Alexia meaning of the name character and fate. How to understand the unusual name Alexia

The owner of the name Alexia can certainly be proud of a very beautiful and euphonious name.

The name is an integral part of the personality of every person, so it is so important to know what a particular name means, the history of its origin, as well as the fate of the people who previously owned it.

The name Alexia is the feminine form of the male baptismal name Alexy. The name Alexy is borrowed from the ancient Greek language and goes back to the word “alekso” with the meaning “to protect”, and is translated as “protector”, and the name Alexia, respectively, as “protector”. In the general Christian tradition, Saint Alexius, a man of God, who lived in the 4th century, a descendant of a noble Roman family, who abandoned his wealth and fled home in order to give away his property and live as a beggar, is widely revered.

The name Alexy came to Rus' along with Christianity, and was initially widespread mainly in the church environment. Thus, the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus' in the 14th century was Alexy, the second metropolitan of Russian nationality. The country at that time was torn apart by internecine strife and unrest. Using his position and the gift of persuasion, Metropolitan Alexy managed to pacify the enmity between the princes. However, Alexy's services to the Church did not lie in his political successes, but in the fact that he erected the Spaso-Andronikov and Chudov monasteries, built churches in Moscow and other cities of Rus'. It was for this that Alexy was canonized by the Orthodox Church, becoming the first Russian saint to bear this name. The church honors his memory on June 2 (May 20, old style). The canonization of Metropolitan and Wonderworker Alexy contributed to the fact that his foreign name gradually ceased to be perceived as alien, and began to be actively used among laymen of different classes, while in popular usage this name began to be used in the form Alexey.

According to church foundations, the heavenly patron of a particular person is that saint or saint whose memory in the calendar falls on the birthday itself or follows this date; it is this day that is called the name day. Since the female name Alexia is not included in Orthodox calendar- Saints, then it has not been found in Rus' for many centuries. But, since in countries Western Europe The canons for naming infants were not so strict, and in the old days there were often female names paired with males, although they were not included in the Catholic calendar, including the name Alexia.

However, in the 20s of the 20th century, significant changes occurred in the Russian naming system - the separation of church and state and the abolition of the baptismal rite led to the disappearance of many old church names and the appearance of new ones. Many names have appeared, created artificially or borrowed. The number of such names also included the female name Alexia, the owners of which can celebrate their name days on the days of remembrance of saints who bore the name Alexia, which are celebrated in our time Orthodox Church more than sixty times a year.

Beautiful these days sonorous name Alexia is consistently among the most named different nations, and parents are happy to call them their beloved daughters.

Sources: Kryukov M.V. Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world. Kublitskaya I.V. First and last names. Origin and meaning. Superanskaya A.V. The name – through centuries and countries. Leontiev N.N. What's in a name? Brockhaus and Efron. Encyclopedic Dictionary.

The name Alexia, what does it mean? Does the name Alexia influence the fate of the bearer or does it all depend on parental upbringing? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in our lives has met a person whose name does not suit him: “Well, she’s pure Alexia!”

Have you ever called people you barely know by the “wrong” name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with the well-known and significant features of a particular name.

And in order to understand who is who, on the website aZnaeteLiVy.Ru we tried to collect the most full information about names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, patrons of the name and zodiac signs inherent in them.

About the name Alexia: Meaning, origin

  • The meaning of the name Alexia: protector
  • Origin of the name Alexia: Greek English

Numerology of the name Alexy

  • Name number: 22
  • Heart number: 5
  • Personality number: 8
  • Happiness number: 4
  • Lucky numbers for the name Alexy: 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76, 85, 94, 103, 112
  • Happy days of the month: 4, 13, 22, 31

The meaning of the letters of the name Alexia

The letters of a name play an important role in shaping a person’s character. For example, the first letter of a name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element.

In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name. The last letter of the name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles heel, which must be covered and protected.

  • a – strength and power
  • l – logic, ingenuity, musicality, cannot stand discomfort, artistry, pettiness, logic
  • e – vitality, ability to mobilize in a critical situation, straightforwardness, talkativeness
  • k – mystery, endurance, nervousness, insight
  • s – nervousness, depression, common sense, oppression, authority, moodiness
  • and – impressionability, realism, subtle spirituality, peacefulness
  • I – intelligence, creativity, self-esteem

Talismans named after Alexy

  • Happy season: Winter
  • Happy days of the week: Saturday and Tuesday
  • Unlucky days of the week: Monday and Thursday
  • Lucky Color: Green
  • Mascot plant: Birch
  • Talisman stones named after Alexy: Peridot, Lead, Onyx, Beryl, Ruby, Topaz, Malachite, Jet, Obsidian
  • Totem animal: White Goose, Swan
  • Wood: Birch

