Love of life. How to develop and strengthen this feeling. Life in love

Essay on the topic “Love of life”

We are given only one life and this is already a good reason to love it. Life is wonderful, the main thing is to find something to do that you enjoy, and you also need to try to surround yourself with only good people and then life will be truly interesting.

It is very important to find your place in life, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in this, because due to the fact that there is not enough money to fulfill their dreams, they have to work where there is absolutely no desire to be. Therefore, quite often people waste precious minutes not doing what they wanted, and for this reason many say that they do not love their life, because they understand that their dreams will never be realized.

An excellent work by Jack London, which is called “Love of Life,” tells us about one completely fearless person who managed to overcome even the most terrible trials. Reading this story, we understand how important fortitude is, since it is what helps us survive even the most cruel and terrible circumstances. The author shows that everyone has a love for life, you just need to realize it and never renounce this feeling.

The main character of this work is a gold digger, who was not only betrayed best friend, but he also abandoned it in the harsh polar climate. Is this what friends do? It’s just that next to the main character there was a person who was completely unworthy of friendship, because he abandoned his comrade, who sprained his leg, to the mercy of fate, only in order to save himself.

The abandoned hero had to forget about the incredible feeling of pain and overcome the feeling of hunger in order to move on, because he understood that in order to save himself, he should, no matter what, only go forward. But still, somewhere in the depths of his soul, this man hoped that his comrade had not abandoned him and that he was waiting for him next to their joint cache, where they had once hidden supplies that were important for life. There was fishing line, cartridges and other items with which you can get food for yourself. Thanks to such hope, the hero felt strength within himself. Therefore, he did not look back, because he knew that there was death there.

So that the reader can understand how hard it was for the hero, D. London describes almost every second of his life, since it was given to him with great difficulty. Here we see a real struggle to survive in difficult conditions. However, he is still prevented from walking the path by the feeling of pain, hunger and incredible fatigue, which exhausted him with every second. He was in complete despair, which is why tears appeared in his eyes so often. But still this man was so strong in spirit that he did not give up and only moved forward.

However, all the fears that tormented him along the difficult path made him look like some kind of living creature that resembled a living skeleton. It was very difficult to call him a person. This creature understood and heard practically nothing.
Despite this, he still managed to reach his intended goal and remain alive. Then he came to his senses and became again an ordinary person. But still, some of the fears that he felt during the difficult journey remained with him forever. This is, first of all, the fear of hunger. However, this hero managed to return to a full life.

It is impossible not to admire this character, because he has a very a strong character. It seems to me that a person who has gone through such difficult trials simply cannot help but love life. Now he will appreciate every second he lives, which was once given to him with such difficulty.

The story of the American Jack London is dedicated to the story of one salvation. His central theme- the struggle of a single gold miner for survival among the harsh northern nature, love of life.

One of main ideas of the story- that a person is helpless and weak alone. What gives him strength is camaraderie and friendship with his own kind. A person succeeds in surviving and remaining human, preserving his mind and human appearance when there is mutual assistance and mutual assistance between people.

The author also concerns themes of mercy, betrayal, themes of human selfishness and loneliness. The hero of the story suffers from hunger and dangers among wild animals, is subject to visions, hallucinations - in all alone he doesn’t even have anyone to talk to, because comrade Bill abandoned him, sick. He lifts his spirit by choosing not to see the betrayal and thinking: his comrade, of course, will wait for him at the hiding place.

In the finale, the nameless prospector is temporarily speechless, sees, hears and does not understand anything - how tortured he is and how unaccustomed he is to communicating with his own kind. “Their faces expressed patient humility,” the writer says about his characters - Bill and the nameless main character.

Even if Jack London had not indicated the place of events - where he wandered main character- it is easy to determine from descriptions of nature. Deer and wolves run around the hero, white partridges flutter, and a brown bear growls. He eats the swamp berries himself. There are no worms or frogs here - the ground is frozen, and this increases the protagonist's suffering from hunger. All this happens in the far north of the American continent, in the north of Canada adjacent to Alaska. In the finale, a nameless gold miner makes his way to the Arctic Ocean and is rescued by people. Descriptions of nature occupy a prominent place in London's story, but he gives them briefly and laconically, only in relation to some practical tasks of the hero, the events that happen to him.

