What was the name of Masha Mironova's mother, the captain's daughter. Masha Mironova - the true love of Pyotr Grinev and the moral ideal of the writer

One of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s most beloved women’s literary images, created by himself, was Masha Mironova - the captain's daughter. Her characterization, given by the author in one of the first Russian works of prose, is truly touching. The plot of the story is taken from the memoirs of fifty-year-old nobleman Pyotr Andreevich Grinev. But, as literary scholars testify, the heroine herself has a non-memoir origin. The story was creatively created Captain's daughter" Masha Mironova, figuratively speaking, was created by Pushkin based on the type of woman he himself saw. The prototype of Masha’s appearance and character was Marya Vasilievna Borisova, the daughter of the Tver nobleman Vasily Grigorievich Borisov. At a Christmas ball in 1829, given in the town of Staritsa, Tver province, by a local merchant, Sergeevich saw this young lady, danced and talked with her.

Life with parents

Peter Grinev, who came to serve, sees how calmly and measuredly the captain’s daughter lives with her parents. The characterization of Masha Mironova is typical for a simple Russian girl. An eighteen-year-old person, by the will of fate, is uneducated, since she lives “in a bearish corner” - in Where can we get teachers here? The head of the family, who rose from ordinary soldiers, is the commandant of the fortress. Masha’s mother, Vasilisa Egorovna, is a “thunder woman,” she is actually the head of the family. A woman lives her life “in the folk way”, without boasting of her origins from poor nobles. She, dressed in common clothes, equally manages the pickles and affairs in the fortress. Her daughter constantly helps her with housework. In fact, making all decisions and feeling her superiority, Vasilisa treats her husband with respect, always calling him by name and patronymic - Ivan Kuzmich. Therefore, family relationships are good and harmonious. The Mironovs have only one girl as a servant - the mother and daughter handled almost all the chores themselves.

The mother calls her daughter, fair-haired, chubby, ruddy, a coward. However, as we see from the plot, cowardice is not her element. In the story, the main plot load is carried by Masha Mironova, the captain’s daughter. Her characterization fascinates: naive, gentle, timid, very feminine. The girl’s speech is common, but her speech patterns indicate that she comprehends everything she hears, passes it through herself, as evidenced by the following quotes: “I... froze,” “he... disgusted me,” “it bothered me...”. She, of course, lacks education, but her thinking is developed and imaginative.

If necessary, the girl is able to show a strong and decisive character. Masha does not adapt to circumstances. It would seem that for her, a dowryless woman, it would be beneficial to marry a wealthy gentleman who gives her gifts (meaning the aristocrat Shvabrin, exiled to the fortress because of a duel), but she refuses gifts, since natural, natural insight allows her to see the baseness in this man and meanness. And even being head over heels in love with Grinev, the girl adheres to strict moral principles and does not agree with the proposal young man marry without the blessing of your parents. Undoubtedly, Masha Mironova, the captain's daughter, is depicted as an integral and honest girl. The characterization of the girl given by Pushkin is different than, for example, in the work “Eugene Onegin”. Masha is shown as a girl capable of action and sacrifice.

Orphaned Masha

With her resilience, she is similar to her mother, Vasilisa Egorovna. When the garrison of the fortress (and, in essence, a small village behind a wooden palisade) was threatened by the attack of Emelyan Pugachev’s army, she, having sent her daughter to relatives in Orenburg, remained to share her husband’s fate. After the rebel Cossacks hanged Ivan Kuzmich and took her, stripped naked, out of the house, Masha’s mother, without a shadow of fear, without asking for mercy, asked her tormentors for the same death, next to her husband.

Masha Mironova, the captain's daughter, bravely endured the grief of loss. Her characterization is more than convincing. Masha, a worthy daughter of her mother, is not afraid when the oathbreaker Shvabrin, who swore allegiance to Pugachev, forcibly imprisoned her, demanding to marry him. She accepted her liberation by Pyotr Grinev as a gift from God, accomplished not without the help of Pugachev himself (the help was provided by the ataman out of respect for Grinev, even though he remained faithful to Tsarina Catherine). The parents of Grinev, where the orphaned Masha went, accepted her as their own. All caste prejudices were discarded by them. The kind and honest girl became like a daughter to them. They loved her deeply.

When her beloved was arrested, suspected of complicity, the girl found the courage to approach the only person who was able to save the man doomed to execution - the queen. Soulful, open Masha found the words that convinced Catherine the Great.


