Dream interpretation of being behind the wheel of a car. Miller's Dream Book: illnesses and losses are possible. New dream book - car

The car plays an important role in life modern man. Each of us has at least some connection to it.

The make of a car in a dream, depending on how you feel about it, determines your position at the moment.

If in life you are used to driving a Mercedes, and you have a dream that there is another car in your garage (say, a Muscovite), then the dream foretells you financial difficulties, big changes in life for the worse.

In this case, it will be a good sign if in a dream you see yourself in your car again, because this will mean that you will easily cope with difficulties and your life will get better again.

If in a dream you left your car somewhere and cannot find it, then real life you will have difficulties at work and in the family, the cause of which may be your frivolous behavior.

If your car was taken away from you in a dream, then the dream foretells you that you will soon be out of work. Other people will use your ideas and make a lot of money from them while you drag out a miserable existence.

If in a dream you saw that you have another car - beautiful, new and expensive, then in life you will have a strengthened position in society, new acquaintances, exciting trips around distant countries, well-being and happiness.

However, if this car breaks down for you, then unforeseen circumstances will interfere with your well-being. See interpretation: break.

Damage to the body of your car will mean that your business will be upset. If this damaged car is white, then your joy will be overshadowed by scandals, troubles, unpaid debts and problems with banks.

If it is completely new, but black in color and with damage to the body in the rear, then soon you will have to bury one of your close relatives.

The news of the death of a relative will take you by surprise, although he will die after a long illness. You will go through a difficult time.

See interpretation: color.

If a new, but already damaged car is parked near your friends’ house, the dream foretells that you will receive bad news from your friends, who will most likely expect real support and help from you.

A dream in which you are driving a car and see a red light flashing on the dashboard warns you of danger and monetary losses that may be associated with the road or the car.

See interpretation: light.

If in a dream you see that one of the windows in your car is open, then beware of theft. Many obstacles await you on the way to realizing your plans if you suddenly see in a dream that the windows in your car are broken.

To dream that one of your close friends or relatives is deliberately damaging your car, then no matter how your relationship with him develops in the future, his help to you will turn out to be a disservice and, as a result, will become the cause of your quarrel with loved ones, which will subsequently cause you will lead to a complete break with them.

If in a dream you see strangers crashing your car, then the attackers are plotting against you.

The speed of driving, the quality of the road and the duration of the trip in a dream mean the components of your success.

Driving a car fast on a dangerous and slippery road, if everything ends well, portends you success in a risky business.

If the traffic police wanted to detain you, but they failed, then you will successfully avoid danger in a difficult and risky undertaking.

See interpretation: speed, police.

If in a dream you see that your car easily overcomes a difficult section of the road, then in real life you will successfully cope with troubles and difficulties.

It is especially good to see in a dream that, having passed a dangerous area, you have safely reached a wide and flat road. If at that moment it was light outside and the weather was clear, then you will miraculously be able to get out of difficult situation, in which you find yourself, and your business will go uphill.

If in a dream you turn off high road small and narrow, then unpleasant changes will occur in your life, for which you will only blame yourself.

See interpretation: road, ice.

Driving in a circle in a car in a dream is a sign that your business will stall, you will lose heart and become confused.

Usually, how you behave in a dream will determine how your circumstances will turn out in reality. Therefore, try to get out of the circle in your dream, and with minimal risk for yourself and for the car.

A dream in which you are driving with friends in their car, look out the window and see beautiful scenic paintings, means that you will be closely associated with these people for work that will prove beneficial to everyone. You will also spend a lot of free time with these friends, which will bring you great joy and pleasure.

If your car has a flat tire and you cannot drive further, then obstacles and troubles await you in the business you are currently engaged in.

If you repaired or changed a tire in a dream, then your enterprise will be successfully completed and you will receive a good income.

To suddenly slow down in a dream is a sign of obstacles and troubles that you will accidentally encounter in your work. If you managed to brake in time, then you will be able to avoid the danger hanging over you.

If you pressed on the brake with all your might, but the car did not listen to you, then the dream foreshadows a sharp change in all your affairs due to circumstances that do not depend on you. On the contrary, you find yourself highly dependent on other people, and the dream warns you that you need to think carefully about your future now, before it’s too late.

Try to give up a frivolous lifestyle and extravagant habits that can ruin you.

If you put the car in reverse, then in life you will suddenly change your mind and give up your idea.

A dream in which you want to drive forward, but the car suddenly starts going backwards, means that soon your affairs will change for the worse and fortune will change you, no matter what you do.

Getting into an accident on the road in a dream and not getting hurt is a sign that you, as they say, were simply born in a shirt and you will be able to successfully avoid the danger that threatens you.

See interpretation: accident.

If in a dream you drive a car easily and quickly, then your plans will be successfully realized.

A dream in which you were driving a car and hit a bird means that you will receive unpleasant news that will greatly upset you.

If you crushed an animal, then you need to pay attention to which animal you crushed (by name).

If after the attack you are left with an unpleasant feeling, then victory over the enemy will not bring you joy, and if you are scared, then troubles, grief and great trouble await you.

If you dream that someone has crushed a large red dog and blood is splattered all around, then some time will pass and a person close to you, perhaps a husband or a very close friend, will become the victim of a ridiculous accident and die.

The news of his death will shock you. The dream predicts you a long illness, suffering and tears.

See interpretation: animals, dog.

If in a dream you stopped at a red traffic light, then obstacles will arise in your business that will be difficult to overcome due to bureaucratic obstacles or bad laws.

If you drove through a red light without stopping, and were not detained by traffic police, then you will succeed in a risky business and you will be able to successfully avoid danger.

Stopping in a dream at a green traffic light is a sign of your stubbornness and intractability, because of which you are constantly marking time and cannot complete anything.

To dream that someone broke off the steering wheel of your car means that you are completely at a loss and do not know what to do because of mistakes made by other people.

However, if in a dream you know how to fix it, or fix it, then fate will favor you and you will successfully get out of a difficult situation.

A dream in which you see that your car is all dirty and ask your relatives to get out of it because you are going to clean the car, foretells that you will sell your car soon.

Driving a car, breaking the rules, is a harbinger that you will play unfairly with your partners or relatives.

Driving in oncoming traffic is a bad omen, meaning that an insult or insult will force you to commit a vile and dishonest act, and your family or partners will have a hard time.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Car, machine

Luck in current affairs, success in all endeavors and lucrative offers.

Getting out of the car - the results of your efforts may soon result in a result that will satisfy you.

Avoid a car accident - you will prevail over your opponents.

Buying a car in a dream means a high and strong position in society awaits you.

Driving a car - your plans will come true in the near future.

Being a passenger in a car - you will receive support influential person, which they were counting on.

Imagine that a car is driving onto a wide, flat road. Traveling in a car gives you pleasure. Your loved one is sitting next to you.

Car accident - scandals, quarrels, collapse of hopes.

You are the cause of the accident - the cause of troubles in your life - excessive self-confidence and unreasonable independence.

You were hit by a car - expect trouble at work.

During an accident, passengers were thrown to the side of the road - conflicts and quarrels will lead to a sharp break in relations with business partners or a loved one.

The brakes failed - you let things take their course, which led to a loss of control in managing circumstances.

Imagine that after the accident no one was injured. Your car is insured: you know that all losses will be returned to you.

Nevertheless, the dream suggests that you should analyze your behavior, especially if it is associated with excessive self-confidence and disregard for the opinions of others.