The story is dominated by action, various verb forms are often found, but there are much fewer adjectives compared to verbs.

The hero is saved because his love for life does not allow him to lose heart and surrender to death just like that. It is amazing how much effort the sick person made to get stronger and live. He tried not to fall into the river from fatigue, kept track of where reality was and where it was a hallucination, and thus realized that the horse that seemed to him was actually dangerous bear. The gold digger, when he just wanted to lie down, urged himself on, diligently remembered the map in order to navigate, did not disdain any food, even live chicks. Having lost his gun, his knife, and his hat, he did not forget to wind his watch! The idea that love of life, perseverance and discipline helps overcome the most difficult situations- Also one of the important ideas of the story.

Loving life without realizing that it is not an easy or rewarding task. This is a difficult and long process of exploring your own soul and feelings. And the approach to each life will also be special and individual.

Each of us comes from the unknown and goes into the unknown, it will be our duty to make this short journey colorful and full of love. The main thing is not to be afraid and be confident in your abilities, throw away fear, blossom bright colors, do not sit in a dense bud of isolation and stupidity. Have you wondered why things go wrong, there is never enough money for anything, the flu gives way to a headache, which in turn, without hesitation, gives way to an ulcer or colitis? The series of failures seems to never end. You are absolutely right. But why should it end when you do nothing for it? Even the simplest thing - to love yourself and your life as it is.

Let's think about the relationship between several concepts that will help you understand that there is nothing complicated or scary in understanding yourself.

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About life and death

Think about death more often. In order to start living normally, of course, and not to push yourself into depression. And most importantly, live differently from the way they lived before, and not the way everyone else does. Live truly, use your capabilities 100%.

How good it is that life does not exist without its faithful companion, death. It would seem to us an incredible, unbearable madness if death did not exist. What would be the highest meaning in it if not for death? Harmoniously complementing each other, they are so different and ideally suit each other. Mentally imagine that they are like two edges or shores of an abyss, being at the epicenter of which would mean finding eternal bliss.

What is in this abyss, and how can you avoid ending up in one of the extremes? Many people are internally dead, although outwardly they look quite normal. Devastated eyes, empty glances and unsmiling faces are direct proof of this. The life in them has died out, but the breeze that could rekindle these souls cannot penetrate the steel-covered shell. When even the breeze of love cannot reach you, then everything living and beautiful begins to die.

Just as there is a strong relationship between life and death, so undivided, there is always love and life. To live and not know what love is is already half-death, precisely that state when you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning and don’t want to go to bed in the evenings, greet the sunrises and see the sun go beyond the horizon.

At such a moment, an all-consuming emptiness sets in and the moment of real death comes, which is much more terrible than physical death.

Pain gives birth to life and love for it

Life is a bundle of pain. When we are born, we hurt, when we die, we also hurt a lot, we refuse love because we are afraid to experience pain. With such actions we simply begin to be afraid to live. Gradually enveloping yourself in a cocoon of the problem of suffering, bringing upon yourself illnesses, failures, sorrows, and sadness.

We must not perceive everything around us this way, we must learn to live in the present and accept what is happening with an open heart and without a drop of fear. We must learn not to be afraid to feel. All life is feelings, all life is a cycle of laughter, sadness, sadness, tears, disappointments and joys. If you laugh, it means you live; if you cry, you are alive, you can feel, and this is more valuable than anything in the world. Accept everything that happens with your head held high, accept life with open arms and see that the habit of turning life into a continuous problem will leave you forever. And in its place will come a countless number of joy-filled days.

We are nothing until we learn to love life

Well, we have sorted out a little of the pressing issues, and we will do it together logical conclusions and find benefit in loving yourself and life. For the most inveterate skeptics and sad individuals, let's try to provide examples of the benefits of such love not only for ourselves, but also for humanity as a whole.

