Official page of Alexey Vorobyov in Odnoklassniki. Classmates are discussing the photo of Alexey Vorobyov after the accident. About the ideal girl

Today we will talk about such a famous artist as Alexey Vorobyov. He never ceases to amaze his many fans with his talent. You, of course, would like to know if Alexey is on Odnoklassniki in order to chat with the star one-on-one. But first we’ll talk about childhood and adolescence the most talented musician, actor, TV presenter, and then we will give a link to his real page.

The singer's childhood and youth

  • Lesha was born in 1988 in Tula. His father is the chief security guard working at the company, and his mother is simply the builder of family happiness.
  • Alexey learned to play the accordion at a music school. Even as a child, the boy began performing. In his youth, Lesha is interested in football, but, in the end, gives his preference to musical activities.
  • Lesha graduated from the music school and soon after that he entered the same school again, but in a different department in vocal class.
  • At the age of sixteen, the young man became a soloist in the folk group “Uslada”. A year later he becomes the winner at the Delphic Games, receiving gold for his brilliant vocals.
  • Vorobyov arrives in the capital of Russia and wins the “Secret of Success” competition. Alexey begins to study at the pop-jazz school.

Acting career

  • Soon Alexey becomes a VJ of the most popular music channel in the country - MTV. In the same year, he began acting in the series “Alice's Dreams”.
  • A year later, Vorobyov was awarded the “Discovery of MTV-2007” award.
  • He is elected Goodwill Ambassador at the UN Youth Meeting. After this, he becomes the official representative of the UN World Youth Council in the Russian Federation.
  • Vorobyov never performs under “plywood,” which deserves the greatest respect from not only his many fans, but also those people who simply know about the artist’s existence.
  • Lesha is a candidate for Eurovision with the song “New Russian Kalinka”, which later becomes a hit. In 2008, Vorobyov was awarded the Sound Track prize.
  • Alexey is the author of the words and music of his works, and performs numerous soundtracks for Russian films.
  • Lyosha won a song singing competition for the series “Montecristo”, and a year later he wrote music for the series “Bear’s Corner”, in which he also plays one of the title roles.

The real Alexey on Odnoklassniki

You've probably asked yourself a million times whether the star is registered on the Odnoklassniki social network. Now we will answer your question. Much to your surprise, Alexey Vorobyov is registered in Odnoklassniki! You can find his page at the link -

Alexey only adds people he knows personally as friends. To communicate with the star, Alexey needs to be added as a friend. But apparently, Alexey only adds people closest to him as friends. But who knows, maybe you will be lucky and become Alexey’s friend on Odnoklassniki? , by the way, is also present.

Lyosha posts his photos and news about his life on Odnoklassniki. creative activity and home videos (not the ones you think about), which can be watched by all network users. Don't waste time Dear friends! Subscribe to Alexey's page, and you will find out what is happening in the life of a star, literally first-hand.

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:


Alexey Vorobyov was born in Tula. His father, Vladimir Viktorovich, worked as the head of security at the enterprise, and his mother, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, was a housewife who dedicated her entire life to her family and children. Alexey loved football very much and played as part of the Tula youth team, and at one time even thought about becoming a professional athlete.

IN early age the parents sent the boy to music school. Alexey, like his older brother, played the accordion. While classmates were running in the yard, Vorobiev sat for hours at the instrument. Even then, he understood that in order to achieve something in life, one must constantly work. The young musician took part in various competitions and won. But at a certain moment, Alexey suddenly realized that something was missing in his life: “His first and most important decision I accepted it myself, but my parents were against it. At the age of fifteen I quit playing the accordion and decided to sing. They didn’t understand why I was giving up what I had given nine years of my life to. After all, I was already a person with a profession, at least I could work in an orchestra or get a job as a teacher. That's what my parents thought. But I went to music school not as an instrumentalist, but to major in “leader” folk choir". I remember my mother said in horror: “Are you going to sing like an old grandmother now?” In 2004, Vorobiev became the soloist of the Tula folklore ensemble"Uslada", and a year later won gold medal in the "Vocal" category at the youth Delphic Games in Ryazan.


Alexey understood that he couldn’t stop there and had to move on. “I didn’t have a plan to conquer Moscow, I only saw it briefly, from the window of a bus, coming several times to competitions and competitions. But I believed: the chance would definitely appear. And it really did appear. At the age of 17, I heard that the Rossiya TV channel announced a casting for the show “The Secret of Success.” When I arrived at Ostankino, I found a lot of the same applicants there, but I was not at all scared, but, on the contrary, I was inspired and, as a result, I was selected for several weeks on one of the main channels in the country. I was in seventh heaven!” recalls the artist. The project gave Alexey invaluable experience and introduced listeners to a new artist. But most importantly, the singer met producer Katerina Gechmen-Waldek, who played a big role in the fate of the aspiring performer.


