Horoscopes of different nations by date of birth. Our zodiac sign and the countries we choose

Countries are like people... Each has its own character, its own face, its own problems, a certain evolutionary task and destiny, which becomes history. Each has its own zodiac sign, its own horoscope. The relationship of a country with a sign is associated not only with the Sun in the horoscope of the state, but with geographical location this or that region of the earth, with certain nations, nationalities, state entities at the national-territorial level. In countries and peoples, you can notice the influence of one sign or another in conjunction with the influence of a planet. Therefore, you can find discrepancies in the relationship between countries and signs in different astrological texts. A country can be influenced by two or three signs, depending on the nature of the lands and ethnic groups included in it. At the same time, there is an archetypal correspondence between national psychology and a certain zodiac sign. The twelve signs of the Zodiac are twelve types of attitudes towards life, twelve zodiac characters of different countries and peoples. For example, the sign of Russia, like Canada, is Aquarius, and the sign of the United States is Gemini.

Each of us has our own Zodiac sign, this is the sign where the Sun is located in our horoscope. Each has its own world, its own environment and even its own country. Of course, we could determine in which country we could the best way to realize your potential, you need to according to the relocation horoscope, i.e. by constructing your natal horoscope to a different place. We also need to determine in what place it is better for us to celebrate the upcoming birthday. individual horoscope, choosing the best place for us to meet the solarium. But this can be done at an individual astrological consultation, but what to do if there is no opportunity to consult with an astrologer?

Then you can use a general approach; it will not answer your questions about what awaits you in a new place, but will give you the opportunity to find out the consonance of your Zodiac sign with a certain country. Each sign has countries that, theoretically, suit them best. Why theoretically? Because in practice, don’t forget, all horoscopes are individual and include many factors that provide individual settings, and they can run counter to the general typology. And yet, if you don’t know where to go to have a better rest, look at which country corresponds to your zodiac sign. You can return to your astrological homeland, for starters, at least mentally. Here is the ratio of countries, national characters and signs:

Aries on the globe
In ancient times, this zodiac sign patronized Sparta. The Spartans harmoniously combined all the traits typical of those born under the sign of Aries: determination, asceticism and belligerence. Sparta's successor modern world became Germany, whose inhabitants, to a lesser extent, however, are characterized by the above qualities. This does not mean that all Aries must necessarily go for permanent residence in Germany. Aries will feel at ease in passionate Spain (Leo sign), dynamic America (Gemini sign), and in Russia (Aquarius sign). Aries will feel good. Aries also patronizes the regions of Southern Russia, Tatarstan, Kalmykia, Kazakhstan, Palestine, Africa, Spain, Crete, Turkey, South Africa, Mexico, Cuba, Uruguay.

Taurus on the globe
Taurus and its ruler, Venus, in astrology are associated with everything that blooms and bears fruit. Therefore, areas with rich nature are associated with it: Moldova, Bulgaria, a significant part of Ukraine. Typical Taurus people in these countries can feel quite confident. This is a very “earthly” sign, and the peoples inhabiting these countries value comfort and peace, the warmth of the hearth. Since ancient times, various types of deities have been revered here, providing protection to the home and family. Great importance is attached to love. At the same time, Taurus is highest degree a calm and balanced sign. However, there are other places where they will be happy. These are, for example, the regions of the Virgo sign - rational to the smallest detail Switzerland and Japan, harsh and ascetic Tibet (Capricorn), and leisurely, calm Estonia and Finland (Pisces). Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Switzerland, partly Norway, Taiwan, Australia . Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn feel good in these countries.

Gemini on the globe
In ancient times, Greece was under the sign of Gemini, having absorbed into its culture the most diverse traditions of the civilizations that preceded it. IN this moment The USA is a similar “cosmopolitan”. Gemini also patronizes Greece, Belgium, Armenia, Italy, Yugoslavia, Korea, UAE, Singapore, Madagascar. Cheerful, friendly, somewhat carefree, optimistic, Geminis always accept their difficulties tolerantly, and if a friend gets into trouble, they will immediately provide help. The path can also be described as modern life and the development of the countries and peoples in question. The desire for life support and one hundred percent functionality of everything that surrounds is the defining quality of Gemini. They also value their traditions, great attention pay attention to the rights and freedoms of people on their territory. Libra, Aquarius and Gemini themselves feel good in these countries. Fire signs Aries and Leo also do not feel any disharmony here.