Astrology named after Alexy

According to astrology, a correspondence has been identified between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

For the name Alexy, the ruling planet is Saturn and Uranus, which gives the name a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages given by Saturn and Uranus: Hardworking, practical, diplomatic, honest, responsible, patient

Disadvantages that the name gives Saturn and Uranus: Slavish obedience or, on the contrary, authority, conservatism, prudence

  • Astrological color of name: Yellow
  • Side of the world: North
  • Astrological stone: Rock Crystal, Quartz, Aquamarine
  • Representing animal: Mongoose, Polar bear

In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to one or another planet, which in turn have a direct impact on a person’s destiny. Therefore, if a name has repeating letters, then the influence of the planet that corresponds to this letter increases significantly. Such planets are called dominant and you should pay attention to its position (strong or weak, what sign of the Zodiac it is in).

Dominant planet for Alexy:

And an important role belongs to the planet that controls the last letter of the name - the final one. The final planet in some cases influences life expectancy and the nature of death.

Last planet named: Proserpina

Planetary number and meaning of the name Alexia

For the name Alexia planetary number - 3 and manages this name Mars.

All names - triplets require from their owners the manifestation of activity, vigorous practical activities, involve you in the mystery of struggle, battle in life. The key planet for these names is Mars, so you need to pay attention to the position of this planet in your horoscopes. If Mars is kind and strong, you will naturally fit into the program of your name, you will be able to develop protection and become invulnerable in life.

Zodiac and Sacred number of the name Alexy

For the name Alexia, the Zodiac number is 10 Capricorn.

Sacred number for the name Alexia - 10 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Capricorn

The name Alexia has the same key and sacred zodiac sign and therefore their life is more monolithic and integral and is suitable for people with the same monolithic horoscope. In this case, such a name creates a field in contacts with other people that is favorable for the disclosure of abilities and the realization of the opportunities available in fate. Capricorns create a field for overcoming obstacles and achieving set goals, require self-improvement and self-discipline, are associated with professionalism and the ability to sacrifice the secondary for the sake of the main thing.

Origin: Greek
Name meaning: protector

The name Alexia is suitable for zodiac signs

Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Libra


Stone:beryl, Plant:lavender, Animal:deer

Compatibility with other names

Alexander, Alexey, Mikhail, Pavel, Arseny, Oleg, Yuri, Anatoly, Eduard, Boris, Gennady, Marat, Artemy, Karl, Simon.

Derived from names

Leka; Alexyushka; Alexa; Alexiyka; Alyoshenka; Alexyusha; Alexiinka; Lexia; Leshenka; Lyosha; Alex; Lexa; Lexia

Alexia - name day

A representative of the fair sex with this name has extraordinary character qualities. She is characterized by honesty, responsibility, quick mind and quick wit. Alexia is not shy in the face of difficulties, and in force majeure situations she behaves adequately and decisively. Those who bear the name Alexia can safely go to leadership positions. Their talent lies in multitasking, quick reaction to current circumstances and good organizational skills. Here you can also add the ability to demonstrate creative thinking. Alexia can come up with original ways and solutions to ordinary standard problems. Thanks to her ingenuity, keen perception, and desire to try and experience everything, many projects that Alexia undertakes are one hundred percent successful. She can do serious business. Among business partners and in solutions the most complex tasks, where you need to make the right choice and demonstrate your analytical mind, Alexia feels like a fish in water. Representatives of the name have many character traits that help them in life. They are hardworking and diligent. When life puts them in a situation where they feel power, Alexis do not show tyranny and despotism. But you can’t call them soft and driven. Alexy always has her own opinion about a given situation, and in accepting important decisions They show enviable firmness in achieving their goal. As for personal life, here they are in the spotlight. Usually people are drawn to Alexis, wanting to be infected with energy and strength from them. If next to the owner of such a name there is an extraordinary, confident person whom she will not unconsciously suppress with her bright personality, then, as a rule, their union is strong and indestructible. All Alexia needs is not to hide her talents, not to suppress them, to be herself, just the way she is. Then success in business, as well as on the love front, will not take long to arrive.

What does the name Alexia mean?: protector (name Alexia Greek origin).

There is also male name Alexy, but meanings with similar female name they are fundamentally different - it’s worth keeping this in mind.

Continuing to talk about the meaning of the name Alexy known today, it is worth noting that there are versions according to which it has Old German roots. In this case, the name Alexia means “diligent.” By the way, such names as Amalia and Evelina have approximately similar semantic meanings, but, naturally, they are not the same and represent different names. In addition, the Greek version may contain the meaning “flattering.”