After winning the "Secret of Success" competition, Alexey entered the vocal department Variety and Jazz School named after the Gnessins. He is young and successful; in 2006, the recording company Universal music Russia signed a contract with him. In the same year, the singer performed the official anthem of the Youth Eight at the G8 summit.

After graduation music school Vorobyov enrolls in Kirill Serebrennikov's course at the Moscow Art Theater School. The singer says about this time: “Once I went to audition for a VJ on the MTV channel, and got... main role in the youth series (“Alice’s Dreams” - editor’s note). Then I had no idea what the acting profession was, how to exist on camera, how to act—I didn’t understand anything at all. But I had no doubt that I could handle this too. Nineteen years - and again you have to start from scratch, master new profession. I started acting and went to enter the Moscow Art Theater School." But due to being very busy, in 2010 the artist was forced to stop his studies.


Alexey Vorobyov has taken part in the Eurovision qualifying rounds since 2008, but he only got the chance to represent Russia in 2011. The song "Get you" was written specifically for the competition by producer RedOne, known for his collaborations with Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilera and Jennifer Lopez. According to the voting results, Alexey Vorobyov took 16th place out of 25.

In 2011, the singer signed a contract with RedOne, under the terms of which Alexey began working under the pseudonym Alex Sparrow.


Having made his screen debut in 2006, Alexey continues to actively act in films to this day. Films and TV series were released with his participation: “An Unfinished Lesson”, “The Gold of the Scythians”, “Phobos. Club of Fear”, “In the Forests and on the Mountains”, and many others.


In 2012, the comedy “Suicides” was released, in which Alexey Vorobyov played one of the main roles. The film tells the story of three friends. Disillusioned with everything, they decided to commit suicide. Finally, the heroes decide to perform one cherished desire everyone, which ultimately turns into a series of absurd and funny events. For his role in this film, Alexey received the prize "For the best male role"at the 13th open Russian festival "Smile, Russia!" "Our cinema, despite the name, is very positive and kind. It so happened that it affected the aggravated Lately the problem of suicide. In fact, this problem does not lose its relevance at any time, but for some reason right now the media is giving enormous attention to suicide cases. This encourages unbalanced individuals, as they believe that after their death people will find out about them a large number of of people. Our film is about hopeless situations can not be. In any case, you need to continue to look for a way out and hope for the support of loved ones,” says the artist.


Since 2012, Alexey has been starring in the youth series "Deffchonki", in which he plays the role of the popular musician Sergei Zvonarev. The artist admits that in his work it was important for him to play the complete opposite of himself - a real rock star, self-confident and cool guy: “I’m not as cool a guy as Sergei Zvonarev, whom I play. Vorobyov, for example, doesn’t drink or smoke, and Zvonarev doesn’t care who looks at him and how. The main thing is that it’s fun.”


In 2014, the series “Ekaterina” premiered on the Rossiya TV channel, in which Alexey Vorobyov played the role of Stanislav II August Poniatowski, the last Polish king and Grand Duke of Lithuania. The actor says about his participation in the film: “For me, the small role of Stanislav Poniatowski was a kind of mini-Oscar.” In order for me to play this character, I was specially called from America. They reported that another artist, looking at whom the audience would believe that he he can simply come and “take” the woman he likes, especially if it is Empress Catherine the Great, simply not. The wonderful director Alexander Baranov, under whose guidance I once took my first steps in cinema, said: “Lesh, who else. , if not you, he will cope with this..." So I had to fly to Moscow!"


At the beginning of 2013, in Los Angeles, Alexey Vorobyov ended up in car accident, after which he required long-term rehabilitation. Alexey recalls: “I would never have tried myself as a playwright and would not have started writing scripts; it would never have occurred to me to stand on the other side of the camera. But I had no choice. I needed to live.” The script for the debut film was written by Alexey during a flight from St. Petersburg to Moscow. The plot centers on the story of a father who goes crazy after the death of his beloved daughter. At the American Action on Film Festival, the film received a prize for “Best Short Foreign Film.”


