life of M. Gorky

2. In what city was M. Gorky born?

a) Moscow

b) Astrakhan

c) Nizhny Novgorod

3. What works make up autobiographical trilogy writer?

a) “Childhood”, “In People”, “My Universities”

b) “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “My Universities”

c) “Childhood”, “In People”, “Youth”

4. What is an autobiographical work?

a) An autobiographical work is a work in which the writer gives the hero of his work his biography, his character, and reflects his fate in the fate of the character. Often the autobiographical hero looks similar to the author of the work.

b) An autobiographical work is a work in which the author describes his own life.

c) An autobiographical work is a consistent description by a person of the events of his own life.

5. Which hero does the following description refer to?

She spoke, singing the words in a special way, and they easily became stronger in my memory, like flowers, just as affectionate, bright, juicy. When she smiled, her pupils, dark as cherries, dilated, flashing with an inexpressibly pleasant light...

a) Grandmother

c) Aunt Natalya

6. Which hero does the following description refer to?

Quiet, timid... a woman with a childish face and such transparent eyes that through them one could see everything behind her head.

a) Grandmother

c) Aunt Natalya

7. In what year was the story “Childhood” written?

8. From whom is the story told?

c) from the third

9. How do the guys behave: Yakov and Mikhail?

a) having fun

b) constantly quarrel

c) respect each other

10. The expressions “like flowers”, “pupils dark as cherries” are:

a) comparison;

b) antithesis;

c) metaphor;

d) hyperbole.

eleven. . Talking about " lead abominations life,” the author sought to show:

a) “... That close, spiritual circle terrible impressions, in which lived... a simple Russian man."

b) That “this is a tenacious, vile truth... This is the truth that needs to be known to the root...”.

c) That “Russian people are still so healthy and young at heart that they can and will overcome them.”

12. Who did the main character become friends with?

a) Lenya

b) Mikhail

c) Yakov

d) Gypsy

13. Who showed courage during the fire?

a) grandfather

b) Gypsy

c) grandmother

d) the hero's mother

14. Where did the main character go to study after school?

a) to the gymnasium

b) to people

c) at school

d) back to school

15. What was the “most a vivid impression"During Alyosha's illness:

a) visit to Gypsy;

b) visiting grandfather;

c) grandmother's tales.

16. How does grandfather Kashirin characterize his behavior after the fire:

a) understands the unseemly nature of his behavior;

b) grateful to grandma;

c) fears for children and for his family;

d) is afraid of losing his property rights.

17. Read the passage. What caused the changes in Alyosha’s soul: “From those days I developed a restless attention to people, and, as if the skin had been torn from my heart, it became unbearably sensitive to any insult and pain, my own and someone else’s.”

a) traveling by ship;

b) quarrel with uncles;

c) unfair and cruel punishment;

