The meaning of the female name Angela (Angelica). Health and hobbies. Name in different languages ​​of the world

Meaning of the name Angelica: this name for a girl is translated as “angelic”, since it comes from the words “angel”, “messenger”, “good news”.

Origin of the name Angelica: Greek

Diminutive form of name: Angelika, Angelina, Angela, Angela, Anzhi, Zheli, Lika.

What does the name Angelica mean? Many people believe that a girl can also be called Angels and Angelinas, but, in fact, these are just related names. The meaning of the name Angelica is love of theater. The woman named Angelica loves literature, painting and intellectual conversations. This girl cannot imagine her life without family and friends; her career interests her the least.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Angelica celebrates her name day three times a year:

  • June 29
  • July 15
  • October 21

This Catholic name days, because in Orthodox calendar this name is missing.

Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.

Characteristics of the name Angelica

Positive features: Lika has a truly explosive and passionate temperament. A girl named Angelica is often known for her scandalous behavior in her youth, since this is how she prefers to show her temperament and her own uniqueness. As she grows up, a woman named Angelica changes and becomes more sensitive. In quarrels, a girl with this name suppresses her aggression and prefers to sort out the problem calmly. It is thanks to this that over time its reputation changes in better side.

Negative features: She is overly proud, and she does not hide it. She likes to gossip, plot and intrigue. And, of course, when others become aware of this, they distance themselves from Lika. In the future, the bearer of this name may still learn to hide her own emotions in public, but as a result, she will throw out the accumulated aggression in the family.

Personality of the name Angelica: What does the name Angelica mean? As a child, Lika is calm and balanced, plays quiet games and spends a lot of time alone. She has few friends. From an early age, the girl already helps her mother around the house. He studies well at school, but does not show any special abilities. With age, the girl’s personal qualities practically do not change - Lika remains laconic, modest, often gravitates towards art and, if the young woman with the name Angelica does not work in this field, she strives to bring creativity into her life, at least through visiting theaters and museums.

Angelica and her personal life

Love and marriage: The husband loves Angelica, and therefore, most likely, he does not attach great importance to the emotional outbursts that she sometimes has. Moreover, the owner of the name Angelica herself is a wonderful wife and mother.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The name Angelica is determined from a numerological point of view by the number 3, which characterizes her as a talented, intelligent, capable person. She learns quickly new material, often looks for himself in sports, art, science and tries to develop comprehensively. Has for her special meaning hobby. Lika cannot imagine her existence without him. When choosing a profession, a girl named Angelica will give preference to work that will lead her to fame and success. Angelica enjoys overcoming obstacles and adapting to circumstances. A girl with this name needs to communicate and interact with interesting people, which would inspire her to new achievements. She also likes entertainment and walks - she feels great in society and lives one day at a time, without thinking about the future.

Business and career: Lika doesn't take life seriously. Possessing natural impatience and the desire to quickly achieve a goal through easy means, Lika can fail in cases where careful planning is necessary.

The fate of Angelica in history

  1. Angelique de Sancé de Monteloux, Countess de Peyrac is the heroine of the novels by Serge and Anne Golon.
  2. Anzhelika Varum – Russian pop singer. Although this is her pseudonym.
  3. Anzhelika Krylova is a Russian figure skater, choreographer and coach.
  4. Angelica Neto – Portuguese Opera singer with a soprano voice.
  5. Angelika Kaufmann is a Swiss and German artist.
  6. Anzhelika Jakubowska is the winner of the Miss Poland 2008 contest.
  7. Angelica Bridges - American singer, model, actress.

Angelica in different languages ​​of the world

  • The Danish name for Angelique is Angelique.
  • In French: Angelique.
  • In Dutch: Angelique.
  • In English: Angelique.

IN this material The characteristics and differences in the names Angela and Angelica will be considered.

Very beautiful and sonorous name, which is known in every corner of the world. Perhaps the reason for this was old movie“Angelique – Marquise of Angels” (1964), which simply exploded to the top of popularity (filmed this film based on the series of novels “Angelique” by Anna and Serge Golon). By the way, there are several parts of them and the names, accordingly, change a little. But let's return to our main problem: Angela is the same Angelica or perhaps it is different names. Let's look at this issue in the article.