Angel Alexia's Day: the name Alexia does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.

Zodiac named after Alexy: Sagittarius, Pisces

Characteristics of the name Alexy

Character of the name: What does the name Alexia mean? If we analyze the meaning of the name Alexia from the point of view of numerology, then it corresponds to the number 4. It symbolizes stability, caution, honesty, reliability, and conscientiousness. It is very important for Alexia to achieve recognition in the business that she chooses for herself. Especially if the praise comes from friends - this will make her very happy and give her strength for new achievements.

The thing is that it is in an extreme situation that the name Alexia can discover and develop new talents and abilities. It is not for nothing that the patron of the name Alexy is the powerful Jupiter. By the way, the stones that relate to the name also leave an imprint on the character of its owner. This tin and electrum are unusually strong and durable materials of natural origin, symbolizing durability and reliability. Actually, Alexia is just such a person. No wonder the meaning of the name Alexia is “protector.”

A few words about talismans for Alexia. It is believed that it is best for owners of this name to choose clothes in blue or crimson, derived shades. Important matters should be decided on Thursday - this day is considered successful for Alexia. If the owner of the name believes in the healing power of stones, you should pay attention to hyacinth, beryl, and sapphire. Among plants, mint, basil, chestnut, lavender, eucalyptus, pear, oak, apple tree, jasmine, cinnamon, and apple of paradise are patrons and amulets.

Alexia and her personal life

Alexia's love and marriage: Number 4 gives the name Alexy a unique basis for the subsequent development of knowledge, professional skills, and achieving happiness in his personal life. And if she takes advantage of this opportunity, she will be able to achieve happiness in all areas.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: It must be said that a girl named Alexia has excellent ingenuity and quick reaction. That is why she behaves adequately in difficult and even somewhat extreme conditions. Taking this into account, we can say that in professionally Alexia can safely choose leadership positions and even open own business. She will also be close to areas that require a quick response to events. This could be medicine, education, or even rescue services. But Alexia is unlikely to like monotonous and routine work.

Business and career: It must be said that Alexia always has a lot of plans, ideas, she tries to figure everything out on her own, and this is another reason why leadership positions are perfect for her. At the same time, she is not despotic, but firm in her motives. This is not surprising, because bearers of the name with the number 4 must necessarily show pressure and diligence, otherwise modest demands and small goals will lead to defeat and poverty.

Reveal the secret of the name ALEXIA(in Latin transliteration ALEKSIYA) looking at the results of calculations in numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. You may not understand them, but you feel that you don’t know something about yourself and your loved ones.

Meanings and origin of the name ALEXIA

The first letter A of the name ALEXIA tells about the character

A combination of tenderness and... aggressiveness. People whose name begins with this letter are leaders in love. But they must constantly be fed by stimuli and impressions; routine in relationships is not for them, otherwise “leaving on the other side” is possible. The same can happen under the influence of their inherent egoism, so they need to cultivate tolerance and attention to their partner.

Characteristics of the name ALEXIA

  • power
  • comfort
  • talkativeness
  • vitality
  • insight
  • passion
  • emotionality
  • vigor of self-expression
  • impressionability
  • peacefulness
  • subtle spirituality
  • endurance
  • nervousness
  • insight
  • artistry
  • great ingenuity
  • logics
  • pettiness
  • imperiousness
  • common sense
  • moodiness
  • oppression
  • intelligence
  • Creative skills
  • self-esteem

ALEXIA: number of interaction with the world “4”

People whose expression number is four are rarely attacked by doubts and worries. Typically, “fours” know exactly what they want and have a great idea of ​​how to achieve it. Yes, few things come easy to them, but the efforts made are never in vain; in other words, such a person rarely wins the lottery, but never works without proper compensation. The average “four student” is the hope and support of his family members, relatives and colleagues. It is he who usually replaces the boss when he is sick or on vacation, gives sound advice, advises colleagues, corrects the mistakes of others and resolves the most important issues. In work, such a person often becomes indispensable, and great addition to his outstanding business qualities is a reluctance to participate in behind-the-scenes intrigues and any dubious transactions.

“Fours” at first glance give the impression of serious, thorough and reasonable people - and this is not an illusion, that’s exactly what they are. For them, any negligence, if not an enemy, is undoubtedly a negative and unpleasant factor, and people of the four spend a lot of energy on fighting it. Preferring to stay away from any risky undertakings and dubious enterprises, “fours” are usually content with what they have, but provide themselves with maximum comfort and coziness at every stage of life. Extremely honest towards others, they expect the same from others; by lying even about the smallest things, you can ruin your relationship with a “four-man” once and for all.

