Essays on topics of the central region. Essay on the topic: What qualities does love reveal in a person in the novel Oblomov, Goncharov What qualities does love reveal in a person

Essay “What qualities love reveals in a person.”

Human personality is a deep concept. Character qualities become a reflection of a person’s inner state.

Harmonious relationships

Character traits are most clearly manifested in society. These include mental capacity, skills and abilities, outlook on life, principles and beliefs. A mature personality will be characterized by conscience, empathy, decency, hard work and other highly moral characteristics.

Not only age can reveal a person’s personality, but also love. If a person is self-sufficient, self-confident, constantly striving to develop, then this wonderful feeling will only reveal in him positive traits. His love will be noble and calm. He will strive to make his soulmate happy. The person will try to help and treat her with respect. But if the object of sympathy does not experience reciprocal feelings, then a mature person will accept this with dignity and will not make plans for revenge.

Unhealthy Expressions of Love

Sometimes a person suffers from immaturity. He may be characterized by selfishness, but he has never even heard of nobility. For such a person, love becomes a pathology. It will resemble perversion, not bright feelings.

It is unlikely that the object of sympathy will bother good words to your address, respect and love. He will face frequent insults and devaluation of any achievements. At the same time, this person will demand blind adoration for himself. He will easily invent situations to blame and create a jealous scene. This is clearly an unhealthy relationship. A strong person will not tolerate such an attitude, but a soft person will not be able to fight back.

A harmonious union is only possible if both partners are willing to invest equally in the relationship. These are adults and emotionally mature people who are ready for altruism, support, and love. They will not criticize and devalue each other. This is a strong union that is ready to confront the whole world, but not fight each other. The world would be ideal if relationships were built on such principles.

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Her Majesty Love... This feeling is so strong and serious that it can change and reveal the whole world. Not to mention the person. All hidden features and character traits, beautiful and not so beautiful, located somewhere deep, which a person himself did not suspect, come out under the influence of her great power. How does love reveal and change a person? This is not easy to understand. Because the mechanism of transformation itself is a secret of nature. But we will try to figure it out, this mystery. And along the way we will see exactly what qualities and abilities begin to manifest themselves in people under the influence of this wonderful impulse of the soul.

Why is this all so difficult? But because no one still, even after hundreds of thousands of years (more or less?) of human existence, knows the exact definition of this feeling. And those fifty centuries that people have written language don’t explain anything either. Although billions of texts have been written about love over five thousand years. But its essence has not yet been revealed. Quite often in explanations and descriptions of it the words “chemistry” and “inexplicable” are used.

What is love?

At its core, it has a desire with an obstacle to its fulfillment. How does it all begin? Sexual attraction arises between a man and a woman. If it is immediately satisfied, then perhaps no miracles will happen. But how does everything begin to boil and seethe if suddenly some obstacle arises on the way to the object of desire. Yes, yes, everything is so banal: the forbidden fruit is sweet, and hence the feeling for it. Because when some object is unattainable, it (this object) is hung with a halo and idealized, the psyche strives for it, considering it its incomprehensible happiness.

That is, if it’s dry and not romantic, then there are four steps in the emergence of love:

  1. Desire, attraction.
  2. Obstacle, barrier.
  3. Pursuit of happiness.
  4. The object itself. It may not even be the one you were attracted to. And the one who is able to satisfy this desire for happiness.

This means that love is a desire for happiness concentrated on someone. So what's next? This focused pull appears, and then what? And then, on the basis of this, love arises. And only then the sprout of a great feeling breaks through if nothing interferes with it. But enough philosophy.

How love reveals qualities and changes a person’s life

Millions literary works prove that she is capable of revealing any human form. And not only literature, the main proof is life.

There are many cases happening everywhere when the feeling of love makes people sacrifice themselves. When not because of addiction, but really because of real deep feelings and devotion, a woman or man does not leave her chosen one, an ugly person who runs to the left, drinks, or does something else unpleasant. And a loving spouse endures, forgives and loves everything! Because love is completely blind to flaws. Moreover, it is quite possible that earlier this person, who now devoted himself entirely to his love, categorically refused to understand this and believe that one could be so blind.

The feeling of love can radically change a person. Make it cleaner, better, even more beautiful. More beautiful not only externally, but also internally. She can open up such inner potential and rich spiritual world that you won’t recognize yourself later, let alone those around you.

Sometimes an inveterate womanizer, having fallen in love, begins to write poetry, becomes an incorrigible romantic and suddenly turns out to be a monogamist.

Wars for love

And what? And this can happen. Not all wars in our world were for some idea. After all, men fight over women. But here the scale is simply wider.

Indeed, how many wars have occurred throughout the history of mankind because of love for a woman. Surely the person who started such a war had no idea that he was capable of this. How many legends have been created about this! Trojan War, the enmity of Russian princes, the Hundred Years and the Anglo-Spanish Wars... It is impossible to list all the world events where a woman is involved. Also, for example, some sources report that Napoleon Bonaparte twice asked the hand of a Russian princess from our Tsar, but he was refused, and he did not forgive this. Does everyone remember about 1812?