d) meeting with Good job

18. The work of M. Gorky “Childhood” is ...

a) novel

b) story

c) story

Keys “Childhood” M. Gorky

Option 1



















Option 2
















    a, d



Questions about Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s story “Childhood” How old is Nikolenka? 10 YEARS How did Karl Ivanovich treat Nikolenka? “How kind he is and how he loves us, and I could think so badly of him!” Find a description of Natalya Savishna in the text. In a shabby dress, a barefoot, but cheerful, fat and red-cheeked girl, Natasha. Why was Natalya exiled to a barnyard in a steppe village? Natasha decided to go to her grandfather to ask permission to marry Foku. Grandfather took her wish as an insult, became angry and sent her to the barnyard. What made Nikolenka feel sorry for Karl Ivanovich? “Poor, poor old man! There are many of us, we play, we have fun, but he is alone - alone, and no one caresses him. He is telling the truth that he is an orphan. And the story of his life is so terrible! I remember how he told it to Nikolai - it’s terrible to be in his position!” What was Natalya Savishna like in the eyes of a young boy? As I remember, I remember Natalya Savishna, her love and affection; but now I only know how to appreciate them, but then it never occurred to me what a rare, wonderful creature this old woman was. She not only did not speak, but also did not think about herself. Find in the text a description of Karl Ivanovich’s great friend. Uncle Nikolai came in - a small, clean man, always serious, neat and respectful. In what words does the author convey state of mind a boy who failed his father's task? For a long time I stood in great despair in the same place, did not call the dog and just kept repeating, hitting myself on the thighs: “God, what have I done!” Questions about the story “Adolescence” How many years was Nikolenka younger than Volodya? For a year and several months Description of Seryozha…. ....he was a dark, curly-haired boy, with an upturned hard nose, very fresh red lips, dark blue eyes and an unusually lively expression on his face. Why was Nikolenka jealous of his younger brother? He stood above me in everything: in fun, in learning, in quarrels, in the ability to behave, and all this alienated me from him. But I did not envy anything so much as Volodya’s happy, grateful, frank character, which was especially sharply expressed in the quarrels that happened between us. What hobbies did Volodya have? Then suddenly he was overcome by a passion for pictures, then a passion for the things with which he decorated his table, collecting them throughout the house, then a passion for novels. What thought came to Nikolenka’s head after talking with Katenka? For the first time, a clear thought occurred to me that we are not the only ones, that is, our family, living in the world, that not all interests revolve around us, but that there is another life of people who have nothing in common with us, not caring about us and even having no idea about our existence. “Rich” and “poor” in the understanding of a young boy? According to my then concepts, only beggars and men could be poor. It seemed to me that if Mimi and Katenka had always lived, then they would always exist. How did the conversation with Katenka affect Nikolenka? The conversation with Katenka, which deeply touched me, made me think about her future position.! How did Nikolenka feel after the quarrel with Volodya? We didn't speak to each other until the evening; I felt guilty, was afraid to look at him, and couldn’t do anything all day. What impression did the beggar make on Nikolenka in the chapter “The Thunderstorm”? I cannot express the feeling of cold horror that gripped my soul at that moment. A shiver ran through my hair, and my eyes with senseless fear were fixed on the beggar. What was the cause of the quarrel between Volodya and Nikolenka? One day, during a time of intense ardor and passion for things, Nikolenka approached his table and accidentally dropped an empty multi-colored bottle.

MBOU "Pogromskaya average" comprehensive school them.

HELL. Bondarenko" Volokonovsky district, Belgorod region

Test based on the story by M. Gorky

"Childhood" for 7th grade


teacher of Russian language and literature

Morozova Alla Stanislavovna

With. Pogromets


Explanatory note

Test on M. Gorky's story “Childhood” for 7th grade allows you to determine the level of knowledge of students of this work(MK G.I. Belenky). The work contains questions on knowledge of the text, questions on the characteristics of the characters, questions on the theory of literature.

For each question, three answer options are given, one of which is correct.

The presented test can be used in class after analyzing the work.

1. Indicate the years of life of M. Gorky

1) 1868-1938

2) 1868-1936

3) 1866-1936

2. In what city was M. Gorky born?

1) Moscow

2) Astrakhan

3) Nizhny Novgorod

3. What works make up the writer’s autobiographical trilogy?

1) “Childhood”, “In People”, “My Universities”

2) “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “My Universities”

3) “Childhood”, “In People”, “Youth”

4. What is an autobiographical work?

1) An autobiographical work is a work in which the writer gives the hero of his work his biography, his character, and reflects his fate in the fate of the character. Often the autobiographical hero looks similar to the author of the work.

2) An autobiographical work is a work in which the author describes his own life.

3) An autobiographical work is a consistent description by a person of the events of his own life.

5. What is a trilogy?

2) That's three , united into one whole by unityor ideological content.

3) This is a work, individual parts of which must be reproduced within one day.

6. In what year was the story “Childhood” written?

1) 1916

2) 1913

3) 1912

7. The name of the main character of the story “Childhood”

1) Gypsy

2) Nikolenka

3) Alyosha

8. Akulina Ivanovna was the main character

1) mom

2) grandmother

3) aunt

9. From whom is the story told?

1) from the first

3) from the third

10. Who is the head of the house in the Kashirin family?

1) Uncle Yakov

2) grandmother

3) grandfather

11. How do the guys behave: Yakov and Mikhail?

1) having fun

2) constantly quarrel

3) respect each other

12. Which hero does the following description refer to?

She spoke, singing the words in a special way, and they easily became stronger in my memory, like flowers, just as affectionate, bright, juicy. When she smiled, her pupils, dark as cherries, dilated, flashing with an inexpressibly pleasant light...