Name Angela and Angelica: different names or not?

In order not to walk in circles for a long time and not to believe all the prejudices, let’s first delve into the history of the origin of such a name. Perhaps the original roots or meaning of the name will give a little clue. Or it will even help you quickly reveal your cards.

Where and when did such a wonderful name as Angelica come from?

  • This name dates back to Ancient Greece. Yes, like most of our names, this name is of Greek origin.
  • As many have already guessed, the word is associated with an angel. Yes, Angelica comes from “angelos” (Greek). Translated as “angel”, “messenger (or messenger) of God.” It also has an etymological meaning - “angelic”, “similar to (or belonging to) an angel”.
  • It is also believed that the ancestor of the name is Angelina. Exactly given name and is pronounced "angelos" in ancient Greek. And it also means “angel, messenger, messenger.” But these are also considered different and independent names.
  • According to ancient greek mythology the names Angelina and Angelica come from the same name - Angela (Angelos).
    • Interesting Facts! Angela was the daughter of Zeus and Hera, but her father gave her to be raised by a nymph. Returning 10 years later, the girl stole anointings from her mother, which provoked Hera’s anger. Angela hid in several places and the mother eventually forgave her daughter, but the cabirs had already managed to envelop the girl. And from that time on, Angela belongs to the afterlife.

What is the history of the name Angela?

  • The fact is that the origin of this name is very similar to the previous version - its roots also come from Greece.
  • But it came from the male name Angel, which is also translated as “messenger” and “messenger”. Also, one of its meanings is “angel”.
  • Well, for now there are more similarities between these names, but there is one more nuance - the name Angela has a Bulgarian influence. But its synonym Angela is already the influence of an English accent.
  • By the way, in the Russian name book such a name arose only in the 20th century, that is, it can be called a relatively new name.

Therefore, the verdict will be as follows.

  1. Angela and Angelica are different names that are simply considered related. But the only thing they have in common is Greek roots. Although, yes, the meaning of the name is the same (meaning, the translation comes down to the word “angel”). And, yes, they have the same root word.
  2. Moreover, these names are considered independent and different and with legal side. Even if you write Angela as Angela, you get two different names. Indeed, in paper and documentary matters, even one tiny (and at first glance insignificant) letter plays a very significant role.
  3. But from an astrological point of view, it is worth considering in more detail their influence on the character and destiny of a person. But we'll come back to this a little later.

What are the name options:

  • For Angelica, the synonymous names will be Angelina (as we have already indicated), Angelika and Angelina.
  • Diminutive names - endearing meaning: Lika and Lina (these are considered common abbreviations), Zhela, Zhelya and Zhelika.
  • But Angela’s names are slightly different synonyms: Angela and Angela, Angel, Angel, Angel, Angel, as well as Anelya, Anelia and Angel.
  • The shortened form is also more varied: Angie, Dzhela, Angi, Angeli, Hela, Gela, Lela, Angelochka, Anzhelonka, etc.

IMPORTANT: In the church sacraments there are no names such as Angela or Angelica. You will baptize the child under the name Angelina. If parents do not want such a name, then they can choose any other one that has the day of the Angel on this day (or close to it). But, naturally, with the permission and encouragement of the priest. Although practice shows that you can baptize with Anna, Olga and Sofia.

When is the name day?

  • Angelica is celebrated, for example, in Germany twice - on January 4 and 27. In Poland - May 26, and in Finland - December 8. In Sweden this day falls on December 7, and in Estonia on September 6. It is also impossible not to highlight the date December 6th - celebrated in honor of Blessed Angelica of Milazzo.
    • Interesting! May 26 is a day celebrated in memory of Blessed Maria Angelica Mastroti di Papasediro.
  • Angela Angela Day is July 14th. But in some countries this may be the case too different dates, for example, November 13 and 20 or March 2.
    • the 14 th of July
    • 12th of August
    • 12-th of September
    • December 23

IMPORTANT: These dates are Catholic name days. There are no such names in the Orthodox calendar! There is a related name similar to them - Angelina. But its days are in the Orthodox faith, they are indicated according to the Gregorian calendar.