The spiritual beauty of a person does not depend on his well-being. The story “The Captain's Daughter” is very touching; for the first time in Russian literature, two non-aristocrats are shown - Pyotr Grinev and Masha Mironova, sacrificing themselves for each other, falling in love with each other. They are both brave and noble, capable of not waiting for their fate, but of resisting the vicissitudes of fate. But one thing is certain: Masha will actually become the head of their family, and she, like her mother, will take on the main burden of family responsibilities.

"The Captain's Daughter" A.S. Pushkin is one of works of art, in which the author so skillfully and fascinatingly managed through historical events peasant war to draw a line of devoted and reverent love.

Among bright images, drawn by the writer in this work, it is impossible to ignore the image of Masha Mironova, the daughter of the Belogorsk commandant.

This sweet Russian girl, modest and shy, grew up in solitude with nature and absorbed the nobility and wisdom of her parents. The image of Masha, created by the author with warmth and tenderness, embodied the highest spiritual qualities, such as purity, openness, sensuality, sincerity, which are especially valued in women.

Simple Russian name The heroine emphasizes Masha’s naivety and spirituality, and the mention in the title of the work indicates the significance of her role in the described plot. However, the attractiveness of her appearance and inner beauty girls don't open up right away. On the path to well-being, Masha had to endure many severe blows. But, despite all the difficulties and obstacles, this timid girl does not give up and finds the strength to steadfastly and bravely fight for her happiness.

The wounding of a loved one, the refusal to bless the legal marriage of the groom's parents, the loss of her own parents during the Pugachev riot, false accusations of betrayal - in all these trials the heroine shows courage, resourcefulness, perseverance and intelligence.

In order to save the life and honor of her beloved, moral impeccability and innate selflessness help Masha overcome self-doubt and force her to seek protection in St. Petersburg from the Empress herself. And sincerity, unyielding determination and fortitude allow the heroine to achieve the restoration of justice and the acquittal of the innocent groom. The reward for the passionately and selflessly loving Masha is well-deserved happiness next to her beloved man.

This work shows that real, sincere, mutual feelings, kindness and decency help to overcome any difficulties, transform a person and contribute to the moral and spiritual growth of the individual, revealing internal reserves and hidden sides of the soul.

Option 2

"The Captain's Daughter" is historical work Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, telling about the great and strong love between a young officer and the daughter of Captain Mironov, who is the commandant of the Belgorod fortress.

The main character of the novel is an ordinary girl named Masha Mironova. This is an honest and friendly girl, she is kind and sweet to everything that surrounds her. Masha's feelings are sincere and spontaneous. Masha’s image is that of an ordinary girl, with blond hair and rosy cheeks. Her fate is a series of difficult trials, which, despite all the tragedy, did not break her spirit.

Masha grew up in ordinary family, had no noble roots. But regardless of this, the girl refused the deceitful, selfish and cowardly aristocrat Shvabrin, since she did not love him. Masha explained her refusal by saying that she could not go to the altar and kiss an unloved person.

Masha sincerely fell in love with another young man - Pyotr Grinev, the son of an eminent landowner. Peter also fell in love with the girl. But on the way to them mutual love and the desire to be together arose an obstacle - parents young guy did not want their union. Masha, on the other hand, was against getting married without parental blessing. The girl does her best, despite her heartache, tried to suppress her ardent feelings for Peter.

A little time passed and Masha was in for a new shock. Her parents were brutally executed. The girl was kidnapped by Shvabrin and forcibly kept locked up, insisting that she marry him. Pugachev unexpectedly came to Masha’s aid. She didn’t know what to do right at that moment, since this man was the initiator of the murder of her father and mother. But at the same time, Pugachev was her savior. He had mercy on Masha and Peter and helped them reconnect.

After being rescued, the young people went to Peter’s parents, where they were warmly welcomed. Having gotten to know the Girl better, they became warm to her and surrounded her with tenderness and care. In the end, they loved her like their own daughter.

Another difficult event, on the eve of the wedding, fell on the fragile shoulders of the young girl. Masha's lover, Peter, was arrested. But Masha found strength in herself, did not despair and decided for herself to help her groom out of trouble at all costs. The girl went to an appointment with the empress herself, told about her difficult fate, all the trials that had befallen her, and was able to convince the woman of Peter’s innocence.

At the end of the story, Peter and Mary ended up together again. They got married successfully, had children, and then grandchildren.

