White geese according to the dream book. Why do you dream about a goose: dream book. Why do you dream about white geese?

As a rule, dreams in which geese were present are considered an excellent omen of well-being, but sometimes such visions can inspire feelings of fear, since in some cases the dream prophesies troubles and illnesses. Therefore, it is better to immediately find out what geese dream about in order to avoid future problems.

Interpretation in different dream books

According to many dream books, seeing a goose in a dream means for the dreamer that he will soon have to deal with a lot of intrigue and gossip.

However, some publications insist that sleeping with this bird is considered a good sign:

  1. A modern dream interpreter indicates that after dreams the dreamer may meet a soul mate. The acquaintance will be important, as the person will become best friend and support in difficult times.
  2. Tsvetkov said that domestic geese, which walked freely around the yard in a dream, portend an unexpected and huge profit. When the dreamer plucked a bird in his dreams, then the visions warn of possible grief from the events taking place. If in a dream the sleeper was selling a goose, the vision foreshadows great monetary losses. One dreams of killing a bird on the eve of the news of a large inheritance. The process of cooking in a frying pan is a harbinger of a visit from guests.
  3. Miller's dream book believes that annoying sounds of birds are seen in dreams on the eve of a serious misfortune. Moreover, if they swam across a body of water, then there is no need to worry, since luck will soon return to the person. It was especially good when they wandered through the grass, because then the dream predicts a prosperous year. Dead geese, according to Miller, represent the dreamer's dissatisfaction. In the case where they were wounded, the dream promises long-term sadness. If the birds are alive and eat well from the hands of their owners, the vision foreshadows a profitable material acquisition.
  4. Hasse believed that dreams in which this type of bird appeared should be interpreted only by considering all the circumstances that arose. Geese flying in the sky can sometimes foreshadow the receipt of long-awaited news of acquittal and justice. When the dreamer carefully plucked a carcass in a dream, the vision prophesies the collapse of all hopes. Moreover, if a person killed a bird on his own, the dream foretells him a comfortable life in abundance.
  5. The Esoteric Dream Book says that dreams always have several meanings. We need to build on the outcome of events. If the birds flew peacefully overhead, then the vision hints at the presence of bitterness and longing for lost opportunities. When a person killed and plucked domestic birds in order to soon fry them, then in real life the dreamer may make an inappropriate purchase, as well as lose an inheritance.

If you saw geese in a dream, well-known sayings come to mind. “Geese saved Rome” – is there any danger? “Water off a duck’s back” - maybe we can avoid trouble? Geese-swans in fairy tales are so beautiful, but so treacherous... No matter how much you wonder why they were dreamed about, you cannot do without a dream book.

As a rule, to see geese in a dream - good sign, promising unexpected wealth and good news, but some dream circumstances give rise to fear.

The goodness and deceit of a flock of geese

According to modern dream book, to see geese in a dream means to get caught in a web of intrigue; you need the help of a loyal, influential friend, only his power can influence the situation and save you from troubles. Don't have such a friend? Perhaps he will appear soon, because geese portend a meeting with a person who will become your soul mate, a support in life.

Dream on Tuesday night - you will get confused in your affairs, lose the trust of others; on Thursday night - you will have to do Difficult choice connected with relatives. Let them know that you also have problems that need to be solved.

Depending on who dreamed of geese, the interpretation of dreams may differ.

If this is a young girl, matchmaking awaits her; if she saw them before the wedding, it means that, despite heated quarrels, misunderstandings, insults, family life will turn out well. Devotion and love will help you overcome difficulties.

The same dream book warns an unmarried man that his beloved is not quite suitable for the role of a wife. She is unintelligent, lazy, and prone to gossip. Having become a wife, she will quarrel with relatives, neighbors, and there is no need to talk about her husband - he will get the most. The most reasonable thing is to pay attention to another girl, hardworking, with a pleasant character.

For a loving family man, the high dignity of his other half, the importance of being faithful, and keeping promises are confirmed.

It will be especially pleasant for a lover or a lover to know why these birds are dreaming of - the esoteric dream book claims that the choice of the chosen one was made correctly.