Cancer on the globe
This is a sign of purity, preservation of traditions and humanism. Most a shining example The Cancer country is India, which lives a rather closed life, unlike the “twin” countries, but despite this, it also has a complex mixture of cultures. This is due to the fact that in the history of the country they did not replace each other, but overlapped one another. Cancer is also Uzbekistan, partly middle Asia, Holland, Scotland, Denmark, Canada, Paraguay, New Zealand. Cancers are individualists and often deliberately leave one or more “doors” closed in their nature. They are vulnerable, warm-hearted, kind. At the same time, if there is a danger of encroachment on their inner freedom, Cancers go on the attack. The peoples inhabiting the countries of Cancer have extremely rich internal spiritual potential. It was here that secret teachings and religions were and are being born, which then become the property of humanity. Gurus and teachers who strive to convey the truth to people find their place here. In material terms, in the countries of Cancer, both prosperity and the last degree of poverty can be manifested, but the attitude towards material property among these peoples is similar - this is not a priority area for them. Pisces, Cancers, and Scorpios need to go to the Cancer regions. “Earthly” Taurus will find useful connections and acquaintances here, Virgos will find true friends.

Lion on the globe
The Lion Country is an eternal theater, a demonstration of its color, uniqueness and beauty. Leo is a strong sign, bright nature, self-sufficiency, dignity, certainty. All this is about the character of the peoples inhabiting the regions of Leo. Great importance is attached to external attributes, which are elevated to the rank of art. First of all, this is architecture. Majesty and steadfastness, solidity and strength. Mass events and spectacles in which the character of the crowd is manifested have also long been features that characterize these countries. Such countries include Spain. A country that partly corresponds to the Leo type is also France - the “world podium”, the country creative people, and the only Western power to seriously resist the influx of American aesthetics. However, the influence of the neighboring sign, Virgo, is also noticeable in its culture. The Czech Republic, Italy, Iran, Hungary, Poland, and Brazil are also under the sign of Leo. It is pleasant for Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo to live in the Leo regions. Libra will find new friends here, and Gemini will learn a lot of interesting information.

Virgo on the globe
This sign is associated with caring for the family hearth, careful attitude to material property, consistency, accuracy, certainty in everything, without “outbursts” and extremes. Virgos care about nature. They are inquisitive, and they value intelligence above all else. Calmness and functionality prevail in residential premises. Scrupulous, pedantic, and seeing the meaning of existence in serving one’s work, the sign of Virgo is traditionally associated with countries such as Japan and Switzerland. Under its influence are: Belarus, the Baltic states, Germany, the Czech Republic, Vietnam, the Canary Islands. Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo will find it easy to stay here. Staying in the countries of Virgo will have a beneficial effect on the well-being of Cancers and Scorpios.

Libra on the globe
Poise, grace, style - these are the main external characteristics this sign. From modern countries This image is most clearly demonstrated by England - “a country of ladies and gentlemen”, combining two such extremes as monarchy and democracy. Libra is a balanced, sophisticated, artistic sign. The aesthetic component is of great importance. Completeness of form in everything. At the same time – excellent taste, absence of “flashy” elements or pretentiousness. Strictness and certainty. All these qualities fully manifest themselves in the culture, way of life and living conditions of the peoples inhabiting the countries of Libra. Under the patronage of Libra are: Great Britain, China, Burma, Austria, France, England, Syria, Saudi Arabia. Staying in countries and cities under the influence of this sign is favorable for Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. They feel good there and fire signs– Leo and Sagittarius. It is good for Virgos to go shopping to the domain of Libra.