Angela and Angelica: details about names

How to call names correctly, we have already partially answered this question. We have dispelled the myth that these names are the same. Although they have Greek roots, they appeared in different countries and in different time. Therefore, do not be misled by same root- these are similar, but different names.

  • In our, Orthodox Church There is absolutely no name Angela or Angelica, but there is a related name, Angelina. Therefore, according to church canons it would be correct to call them Angelines. Although many of their parents do not want to baptize their child this way, and choose a completely different name. By the way, adults will also hear a different address when visiting church.
  • From the legal side, these are, of course, different names. Absolutely! And it would be correct to write them down like that – Angela or Anzhelika.
    • But the last name has not taken root in our culture; this name is most popular in France. Perhaps the reason was everyone's famous movie about the beautiful Angelica.
    • Angela is more popular in our country, but is also considered a rather rare name.

And now we come to the astrological meaning of the name.

Meaning of the name Angelica

  • Angelica acts like a treasure for her parents. Because this girl is very obedient and flexible. In general, Angelica is a completely non-conflict person and is used to resolving any issues in a quiet and peaceful way.
  • Such a girl cannot be called active. She is more of a homebody, and she likes quiet and sedentary activities, for example, reading or embroidering. Yes, she simply loves handicrafts and, by the way, such girls do their work very well.
  • He studies without much enthusiasm, but there are no problems at school, and he gets good grades. Although the intellectual sphere is not her area, she has an analytical mind.
  • Of course, we all have an impeccable image of Angelica before our eyes. In general, she has a beautiful appearance and knows how to dress with taste. But natural modesty does not allow a girl to become vulgar or focus on her appearance.
  • She is considered to be a selfless and very warm-hearted person. Even during periods of anger (which happens extremely rarely), she always stays calm and watches her words (and even more so her actions).
  • She has an excellent sense of humor, is sociable, but has few friends and rarely opens up to anyone. inner world.
  • In adolescence, her character from being shy and quiet can develop into an explosive mixture. Often such girls in their youth have an explosive and hot-tempered character. Although, over time, she calms down.
  • She feels great alone and is considered a very independent person. She very rarely turns to anyone for help, but this has nothing to do with her distrust of others (although there is some part of it). Most likely, this is due to excessive modesty.
  • At work he is considered a valuable employee, although he often gossips and quarrels with his superiors. By career ladder doesn't rise too high. She doesn't have the necessary pressure. And desires too, especially if she doesn’t like the job. And such girls are suitable creative professions, albeit with little income. Especially, she is not attracted to monotonous and monotonous work.
  • Such beautiful picture It turned out, but there are some stains. She is quite narcissistic and often depends on her mood. And those around you, accordingly, can fall under its influence. And in bad mood Angelica can become too rude and straightforward, which can offend her neighbor.
  • Lika is considered a very strong and resilient person, which is undoubtedly a plus for her. If her career arouses her interest, then Angelica can achieve significant results.
  • Sometimes she can be overly stubborn and very vindictive. Yes, such a girl, sweet at first glance, can harbor a grudge for a long time, and if possible, she will definitely take revenge on the offender.

Love and family

  • She not only has a beautiful appearance, but also knows how to take care of herself. Therefore, men are always at her feet. But this only increases her self-esteem, and she takes it for granted.
  • The bar is too high when choosing a partner. That's why I'm often alone for a long time. The fact is that she either needs a prince in a white Mercedes, or no one at all.
  • Therefore, marriages happen closer to (or even after) 30, when a worthy and wealthy man is found.
  • A faithful wife demands the same from her husband. Such a girl will never forgive betrayal. This will be a blow to her ego.
  • She loves to take care of the house, arrange it and create comfort in it. Children, as a rule, dote on souls.
  • It is important for this woman to have stability and openness in herself!
  • And yet, such housewives know how to cook perfectly.


