Elements of Zodiac Signs: love compatibility. Air zodiac signs

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are Air signs of the zodiac. They are distinguished by their quick mind and quick wit. They are very sociable, love communication and enjoy finding new interlocutors. They hate boredom and monotony.

In their life, reason dominates over feelings. Air signs think clearly and evaluate situations objectively. They are easily able to tell or explain something and are endowed with the gift of persuasion. It is believed that their mission is to transmit information.

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If a rational approach is needed to solve a problem, then Gemini, Libra or Aquarius will implement it with a plus. They know how to distance themselves from emotions in order to make a balanced and logical decision.

The key feature of Air zodiac signs is intelligence. Many of them prefer mental work rather than physical work.

Not surprising. They require constant mental tension, thinking of new ideas and concepts. These zodiac signs often spend their free time solving crossword puzzles or solving logic problems.

About Air signs in general

These zodiac signs make friends and establish new contacts easily. They are cheerful, energetic, talkative and friendly. Many people want to make friends with them, because a conversation with Air people can be long and extremely fascinating.

The friendship of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius is usually unobtrusive. They will be happy to spend time with you. But if you are busy or have other plans, then no problem. They will not be offended, sort things out or demand special treatment.

Air signs have one peculiarity. They find it difficult to express emotions. A powerful intellect and the desire to think about everything lead to some problems. Where they need to feel, they replace feelings with thoughts. And often they themselves do not realize this.

For example, on a romantic date, instead of immersing themselves in sweet emotions, these zodiac signs only think about how good they feel, mental activity is in full swing in their heads. Even if the flow of thoughts would be better suspended. Something similar is possible in intimacy.

Therefore, for Air signs of the zodiac, partners in love must be good friends with whom there is something to talk about.

It is very important for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius to learn to express their feelings, concentrate on emotions and at least sometimes give their mind time to rest. In situations full of joy and fun, you should turn off the “mental meat grinder” and immerse yourself in emotions. Unfortunately, without these skills, it is very difficult to experience true happiness rather than a mental image of it.

Positive traits:

  • sociability, sociability;
  • developed intelligence, quick wit, ability to be objective;
  • friendliness and cheerfulness.

Negative qualities:

  • sometimes excessive talkativeness - talkativeness;
  • frivolity, carelessness;
  • difficulties in expressing emotions.

Features of Gemini

The airy nature of this zodiac sign is associated with the fickle wind. Now it is blowing to the west, and in an hour - to the south. Today the wind is cold and dank, and tomorrow it will be warm and soft. Geminis change in life in exactly the same way. For them there is nothing immutable and permanent; they love change.

Geminis are filled with a thirst for searching. new information and new impressions. Moreover, they do not need this information for practical application, but to keep your mind in good shape. They grasp knowledge on the fly.

Another positive feature of Geminis is their desire to learn. These people are frequent clients of all kinds of courses: from massage lessons to business training. By the way, they are attracted to courses not only by the opportunity to learn something new, but also by meeting fellow students.

The air sign Gemini has a light, cheerful character. These people are active and do not like to sit still. They usually have a lot of friends and acquaintances. Wide circle Gemini's interests also have a downside.

It is difficult for them to concentrate on one direction and complete things. There are so many exciting things around that you want to give up one thing and quickly take on the next one.

Features of Libra

This Air sign is associated with organized air. This includes all kinds of ventilation and ventilation systems that bring a breath of fresh, clean air and long-awaited coolness into buildings. Or a warm wave if the room has cooled down and become too cold.

It is not surprising that communication with Libra is perceived by many people as grace. Indeed, it is very pleasant to talk with this Air sign. He is smart, educated, polite, endowed with good manners and subtle taste.

Thanks to these qualities, Libra feels easy to communicate and knows how to establish contact with any person. They don't like conflicts. They always try to find a solution that will satisfy both parties and are ready to compromise.

Libras are great at choosing the right words to express their opinions without offending their interlocutor.

For the Air sign Libra, the team and a state of balance with the outside world are important. These people do not like to sit alone. Their best qualities manifested in communication and teamwork. They are usually liked and respected at work.

Features of Aquarius

The airy nature of this zodiac sign is associated with air that is under pressure. We can find such air, for example, in a compressor - this is an energy machine. Compressors are used everywhere in our lives.

