A smart card is the best assistant in any business. Map of human emotions

Below is an emotional map that, IMHO, is convenient for the work of a practicing psychologist and is quite simple and understandable to a person who comes to a psychologist as a client. The described map includes 12 emotional spheres. The emotional sphere is a set of emotions that are close to each other in meaning or strategy for interacting with the outside world.

D To effectively read a map, you need to make several assumptions.

By emotion I mean a psychophysiological phenomenon that defines a situation or our attitude towards it (an indicative label), changes a person’s activity (that is, carries an energetic charge) and directs his perception, thinking and actions (motivates).

Within each sphere there are emotions, just differing in intensity. For example, fear and horror. Or there are emotions that have different meanings, but a similar attitude towards another person or situation. For example, envy and pride. These emotions have different meanings, but they both reflect your desire to be superior to the people around you (pride = “I am the navel of the earth,” envy = “I should have as much as the other person” / “the worse I am”).

At the same time, I am aware (and I advise you) that the separation of emotions is a rather conditional thing. After all, emotions can easily coexist with each other, that is, arise simultaneously. For example, a surprise can be both surprise and joy (or disappointment if you didn't like it).

Emotions can also easily combine to create a complex feeling. For example, jealousy combines: anger, fear, guilt and greed. However, in order for you to have a strong emotional foundation, such separation is simply necessary.

In addition, you have to remember the existence of homonyms (same spelling, but different meaning). Emotional homonyms also exist. So, for example, pity can relate to both the sphere of loneliness (I lack attention) and the sphere of superiority (I will help this unfortunate person). Or, for example, annoyance, which can be both in the sphere of loss of meaning (as the quintessence of disappointment) and in the sphere of conscience (when it comes to self-flagellation).

The location of emotional spheres on the map is largely determined by the fact that some emotional spheres are complete or partial antagonists to each other. Although this is a rather conditional assumption. After all, colors are the perfect metaphor for emotions. Yes, white in many ways contrasts with black, and the warm part color palette- cold. But this only works for pairwise comparisons. In the painting, the colors are mixed into a unique pattern.

In the list within the sphere, emotions are arranged in order from less intense (background) to more intense (affects).

At the same time, emotions and feelings are located in the same area. This may not be the most correct approach from the point of view of a theoretical model, but it is very convenient in practice.

Sphere of satisfaction

Contentment - comfort - lightness - carefree - flight - playfulness - joy - pleasure - radiance - fun - happiness - grace - spirituality - euphoria - bliss - delight - ecstasy.

Sphere of Enthusiasm

Curiosity – interest – cheerfulness – hope – optimism – enthusiasm – confidence – strength – determination – involvement – ​​encouragement – ​​inspiration – anticipation – enthusiasm – excitement

Sphere of Peace

Peace – serenity – safety – tranquility – relief.

Sphere of Surprise

Confusion - bewilderment - surprise - amazement - miracle.

Sphere of Conscience

Humility - submission - embarrassment - guilt - shame - repentance - annoyance

Sphere of Solitude

Separation - pity - loneliness - emptiness

Sphere of Loss of Happiness

Dissatisfaction - nostalgia - concern - regret - sadness - melancholy - depression - unhappiness - suffering - lamentation - emotional pain - grief

Sphere of loss of meaning

Inertia - monotony - fatigue - boredom - satiety - boredom - bitterness - indifference - meaninglessness - despondency

Sphere of Fear

Worry - doubt - mistrust - wariness - alarm - confusion - fear - fear - helplessness - confusion - panic - despair - horror.

Sphere of Antagonism

Coldness - suspicion - irritation - opposition - rejection - anger - hostility - resentment - indignation - gloating - boycott - anger - hatred - rage - fury.

Sphere of Excellence

isolation - condescension - disdain - pity - ignoring - complacency pride - arrogance - hostility - condemnation - disobedience - envy - greed - contempt - disgust - venom - insult - humiliation - revenge - jealousy - betrayal

Scope of Acceptance

Consent - approval - benevolence - openness - gratitude - sympathy - attraction - respect - passion - affection - unity - tenderness - awe - tenderness - admiration - devotion - faith - love - adoration - reverence.

Schooling requires children to retain a huge amount of information in their memory. This is dictated by diversity educational subjects and annual accumulation of knowledge. A mind map will help you “place” and keep everything in your head. We will look at an example of its composition, purpose and features in this article.


Mind maps are often called mind maps or they are schematic representations of information. In the center of such a map is the main idea (core), and from it there are branches (tree diagram). Each branch can be a reference to a word-concept, event, task, date, etc. Drawing up mind maps in teaching is usually used to consolidate the learned material, less often as a brainstorming technique. As a rule, this concerns capacious topics that have a system of classifications, terms and additions.