In general, Angelica has rarely been sick since childhood. And in adult life, she easily endures everything on her feet (if suddenly some kind of illness occurs). But such girls often take excessive care of their figure, which is reflected in their diet. Therefore, this is the only aspect that requires special attention.

intimate side

This passionate nature, but such a flower is not revealed to everyone. He sees sex, first of all, as a path to pleasure. It is very rare that men break her heart; rather, the opposite happens.

  • Suitable for her: Alexander, Nikita, Dmitry, Egor, Lev and Igor, as well as Julian.
  • An unfavorable alliance will be with: Arkady, Valentin, Roman and Rodion, as well as with Vasily and Daniil.

The secret of the name Angela

  • Angela's childhood was a little similar to Angelica's. This is also a quiet girl who rarely shows her whims to her parents. A distinctive feature of childhood is shyness.
  • She studies well, but studies (especially exact sciences) are very difficult for her.
  • Since childhood, the girl has incredible charm and beauty. And in adult life he is very popular among the opposite sex. She knows how to create intrigue and mystery around herself.
  • The hallmark is indecisiveness. Although Angela has a strong character, but often falls under Negative influence girlfriends And, in general, he thinks about any decision for a very long time.
  • He always learns from his mistakes, so other people’s advice, as a rule, falls on deaf ears. But the opinion of others is important to her.
  • She can be too impulsive and emotional, especially if she becomes powerless in the face of any obstacles.
  • But at the same time, she is a sentimental and touching person. She loves animals and often brings home stray kittens.

  • Angela is considered a good conversationalist, and most importantly, a listener. She can listen to a two-hour monologue with great patience. Excellent at keeping secrets.
  • In terms of career, she does not strive to achieve great heights (she has had such dreams since childhood). She can move up the career ladder for a very long time, but this does not bother her at all.
  • Valued as a creative worker. She has a well-developed imagination and can easily master the profession of a writer or journalist.
  • By the way, in my work I am used to achieving everything on my own and often make mistakes with my choice. But with incredible ease he can start building a new career.
  • Important distinguishing feature– she doesn’t like lies, and deceitful people in general. And also, have a negative attitude towards those who live at the expense of others

Love sphere

  • This is the woman who should see spiritual closeness in a man. In marriage, she values ​​not only love, but also friendship.
  • She will fully reveal herself to her man and share all her secrets with him.
  • But he often puts forward excessive demands on the chosen one. By the way, it is important for her that the man be the main financial breadwinner and be able to provide for his family at a decent level.
  • But she is not ready to become a housewife; it is important for her to realize herself outside the walls of the house. And the man next to her should encourage her or at least not interfere with this.

  • Unfortunately, she is not an economical wife. She can spend the money she earns at an insane speed. And in one day.
  • As a housewife, she will be happy to take care of the house and raising children. Be very careful about their training.
  • Therefore, he wants to start them a little later, when the family is firmly on its feet financially.
  • And it’s important that there should be a patient man nearby. She can often flare up even in public. And also, she is highly dependent on her desires, which change very often.


Angela, unfortunately, is no different. good health. The main problem part is the skin. Yes, pimples and acne often haunt her in adult life.

Sexy side

  • She is an ardent, passionate and insatiable lover. Yes, a man will have to work hard next to such a girl. He has a lot of ideas and fantasies in his head. Therefore, a man must be brave and ready to experiment.
  • She gives herself over to sex to the fullest and does not see a relationship without intimacy. The only thing that can push her away in a partner is his spiritual callousness.
  • This is a very jealous girl, although men never fade away from her charms.

Compatibility with male names

  • Favorable alliance with: Vladimir, Ivan, Valentin, Maxim and Roman, as well as with Mikhail, Anatoly and Igor.
  • An unsuccessful marriage will be with: Artem, Arseny, Vladislav, Dmitry and Evgeny, as well as with Valery, Ruslan and Stanislav.

What is the difference between the names Angela and Angelica?

We figured out that these, although consonant, are different names. Therefore, it is easier to say what they have in common is the common root of the name, as well as the connection with the “angel”. But Angelica and Angela differ not only in spelling and sound:

  • From the church side, these are different names that do not exist in the Orthodox faith.
  • From an astrological point of view, these names also have big differences. An illustrative example, compatible with male names or health aspect. Yes, and the character has some differences (temper and great passion, for example, Angela).
  • WITH legal aspect- these are completely different and alien names that have nothing in common.
  • Name days for these names are also different, although they are not celebrated in Orthodoxy.
  • The origin of the name, although it has a common root, is also different (we looked above at what words the names came from).