For everyone else, the dream promises discord with friends. But there are other opinions. According to Hasse’s dream book, many geese in a dream are a sign of family well-being.

According to Miller's dream book, a goose in a dream grazing in a meadow promises the return of good luck. Why see a wounded bird? This dream book says - to deep sadness, the cause of which is the child’s carelessness. Cackling, cries of geese - misfortune lies ahead.

According to Hasse's dream book, their cackling also promises trouble and litigation. Along the way, secrets will be revealed that will add grief. By French dream book you can find out why you dream of a flock of geese. Frivolous, empty conversations await you. But if the dreamer is the owner of this flock, he will be surrounded by reverence, respect in society, and the support of rich and influential people.

It is useful to know what wild geese mean in dreams. If in a dream you fly astride one of them, a dizzying rise, career, fame awaits you. The dreamer woman will receive a valuable gift or get married successfully and become a wealthy lady. If a man saw geese and ducks flying in a dream, he will have a new luxurious mistress. So, men, think about whether to tell your dreams to your wife.

The color of the birds seen matters. Dreaming of a black goose - this portends anxiety, restlessness. Dream books also give an interpretation of what a gray goose dreams about - it personifies the absence of passions, death.

Why do you dream of white geese - unexpected wealth? Perhaps the girl will have a successful, wealthy groom, and a married woman will find a prestigious high paying job, can finally take care of his career. For a child, such a dream promises the arrival of beloved relatives.

If you saw small geese in a dream, this is wonderful. On a global scale, Nostradamus’s dream book promises that peace and tranquility will replace wars, hunger and poverty will become a thing of the past. Men will have success in business, which will lead to quick enrichment. A woman who dreamed of a brood of little goslings is expecting a long-awaited pregnancy.

Features of dreams

For the interpretation of dreams, the behavior of geese and the relationship with the dreamer are important. For example, if you see them for profit, then selling them means losses.

If you saw geese flying in a dream, then this is an unkind sign. You will face difficult experiences, melancholy, depression. Why do you dream of swan geese flying beautifully in the sky - this portends prosperity, you will be able to avoid unfavorable circumstances. It is possible to receive news from abroad.

If in a dream geese attacked and you had to flee, then in real life you will be disappointed, a loved one will not live up to your hopes, or will fail you in an important matter. Why did you dream that a goose was plucking you - expect a meeting with an arrogant, dismissive person, which will bring nothing but trouble.

The aggressiveness of these birds is always unkind. And if teasing them means a fun date with a friend, then seeing geese plucking in a dream means a lot of painful troubles and sudden complications.

In a dream you were bitten by a goose, which means you need to closely monitor your health, a sudden deterioration is possible. In general, if geese bite, dream books speak not only of poor health, but also of spiritual vulnerability. There is no point in entering into discussions in the near future. First you need to restore peace of mind, cultivate the necessary self-confidence.

Dream books consider feeding geese in a dream a good sign. According to Miller, you can count on the profitable acquisition of expensive property; according to Hasse, you will invite your friends to your place and arrange fun party. Dream books also explain why you dream of hand-feeding - you can achieve your goal despite the circumstances, showing persistence and patience, sweeping away all obstacles.

It is also considered a good sign to catch a goose in a dream. You will win, and this applies not only to lotteries. You will gain an edge over others in a highly competitive environment.

I had a chance to see in dead person's sleep a goose, according to Miller’s dream book, means close losses and a feeling of disappointment. Although the English dream book does not consider a dead bird to be a harbinger of misfortune, because if failure occurs, then everything will quickly be resolved for the better.

It is very important whether the dreamer himself killed the goose, or someone else did it. According to the esoteric dream book, if in a dream he saw someone being killed, he will receive a considerable inheritance, but if he does it himself, then they will expect the inheritance from him - with all the ensuing consequences.

It is also important how this sad event happened. If you cut off your head, then, according to the dream book, your destiny will be peace and well-being. Shot a bird - a disaster is coming, a crop failure awaits.