Scorpio on the globe
Under this sign there are “biting” countries, mainly of the Islamic trend. It is in them that there are tendencies inherent in Scorpio: the desire to suppress instincts and transform them into spirituality, isolation on one’s ideals and principles. Separately, we can highlight Iran and Afghanistan. Scorpio is a sign of extremes and contradictions. But he is extremely strong spiritually and physically. Rich historical past and present. Strength and authority are combined with nobility and the need for self-sacrifice. Pride in one’s people, a sense of belonging to a unique ethnic group. At the same time, the real property situation is not put at the forefront. The main thing is inner wealth. Emotionality, mobility, depth are the character traits of the peoples inhabiting these lands. Under its influence are Azerbaijan, Turkey, Indochina, Iran, Afghanistan, Hungary, Cuba, Iceland, Cambodia, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia. Staying in countries and cities ruled by Scorpio is favorable for Cancers, Virgos, Capricorns, Scorpios and Pisces.

Sagittarius on the globe
Have you already noticed that Sagittarians are idealists? Such a typical idealist in literature is Don Quixote. And his homeland, Spain, is precisely under the sign of Sagittarius. You remember that the Spaniards were brave sailors and traveled, like any Sagittarius, over very long distances. The sign is very “human” - both in a positive and negative sense. Breadth of nature, desire for luxury. Conquests, expansion of borders. Philosophical depths and creative achievements. Among the “sagittarius” countries we can also name Australia, New Zealand, Hungary, Slovenia, France, Poland, Yugoslavia, Brazil, Georgia, Cyprus, Portugal, China, Argentina. These countries are attractive for Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius.

Capricorn on the globe
Germany is considered one of the most conservative countries under Capricorn, its western part excluding Bavaria and the territory of the former GDR. Both Koreas and Mongolia also belong to Capricorn countries. Among the countries of the Arab world under this sign are Saudi Arabia, Scandinavia, Germany, Tibet, Nepal, Mexico, Ireland, Israel. This sign is characterized by a desire for clarity and clarity of positions, to achieve goals determined in advance, and practicality. Career, which occurs sequentially, according to a clearly verified scheme, but always according to individual laws. IN architectural features Classical forms prevail; in culture and art, a lot of space is given to root traditions. In countries and cities under the influence of Capricorn, it is good to live, work and relax for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Aquarius on the globe
The “Aquarius” countries include Japan, Finland, Lebanon, as well as the north of the European part of Russia approximately to Tula, Canada, Sweden, Argentina, Peru, and Chile. In the character of Aquarius and the ethnic groups inhabiting his country, internal wealth, depth, and the need for knowledge are combined with recklessness, ease, and even, to some extent, irresponsibility. Aquarians are individualists and hunters of everything new and unknown. They value community and collectivism, but feel bad when alone. At the same time, they value freedom and are very freedom-loving. This sign consists of such paradoxically combined forms of character. It is good for Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries to share the territory with Aquarius.

Pisces on the globe
Egypt, where people live in a very special rhythm, Iceland and Portugal are considered typically “fishy” countries. Among the areas within countries under the patronage of Pisces are Normandy in France and Calambria in Sicily. Countries of the Pisces sign: Portugal, Indonesia and the countries of Oceania, Iceland, Romania, Finland, Nepal, Philippines, Ceylon, Palestine, Venezuela, Hawaii, Colombia. Secrecy, craving for knowledge of the unknown, occult sciences and practices. Rituals and associated thousand-year-old traditions, as well as developed under the influence mystical powers amazing intuition. By visiting here regularly, you can develop abilities that were previously dormant in you, as well as open secret doors to new areas of life and the world... One of the defining qualities of these peoples is talent in the most various types art. Creative people will feel comfortable and happy here. Signs that are suitable for a long stay in the territory of Pisces: Pisces proper, Scorpios, Cancers, Taurus, Capricorns.

Newspaper “Anomalous News” No. 20, 2012


The Zodiac sign of a geographical object is determined by the terrain, climate and natural resources, nationality and religion of the majority of residents, their main trade and characteristics local traditions and language, the image on the coat of arms and flag, the date of foundation of the city or state, if known.

