Essay “The problem of moral choice in the prose of M. A. Bulgakov. Based on the novel “The Master and Margarita. Essay on the topic: Moral lessons of Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog" Moral lessons of Bulgakov's principles

“The Master and Margarita” is a lyrical and philosophical poem in prose about love and moral duty, about the inhumanity of evil, about true creativity, which is always an overcoming of inhumanity, an impulse towards light and goodness. Everything that Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov experienced in his lifetime, both happy and difficult - all his main thoughts and discoveries, his whole soul and all He devoted his talent to this novel. "The Master and Margarita" is an extraordinary creation, unprecedented in Russian literature. Bulgakov wrote “The Master and Margarita” as a historically and psychologically reliable book about his time and people, and therefore the novel became a unique human document of that remarkable era. It is not by chance that the writer chooses the genre of the mythical novel.

Myth embodies everything that is repeated in the life of mankind and is a living picture. Every era and every person finds themselves in such a myth in an extreme situation and receives what they deserve and what they have done. In the novel, some characters find genuine moral values, for example, Ivan Bezdomny, who finds Home and becomes a professor of history, others take the first steps towards the norms of human behavior, and still others lead their former life without thinking about morality and morality. The author leads the reader to the conclusion that the struggle of light and darkness, black clouds and fire will end with the victory of light.

That in this defeat of evil lies the essence of the universe. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" is a novel about man's responsibility for all the good and evil that is committed on earth, for his own choice life path, leading to truth and freedom, about the all-conquering power of love and creativity. Despite all the shortcomings of humanity, despite the overwhelming burden placed on his shoulders, the writer claims that successful outcome and there is the great mystery of life. Thus, the novel includes the theme of love for people and mercy.

The Diaboliad, one of the author's favorite motifs, plays a completely realistic role in The Master and Margarita. Woland appears in Moscow to “test” the heroes of the novel, to pay tribute to the Master and Margarita, who remained faithful to each other and love, and to punish the bribe-takers, covetous people, and traitors. Their trial is not carried out according to the laws of good; they will appear before the underworld. According to Bulgakov, in the current situation, evil should be fought with the forces of evil in order to restore justice.

The author affirms the idea that the struggle between good and evil is eternal, it lies in the very circumstances of life, in the human soul. The idea of ​​the existence in a person of opposing moral aspirations, spiritual and unspiritual, is carried out by the writer not only in comparisons of individual characters, but also in a collective portrait crowds. Sudden meeting with evil spirits turns the Berliozs, Latunskys, Maigels, Nikanorov Ivanovichs and others inside out. The session of black magic that Woland and his assistants give at the capital's variety show literally and figuratively “undresses” some citizens from the audience.

For Bulgakov, the moral law is contained within a person and should not depend on religious horror of future retribution. The images of Yehaua and Woland in the novel serve as proof of the eternity and inviolability of moral laws. However, these two mythical characters do not oppose each other. This is indicated by both the epigraph to the first half of the novel and the sign of the golden beetle hanging on the devil’s neck, symbolizing Ancient Egypt evil begets good. Yeshua and Woland are just “different departments” of a single world order, in which light and goodness remain the leaders. People’s eternal desire for goodness is irresistible.

Twenty centuries have passed, and the personification of goodness and love - Jesus Christ - is alive in the souls of people. The master creates a novel about Christ and Pilate. Christ for him is a thinking and suffering person, affirming the dignity of selfless service to people, bringing lasting values ​​into the world.

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>Essays on the work Heart of a Dog

Moral lessons of the story

The plot of the story " dog's heart» based on the principles science fiction. At the same time, this is one of those works that dared to be “real” and touch on current events. M. A. Bulgakov wrote it as a response to the cultural and social situation in Soviet Russia 1920s. The author touches not only on the issues of the revolution, the fate of the intelligentsia against its background and the development of the new government, but also the problem of morality. Questions of good and evil, crime and punishment, responsibility for one’s actions and the fate of people have always worried Russian writers.