Let us remember how many geniuses Mother Earth carried, how many of them are now among us, how many more will be born. Their life is a mission. The mission is to help us in difficult hours of confrontation with our own souls. Physicists, chemists, biologists, musicians, doctors, engineers, teachers, testers and inventors. They all clearly loved life, and understood very well how others did not love it, since they brought so many good things into it to brighten it up for the worst skeptics. Doctors have been and continue to search for drugs for depression and nervous disorders, which we get from dislike for life. Inventors create new things and improve existing ones so that we can enjoy at least such little things, since we do not understand how much has been given to us from the moment we first saw the world.

Love in the heart

You must remember that the main guarantee of harmony with the world is its correct reflection in your heart. An ancient parable, on in this example will help you understand these words.

Passing by a small oasis in the desert, the young man decided to look there and drink water. An old man sat near the edge of the water, and, having drunk, the guy began to ask him what kind of people lived here. To the young man’s question, the elder answered with a question: “What kind of people live where you lived before?” Without hesitation, the guy told everything about those people he had recently left. He described their bad and terrible characters, told how deceitful and envious they were. Then the elder assured him that he would find such acorns in this oasis. That same day, another young man, passing by the oasis, said hello and turned to the old man with the same question, to which, like the last time, the old man replied: “What kind of people live where you lived before?” The young man, with sadness and longing in his eyes, told how kind the people he lived with before were, how hospitable they were with everyone and how friendly they were. Smiling, the elder assured that he would find the same people here too.

A young man, who had been carrying water all day, heard two conversations and asked in amazement how he could give completely different answers to the same question. After thinking, the old man explained - our heart is an amazing creation, we see only what we carry in it. A person cannot find anything good anywhere if he cannot find it in all the places he has visited.

We often hear predictions about the end of the world. People who spread such things see only the darkness into which they plunge themselves. But if you believe another genius, the well-known Einstein, darkness does not exist at all, darkness is simply the absence of light. For us, this light is love. All-consuming, limitless, kind and majestic.

One of a kind love is the only immortal being. And as long as it is between us, as long as it exists, life exists.

What is life?

That our life is a Metaphor of the Poet,
Unfurled by lightning from heaven,
A play of imagination and light,
The illusion of misfortune and miracles.

The whole world is a theater. We change dresses, roles,
We change minds, souls and hearts.
We grow into such pain in our role,
Why are we forgetting the viewer-Creator!

What we forget is initially kind
Scenario: no diseases in him, no troubles!
That after us only an image will remain -
Metaphor unfolded into light...
© Georgy Boreev

God is love! Love is life.
Life leaves from where Love dries up, and in its place comes destruction, decomposition, disintegration.
Life is energy. This energy has consciousness.

To the question "What is life?" no one can answer. Regardless of religion, we are children of materialism, and it will take a lot of time before the word “life” is directly identified in our consciousness with spiritual life. While we, with our eyes bulging, stare at matter as a primary substance, it will be forced to forcefully turn our head - well, if it doesn’t break our neck - to where, upon careful examination, we can see the meaning of life. This is how matter teaches us how to relate to life correctly. He teaches harshly. We may realize that there is more to life than our body, but by then vitality completely exhausted, and the body becomes decrepit. And then, perhaps, the question will arise: what is this force that set my body in motion, and where did it go? Having turned in the last mental anguish to this nameless beginning and with all our hearts praying for its return, we may well feel that prayer turned out to be the most effective means of allowing the body to regain strength. And, probably, we will understand that it was not someone who helped us, but ourselves.

There are a great many reasons why a person entrusts his life to others. The most banal thing is that he himself doesn’t know how to do something. There is an excuse for inability: I’m not an expert. And the person does not think or does not want to think about the fact that an outsider, perhaps, also cannot do it. The other one must be able to. If he doesn’t know how, it’s time to call him to account. However, no helper is able to penetrate the soul of a person in need of help. That is, he is not able to live his spiritual life for him, which is real life. Earthly life- this is only a mirror reflection of spiritual life.

Most of us lack understanding of our own nature. Because we have lost our conscious CONNECTION with our higher selves. What does it mean to lose CONNECTION? This means losing a sense of power and responsibility for your life. And somewhere inside us hides a feeling of helplessness, because we don’t know who we are or what. Like little lost children, we feel powerless to change anything. Not only in the world, but also in your life. This inner feeling of powerlessness drives us forward, forcing us to make enormous efforts to assert ourselves. But we assert ourselves on the outside, but inside we remain just as helpless. And everything that you and I are doing here is aimed at discovering the CONNECTION and being READY to restore it.