Masha Mironova is the image of a real Russian woman. She is beautiful in everything - manners, behavior, fortitude. Her image deserves respect and praise. Despite all the difficulties and troubles that befell her life path, Masha remains strong, brave and a bright person, ready to do anything for the sake of his happiness and love.

Essay about Masha Mironova

In the story “The Captain's Daughter,” Pushkin described the history of the Pugachev uprising, but this was not his main goal. The plot is based on the personal story of officer Pyotr Grinev, who in his youth was involved in these events. He reflects on honor, love and devotion. Everyone is endowed with these moral principles goodies works, including the captain's daughter Masha Mironova. Pushkin considers her one of the symbols of the spiritual beauty of a Russian woman.

At the beginning of the story, Masha is an unattractive, modest girl. Due to circumstances, she had no opportunity to receive “neither education nor mental development" Her poor parents were never able to save up a “dowry” for the girl. But Mashin’s father, Captain Ivan Kuzmich Mironov, a Russian officer, honest and faithful to duty, was able to convey to his daughter the most important thing: a pure soul, kind heart and fortitude. Subsequently, when Grinev became friends with the captain’s family, he saw in Maria Ivanovna a “prudent and sensitive girl.” Being “dowryless,” she rejected the rich groom Shvabrin because he was “very disgusting” to her. When Masha was caring for the wounded Peter, they fell in love with each other. Grinev invited the girl to become his wife, and she also admitted to him her “heartfelt inclination.” Moral principles Masha was not allowed to get married without the blessing of his parents. She asks Peter to get their marriage permission. The elder Grinev forbade his son to marry Masha, and this was a great shock for the lovers. But the girl believed that it was impossible to go against the will of her parents and they needed to separate.

Against the backdrop of difficult events, changes occur in the soul and character of the “captain’s daughter”. Left without parents and a loved one, Masha found the strength to resist the circumstances. Her love for Grinev gave her confidence and determination. After being rescued from the fortress, Peter sends Maria Ivanovna to his parents, and they accepted and fell in love with the “orphan.”

Pushkin most vividly reveals the image of the heroine after Grinev’s arrest. Masha knew why he was in prison and felt guilty. She kept thinking about how to restore justice and help Peter. The girl decides to take a risky trip to St. Petersburg to visit “strong people”, and, as the daughter of a captain who died for loyalty to the oath, wants to ask for help. And fate rewarded her for her good thoughts. Having met the empress, Masha told her story and the reasons for the action of her loved one. Thanks to the strength of spirit and the power of love of the captain’s daughter, by decree of Ekaterina, Grinev was released, and they were able to get married.

In the image of Masha Mironova, Pushkin embodied everything best qualities Russian woman. The captain's daughter is an example of a selfless struggle for love and family happiness.

Essay 4

One of the most important characters in the story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" is Masha Mironova. A.S. Pushkin describes the heroine as a shy, modest girl, not sparkling with special beauty. Further, throughout the story, Masha Mironova reveals herself to the reader as a multifaceted and original personality.

The attitude of other heroes towards Masha is different, her mother considers her a coward, and Shvabrin is a fool, because of the characterization given by Shvabrin to Masha, Grinev at first does not have any interest in the heroine, but over time, thanks to such character traits of the girl as sincerity, cordiality, friendliness, “ sensitivity and prudence”, Peter begins to develop a feeling of sympathy, which over time develops into something more.

Pretense and affectation are alien to Masha Mironova, which A.S. Pushkin is shown at the moment when the heroine speaks about her feelings to Grinev. After the duel, the heroine takes care of Peter, without hiding her feelings. The heroine believes in God, when Peter's parents do not give permission for marriage, she resigns herself to their reluctance to accept her into the family and considers the refusal a manifestation of the will of God.

During a difficult period of life, the heroine’s resilience and strength of character are revealed. Left an orphan and in the power of Shvabrin, she does not follow his lead, despite the threats, she remains true to her feelings for Grinev and does not agree to marry someone who is so disgusting to her, preferring death to marriage.

Masha continues to fight for her happiness after learning that Grinev has been arrested. The heroine travels to St. Petersburg, where she submits a petition to the Empress. Masha has an incredible ability to evoke sympathy and win over people, which helps her win Catherine’s favor and achieve not only the release of Grinev, but also the empress’s participation in the device future fate heroine, providing her with a dowry.

Thanks to loyalty to her feelings and the ability not to give up, Masha finds what she strived for so much, she finds her happiness, home and family.