The story “Heart of a Dog” compares different social strata and examines their interaction. On the one hand, this is the intelligentsia represented by Professor Preobrazhensky, whom Dr. Bormental, without exaggeration, calls the luminary of modern medicine. And on the other hand, this is a “new society” in the person of the chairman of the house committee Shvonder and the scoundrel Sharikov, whom the professor himself gave birth to in the course of an erroneous experiment. This experiment turned out to be important and dangerous at the same time. Having turned a stray dog ​​into a man with the appendages of a former criminal, the professor had no idea how this could turn out.

Over time, the new creature not only learned to speak, but also joined the class of proletarians. Comrade Shvonder, as Sharikov’s spiritual mentor, advises him to read Engels, register and demand part of the apartment from the professor. When Philip Phillipovich realizes his fiasco, he begins to think about how to correct this monstrous mistake. Soon Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov, the former stray dog ​​Sharik, began stealing the professor’s personal belongings, starting drunken brawls, breaking neighbors’ windows, chasing after cooks, even got a job in the department for clearing Moscow of stray animals and was going to get married. He brought a lot of problems and inconveniences to his creator, and the professor, it would seem, endured everything. The last straw was the arrival of people in police uniforms with a denunciation from Sharikov, Shvonder and Pestrukhin. Then Preobrazhensky decided on another operation to turn Sharikov back into a dog.

Until the last moment, the professor sees the inadmissibility of a violent solution to this problem. Only after realizing that individuals like Sharikov are socially dangerous and are a real threat to culture does he decide to correct his mistake. He believes that “the devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads” and if subjects from the lower strata are allowed to power, then “devastation” will follow. In his opinion, one cannot gain power before culture and education, otherwise there will be monstrous consequences. After all, there are many people like Sharikov in society. They only have a human appearance, but their heart is a dog. And in order to be a human being, it is not enough to walk on two legs and be able to speak words, you also need to have moral convictions.

A short essay-discussion on the topic “The Heart of a Dog: Moral Lessons” in literature

The story “Heart of a Dog” was not written by Bulgakov for frivolous reading. It contains very important moral lessons that every person needs to receive in a timely manner. In a light, humorous manner, the author talks about very important things relating to morality, spirituality and interpersonal relationships. What does Bulgakov teach in the story “Heart of a Dog”?

One of the main moral lessons in the story is the ethical impossibility of a person to invent new way birth of people. Philip Philipovich challenged nature when he went against its laws. Therefore, his creation was terrible and unnatural. He was recognized in society as an equal, only to be used as a trump card against the “bourgeois” professor. In fact, he was perceived as a laboratory rat, and such artificial people will not take root in society, they will always be humiliated, underestimated and used for their own purposes, taking advantage of their gullibility. This means that through such operations humanity will have the opportunity to make slaves for themselves, inferior and oppressed.

With the help of Sharikov, Bulgakov showed his attitude to such experiments: science cannot recreate people artificially, because birth must be followed by upbringing, and, moreover, within the framework of the main social institution- families. The professor's creation cannot claim the status of a person, since it has not passed through the most important stage personality formation – education. We see the consequences of this omission: Sharikov behaves in a phenomenally immoral and uncultured manner. Necessity family education- here is another moral lesson of the writer.

It is noteworthy that Sharikov’s comrades do not behave much better. This is caused, again, by gaps in upbringing. Their parents worked around the clock in factories, were poor and had no rights. Therefore, the children of workers are initially deprived of the opportunity to receive an education and learn good manners. They are almost orphans. This means that the “ruin in our heads” is not the fault of the Bolsheviks or a consequence of the disastrous revolution; even the general spread of atheism has nothing to do with it. This is a vice of pre-revolutionary society and the unjust tsarist regime. Having mutilated the parents, the gentlemen received the revenge of the children, who had no one to teach mercy and forgiveness. Thus, Bulgakov teaches us to look for reasons that are deeper and more truthful than those lying on the surface. He also encourages us all to think ahead, because the consequences of our mistakes can be dire.