The mental energy of Aquarius is very concentrated; philosophical reflections on global issues of humanity are close to him. Many of them reach heights in the study of science and technology. The thinking of this Air sign is accompanied by flashes of insight.

In general, Aquarians are freedom-loving and original, they have their own opinion on everything. The views of these people, as a rule, are devoid of prejudice. They oppose any discrimination - be it racial, national or religious.

Aquarians are convinced that any person is free to be whoever he wants to be.

If someone tries to limit a representative of this Air sign, infringe on rights or prohibit something, the spirit of a rebel and revolutionary will leap within him. Then Aquarius will rush away, sweeping away all boundaries in its path. Similar to how compressed air breaks free.

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Zodiac signs by elements - Horoscope 4.80 /5 (10 votes)

To expand knowledge about ourselves, there is a theory of correspondence between zodiac signs and elemental elements. It was based on Empedocles’ theory of the four elements (elements): fire, earth, water and air. Since there are twelve signs and four elements, each element is represented by three signs. The division by element reveals certain characteristics of the zodiac signs, which allow you to extract new information in a very interesting presentation. Thanks to the appearance of common “natural” signs, analysis and subsequent forecast vital energy of a person turns out to be deeper and wider. the features of his consciousness and worldview are revealed.

What is the element according to the horoscope?

Element of Fire – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Thirst for power, short temper, energy, high activity - these are the main signs element of fire. Such people are capable of rushing into an “attack” without thinking about the consequences at all. In the heat of battle, they are not able to think about their “hotness.” They will be able to repent of what they have done only after some time has passed, when they have cooled down. In such situations there is no self-control. Therefore, if the “Fire Man” allowed himself to commit an insensitive act or “kindness” towards you that deeply offended and hurt you, most likely this was not an intentional urge to offend you. This is all the result of ardor and emotionality. Remember, fire flares up instantly and is quite difficult to put out.

But, thanks to these same qualities, they will easily bring you out of a state of depression and hopelessness. “Fire” people have unhealthy self-confidence and believe in a bright future.

Positive sides: energetic, optimistic and determined.

Negative sides: extremely impatient, frivolous, trying to solve problems from a position of strength.

Fire element horoscope signs:

Aries is a sign with a pronounced fiery character, one might say an air-fuel mixture, capable of blazing at any moment, without the ability to go out.

Leo is a constant, smooth fire.

Sagittarius is variable fire. It can flare up with lightning speed and fade away just as quickly.

Comfortable environment: It’s better to live in a spacious room where it’s cool. The presence of a fireplace, or a real stove with a burning fire, will have a positive effect. The workplace should be located in a well-ventilated area or in the open air. Flaw fresh air and a small enclosed space will suppress the fire.

The symbol of the element of fire is the salamander (spirit of fire), which draws energy from fire.

Earth element – ​​Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Firmness, certainty, immobility, rigor, realism - these are the main characteristics earth elements . The name "Earth Signs" speaks for itself. These are realists, down to earth and stable. They do not need “castles in the air” and “Napoleonic” plans. Thanks to the prudence and practicality inherent in nature, it is safe and calm to work with them.

However, often these qualities are transformed into meticulousness and pedantry, which makes them impossibly boring.

Representatives of “Earth” signs are used to expressing themselves directly and openly, and are ready to call things by their proper names. They only believe their own personal experience, namely, what they saw with their own eyes. Very material, taciturn. They like specifics: “yes”, “no”, “maybe” - such answers are in their style. Always ready to give practical practical advice!

Earth signs are very sensitive and vulnerable, but this is a one-way game. These are quite selfish individuals. They themselves are not able to accept criticism, although they can do a lot of trouble, and it won’t seem to anyone. As a result of their actions, they cannot understand: “Why has no one appreciated me, because I am so wonderful?” But simply because they don’t want to notice or hear anyone except themselves.

Empathy, the ability to put oneself in the place of another, this is not about them.

Positive sides: order in everything, stable, like to plan everything.

Negative sides: pessimistic, boring, overly critical of themselves and, especially, of their family.

Earth element horoscope signs:

Capricorn- typical earth, secretive, likes to control others, while being in the shadows.

Taurus is stable, feels the ground under his feet, personifies the inviolability and strength of the rock, until his inner volcano awakens.

