Professional plans for the next 5 years. How life goals on your resume can help you get a job

Brian Tracy is a famous windbag, or self-development coach. His typical exercise goes like this: write down a goal, make a plan, take action. No one would ever think of doing that :)

Usually, his stories are related to some American university with an incomprehensible study, then he voices his “expert” thoughts and gives primitive recommendations. Brief example:

Brian Tracy on the 10 Goals Method:

You need to write down 10 of your goals in life for the coming year. If you could only achieve one goal, what would it be? Make a plan, lists of future obstacles, required skills and knowledge.

They say the 10 goals technique is “simply amazing.” Sometimes people achieved 5 goals in a week.

The sight of a Macaque with a banana near the volcano is simply amazing!

Brian Tracy gives exercises for primitive people with primitive goals. A little personal experience in setting goals they will show you all their “expertise”.

This method is suitable for purposes like: “Wash socks”, “Call mom”, “Finally take out the beer bottles”. So, of course, you can achieve even 7 out of 10 goals in a week. And for the rest of the “next year”, collect new bottles and hide dirty socks.

If you don’t have experience planning your personal life, you need to urgently develop it so as not to remain a naive victim of “experts.”

Personal life planning experience

The main reason why most people don't set goals is the lack of experience in achieving them. They didn’t teach me at school, my mom and dad didn’t tell me. Business coaches force you to set goals, but they have developed a persistent habit of resisting development.

Then “experts” of personal growth appear with magical techniques, giving amazing results without leaving your computer. They can say whatever they want, because their listeners will not check a word or complete the exercises. They won't do anything. And the “expert” will become an expert.

The sorcerer of personal growth.

Lack of confidence in their strengths and abilities makes people only talk about their goals and never write them down. It's safer to forget your goals than to see untouched lists. Living with goals is not safe for a weak psyche.

The experience of planning your personal life will help you organize it, give you a sense of your strength and strengthen your self-confidence. Personal life planning – The best way increasing self-confidence and self-esteem.

Your goals for the coming year

If this is your first experience and it’s difficult for you to assess your strengths, I recommend choosing easier goals. It’s better that you complete them in a month, then make a new list for the rest of the year. Every new plan will be more thoughtful, and with well-chosen goals.

To create a list of goals, I recommend doing the 100 desires exercise, selecting 5-10 desires from them. It is better to set not final goals, but a series of intermediate, simple and achievable goals. Instead of “Create your own business,” set goals: “Choose a niche for a business,” “Create a website,” “Write 10 articles,” “Learn SEO.”

It is very important that the first attempts to live with the prescribed goals are successful. Once again, I highly recommend making a simple plan to start with, even a list of tasks.

First, a simple plan.

To warm up your imagination and memory, study the examples below - lists of goals for the year by area of ​​life. Additionally, explore the lists: 20 goals, 25 goals, 50 goals and 100 goals. Make yourself a list of goals that will change you over the course of the year.

10 goals for work and career

  1. Take a course in a related specialty.
  2. Explore career options.
  3. Read 12 books on work.
  4. Switch to management with the help of coaching.
  5. Get a promotion at work.
  6. Agree with management on an additional area of ​​responsibility.
  7. Perform more complex tasks for work.
  8. Change job.
  9. Determine the range of professions for a new career.
  10. Organize your own enterprise, or choose a direction to search for free niches.

10 life goals for health

  1. Remove 10 unhealthy foods from your diet in a year.
  2. Get a health consultation.
  3. Do 12 massages.
  4. Consultation with an osteopath.
  5. Try 5 new types of massage.
  6. Run a record distance for yourself, plus 5–10 km.
  7. Find a sport to practice regularly 2-3 times a week.
  8. Fast for one day.
  9. Undergo an unconventional health practice.
  10. Take meditation and relaxation courses.