1) Grandmother

2) Mom

3) Aunt Natalya

13. Which hero does the following description refer to?

It was all foldable, chiseled, sharp. His satin, silk-embroidered vest was old and worn out, his cotton shirt was wrinkled, and there were large patches on the knees of his pants...

1) Uncle Yakov

2) Uncle Mikhail

3) Grandfather

14. Which hero does the following description refer to?

Quiet, timid... a woman with a childish face and such transparent eyes that through them one could see everything behind her head.

1) Grandmother

2) Mom

3) Aunt Natalya

15. Talking about the “leaden abominations of life,” the author sought to show:

1) “... That close, spiritual circle of terrible impressions in which... a simple Russian man lived.”

2) That “this is a tenacious, vile truth... This is the truth that needs to be known to the root...”.

3) That “Russian people are still so healthy and young at heart that they can and will overcome them.”

1) hidden,

3) conveyed by one of the characters.


1 – 2

2 – 3

3 – 1

4 – 1

5 – 1

6 – 2

7 – 3

8 – 2

9 – 1

10 – 3

11 – 2

12 – 1

13 – 3

14 – 3

15 – 1

16 – 2

Evaluation criteria:

"5" - 15 – 16 points,

"4" - 12 – 14 points

"3" - 8 – 11 points

"2" - 0 – 7 points

1. Sincere participation in resolving issues.
2. Disputes and conflicts among adults.
3. Perception of the image of Grisha.
4. Love and creative experiences.
5. The end of a happy time.

The realization that the miraculous was near us comes too late.
A. A. Blok

Life certainly poses complex and ambiguous questions that we have to answer. But we are not always ready to take the first step in the right direction. Big role in in this case plays life experience, which for us is limited to family, school and friends. It is much easier for adults than for us children to solve such issues and problems. But over a short period of time, we also develop our own ideas about the world in which we live. And although we are childish, we try to independently answer the questions that life poses to us. The same problems arise in the hero of L. N. Tolstoy’s story “Childhood”.

The writer tells us about the fate of one boy, Nikolenka, who is gradually approaching adulthood. At every stage of his development, he is faced with questions that he has to answer. It is possible that his actions are motivated by wrong decisions. But this is exactly how he sees life and imagines the path he should follow. The author does not condemn his hero, but tries to adequately show all the shades of not only the image, but his soul. It’s as if she becomes his only ally in solving difficult life issues. For example, one day Nikolenka hears her father’s conversation with Karl Ivanovich, who talks about ingratitude. This remark is due to the fact that children are moving to Moscow to study, so the family no longer needs the services of a home teacher. At this moment, the author presents to us Nikolenka’s reasoning about what he heard: “I sympathized with his grief, and it hurt me that my father and Karl Ivanovich, whom I loved almost equally, did not understand each other; I again went to the corner, sat on my heels and talked about how to restore harmony between them.” Main character does not interfere in the relationship between father and teacher, but with all his soul he wants to peacefully resolve the issue that causes so much controversy and disagreement among adults.

A new dispute is playing out in the family between Nikolenka’s mother and father. They cannot come to a common opinion regarding the holy fool Grisha. Maman constantly welcomes people like this in her yard, but dad doesn’t like it either. This episode of the story does not tell about the feelings and behavior of the main character, his spiritual world and understanding of this situation are not revealed. However, Grisha, looking at the top of Volodya’s head, actually predicted that the children would soon leave the house. In this case new question The question that puts life before Nikolenka was whether he believes in predictions. It is followed by a new one: how does one relate to the holy fool himself? The answer is given in the narrative itself, since it is told from the perspective of the main character. Nikolenka in one phrase says everything about the image of the guest: “It was the holy fool and wanderer Grisha.” This characteristic tells us that the boy, like everyone else, believed some of his predictions. Therefore, the portrait of the holy fool, compiled by Nikolenka, includes not only a description of his appearance, but also his ability to guess the future.