Currently, Alexey lives and works in Los Angeles, and comes to Moscow only on business. In America, the artist writes music, records albums, and acts in films. In 2014, Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez's film Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For was released, in which the actor played cameo role. More noticeable was his work in the horror film “The Vatican Tapes,” in which Alexey played the role of Doctor Kalik. The film tells about the struggle of exorcists against evil for the soul of a girl. In the States, the actor has already starred in several films, and he has already been hired by a serious agency. “Now they are sending me various invitations to castings, they are waiting for me to return there. I have already played great guy, a tennis manager, in a pilot for ABC Family, but the show didn’t go any further—it wasn’t picked up. They film dozens of television projects, and then only a few go on air. For me, the difficulty is that everything needs to be built completely new. I did something in Moscow for ten years, tried, and suddenly everything was starting from scratch again... Although it doesn’t cause me psychological problems, I just perceive it as the next step,” admits Alexey.


In 2010, Alexey participated in the first season of the reality show “Cruel Intentions”, in which he took second place.

In the same year, the artist took part in the “Ice and Fire” project, skating together with Tatyana Navka. The audience quickly recognized their duet as the most interesting and striking on the project, and in the final the couple took first place.

In March 2016, the premiere of the 4th season of the show “The Bachelor” with the participation of Alexey took place. According to the show, the artist will have to choose a potential life partner from 25 girls.


Alexey's first love was Yulia Vasiliadi, the artist's colleague in the Uslada ensemble. Their relationship ended after Vorobyov moved to Moscow.

The artist was in a short relationship with Anna Chipovskaya, Oksana Akinshina, and Victoria Daineko.

Now Alexey is free. He talks about what his chosen one should be like: “There are no special preferences, but for me it is important that the girl has a sense of humor and self-irony. I like to joke about myself and about the people who are nearby. And about my friends in particular Therefore, if already on the first date she begins to be offended by my jokes, forcing me to say “what are you, bunny, I was just joking...”, we will not be able to be together if the girl is ready to accept my irony and, moreover, adequately retort. the answer is great."

  • Alexey started working at the age of 13. He and his brother guarded a non-ferrous metals warehouse.
  • In December 2007, the singer was elected Ambassador at a meeting of the UN World Youth Council good will, later responsible for the UN programs to combat AIDS in Russia
  • He has a tattoo that is an exact copy of Leonardo Da Vinci's wing design - the prototype of aircraft.


Alexey - supporter healthy image life. Every day he goes to the gym, runs, tries to eat right. His schedule is so busy that he simply doesn’t have enough free time. The artist does not hide: “I am a classic workaholic with a pronounced wasted time syndrome: if I suddenly have a free hour, I begin to think that I am wasting my time. So I try not to waste a minute: I edit videos and write music even on the road.”

The singer spends a lot of time on the Internet and social networks, runs a column on his page #Sparrowknows where in non-standard form answers questions from subscribers.

The artist's most faithful and reliable friend is a Welsh corgi named Elvis - Melvis. The dog accompanies his owner everywhere and lives with him alternately in Los Angeles and Moscow.



“I’m generally a Capricorn. It has to be either great or not at all. If, working as a director, I see people on the set who are doing their job poorly, taking the wrong place, sitting in their pants, they sincerely infuriate me. You can’t do your job ok, that means I shouldn’t be here. It’s better to take someone who, like me, will work hard for results. When I was a child, my parents set a condition: study as you please (just so that they don’t get called to school to blush), do whatever you want, but in what you have chosen as your main business - be the best!

“Advice is needed while studying. After I shot “Papa,” I didn’t consult with anyone. I like to show results and know how to achieve it - I’m quite selfish in this. It’s not that I can’t trust anyone... I remember , I first came to a music studio when I still didn’t know how to do anything, I just sang and played the accordion...”


“The ideal combination for me is a girl-person who does not give up her position, but does not try to command a man, and at the same time is loving and caring.”


  • Gold medal in the vocal category at the Delphic Games (2005)
  • "Opening of MTV-2007" at the RMA ceremony (2007)
  • Prize "For Best Actor" at the 13th open Russian festival "Smile, Russia!" (2012)
  • Awards for "Best Actor" and "Best Film Composer" for the film "O.K. Treasures" at the 14th open Russian festival "Smile, Russia!" (2013)
  • Prize for "Best Short Foreign Film" at the Action on film festival for the film "Papa" (2014)

Based on materials from,,,,,,,,,,,,,


  • Lie Detector (2011)