We stubbornly attach our emotions to things and people outside of us, believing that our happiness depends on them. Remember that almost constant feeling that “something is missing” inside of us. Which means there’s also that carrot, that bow, that teacher... Remember this tension, anxiety and stress, eternal desperate attempts to fill the inner emptiness. Of course, it’s empty inside, because our “I” is not there, the owner of this entire economy is not there, and we cannot get in touch with him. Remember our attempts to manipulate outside world to get what we lack “for happiness.” Do you remember?

It is in this state that most of us set goals and try to achieve something in life. Unfortunately, at this level of consciousness this is impossible...
Or we create too many obstacles for ourselves and achieve nothing. Or we achieve our goal, but only to discover that this is not the toy that makes us happy. Vicious circle.

Everyone who has understood the secret of life understands that there is one life, but it exists in two aspects. Firstly, as immortal, all-encompassing and silent and, secondly, as mortal, active and manifesting itself in diversity. The soul essence, which belongs to the first aspect, becomes deceived, becomes helpless and is caught up in the experience of life when it comes into contact with the mind and body, which belongs to the second aspect. The gratification of the desires of the body and the caprices of the mind is not sufficient for the purposes of the soul, which must surely experience its own phenomena in the visible and the invisible; despite the fact that she tends to be herself and no one else. When delusion makes her feel helpless, mortal, and captive, she finds herself uncomfortable. This is the tragedy of life, which plunges the strong and the weak, the rich and the poor into disappointment, forcing them to constantly look for something that is unknown to them. As Iqbal says: “I wandered in pursuit of myself: I was the traveler and I was the destination.”
/Hazrat Inayat Khan. Path of Illumination./

Life gives you a free choice - whether to live in peace of mind or in mental anguish. If you are convinced - and conviction comes from the heart - that life begins with the person himself, then you make a choice in favor of love. If you don’t know how yet, then learn. It doesn’t matter how deeply you are stuck in the quagmire of life. Once you begin to help your soul spiritually, you will begin to help those who are trying to help your body to the best of their strength and abilities. In this way, the two facets of your life will be reunited. You will be grateful to yourself and those around you. After going through terrible trials, you will make an important discovery: you are surrounded by people. What happiness!

We realize that there is something more to life, and we begin to look for it. Such a search can take a long time, but in the end, a person will certainly, having filled his teeth and received a lot of unnecessary information, return to himself. We become ourselves, we realize that we ourselves are the creators of our lives. We are restoring our inner strength and fill the emptiness within us.

When we are READY, fate gives us a chance to restore CONNECTION with our “I”. It settles again in the Space of Love that we have so carefully prepared. When we come out of an empty, greedy, manipulative state of consciousness (when we believe that happiness can be found by acquiring another thing or conquering the will of another person), our first and the most important lesson becomes learning not to get attached. That is, relax, stop struggling, stop trying, stop manipulating events, things and people to achieve your goals. That is, stop doing so much and just BE for a while. As stated in famous book, “stop worrying and start living.”

This is not an easy task, so take your time. Just as it is impossible to become a yogi or an acrobat in one day, so one cannot give up one’s attachments in one moment. That is why they are attached to us, so that it is not easy to untie them. But try, first just imagine, then for a minute, two, three do not strive for anything external... Having done this, we suddenly discover that we really feel good, we feel great simply because we allow ourselves to be ourselves and do not try to change world. This is what it means to be “here and now.” What in Eastern philosophy is called “getting rid of attachments.” This is a feeling of extraordinary freedom, the main stage on any path of self-knowledge.

What's next? When this feeling arises in us more and more often, we gradually restore CONNECTION with ourselves, with our higher “I”. We suddenly discover with joy that life has many faces, that it is always kind, generous and interesting. That life is a mirror. What you show him is what he reflects. Desire, so desire, goal, so goal, dream, so dream... And then creative visualization and formula-statements become for us the most important tool for the further creativity of life. After all, what we do will be reflected, and what will be reflected is what we will get. And to form your desires and goals, affirmations and the power of imagination are simply irreplaceable.

