Aglaya is affectionate. Aglaya: the meaning and history of the name, fate and character

The meaning of the name Aglaya for a girl, girl and woman. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Read a complete analysis of the character, compatibility and fate of the name Aglaida in this article!

Full name: Aglaya

Value: from ancient Greek name Aglaia – “beauty”, “brilliance”, “joy”

Similar names: Aglaida

Church name: Aglaida

What does the name Aglaida mean?

A person's name has a great influence on the fate of its bearer. Whatever you call the doll, that’s how she will live. Therefore, you should always approach the choice of a name consciously, studying its origin, character and meaning. It is important to understand that the quality of life, successes and difficulties depend on this chosen name. Aglaida is a name that came to us with Ancient Greece. Then and now its meanings are “brilliant”, “daughter of beauty and splendor”. Its owner is always in sight, in the center of events and aware of the latest incidents, loves to dominate. There are such variants of the name: Aglaidia, Glasha, Aglasha.

The name Aglaya in different languages ​​of the world

In Belarusian: Aglaya

In Bulgarian: Aglaya

In Hungarian: Aglaja

In Greek: Αγλαΐα

In German: Aglaia

In Romanian: Aglaia

In Ukrainian: Aglaya

In French: Aglaé

Characteristics and astrology of the name Aglaya

Favorable day: Tuesday

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Patron Planet: Saturn

Talisman stone: topaz

Color: yellow

Plant: gentian

Animal: tit

What does the name Aglaya mean for a girl, girl and woman?

A girl named Aglaida is a good and reliable friend. Starting from kindergarten and finishing school, she has several faithful friends, because she herself is always happy to help. Non-conflict, friendly, quickly makes contact. Easily adapts to preschool educational institution and school.

Equally close to both girls and boys. Therefore, it helps others overcome speech barriers between friends of the opposite sex. Cheerful, perky, self-confident. In conflicts that are not directly related to her, she considers it necessary to take part and lead the disputing parties to friendship. Sometimes she does this not to help, but to show that without her they won’t figure it out.

A girl named Aglaida is full of doubts and contradictions. The former childhood courage and fervor are replaced by a balanced look and thoughtfulness, assessing the situation and determining the consequences after certain actions.

Having a goal, for example, organizing a literary evening at the institute, she sees enormous opportunities after the successful outcome of the matter. However, even with the ability to organize and find worthy performers, he may begin to hesitate, change the plan of the event and completely refuse to carry it out, giving the entire reward to someone who will cope with this task much worse.

This doesn't always happen. And this happens due to youthful maximalism, when you want to do everything perfectly or do nothing at all, going to one extreme or the other.

A woman named Aglaida is a faithful and devoted partner in marriage and love. But the number of ambitious plans is off the charts. The goal she has chosen is too huge, the tasks set are unbearably difficult.

Such plans do not allow you to devote yourself to your beloved man or spouse; sometimes there is simply not enough time to express tender feelings. And even strong love cannot fight such ambition. This should not be allowed!

The object of desire and love should play a much more significant role in life than determination, which flatters pride and increased self-esteem. When searching for harmony, such a woman will always be softened by her partner’s love, making her calmer, able to distract herself from her goals and pay attention to how to please her lover.

The character and fate of the name Aglaya

  • determination
  • strong-willed character
  • presence of leadership qualities
  • management skills
  • finding a quick solution to a problem
  • resistance to stress
  • good intuition
  • charm
  • cuteness
  • femininity

Determination helps Aglaida not to stand still. When some people think about whether to do this or that way, she has already made a decision and did what she thinks is right. A strong-willed character helps to overcome difficulties on the way to the goal.

Leadership qualities and management abilities make it possible to gather a friendly team of like-minded people around you. She does not fall into depression and nervousness because she is resistant to them. Can intuitively sense a risky undertaking and not start it.

  • despotic management
  • complex character
  • secrecy
  • cold

Despotism in management is expressed in the fact that Aglaida, having increased demands on herself, expects the same from others. In the team he does not tolerate laziness, laxity and dishonesty. Often has a reputation as a person with a complex character.

She hides her personal life and existing problems from prying eyes and ears, which makes it seem secretive to others. Shows coldness towards those with whom she is not interested. But as soon as a person acquires at least some significance in her eyes, he “warms up”. This kind of inconsistency is scary large number employees. Only those who were able to adapt and withstand her initial indifference and detachment are close to her.