Virgo is constantly busy with something, works a lot.

Comfortable environment: It’s better to live on earth: dachas, gardens and vegetable gardens, greenhouses, flowers on the windowsill. The environment has a positive effect, where order, a feeling of security and reliability should reign.

The symbol of the element of earth is the gnome (spirit of the earth), it brings good luck. The gnome lives at the dacha in a greenhouse or among flowers on the windowsill.

Air element – ​​Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Air is characterized by the need for renewal, variability, information field, contacts, communication.

Representatives "Air" zodiac signs flighty, changeable, able to easily change loyalties. Lucky are those representatives of the air element who have, to some extent, the character of the water element. In this case, they feel more deeply and are ready for change only in case of urgent need.

They love to make grandiose plans. After all, these are the true builders of “castles in the air”!

They are ready to completely immerse themselves in an idea, moving away from the world around them, everyday worries and problems. Great intellectuals! Well-read, with a keen interest in everything around them.

Positive sides: sensible, objectively looking at things and very realistic. They are easy to work with. We are always ready to help, resolve a confusing situation, soberly assessing the possibilities and chances.

Negative sides: personal freedom is a priority, they are cold and calculating, as a result of a highly developed intellect. They can be two-faced, talkative, and love to gossip.

Air element horoscope signs:

Libra – cold, high mountain, concentrated air. His strength is conviction.

Aquarius is air that is still and under pressure. Constantly seething with many thoughts and plans. He is tormented by the thirst to give freedom and freedom to the world.

Gemini - moving air - sometimes warm, sometimes cold. In life he acts with intelligence and charm. Do not disdain to evade in the same way.

Comfortable environment: live and work better in rooms with large windows, workplace choose closer to the window.

The patron and protector is an invisible spirit - the sylph, who prefers open places - gardens and fields.

Element of Water – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Zodiac signs element of water characterized by impressionability, emotionality, detachment from reality, passive Magic force, suggestibility, plasticity. Because of its depth and subtle sense of the world, it is the element of water that is the most attractive of all the elements...

“Water” people perceive the world through the prism of their deep receptivity. Their mood may change frequently; this is due to deep emotionality and intuition.

They often become dependent on alcohol, as it helps them disconnect from everyday worries and problems.

Positive sides: the ability to empathize, they subtly feel other people, as a result of which they are friendly.

Negative sides: quick mood swings, laziness, irritability, love to feel sorry for themselves.

Water element horoscope signs:

Cancer is one of the states of water - steam, energetic and unstoppable.

Scorpio is another state of water - ice, hides its plans, is able to freeze its desires.

Pisces is the personification of underground waters.

Qualities of water: the ability to evade, flow around obstacles, rather than fight them. Penetrate, seep in, no matter what, and flood.

Comfortable environment: live better nearby with a body of water - a swimming pool, lake, sea, or at worst a home aquarium. You need to work in a calm, noiseless environment. It would be nice to have an aquarium at work too.

Your patron and protector is the mermaid (spirit of water). Lives in open waters, but can also live in an aquarium.

The element of Air represents movement, ascent, freedom, optimism, expansion. Its strength makes itself felt mainly in the mental sphere.

Element Air - Zodiac signs Gemini, Aquarius, Libra

Air element signs - Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. If a person was born under the zodiac sign Libra, the element will manifest itself in the most typical way, in a classic way. These are focused, calm, emotionally cool people who put their beliefs first. Aquarius can be thought of as still air under pressure. These people are always making some plans, their minds are constantly buzzing, hatching ideas for improving the world around them. This is a rebellious spirit, yearning for freedom both for itself and for those who, quite possibly, do not need it at all. Gemini - fickle, changeable wind, sometimes cold, sometimes warm; sometimes light and calm, sometimes hurricane-impetuous. These people act according to the situation, know how to find the right strategy and quickly change it depending on the circumstances, using the entire arsenal of their skills - charm, intelligence, sharp mind, resourcefulness. They can easily avoid what they don’t like and achieve what they want.