A mind map is an example of effective graphical memorization. It can be compiled individually or collectively. To implement it, you only need a sheet of paper, imagination and pencils.


The development of modern communication diagrams belongs to to the British writer and psychologist Tony Buzan and dates back to the late 1980s. However, this is only an official statement of the method. It is known that even in ancient times there were attempts to schematically depict information. Thus, the first mind map, an example of which dates back to the 3rd century, belongs to the philosopher Porphyry of Tyros. Carefully studying the views of Aristotle, he graphically depicted their main categories and the concept of development. His experience was repeated in the 13th century by another philosopher, Raymond Lull.

The mind map method, developed by Buzan, is based on the ideas of general semantics of the Polish researcher Alfred Korzybski and focuses on the work of both hemispheres of the brain.


As many years of practice of teachers show, connection diagrams - best way note-taking new information. This is an excellent tool in the experienced hands of specialists and schoolchildren, which will allow:

  • Work quickly and efficiently with any amount of information.
  • Develop logical, associative, creative thinking, imagination.
  • Use graphic presentations to explain your personal position to interlocutors.
  • Make decisions, plan, develop projects.

A mind map is an example of an easy and effective technique in the educational process, which requires a minimum of effort and time, but gives the most positive results.


Mind maps are often identified with concept maps. However, this is a mistake. The latter were developed by American psychologists in the 70s of the last century and depict the relationship between concepts, ideas, and events. Concept maps have a logical structure (one element flows from another), while mind maps have a radial structure (that is, all elements are concentrated around one idea).

It should be noted that such graphical note-taking has its advantages and disadvantages over other methods. Its advantages include the ease of reading and remembering it. Ideas become clearer and more understandable, they can be covered with a single glance. Disadvantages include limited scope and use of only one central concept.

The method has virtually no restrictions on age and discipline. Special attention requires the use of a mind map in elementary school. During such playful assimilation of new knowledge, children must learn to identify main idea, develop coherent speech, enrich vocabulary. Therefore, the scale of their diagrams is minimal and expands as the child develops intellectually.


Previously, the use of mind maps was found only in school education. Today, this technique helps not only students and teachers, but also people of different specialties. Mind diagrams are effective in business, sociology, humanities, engineering, and even in everyday planning. Thus, they can be used not only when taking notes on lectures and books, but also to create presentations, develop projects of various levels of complexity, and compile organograms.

Let's compare two works:

  1. The first example is a mind map on the history of Russia in the 17th and 18th centuries. The key concept-word is “Peter I”. Four large branches branch off from it: “Family”, “Reforms”, “Peasant Uprisings”, “Economy”. Each category has more branches, which are filled with more specific information: names, dates, events. This map is a condensed but quite succinct summary of the topic, which can be used to review material or as a brainstorming session before starting to study a new topic.
  2. The second work is a human life analysis chart. A personal photo is placed in the center, and branches extend from it corresponding to the main areas of life: personal, professional, creative, intellectual, physical health, etc. Such a map helps to adequately assess the current state of affairs and, based on the results, design future steps and decisions that will help fill gaps and cope with certain shortcomings.

As you can see, the purposes of using the smart map method are different, but the effectiveness can be equally high.

In the theory of circuit diagrams, everything looks almost flawless. What to do with practice? How to draw up a mind map correctly so that it gives maximum effect? There are a number of points to consider here:

  • As a rule, the key concept is placed in the center of the map. If you need to display a time scale, then left side The past is placed, and on the right is the future tense.
  • It is better to take a maximum of 5-7 branches from the core - the central idea. Otherwise, the map will be difficult to understand. If the topic requires a larger scale, then the elements should be grouped according to some criterion.
  • The third point is the logic or sequence of the map. It concerns the relationship of elements. Let's return to the example indicated above - a mind map for history. When branching, the elements are arranged in a specific, non-random order: “Family”, “Reforms”, “Peasant uprisings”, “Economy”. They identify a chain of events that are associated with the life and reign of Peter I.
  • A symmetrical mind map is an example of fast and durable memorization of information. Don't forget about this either.
  • And one more tip regarding the design of the diagram. It is better to place the sheet of paper horizontally. This way there is more space for graphic manipulations, and there is the possibility of further modeling of the map. For associative perception, you can use symbols, drawings, different colors pens or pencils.

This amazing source will give you the greatest energy for a quick breakthrough to success and self-realization when you learn to manage it using this method...

Emotion is reaction systems on their assessment of the importance of influence for self-realization. If the influence is harmful and interferes with the achievement of the goal, then negative emotions. And if it is useful and allows or helps to achieve the goal, then they appear positive emotions.