From time to time, ideas about a country or city change, history adds new features, and the old features of these places are forgotten or cease to be so. Therefore, astrogeographical correspondences accepted in ancient centuries now seem dubious and incomprehensible.

Any city or country is characterized by several signs of the Zodiac, the most pronounced in a given area. Signs can appear simultaneously or replace each other over time. In addition, any locality can be divided into twelve sectors, each of which corresponds to its own zodiac sign.

Countries and cities of Aries

The terrain of Aries is desert or steppe. Residents are engaged in sheep breeding, metal processing, weapons manufacturing, or often fight. The character is bold, the speech is sharp and abrupt. The coat of arms and flag contain symbols of military valor and the color red. Aries cities were built by pioneers, the buildings are chaotic or the streets are very straight, the houses are built in a clear long line.

COUNTRIES: Germany, Denmark, Azerbaijan, Palestine, Ancient Rome, almost the entire Caucasus.

CITIES: Berlin, Marseille, New York, Krasnoyarsk, Rostov-on-Don.

Countries and cities of Taurus

“The terrain of Taurus is very fertile. Residents are eager to save and love to live close to the land and nature. Low-rise buildings, residents prefer cottages

COUNTRIES: Ukraine, Belarus, Eastern Switzerland, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Moldova.

CITIES: Moscow, Samara, Belgorod, Zurich, Istanbul, Dublin.

Countries and cities of Gemini

The Gemini area is highly located, there are many roads. Residents are very mobile and travel on compact types of transport: bicycles, motorcycles, small cars. A city is often divided in two by a river or formed from the merger of two or more settlements. These places are famous educational institutions, writers and scientists.

COUNTRIES: Ancient Greece, USA, Belgium, Romania, Yugoslavia.

CITIES: Cordoba, Melbourne, San Francisco, London, Ufa, Novosibirsk.

Countries and cities of Cancer

The area is fertile and rich in water. Residents are conservative, honor ancient traditions, and are often engaged in agriculture. The buildings are low-rise, there are many temples and ancient buildings, ancient ruins and graves. Excavations are often carried out in these places and treasures are searched for.

COUNTRIES: India, Nepal, Africa, Holland, Scotland, New Zealand.

CITIES: Amsterdam, Genoa, Milan, Istanbul, Volgograd, Kyiv, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Kursk.

Countries and cities of Leo

The area is rich in precious metals or stones. Residents are proud of themselves, love fun, glitz and luxury. These are capitals, centers of culture, places of residence of rulers, no matter what other signs are assigned to these cities. They have magnificent palaces and parks, monuments of impressive size, many places of entertainment and recreation, including elite ones, for very rich people.

COUNTRIES: France, Italy, Czech Republic, Ancient Persia.

CITIES: Damascus, Chicago, Philadelphia, Ravenna, Rome, Paris, Hollywood, Bombay, Moscow, Odessa.

Countries and cities of Virgo

The area is fertile and rich in minerals. Residents are very businesslike, but not vain. There are many agricultural and industrial enterprises, medical institutions, and a developed service sector. Places famous for professionals high level, doctors, folk craftsmen. The development is characterized by division into many microdistricts.

COUNTRIES: Brazil, Crete, Croatia, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey, Japan, Germany.

CITIES: Riga, Strasbourg, Berlin, Boston, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Nizhny Novgorod.

Countries and cities of Libra

The area is beautiful not only because of nature, but also because of people. Residents love art and aesthetics in everyday life, their manners and speech are reserved. The cities have many well-groomed gardens and parks, beautiful buildings, graceful bridges, openwork fences, and sculptures.

COUNTRIES: China, Japan, Argentina, Burma, Austria, Hawaii, Egypt, England.

CITIES: Frankfurt am Main, Copenhagen, Speyer, Vienna, Antwerp, Johannesburg, St. Petersburg.

Countries and cities of Scorpio

The area is low, where there are many swamps, dirty water, underground rivers or rich underground reserves of oil, coal, ore. There is a threat to life from the elements or radiation, poisonous snakes or crime. Places associated with war, death and mysticism. There are many burial places, places of grief and dangerous anomalous zones. There are many banks, financial and security forces. Places are famous for magicians, rich people and powerful authorities.