Can Angela be called Angelica?

The clear answer is no. These are related and similar words (we repeat), but they are not the same name. Angelica can only be called Angelica or other generally accepted abbreviations (they are indicated above). Angela is not a shortened form. Angela is an independent name that has a different history of origin and its own characteristics (from the point of view of astrology). Let us repeat once again - you cannot call Angela Angelica (or vice versa)!

Video: Characteristics of the name Angela, Angelica

Interpretation with Greek language- “angel” or “messenger of God.” The meaning of the name Angelica does not quite correspond to the image of its owner. IN different periods In life, it’s as if she becomes a different person: she changes her style, appearance, lifestyle and habits. As a child, he displays mature character traits, and in old age he loves to spend time playing with his grandchildren.

The girl so named is calm, easy-going, a homebody and her mother’s main assistant. It is not difficult for a child to babysit his younger brothers and sisters. She is responsible for her schoolwork, enjoys handicrafts and loves reading books. The child is attentive to the parents’ comments and quickly moves away from punishment.

Meaning of the name Angelica in early years takes on a unique hue. The baby is angelically patient and sweet, but at the same time she has her own opinion and is ready to defend it. Also, during her childhood, little Lika loves to be in the company of adults and listen to their conversations. For a girl it has great importance contact with her mother, with whom she shares her childhood experiences and anxieties.

During adolescence, a growing girl becomes daring and strives for independence. He already spends more time with friends rather than at home, dresses smartly, and wears bright makeup. Its goal is to attract attention and stand out from the crowd. Angelic meaning The name Angelica at this time does not at all correspond to the rebellious nature of the teenager.

But despite her shocking behavior, the girl does not forget about her studies and loved ones. During these years, character traits such as determination and sociability appear. She has many acquaintances, but no truly close friendships. She still loves to read books, enjoys music and is a regular attendee of noisy youth parties.

IN mature years this woman is beautiful, charming, has a good sense of humor, sympathetic and kind. She could live up to the meaning of her name 100%, if not for her stubbornness, independence and pride. But it is precisely these, not angelic, character traits that help achieve career success. Her tenacity can be envied; she is purposeful, has a brilliant analytical mind and knows how to avoid conflicts.

In my personal life, everything is going well. A passion for original jewelry, the ability to dress with taste, and always well-groomed hair make her even more attractive and desirable to men. If she is lonely, then you can rest assured that this is a personal choice and loneliness is not a burden to her. Individuality, independence and originality are of great importance to her.


Since childhood, Lika has had good relationships with the opposite sex, which means that she quickly finds mutual language with men. Naturally attractive, she easily wins men's hearts. In her youth, failures await her on the love front, most likely because she has not yet matured serious relationship or the object of her sigh is no longer free.

In any case, she never feels deprived of attention and she does not tend to suffer for a long time due to unrequited feelings. After 25 years, the conqueror of men's hearts finally meets true love. All her tenderness, charm and sexuality are revealed here. A woman is ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of her lover: she can quit a prestigious job, her usual way of life and go “to the ends of the world” for him.


Marriage means a lot to her. For Lika, marriage is a complete immersion in family life. She enjoys creating home comfort and raising children. But at the same time she does not forget about her appearance: visits a sports club, a beauty salon, follows fashion. She develops a trusting relationship with her husband.

Sincerity and openness are of great importance to her in marriage. A faithful and devoted wife is about her. Any hint of betrayal on the part of the spouse threatens divorce and unforgiven resentment. But fortunately, the other halves of these sensitive women are so fascinated by their life partners that they rarely go to the left.

Business and career

Lika is a workaholic, a careerist and simply a responsible worker, which means any work done by this hard worker will be done efficiently and on time. Promotion and financial rewards for her work are of great importance to her. Without regret, she will replace her old job with a new, more promising one, if she has been underestimated.