The fate of Aglaya

Since childhood, Aglaida goes for a battering ram if her feelings are hurt. By adolescence, she gives a tougher rebuff to those who offend her. However, he does not get into fights or brawls. A look and a word are enough for her to put the offender in his place.

In adulthood, personal life does not immediately go well. She is looking for a love that can withstand any test. She needs a strong life partner who does not give in to difficulties, but, on the contrary, gives a helping hand.

The fate of Aglaida is not simple, but full of bright events and impressions. The period of adolescence is especially exciting, the period of career growth is difficult and the hour when she realizes that it is time for her to improve her personal life, become a good wife and give birth to a child is unpredictable.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Work for Aglaida, if she does not have a family, comes first. She is not against career growth, and fast one at that. He doesn’t consider it shameful to become a director, because he can manage. But in achieving the goal he does not “go over his head”, but achieves everything with his own strength, qualities and knowledge. He takes his time, acts smoothly, slowly but surely.

Having strong energy, she does not have to choose an office job. She can fully embody herself in theatrical activities. Pedagogy is also close to her, since Aglaida easily conveys the necessary information to the listener. The choice is not so small. In business, he does not tolerate negligence or frivolity from partners. He believes that business comes first: health and family. But this is only until she gets married.

Marriage and family

Being a leader by nature, family life Aglaida, especially at first, will not be easy. Her betrothed will also suffer from this. It is difficult for her to get used to the fact that now she needs to plan her life with someone else, make plans together.

An alien creature has penetrated her universe - this is exactly how Aglaida feels, despite the fact that she really loves her chosen one. The husband will have to accustom the woman to the fact that he is the head of the family and last word now follow him. But soon she will get used to this state of affairs, reconcile herself and become a wonderful housewife and wife.

However, sometimes Aglaida will still try to take the lead, and here the husband would benefit from wisdom in how to act so as not to offend his beloved.

Sex and love

Aglaida is very attractive. Not every man can walk past her without turning around. There are no number of fans, but only a few, or even fewer, achieve her favor.

Letting a man get close is not in her rules, which Aglaida puts the stronger sex into a stupor and even paralyzes. Rejects consider her either arrogant or hard to get. A woman’s coldness can be explained by the fact that she wants to be not a passing hobby in a man’s life, but true love and even the meaning of life.

In relationships, she is chaste and tactful, reserved and behaves like a lady. Constantly checking his companion, it takes him a long time to decide on a serious relationship. There are many who want to be with her, but there are incredibly few who can withstand the test. Anyone who can achieve her love will receive a lot of tenderness and passion not only in relationships, but also in sex.


Aglaida is not prone to pain. But if some virus was able to penetrate her body, she would not complain, would not wrap her head in a towel, would not lie down on the sofa, would not allow anyone to treat her. She always copes with illnesses herself.

In cases where the illness is stronger than her prescription, she goes to the hospital reluctantly, because she cannot completely trust the doctors. Prefers proven specialists. And if she liked the doctor, then she can willingly visit him in order to prevent the disease, coming, so to speak, for advice. Doesn't panic when he discovers he has a high temperature. Not afraid of injections or dentists.

Interests and hobbies

Aglaida is a person of high spirit. Morality and moralism come first for her. Often with these qualities she removes from herself people whose moral character does not fit into her idea of correct behavior and ethics. Therefore, her hobbies and interests are more related to charity or religion.

For example, she is interested in being in a group of volunteers searching for a missing child. She is not indifferent to the lives of homeless animals. And if he gets carried away with this activity, he will place all the lost people in their homes. However, the hobby captivates her, leading her to fanaticism. Therefore, you should not allow yourself to be completely immersed in spirituality.

Compatibility of the name Aglaya with male names

In matters of love, serious relationship and marriage, Aglaida better pay attention to Vadim, Ruslan, Makar, Semyon, Evgeniy, Stepan and Maxim. Not only the girl herself, but her parents and relatives will immediately like them. Also, a very good marriage union will be with Victor, David, Igor, Andrey and Egor. There will be no storm of passions, but strong friendly relations are guaranteed. There are no names that would be considered contraindicated for Aglaida, in terms of love. She, due to her attractiveness and wisdom, can adapt to any man’s whim if she loves.