In addition, Bulgakov severely punishes the proud man who dared to replace God. The professor repents of his actions and almost pays with his life for his immoral experiment. He sees what his ambitions led to: Sharikov never became a man, but he felt like a man and lived among us. Moreover, he could not become everyone equal; people would not recognize him. This means that the professor doomed his brainchild to an unhappy and incomplete life, and made it clear to society that anyone can be resurrected, and this creates a huge number of problems.

Thus, Bulgakov not only wrote a fascinating story, but also put very important moral messages into it. It provides useful food for thought and answers to many difficult questions questions that we wonder about all our lives.

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Sections: Literature

  1. Consider the peculiarities of posing moral problems and ways to solve them in the novel. To prove the modernity of the problems posed by Bulgakov in the field of morality and morality.
  2. Develop the skills of analyzing a work, the ability to compare, highlight the main thing, draw conclusions, generalize, and characterize the characters.
  3. Nurturing the moral qualities of students, the desire to live according to honor and conscience.


Portraits of Bulgakov, an exhibition of literature about the novel “The Master and Margarita”, a disc with a film based on the novel.


Each will be given according to his faith

There is no God - everything is permitted.

F. Dostoevsky.

During the classes

I. Introduction. Teacher's word

Today we begin the study of one of the most interesting works of the 20th century - the novel “The Master and Margarita”. Write down the topic of the lesson: “Moral lessons in M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” and the epigraphs that we will refer to during the lesson. Today we will look at moral problems The problems that the author poses and solves are as old as the history of mankind.

The novel occupies a special place in Russian literature. Nothing similar in terms of themes, composition, system of images, or style has ever been created. The novel still causes heated controversy. So, the church categorically does not accept him. Various hypotheses and interpretations are still emerging. The novel remains largely unsolved today. And each reader has his own perception of the novel. Pay attention to this exhibition - the archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad and a contemporary of the writer, a physicist and student reader, a famous critic and fellow writer write about Bulgakov and his novel. And everyone has their own Bulgakov, their own Master, their own Margarita...

Your classmate Alena will introduce you to the exhibition.

You see how many people have so many opinions. You also read the novel for the first time, and you also formed some opinion about it, thoughts and questions arose. Let's turn to your homework - a miniature essay “My thoughts on M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”

Student performances (3-4 performances)

Yes, it is difficult to understand the novel from the first reading. Let's try to reveal some of its secrets. So, let's go, reader!

II. Analysis of the novel

The novel depicts two worlds – Bulgakov’s contemporary Moscow of the 1930s and the world of biblical times, which surprisingly reveals the problems of our time, including ours. Therefore, this novel can be called a novel of premonition, a novel of foresight, it is a novel about its time and time in general.

A) Literary Moscow.

For Bulgakov, as a writer, it was important first of all to show, using sharp satirical techniques, literary Moscow. After all, he was a writer, and what happened in the 20-30s in relation to art was absolutely unacceptable for a writer. So, let's take a walk around the Griboedov House restaurant.

– Can you see familiar faces here?

– Prove that so-called writers are far from real literature.

This is how it is, the world of writers: gossip, empty talk, squabbling over dachas and apartments, and not a word about literature.

– Why does the Master answer the question “Are you a writer?” answered sternly: “I am the Master”? (the title of writer in the 30s lost its significance and was discredited).

Berlioz heads the literary organization “Massolit”. Give a characterization of this figure from two positions: Option 1 – from the point of view of members of Massolit, Ivan Bezdomny, Option 2 – from your position, because you have well studied the literary processes of that time, you know the lives of Bulgakov, Zoshchenko, Akhmatova, whom such Berliozes condemned to moral death, oblivion.

Student performances

Bulgakov repeatedly repeats the biblical phrase: “Everyone will be given according to his faith.” Only in Bulgakov’s understanding is faith the meaning of life, and on its basis the moral level of any of the characters is revealed. Belief in the omnipotence of money is the bartender’s credo, belief in love is the meaning of Margarita’s life; faith in kindness is the defining quality of Yeshua.