Or you can imagine things a little differently. Imagine that life is a river. Most people cling to the shore in fear of rapid current. But everyone must be ready at some point to unclench their hands and surrender to it torrent. At this point we begin to understand the expression “go with the flow” and perhaps feel happy. When a person gets used to the movement of the river, he begins to look around. He learns to chart his own course, skirting boulders and snags, choosing channels and river channels, but at the same time constantly “moving with the flow.”
This comparison is metaphorical, but it shows how we can accept our life “here and now”, surrendering to its flow, and at the same time consciously achieve our goals, taking responsibility for our own lives.

Don't forget that creative imagination is a tool that can be used in different ways, including for spiritual development. With its help, each of us can imagine ourselves more an open person, surrendering to the flow of life, living “here and now” and always connected with their inner essence. Be blessed in all that your heart desires.

Inner life- the main lines of Fate, which we cannot change; this requires us to concentrate our efforts over a long period of time. The Buddhial body contains those internal attitudes of a person that gradually guide him along Buddhial plots - these are his life positions, general life philosophy, worldview and ways of perceiving the world.
Information encrypted in the Buddhial body manifests itself in two ways: in the form of basic storylines the fate of a person, on the one hand, and in his, as they say, “psychology,” on the other.
The plots of the Buddhial body are primarily the plots of the internal development of a person. Is it possible to change buddhic stories? In any case, it's difficult. In principle, an alternative is always possible: either this fragment of the plot is not final, and then after some time it will end and a new one will begin (however, it is not known whether people will like it more or less), or this is the final fragment, and nothing else subtle karma is no longer planned, at least in this incarnation. However, in any case, a person can influence his destiny by working with the Buddhial body, the first sign of which will not be a change in dense karma (that is, the specific circumstances of his life), but changes in psychology, that is, a change in worldview and life positions, even if not realized. How can you do this?
In principle, a person can work on each of his bodies, firstly, by himself, and secondly, by influencing it with other bodies. Moreover, each pair of his bodies is connected by some kind of connections, but the strongest connections are usually between neighboring bodies; V in this case these are Atmanic and Causal. The greatest (generally speaking) influence on each body is exerted by the subtler body adjacent to it; in this case it is Atmanic.
The development of the Buddhial body is a person’s work on himself in the sense of practical psychology, as well as practical philosophy and religion, that is, a change in life attitudes, ways of seeing that part of the world around him that is directly related to a person’s immediate life. This is the development of certain character traits, unlearning bad habits and acquiring good ones, that is, transferring oneself to higher energy flows; corresponding transformation of subconscious programs, etc.
However, all this has its limits, since most often it slightly cleans and corrects the plot, but rarely finishes it and even less often takes it to a qualitatively different level (although this happens). Much more strong impact the Buddhial body can be influenced by the Atmanic body, whose energy has a qualitatively different character, and where introspection and psychoanalysis reach a dead end, new spiritual channels or a change in life ideals are needed.
In general, the word "ideal" in Lately acquires a mental connotation that is unusual for it. In fact, the ideal is what inspires, or in other words, the symbol of a high Egregor, which is capable of giving a person energy at the level of his Atmanic body. However, when Egregor dies, the word “ideal” takes on the connotation of an obligation: an ideal is something to strive for, usually under pain of condemnation or other punishment. And although it may not be easy to find a true ideal for yourself, that is, a high Egregor inspiring the Atmanic body, insincerity here will lead to an energetic dead end on all bodies at once: there is nothing to replace the energy of the Atmanic body. You need to look for an ideal that is high enough (otherwise it’s pointless) and voluntarily serve it, and choose it so that it compensates with its (high) energy the lower energy of a person serving it. The mental ideal contained in the Atmanic body of a mental person, which is discussed below, never gives such energy, therefore, serving what a person mentally, but not religiously considers higher, leads to the waste of all energies and existential frustration, that is, the complete triumph of the gray.
So, new turn The main plot of life is often provided by energy descending into the Buddhial body from the Atmanic: a person acquires a new ideal, which unusually inspires him, changes in its light his views on the life around him, the value system, rethinks himself, and his life takes a sharp turn.
However, sometimes for some reason this does not happen: new life as if it’s already out of the gate (in any case, I’m tired of the old one to death), but it won’t start. Here, a situation may well arise when in order to shift the plot or change it, the Buddhial body needs involtation, that is, some decisive action is required from a person, most often a certain sacrifice, the energy of which will finally remove a sliver from the wheel of subtle karma.
A specialist in the Atmanic body is, for example, a confessor or a preacher; a specialist in the Buddhial body is a psychologist or sage; A specialist in the causal body is a fortune teller, or a practical advisor.
Cm. .