Losing a car means shocks await you that will dramatically change your life.

Selling a car means hopes for changes in life will not come true.

The car has broken down or is being repaired - complications on the way to family well-being.

If your car is stolen, your plans on which your future depends will be thwarted.

Searching for a missing car means disappointment in love is inevitable.

Imagine that instead of a lost car you bought a new luxury car.

Look at it and smell the new interior. Get into it and take a ride along a flat, wide road. All thoughts about breakdowns and losses remain far in the past.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you drive a car in a dream, this foretells that perhaps in the near future you will be condemned due to external extravagance, and very unfairly. You will have to take actions, even if they always seemed unworthy.

Why do you dream about driving a car - if it public transport, means that in reality you will have to do a job that is not good and not very pleasant, despite the fact that there will be no chance of advancement. If a man dreams of driving, such a dream means that in relation to the opposite sex he will try to quickly fulfill his desires. In general, driving a car in a dream is an indicator of determination and good self-confidence. When in a dream a car is driving in reverse, you should think about the fact that, most likely, in life you are “backing back.”

To see driving a car in a dream is a sign spiritual development. The movement of a car indicates that in real life there is continuous movement. But, you need to remember exactly how fast the car was traveling. If the speed was high, then the leap forward was very sharp, and if the speed was low, it was a sign of slow development.

Driving along a winding road in a dream means many obstacles will arise on the way to your goals and dreams. Also, driving a car can be compared with intimate life. You need to think about what kind of car is best suited, what kind of feeling behind the wheel when driving, what kind of road attracts. Driving a car and seeing that it is going in the wrong direction means that in reality there will be a loss of control over difficult situation, there is a feeling that you are not doing what is necessary, and in the wrong place where you need it. If in a dream you can’t clearly see the road along which the car is driving, it means you should think carefully about your goals in life and set them. Driving a car in a dream and knowing that it was stolen means in reality there is a feeling of lack of independence, you want to have more control over your life.

Why do you dream of driving a car? If a person you know is driving a car, then this may mean that somewhere deep down there is a feeling that the person driving the car is somehow controlling your life. If you dream that you are driving your car, then this portends changes for the better and the arrival of the designated goal or the opportunity to escape from an unwanted situation. If you're driving stranger, this may mean that the situation that recently developed is controlled by another person, and this creates misunderstandings and discomfort.

A car is a symbol of activity and movement. You usually dream about a car because it is the most comfortable transport. In this case, it is better to examine the rest of the content of the dream. Cars can appear in dreams different forms- a road accident, traveling in a car as a passenger, purchasing a car or even driving.

Be careful that even if you dreamed bad dream, this does not mean that the same thing will happen in life. Driving a car in your sleep is a common occurrence. It may cause mixed feelings. But in any case, there is no need to be upset or happy; there is not much chance that the same thing will happen in life as in a dream.

Dream Interpretation Driving

Why do you dream about Driving in a dream according to the dream book?

The dream book interprets driving as a reflection of how much a person can manage his own affairs.

If you dreamed that another person was driving the car - most likely, he will show participation in your real life.

Dream Interpretation: driving a car - what's that for? I dreamed that I was driving a car confidently: what could this portend?

Some dreams may seem strange to people, but at the same time they have a rather deep meaning. “If I dreamed that I was driving a car, does this mean that I will buy it in real life? What could be the implications of such a vision? - people are often interested.

“I had a vision that I was driving a car, what’s the point? How favorable is it?” — dream interpretation specialists have to hear these and other questions all the time.

Driving a car in a dream means striving for power in reality. Perhaps the sleeper himself does not realize that he is trying to keep everything under constant control. For a businessman, such a dream portends good luck in business. Most likely, the new project will be successful and bring good profits.

If someone else drives a car in a dream, it means that the sleeper will fall under the influence of strangers. He will not be able to become a leader in the team.

When such a vision comes to a man on the eve of the wedding, it can be considered symbolic. Such a dream predicts that in family life the woman will be in charge. She will have influence on her husband. If a young man does not accept this format of relationship, he should think about whether this wedding is really necessary, or whether he should reconsider his position.

If you fail to control a car in a dream, you will lose control over your actions in reality. Most likely, the dreamer will commit an action for which he will subsequently be very ashamed. But making amends to others will not be so easy.

The make of the car seen in a dream is also of great importance. If a sleeping person watches himself driving a very expensive car, in reality he will experience financial well-being and success in business. Perhaps on his way he will meet people who will provide him with some support, thanks to which things will go uphill.

Seeing yourself driving an old car in a dream means suffering financial ruin in real life. Such visions are usually a harbinger of poverty.

If a car breaks down in a dream, this is not a very good sign. Most likely, certain difficulties will arise along the person’s path. It will be difficult to overcome them. To dream of someone pushing a car, trying to start it, means in real life to get help from family and friends. This support will be much needed, but very unexpected.

Repainting a car in a dream means in reality trying to hide certain facts of your biography from others. The dreamer will most likely try to look better than he really is in the eyes of his friends.

If a person sells a car in a dream, serious financial problems await him in reality. Buying a car means major acquisitions.

Driving a car in a dream and getting into an accident in it means that in real life you will encounter serious obstacles. Most likely, a person will not be able to implement his plans for a long time.

To see in a dream how someone else is sitting behind the wheel of a sleeping car, in reality you will trust a stranger. This new acquaintance will have a certain influence on the dreamer, but his intentions cannot be called sincere.

The color of the car is also important. Seeing a red, yellow or white car passing by in a dream means experiencing joy in real life. A black car, on the contrary, is considered a symbol of sadness, despondency, and inner experiences.

If in his night vision a person tries to repair a car on his own, in real life he will have to solve all the problems himself.

Driving a car in a dream means taking power into your own hands in reality. But a dream cannot be called prophetic if in real life a person thinks a lot about a car or wants to buy it. For a woman, driving a car in a dream and at the same time seeing a man sitting next to her means being the leader in a relationship. Perhaps her partner or even her husband will be morally much weaker than the dreamer.

Why do you dream of driving a car?

To see driving a car in a dream foretells that perhaps in the near future there will be condemnation due to external extravagance, and unfairly. You will have to take actions, even if they always seemed unworthy.

Why dream of driving a car if it is public transport - this may mean that in reality you will have to do a bad and not entirely pleasant job, despite the fact that there will be no chance of advancement. If a man dreams of driving, such a dream means that in relation to the opposite sex he will try to fulfill his desires faster. In general, driving a car in a dream is an indicator of determination and good self-confidence. When in a dream she drives in reverse, you should think about the fact that, most likely, in life everything goes in the opposite direction.

A car is a symbol of activity and movement. I usually dream about it because it is the most comfortable transport. In this case, it is better to examine the rest of the content of the dream. Cars can appear in dreams in different forms - a road accident, traveling in a car as a passenger, purchasing or even driving.

If a person you know is driving a car, this may mean that he somehow controls the dreamer’s life. If a stranger is driving, it means that someone is trying to gain power over the dreamer. Such dreams indicate that an excellent opportunity will appear to carry out plans, but you will have to abandon it, moreover, due to a bad situation. At the moment of greatest vulnerability, others will greatly influence life and give advice that can harm.