The vivid image of Masha Mironova occupies a special place in Russian literature. It combines truly feminine character traits with strong will and determination.

"The Captain's Daughter" is historical novel, which basically corresponds to artistic principles. A.S. Pushkin worked on "The Captain's Daughter" from 1833 to 1836. In "The Captain's Daughter" we can roughly distinguish two parts: historical story about Pugachev's uprising and a family novel. Central to the plot is love line, which develops against the backdrop of historical events.

I would like to tell you about Masha Mironova.

Masha Mironova is the daughter of Captain Mironov, who is the commandant Belogorsk fortress. Most of the Machine's life takes place in this very fortress. Masha is very good girl. She is kind, sweet, friendly, smart and sincere. It's always a pleasure to communicate with her.

Masha's first meeting with her fiancé was dry. They didn't pay special attention Each other. Grinev didn’t really like her at first glance. But after a while everything changed “... Marya Ivanovna soon stopped being shy with me. We met. I found in her a prudent and sensitive girl.”

Many trials befell the Machine. Capture of the Belogorsk fortress by Pugachev, death of mother and father, captivity at Shvabrin. These life trials taught her a lot. She learned to deal with difficulties, her character only became stronger.

Masha’s struggle for Ginev’s honor and good name was also not an easy test. She knew and understood perfectly well that he was not to blame. To save him, she went to St. Petersburg to submit a petition to the Empress. Then fate smiled at her like never before. A random lady on the street met Marya Ivanovna and started talking to her. Masha told her about the misfortune that happened to her beloved. It turned out that this lady was the empress. The Empress was touched by Masha’s story; she believed her sincere words. Pyotr Grinev was released. Finally, nothing interfered with the love of Masha and Peter. Soon Pyotr Andreevich married Marya Ivanovna.

During the entire time I was reading the novel, I did not find a single flaw in Marya Ivanovna. It looks like Masha perfect girl. I would really like to communicate with this heroine of the novel and perhaps learn some experience from her.

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Masha Mironova is the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress. This is an ordinary Russian girl, “chubby, ruddy, with light brown hair.” By nature she was cowardly: she was afraid even of a gun shot. Masha lived rather secluded and lonely; there were no suitors in their village. Her mother, Vasilisa Egorovna, spoke about her: “Masha; a girl of marriageable age, and what is her dowry? - a fine comb, a broom, and an altyn of money, with which to go to the bathhouse. It’s good if you have it.” a kind person; Otherwise you’ll sit as an eternal bride among the girls.”

Having met Grinev, Masha fell in love with him. After Shvabrin’s quarrel with Grinev, she talked about Shvabrin’s offer to become his wife. Masha, naturally, refused this proposal: “Alexei Ivanovich, of course, is a smart man, and has a good family name, and has a fortune; but when I think about it, it will be necessary to kiss him under the aisle in front of everyone. No way! Not for any well-being.” !" Masha, who did not dream of fabulous wealth, did not want to marry for convenience.

In a duel with Shvabrin, Grinev was seriously wounded and lay unconscious for several days. All these days Masha looked after him. Having come to his senses, Grinev confesses his love to her, after which “she, without any affectation, confessed to Grinev her heartfelt inclination and said that her parents would be glad of her happiness.” But Masha did not want to get married without the blessing of his parents. Grinev did not receive a blessing, and Masha immediately moved away from him, although it was very difficult for her to do this, since her feelings still remained strong.

After the capture of the fortress by Pugachev, Masha’s parents were executed, and she was hidden in her house by the priest. Shvabrin, intimidating the priest and priest, took Masha and put her under lock and key, forcing her to marry him. Fortunately, she manages to send a letter to Grinev asking for release: “God was pleased to suddenly deprive me of my father and mother: I have neither relatives nor patrons on earth. I come running to you, knowing that you always wished me well and that you will help everyone.” ready to help people..."

Grinev did not leave her in difficult times and came with Pugachev. Masha had a conversation with Pugachev, from which he learned that Shvabrin was not her husband. She said: “He is not my husband. I will never be his wife! I decided better to die, and I will die if they don’t deliver me.” After these words, Pugachev understood everything: “Come out, red maiden; I will give you freedom.” Masha saw in front of her a man who was the killer of her parents, and, at the same time, her savior. And instead of words of gratitude, “she covered her face with both hands and fell unconscious.”