They can be called signals, notifying the system about a change in state in the past (memory), present (current situation) or future (imaginary situation). They motivate the system to act to maintain its integrity, development, success, harmony and self-realization.

Emotions, as basic motives, provide an initial impulse, a push that brings the system out of the state peace(calm). They inspire, motivate, give energy to perform actions and change their condition. They help make decisions, overcome obstacles and act until the goal is achieved.

Depending on the content of the emotion, the system receives a different amount energy, impulses of different strengths. As a rule, positive emotions give more energy and last longer than negative ones (joy, happiness, enthusiasm...). And negative emotions can completely deprive you of energy, immobilize, paralyze (fear, confusion...), which can worsen the condition, especially in the presence of danger.

Emotions can become values, which the system will strive to consciously experience (become happier, have fun, admire...). Then they will begin to influence decisions, goals, actions and relationships. But each system has its own values, and an emotion that is valuable for one system may be completely indifferent for another.

For example, if happiness is a value for a person, then he can do anything in order to experience it. But another person may be indifferent to happiness, and do everything possible to feel, for example, surprise...

Emotions allow us to determine right decisions made regarding the values, purpose and talent of the system, which affects its self-realization. Negative emotions signal danger, deterioration and deviation from the path of self-realization. Positive emotions signal an improvement in one’s condition, approaching or achieving a goal, and correct movement along the path of self-realization. Therefore, it is important to be aware of your emotions, process them, and consciously regulate your activities when negative emotions arise or for positive ones to arise.

Many things depend on the definition and expression of emotions. quality systems: charisma, authority, persuasiveness, openness... They most influence interaction, relationships and team building.

Only by consciously and actively using emotions can you become an influential leader. His value, authority and credibility are highly dependent on the emotions he evokes in the entire team. Likewise for a company - the more vivid, positive emotions it evokes in the team and clients, the more valuable it becomes.

Concentrating emotions on relationships and motivation of partners, you can receive more resources from them and achieve more complex goals. Leaders who are sensitive to their own emotions and those of their team members create a more effective and creative work environment, which allows them to achieve greater success. Studies have shown that businessmen who are more emotional and attentive to other people’s emotions earn more money.

It has been proven that in many cases emotions in to a greater extent determine thinking, activities and achievements than intellectual abilities. Decisions can be made not on the basis of logical reasoning, rationality, justification and evidence, but on the basis of the emotions that the expected outcome of this decision evokes.

For example, a person choosing new car, can buy it not for its characteristics, reliability, safety, price/quality ratio..., but for its color, comfortable seat, beautiful interior lighting... which evoke positive emotions in him.

Emotions are closely related to way of thinking and imagination. If in a situation you pay attention to its harmful consequences, then negative emotions will arise, and vice versa. And if you imagine a good situation leading to an improvement in your condition, then positive emotions will arise, and vice versa. Therefore, it is easier for a person who has good control of his intellect, thinking and imagination to control his emotions, arousing some emotions in certain situations and suppressing others.

It is very important for teachers (educators, lecturers, trainers...) to be able to recognize and evaluate emotions when training other people, especially children, because They have poor awareness and management of their emotions.

The student's emotions and reactions allow the teacher to choose the most appropriate, correct teaching style and content of the experience being conveyed. This significantly affects the level trust between student and teacher. And trust affects the student’s commitment to the teacher and belief in the truth of the experience conveyed by him. This is the main factor in whether the student will apply this experience in his activities or not, which is the main goal of the learning process.

The emergence of emotions

Every emotion necessarily has source- an external or internal stimulus that has an impact on the system and changes its state. Such sources may be:
- material systems (things, objects, equipment, tools, people, animals, plants...)
- mental images (thoughts, ideas, memories...)
- conditions, situations, circumstances in the environment
- rules, processes, principles, laws, norms...
- values ​​(freedom, harmony, comfort...)
- own state (facial expressions, body position, movements, voice...)

Most common emotions arise in the following cases:

When perceiving current conditions, which have an important impact on the system and shape the experience.

At remembering situations that caused emotions in the past. You can remember such a situation on your own, on purpose, or when you find yourself in a similar situation. Memories can also arise when there are elements in the current situation that evoke associations with that situation. Moreover, emotions and internal processes may become similar to those experienced in a past situation: heart rate, breathing, blood pressure...

When modeling the situation in imagination, when you imagine conditions and processes that did not exist in reality, and evaluate their impact on your condition.

5. . Because emotions contain information about what has happened, is happening, or a possible change in state, then they can be used when making decisions. This will allow you to determine the most effective and successful way to achieve your goals. And by managing your own and other people’s emotions, you can form a certain behavior that will help you act in the right direction.