Positive qualities of representatives of the element Air

The element of Aquarius, Libra, Gemini - Air - endows them with artistry, diplomacy, optimism, and sociability. These people are tactful and cheerful, have a subtle sense of humor and a sharp mind, as well as the ability to unite people and adapt to any circumstances. Representatives of the Air element are always ready to help and show generosity. The thinking of people with air signs is distinguished by clarity, clarity, objectivity and impartiality. They are accustomed to operating mainly with logic and reason in situations where others listen to their hearts and feelings. Children of Air not only think clearly, but also express themselves clearly, clearly, have a good style and good oratory skills.

Usually such people have " general plan"for life, which is easily adjusted "as the play progresses." They do not like to take risks and are often cautious. They usually always have in stock several plans and scenarios for the development of the situation that are ready for implementation. They great masters write letters, but Everyday life more often resort to telephone conversations.

Negative qualities of representatives of the air element

Representatives of other elements may note the emotional coldness of air signs. In addition, the zodiac signs Aquarius, Libra and Gemini can be two-faced, superficial, obstinate, stubborn and promiscuous. Their opinion can border on self-confidence, and self-esteem is often inflated. Negative influence elements can make them talkative, prone to gossip, but, at the same time, extremely calculating. The disadvantages of these signs also include their excessive concern for the opinions of others and distrust of their own intuition.

Compatibility with other elements

The optimal partners for those born under the influence of the element of Air can be considered representatives of the same element or signs of Fire. The element of Gemini, Aquarius and Libra allows them to also find mutual language and with representatives of the elements of Earth and Water, but on the condition that they come to terms with the love of freedom and independence of the free wind and are not afraid of the changes it brings to life, constant movement and a certain amount of anxiety.

Suitable conditions for people of the air element

Choosing a place to live, air signs Zodiac signs should first of all consider open areas, where there is space, where there is a lot of air, free winds blow and nothing blocks the wide sky. They are contraindicated from living on the ground floor, even if there are only two of them in the house. It is best if the workplace is organized by the window, and the apartment has a balcony or terrace. Children of the Air element should use any convenient moment to go outside. As a rule, these people really do not like it when their house is cluttered with furniture, turns into a warehouse, and also when it is not possible to freely approach the window. They do not like any objects that remind them of the past, even pleasant ones - their thoughts are directed to the future. On the other hand, their house is furnished with great taste, you can see many beautiful things in it - in such an environment the children of the air element - Aquarius, Gemini, Libra - feel most comfortable.

The element of Air represents movement, ascent, freedom, optimism, expansion. Its strength makes itself felt mainly in the mental sphere. The element of Air endows a person with such qualities as mobility, activity, liveliness, changeability, flexibility, agility, receptivity, omnipresence, limitlessness, curiosity. The air is independent, free. It is responsible for the basic processes on Earth - movement, reproduction, procreation, that is, for the transmission of life. The invisible spirit that protects the element Air is the sylph. This spirit lives in gardens and prefers a lot of light and air. The greatest advantage of people of this element is the ability to contact the outside world, the ability to connect people and circumstances, and the greatest danger is mental and spiritual fragmentation, which often causes unnecessary worries and disappointments.

Air element symbol

Trigon of the element Air is designated in astrology by a triangle facing upward. The Triangle of the Air Element has a line in the middle, as if crossing out the triangle.

Astrological characteristics of the signs of the element of Air

In general, any sign of the Zodiac element Air has only one clear feature - it constantly changes, many times a day. His opinion is very vague, and it is quite easy to convince him of something, but there is no guarantee that in an hour he will not be convinced of the opposite. Air signs are the most difficult to negotiate with; it is very difficult for them to keep their word.

Man Elements Air

People of these signs are distinguished by their sociability, talkativeness, liveliness, cheerful character, and quick wit. Air type loves interesting company and is very sociable, does not miss the opportunity to take part in any discussion. Although representatives of the Air element are sociable, due to their characteristic lack of emotionality, they feel more comfortable in superficial communication, and therefore prefer non-committal conversations. These people are talkative and love to exchange their ideas with others, although sometimes they tend to have their head in the clouds.

Advantages of the Air element: common sense, objectivity, sense of collectivism, desire to be useful, desire to resolve conflicts, find a compromise, impartiality and love of freedom.