People of the Four, as a rule, do not recognize half measures, but they are practical and rational enough to make concessions in some cases and even allow themselves to be commanded. The behavior of a “quad” is subject to logic and is usually quite predictable for others; his goals are clear and his desires are feasible.

“Fours” pay a lot of attention to their family; constancy and responsibility are perhaps the most pronounced traits of their character. Taking care of loved ones and trying to satisfy their needs as much as possible, people of four, as a rule, strive to control the situation and not lose sight of even the most insignificant events. The “Four” may not be the recognized head of the family, but there is no doubt that not a single decision will be made without his approval.

The mistake of a “four-speaker” can be the desire for the benefits of life that are not necessary for him. Thus, wanting to comply with the wishes of parents, marriage partner or children, such a person drives himself into the trap of depression; Having learned to understand himself well and listen to his own intuition, he, on the contrary, is happy.

ALEXIA: number of spiritual aspirations “5”

Those born under the influence of A would happily spend their entire lives traveling and searching for their dreams. Since childhood, they are extremely inquisitive, but they rarely succeed at school due to their restlessness. That is why these people prefer to learn from their own mistakes and choose practice rather than unfounded theory.

Even if an A student lives in a luxurious apartment, he is content with little, without devoting a lot of attention household amenities. His abode can hardly be called cozy, and if it turns out to be clean, it is definitely not thanks to the efforts of the owner.

At a young age, people under the influence of the Five strive to gain the favor of others, while not forgetting about their own freedom. After 30, they avoid relationships because they quickly begin to get tired of them. Their marriage will be happy only if the partner comes to terms with the inconstancy of the A student and copes with all the problems that arise alone.

What you definitely shouldn’t do is try to re-educate a person with an A or burden him with any demands. Amorous relationships play a huge role in his life. The duration of such connections, as a rule, is short-lived, but they are always filled with sincere emotions and experiences.

It is very important for those born under the influence of A to express their feelings, which is why to many their behavior seems too feigned. If in their youth these people are faced with misunderstanding, they withdraw into themselves, while continuing to hope for a meeting with a sincere person who will not hide their feelings.

Despite the fact that people of the Five do not particularly delve into monetary issues and the nuances of even the most interesting matters, they manage to achieve success in their work, since they definitely cannot be denied the presence of reason. Full of self-confidence, A's enjoy speaking in public, so they often choose to pursue legal careers, public relations, or acting.

They have many acquaintances, and, being in a favorable mood, these people prove themselves to be wonderful interlocutors and business partners. However, if a five-year-old has encountered a dark streak in life, then, as a rule, he remains alone during this period, since few are able to endure his outbursts of anger in such a state.

ALEXIA: number of true features "8"

It is not for nothing that the number eight has had a special place among many peoples. Strong vibrations emanate from it, giving its bearers power, extraordinary abilities and fearlessness. Even if such people are capable of experiencing fears, they will never admit it.

Eights are programmed to achieve success. The word "boredom" is not in their vocabulary. As a rule, they do not have time to feel it. On the contrary, they often do not have enough time to accomplish everything they have planned. They love to learn and absorb new knowledge with great zeal.

Striving to succeed in life, they are not afraid to take the most difficult paths, looking down on all the dangers encountered along the way and enthusiastically avoiding pitfalls. Mistakes, both your own and those of others, are considered not a failure, but an experience. Having completed them, they will not stop, but, after analyzing, rush into action with redoubled energy.

From the outside it may seem that defeat is unknown to them, but this is absolutely not the case. They, like all active people, have plenty of difficulties. However, “eight-athletes” love to overcome them. Problems only force them to mobilize all their strength. When meeting them, such people’s hunting instincts awaken and excitement appears.

The presence of a worthy opponent also affects them. They need such people no less than true friends. Competition pushes them to do even more, to give their all and discover new abilities, sometimes even supernatural ones.

"Eighters" are created for big things. They are able to think big, but little things and details rarely interest them. Therefore, they feel best in leadership roles. Their job is to lead a dangerous expedition or manage a risky project.

Often their thirst for success and constant search for new adventures leads to sad consequences. These qualities are gladly used by scammers, luring people into fake projects with promises of fame and money. However, sooner or later, the “eight players” will be able to extricate themselves from any, even the most complicated story.

However, a quiet life does not displease them at all. They will always find something to keep everyone busy free time. Although maximum success will be achieved on the most difficult road.

People who are protected by the number eight are characterized by pride. They often pit themselves against the crowd. Being a part of it is a real torment for them. They strive to be different from others, always have their own opinion and are ready to defend it to the end. Unfortunately, sometimes this turns against their loved ones. Possessing truly brilliant abilities, they nevertheless cannot consider that some of their words and actions cause pain to those around them.