10 shopping goals

  1. Consult with a stylist and make purchases with him.
  2. Assess the profitability of buying real estate in your city.
  3. Do not make emotional purchases for a month, buy in 3-10 days.
  4. Buy a MacBook and/or iPhone.
  5. Buy a toy from childhood memories.
  6. Give a “soulful” gift to a friend.
  7. Buy a toy for your adult self.
  8. Buy a cup, draw a smiley face on it and give it to a colleague.
  9. Take a weekend tour.
  10. Wear new things in the store after purchasing.

10 goals for the year for personal growth

  1. Read Thinking, Fast and Slow.
  2. Study material from a point of view that you do not accept.
  3. Learn to give a report.
  4. Set a personal record for books read.
  5. Improve writing skills: write 5 articles.
  6. Improve your understanding of statistics: Read The Black Swan.
  7. Learn to draw emoticons by hand.
  8. Raise your level of proficiency foreign language.
  9. Learn to drive a scooter.
  10. Make personal time management a habit.

10 goals for women, men, families

  1. Reduce the need to control everything.
  2. Read the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.
  3. Respect your partner more.
  4. Have a fun and romantic picnic.
  5. Take the course “Natural childbirth”.
  6. Give your companion a piece of jewelry self made.
  7. Prepare breakfast for lovers.
  8. Notice when you are not listening carefully.
  9. Have a family dinner by candlelight.
  10. Speak words of support and care more often.

So, below the course there will be a list born in torment and suffering) This list is my firstborn, my first such large-scale list of plans and goals in my life.

To be honest, I don’t think I composed it correctly. I read that to make a list you need to take time, sit down and listen to yourself, and in the process of this ritual the answers to the questions “what do I really want?” should come. and “what do I really want to do?” Naturally, everything went the other way)

I compiled it because... I set myself the goal of “coming up with a list of goals” (). Of course, I want almost everything from this list (well, except for the water park))), but how many more things do I want, oooh, you would know! And there are so many things I want that I don’t even know about yet... And some things were included there, so to speak, for extras. In general, I think that this list is far from final and it will change over time: items can be added, or they can be replaced by others - for example, I will go not to Italy, but to Spain and this will be considered legal)

Let's move on to the second part - there are many goals, but time, as often happens, is limited. Initially, the idea was this: to implement all this within a year, i.e. until 07/15/2015, with the exception of the list of improbabilities (see. last section), but you need to face the truth - I will strive very hard, of course, but it’s not a fact that I will master all this mentally, physically and financially in such a short period of time. I could, of course, create a list of plans not for the year, but in general, but I believe that one of the conditions for bringing a goal to life is the presence of a time frame, albeit approximate. On this occasion, I decided this: everything that does not submit to me in a year will be transferred to the next list.

Actually, here he is, the hero of the occasion:


  1. Get an annual Schengen
  2. Get a UK visa
  3. Pass your license
  4. Get a tan :)
  5. Do strangers compliments
  6. Walk more -
  7. Become feminine -
  8. Achieve balance in all areas of life
  9. Write down your new goals, dreams and ideas, and add them to this list


  1. Travel - abroad at least once every 3 months, within Ukraine - once a month
  2. Travel to London for a week to choose a language school
  3. Go skiing in Zakopane
  4. Surf school in Portugal
  5. Visit all regional centers of Ukraine
  6. Visit Moscow and St. Petersburg
  7. Travel to Greece
  8. Travel to Istanbul
  9. Journey to Italy
  10. NEW -
  11. NEW - Collect 100 Starbucks Traveler Cups

Work and Finance

  1. Earn $3000 per month
  2. Create a wp framework for Themeforest
  3. Find designer(s) to collaborate with
  4. Earn $10,000 on Themeforest
  5. Explore Themeforest Alternatives
  6. Work in a way that allows you to travel
  7. Think about what else I would like to do, look for alternative sources of income
  8. Save 10% of every earnings for a brighter future
  9. Don't work on weekends

Professional development

  1. Explore Design
  2. Learn JavaScript
  3. Explore Canvas
  4. Learn PHP
  5. Learn to make mobile applications
  6. Upgrade your layout skills,
  7. Improve your layout skills, learn sass
  8. Upgrade your WordPress skills
  9. Periodically attend specialized conferences
  10. Write and defend a dissertation