  • The Mystery of the Idol (2016), TV series
  • Love with Limits (2016) (in production)
  • Runaways (2016) (in production)
  • Get up and fight (Italy/Russia, 2015)
  • Vatican Records (USA, 2015)
  • Runaways (2015), TV series
  • Catherine (2014), TV series
  • Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For (2014)
  • Dad (2014)
  • The Three Musketeers (2013), TV series
  • Brother and Sister (2013), TV series
  • Treasures O.K. (2013)
  • Lyudmila (2013), TV series
  • Deffchonki (2012-2013), TV series
  • Once upon a time in Rostov(2012), TV series
  • Three days of Lieutenant Kravtsov (2011)
  • Crack (2011)
  • Suicides | Suicides (2011)
  • New Year SMS (2011)
  • Department (2010), TV series
  • In the forests and mountains(2010), TV series
  • Phobos. Fear Club (2009)
  • Unfinished lesson (2000)
  • Bear's Corner (2009), TV series
  • Gold of the Scythians (2009), TV series
  • Capercaillie. Come, New Year! (2009)
  • The Second (2009), TV series
  • Hello, kinder! (2008)
  • Alice's Dreams (2006-2007), TV series


  • Cool men (2010), TV series
  • Kochubey's squad (2009)
  • Capercaillie. Come, New Year! (2009)
  • Montecristo (2008), TV series
  • Zero kilometer (2007)
  • Countdown (2006)


  • Wave your wing! (France, 2014)


  • Dad (short, 2014)


  • Dad (short film, 2014)


  • Get up and fight (Italy, 2015)
  • Treasures O.K. (2013)
  • Deffchonki (2012-2015)

Alexey Vorobyov never ceases to amaze his fans while in a hospital bed, allegedly after a terrible accident. The Internet has exploded with all sorts of news related to the name of the Russian artist! And now almost all Internet users are discussing the latest news related to famous singer. The other day, a photograph of the artist appeared on Vorobyov’s Twitter page, which was very originally signed: “Just a good day” (just a good day). But the place and time of the photograph, as well as its actual meaning, remains a mystery.

Some believe that this photo was taken by Alexey himself after he was discharged from the hospital after a mysterious accident, others are of the opinion that this is another well-thought-out PR move by managers to maintain the interest of readers and fans of the singer.

Be that as it may, there are so many people, so many opinions, but I would still like to know at least part of the truth that is so carefully hidden from readers. What kind of photo was posted on the singer’s personal miniblog, why was it done and what do the artist’s fans and active users of social networks, namely, think about it, experts from the “Show Business News” and “Odnoklassniki Social Network News” sections found out. investor magazine "Stock Leader".

Alexey Vorobyov got into an accident in Los Angeles (USA)

Before the news of the terrible accident in which the 25-year-old singer had been involved had spread throughout the country, Russian musician and actor Alexey Vorobyov (by the way, let us recall that the accident, according to media reports, occurred on January 23 of this year in Los Angeles), as another sensation was not long in coming, allegedly the singer suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and the artist is in a critical situation, paralyzed and fighting for his life! This information caused great excitement in show business circles, active discussion on the Internet and media mass media. Many of the artist’s friends and colleagues reacted with distrust to this news, to which ambiguous messages and statements with a hint of resentment quickly appeared on Alexey’s page. As soon as information flashed on the Internet, casting doubt on the veracity of all of the above, it was not long before the next news screamed that Alexei Vorobyov’s Twitter page could have been hacked by intruders and ill-wishers of the artist. This logically begs the question: can the information from the Twitter social network page be reliable?

However, let's return to the sensational photo. This photo was taken by photographer Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya, who is a close friend of the singer’s producer. The photo was signed in a very optimistic and original way; on behalf of Alexey, greetings were sent to all fans and simply caring readers and it was said that the artist was on the mend and would soon be back in action. In the photo, Vorobyov looks very good for a man who survived a terrible accident just a couple of months ago, although he has lost noticeably weight. The quality of the photo itself leaves much to be desired, either the person who took it deliberately defocused the picture, or used a filter and Photoshop so that the face could not be clearly seen.

Users of the social network Odnoklassniki about the incident with Alexey Vorobyov

Users of the social network Odnoklassniki. Ru do not remain indifferent to everything that happens to the famous Russian artist, because everything is clear that the singer is really sick and is not in the best health right now. But everyone is confused why reliable, monosyllabic information about the singer’s health is not given?

“Why didn’t you immediately say what was wrong with him? What was this accident for?” says user Sergei.

“Everyone is really very concerned about the artist’s health! I would like to know exactly what’s wrong with him and when he will resume his creative activity?” Alina commented.

“Yes, this is just a well-thought-out PR move! Maybe a person organized his vacation in this way? And I rested and didn’t harm my popularity!?” - user Dmitry reflects.

In any case, Alexey Vorobyov is an artist with a capital letter. Whatever it really is, it's a PR stunt or a real health woes, they're talking about it! One photo is not High Quality blew up the Internet, while other artists have to struggle to maintain their popularity. Apparently, in this situation, it is most appropriate to say: “if they are talking about you, it means you are popular!”