Didn't miss the main character and love element. He likes the girl Katenka. But when he shows his feelings for her openly, Volodya “condemns” him, calling such relationships tenderness. Therefore, Nikolenka hides the flared feeling very deeply in her soul. “I have long been accustomed to her fresh, fair face and have always loved it; but now I began to look at him more carefully and fell in love even more.” Tolstoy does not show us passionate scenes and whirlwind romances. Such an attitude towards life would not be typical for a ten-year-old boy. Therefore, the writer tries to convey in a childlike way the relationships and feelings that arose in the heart of the main character.

But life does not stand still, and the hour of parting comes. Nikolenka faces a new question related to the move. Tears appear in the boy's eyes. He feels sorry to part with the world to which he is accustomed. But the thirst for new impressions seems to make them dry up: “That’s it, everything is pathetic! And poor maman? And tears came to my eyes again; but not for long".

Moving for a boy serves as a certain boundary that allows him to look into his past. At the same time, Nikolenka moves to the next stage in her life. In it you will need to not only directly enjoy the world around you, but also think about your actions. But if the hero remembers the past, it means that it is in it that he looks for answers to the questions that torment him.

When saying goodbye to her family, Nikolenka is sad, as if she has a presentiment that that carefree life will no longer exist. But the stage of growing up is considered by the author not only as a time of disappointment, but also as a period of discovery of new trends of the times. And at this moment it is very important on what basis the hero and even the ordinary person builds his life position. If he had a wonderful childhood, which he can remember with sadness, it means that in adulthood he will make fewer mistakes. At the same time, turning to those years and looking at them from a certain distance, a person retains some kind of internal connection with the moral content that was laid down in his childhood.

This work does not show such a long distance between the two stages of life. Therefore, we can judge what is happening in the soul of Nikolenka, who still remains a child. He continues to reason as naively and easily as he managed to do before.

However, the Moscow world allowed the boy’s poetic talent to reveal itself. He wrote his first poems. But shyness did not allow him to give a gift to his grandmother. When the father reads them, a “storm” and confusion reign in the soul of the main character. He is afraid that they are written crookedly. But the first experiment was a success, my grandmother praised the poems. In the story, we are not shown the boy’s rejoicing, which speaks of his kind and sympathetic soul, to which praise finally brought the desired peace. But life as an adult is not as carefree as it seems at first glance. It constantly moves forward and confronts man with the inevitable laws of nature. The death of his mother becomes such an obstacle and blow for Nikolenka. “Only at that moment did I understand... that that face, which for several days had been filled with beauty and tenderness, the face of the one I loved more than anything in the world, could excite horror, as if for the first time she had revealed to me the bitter truth and filled soul with despair." The boy approaches his grief in a special, childlike way. Perhaps he does not understand something, but the bitterness of loss still finds a place in his heart.

On the threshold of childhood and adolescence, not only the moral foundation is important, but also how a person for the first time independently resolves the issues that confront him. During this period, Nikolenka is not disappointed in her previous hopes and thoughts. We understand that the time of childhood does not impose any restrictions in solving problems. It seems that a person does as he pleases. But the next stage of life forces you to take into account not only your own self, but the world and the feelings of another person. Thus, the space of one hero seems to open up and expand, and he has to let other people into it, on whom the own life. “With the death of my mother, my happy time childhood and began new era- the era of adolescence..."

The adults in the story notice the fact that troubles make you old. Perhaps this has a certain reflection of reality. But they are the ones who prepare the hero for real life. Therefore, the trials that befell the boy forced him to grow older. They opened up to him a new, but not so rosy world. The boy becomes a little more serious and perceives differently surrounding reality. Tolstoy’s story “Childhood” ends with a new question, which the hero will have to answer in the next period of growing up: “The thought comes to me: has Providence really only connected me with these two creatures in order to forever make me regret them?..”. New life will also ask new questions, but Nikolenka will approach their solution from a position based on a small but very significant life experience.