It is better for Aglaida to get a job with Yuri, Oleg, Makar, Nikita, Mikhail, Kirill and Fedor. A manager with one of these names will notice potential in a woman and give her the opportunity to rise through the ranks. career ladder. Aglaida’s relationship with employers and employees, whose names will be Maxim, Daniil, Dmitry, Victor, Semyon, Timur and Stepan, will not work out. And the position held does not matter here. Even the janitor of the enterprise, Timur, will have an unfriendly attitude towards a woman, for reasons that only he understands. In other areas of life, it is worth relying on the latest list of names.

Forms of the name Aglaya

Other name options: Aglasha, Glaya.

Name Aglaya on different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 米仔(Mǐ zǐ). Japanese: アグライア (Aguraia). Ukrainian: Aglaya. Yiddish: אַגלאַיאַ (aglaia). English: Aglaia (Aglaia).

Origin and meaning of the name Aglaya

Origin of the name Aglaya: The meaning of the name is the name of one of the three graces, brilliant, beautiful.

Character of the name

You are very picky about your environment and choice of friends; you often build a “wall” of alienation and secrecy around yourself until you are convinced that there are no individuals unpleasant to you. However, when communicating with people close to you, you show all your natural charm and charm.

Usually, you are the head of the family and home, but this is often a burden for you. To achieve happiness in marriage, choose a person who, like you, loves books, strives for knowledge and is interested in refined things. If, as a result of marriage, you have too many relatives, you may experience alienation from the family hearth. You need to be alone periodically, given the opportunity to rest, think or read. The happiest marriage for you will be one based on a deep attraction of mind and soul.

You can rightfully be called a charming person, because you are an excellent comrade, well-mannered, witty, kind, always ready to help and able to carry yourself with dignity. Your talents and successes evoke universal admiration.

You constantly feel the need to carry yourself with dignity without losing your composure. But if you have to exist in conditions of chaos and confusion, then you often lose attractiveness in the eyes of others.


You strive to “embrace the immensity.” Your soul longs for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, one might say, does not exist for you. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.
When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that you can and should force them to “go in a water sled” with you, in the direction you choose.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need outside assistance, and above all, as a “restraining principle.” Otherwise you may want to “turn over the earth.”

But if you are forced to use other people’s opportunities, then you need to learn to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the greater your chances of keeping your soul pure and your heart healthy.


Probably, the big names of elite fashion houses also exist to replenish your vocabulary. You should always look “comme il faut”, this is your evidence of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status. This is the only way you feel “at ease”, and then you can show good nature, friendliness, and easily make any contact.

Numerology of the name Aglaya

Holders of the name number 6 are distinguished by calmness and sanity. Sixes value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and good name more expensive than immediate benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. “Sixes” are not distinguished by leadership qualities, but they are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-satisfied “sixes”, but for most of them the main guideline in life is family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.


Planet: Mars.
Element: Fire, warm-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Fiery red, bloody, ferruginous.
Day: Tuesday.
Metal: Iron.
Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lapp blood.
Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, bean, hot pepper.
Animals: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog.

The name Aglaya as a phrase

A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
G Verb (Speak)
L People
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
I (YA = A) Az

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Aglaya

Meaning of the name Aglaya: This name for a girl means “brilliance”, “joy”, “beauty”.

Origin of the name Aglaya: has ancient Greek roots.

Diminutive form of name: Aglayushka, Aglanya, Glanya, Glasha.

What does the name Aglaya mean? The word Aglaya is translated as “magnificent” or “brilliant,” which was the name of one of the ancient Greek goddesses. A girl with this name is different strong character and determination. She Aglaya devotes a lot of time to studying and career growth, and this does not prevent her from building happy family relationships.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Alaya celebrates name days once a year: January 1 (December 19) - righteous Aglaida spent her life in fasting, caring for the poor and prayer, with which she performed miracles (IV century).

Signs: If the sky is starry on Aglaida, it means a harvest. The woodpecker starts knocking - to early spring. Hares on Aglaida stay near housing - in anticipation of frost.


  • Zodiac – Capricorn
  • Planet - Saturn
  • Color - yellow
  • Auspicious tree of Aglaya - elm
  • Treasured plant – gentian
  • Patron - tit
  • Talisman stone – topaz

Characteristics of the name Aglaya

Positive features: Glasha is characterized by sufficient sensuality, as well as a penchant for luxury and sophistication. The name Aglaya brings dreaminess and vivid imagination. These traits may make Aglaya acutely feel her own specialness and uniqueness, which can sometimes provoke many conflict situations with people around her, who tend to mistake independence and independence of behavior for arrogance and swagger.