Driving a car and seeing that it is going in the wrong direction means that in reality there will be a loss of control over a difficult situation. Driving along a winding road in a dream means that many obstacles will arise on the way to achieving your goals. If in a dream the road along which a car is traveling is difficult to see, it means that you should think carefully about your goals in life, and perhaps you need to abandon them. Driving a stolen car in a dream means in reality there is a feeling of dependence on other people that needs to be gotten rid of.

Driving a car in a dream is a sign of spiritual development. The movement of the car in this case indicates that in real life there is continuous movement. But, you need to remember at what speed the car was traveling. If the speed was high, then the leap forward will be sharp, and if the speed was low, it is a sign of slow development.

You need to be careful if you had a bad dream, but this does not mean that the same thing will happen in life. Driving a car in a dream is a common occurrence. It may cause mixed feelings. But in any case, there is no need to be upset or happy - after all, this is just a dream and it is not a fact that it will come true in reality.

Dream Interpretation Car

If you dreamed of a Car or you happened to Drive a Car in a dream, Dream Interpretations advise you to carefully analyze what you saw. So, if you had to Drive a Car Fast in a dream, it means in reality you are in too much of a hurry to accomplish something or have chosen too high a pace of life. Generally appearance, The driving speed and integrity of the Car seen in a dream will help you make the nearest forecast - what kind of events await you in real life.

Driving a car in a dream, Driving a car in a dream- systematic and independent movement along the path of life.

A dream in which you yourself drive the Car testifies that in reality you are a very active and purposeful person. In this dream you can find tips and guidelines for action. To do this, it is enough to remember the appearance of the Machine, its serviceability, integrity and driving speed.

Driving fast in a dream- the pace of life is too high.

The brakes in the car failed, I dreamed of a car without brakes- you are not standing firmly on your feet; the situation will be out of your control.

Driving a Car at too high a speed in a dream warns you that in reality you have chosen too high a pace of life or are in too much of a hurry to implement your plans. A car without brakes in a dream is also an alarming signal, which should become a hint for you. Probably, in real life, you have lost control of the situation or cannot pause the process you started.

Buy a car in a dream, Dreamed of a new expensive car— a new successful project; otherwise, dreams of a new car.

First of all, dreams of this kind are evidence of your passionate desire to have a new expensive car. In a symbolic interpretation, the Machine is a new project, which will take a lot of your time and effort, but at the same time will bring good dividends.

I dreamed about a car and an accident- scandal, loud showdown; danger to life.

In some cases, such dreams actually warn of an Accident that threatens you in real life. However, another kind of trouble can become an “accident” on your life path. For example, a Quarrel, a Scandal or a break in relationships with loved ones (with someone dear to you).

I dreamed of a car without a driver- you will lose control of the situation.

It is likely that What you have been working toward for so long will get out of your control, or in the future it will be very difficult for you to control the course of events destined for you in reality.

I dreamed of a car without wheels or without a steering wheel- hindrances and obstacles on the path of life.

Dream warning. Now is not the best time for active actions and important matters. The means to implement your plans requires “repair” - once again analyze in detail your future life path.

Dreamed of a broken car, Your car was broken in a dream- machinations of enemies or competitors.

I dreamed that your car was stolen or stolen, Your car was robbed in a dream- losses due to the fault of competitors.

The car that was present in your dream symbolizes the way and means for implementing your plans. If your Car was smashed or your Car was stolen in a dream, it means that in reality someone will put a spoke in your wheels, or they will want to use your idea for their own purposes. However, the Dream should be considered empty if in reality you are extremely concerned about the condition of your Car. This kind of plot (Theft or Damage to a Car) could appear in a dream due to your excessive worries and worries.

I dreamed of a car in the water, The car is drowning in a dream- danger, emergency.

After what you saw, you should abandon any kind of active activities and planned trips. Now in reality you have a high risk of getting hurt while driving.

I dreamed that the car was on fire, the engine oil caught fire in a dream- obstacles due to fault strong emotions and passions.

A fire in a dream is a warning that in reality your feelings and emotions may get out of control. You are probably now having great difficulty restraining yourself and are close to throwing out your knee-jerk negativity and anger.

I dreamed about a time machine in a dream- a tendency to avoid problems and fantasize.

If you honestly answer yourself that you are not an inventor and it is unlikely that the Time Machine seen in a dream will become a prototype of a real time machine that you will be able to make in real life, the dream can be considered another proof - you tend to dream too much, fantasize and try find non-standard (and hardly feasible) ways to solve existing problems.

I dreamed that you were hit by a car, Almost hit by a car, Get hit by a car in a dream- you will suffer due to the fault of someone else’s active activity.

The car you saw in your dream was driven by another person. Probably, in reality you have become an obstacle on his path, or in the near future your interests will intersect directly and indirectly.

Car won't start in a dream- temporary stops and difficulties.

Probably, in reality you have a clear goal and even a means to realize your plans. However, the Dream warns that now is not the best moment for active business, since an unexpected failure may occur in the chosen method of carrying out your plans.

Jump out of a car in a dream- voluntary refusal of what was planned.

Falling out of a car in a dream- an unpleasant accident or annoying hindrance.

If you voluntarily left the Car while Driving, then in reality you are subconsciously, for some reason, ready to give up what you started halfway, you don’t see the point in continuing to move in the given direction. And an alarm signal if you fell out of the car due to someone else's fault. This is a sign that in reality the successful implementation of what you have planned may be hindered by the active machinations of enemies and competitors.

I dreamed about cars, Many cars in a dream— strength, dynamics; search priority direction in life.

Sleep active and purposeful person, Who is still finding it difficult to choose the final path in life.

Getting into a car in a dream, Sitting in a car- choice of life direction; otherwise - a passive life path.

If in a dream you chose a Car and got into it (behind the wheel), then you have finally decided on the way to realize your intended goal. This is a favorable dream in all respects. And a different forecast is relevant if you got into a car, but not behind the wheel. This means that in reality you tend to shift responsibility to others; you are an inert and driven person.

Don't lock the car in a dream- troubles due to one’s own carelessness; otherwise - excessive concern about your car.

In a symbolic interpretation, this dream gives a hint - you should be a more careful and attentive person in reality, otherwise serious trouble awaits you. However, the Dream can be considered “empty” for those who in reality are extremely concerned about their Car. You worry about him so much that naturally this image crept into your night visions.

I dreamed about a car number in a dream- a hint, a sign or a prediction.

It is recommended to accurately remember the Car Number Seen in a dream. Often similar visions are a hint about events destined for you in reality. Perhaps you will soon have events related in one way or another to the Numbers Seen in a Dream.

I dreamed about a sports car in a dream— swiftness, impetuosity and dynamics.

I dreamed of a police car in a dream— meeting with an official; forced stops or obstacles.

If you have seen a Car that belongs to one or another official, events will probably await you in reality, one way or another connected with regulatory, higher authorities. It is generally accepted that dreams of this kind appear in people who feel remorse for some unseemly actions. However, the Dream should be considered empty if it appeared as a result of real communication with one or another official in real life.

I dreamed of a white car- new beginning; purity of thoughts and ideas.

I dreamed of a red car- passion, danger.

I dreamed of a yellow car- calmness and prudence on the path of life.

I dreamed of a black car- troubles, misfortunes and interference.

The color of the Car you saw in your dream will tell you what kind of events await you in real life. However, you probably shouldn’t be guided by this forecast, since the color of the Car in a dream is most likely dictated either by your personal preferences and preferences, or this image arose in you under the impression of events last days(the image of a Car of one or another Color was deposited in the subconscious).