The English dream book has a special opinion on this matter. If a young lady saw that someone was killing a bird, then her loved one will leave her for another girl. A married woman is warned that her husband's friend is hatching plans to seduce her.

Do you want to know why you dream that a goose carcass is being plucked? Esoteric dream book promises disappointment from purchasing a lot of unnecessary things, oh, these sales.

And finally, if you ate roast goose in a dream, it means your liver is letting you know that you need to give up fatty foods. The pancreas should also be checked by a doctor.

If you fried it yourself in a dream - this means a quarrel; someone else - you will be able to reconcile old friends.


  • I dreamed that my daughter fell from the balcony... but for some reason I don’t look down... I run to my husband - he’s sitting at the table watching TV... I’m trying to tell him that my daughter fell, but my voice has almost disappeared... like spasms. I repeat to him several times... he either hears or he doesn’t, I don’t understand.

  • I dream of a large bright room, and on the ceiling there are cobwebs, each consisting of 3 stripes of straight lines and large black spiders sitting on them. I see with my peripheral vision that a huge blue spider with a golden bow is approaching me, I was scared, but I can’t run, I covered my head with a gray cloak and at that moment a blue spider jumped on my back. I woke up.

  • Catherine:

    I dreamed that I found a white goose in the forest. Her wing was broken. I tried to catch her to help. At first she resisted a little and wanted to run away, but I finally caught her. I took her to our biology teacher, and he helped heal her wing. I also fed the goose. Then, when she returned to normal, I released her. Please tell me what this dream means?

  • I dreamed that my friend and I were walking across a field and there was a flock of geese there, we started to run away, and they followed us, they bit my friend on the leg and left her, but they ran after me for a long time and when they caught up with me, they began to attack, I started to beat them , some got caught, and one managed to bite the frog and then they left it alone, then we started walking further and jumped over the river, there was a big dog there, we started jumping back, I couldn’t climb, then the dog jumped over too and came up to us, she turned out to be kind. Why do you dream about this? Help.

Geese are domestic birds that every person has known since childhood. Residents of villages and hamlets are familiar with them firsthand. But what can night dreams in which geese are present mean? To accurately decipher the vision, remember everything down to the smallest detail. You can’t do this without the help of dream interpreters.

The meaning of a dream about geese according to dream books: Miller, Vanga, Muslim and others

Who dreamed about it: girl, woman, man

The interpretation of night dreams directly depends on who dreamed them:

  1. To a girl. The dream foreshadows interesting acquaintances and imminent marriage. According to the modern dream book, love and happy relationships await you.
  2. To a woman. The vision foreshadows troubles both at work and on the personal front. The main thing is patience. Over time, you will find a compromise, everything will work out.
  3. Pregnant. Changes will come in life. It's time to concentrate and gather your strength. By gypsy dream book, moderation should be observed in everything.
  4. To a man. The vision promises problems in the love sphere. The girl with whom you want to connect your destiny is not worth attention. She is completely unsuited to family life, and next to her you will suffer.
  5. To a family man. New beginnings and decisions await you complex issues. It is important to maintain discipline and be optimistic.

Did you dream about geese and chickens? A complete idyll has now reigned in the relationship with my loved one.

Bake a goose in the oven in your night dreams - a quick solution to problems that have arisen

Description of the goose

To correctly decipher night vision, you need to remember down to the smallest detail what the dreamed goose looked like, what size it was, and also how many birds there were in the dream.

Color: black, white, grey, brown, multi-colored

  1. Black. Life is filled with worries and worries. You did something rash in the past and now you regret it. It is not in your power to change anything. Accept the situation and come to terms with it, everything will fall into place soon.
  2. White. The dream foretells the receipt of a valuable gift, as well as material wealth and good luck in love. According to the Small Velesov Dream Book, such a dream, seen in the cold season, foreshadows snowfall.
  3. Grey. A calm and stable period in life begins. According to Gustave Miller, the dreamer treats a loved one inappropriately. If he does not reconsider his position, then separation is coming.
  4. Brown. Realize your plans and achieve what you want. Not long ago you encountered difficulties, but did not lose heart and were able to adapt to them. Now you will be generously rewarded for this.
  5. Multicolored. New perspectives will open up; by listening to your intuition, you will achieve your goal. For a military man, such a dream promises a promotion in rank.