COUNTRIES: Algeria, Morocco, Germany, Syria, Vietnam, Azerbaijan, Libya, Sicily.

CITIES: St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Munich, Washington, Perm, Saratov, Cherepovets.

Countries and cities of Sagittarius

The area is spacious, often away from major crowded areas. It could also be a port city. There are many visitors: immigrants, tourists, pilgrims, nomads, preachers. Many temples or universities.

COUNTRIES: Australia, Madagascar, Portugal, Arabia, Spain, France.

CITIES: Baghdad, Cologne, Acapulco, Lugansk, Voronezh.

Countries and cities of Capricorn

The area is mountainous, with many rocks, stones, caves and dungeons, mines, and ancient ruins. The climate is often cool, and the people are harsh and reserved. There are fortresses in the city, underground passages, many towers and high fences. The houses are made of stone, without architectural frills, with thick walls and small windows.

COUNTRIES: Korea, Afghanistan, Albania, Iceland, Bosnia, Mexico, Bulgaria, Tibet, Estonia.

CITIES: Oxford, Warsaw, Boston, Brussels, Montreal, Kazan, Moscow, Dresden, Chelyabinsk.

Countries and cities of Aquarius

The area is spacious, with plenty of water. The architecture is unique. Strange, funny or very high buildings. The industry is associated with the manufacture of electronics, cars, and aircraft. Places are famous for inventors, revolutionaries, predictors, and people with unusual abilities.

COUNTRIES: Russia, Brazil, Sweden, Ethiopia, Finland, Chile, Canada, Lithuania.

CITIES: Hamburg, Los Angeles, Pisa, Salzburg, Stockholm, Buenos Aires, Bremen, Vologda.

Countries and cities of Pisces

An area with many lakes, swamps, and rivers. An island state, a city on the shore of the sea or a large river, a city with many shrines, temples, monasteries, and prisons. It is shrouded in secrets and mysticism, there are many anomalous zones and hidden treasures. A place that is famous for saints, benefactors, and clairvoyants. Shipbuilding, fishing, chemical industry. These are also closed cities and ghost towns where no one lives.

COUNTRIES: Malta, Portugal, Ceylon, Indonesia, Israel, Singapore.

CITIES: Dublin, Casablanca, Lisbon, Preston, Seville, Bukhara, Samarkand, Astrakhan, Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg.