Why do you dream about driving a car? often dreams, help me understand the dream. In real life I can't drive



the way you drive a car is how you go through life in the real world, if you’re driving by yourself, then you choose the path for yourself... if you’re parked, it’s some kind of stop in life... Watch your sensations, in a dream they are a barometer of how you cope with life situations,


Buy a car...

Sergey Rychkov

This means you have a character prone to adventurism (not necessarily in a bad context). A car in a dream is a situation - an adventure. Just think about it))) And if they couldn’t do it before, now things are better.


A car is good, I’m not young anymore, but in my dreams I ride a bicycle through everything. The fact is that the car in your dreams symbolizes your destiny; you control it, but for some reason you do not skillfully. And today I had a lucky dream... although I’m not an astrologer, I understand a little, and I’ve tested it on myself, for sure your search for something will be successfully resolved very soon, successful parking in a dream is terribly good! Calm down and get ready to embrace your luck!

/Elena /

Controlling your destiny, making decisions


The dreams are different in terms of plot, but they have one thing in common: you control your own life

What does it mean to drive a car in a dream?



They show you future real events... This happened to me too, and it means that soon you will be able to drive a car in reality!

mila aidinova

lack of extreme sports

Flower in the snow

auto avtandil



According to Freud, this means experiencing sexual arousal.


desire for something...

Veronica Cernucci

You can dream about a car only because it is the most convenient means of transportation. In this case, the emphasis in interpretation should be shifted to the rest of the dream content. However, if the car is clearly one of the central elements, then this image deserves close attention. Cars can appear in your dreams in a variety of contexts—an accident, being a passenger in a car, buying a car, or driving one. If you drive the car yourself, pay attention to the passengers: these are people towards whom you feel a special sense of responsibility. Moreover, these can be characters from different areas of your life. It is important how you are connected to them and where you are going - to one destination or to different ones.


... this is moving towards a certain goal or avoiding an undesirable situation.

Drunk driving

Dream Interpretation: Driving drunk dreamed of why you dream about driving drunk? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Driving a car in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - if you dream that you are drunk, then you will be sick or worry about something. To get drunk is to get sick. “being drunk as you dream is a bad omen, you can get sick. Being drunk is dangerous. If you dream about a drunk man, it is a deception.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - To be on your own - to illness due to negligence: a cold, injury, contagious disease. Seeing a stranger drunk is an unpleasant meeting, a forced presence at a celebration. Too many drunk people are an epidemic. You run the risk of getting sick because you are influenced by group karma. A drunk acquaintance means illness or grief in this person.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dreaming about drunk people or being intoxicated in a dream indicates to you that because of your frivolity and gullibility, you can get into trouble. They can take advantage of you and then laugh at you. Such a dream is good only for those people who have something to fear, as it promises them a successful outcome of a dangerous undertaking. If you dream that you are drunk from some sweet drink, then you should be wary of the patronage of some noble person who wants to use you for his own purposes and will stop at nothing for this. Such a dream predicts that, by succumbing to temptations, you may get into an unpleasant situation and your reputation may suffer greatly. A dream in which you saw that you were drunk and your heart was pounding wildly foreshadows you that you may lose your acquired wealth due to the betrayal of your business partners. See interpretation: heart. If in a dream you are drunk from plain water, then you should not be too enthusiastic about praising other people’s wealth and boasting about opportunities that you actually don’t have. If you do not follow the warning that follows from this dream, you may regret it in the future. Perhaps your friends will turn away from you when they learn that your words are empty chatter. See interpretation: water. If in a dream you see that you were drunk and vomited, then your well-being may be violated by some officials who may demand an explanation from you about the origin of your wealth and may confiscate it. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will lose money acquired through fraud or gained as a result of some winnings. Meeting a drunk in a dream is a sign of anxiety, a harbinger of great experiences. Meeting a binge drunk in a dream or being one means that you are extremely dissatisfied with your situation. See interpretation: drink, thirst.

Dream Interpretation - Car

Dream Interpretation - Car

Dream Interpretation - Machine (mechanism)

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

A dream in which you see yourself drunk is unfavorable. It is a sign that you will soon fall into recklessness. By going to all the trouble, you will lose your good name, destroy peace and happiness in the family. If a woman dreams of a drunk man, it means that her future husband will be a man of uncontrollable, unbridled passions, which will cause her a lot of grief.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - to be nervous, to be drunk yourself - to make excuses, to humiliate yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Seeing someone is good // you will hear about his illness or death, illness, deception; to be drunk - recovery (for a sick person), increase in wealth, good news // bad initiative, you will get into trouble, danger, shame, loss, illness, loss, poverty; husband is drunk - quarrel; drinking fun - guests.

Driving a car in a dream

Dream Interpretation Driving a car in a dream dreamed of why you dream about driving a car in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Driving a car in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Car

A dream in which you see some kind of machines means a measured life, into which something will suddenly burst in that will require you to exert all your physical and spiritual strength. Seeing a car standing idle means that your peers will succeed in life more than you. Putting the machine into operation portends incredible difficulties for you when organizing a new business, when your faithful friends will rush to your aid. A machine operating with a roar, clanging or rattling is a sign of great anxiety that will shake your home foundations to the core and force you to change something in them. Repairing a broken car in a dream predicts losses from transactions with unscrupulous partners and others. monetary losses. Seeing the flywheel of any car, be it the largest or the smallest, is a sign of confident movement forward towards the intended goal, despite any opposition from ill-wishers. Seeing a steam engine in a dream means looking at the very real possibility of gaining wealth. The washing machine portends minor changes under significant circumstances. A sewing machine is a sign of the rapid development of a new business, which will immediately recoup the funds invested in it. Seeing a typewriter in a dream means that in reality you will settle a dispute or quarrel between quarreling friends; working on a typewriter means receiving a small amount for a large amount of work. A watering and harvesting machine seen in a dream indicates that you will rush to the rescue of a friend in trouble; driving such a car means impending danger. A fire truck rushing to the scene of a disaster with the lights on and a blaring siren - in reality, congratulate your friend on great luck, to which you yourself contributed a lot. Seeing a fire truck engulfed in flames means an incidental event will happen to you, which everyone you tell about it will refuse to believe. Driving in a dream in a convertible-type car, that is, an expensive passenger car with a convertible top, is a harbinger of good luck and the acquisition of wealth. Seeing a car parked in a garage in a dream is a sign of good news.

Dream Interpretation - Car

A car or truck in a dream: symbolizes personal capabilities in carrying out private affairs. Its condition shows what your chances of success are. Steam engine: portends your participation in a process that will be accompanied by emotional intensity and require a lot of stress. A broken car: a sign of an unexpected stop in business and discord with partners. Seeing that the gears of a working machine threaten to pull you inside the mechanism is a warning that you should not get involved in any business, otherwise the consequences may be irreparable. Driving a car (being behind the wheel) is the general course of personal life, independent of external circumstances; Cars with sirens, signal cars (ambulance, fire truck) - severe anxiety, restlessness of the sleeper, more often than not, unfounded and associated with one’s own outbursts of emotions, passions for various reasons. Much less often such dreams report a real misfortune, an accident.