This is a successful businesswoman, with financial support from her family or loved one. This woman’s calling is to be a leader, organizer of grandiose events or bold business projects. If Lika’s career does not work out, then she will constantly be in search of: changing her field of activity, trying herself in other professions.

Origin of the name Angelica

It is not known exactly where it came from. Its meaning is consonant with the Greek word άγγελος (angelos) meaning “angel”, “messenger of God”. The origin of the name Angelika may come from the Orthodox Angelin (from another Russian “angel”). It is also suggested that there is a cognate with the Sanskrit word "ajira" (quickly).

But there is more mythological story. In ancient Greek mythology, the daughter of Zeus and Hera was named Angela. She was raised by a nymph and was one of the goddesses of the underworld.

Characteristics of the name Angelica

The contradictory nature makes it unpredictable. Her character has its pros and cons. Compassion, readiness to always help, patience, diligence, prudence - these are her advantages. But if this angel is angered and enraged, he becomes rude, harsh, and unrestrained.

She is also vindictive. If someone has offended her, an outwardly friendly and sweet woman will look for opportunity to prick the offender painfully. Feminine tenderness and kindness combined with male will and perseverance are the most accurate characteristics of the name Angelica.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – lapis lazuli, turquoise
  • Name day - July 14, December 23 (days of remembrance of St. Angelina of Serbia)
  • Zodiac sign or name horoscope – Leo, Aquarius
  • Color – black, red

Famous people

  • Angela Merici (1474-1540) – saint of the Roman Catholic Church, founder of the Ursuline congregation
  • Anjelica Huston (b. 1951) – American actress and model (Morticia Adams from The Addams Family)
  • Anzhelika Nevolina (b. 1962) – Russian actress.

Different languages

The etymology of the word is Greek. IN European countries This is what girls are often called. In Germany, for example, it is in the top 10 in popularity. We already know how the names are translated. Now let's look at the spelling and pronunciation of the name Angelica in Chinese, Japanese and other languages:
Chinese: 安热莉卡 (an-ze-li-ka)
Japanese: アンゼリカ(a-n-dze-ri-ka)
Greek: Αγγελική (an-ge´-li-ki)
German: Angelika (an-ge´-li-ka)
French: Angélique (an-zhe-li´k)

Derived forms

Diminutives and various derivative forms are numerous, but the common short name Angela is used more often. Today it is fashionable to use colloquially full name or derivatives of the name Angelica in the Western manner: Angelina, Angie, Angelique, Angeli.

Name options: Lika, Zhela, Angelochka, Gelya, Anzhusya. The name is Catholic in the church. Its analogue in Orthodoxy is considered to be the name Angelina. The meaning of both names is identical, so during baptism the question does not arise about what name to baptize the girl with.

Declension of the name Angelica in singular. including: Anzhelika, Angelikas, Anzhelika, Anzhelika, Anzhelika (Anzhelika), Angelica.

Declension of a name in plural. including: Angeliques, Angeliques, Angeliques, Angeliques, Angeliques, Angeliques.

Angelica, Angela

Meaning and origin of the name: comes from the name Angelina - messenger (Greek).

Energy and Karma of the name: Angela is an incredibly temperamental, even passionate name. This quality is especially pronounced in adolescence, when Angela can be considered a brawler. Of course, such a bright and sonorous name attracts attention, and first of all this concerns Angelica herself. Taking into account the fact that these days the name is associated with in a romantic way from fashionable novels about the adventures of medieval Angelica, most likely, Angela will have an acutely developed pride, and she will devote too much time to herself. This may find its manifestation in her touchiness, perhaps even in significant indifference to other people’s successes, because the name itself inclines her to strive to always be in the center of attention, and when this place is occupied by someone else, Angela can experience bouts of colossal jealousy. Unfortunately, in her name she cannot find support for patience and firmness, so there is a very high risk that in her youth Angela will indeed often provoke conflict situations.