  1. Fluent English
  2. A month of language courses in London
  3. English group courses
  4. Continue individual sessions English
  5. Start learning Italian
  6. Start learning French
  7. Summer language courses Spanish/French/Italian
  8. Start learning Portuguese
  9. Portuguese language courses in Porto

Family and home

  1. Dedicate an apartment
  2. Financially support parents
  3. Every week prepare some new dish - and
  4. Invite your parents to dinner at a restaurant at least once a month
  5. Invite friends over more often
  6. Buy a dacha
  7. Make repairs at your place of residence
  8. Grow some exotic plant in a cup
  9. Inspire your man -
  10. Get rid of all unnecessary things


  1. Learn to take professional photographs
  2. Find some other lists of recommended books and read them
  3. from these lists
  4. Paint
  5. Learn to make macarons
  6. Read and listen to inspiring literature
  7. - for example, skeletonization of leaves
  8. Learn how to massage

Sports, health and beauty

  1. Do stretching exercises
  2. To take dance classes
  3. Normalize your daily routine
  4. Eat properly -
  5. Start running -


  1. Spend more time with friends - meet at least once a week
  2. Go to the cinema at least once a month
  3. Go to a new restaurant/cafe at least once a month
  4. Study the events that take place in our city and attend at least one per month
  5. Go to a nightclub, get old)
  6. Go to a water park (although this is stressful for me, not fun)
  7. To fall in love with someone board game and play it periodically
  8. Look at the stars
  9. Go to the zoo - haven't been in 100 years
  10. Visit the aquarium
  11. NEW - Ride a yacht

Tell the world about yourself

  • Cruise to Antarctica
  • Travel all over Mexico
  • Visit Japan
  • Visit all countries of the world -
  • Take part in a marathon
  • Learn to surf
  • Learn to fly an airplane
  • Buy real estate in Europe
  • Trip around the world
  • Arrive at the airport and buy a ticket to an unknown destination
  • NEW - Travel all over South America -
  • Now about the problems - to be honest, I have not yet decided how it would be more convenient to take notes on my achievements in this regard. Lumping everything together is not an option. Managing all the goals separately at once is also not an option; it seems to me that in this case it will take more time to describe the process than the process itself.

    So far I've decided to do this:

    • select one global one and create a separate goal for it;
    • highlight several smaller goals (1-2-3) and regularly write a report on your achievements against them in this goal, say, once a week;
    • once a month write a report on the entire list of goals.

    those. There will be no stages for all items on the list yet, I will add stages gradually.

    Let's start on this positive note)

    It is difficult to answer the question about the meaning human existence, but if you don’t understand this issue, how can you decide on your life goals? The meaning of life is the foundation on which all a person’s plans, dreams and goals stand.

    I think everyone will agree with the great Stendhal that man lives on earth not at all in order to become rich, but in order to become happy. Indeed, most people main meaning their life is seen in the desire to live a harmonious, rich and happy life. But the concepts of happiness, well-being and harmony each of us have their own meaning.

    This is where the problems begin, because many people find it very difficult to break away from their fantasies and move on to planning their lives, where only a specific goal of a person’s life can become the incentive that will turn all vague desires into reality. But we should not forget that achieving the main goal of life is achieved only in small, thoughtful steps, in the words of the great N. Pezeshkian, the founder of positive psychotherapy: “For happiness and success there are no elevators, you need to go up the stairs to get to them.”

    To get rid of the ambiguity that arises when thinking about meanings, dreams and desires, it is important to learn not just to put life goals, but also be able to prioritize among them. To do this, we divide all possible goals of a person’s life into two types:

    Limited Life Goals

    These are goals that can only satisfy the desires and needs of a person for a while. They can be very bright and can cause gamma positive emotions. For example, thoughts about buying a car can paint a vivid picture in your mind and seem to be the only important thing at a particular moment in your life. A person can work hard towards such a goal and finally achieve it.