Dream Interpretation - Machine (mechanism)

Seeing cars in a dream foretells that you will undertake a project that will cause you great anxiety, but in the end it will be useful to you. Seeing an old car is a sign that your enemies will surpass you in your efforts to ensure their well-being. Being pulled into a working machine is a harbinger of business losses and the beginning of a series of near misfortunes. This dream generally foreshadows losses from unsuccessful transactions. In general, seeing a working mechanism in a dream promises you serious difficulties in many endeavors, and at the same time promises the support of friends. A broken car portends the loss of friends. If you dream of a fire truck, this promises you anxiety and worry associated with an emergency. If a young lady is racing in a fire truck in a dream, she should be careful in order to avoid participating in an unpleasant business.

Dream Interpretation - Car

If you saw a car in a dream, then you will take on a project that will cause you a lot of anxiety, but in the end it will be fruitful for you. An old car is a sign that your enemies will be able to ensure their well-being faster than you. If in a dream you find yourself pulled into a running machine, get ready for business losses and a series of other troubles. In general, any working mechanism dreams of serious difficulties in many endeavors, but at the same time promises the support of friends. A broken car portends the loss of friends. A fire truck promises some kind of emergency or unpleasant matter.

Dream Interpretation - Car

Seeing cars in a dream means taking part in useful activities or succeeding in the field of production (in a plant, factory, etc.). Observing working mechanisms means doing a difficult task, going through difficulties, but also getting the support of friends. Broken, old cars and mechanisms are a symbol of loss and failure, the loss of partners. Being pulled into some kind of working machine means misfortunes and losses in business. If you cannot understand the operation of some mechanism in a dream, in reality the business you have started will get out of control. A fire truck dreams of an extreme situation.

Dream Interpretation - Car

Seeing an ambulance is a call for caution - an accident may happen to you. Driving in an ambulance yourself means you have made a serious mistake. Remember your actions in Lately and see if you can realize and correct your mistake. The car is another symbol of spiritual development. Ambulance - you can go to the hospital, watch your health. If you are driving an ambulance - somewhere you made a mistake, think about your actions over the past week.

Dream Interpretation - Car (car)

It is a mechanical means of transportation, but, unlike a train, tram or bus, the car is driven by the person himself, or his friend or relative, so this image is associated with a functional action that brings pleasure. In-se associates it with the body or with the immediate environment, thereby indicating its attitude to the behavior of the logical-historical “I”. Therefore, different models of machines and different ways of using them indicate different patterns of behavior of the Self. If the subject does not drive the car himself, then this indicates the dominance of positive or negative influence

Dream Interpretation - Car

If you dream that you are driving a car, in reality you will undertake a rather hectic, but very useful task, which will be resolved with successful outcome. If you dreamed that your car broke down, it is possible that you will lose true friends, or you will encounter obstacles that, having accepted correct solution, you can overcome. If the car is going in reverse, think about the fact that perhaps in life you are “backing away”. Analyze what is stopping you from moving forward.

Dream Interpretation - Cars

In a dream, examining some machines or mechanisms with interest is a sign of prosperous business: trade, production, finance. Success will be driven by growing customer demands. Thanks to a successful situation, you will quickly become rich and will be highly respected by others. For a woman who sees her future husband among mechanisms and machines in a dream, this dream suggests that her lover will always be hardworking and, although he is not rich now, will definitely become rich in the end thanks to his perseverance and organization.

Dream Interpretation - Car

robot, automaton (in the sense of dull repetition). a soulless cold machine (cynicism), a complex mechanism (aspect of complexity), “perpetual motion machine,” “not a person, but a machine” (in the sense of inexhaustible energy). "sex machine" “Mechanically” stupidly, habitually, mechanically repeatable.

Most modern people have dreams related to cars. Why do you dream of driving a car in a dream? As almost any dream book will tell you, driving a car in a dream while driving means striving for something new, wanting adventure, feeling routine or boredom. If you dreamed of driving in a dream, the interpretation is most often related to work. You feel confident and perform your duties competently and efficiently. At work, everything is known and familiar to you. At the same time, dreaming about driving a car may mean that you would like changes, career growth or developing your own business.

Why dream of driving a car - dream books say that most often such a dream reflects your desire for life changes.

In order for the interpretation of a dream to be most informative, you need to remember all its nuances and features. There are no accidents in such dreams. Dream books unanimously indicate the importance of details. For example, you definitely need to pay attention to the color of the car. Try to remember in detail the road you are driving on. You can also learn a lot of interesting things from who is accompanying you, and even what seat you were in in the dream - driver or passenger. So, let's begin to study and interpret the most common situations.

You drove a car, were a driver in a dream

Why do you dream of driving a car? As almost any dream book will tell you, driving a car is a favorable omen and foretells imminent positive changes in your life. This applies to both work and family life. Most often, the dream book indicates the area that is most interesting to you now. For example, now your main priority is relationships at work.

The dream book suggests: often driving a car in a dream corresponds to leading people in reality. How well you manage a machine, is how well you manage to manage a team or subordinate in reality. Driving pleasure always indicates the right direction in life. Everything is in your hands and you know it and use it to the maximum.

If you were driving a car as a passenger

We continue to study the dream book; driving a car as a passenger means that at the moment in your life there is no feeling of being able to control what is happening. Subconsciously, you feel a loss of control when others control your life. A person goes with the flow, obeying the decisions of other people or a combination of circumstances. Riding as a passenger in a car in a dream indicates this circumstance; if you hear the signs in time, you can dramatically change the situation.

If you know a person, then in the near future the change in your life will depend on his decision. It is worth taking a closer look at the actions of the person in the dream and trying to use the prediction to increase your benefit.

If a stranger is driving, but you feel gratitude and calm towards him, then in the near future, due to reasons beyond your control, a long-standing problem will be solved in an incredible way. can personify a specific person whom you will meet in the future, or a group of people. Try to clearly remember what it looked like; it is from the description that you will understand how it will affect your future life in speed.

Often we see dreams in which there is no driver, and we are in the passenger seat. The car moves as if by itself. This is a warning dream! You urgently need to analyze the direction in which you are moving in life. Perhaps you are at the mercy of uncontrollable emotions that dominate your mind and control your actions. Or, on the contrary, the feeling of “sailing in a boat without oars” along the river of life has long suppressed the desire to take control of your life into your own hands. By using similar dream the subconscious gives a sharp impetus and strength to a favorable change in the current situation.

Where exactly were you going in your dream?

  • Why dream of driving to work in a car - this means the opportunity to get a new project or task that you were secretly hoping for. The speed and emotions of the trip will tell you whether you should agree, how quickly and how successfully you will be able to cope with your responsibilities
  • Riding in a car in a dream foretells spending. In general, this concerns not only money, but also time or effort. Take a closer look at who is accompanying you. You may have to improve this person's life using your resources.
  • If you dreamed of driving a car to visit someone, this is often interpreted as a harbinger of imminent changes. Here you need to understand whether they are good or not. The conclusion can be drawn about the well-being of the people you are going to. If people are strangers to you, wait for happy accidents or coincidences, and do not miss your luck.
  • A dream about driving in a car in which you decided to go on vacation promises a quick break from your accumulated affairs. You can gain strength positive emotions, look at the situation with cool head as if from the outside. There will be an opportunity to have a good time, work matters will not occupy your head, and your mood will improve.

Remember which road you were driving on?

Driving a car on a good road means quickly and successfully achieving your goals.