THE PURPOSE OF LIFE- this is an increase in the level of knowledge and love, understanding and awareness of the necessary lessons.
Life is given to a person to work on himself.

MEANING OF EXISTENCE- fight to learn to be harmonious. First you need to know one thing in order to understand the other. DisHarmony is a valuable lesson designed to make a person understand and appreciate the nature of Harmony.

FRUIT OF LIFE- these are the lessons that the Soul learns from life. All life experience there is knowledge.

Love... This is what all living beings strive for, what they want to find more than anything in the world, what is no less important than air and water, without which our body cannot live. After all, we ourselves cannot live without love. As a result, life turns into torment and brings enormous suffering. When there is no love, we feel fear and pain, the world seems aggressive to us, and everyone in it becomes our enemy.

It is surprising that we are so eager to give our love to our neighbor, following the commandment of Jesus, but we do not last long. We can’t live like this every day and every moment. At some point, we break down and instead of love, we hurt people close and dear to us. Then we repent, but it is already too late: some of them have already left this world and their bodies.

It also happens that we give love, are in goodness, in an exalted state of spirit, but in response we hear insults. It hurts us, we stop, and after such frequent collisions happen, we close down. We close our hearts so that we no longer feel this pain and resentment.

Gradually our hearts become harder and harder. The world is becoming more and more aggressive, there is more and more pain and suffering in it.

What's the reason our love doesn't last long:

  1. We have no love for ourselves. We are ready to embrace the whole world with love, to give everyone our care, but we do not do this to ourselves, we do not understand the importance of this. How then can we give others what we don’t have? This seems absurd. We have developed a feeling of guilt and shame for wishing happiness for ourselves, calling us selfish. But we ourselves are the same particles of one God, like the rest, and therefore we also deserve love and care. And only we ourselves know how much of it and when we need it.
  2. There is basically no love in us, because we didn't get it as children. The husband raises the children, leads them along the path of Truth, and the mother gives her love at the same time, she teaches love. When women were sent to work, the opportunity to pursue their destiny was taken away from them. Their children, having received less mother's love in childhood, they gave it to their children even less. As a result, now everyone knows what lust is, but few understand what Love.
  3. Our love is conditional. We often give love, expecting gratitude and praise addressed to us. Or, maybe, so that we would at least not be insulted. But this is also an expectation. We love, expecting reciprocal love. Moreover, we expect to receive it in the form that we give ourselves. But we are all different, and therefore everyone gives love in the way they know how.
  4. We have no love for God. Our love is directed towards anything, but not towards God. But He is the Source of everything that exists, including love. We cannot give love to everyone without hurting someone. There will always be someone dissatisfied. And we will be hurt again. God is pleased with even our tiny particle of love for Him. We can give our love to God, who will then spread it throughout the world to all of us. This does not mean that we should forget about others. This means that we must remember others as parts of Him and love them as God.

God is the source of everything, but many religious movements at the same time divide the world, divide people into groups, often sowing enmity and inciting wars. After all All wars have a religious background. Srila Prabhupada in his book “Journey Into Yourself” wrote that true religion should teach people the love of God. But today almost all preachers claim that it is their God who is right. But He is alone. He is that same love. He pours it on us every moment, destroying our ignorance, our pain, our bitterness, filling our hearts again with love.

Those who manage to get into this flow of unconditional love no longer experience any suffering.. They are in peace and tranquility, giving their love to everyone and everything. They see everything as good that comes to us from God. It is impossible to insult or humiliate them because there is nothing more in their hearts but love.