Goleman's model includes the following EI abilities:

1. personal (internal):

- self-awareness– the ability to determine and identify one’s state, emotions, personal resources, desires and goals;

- self-regulation– the ability to control and manage your emotions, with their help to change your personal state, make decisions and perform actions;

- motivation– emotional tension and concentration, helping to identify important goals and effectively achieve them;

2. social (external):

- empathy– awareness of the emotions and needs of other people, the ability to listen, and not just hear;

- social skills– the art of causing a certain reaction in others, managing the relationships and emotions of other people, organizing effective interaction...

This model is hierarchical, suggesting that some abilities are based on others. For example, self-awareness is necessary for self-regulation - it is impossible to manage your emotions without being able to identify them. And by knowing how to manage your emotions, you can easily motivate yourself and quickly move into the desired state...

Development of emotional intelligence

This increases sensitivity to your own and others’ emotions, allows you to manage them and motivate yourself to increase personal effectiveness and success.

Development emotional intelligence is based on the following principles:
expand your comfort zone, get into new conditions in which new emotions may arise, for example, visit new places, travel...;
analyze and recognize these new emotions as soon as they arise;
repeat situations in which emotions arise in order to better determine their impact on activities, your reaction when they arise and try to manage them;
consciously stop negative emotions in known situations that cause them;
consciously arouse emotions in ordinary situations in which these emotions did not arise;
identify other people's emotions. To do this, you can study how emotions are expressed (for example, study the book by P. Ekman, W. Friesen “Know a Liar by Their Facial Expression”), or simply ask what a person feels when you assume that he has an emotion...
arouse emotions in other people. For example, with the help of stories, anecdotes, metaphors... You need to determine the correspondence between the impact and the emerging emotion, consciously repeat this impact so that the same emotion appears in different people.

For effective development emotional intelligence can be applied as follows: methods:

At any age, in any field, at any time, it is important to continue your education and self-education. Moreover, the more expensive it is, the more professional and successful the teachers/trainers/mentors from whom you study, the greater the impact this training will have on all areas of life and on personal qualities, including EI. In this case, first of all, it is advisable to study the general sciences and humanities (philosophy, psychology, natural science, biology...) in order to better know the world and one’s place in it, including gaining knowledge about emotional processes. And after realizing yourself, your talent and purpose, choose a narrow area of ​​development, your profession that corresponds to your calling, and become a recognized expert in it.

Reading quality literature
For development in any field, it is extremely important to read books as much as possible, practical guides, magazines, articles... But even more important is to analyze and put into practice the information from them. It is also important to choose high-quality literature - popular, secular, news materials in the vast majority of cases do not affect development in any way, but only waste time and clog up the memory. Books and manuals written by professionals, recognized experts, have a completely different effect: they provide important, verified information, allow you to form personal principles, behavior, goals, expand your paradigm, but most importantly, they motivate you to start taking action. Therefore, to develop EI, it is important to choose quality books, for example, Daniel Goleman’s “Emotional Intelligence.”

Self-analysis is one of the main abilities of EI. And the materialization of thoughts during self-analysis of one’s own and others’ emotions makes this process the most effective. In your diary, you can record any situations that caused emotions, describe your feelings, identify and classify emotions, and draw conclusions about how you could react in a similar situation next time. For convenient diary keeping, you can use the Personal Diaries service.

Development of qualities
It is possible to improve individual components of EI - qualities described in EI models, such as self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, etc. How to improve them is described in the method Development of personal qualities.

This is the most effective way to expand your comfort zone, because... you find yourself in a completely new environment that you had never even imagined. And this can give the most powerful, vivid, new emotions that have never been heard of before. They can be learned to manage and use in the same, familiar conditions, which will give additional motivation and energy to carry out routine activities and achieve new goals. Travel can also lead to a change in value systems, which also changes emotions and their impact on activities. For example, having visited poor countries, you can begin to appreciate familiar things more: food, water, electricity, technology..., get more pleasure from using them, begin to use them more rationally, more economically.

When making decisions, you can use not only your experience and your point of view, but also take into account the opinions of those who may be affected by this decision and seek compromises. This will avoid the occurrence of negative emotions and, due to the environmental friendliness of the decision, can evoke positive emotions in everyone who participated in its adoption and implementation. The opposite of this approach is called rigidity, when you act only on the basis of your experience. Then there is a high probability that the solution will not be environmentally friendly and will cause unpredictable harm.