Seeing geese walking on the grass in night vision means meeting friends and having fun.

Bird size: small or large goose?

Seeing a big goose in your night dreams is a sign of help from an influential person. The vision promises the girl an acquaintance with a respectable groom. By dream book XXI centuries, you will be presented with a useful gift.

A medium-sized bird seen in the kingdom of Morpheus is a sign that the old period is coming to an end. There is no need to rush things; changes will not keep you waiting. By family dream book, guests will come to you.

Did you dream about a gosling? Your financial situation will improve. For businessmen, the dream predicts profit in a new business. According to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book, a move or a long journey is expected.

Seeing a young gander in your night dreams is an opportunity to become famous.

If in your night vision you had to cook goose meat cutlets, then you are in for a journey that will take a lot of energy.

If you dreamed of a goose in a nest, then you need to devote more time to relatives

Quantity: flock or one, goose with goslings

To dream of a flock of geese is a sign that you are an arrogant and selfish person who thinks only about your own interests. For this, those around you do not like you, and your friends condemn you.

If the goose was alone in the dream, expect success in love and romantic dates. For working people, the vision marks an increase wages or receiving a bonus.

Seeing a goose with goslings in a dream means family troubles. Problems with children will arise due to misunderstanding. By Ukrainian dream book, unplanned expenses await you, and according to Muslim - a romantic acquaintance.

Butchering a goose carcass in a dream means exposing a hypocrite and a rogue.

Place: in the barn, in the house, in hands, in the sky, on the water

The interpretation of the dream also depends on where the dreamed goose was:

  1. In the barn. Now is a favorable time for dramatic changes. Take a closer look at your surroundings. There is a person nearby with whom you will connect your destiny.
  2. In the house. Such a dream is a favorable sign. It promises good health to the dreamer and his loved ones. By idiomatic dream book, you are guaranteed a salary increase.
  3. In hand. Hard times are coming. Obstacles will appear along the way, and you will not have clear plans on how to deal with them. The main thing is to think everything over and not make mistakes in the future.
  4. In the sky. Try to avoid conflict situations within your family, and strictly control financial expenses, otherwise you will be left without a livelihood. According to Grishina’s dream book, you will receive interesting news.
  5. On the water. There will be experiences and excitement ahead, but most of them will be far-fetched. Don’t be upset by little things and firmly move towards your goal. According to the Italian dream book, now is not the time to discuss important questions with loved ones, there is a possibility of conflict.

Brew in the kingdom of Morpheus goose eggs- To dramatic changes in life.

Seeing a goose with a gosling in a dream means a tempting offer

Actions in a dream: why do you dream of seeing, catching, killing a bird?

The events that took place are also of considerable importance in the interpretation of dreams about geese:

This is interesting. Cooking goose stew in a dream means regretting something you cannot change. In Russian folk dream book, someone will cause offense.

Interpretation of other dreams about geese: to see in a dream a domestic or migratory bird, alive or dead

  1. If you saw a live goose in a dream, then prosperity and family happiness await you. If the bird in the dream was dead, then get ready for troubles at home and at work.
  2. A wild goose seen in a dream symbolizes great inner potential that allows you to achieve a lot in life.
  3. If the bird from the dream was domestic, then thanks to clever intrigue you will achieve your dream. According to the modern dream book, friends are always ready to lend a helping hand.
  4. Seeing a migrating goose in your night dreams is a sign of worries about the upcoming event. Evgeniy Tsvetkov informs you that a move awaits you.
  5. If the bird in the kingdom of Morpheus was headless, you will become a victim of misunderstandings or pay for the sins of others.
  6. To see a goose with its head torn off in the sky in your night dreams is a sign of a difficult event that you will have to endure. This could be the illness or death of a blood relative.
  7. Did you dream about goose hunting? Defeat the enemy, who will leave you alone for a long time after this incident. For lovers, the dream promises reciprocity.
  8. A goose carcass seen in night dreams is a sign that it’s time to change something in life or switch to new level in a relationship with a loved one.
  9. If you dreamed goose feathers, then expect news from afar. According to Vanga’s dream book, you will receive a long-awaited letter.