However, with age, she usually has to pull herself together, and again, to a large extent, this is due to her acute pride. The thing is that excessive emotionality is fraught not only with quarrels and scandals (this is not so bad for a woman), but when feelings begin to be reflected in her appearance, she will no longer have time for jokes. Of course, temperamental people burn out in emotions great amount calories, but this process is also associated with various secretions. Roughly speaking, Angela, if she does not learn to control herself, may experience too much sweating, leading to the formation of acne, and this is tantamount to disaster for a woman. So, willy-nilly, Angela has to look for balance in her soul, and it is best if this is done by softening her own pride and the ability to sincerely respect others. This will help Angela not only put her appearance in order, but will also create the necessary normal life atmosphere both in the family and at work.

It’s worse when she starts to hide her pride and emotionality. In this case, it is possible that her temperament will find expression in all sorts of intrigues and gossip, which, once revealed, will completely ruin her reputation. In addition, by hiding her emotions in public, she can give them complete freedom in the family, which most often leads to family tragedies. However, the husband often prefers to turn a blind eye to this, since the energetic Angela is usually an excellent housewife.

Secrets of communication. You should hardly trust Angela’s calmness in society too much, the only exception being when she sincerely respects you. It is also advisable to be careful with wit; it is quite possible that she will take a joke as a hint or ridicule, and Angela can be scary when offended.

Astrological characteristics. Zodiac sign: Leo. Planet: Venus. Name colors: red, black. Most favorable color: blue. Talisman stone: turquoise, lapis lazuli.

The trace of a name in history. In his book “Amazing Fates,” Bernard Harward tells a completely fantastic story, which nevertheless actually happened to one young woman named Angela. Having married for love a rich Spanish marquis, Angela was happy with her husband for some time, but he soon died tragically. As for the marquis’s family, the titled relatives - being against the “unequal” marriage from the very beginning - made it clear to the widow that she had no rights to the inheritance and would not receive a penny.

So Angela returned from France, where she lived with her husband, home to England - without a husband, without work, without money. Once, while visiting friends, she met a woman who, looking at her, said: there is a person behind you. Having found out that this woman was a medium, Angela recognized her late husband in the description of the man behind her back, and soon after the spiritualistic session she had news from the other world in her hands. This incomprehensible message from the Marquis consisted of the name of a Parisian bank, some number, address and name.

Soon, the investigation confirmed that all this data was not the ravings of a madman: a person actually lived at the address indicated by the ghost, who explained to the amazed Angela that the number was bank code, and opening the safe, the widow found there a large sum money, jewelry and securities, as well as a receipt from the garage. According to the receipt, Angela was given a brand new car of the latest model, in the trunk of which there was also a safe with money and a letter from her husband.

“I know,” the Marquis wrote, “that I am mortally ill, and therefore I want to protect you from the attacks of my greedy family... If necessary, I will protect you even from the grave.

And so it happened - having become the owner of a huge fortune, Angela left for the USA, where, having successfully invested the money, she succeeded in business. The story she told to the author “ Amazing destinies"was carefully checked, and everything incredible facts- confirmed.

Short form of the name Angelica. Anzhelka, Anzhelka, Zhela, Zhelya, Zhelika, Lika, Angie, Anzhelonka, Angelochka, Anzhelka, Lina, Zhelonka, Zhelochka, Zhelunya, Zhelusya, Zhelusya, Angelka, Angelichka, Gela.
Synonyms for the name Angelica. Angelina, Angelica, Angelica, Angelica, Angelique.
Origin of the name Angelica. The name Angelica is Catholic, Greek.

The name Angelica is derived from the Latin "angelicus" ("angelic"), derived from the Greek "angelos", and means "messenger, angel". Analogues of the name Angelica are Angelina, Angelica.

It is also believed that Angelica is a variant pronunciation of the name Angelina, but these names are related and are often used interchangeably as diminutives. Not to be confused with the related names Angela (Angela) and Angelina (Angelina). The affectionate names Lika and Lin are also independent names.

For the name Angelica, the Catholic name day will be indicated.

Angelica is a passionate and temperamental person. In her youth, she often behaves scandalously, trying to show her brightness and individuality. Having matured, her character undergoes changes. She becomes more sensitive. During quarrels, he tries to restrain himself and not show aggression. Thanks to this trait, she changes her reputation for the better. Angelica begins to show respect for other people. Changes bring her success, both in her career and in her personal life.