Very often emotions arise during normal communication. When communicating with new acquaintances or old friends on new topics, you can experience new emotions. By assessing and managing them during a conversation, you can significantly change its results. For example, during negotiations, if you lose your temper, you can lose potential clients or partners. And if you evoke strong positive emotions in your interlocutor, you can get from him much more resources than expected, for example, more money from a sponsor.

Creating something new and unique guarantees positive emotions. And the creation of masterpieces, something that will be of interest, demand, for which others will be grateful - this is perhaps the main source of the strongest, positive emotions that a person can experience in his life. The more grandiose creation you create, the more new and strong emotions arise.

Victories, awards, success
New emotions often arise when achieving goals, participating in competitions, training for them, or even ordinary disputes. And the moment of victory and receiving a reward always excites strong positive emotions. And the more important the victory, the more difficult it was to achieve, the more resources spent on it and the greater the reward, the stronger the emotions arise.

All these methods create emotional experience, which is the foundation for managing emotions. Without this experience, it is impossible to consciously excite or inhibit emotions. It creates a clear picture of what emotions may arise in response to certain changes, how they may affect state and activity, and what can be done to eliminate harmful and arouse useful emotions.

Developing emotional intelligence makes it possible motivate and convince other people at a deeper, value level than can be done with words and deeds. This significantly improves relationships, which accelerates the achievement of common goals and self-realization.

The ideal development of EI leads to the emergence emotional competence– the ability to recognize and manage any, even unknown, emotions in any conditions. It allows you to determine the impact of new, previously unexperienced emotions on your activities, even if you have never heard of them, and manage them. It also allows you to control emotions of any intensity, even the highest, and reduce or increase it to the desired level. It is also a protective barrier that prevents it from “exploding” and causing harm.

To determine the current level of development of your EI, you can use the following tests:
Emotional Development Quotient
Emotional Intelligence
Emotion Recognition
Attitude towards others

Because Since all emotional processes significantly influence the activity of the system, it is important to be able to manage these processes in order to improve one’s condition, develop, act effectively, successfully achieve goals and self-realization.

It boils down to the following basic processes:
- arousal of useful emotion, i.e. transition from a calm to an active state;
- extinguishing harmful emotions, i.e. transition from an active to a calm state;
- change in intensity of emotion.

These processes also apply to the system itself, i.e. management of personal emotions, and to other systems, i.e. managing other people's emotions.

Effective management of emotions is only possible when realize them, you can consciously determine the moment of their occurrence and correctly identify them. To do this, it is necessary to accumulate emotional experience, to repeatedly find yourself in situations that arouse a certain emotion. Without this, management can lead to an inadequate change in their intensity (for example, they wanted to extinguish an emotion, but on the contrary it intensified), it can be completely useless or even cause harm.

Plays an important role in managing emotions imagination. The better it is developed, the more realistic and large-scale images and situations it can create, in which emotions will be the most vivid and intense. You can improve your imagination with imagination training.

Also affects emotion management memory. The better it is developed and the more emotional experience it has, the more vivid memories can be obtained from it. You can improve your memory with memory training.

Because emotions are closely related to by will, then the stronger it is, the easier it is to manage emotions. Therefore, one of the ways to manage emotions is to develop will, perseverance and self-discipline. You can improve them using the Self-Discipline Training method.

When managing emotions, it is important to adhere to the following: principles:

If you are currently experiencing one emotion and want to arouse another, then you must first repay current, passing into a calm state, and only after that excite the necessary one.

It is necessary to consciously manage their external expression: facial expressions, movements of the arms, legs, the body as a whole, its position, gestures, voice... For example, for joy to arise, it is usually enough just to smile. To extinguish anger, you can freeze, sigh and make a normal, calm expression on your face.

For excitement emotions need incentives. They can be obtained through the following channels:

- visual: see the source of emotions (for example, beautiful landscape), imagine it in your imagination, go to certain conditions, situations, watch a film, a picture...;

- auditory: other people’s and your own words, thoughts (inner voice), voice volume, speech rate, music, sounds...;

- kinesthetic: facial expressions, movements and body position, gestures, breathing...

Congruent, the coordinated use of all these channels simultaneously allows you to most quickly excite even the most strong emotion. Moreover, for maximum efficiency, it is recommended to use them in the same sequence: visual (draw a picture in your mind), auditory (add words, music...) and then kinesthetic (make an appropriate facial expression, take a certain pose...)

For example, you can simultaneously imagine or remember a situation in which you experienced joy, turn on joyful music, say “I’m having fun, happy, cool,” and actively dance, then you can experience very strong joy, perhaps even delight.

But if, using all channels, in one of them, for example, kinesthetic, there will be controversial emotion (not congruent), then the general state may not change or even become the opposite of what is desired.