Negative features: Increased sensuality leaves an imprint of suspiciousness on a girl’s character. A woman named Aglaya is extremely sensitive to remarks and insults. Glasha's emotionality, combined with an impulsive and impetuous character, can become explosive.

Character of the name Aglaya: Glasha is very charming, but at the same time there is some kind of detachment in her that has a restraining effect on people. The negative meaning of the word Aglaya is slowness. The name Aglaya also gives a tendency to moralize.

Compatible with male names: The alliance of Aglaya with Augustus, Askold, Valery, Venedikt, Maximilian is favorable. Difficult relationships probably with Arseny, Vseslav, Sylvester.

Aglaya and her personal life

Love and marriage: A girl named Aglaya is unpretentious in family relationships and does not like to complicate his life. Aglaya is characterized by calmness and balance.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Probably, from childhood, a girl with this name will have a craving for some kind of creativity, since in her eyes spiritual values ​​will be much more important than purely material ones.

Business and career: Aglaya, who has the name, rarely limits herself to household chores, leaving her husband with the problems of financial support. She strives to realize herself outside the family - in a prestigious job or surrounded by famous people.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Aglaya: The only thing Glasha should be wary of is accidents and aggression from the outside.

The fate of Aglaya in history

What does the name Aglaya mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. The name Aglaya was borne by one of the three harits, or graces: beneficent goddesses embodying the good, joyful and eternally youthful beginning of life. The Charites are close to Apollo, as are the muses.
  2. One of the heroines of F. M. Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot". Unlike the truly femme fatale Nastasya Filippovna, the actress named Aglaya is associated with restrained passion, almost suppressed by high developed sense self-esteem.
  3. Wife of Abant, mother of Acrisius and Pretus, twin brothers
  4. Amiphaon's wife, mother of Biant and Melampod (version)
  5. Aglaia, daughter of Thespius, who gave birth to a son, Antiades, from Hercules

Aglaya is a rare and unusual female name that makes its bearer stand out among people. It's interesting to know how the value female name Aglaya influences future fate its owner.


The origin of the female name Aglaya is associated with ancient mythology. According to myths, the oceanid Eurynoma, together with Zeus, gave birth to three daughters: Thalia, Euphrosyne and Aglaia. The ancient Greeks called them Charites, and the Romans called them Graces. The name Aglaya has Greek its spelling is “Ἀγλαΐα”, which means “brilliant”, “jubilant”. This is the youngest of the daughters of Zeus and Eurynome, who became the wife of God Hephaestus (second in a row) and gave birth to 4 daughters. But there is also a theory that it was Aglaya who was the mother of the God of Sleep Morpheus, but not the goddess of the night Nyukta.


Named after the goddess of fun, joy and grace, little Glasha tries to enjoy life from the moment she is born. The meaning of the name Aglaya for a little girl is the ability to enjoy any little things and find beauty in the world. Moreover, joy does not lie in some kind of emotional manifestation, it is calm and quiet enthusiasm. The girl grows up dreamy and creates her own around her. unusual world, in which she will feel comfortable. She can spend hours calmly playing with toys, reading books or just daydreaming. And she doesn't need anything else.

Aglaya is the kind of child who would prefer watching cartoons at home active games on the street in the company of other children. Glasha is growing up as a very inquisitive child and never misses an opportunity to learn something new and interesting. Therefore, parents need to be prepared for constant unusual questions from the little “why.” The girl Aglaya has a certain characteristic in the meaning of her name that gives her leadership qualities from childhood. She has enough friends who listen to her unconditionally. The girl growing up is not easy and even difficult in terms of education for teachers and parents. In a child, one can find straightforwardness, perseverance and determination in his character traits. This strong-willed little girl will go to achieve her desired goal by any means. It is very important for teachers to form the correct goal setting in the early stages. And then all the energy of Aglaya will flow in a positive direction.

Aglaya is a name for an already grown-up girl that allows you to form a certain range of interests. Studying rarely becomes interesting for Aglaya, and at school she proves herself to be a mediocre student. If she manages to choose the one she likes among the mass of subjects, then she turns into the most inquisitive and diligent student. In studying an interesting subject, Aglaya will show all her potential, devote all her time to it and invest all her strength. It is very important for parents to form a trusting relationship with their daughter. By nature the girl good health. But if some minor ailments appear, the baby will not complain, so it can significantly trigger the problem.