The owner of this name is proud and often does not hide it. She loves to gossip and can intrigue. When these facts are revealed, they will disappoint others for a long time. Hiding her feelings in society, Angelica can splash them out at home. Excessive emotionality can lead to quarrels in the family. The husband loves Angelica. She is a wonderful wife and mother. Therefore, he does not pay attention to her emotional outbursts.

As a child, Angelica is balanced and calm. She is attracted to quiet games. She spends most of her time alone. The girl has few friends around her. She is obedient and loves to help her parents with household chores. At school she does not show any special abilities, but gets good grades.

With age personal qualities Angelicas don't change. She is modest, laconic, her inner world is hidden from others. She loves to read and cook well. She often walks alone, goes to exhibitions and theaters. Angelica doesn't like to draw attention to herself.

Usually the owner of this name gets married late. Family life She's doing well. Everything is yours free time she devotes to her family. And if it works out, then for the sake of her husband, children and household chores she leaves work.

She has a hard time getting along with people. It is difficult for such a woman to find a common language with the opposite sex. In conversations, she tries to behave with restraint and strictness.

Name day Angelica

Famous people named Angelica

  • Angelique de Sancé de Monteloux, Countess de Peyrac (heroine of a series of novels by Anne and Serge Golon)
  • Angelique de Fontanges ((1661 - 1681) French aristocrat, favorite of King Louis XIV)
  • Angelika Varum ((born 1969) real name - Maria Varum; Russian pop singer)
  • Angelika Krylova ((born 1973) Russian figure skater, coach and choreographer)
  • Angelica Neto (Portuguese opera singer (soprano))
  • Angelica Catalani ((1780 - 1849) Italian opera singer (soprano))
  • Anjelica Huston, Angelica Huston ((born 1951) American film actress)
  • Angelica Mandy, Angelica Mandy ((born 1992) English film actress)
  • Angelica Aragon ((born 1953) Mexican film actress)
  • Angelika Kaufmann ((1741 - 1807) German and Swiss artist)
  • Angelika Jakubowska ((born 1989) winner of the Miss Poland 2008 contest)
  • Angeliki Daliani (Greek film actress)
  • Anzhelika Volskaya (Yachevskaya) (Russian theater and film actress)
  • Anzhelika Poprotskaya ((Russian theater and film actress)
  • Angelica Bridges (American model, actress, singer)
  • Angelica Kashirina ( real name– Aslanyan; Russian theater and film actress)
  • Anzhelika Nevolina (Russian film and theater actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation)
  • Angelica Maria "Angie" Cepeda Jimenez (Colombian actress)
  • Jacqueline Marie Angelique Arnault ((1591 - 1661) daughter of Antoine Arnault, French religious figure of the 17th century, abbess of the Port-Royal monastery)
  • Angelika Timanina (Russian synchronized swimmer, member of the Moscow and Russian synchronized swimming teams, 5-time world champion, 2-time European champion)
  • Angelika Agurbash (née Yalinskaya; Belarusian singer, actress, model and TV presenter)
  • Angelika Krylova (Russian figure skater who competed in ice dancing. Paired with Oleg Ovsyannikov - silver medalist of the winter Olympic Games 1998, two-time world champion, European champion, four-time Russian champion. Now a coach and choreographer in figure skating.)
  • Angelica Balabanova ((1878 - 1965) Russian and Italian socialist)
  • Angelika Shamshinova ((1937 - 2009) Soviet and Russian scientist, ophthalmologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor)
  • Anzhelika Rudnitskaya (singer, vice-president of the creative agency "Territory A", chief editor of programs of the First National TV Channel of Ukraine, member Public Fund St. Andrew the First-Called, Honored Artist of Ukraine)
  • Anjelica Huston ((born 1951) American actress and model, best known for her role as Morticia Addams in the film “The Addams Family” and its sequel)
  • Angelique Kerber (German tennis player of Polish origin)
  • Angelique Jonatos (Greek singer, poet, composer, sings in Greek, French, Spanish)