For example, if you want to experience joy, you imagine a picture, listen to music, but your body is very sluggish, your facial expression is sad, mournful or even angry, then negative emotions may arise, not positive ones.

Thus, to arouse a certain emotion, you can recall situation in which it arose in the past. Remember the details of what surrounded you, what actions you performed, what words and sounds you heard, what you felt in your body, what thoughts you had... If there is no experience of experiencing the necessary emotion or it is forgotten, then the emotion cannot be aroused in this way. Then you can consciously create the conditions in which this emotion can arise and gain the missing emotional experience.

Also, to arouse a certain emotion, you can introduce a visual image (picture) of a situation in which this emotion could arise in reality. In the absence of emotional experience, it is difficult to determine in which imaginary situation which emotion will arise. Then you need to accumulate this experience - move to new conditions, participate in new situations that can give new emotions. Having gained such experience, it will be possible to identify the basic elements of conditions and situations that arouse a certain emotion and use them in the imagination.

For example, if in many situations when joy arose, a certain person was present or a certain resource was received, then you can use similar elements in an imaginary situation and the emotion will arise again.

For arousing other people's emotions, you need to make sure that these same channels start working for another person. For example, so that he remembers a situation or imagines it. For this you can use open questions, stories or metaphors that will create a certain image in a person's mind or evoke memories.

For example, for a person to experience joy, you can ask him: “What was your happiest day in your life?” Or you can say: “Do you remember when you first found yourself at sea, do you remember how happy you were then...” Or: “Imagine that you are in the most heavenly place on earth, next to you are the people closest to you... How would you feel then?” Then the person will immediately have images and memories that will evoke emotions.

To repay emotion, you need to move to a calm state using the following methods:
- relax, stop moving, sit or lie down comfortably;
- focus on your breathing, start breathing slower and deeper, hold it for a few seconds after inhaling...;
- change your voice, reduce its volume, speak more slowly, or stop speaking altogether for a short period;
- imagine or remember a situation in which you experience maximum safety, comfort, coziness, warmth.

To extinguish other people's emotions, you can ask to perform these actions (in no case should you be forced, unless, of course, it comes to the point of passion with harmful consequences). For example, you can say in a calm voice: “Calm down, take a deep breath, sit down, drink some water...”. If a person does not want to calm down, then you can try to switch his attention. For example, again, you can tell a story, a metaphor, ask an open question...

To learn to change intensity specific emotion, you can apply the following method:

1. Completely realize this emotion, identify, classify, determine the sensations it causes in the body, what actions it motivates, determine its sources, remember the situations in which it arose, or be in such a situation to vividly experience it. This will require emotional experience.

2. I use scale from 1 to 100%, imagine what this emotion would be like at maximum intensity (100%). Imagine what sensations you would have in your body, what actions you would like to perform, how intensely you would like to act...

3. Define current level of this emotion at the moment on a scale.

4. Moving small steps(5-10%) up this scale, change the intensity of this emotion in the body. To do this, you can simply imagine how the value on the scale increases and its intensity increases. Or you can imagine/remember situations in which this emotion was more intense. It is important that changes are felt in the body, activity changes. If there are difficulties when moving to higher intensity, then you can reduce the step, for example, increase the intensity by 2-3%.

5. Having reached maximum intensity, you need to start decreasing the intensity to 0 using steps of 5-10%. To do this, you can also imagine moving down the scale or imagine/remember situations with less intensity of this emotion.

6. Then you need to reach 100% again, then again to 0%... And continue this process until it works fast change the intensity of an emotion with its actual expression in the body.

7. To consolidate the skill, you can go to certain intensity, for example, by 27%, by 64%, by 81%, by 42%... The main thing is that there is a clear feeling of emotion in the body.

For mood management It’s enough to know their causes and take measures to eliminate them (to get rid of a bad mood) or create them (to make a good mood). Such reasons usually include:

- internal processes and state: sick or healthy, cheerful or drowsy...

For example, having Bad mood, you can find out that you are sick. Then, to improve your mood, it will be enough to take medicine, go to the doctor... and get cured.

- environment : comfort or disorder, noise or silence, clean air or unpleasant odors, nice or annoying people...

For example, if there is chaos and discomfort at the workplace, then there may be a bad mood. Then you can tidy up, make it beautiful and clean.

- relationship: the mood of other people is transmitted to the person.

For example, if you meet a friend and have a pleasant conversation with him, your mood improves. And if you meet a person with an angry expression on his face, who is also rude out of nowhere, then your mood may worsen. Then you can simply stop contacting such a person and chat with someone who is pleasant.

- thoughts and images: By remembering or imagining situations, they arouse corresponding emotions. Therefore, to improve your mood, you can imagine or remember an incident that caused positive emotions.