  • A trip along a city highway promises a quick and favorable career advancement. All matters will be resolved without a hitch. On your development path you will meet many people who want to help you. You put a lot of effort into achieving what you want, make a clear plan and act without doubt or cowardice.
  • As the dream book says, driving along a road outside the city can be interpreted as working with unexpectedly emerging conditions. Money will flow unevenly, and drastic changes in life await you.
  • The more bumps and dirt there are on the road, the more obstacles await you. If you are going home, then obstacles will appear in your family life, you will have to pay more attention to your household and their needs.
  • Driving off-road means the absence of a life plan, the desire to act ahead without assessing the situation. You strive to achieve what you want without paying attention to the needs of others. Advice from colleagues or friends simply falls on deaf ears. If, then one-time luck awaits you. A creative approach to business will help you get out of a seemingly hopeless situation.

Remember who accompanied you on your trip

  • Driving alone in a dream often foreshadows a situation in which your loved ones will not understand you or will not support you. Your endeavors may be perceived negatively. For some time you will be accompanied by a feeling of loneliness. Most people will unfairly turn away from you.
  • Traveling with the loved one you are dating now means trying to shift responsibility for the current state of your life onto him. The dream tells about your desire for him to take more care of you, surround you with attention and love. If you don’t know a young man, but in a dream he is your loved one, then in the near future you will have the opportunity to meet the man foreshadowed by fate. The appearance of a stranger symbolizes your readiness for a new relationship.
  • Riding in a car with your child speaks of the desire to be responsible for the lives of your children. Also, such a situation in a dream may indicate disagreement with their hobby or choice. You subconsciously try to take control of everything.
  • Sometimes we can see a trip in a dream. If you are in a car with your parents, then the ride symbolically indicates a desire to return to a time when everything was simple and safe. Now you are experiencing a lot of stress and tension, sleep in this way allows you to return to the time when your elders took care of you.
  • A trip with other relatives promises to receive help from people close to you in spirit and position. The group of people with whom you are currently closest will soon offer you a new job or responsibilities that go beyond your usual activities.
  • Read also: .

If various troubles occur on the road

  • We got lost on the way. The chosen “life path” does not match your potential. The situation you find yourself in is weighing you down. The way out lies before your eyes, but to see it, you may need advice or outside help.
  • The car broke down. On the path to success you will encounter unexpected and, unfortunately, obstacles beyond your control. Annoying little things will pop up one after another. It is worth redirecting your efforts to a different way of achieving what you want.
  • Did the car you were driving run out of gas? The dream shows that the energy spent on current needs may be needed in the near future. Try to find time to relax, spend more time with family and friends.
  • We got stuck in a traffic jam. The accumulated cases will require a speedy and simultaneous solution. You will be torn between tasks, but nothing will move from this.
  • - Assess your current life situation. They are trying to warn you about upcoming negative changes that can still be avoided if you happen to.

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man, child

  • As the dream book says, driving a car for a girl portends pleasant chores that will lead to rapid changes in life;
  • A dream about a woman driving in a car means that she will gain power over some situation. Everything will depend only on her decision. If you drive a car on off-road and muddy roads, you need to think about it. There is a person around you who cannot be trusted.
  • A man's dream of driving a car indicates that he is active and successful in business. His life position and strength is at its peak. In love affairs, such a man tries to achieve what he wants faster.
  • If a child sees himself driving in a car, then in the near future he will have an interesting adventure that will affect his entire future life.

Do you have a car in reality?

  • If you have a car, your dream may talk about the material component of life. Own car in a dream of its owner most often symbolizes status and vitality. An old car that you have already sold may indicate dissatisfaction with your current position.
  • Why does a person who doesn’t have a car dream of driving a car? Most often this means changes in life in general. Sometimes you can talk about changing values, taking responsibility for life into your own hands.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in popular dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Dream books were compiled in ancient times. But just as dreams change with our lives, dream books are constantly updated with new interpretations and symbolism, for example. During the period of urbanization, cars surround us and are a manifestation of our status and comfort. Perhaps this is why cars are frequent guests our dreams. Let's take a closer look at why you dream about driving a car?

Traveling by car is interpreted differently in the dream books of famous authors. Let's turn to time-tested sources so as not to make mistakes and recognize advice in time. It must be borne in mind that at the moment there is great amount dream books, the interpretations of which may differ from each other.

According to most dream books, driving a car means that you manage your life yourself.

Miller's Dream Book - good luck in business

  • As this dream book says, driving a car means your activity and luck in business. Your life is changing quickly, you are interested in many things and are passionate about them.
  • Being thrown out of a car while driving means receiving unexpected shocking news;
  • A broken car in a dream portends failure. Such a dream shows future problems for which it is impossible to prepare. You will feel lost and empty.
  • Getting out of the car is a sign of successful implementation of plans, which will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

Vanga's dream book - changes in your life

A dream about driving a car in which you happen to be is a harbinger of changes in life. Being one of the passengers means a pleasant meeting with old friends. Seeing yourself as a passenger in a car who has lost control means serious difficulties due to the fault of colleagues or friends. You need to be careful of your own surroundings.

Freud's Dream Book - you want a relationship

Sigmund Freud attributed any dreams to sexual desires and unsatisfied desires. Any machine mechanism symbolizes masculinity. An expensive and bright car symbolizes a man’s increased sexual needs, a situation where one woman is unable to satisfy a man’s hunger. A woman driving a car is interpreted as wanting to drive sexual relations for more pleasure.

Modern dream book - happy life

According to this dream book, driving a car speaks of good health, pleasure in how events are developing, and what position you currently occupy. A car flying off a ravine speaks of a loss of direction and the inability to find anything stable in life. Buying a car in a dream foreshadows the restoration of a good position in some group of people valuable to you.


We looked at quite a few options for dreams involving a car ride. The more complex what is happening, the more clues you are given to interpret and predict future events. In general, a car trip is interpreted as a change in business, movement, change of events. Usually such a dream foreshadows positive changes in a person’s life. A car is interpreted as a quick assistant in achieving what you want, be it work or relationships.

Video “Why do you dream about driving”

Almost everyone owns a car. And many people wonder why they dream of driving a car? The dream reflects the current situation and the possibility of achieving the goal. The more specific meaning depends on small plot details.

Driving a car - in reality you can safely take on obligations, you have the strength to cope with them. To be a passenger in a dream means solving an old problem if you start to figure it out.

Opinion of a modern combined dream book

Let's figure out why you dream of driving a car for a long time? This is a positive symbol that promises joyful meetings, good luck, and prosperity. The interpretation applies to those dreams if the sensations during the night's rest were good.

What does the dream book think from A to Z

This dream interpreter explains the dream positively - good luck will soon come thanks to increased business and life activity. For a lover to ride with his other half, long, comfortable family happiness awaits him.

Answer from Miller's dream book

Take it for granted when success comes in achieving your goals, regarding business connections.

Interpretation from the dream book of lovers

In a dream, you are driving a car - you are demanding too much from your significant other, this will lead to a dead-end relationship. Remember: love is not only intimate intimacy!

Hints from a psychoanalytic dream book

Why do you dream about driving a car? The dream has two meanings: you confidently achieve your goal; a desire to escape from something. Driving and losing control - in reality you are afraid of losing control over the situation, showing incompetence, or failing to solve a vital problem.

Decoding according to the symbolic dream book

The interpretation depends on what kind of car you are driving:

  • Driving a car is a symbol that reflects personal life, a certain time period, and the development of a situation. Full meaning can be obtained by remembering the minor details of night vision: whether there are passengers, the technical condition of the vehicle, the quality of control, the surrounding natural view.
  • Driving a truck is a symbol of professionalism, labor activity, states of mental consciousness, difficulties in relationships, work, a certain situation. Driving at high speed - in reality the development of events will be very slow, you should expect delays.