This handsome guy broke into show business with ease. Already at the age of 17 he came to conquer Moscow, and he succeeded. Alexey Vorobiev managed to try his hand at various creative directions and achieved success everywhere.

Biography of Alexey

The future conqueror of women's hearts was born on January 19, 1988 in Tula. As a child, the boy was actively involved in sports. Together with his older brother Sergei, Lesha played football and even played for the local youth team. Sport was not Vorobyov’s only hobby. He, his brother and younger sister went to music school. Lesha and Seryozha played the accordion, and Galya played the piano.

While studying at music school, Vorobiev constantly took part in various competitions and concerts. The boy's talent was noted by the jury, and he repeatedly became a winner in various categories. After graduating from music school, Lesha entered the music school, choosing the vocal department.

For some time the guy sang in the local ensemble “Uslada”. In 2005, Alexey took part in 4 Delphic Games held in Ryazan and won in the category “ Folk singing" In the same year, the talented performer tried his luck in the TV show “The Secret of Success” and became one of the three finalists.

Vorobyov's career

Inspired by success, the guy moved to the capital and entered the famous Gnesinka. The very next year, Vorobiev signed a contract with a major record company, Universal Music Russia. In 2006, he released his first single, “Summer,” and shot a video for it.

In the same year, Alexey began his film career. He played the main character in the series Alice's Dream, broadcast on MTV. After the release of the television project, Vorobyov became a popular artist. In 2008 he decided to get acting education and entered the Moscow Art Theater on Serebrennikov’s course, but after a few years, due to a busy work schedule, he dropped out of school.

In 2007, Lesha received the prestigious MTV Discovery Award. He already had several popular songs in his collection. And the following year Vorobiev took part in the selection of songs for Eurovision. He took only 5th place in the overall standings. And a few years later, Alexey still got to Eurovision. In 2011, Channel One, taking advantage of the right not to select a song, entrusted Vorobyov to represent Russia at international competition. Alexey took 17th place.

Over the past 10 years, the tireless Lesha has been actively filming, recording songs, and participating in television shows. His filmography includes more than 30 films, among which the most famous are the films “Moskva.Ru”, “Hello, Kinder!”, “Suicides”, “Love with Limits”, the TV series “Deffchonki”, “Guests”, “Once Upon a Time in Rostov” and other projects.

Vorobyov has released about 40 singles and 1 album “Vorobyov’s Lie Detector.” His main hits are the compositions “Crazy”, “The Most Beautiful”, “I Just Want to Come”, “More than Love”. He has songs together with Yegor Creed, Vika Daineko, Bianca, and the group “Friends”. In 2014, he made his debut as a director. His first work was the short film “Papa”.

Personal life of the artist

Alexey is called a hardened bachelor and a womanizer. Already in his teens, performing in the Uslada group, he met with its lead singer Yulia Vasiladi. He went with her to conquer Moscow, but after a while the girl returned to hometown, and Lesha began to build a career.

In 2008, the artist met Anya Chipovskaya and courted her for a long time. But, having won the actress’s heart, Lesha quickly cooled down. His next passion was his partner in the show “Cruel Intentions” Tatyana Navka. They had a fleeting romance, which they never officially confirmed.

Taking part in the filming of the film “Suicides” in 2010, Lesha met Oksana Akinshina. They dated for about a year, but their relationship went nowhere. Then Tatyana Terekhova, Vika Daineko, Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova, Kira Mayer were on the list of Vorobyov’s friends.

In 2016, the popular artist became the hero of the show “The Bachelor” and tried to find love in front of the whole country. But even here failure awaited him. In the finale, he violated the rules of the project and did not choose his “bride.” Alexey doubted that the girls were sincere in their feelings for him. Currently, Vorobiev is free and ready for new novels.

Vorobyov's social networks

The artist is registered on the main popular social networks (Twitter, Instagram, VKontakte, Facebook). Alexey Vorobiev on Instagram ( daily uploads her photos from work shoots, vacations, various events.

Here you can watch videos of Lesha, where he sings, fools around and even invites girls on dates. Alexey's Instagram is popular with fans. His photos easily get hundreds of thousands of likes. The artist’s official Instagram has 2.9 million followers.

Alexey occasionally shares photos and videos on Twitter ( It is read by 217 thousand people on this network. This page Vorobyova VKontakte ( is in great demand. He has 377 thousand subscribers. On Facebook ( Lesha often shares interesting videos. He has more than 100 thousand subscribers on this social network. Official page The artist has not created one in Odnoklassniki.

The bright and interesting actor and singer has long been loved by the public. And he does not stand still, but continues to delight and surprise his fans. Every year Alexey records new hits, stars in interesting projects and ends up on magazine covers.