For example, remember funny incident or a happy moment in your life. Or imagine a trip in a beautiful car that you have long dreamed of. Or, for example, an athlete, thinking before a competition about possible injuries, defeat, etc., will be in a bad mood. Then you can think about victory, reward, etc. to improve your mood.

- desires and goals: when achieving an important goal, the mood can be good, but if there are unresolved problems, it can worsen.

For example, to cheer you up, you can set yourself a goal that you really want to achieve. Or you can solve a long-standing problem that caused discomfort or prevented you from moving towards your desired goal.

Also a significant advantage of managing emotions is success in all areas of life. Indeed, in this case there is absolutely no harm during strong emotional “outbursts” and there is always energy to achieve any goal.

In any case, even if emotions are not used for development and self-realization, they are still necessary for ordinary life to be in good mood, tone, be happy, experience joy even from little things and share your emotions with loved ones.

Develop your emotions and manage them, then your success, your happiness and your self-realization will be inevitable.

How many emotions can our face show?

The physical sensations of people in different emotional states are the same. It has already been confirmed that a person’s racial affiliation and ethnic origins do not affect sensations during the period of experiencing emotions. Experts conducted a survey of more than a thousand respondents living in various countries and localities. The respondents spoke about the feelings that arise during periods of various emotional states. Based on the results of the experiment, it was found that for everyone, love causes warmth throughout the body, while negative emotions, on the contrary, are caused by numbness, blocks and tension in a person, and fear and anxiety are felt as constriction in the chest.

This experiment changed people's opinions about human emotions and confirmed many ancient approaches to how a person relates to himself and the world around him. It was concluded that there is an inverse relationship between brain impulses and sensations - it is the human body that gives a signal to the brain on how to recognize the sensations that arise.

Emotions are a complex wave energy structure that, through the receptivity of the human body, suggests ongoing and expected reactions in the auric field to various surrounding events and changes. Only our mind perceives all these responses individually and differently for each person. There is a conditional division of people into emotional and non-emotional. These sensations and reactions are very different from each other. Usually, emotional people consider themselves not emotional and vice versa. Knowing the mechanics of emotionality and such influence, you can greatly adjust your life in various fields interactions and make decisions for yourself more correctly. But only a specialist can tell you all this based on your individual energy.

Have you ever wondered what sensations in the body cause different emotions? Where is anger or love reflected in the body, for example? How does your body feel when you feel hurt? How does the emotion of disgust respond in the body? Scientists found these questions very interesting and they conducted a study, the purpose of which was to identify areas of the body that are most active at the moment of the occurrence of a particular emotion.

Heat map of emotions

Under activity in in this case This means any bodily sensations: warmth, tingling, itching and others. Please note that “heat maps of emotions” are based on the subjective feelings of the subjects. Real temperature measurements showed nothing. Which in general is not surprising, because emotions arose for a very short time.

About a thousand people took part in the experiment. They were shown various stimuli - mainly videos and pictures, which were supposed to evoke certain emotional sensations and feelings in the subjects. After demonstration of the stimulus, an increase or decrease in activity in different parts of the body was determined.

As a result of the experiment, maps were obtained showing which parts of the body are most active at the moment of experiencing a particular emotion. Subsequently, these maps were called “heat maps of emotions.” This name “stuck” most likely due to the visual similarity. In reality, cold colors, such as black, blue, cyan, mean the least activity, and warm colors: yellow, orange, red - the greatest.

Looking at this map of emotions, the first thing that comes to mind is that the phrase “glows with happiness” is not far from reality! The saying “From love to hate is one step!” also hit the bull's eye. And depression is really an emptiness in the soul... In anger, the hands are as active as possible - perhaps because the object of anger really wants to punch the object in the eye. Amazing, right? It turns out that subconsciously, people, without any experiments, always knew which parts of the body were activated in response to the corresponding emotion. This is exactly the case when our ancestors intuitively knew and, moreover, used this knowledge, and we are only now confirming and realizing all this.

And if you are interested, below is a map of a wave sketch of the manifestation of the energy of emotions; you can compare it with a thermal one.


It is known that any emotion is a complex system of interaction between energy perception and biochemical substances in different organs of the human body. Any emotion is energy, and, according to the law of conservation of energy, it does not disappear anywhere. Therefore, you can suppress the expression of an emotion externally, but you cannot destroy it internally if it is not correct for yourself and others. Its amplitude, of course, subsides over time, but it remains to live in a certain layer deep in a person, being unmanifested, and does not disappear until it is correctly expressed outside. Below is a general diagram of where and how unexpressed and incorrect emotion manifests itself in a person.