Representatives of the Air element are always ready to help and show generosity. The thinking of people with air signs is distinguished by clarity, clarity, objectivity and impartiality. They are accustomed to operating mainly with logic and reason in situations where others listen to their hearts and feelings. Children of Air not only think clearly, but also express themselves clearly, clearly, have a good style and good speaking abilities. They are easy-going and very active, but this does not apply to their principles and ideas. Representatives of the air signs of the Zodiac value structure and system; everything must be subject to the laws of logic, otherwise it seems unviable to them. To understand something, they must approach the issue logically. They are objective and reasonable, able to put themselves in the shoes of others, and therefore are rarely biased. They do not like to take risks and are often cautious. They usually always have in stock several ready-to-implement ideas and scenarios for the development of the situation.

Calling people of the element of Air

People of the Air trine have the greatest success in the field of science, technology, the world of art, especially literature. And journalism is simply their element. The best helpers These people in their work are their constant desire for more and more new impressions, new experiences, continuous exchange of thoughts and ideas, views and opinions with the people around them and their ability to establish quick connections and contacts. Their ideal is to be at the center of all events. They are inspired by mental work and research. They show curiosity and interest in the world around them, are confident in their ability to find common language with others, and strive for knowledge. Routine, bureaucracy, dogmatism and conservatism are contraindicated for them. In the absence of a change in impressions and a change in types of activities, they will not be able to work as usual, when a person is obliged to serve the required hours at work and everything in work is familiar and known. Representatives of the Air element are more likely to prefer unstable income to a good regular salary in a boring job.

  • People of Air choose friends, partners, lovers from their Air environment or related element.
  • Air is compatible with, if it is not afraid of the wind, but Water can displace Air from any space.
  • Air can be compatible with, if it is not against the wind, but there is a danger that the wind will blow away the fertile soil, turning the green oasis into a barren desert, and the Earth itself is not a gift for Air, unless they are connected by karmic debts.

Thinking is such a dominant force in the lives of air signs that they feel threatened if other people ignore their opinions or treat their intelligence with disdain. The ideas of air signs can be discounted by water and earth signs, since these ideas usually do not meet the criteria of emotional depth or practicality that water and earth signs insist on. For their part, air signs do not want to be shackled by the restrictions of earth, and also do not want their easy freedom to be saturated with the feelings and reservations of water signs.

Suitable conditions for people of the air element

It is best for people of the Air element to live in open, windy areas. At a minimum, their home should have at least air conditioning. At the workplace, they should choose a table by the window. We must take advantage of every opportunity to be outside. Sylph - an invisible spirit that protects and patronizes this element - lives in gardens, fields, i.e. in spaces where there is more than enough air.

Element of Air (Zodiac signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

This sign is considered a classic representative of the air element. It symbolizes balance, impartiality and focus. The most important quality of Libra is the ability to persuade. People born under this zodiac sign strive for harmony in everything. Any little thing can throw them off balance, so in life they prefer to create a calm and relaxed atmosphere around them.

Libras cannot stay alone for long. This zodiac sign has excellent communication skills and is very good at building partnerships. At the same time, in relations with others, Libra prefers to maintain some distance. Like other air signs of the Zodiac, Libra is characterized by emotional coolness, but in communication they show themselves to be very friendly and flexible.


Aquarius is the most freedom-loving among all air signs and strives for independence in all areas of life. His main qualities are insight, a flexible mind and a desire for everything new. For the representative of this zodiac sign public life much more important than personal. He cannot do without friends and has many hobbies, so his love and family relationships They are rarely calm and well-adjusted.

Aquarians are very contradictory and unpredictable, but they always behave openly and sincerely with others. They always have a lot of ideas that they are ready to share with others, so a typical Aquarius among friends and acquaintances is often considered a very interesting, extraordinary person. Main component love relationship for him is friendship.


The zodiac sign Gemini symbolizes moving air, which can be either hot or cold. Hence the main properties inherent in Gemini - inconstancy and changeability. They are charming, have a sharp mind and ingenuity, so they can easily achieve what they want. Geminis cannot sit idle for long, but prefer to do only what they like.

Representatives of this air sign are constantly in search of fresh impressions and new information. Their inability to focus on one thing extends to their relationships with others. In relationships with people, they can be quite superficial, preferring an easy, friendly format of communication. Geminis love to flirt and are easily attracted to the opposite sex, but do not strive for a stable, long-term relationship, preferring to remain free.