Why do you dream about driving a car?

Watching yourself driving a car in a dream is a good sign. All plans will be implemented, it just takes a little effort. Drive a big beautiful car - everything is under your control.

Driving in someone else’s car means you’ll have to take on the solution to someone else’s problems. If the car is expensive and presentable, but cannot be yours in reality, expect losses, large losses and expenses.

In a dream, ride in a car as a passenger, next to the driver

Let's figure out why you dream of riding as a passenger in a car? You are dependent on someone or some situation. There is no opportunity to change anything at will. Another interpretation is that the business will end successfully if it is implemented not alone, but by a company of like-minded people.

Sitting next to the driver - expect empty hassle, and a previously planned trip will bring tense nerves and troubles. It's better if you're a back seat passenger - you might be in for an interesting ride.

Why drive a car at high speed at night?

How more speed speedometer, the slower the issues will be resolved in reality. Driving at low speed/driving carefully – you are hesitant to use your potential. Driving in a rental car - patience and effort will bring recognition from your boss and colleagues.

Driving a car in a dream - examples of transcripts

  • driving through a tunnel - keeping someone’s secret, a strange situation;
  • driving along an empty highway means loneliness. Soon anxiety will take root in your head;
  • by car of a foreign brand - solve a long-standing problem, find answers to questions;
  • drive a passenger car - expect disappointment;
  • driving a truck - to trials, you will need to take measures to overcome them;
  • in a broken car - get injured, get sick quickly;
  • new car - huge costs await;
  • driving a stolen car - expect a quarrel, discord in your relationship with a loved one;
  • driving a truck loaded with furniture means a quick move;
  • with animals - imminent threat;
  • with groceries - you will save money;
  • driving a car with the running lights on means creating a new family;
  • being behind the wheel of your car - expect good luck to come soon, especially in business matters;
  • ride with passengers - someone will complain;
  • with someone you know - make friends with this person, common goals will appear, and new relationships may emerge;
  • with a random passenger - it’s hard for you to make friends with anyone;
  • drive at high speed - business will bring success;
  • to be a driving virtuoso means your self-esteem is too high;
  • an accident occurs - dreams will be destroyed.

What to expect if in a dream you were driving along a terrible road and the passengers suddenly fell out of the car? Such a dream foreshadows the end of a relationship, a terrible quarrel, or an imminent breakup. If you dreamed that you were driving in reverse, in reality you would have to return to solving the old issue.

Why did you dream about driving a car (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

In a dream, to dream of riding as a passenger in a car is a strong dependence on human opinion and circumstances.

Seeing yourself as a driver in night vision means you are used to not depending on anyone, you make all decisions independently, guided by, relying on own experience. Driving at high speed - achieving a goal thanks to self-confidence. Driving your own car - only you manage your life, keep it under control, your main character traits are confidence, independence, self-sufficiency!

The dream is also interpreted as:

  • a freshly baked business that will be successful;
  • try to solve the problem;
  • the situation is well controlled;
  • decide on something.

In a dream, you yourself are sitting behind the wheel - in reality you love power, freedom and are used to keeping events under control. If you drive without knowing where, but don’t worry about what’s happening, you’ll say goodbye to old fears and complexes; If you are planning to open your own business, the best moment has come, since all endeavors will bring success. Feeling terrified while driving/why dream about driving fast in a car is a symbol warning of danger. It is worth watching your words and behavior - you risk offending people dear to your heart, they are not worthy of it.

Why does a woman dream of driving a car in a dream (according to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book)

There are interpretations intended only for the fair sex. Why do you dream of going somewhere, according to N. Stepanova?

  • Sitting next to the driver means in reality you are shifting responsibility to others. Uncertainty about a made or upcoming decision. If the plan is fulfilled, expectations will be justified; if the decision has not yet been made, there is no need to rush to get a good result.
  • Driving next to a male driver means expect a marriage proposal. Most likely, this is the person with whom you will live until the end of your days. Be prepared to give an answer quickly - because of his pride, he is not ready for a long wait.
  • Being the one behind the wheel is a warning/hint symbol. You risk becoming a victim of scammers; an unpleasant situation may occur along the way, due to which you will lose a large sum of money.
  • Just drive in a car - an old friend will help you find a solution to the problem.

The meaning of a dream about traveling by car (Universal dream book)

A night dream depicts a plot where you drive a car - there will be changes. For accurate interpretation you need to pay attention to the route, speed, who the driver is:

  • go into emptiness - you are afraid life changes that are not preventable;
  • home - strive to spend more time at home, now work takes a lot of energy;
  • from home - you want to take a vacation, you crave life changes;
  • driving alone - a fateful meeting, love, a romantic trip. It is recommended to take the initiative to get to know each other;
  • driving fast means promotion at work. Be prepared not only to receive big salary, but also perform more responsibilities. Watch every word spoken and action, otherwise you risk losing everything.

The meaning of a dream about traveling by transport (Symbolic dream book)

Driving a car portends pleasant life changes. Don’t neglect long-standing connections, think about influential acquaintances who will help solve the problem that has been preventing you from living a peaceful life for a long time. The dream can be prophetic, foreshadowing a quick trip.

Seeing a car ride, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

The family dream book shares a prediction for ladies: you have devoted yourself to work, household chores, and raising children. You should be alone and clear your thoughts. But you shouldn’t radically change your fate or get a divorce; it’s better to take a vacation. Only after you have rested will you be able to soberly assess what is happening. Avoid rash decisions, all of them can result in mistakes. Start small - go out, change your haircut, buy a dress.

Why do you dream about driving a car in a dream (according to Rick Dillon’s dream book)

In night vision, you are driving a car, accelerating hard, in a hurry to get somewhere - you may get into trouble with the traffic police. Therefore, in reality you should not drive or violate traffic rules - problems will be avoided.

Interpretation of the dream Driving by car (according to the dream book of E. Avadyaeva)

You dreamed of driving a car fast, you were in a hurry - such night vision is an alarming symbol. In reality, try not to rush anywhere, otherwise the iron horse may fail at the most unexpected moment - an accident may occur. The simplest thing it can lead to is disagreements with traffic police inspectors, the worst thing is that you yourself will suffer and end up in the hospital. Therefore, such a dream warns and insists that in reality you observe the speed limit and monitor the technical condition of the vehicle.

If a sleeper sees Driving a car in a dream (interpretation by T.V. Lagutina)

A dream in which you see yourself as a driver sitting behind the wheel, while not being careful, in a hurry, and accelerating, is a warning symbol. In the present there is a risk of becoming a victim of a traffic accident. Be calm and measured, don’t rush, even if you don’t have a driver’s license in life and don’t have to drive a vehicle.

List of used literature:

  • Steiner E. S. “The unsteady bridge of sleep”: dreams and dreamers in Japanese tradition// Proceedings of the “Russian Anthropological School”: Issue 6 / Ed. coll.: E. M. Boltunova, K. V. Bandurovsky, A. V. Garadzha, I. A. Protopopova, E. V. Pchelov, A. I. Sosland. - M.: RSUH, 2009.
  • Eliade M. Myths, dreams, mysteries. Per. from English - M.: REFL-book, 1996.
  • Jung K. G. Memories, dreams, reflections. Per. with him. - Kyiv: AirLand, 1994.