If in a dream a goose was slaughtered before your eyes, then in life you will witness an unpleasant incident.

Dreams about geese promise different events. This can be either reciprocity in love and receiving an inheritance, or the illness or death of a loved one. When interpreting, pay attention to all the details.

The goose is not such a rare dream character. Our subconscious has many associations with this bird.

How to interpret what geese dream about? Various dream books give the answer to this question.

Why do you dream about geese according to the family dream book?

A person who dreams of geese worries, and not in vain. Something has gone wrong in his life, there is some danger. It is likely that a faithful friend will inform you about it in the near future.

If a goose or geese scream in your dream, this should be understood as a harbinger of some kind of important victory. In reality the dreamer will experience success in business sphere, although it will be associated with the revelation of a secret, perhaps with someone’s condemnation.

Seeing a goose wedge in the sky means that someone is trying to make amends to the sleeping person. Soon after waking up, the dreamer will hear from this person.

If you dream of buying a goose, expect a scandal. Cooking some kind of goose dish is for an unexpected date. Plucking feathers from geese means failure and disappointment. Killing a goose means receiving an unexpectedly large inheritance. But cutting off a goose’s head means that the patient will recover and the unpleasant business will end.

Eating goose or treating it to it is a harbinger of a quick change in the situation. There will be an unexpected turn in affairs, which will definitely be happy.

Why do you dream of geese according to Freud's dream book?

This interpreter explains the appearance of a goose in a dream as a close acquaintance. If you dreamed of geese, then the dreamer will have to choose between several partners.

Why do you dream of geese according to Miller’s dream book?

This dream book associates the sound of a goose with a harbinger of trouble, especially if the cackling is annoying.

Why do you dream of geese swimming in open water? After such a dream, the dreamer needs to prepare for big changes in life. They will definitely be happy, especially if you have been waiting for something for a long time. After awakening, do not be afraid of anything: everything will work out in the most successful way.

It is very good to see geese in a dream, calmly nibbling green grass. The tone predicts simply incredible, fantastic luck. Herding geese and driving them through the grass towards the house is also a very good sign. The dream means that in the near future the dreamer will receive a promotion at work. Feeding geese and calling them to you means a quick increase in property, for example, buying a car or apartment.

A dead goose is a symbol of approaching troubles. Perhaps someone close to you will die.

Why do you dream of geese according to Vanga’s dream book?

The interpretation of a dream about geese according to this dream book is generally unfavorable, covered in sadness. Seeing a lot of thickets denotes sadness about happy times left in the past. The dreamer will feel nostalgic melancholy.

The dream book also explains what dreams of geese flying like a wedge across the sky mean. The dream means the dreamer's longing for the places he once visited. Now the heart is yearning for the past, and it needs to be heard. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to go and see friends and relatives.

Feeding geese is an unfavorable dream. It signifies loss, bereavement, disappointment and sadness. Beating geese in a dream means legal disputes.

Why do you dream about geese according to Longo’s dream book?

Seeing geese in a dream is not very good. After waking up, the dreamer will begin or worsen some difficult relationships, problems will arise at work. However, don't despair. If you treat dream prevention wisely, you can turn the situation in your favor and create favorable opportunities for development out of problems.

Why do you dream of geese attacking you in a dream? To gossip, unrealistic or false promises. If you doubt a person and his words, then most likely he is truly unreliable and would rather let you down than help you out. Try to reconsider your relationship after waking up so as not to give rise to unpleasant conversations and gossip.

Why do you dream of geese according to Hasse’s dream book?

Seeing a goose calmly standing or grazing is a favorable dream. This is a symbolic indication of a prosperous family life in prosperity and love. Those who are going to enter into a marriage need to calm down after such a dream: great happiness awaits them in marriage.