But that's history. And now, in our time, what feats, both terrible and beautiful, men and women go to for the sake of this all-consuming experience! I wouldn’t like to talk about it, but it’s a fact: they even kill for love. But let’s not sully this bright feeling and attribute all these horrors to painful passion.

What else happens when a person loves?

Very often a person in love, especially if it is mutual, becomes like his soul mate. What other nuances can be noted? Let's figure it out.

  1. Habits and hobbies become the same.
  2. If the object of love is nearby, then people who were overly aggressive in the past become soft and fluffy.
  3. There is a revaluation of values. And as an example, we can cite the son of the terribly unpleasant terrorist Osama bin Laden, who, for the sake of this feeling, took the completely opposite path to his dad; he devoted himself entirely to the mission “Make love not war.” Make love Not War!
  4. How often does this great feeling incline people to self-improvement. There is no limit to this capacity of love. For the sake of a loved one, people actively struggle with their shortcomings and bad habits. Having fallen in love with an athlete, a curvy girl will not allow herself to remain like that! A non-smoking loved one forces you to quit this addiction without saying a word about it. And a million other examples.
  5. Love - main factor human growth in all areas of life.
  6. This feeling can both instill complexes and get rid of them.
  7. It gives a feeling of youth and beauty. Probably many have noticed how beautiful loving person how it glows with an inner indescribable light. And he throws off dozens of years of living from his shoulders. And if there is a mutual feeling here, then everything is doubled or tripled.
  8. The power of this feeling can cure illness and save from death!

And again about love

There is such a myth, even a legend, about the insensitivity of men. In fact, and this has been repeatedly proven by scientists and researchers, they are much more sentimental than people think. They fall in love more often than women and experience this love more strongly than it might seem. Having fallen in love, a man always becomes different. However, like a woman.

Before a person finds his happiness, he is in an eternal search for his own “I”. But then it entered his house, and all these searches stop. A person finds peace and suddenly realizes that he can live completely differently.

Very often, people cannot imagine living together with someone who does not correspond to them at all in terms of their qualities, character, lifestyle, etc. But then, having fallen in love with such an opposite, they do not see life without this person.

A deep, serious attachment to another person can turn a meat lover into a vegetarian, and someone who loves to take a walk into a homebody. There is no limit to her possibilities!

A real true unconditional feeling makes the world brighter, people nicer, kinder, cleaner, more moral. Then the revealed traits are the best, the thoughts are the purest. But there is also addiction, passion, lust and other manifestations. It is difficult to vouch for the qualities that are revealed in this case.
Oh, we can talk endlessly about what love does to people. She “opens wide open” every person. And why? Let's hope that humanity still has many millennia ahead of us to unravel this phenomenon. In the meantime, may she continue to inexplicably change our lives for the better!

Love... This is a bright, wonderful feeling. It is multifaceted in its manifestations. One of them is patriotism. In difficult wartime conditions, this feeling motivates a person to perform feats and reveals in him such qualities as courage and devotion to his homeland.

The idea of ​​this sounds in the works of many Russian writers. Let us remember “The Tale of a Real Man” by B. Polevoy. It is dedicated to the feat of pilot Alexei Meresyev, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. During the next combat mission, his plane was shot down by the Germans and fell into territory occupied by the enemy. Meresyev survived, but seriously injured both legs. Not wanting to surrender to the enemy, the pilot made the decision to reach his own people, despite the injuries he received. Driven by memories of home, mother, girlfriend, the desire to take to the air again combat vehicle In order to fight the invaders to the last drop of blood and free the Motherland from the enemy, Meresyev crawled through the snow “to his own” for eighteen days without food or water. The exhausted fighter, in a semi-conscious state, was found by village boys. In a military hospital, both legs affected by gangrene were amputated. Meresyev did not want to come to terms with the idea that he would remain disabled and would never again be able to take to the skies and destroy fascist planes. The desire to return to duty again, to fight the enemy, to protect home country helped this man not only learn to walk on prosthetics, but also to dance on them. At the cost of incredible physical effort, after long training, Alexey Meresyev fulfilled his dream - without legs, on prosthetics, he lifted a combat vehicle into the sky and again began to shoot down fascist planes. In 1943 he was awarded the title of hero Soviet Union. Thus, using the example life story pilot Alexei Meresyev, we can conclude that love for the Motherland reveals to a person such qualities as courage and heroism, gives determination and forces him to fight to the end.

Like Alexei Meresyev, love for the Motherland helps Prince Andrei, the hero of the epic novel by L.N., to accomplish a feat. Tolstoy "War and Peace". During the Battle of Austerlitz, Bolkonsky sees that a mass flight of soldiers from the battlefield has begun. He understands that this manifestation of cowardice undermines the honor of the Russian army. Forgetting about everything, driven by a sense of patriotism, Prince Andrei, under a hail of bullets and shells, raises the banner and goes on the attack alone. As he expected, his action helped to raise the morale of the fearful soldiers and resume the offensive. It was love for the Motherland that prompted Prince Andrei to commit such a heroic act and revealed in him such qualities as courage and valor.