– And for what faith was Berlioz so cruelly punished?

His truth is the officially approved truths. But the trouble is that he not only believes in communist dogmas himself, but also demands this from his subordinates. Under his ideological leadership, literature becomes a school not of spiritual freedom, but of spiritual slavery, while losing the high moral ideals of literature of the 19th century. Therefore, for Berlioz the existence of such writers as Bulgakov, Pasternak, Platonov is unthinkable. Such Berliozs wrote denunciations, and it was because of them that the Masters ended up in Gulag camps, in subsequent decades - in psychiatric hospitals, later they were forced to be deported from the country and always - moral humiliation, deprived of the opportunity to speak with the reader.. That is why Berlioz was so cruelly punished .

b) Moscow Society

“The townspeople have changed a lot in appearance, as has the city itself.” Have these townspeople changed internally?

Let's watch an excerpt from the film dedicated to Woland's performance at the Variety Show.

– Do your impressions of the novel coincide with the director’s understanding of the work?

– Why are the townspeople punished? Find lines that accurately reveal the vices of Moscow society.

“Well... they are people like people.

They love money, but that’s always been the case...

Humanity loves money, no matter what it is made of, leather or paper, bronze or gold. Well, they are frivolous... well... and mercy sometimes knocks on their hearts... ordinary people..."

– Moscow is also Styopa Likhodeev, Bosoy and others. Why were they punished? What was given to them by their faith?

Student performances.

Conclusion: this society is based on material, class, political interests. What about moral values? The most important core - conscience - has been lost. Conscience, according to Bulgakov, is a person’s internal compass, his moral judgment of himself, a moral assessment of his actions, because “all progress is inhuman if the person himself collapses.”

c) The story of Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri.

– Why is the author transported centuries ago from Bulgakov’s contemporary reality? (moral issues are resolved at any time; the problem of conscience is eternal).

The author takes biblical story about the elevation of Jesus Christ to Golgotha. But Yeshua is not God, but a beggar vagabond - a philosopher who carries the ideal of goodness, compassion and courage. And Bulgakov uses biblical history to reveal eternal problems of morality.

– What moral problems are solved in the chapters dedicated to Pontius Pilate and Yeshua?

What is good and evil? What is truth? What's the point human life? A person's responsibility for his actions. Man and his faith. Man and power.

– Pontius Pilate is convinced of Yeshua’s innocence. Why did he sign the order for his death?

Conclusion: Yeshua’s words about sovereignty frightened Pilate. Because of the fear of denunciation, the fear of ruining his career, Pilate goes against the voice of humanity and conscience. Then he tries to muffle this conscience: he gives the order to kill Judas, to end the torment of Yeshua. But: there can be no moral ransom for cowardice. “Cowardice is undoubtedly one of the most terrible vices,” Pilate hears Yeshua’s words in a dream. What does Pilate answer to him? “No, philosopher, I object to you. This is the most terrible vice.”

– How was Pilate punished? What is the power of this punishment?

A story far removed from our times. But is she so far away?

(The problem of choice is eternal)

Two worlds, but one thing unites them - the presence of people who have lost their inner core - conscience. And humanity would have disappeared long ago if there were no people like Yeshua.

(Students express their opinions)

Why didn’t Yeshua save himself, because it was enough to give up his words?

Conclusion: it is always difficult to remain yourself. But this is the highest value of a person.


Pay attention to the epigraph: “There is no God - everything is permitted.” For Bulgakov, God is, first of all, the bearer of morality and ethical qualities, due to the absence of which Yeshua went into oblivion, the new society of the new country was spoiled, and modern life More and more Pilates are being born. But the novel does not leave a feeling of hopelessness - after all, everyone will be rewarded according to their faith.

It depends on each of us who we are in our souls - Pontius Pilate or Yeshua and whether we have that inner core called conscience.

D/task: images of the Master and Margarita.