    But after a while this will not be enough and the question of a new similar goal will arise. This means that such goals are necessary, they can make a person happy at certain moments of life, but they cannot be made the main goal. Such desires should be fulfilled on the way to the main goal, classifying them as something that you simply want to receive or experience.

    Achieving these goals can make you more confident and self-sufficient. Here is an approximate list of such life goals:

    Goals that create meaning in life

    These are the main goals of life, which provide answers to the question of the meaning of human existence. The previous group of goals are precisely those small steps with which you can gradually reach the most desired goals. Of course, each of the goals above for a particular person can become the main goal - this is a matter of personal choice.

    But the goals that create meaning in life are vital goals that never exhaust themselves, because they simply have no limits. Once you find it, you can constantly improve your knowledge and skills, making your life fulfilling.

    Such goals in the life of each person are very individual, they provide answers to the question of personal values ​​and meanings, they can become a person’s life mission. That is why you can only point general examples, making up sample list the most important goals in a person’s life:

    An interesting take on vital goals:

    Take paper and pen

    You can start planning own life right now and leave a list of important goals with the help of a psychologist’s advice. So, let's get started: take 3 sheets of paper and a pen.

    On the first sheet, without thinking, for 5 minutes, write a list of all your current desires and goals that you want to achieve in the near future. These can be even the most insane, at first glance, goals.

    On the second piece of paper, write a list of goals that you will strive for in the next five years.

    On the third sheet, make a list of those wishes that you would like to fulfill if you found out that you are terminally ill. Analyze these lists, they will help you paint a clear picture of your true desires, and will also help you create a specific list-plan of life goals, which will be discussed further.

    Having made such an excursion into the world of your desires, you can begin to take more specific actions. Make a list of life goals for the coming year today. It should be small and concern the main areas of life: work, family, contacts, inner world. Also write the same list, but already completed plans and achieved goals.

    These lists will help you clearly monitor your own development and control your own life. This list can be made at any time, but it is best to do it at the end of the year or immediately after the new year. Do this yourself and become an example for your loved ones so that in the future you can perform such a task as a family.

    When asking the question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, the employer wants to understand several things:

    • Do your plans meet the company's expectations and capabilities? If in a new place you can implement your plans and are satisfied with the tasks and workload, the chance that your “romance” with the company will be successful is much higher.
    • What goals do you set for yourself, what do you want from your career? It is important to answer this question honestly and openly, because many companies have a certain logic for career development. If expectations will diverge greatly from the company's capabilities, it is better - both for the employer and for you - to understand this in advance.
    • Are you okay with your ambitions and self-esteem? "After 5 years? Yes, I’ll already become a director!” - if a narcissistic graduate without work experience declares this, the HR manager will have to be wary.

    What to answer?

    You should not share plans that are not related to your career with your employer unless you are asked about it. Therefore, dreams of building a house, recording music album And happy marriage It's better not to voice it. The answer to the question should be as relevant as possible to the work being discussed. It is also appropriate to ask a counter question: what is the practice of this company, is there a logic for career development.

    Here are some possible answers.

    You are ambitious and focused on career growth:

    • “In a few years, with more experience, I would be interested in developing from a technical role into a management role.”
    • “At this stage, I am interested in solving the problems that you proposed. Especially related to the creation/change... (add as necessary): I would like to have such a project in my portfolio. And then take on new tasks in the company. Tell me, what was the fate of the previous person in my position?”

    Haven't you thought about career growth and are aimed at long-term stable work:

    • “These responsibilities are clear and interesting to me. I am a person who knows how to work long and stably within one specialization, it would be great if you expect the same from a candidate. Please tell us about your vision?
    • “My long-term plans include growing with the company: I am going to learn, expand my responsibilities and bring maximum benefit to the company.”
    • “This is the perfect role for me at this stage. But if new tasks come along, I’ll be happy to try them.”