That love for the Motherland gives people the strength to overcome all the horrors of wartime and often contributes to the manifestation of the best human qualities, it is said in the story of M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". Being captured by the Germans, a soldier Soviet army Andrei Sokolov ends up in a concentration camp and is sentenced to death for speaking too freely to his superiors. Concentration camp commandant Müller wants to shoot the daring Soviet prisoner himself. However, before the execution, he wants to conduct a kind of psychological experiment: he invites Andrei Sokolov to drink a glass of vodka for the victory of German weapons for courage. The main character of the story, being a true patriot, cannot betray his homeland even in words, so he agrees to drink only for his own death. Muller, admiring the courage and loyalty of the Soviet soldier to his country, leaves Andrei Sokolov alive and even gives him bread and lard. Thus, if a soldier loves his Motherland, he will refuse to betray it even in words, and in extreme life situation will show incredible courage.

Summing up my thoughts, I would like to recall the words of J. Rousseau, who repeatedly repeated: “The greatest feats of virtue are performed out of love for the Fatherland.” Indeed, patriotism raises the morale of soldiers, reveals in them such qualities as bravery, bravery and loyalty to the Motherland. Therefore, love for the Fatherland is a feeling that plays an important role in wartime, since without it it is impossible to defeat the enemy.

Love between a man and a woman is an amazing feeling. It can completely transform a person and make him better. Is this why the sages consider this feeling the greatest happiness, a gift from above?

Love changes a person even externally. A woman in love blossoms, preens; a man in love strives to be in good physical shape.

However, what is truly admirable is how the miraculous power of love transforms us from the inside out. All the best that was dormant in the soul awakens, elevating a person, freeing him from the shackles of everyday life and vanity. There are many similar examples in fiction.

Zheltkov, a poor telegraph operator in the story by A.I. Kuprin “ Garnet braceletlong years unrequitedly, without the slightest hope of reciprocity, he loved Princess Vera Sheina. For the sake of the peace of his beloved, he must give up his feelings. Vera’s husband and brother demand this. However, the hero prefers to die: life without love is meaningless for him. In his dying letter to Vera, Zheltkov pours out his soul, and the reader feels how internally beautiful and noble he is. It was love, pure and devoted, that revealed the spiritual wealth of this previously unnoticed person.

Olesya, the heroine of the story of the same name by A.I. Kuprin, is also obsessed with great love. And again the reader becomes a witness spiritual rebirth. The girl is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of her beloved. Having overcome her fear, she goes to church, and then suffers humiliation and beatings from superstitious village women who consider her a witch. Love awakened in Oles not only tenderness for his beloved, but also amazing selflessness.

It seems to me that sacrifice is inherent in nature itself. true love. The main thing for a lover is always the happiness of the loved one. The nobility of feeling, bordering on self-denial, delights in A.S. Pushkin’s poem “I loved you...” Lyrical hero wishes his beloved happiness, even with another person:

I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

How God grant that your beloved be different.

These beautiful lines also prove that love reveals to the world not only the best spiritual qualities people, but also their diverse talents, becomes an inexhaustible source of creative inspiration. Lovers write poetry, compose music, and create masterpieces of painting.

Love is the greatest miracle, a miracle of transformation. It changes a person externally and internally, revealing him to the world best qualities. Anyone who has known love will never be the same.

What qualities does love reveal in a person?

What is love? For centuries, philosophers, artists, composers, and writers have been looking for the answer to this question and are still looking for it. We never stopped glorifying this great and eternal feeling. L love - enormous strength, which moves life and people. Its power opens up for every person from a new side. This is evidenced by many stories, novels, poems by various poets and writers.

This problem is also raised in I.A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. After familiarizing yourself with the plot of the work, it becomes clear that the power of love was able to change the hero, who spent all his time lying down, did not like to do anything, did not like to worry and solve problems. But his love for Olga changes him beyond recognition. A desire to live and act appears in him. But Oblomov is not capable of active love, which requires self-improvement. And he finds peace next to Agafya Pshenitsyna, where care, warmth, and idleness always reign. Both heroes were able to change Oblomov, change his worldview, which proves the power of love.

Also in I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons,” the power of love changes the principles of the nihilist hero, who for a long time argued that love does not exist. But having met Anna Sergeevna, Bazarov realizes that he was wrong. Feelings for this heroine destroy the laws of nihilism.

In A.I. Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet,” love blossoms in Zheltkov’s heart. He limited his life only to this feeling. This one is perfect pure love elevates " Little man" It is no coincidence that Vera saw in the face of the dead Zheltkov “deep importance”, which can only be seen in the masks of such great people as Pushkin and Napoleon.

To summarize, I would like to say that love can fill a person with true strength. Its power lies in transformation, mercy, it liberates a person, gives him true freedom. Only in love does a person find himself, only with it is he able to acquire new qualities.