Business and career

Aglaya - the meaning of the name will help this girl build a successful career related to creativity. A woman does not like being a leader; she does not want to take personal responsibility. It is important for her to receive pleasure and enjoyment from her work and the final result. Aglaya is endowed by nature not only with determination, but also with a rich imagination. The character of a girl named Aglaya is very strong and strong-willed; she does not like to sit at home and run the household. It is important for her to find herself, her calling in the reflection of some activity where she can reveal her inner world. She can climb the career ladder without any problems; her innate desire for the best helps her in this. Therefore, it is very easy for her.

For Aglaya, earning money is a difficult task. Therefore, it will not be possible to build a large and stable financial position. But when Aglaya gets married, she completely transfers control of finances to her husband and then begins to feel comfortable. Besides creative professions, Aglaya can choose the field of science, education, and also try to realize herself in business. She should not choose professions from the spiritual sphere, as she may be overly fanatical about faith.

Personal life

Aglaya Tarasova

Many of the girl's close friends know what the name Aglaya means - a special lady with whom it is not easy to get along. An equally difficult man who will stand out from the rest will be able to understand her. Therefore, informal personalities such as artists, musicians and others often become Aglaya’s lovers. She will not pay attention to a serious, self-confident man who can provide stability. But Aglaya can get burned many times in life, and this helps her in the end to find an option that is suitable in all respects.

Because of the meaning of her name and character, Aglaya decides to tie the knot quite late, and her fate changes radically because of this decision. The girl values ​​her independence and freedom very much and does not rush to part with them. Next to her there should be a man who is interesting to her, strong, who could hold her, but at the same time would not encroach on her freedom and independence. The ideal choice will be the man who will take upon himself the decision of everyone financial issues, will take care of providing for the family, leaving Aglaya only the role of housewife and the opportunity to do her own creative career. However, Aglaya is not one of those women who is comfortable setting up a home every day. She needs to constantly switch to communication with other people, go to holidays, events and be part of new events.

There must be some kind of pets in the Aglaya family's house, maybe even several: cats, dogs, fish, parrots, rodents. This means that a girl named Aglaya strives to take care of her little brothers. For her, this is the same vital desire as eating, sleeping, swimming, and so on. And she will teach her children the same thing from childhood. In the role of mother, Aglaya rarely appears as a very strict mentor. Usually the role of “bad cop” goes to the head of the family. But she rarely spoils her offspring. Aglaya has a special attitude towards the holidays. She really loves organizing them. Therefore, celebration and fun will always reign in the girl’s family.


In many ways, the characteristics of the girl’s name Aglaya depend on the time of year when she was born:

  • The character of a spring girl is very persistent and impetuous;
  • for summer Glasha it is very important to receive attention from others, she really depends on it;
  • Aglaya, born in autumn, is distinguished by enormous wisdom, often withdraws into herself, loves to be alone with her own thoughts;
  • Winter Glasha successfully combines complacency with self-discipline.

The character contains such positive traits like kindness, unobtrusiveness, simplicity and straightforwardness. Aglaya not only retains the ability to enjoy little things even as an adult. She is able to convey her optimism to others, provide people with the support they need and help them cope with difficulties. The company is always full of creative and unconventional individuals with unique thinking; they find inspiration in Aglaya’s company. A woman never sticks her nose into other people’s affairs, does not impose herself, and does not participate in someone’s life. Respects people's personal space. She won’t just offend loved ones or strangers, but she won’t express a huge feeling of love and affection and won’t get too emotional either.

Among negative traits Aglaya's character is restless, suspicious, she can be nervous and jealous. If Aglaya’s life develops in such a way that her environment consists of people who do not understand, she turns into an overly emotional and unstable person. In the future, this can even develop into conflict and create many unpleasant situations in a girl’s life. This is for the radiant and cheerful girl will be stopped by the forcing factor, which causes depressive states. Some people around her consider Aglaya's disadvantage to be her excessive daydreaming. But this is an integral quality in a girl’s character that cannot be changed.

Aglaya has a secret name that is responsible for the following astrological correspondences:

  • zodiac constellation – Capricorn;
  • talisman stone – Topaz;
  • patronizing planet – Saturn;
  • auspicious plant - gentian;
  • lucky color is yellow;
  • totem animal - tit.