A book intended for the interpretation of dreams, as well as for oniromancy (predicting the future from dreams). The first known dream book dates back to the times of Ancient Egypt (2000 BC); it contains interpretations of two hundred dreams and magical rituals for protection against evil spirits.

Interpretation of sleep car. Why do you dream about a car?

New dream book - car

  • Driving a car means favorable circumstances that will positively affect your life.
  • If your car breaks down, it means trouble.
  • The dream book interprets a white car as a coincidence on the street.
  • Seeing a black car in a dream means an accident is possible.
  • If you dreamed of a police car, you may be drawn into an adventure.
  • Dreaming of an ambulance - in a difficult situation, a friend will come to your aid.
  • If you get into an accident in a car in a dream, your plans will suddenly be ruined.
  • The dream book interprets a car without brakes as a sudden danger.
  • Buying a new car is a good deal.
  • Driving a new car in a dream is a good dream that portends success.
  • Standing in a traffic jam in a car means obstacles.
  • A car was stolen - a dream prophesies a surprise.
  • Seeing your car broken down means financial difficulties.
  • Driving in someone else's car in a dream means changing jobs.

Car - interpretation of sleep

Online dream book car

  • Buying a used car means your desires exceed your capabilities.
  • Repairing a car in a garage means that your streak of bad luck will soon end and you will finally be lucky.
  • The dream of painting a car speaks of unexpected profits.
  • Washing a car in a dream means meeting an influential and important person.
  • If you dream that you are painting over scratches on your car, then you need to be extremely careful on the roads.
  • If you dreamed that you bought a very expensive car, which in reality is clearly beyond your means, then failures and losses will probably befall you.
  • Dream of renting a car - soon you will be rewarded for your diligence and patience.
  • Breaking a car is a sign of love disappointment.

Intimate dream book

  • If in a dream you are driving in a car, such a dream foreshadows a quick pleasant pastime, which promises you a new acquaintance.
  • If in a dream you were in a car accident, after this dream, expect a sudden break with your lover.
  • And if you see that a disaster was avoided, this is a good sign. You will be able to hide your love adventures on the side.

Car - Miller's dream book

  • To dream that you are driving in a car means that you are active and lucky in business.
  • If you were in a car accident, after such a dream do not expect good impressions from the entertainment in which you are going to participate.
  • Miraculously avoiding an accident is a good sign: you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans.
  • Buying a car in a dream is also a good sign that you will be able to restore your previous good position, but selling a car means unpleasant changes in fate.
  • Driving a car portends losses, sometimes illness. Being thrown out of a car while driving is a sign of unpleasant news. A broken car is also a dream foretelling failure.
  • Just seeing cars in a dream means trips, changes in fate, pleasant travels.
  • If you see that your car has disappeared, it has been stolen - this means the failure of many of your plans, on which the future depends.
  • Getting out of the car is a sign of successful implementation of plans, which will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

Miller's Dream Book

Ukrainian dream book – car

  • Why do you dream about a car? Seeing a car in a dream is news.
  • Driving a car is good luck.
  • Being a passenger in a car is an impossible dream.
  • Driving at high speed means you are overconfident.
  • Selling a car means trouble at work.

Miss Hasse's dream book is a car.

  • Sitting in it is a pipe dream;
  • Driving in it is a short journey.
  • Breaking a car means something happens at work.

Dream book of the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova

For those born from January to April:

  • I dreamed of a new car - to be received large sum money.

For those born from May to August:

  • Seeing yourself behind the wheel means new victories.

For those born from September to December:

  • Buying a car means receiving a large inheritance.

Modern dream book - car

  • Being behind the wheel portends you happiness, the search for new opportunities, getting closer to your life goal. If it is a foreign car, then you will get answers to questions that have been tormenting you for a long time.
  • Old cars in a dream foreshadow new contradictions with enemies or ill-wishers.
  • I dreamed about a car - changes in life or a quick trip.
  • Many cars in a dream can mean that a new job or worries that give you a lot of excitement will still bring dividends and material benefits.
  • Buying a car in a dream means that you have to start a new successful business or return to activities previously postponed for some reason.
  • Repairing a car in a dream is a useless chore.
  • Buying a luxury car or an expensive foreign car in a dream is a very good dream. It portends you success in all your endeavors, good luck and further advancement up the career ladder.
  • A jeep, SUV or all-terrain vehicle purchased in a dream is a warning dream. This means that your affairs have fallen into complete decline, and hopes for their rapid improvement are self-deception. You need to take all the problems facing you more seriously, not missing even the smallest and insignificant ones.
  • Driving your car can also portend good luck for you in business.
  • Riding in a car with a companion in a dream symbolizes that your strained relationship with others or management will improve.
  • A dream in which you get out of a car warns you of possible troubles associated with the loss of your authority.
  • Being thrown out of a car while moving promises you unpleasant news; falling out of it through your own fault - your carelessness or imprudence can endanger your life or well-being.
  • Parking a car in a busy place may mean a temporary break with your friends or companions.
  • Driving on a race track - in life you will show too much caution and restraint. Your rivals may get ahead of you.
  • Exceeding the speed limit during a trip - a dream is a harbinger of success in business.
  • Taking a sharp turn in a car can mean serious obstacles facing you, which will be quite difficult to overcome.
  • Getting into an accident in a car without being the culprit - such a dream promises you a favorable turn of circumstances and the achievement of your goals.
  • Getting hit by a car in a dream can mean big troubles and even misfortune.

Why do you dream about a car?

Dream book for women - car

A trip in a car portends pleasant chores in reality, which will most likely end in changes in business.

A car accident in a dream foreshadows troubles from the entertainment in which you are going to take part.

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

  • Lead yourself to poverty;
  • Driving your car means a new relationship.
  • Getting out of the car means divorce.

Gypsy dream book

  • If the car is going uphill, climbing a hill, you will probably have to work hard on your development.
  • Breakdown means you need to re-evaluate your beliefs and actions.
  • An old car means you want to relive your youth. You have a passionate desire to relax and behave recklessly.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

  • I dreamed about a car - to a new business.
  • In a dream, getting hit by a car is a misfortune.
  • If you hit a person, you risk a lot.
  • Sitting behind the wheel is a danger to life.
  • Getting into an accident is a favorable turn of circumstances.
  • Getting in or out of it is a warning about the pursuer.
  • To fall out is to put your life or well-being in great danger through your own fault.

Dream book of lovers

  • A car that lovers dream about is a symbol of a long and lasting relationship; such a dream foreshadows a happy future with your chosen one.
  • A car accident is a harbinger that the party you are planning to attend will not bring you anything good and you will not have the best impressions from it. Surviving a disaster without getting injured means that in life you will be able to improve your relationship with your loved one. If you managed to jump out of the car while it was moving, you will soon find out about your other half’s infidelity.
  • Buying a car in a dream is a sign that you will be able to earn the respect of your significant other, thereby rising in his (her) eyes. While selling a car means a break in relationships and losses.
  • Seeing yourself driving is a sign of trouble; such a dream warns of separation and unfavorable events.
  • If you break a car in a dream, it means that quarrels and an unpleasant showdown will soon await you.
  • If in a dream you realize that your car has been stolen, it means that soon your personal relationships will fail; for family people, such a dream predicts a divorce.

Azar's dream book - car

  • Why do you dream about a car? It promises the sleeper a trip that will give him many new impressions and will delight him with new acquaintances and a pleasant pastime.