Individual tasks: “The meaning of the title of the work,” “Satan’s Ball,” “What is the meaning of the appearance of Woland and his retinue?”

Department of Education of the Administration of the Municipal District named after Lazo of the Khabarovsk Territory

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary Comprehensive school village of Bichevaya, Municipal District named after Lazo, Khabarovsk Territory

UMC. Literature.9 grade 2 (level)

Lesson (second on the topic) of literature in 9th grade based on the story “Heart of a Dog.” In the first lesson, students learned about the writer’s biography, the history of the story’s creation and its fate, and analyzed key episodes. Compiled character characteristics. Revealed author's position to the problems identified in the story.


1. UMK Literature

2. Supplement to the magazine “First of September”. Literature

3. “Heart of a Dog”

5. “Glossary of terms”

Different points of view create the conditions for an active discussion, during which students learn to express their thoughts, argue and defend their point of view, and draw conclusions. And also listen to another point of view, accept it or challenge it. The problem of reorganizing the world is the main problem of the second lesson (to consider this problem with different positions The priest of the Candlemas parish, Father Maxim, was invited to the lesson).

Lesson topic: Moral issues M. Bulgakov's story “Heart of a Dog”

Lesson objectives:

· Understanding the content of the story “Heart of a Dog”

· Expanding and deepening students’ understanding of M. Bulgakov as a master of artistic expression.

· The ability to highlight the main problems raised by the author in the work.

Lesson objectives:

· Involve students in independent research and creative activities.

· Contribute to the development of skills to formulate the problems of a work and argue one’s point of view.

· Encourage children to think about morality.

Methodical techniques:

· Creation of a problematic situation.

· Work with text.

· Conversation on the content of the story.

· Analysis of key episodes.


Portrait of the writer, texts of the story, dictionary of literary terms,

Film based on the story “Heart of a Dog”.


Morality is taking responsibility for one's own

actions. The highest capital of the nation is moral qualities people.


· Moral

· Humanism

· Compassion

· Philanthropy

During the classes:

· Organizing time.

· Hello guys. I'm glad to meet you. Today there will be a serious conversation on moral issues.

· Teacher's word.

· The problem of reorganizing the world has existed at all times. People dreamed of a life without violence and evil, war and hatred. But the world has always been imperfect. People were mired in sins: they betrayed their neighbors, killed, denounced, out of envy and pride they did not notice the suffering of others, they stopped respecting their elders. Was it possible to save humanity from destruction? What is his salvation?

· What do representatives of the Orthodox Church see as the salvation of humanity? The floor is given to Father Maxim.

· Question: “The essence of Jesus Christ’s ascension to the scaffold.” Was his sacrifice in vain?

· Teacher.

So, more than 2000 years have passed since the crucifixion of Christ. Has society become better? And the idea of ​​​​rebuilding the world again takes possession of the minds of individuals. This idea immediately found a response in fiction. There were disagreements among the writers: some recognized the revolutionary transformation of society, i.e. change the system by force, “drive humanity into happiness.” Others welcomed the evolutionary path of development of society, i.e. through spiritual and moral education.

Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog” is the writer’s attempt to show how violent intervention in the laws of nature will affect society. Is it possible to create a moral society through revolutionary means? Maxim Gorky in 1918 in the article “ Untimely thoughts“called V. Ulyanov-Lenin a great experimenter on the people, comparing him to a chemist conducting experiments.

It is no coincidence that Bulgakov’s hero bears the name Preobrazhensky; he is a plastic surgeon who transforms a person’s appearance. And so he decides on another scientific experiment.

· Creating a problem situation:

The teacher sets the following tasks for the students ( The class is divided into micro groups, discussion, work with a dictionary, expressing your opinion.)

· Group 1: identify the purpose of Professor Preobrazhensky’s experiment.

· Group 2: what is necessary to raise a moral person?

· Group 3: in what conditions was the “homosapien” Sharikov? Were all the conditions created for his moral development?

· Group 4: what is the result of this experiment? Why did he fail?