But why do you dream of geese flying across the sky, Hasse’s dream book explains that they are receiving urgent news. If you have been waiting for a message for a long time, you will receive it after waking up. Another interpretation of the dream is the completion of some long-standing dispute, which became possible precisely thanks to the receipt important information.

Seeing screaming and cackling geese means big trouble. If the dreamer has any secrets, they will be revealed, which will only add worries and problems. If the secrets are too serious, the case may end up in court, so prepare for troubles and troubles in advance.

Kill a goose in a dream - good dream, which portends the receipt of a generous inheritance. Perhaps someone will give the dreamer the opportunity to make good money or simply make him happy a large sum money.

Why do you dream of geese according to Nostradamus’ dream book?

This interpreter considers the appearance of geese in our dreams as a symbol of peace and tranquility in the global sense of the word. But only if the goose was healthy and had snow-white plumage.

The size of the bird is a direct indication in which area, public or personal, one should expect improvement. The smaller the geese, the closer the dream is to everyday life, the family hearth, and the more prosperous the coming everyday life will be.

If a man sees a small gosling in a dream, success awaits him. For a businessman, such a dream means making a profit or dividends. For a woman, this is a hint of renewal of family life.

Sell, give away just like that or exchange geese - bad dream. It means that the dreamer will suffer serious losses. Try not to make mistakes in real life or take proactive steps to minimize the damage.

Why do you dream about geese according to Loff’s dream book?

This interpreter interprets dreams about geese positively if the birds behave peacefully and calmly. Seeing wild geese - to happy marriage, mutual love, fidelity, stability of feelings. If you dreamed of grazing geese, this means there is no threat in real life. Don't worry: nothing bad will happen to you.

Well-fed, calm geese also dream of increased material well-being. In the near future, the dreamer will have a lot of money, wealth or profit awaits him.

If you dreamed of one goose, perhaps it symbolizes pride. You shouldn't consider others smarter than you, even if this is true. In any case, you should not demonstrate your superiority, so as not to incur negativity.

Why do you dream of geese attacking, hissing, trying to pinch? This dream tells you that by your injustice you have caused resentment and even anger among your friends and have quarreled with them. You need to ask for forgiveness, admit that you were wrong, and try to restore the relationship.

Feeding geese in a dream means humility in real life. This is a good dream because people don’t like pride, but humility evokes a positive response. It’s good to see in a dream how you killed a goose. The dream is deciphered as a hint of imminent happiness.

Why do you dream about geese according to the combined dream book?

Hearing a goose cackle is a harbinger of imminent family trouble. Most likely, it will be associated with an accident.

If geese in your dream are swimming in a river or lake, expect gradual improvement in those areas of life that are problematic for you. An unexpected career take-off is possible.

Seeing geese grazing on the grass is a great unexpected success. If such a dream is dreamed by a person in love, it does not mean anything, but only shows a strong attachment to the beloved.

Seeing that geese respond to your call and gather around, and behave calmly and complacently, is a harbinger high position which can be achieved thanks to your own skills and talents.

Why do you dream of geese according to the modern dream book?

If the dreamer saw several geese in a dream, then in reality he is surrounded by intriguers and envious people. It is unlikely that you will be able to get out on your own; you need to turn to the right person who has real power. In addition, geese can mean difficult choices that will have to be made regarding loved ones.

Seeing one goose is a confusing matter. Perhaps you will bring problems to your own head or cause distrust in those who have always been loyal to you.

If you are pinched by a goose, then in reality an enemy or simply an ill-wisher will appear. This person will act actively and cause a lot of problems. Running away from the attacking thickets means disappointment in loved ones.

When figuring out why geese dream, it is important to remember all the details as accurately as possible.

Dream Interpretation: seeing geese in a dream

Miller's Dream Book suggests that geese on green grass are a sign of prosperity. Dead - to losses. Calling for feeding means acquiring property.

According to Vanga's dream book Geese portend prosperity. However, a flock flying in the sky is a sign of nostalgia.

Russian dream book interprets geese as a sign of the sleeper’s pride.