Pugachev released Grinev and Masha, saying: “Take your beauty; take her wherever you want, and God give you love and advice!” They went to Grinev’s parents, but along the way Grinev stayed to fight in another fortress, and Masha and Savelich continued on their way. Grinev’s parents received Masha well: “they saw the grace of God in the fact that they had the opportunity to shelter and caress a poor orphan. Soon they sincerely became attached to her, because it was impossible not to recognize her and not love her.” Grinev’s love for Masha no longer seemed like an “empty whim” to his parents; they only wanted their son to marry the captain’s daughter.

Soon Grinev was arrested. Masha was very worried, because she knew the real reason arrest and considered herself guilty of Grinev’s misfortunes. “She hid her tears and suffering from everyone and meanwhile constantly thought about ways to save him.”

Masha got ready to go to St. Petersburg, telling Grinev’s parents that “all future destiny she depends on this journey that she goes to seek protection and help from strong people like the daughter of a man who suffered for his loyalty." In Tsarskoe Selo, while walking in the garden, she met and talked with a noble lady. Masha told her about Grinev, and the lady promised to help by talking with the empress. Soon Masha was called to the palace. In the palace she I recognized the Empress as the same lady with whom she had spoken in the garden. The Empress announced to her the release of Grinev, saying: “I am indebted to the daughter of Captain Mironov.”

In Masha’s meeting with the Empress, the character of the captain’s daughter is truly revealed - a simple Russian girl, cowardly by nature, without any education, who at the right moment found in herself enough strength, fortitude and unyielding determination to achieve the acquittal of her innocent fiancé .

One of the most best stories Pushkin’s work is considered to be “The Captain’s Daughter,” which describes the events of the peasant revolt of 1773-1774. The writer wanted to show not only the intelligence, heroism and talent of the rebel leader Pugachev, but also to depict how in complex life situations people's character changes. The characterization of Maria Mironova from The Captain's Daughter allows us to follow the transformation of the girl from a village coward into a wealthy, brave and selfless heroine.

Poor dowry, resigned to fate

At the very beginning of the story, the reader is presented with a timid, cowardly girl who is even afraid of a shot. Masha is the commandant's daughter. She always lived alone and withdrawn. There were no grooms in the village, so the mother was worried that the girl would remain an eternal bride, and she didn’t have much of a dowry: a broom, a comb and an altyn of money. The parents hoped that there would be someone who would marry their dowry.

The characterization of Maria Mironova from “The Captain's Daughter” shows us how the girl gradually changes after meeting Grinev, whom she loved with all her heart. The reader sees that this is a selfless young lady who wants simple happiness and does not want to marry for convenience. Masha refuses Shvabrin’s proposal, because although he is a smart and rich man, his heart does not lie to him. After a duel with Shvabrin, Grinev is seriously wounded, Mironova does not leave him a single step, nursing the patient.

When Peter confesses his love to the girl, she also reveals her feelings to him, but demands that her lover receive a blessing from his parents. Grinev did not receive approval, so Maria Mironova began to move away from him. The captain's daughter was ready to give up her own happiness, but not to go against the will of her parents.

Strong and courageous personality

The characterization of Maria Mironova from The Captain's Daughter reveals to us how the heroine changed dramatically after the execution of her parents. The girl was captured by Shvabrin, who demanded that she become his wife. Masha firmly decided that better death than living with someone you don't love. She managed to send a message to Grinev, and he, together with Pugachev, came to her aid. Peter sent his beloved to his parents, while he remained to fight. Grinev's father and mother liked the captain's daughter Masha, they loved her with all their hearts.

Soon the news came about Peter's arrest; the girl did not show her feelings and experiences, but was constantly thinking about how to free her beloved. A timid, uneducated village girl turns into a self-confident person, ready to fight to the end for her happiness. It is here that the characterization of Maria Mironova from “The Captain’s Daughter” shows the reader dramatic changes in the character and behavior of the heroine. She goes to St. Petersburg to the Empress to ask for mercy for Grinev.

In Tsarskoe Selo, Masha meets a noble lady, to whom during a conversation she told about her misfortune. She talks to her as equals, even dares to object and argue. The new acquaintance promised Mironova to put in a word for her to the empress, and only at the reception did Maria recognize her interlocutor in the ruler. A thoughtful reader will, of course, analyze how the character of the captain’s daughter changed throughout the story, and the timid girl was able to find the courage and fortitude to stand up for herself and her fiancé.