For example, when a boss proves to his subordinates that they are stupid and unsuitable for intellectual work, powerful biochemical changes begin in the body of the humiliated, thanks to the sending of negative emotions, and with resistance and suppression - even an order of magnitude higher. The brain, assessing the degree of danger, to save offended person in general, it triggers the protective dopamine energy system. Dopamine is the hormone of joy and comfort, and depletion of its reserves in the near future means severe depression. Thus released into the blood large number adrenaline - the most ancient and simple signaling mechanism, and external “protective” satisfaction occurs, which ultimately slowly “devours” the life potential of the humiliated. Usually the response leads to the need to prove the opposite or do nothing at all - and neither the first nor the second reaction is considered incorrect. The best thing to do in such a situation, and not only at work, is to be neutral, know yourself and your capabilities and not react to an artificial reset or irritant, even if modern world it's not easy either.

In various cases people show extreme activity and excitement or fall into prostration, and in other cases they behave very restrained. Moreover, it is in the second group that adrenaline at this moment exceeds the permissible norm by seven times. If such a person does not “blow off steam” in time or is not given help, then in two or three weeks he will lose immunity, get sick with some kind of disease, and even worse, with the accumulation of emotional pressure, he can get a heart attack or peptic ulcer.

It so happened that right hemisphere The brain is responsible for negative emotions, and the left one is responsible for positive ones - this is based on the number of neurons controlled (for a left-handed person it’s the other way around). That is, when a person is in a bad mood, he needs to activate left hemisphere. To do this, it’s better to start some kind of game like chess, you can solve a crossword puzzle, or it’s better to flirt. But traditionally, the left half of the brain is activated with the help of banal alcohol.

Interestingly, together with dopamine, alcohol stimulates other left-hemisphere centers, in particular the center responsible for talkativeness. So alcoholics live strictly according to the textbook of neurophysiology. By the way, the need to talk can be so great that psychologists have more than once noted cases when two drunk people speaking different languages ​​had meaningful conversations for both of them for hours.

What happens to us when we restrain ourselves, limit the expression of feelings and emotions?

Unbeknownst to us, this leads to the following:

  • There is a loss of vital energy.
  • Neuroses are formed.
  • Immunity is depleted
  • Internal spiritual painful sensations arise.
  • We do not do what is determined for us.
  • We prove unnecessary things.
  • We are protesting inappropriately.
  • We suffer and always make excuses.
  • We don’t receive and don’t give ourselves and our loved ones enough love and tenderness, which we simply don’t know how to express correctly.
  • We get sick and “swallow insults”, instead of fighting back, learning to say “YES” and “NO”.

Blocked energy “circulates” inside our body in search of a way out. The person continues to experience impulses of unexpressed emotions, but fights them. As a result, the body, instead of bringing joy and pleasure, brings pain and suffering, and “earns” psychosomatic diseases.

Emotions, feelings and their derivative, a person’s mood, turn out to be a biochemical reaction of body molecules to an energetic emotional impact. Through research, it was confirmed that “tenderness” in a person lives in the head, and fear in the stomach. By the way, you can “eat up” hatred with delicious food, and “warm up” love with a bar of chocolate - but these are all reverse digestive compensations that are not advisable to use - they only cause hormonal imbalances, which leads to excess weight gain.

Perhaps the list in this post seems too abbreviated. It does not contain many well-known emotions and feelings: rage, melancholy, guilt and others. We are now looking at basic emotions. The rest of the emotions are “hidden” - as if “hidden” and follow from the basic ones. Under any “hidden” emotion there is always a basic one. The basic one is always more authentic and has much more energy than any “hidden” one. Therefore, with all the possible variety of feelings and emotions, it is recommended to always identify the basic emotion in the beginning.

We are afraid to show people our true emotions, andIt can be scary even to admit them to yourself...

We approach the mirror. We look carefully at the facial features that have developed over the years. What emotion are they expressing? Raised eyebrows? Surprised or scared? Or maybe shifted? Out of rage? Are the corners of your mouth downturned? In sadness? Or has the smile been frozen on your lips for years? Do the eyes smile then? Or just lips? Or maybe the eyes are wide open? Scared? Are your lips turned outward? Out of disgust? Or tensely drawn in, turning into a thin line? Out of anger? Are your cheeks puffed out? Like a child who is about to cry? Or is your face drawn and your muscles tense? From pain and suffering? Let's take a closer look...Is this the expression on the face of a person who wants to bare his teeth? Or maybe he'll burst into tears? Let's be attentive to ourselves.

In order to maintain their emotional health, every person should make faces at their reflection in the mirror for at least 3 minutes every day!