According to Ukrainian source these birds are a good omen. Perhaps a new romantic interest will appear in your life. Goose - beware of deception. Hearing cackling means gossip and gossip behind your back.

Why does a woman dream of geese?

Geese girl portend an imminent marriage proposal. For the bride, the birds mean a stormy, but quite happy family life.

A symbol of fidelity to the spouse and his positive qualities geese serve married woman . A brood of birds foreshadows a new addition to the family.

Geese pregnant are a warning sign. Any symptoms of health need to be consulted by a doctor.

Great if you dreamed of geese lonely woman. Acquaintance will bring a fateful change in the personal sphere.

Interpretation of a dream by the appearance of geese in a dream

Generally alive According to most dream books, a goose is interpreted positively. A more accurate interpretation lies in deciphering the details of the dreamed bird: plumage color, behavior, and other nuances.

White Geese portend prosperity. Everything will go well, and it is likely that your financial condition will improve.

The personification of daytime experiences is black goose. Anxious thoughts consume the dreamer, but the way out of a difficult situation is much closer than it seems.

A smooth life and the absence of bright emotions symbolize gray geese in a dream. This is also a reflection of the dreamer’s inertia.

Dead a goose in a dream foreshadows losses. You may be disappointed in your close friends.

They are considered a good symbol small geese In a global sense, this is the reign of peace after days of military confrontation. Locally - career advancement, business development and sure profit growth.

Large geese - good sign. In reality thanks to patronage influential person You will be able to move up significantly in the social hierarchy.

They have an original interpretation wild geese flying from the south. You will have to experience the envy of your relatives.

When you dream Swan geese, a period of prosperity will soon come. It is likely to receive news from afar.

Prosperity is represented by dreaming geese homemade. At the same time, the dream warns that it is still not worth spending money thoughtlessly; it is advisable to use it wisely.

Great sign - roast goose. Joyful events and material well-being lie ahead.

The caveat is goose that attacks. Ill-wishers will try to do harm with loose gossip.

Goose who bites, personifies emotional defenselessness in front of them. An aggressive bird signals the need to protect your nerves so that your health does not suffer. Also, if you dream that a goose has bitten, in reality you are likely to meet an arrogant person. Communication will leave unpleasant memories. When geese are nibbling, there is a lot of trouble ahead. Close person may soon upset you with indifference or an unseemly act.

Lots of geese in a dream, those who behave peacefully mean quick recognition of the dreamer’s merits. I will respect those around me.

Dreams indicate spiritual anguish goose carcasses. The reason will be a feeling of loneliness due to a lack of understanding from loved ones.

Wherein plucked carcass goose has a wonderful meaning. Soon the hostile plans of ill-wishers will be revealed.

Geese and other birds in a dream

When interpreting what dreams mean geese and poultry, it is important to take into account the type of birds.

For men, dreamed at the same time geese and ducks mean a new amorous adventure. Representatives of the fair sex can safely count on positive changes.

To dreamers who dream of having a child, geese with goslings are great sign. An important event will become reality. It is also a symbol of numerous chores around the house, bringing both fatigue and satisfaction.

Welcome guests appear in dreams in reality geese and chickens. For family people, the plot portends harmony and joy.

Actions with geese in a dream

Graze geese are a good sign. Your financial situation will improve.

Catching geese with your hands for single people, this is a plot that promises a promising meeting. A new acquaintance may be destiny. If you managed to catch a bird, the wedding is coming soon. Family sleep represents profit.

Great if you dreamed drive geese Hard work will be highly appreciated.

Feeding geese means making money in absolutely honest ways. It is also a sign of a family idyll.

Considered a good sign hold a goose in your hands. Profit as a result of a fluke, likely to win the lottery.

Cut geese - to receive a surprise, a gift. Selling means poverty.

If you dream of geese that you have to pluck, you should prepare for disappointment. The acquisition will not be very successful.

When you dream of geese, it is usually a vision with a positive or warning plot. Therefore, you should not be afraid of their appearance, but rather, armed with advice, build personal happiness.