    All your goals are personal, and work comes second to you:

    • “This position is more than satisfactory for me. I’m not a careerist at all, I just know how to do my job well.”

    Do you have a dream not related to this company:

    • If your dream is not related to your current activity, it is important to understand why you are postponing its implementation and wasting time on this work. Most likely, the employer does not need to know about this, especially if this position will become an obstacle to achieving the goal. You can find out in which areas of activity you will be successful using the Career Guidance service: this is a professional test that determines your aptitudes and abilities and offers development paths in each direction. For those who work, but still doubt whether they should develop in this area, “Career Guidance” can help with self-determination.

    Remember that the answer to the question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” does not oblige you to anything: both you and your interlocutor know that a lot will change in 5 years. And if there is no clear life plan, the process of thinking and the direction of your thoughts is important.

    Good luck with your interviews!

    There must be a clause about life goals. This information is often quite important for the employer, because from it he can find out what you want to achieve from life, and therefore from work. This can directly tell a potential manager about how effectively you can work and how you can be useful to the company. Does it depend on what is written in the column about life and professional purposes then, will you be invited to an interview? Certainly!

    Any applicant needs to know how best to communicate their goals in a resume. Your life goals on your resume can either work to your advantage or put your employer off. It is necessary to understand the difference between personal and professional goals and not confuse these concepts. IN professional activity, of course, personal goals may be pursued. How to correctly formulate your life goals for your resume?

    Often this topic is simply avoided when preparing your job description. There is absolutely no need to do this. It will be much more fruitful to understand how to describe your life and professional goals in a way that would interest an employer.

    Why Communicate Your Goals

    Questions about goals, whether life or professional orientation, of course, are not asked just like that. If a manager asks you about your goals, then first of all this is done in order to understand whether you are on the right path, whether your goals and the manager’s intentions regarding it coincide.

    If your goals are not interesting to the employer and do not coincide with his plans, then this is hardly a suitable option for you. But if the goals and intentions coincide, there is every chance of creating a fruitful professional union “manager - subordinate”.

    Such cooperation can be mutually beneficial and interesting for both parties. If the applicant is interested in finding a job that will bring not only income, but also professional growth, a fruitful tandem, then it is better to immediately indicate his life and professional goals in his resume.

    The goals you are pursuing

    During an interview, questions are often asked that can confuse the applicant. But this does not happen in order to drive a potential employee into a corner. This is done to understand how suitable you are for the company, and the company for you. So, regarding your goals, you may be asked approximately the following questions:

    • what is your professional goal;
    • what personal goals do you pursue in your work?
    • How can you characterize the purpose of your professional activity;
    • Your life goals.

    These questions are fundamentally different. However, don't panic. It is best to answer such questions directly and honestly. But to understand the difference between them and what exactly they mean is described below.

    Professional goals

    First of all, this phrase means the result that the specialist wants to achieve during his work. This is the product that, as a result of the work, will be transferred to the customer or manager. The professional goal must correspond to the content of the work and answer some questions:

    • what activities does the specialist perform;
    • solving what problems is the employee’s tasks;
    • How does this happen;
    • what people who contact the employee will receive.

    These questions are the key that will help the applicant formulate an answer to the question about professional goals. It is best not to touch on any topics other than those mentioned above when discussing your professional goals.

    Personal goals at work

    When talking about personal goals, you need to indicate what you expect to receive as a result of performing your work duties. Thus, personal goals in work can be monetary compensation, moral satisfaction, prospects for the development of personal and professional qualities, gaining experience, etc. What you want to achieve is the answer to the question about your personal goals at work. In other words, personal goals are those expectations from work that will satisfy you as an employee. It turns out that your intended size wages also applies to personal goals at work.

    Goals of professional activity

    A general concept that includes results transmitted by others or retained for oneself. That is, these are absolutely any results that are related to work. This combines both personal and professional goals. They can be combined, or they can act as an independent unit. The purpose of professional activity does not have to be limited to a single number - there can be several of them, and they can have different directions.