Aglaya - the meaning of the name is good compatibility with Alexander, Victor, Daniil, Dmitry, Gleb, Timofey, Mark, Maxim, Peter.

A female name has poor compatibility with Artyom, Alexey, David, Ilya, Nikita, Vladislav, Nikolai, Vadim, Ruslan, Georgy, Stepan.

The name Aglaya (Ἀγλαΐα) is a name Greek origin and its meaning is closely related to Greek mythology. The name Aglaya was borne by one of the Harits, the goddesses of joy, fun and grace. In Roman mythology, these goddesses were called by a more familiar word for us - grace. Linguists agree that The meaning of the name Aglaya is “magnificent” or “brilliant”, which is quite close to the mythological role of Aglaya. It was for splendor and beauty that the bearer of the name was responsible in the mythology of ancient Hellas.

The meaning of the name Aglaya for a girl

Already in childhood Aglaya's leadership character traits become noticeable. She has many comrades who listen to her almost unquestioningly. At the same time, she is a rather complex child with a difficult character, so it will not be easy for parents and teachers. Aglaya is a straightforward and strong-willed girl who is unusually persistent in achieving her goals. The most difficult thing is to cultivate decent goal-setting. If this problem can be solved, then all of Aglaya’s energy will be directed in a positive direction.

Unfortunately, studying rarely becomes interesting for Aglaya, so she studies mediocrely. But if she likes any subject, it will be difficult to find a more diligent and persistent student. But where Aglaya’s full potential is revealed is in extracurricular classes. The owner of the name has been noticed that if she begins to get carried away with something, she spends all her energy and time on it.

Aglaya's health is quite strong, but there is no need to relax. The girl does not like to complain, so she often does not talk about the problem right away. Of course, this can bring its own difficulties to the recovery process. A trusting relationship with a child is extremely important, and especially in the case of Aglaya.

Short name Aglaya

Yeah, Glasha, Gulya.

Diminutive pet names

Aglayushka, Aglaechka, Aglanya, Aglasha, Agochka, Agushka, Glashenka, Glashunya, Gulechka, Gulyushka, Gulenka.

Name Aglaya in English

IN English Aglaya's name is spelled Aglaia.

Name Aglaya for international passport- AGLAIA, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Aglaya into other languages

in Belarusian - Aglaya
in Bulgarian - Aglaya
in Hungarian - Aglaja
in Greek - Αγλαΐα
in German - Aglaia
in Romanian - Aglaia
in Ukrainian - Aglaya
in French - Aglaé

Church name Aglaya(in the Orthodox faith) - Aglaida. This means that if Aglaya was baptized under a worldly name, then this is her church name.

Characteristics of the name Aglaya

Many traits characteristic of childhood remain characteristic of adult Aglaya. Her determination and strong-willed character are even more evident. Aglaya is always aimed at achieving results, often ignoring all the costs that arise. At the same time, her leadership qualities allow her to quickly assemble a team to solve a problem. It is worth noting that Aglaya rarely manages to keep the team for a long time, because she is quite despotic in management and has a complex character. The same can be said about friends. Aglaya rarely has close friends, because it is extremely difficult to withstand her complex character. But she even has an abundance of comrades for superficial, casual communication.

The ideal job for Aglaya would be to work as a “crisis manager”. It is a serious challenge that maximally activates Aglaya’s strong character traits. She knows how to make decisions quickly and usually these decisions lead to results. She has good intuition, but it manifests itself precisely in moments highest voltage. But in a calm environment, it is quite difficult for Aglaya to get along with her colleagues.

Aglaya's beauty and charm allow her to find a life partner who can withstand her complex character. She knows how to be feminine, but at the same time she is somewhat cold. However, this coldness will only last until Aglaya herself becomes interested in the man caring for her. But then she will truly reveal herself. Aglaya is looking for a relationship for life and she needs a man with an appropriate approach to life.

The secret of the name Aglaya

Aglaya’s secret can be called her personal life, because she does not like to show emotions in front of strangers. Aglaya’s personal life usually remains a secret behind seven locks for those around her. Many people think that Aglaya is cold with her loved ones, but this is absolutely not the case. It's just that her warmth is not intended for prying eyes.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

Totem animal- Tit.

Name color- Yellow.

Tree- Elm.

Plant- Gentian.

Stone- Topaz.