Next to them, people find peace and warmth. They are drawn to them because they also want to learn how to live like this. They proclaim some of them as their teachers, mentors, guides. People follow them, but they themselves do not consider themselves great. They don’t even think that they understand what love is, that they have learned it. This is because they are very humble. After all, there is no love in the heart of a proud person. And these are humble, tolerant of everything, they always express their respect and do not expect anything in return. Their life becomes truly successful because they were able to achieve perfection, purifying your hearts, filling them with prema (unconditional love for God). They feel their oneness with Him. After all Love without unity is impossible, as well as in unity there is only love.

Jesus, coming to Earth, did not give any religion, he asked us to love each other as ourselves. He asked us to become one. Krishna, coming 5000 years ago in the Bhagavad Gita, addressing Arjuna, asked him to leave all religions and simply surrender to Him. The entire Quran is imbued with love. It talks about caring and respectful attitude towards each other and God.

Our hearts are outside of religions, and it is in them that the answers to all questions are found and love lives. It is important to learn to live in accordance with what the heart says, to learn to listen to it. Not the mind, but the heart. Some call it instinct. Let it be so, but how can an organ of the body think, give advice, love? Everything is very simple, because in the heart of every living being there is God in the form of the Supersoul. Not different God, but one, united. It is not without reason that many spiritual practices encourage us to see God in our hearts. This also explains why different people the same ideas and thoughts come to mind.

We must try to fill our hearts with love. And you need to start with yourself. You need to understand that each of us is equally worthy of love, understand that we are all one. By giving love to ourselves, realizing who we are, we can give love to our family and friends. By giving love to our family, we can give love to everyone who lives in our house, and then to the whole city, the whole country, the whole world, the whole Universe.

One of the subtle Laws of the Universe is The Law of Energy Exchange states that we can only receive something by giving something first.. By giving our love to others, we fill them with love at that moment. As a result, they already have something to give, including us. As a result, the whole world finds itself in a flow of unconditional love.

After all, love is not emotions or feelings. All emotions and feelings are temporary, constantly replacing each other. Therefore, love often gives way to hatred among people. But this is not love, this is lust in this case, the desire to possess the object of love. True love is the desire to give, the desire to do something for another, without expecting anything in return. And at the same time, not even be happy for others, but seeing that you managed to help someone, you will be inspired to continue to do so. This is pure unconditional love - selfless service.

How to develop love in ourselves if we were not given it since childhood, but were given a feeling of guilt and shame? There are several tools for this:

  1. Psychology. To some extent, it helps to remove the programs embedded in us in childhood. Thanks to her, it will be easier to access the knowledge that is needed to discover love within yourself. But she plays a small role in this process and is only good for initial stage. These can be constellations, art therapy, dance movement therapy, affirmations, gestalt therapy and much more.
  2. Meditative and spiritual practices. They play a big role in this process and can be used in parallel with psychotechnics. Thanks to them, a person begins to better understand himself and the surrounding space. His mind becomes calm, which helps the person begin to listen to his heart. The knowledge gained contributes better understanding what's happening. Contentment and gratitude appear in a person. Gradually his heart opens up.
  3. Service to God and all living beings (bhakti yoga). Exactly this important condition to develop unconditional love in yourself. Without it, the heart can never fully open. After all, in order to settle in the heart pure love, the heart must be pure. The process of service contributes to this purification. Pride, envy, and greed go away forever. A person becomes humble and patient. He comes to understand that other living beings are as dear to God as he is. He does not strive to receive, it becomes important for him to give and not to be the first, but simply to serve out of love. This is what Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad did. Krishna taught this to Arjuna, saying that of all practices, bhakti yoga is considered the best.

Why is love needed at all? Just in order not to experience suffering, to remain in goodness? The fact is that love has one amazing property: by purifying our hearts, it gives us awareness of ourselves, this world and our place in this world. It is she who gives us Enlightenment and Awakening. It is love that binds us with strong ties to God. It is she who opens the doors to true happiness for us. After all, happiness is not a destination, but a route. This is the main purpose of love.