After the discussion and group presentations, the floor is given to Father Maxim, who answers the problematic questions of the lesson:

What is the basis moral education?

· What laws should a person live by?

· Is it possible to forcibly create an ideal society and moral personality?

Lesson summary. Teacher's word.

It is no coincidence that we talked about morality today. You are on the threshold of adulthood; more than once you will have to make decisions yourself, without anyone’s prompting, to make a choice. From what life principles you will be guided, your fate, the fate of your loved ones, the fate of the country depends.

Bulgakov's story, written at the beginning of the last century, is still relevant today and serves as a warning to future generations. Bulgakov warns us: “The heart of a dog in alliance with the human mind is the main threat of our time.” The author of the story believes that the new society should adhere to humanistic principles in the relationships between people, which are based on respect for their culture, work, and knowledge. Morality lags behind and does not correspond to the new system, so the problem of preserving and reviving spirituality and morality remains unresolved.

It will be a long time before the Sharikovs disappear from our lives. But I really want to believe that this time will come.

Lesson marks:

Reflection: which of the problems posed by M. Bulgakov in the story seemed especially relevant to you in our time? How did it affect you?

Homework: Write an essay on a topic (optional)

1. “What feelings does Sharikov the man evoke?”

2. “What kind of people does the hero of the story Shvonder personify?”

3. “Is a moral society a utopia or a reality?”

Lesson appendix

Expected responses from microgroups(brief commentary on assignment issues)

· The purpose of Professor Preobrazhensky's experiment?

The professor plans to improve the human breed, to create a new person, by transplanting part of the human brain into a dog.

· What is necessary for the moral education of a person?

What is needed is love, attention, respect, kindness and care for the young and old, a humane attitude towards the world, honesty and sincerity in relationships, mutual understanding and mutual assistance, the ability to sympathize, hear and forgive..

· Were conditions created for Sharikov’s moral education?

Preobrazhensky, being an intelligent man, believes in the power of art and goodness. He surrounds Sharikov with care and attention, tries to instill in him the rules of behavior in society, to accustom him to a culture of behavior. Both he and Bormenthal cannot understand why ignorance and rudeness have become ubiquitous with the advent of the new government, and they are trying to eradicate the bad habits of the donor in their brainchild.

· What is the result of the experiment?

The experiment failed! Sharikov, aka Poligraf Poligrafych, inherited the worst qualities of his donors: aggressiveness, lack of education, lack of spirituality, rudeness and rudeness. The life of the apartment's inhabitants turned into a living hell: swearing, cigarette butts on the floor, stench. Sharikov's confidence in his rightness and impunity is supported by Shvonder, chairman of the house committee, Sharikov's ideological mentor. Sharikov quickly learned the main rule of the masters of life: rob the loot, divide everything equally, destroy; from a stray dog ​​he turned into an orderly to cleanse the city of his own kind, without recognizing kinship. Neither Preobrazhensky, nor Bormental, nor Zinochka were able to instill in him such concepts as conscience, morality, shame, respect for women. Meanness, hatred, malice - this is the portrait of a new person. Good intentions Preobrazhensky turned into a tragedy that almost cost the creator his life. He manages to correct his mistake, returning Sharikov to his previous state.

· Why did Professor Preobrazhensky's experiment fail?

Because you cannot create an ideal society by force. “You cannot drive humanity into happiness with an iron river.” Where there is evil and violence, there can be no talk of a moral personality, of a moral society.”

M. Bulgakov, with his story “The Heart of a Dog,” warned about the destructive transformations that would follow after the 1917 revolution. Its result is a totalitarian regime that has existed in our country for decades; deep-rooted and widespread Sharikovism, manifested in the rudeness and indifference of officials towards their people. And today we are experiencing the results of a failed experiment to become a happy nation. The Sharikovs have penetrated into all spheres of life: judges condemn innocent people, doctors refuse to help the sick, old people find themselves homeless and without the care of loved ones, mothers abandon their children, officials, deaf to the needs of the people, care only about their well-being.