IN mid-19th century, the famous German philologist and philosopher Wilhelm von Humboldt introduced the concept folk spirit, explaining it by historical, religious, climatic and other reasons. He, however, failed to convincingly explain why sometimes two neighboring peoples have such dissimilar national spirits (let’s compare, for example, the Germans and the Poles). The answer is given by astrology - the mother of astronomy and mathematics, which is much older than most sciences. It is considered ideal when a person’s zodiac sign coincides with the sign of his country. It is also favorable if the country of residence has a friendly sign. What does it mean? The twelve signs of the Zodiac can be divided into two large groups. The first includes the signs of Earth and Water (respectively, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). The second includes the signs of Fire and Air (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, as well as Gemini, Libra and Aquarius). It is necessary to get into the six signs that are friendly to you. For example, if you are an Aquarius, Spain, the country of Sagittarius, or the USA, the country of Gemini, will suit you, but not Lithuania (Capricorn).
The psychological reason for this correlation is that the first group includes “mature” signs, and people born under them are for the most part realists and conservatives, who are also concerned about their own safety. They highly value the material aspect of life and are rarely left without funds.
The second group is formed by “young” signs - idealists and romantics; people, as a rule, are courageous and prone to change, including social ones. They are often not very practical. Naturally, it is difficult for such different personalities to find mutual language, and since we have likened countries to people, it turns out that it is difficult to get along with a country that has the sign of another, “alien” group.
In marriage, such inconsistency also creates serious problems.
Now let's look at a few specific countries. Let's start with Germany, - classical country Aries. The indomitable belligerence of the Germans - from the Teutonic knights to the Wehrmacht soldiers - has long become the talk of the town. Aries is associated with the energy of metal, more specifically iron. Hence the cult of multi-pound knight's armor. Heavy German helmets are from the same opera. But the Germans never wore chain mail, since this zodiac sign lacks flexibility. Even the phrase " Railway"We borrowed from German. Nekrasov has the following lines in his poem of the same name:
“Listen, my Vanya, the fatal labors are over, the German is already laying the rails...”
At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when this transport reached its heyday, the main and longest line in Europe was the Berlin-Istanbul line built by the Germans, along which the luxurious Orient Express ran. The cruelty and indomitable will of the Germans is caused by the influence of the god of war Mars, who rules this sign. In peacetime, Aries are inveterate workaholics, for this is a sign of will and action. The Germans have earned respect all over the world for their Mercedes and Salamanders. “Order beats class,” this saying specifically applies to Germany. For example, the seemingly clumsy, but extremely well-organized German football has already brought the country three world champion titles. Others are playing on the field, while the Germans are working. What God has deprived this sign of is grace. To be convinced of this, just listen to how it sounds German, which even Engels called “terribly rude.”
In everyday life, Aries also have quite simple tastes. German cuisine is not distinguished by sophistication. (Her symbol: sausages with sauerkraut.) The Spartan character of this sign is especially reflected in clothes and shoes. The Germans have a good quality one, but it is heavy and overly functional. The concept of high fashion is poorly compatible with the sign of Aries. The central streets of large German cities are replete with chic French and Italian shops. The simple-minded Aries will not be able to keep up with two dapper Leos from the banks of the Seine and Tiber. The only famous German couturier, Karl Lagersfeld, lives in France. As for sportswear and shoes, this athletic sign will give a head start to any other (just remember the companies Adidas and Puma).
Often leaders different countries who left a significant mark on history (both in a positive and negative sense) have the same zodiac sign as the country “subordinate” to them, so it should not be surprising that Hitler, who was born on the last day of Aries, was able at a certain stage to unite and lead the German nation.
In post-war history, Chancellor He. Kohl stands out among German politicians, remaining in office for four consecutive terms. As you probably guessed, Kohl's sign is also Aries.
The main Aries country in Asia is Japan, which in many ways is akin to Germany. It is no coincidence that these countries were allies in both world wars. Aries, whose main desire is to fight and be first, easily turns into an invader. By the early forties, Japan owned a good half of Asia, copying the “successes” of Germany in Europe. As for belligerence, the samurai were hardly inferior to the Teutonic knights. Karate and other martial arts are all the influence of the cocky Aries.
IN Japanese, perhaps the most common consonant sound is "r", whose growl is associated with masculinity. But there is no sound “l”, associated in esotericism with the flexible feminine principle.
Like the Germans, the Japanese perhaps lack grace (at least little is known about the success of the local fashion or perfume industries). But Aries has a special penchant for technology, which is why Japanese audio and video equipment are recognized world leaders. Among other things, this sign is characterized by a certain asceticism. Let's say that the stinginess of the Germans has long been a proverb. Despite fairly high incomes, part of the Japanese population still lives in houses that lack many modern amenities. The islanders also managed to partially close their markets to foreign goods, that is, they managed to voluntarily limit their consumption. Even despite powerful US pressure, the situation is changing slowly and creakingly.
There is an opinion that the land of the Rising Sun is also influenced by the constellation Scorpio. This is quite logical, considering national character, which is characterized by self-sacrifice and fanaticism. Words such as “kamikaze” and “harakiri” have entered all languages ​​of the world and do not require translation. The female tarantula is known to eat the male immediately after the “act of love”. Therefore, under the influence of Scorpio, the cult of passion and death flourishes, and death is subconsciously considered as the “highest high,” that is, a state that is certainly desired provided, of course, there is external “correct” motivation. It is known that in the old days, Japanese feudal lords cut off their thumb and sent it to the emperor as a sign of their readiness to go to war.
Under the influence of Scorpio, a craving for spicy and exotic food develops, which is what Japanese cuisine is famous for. As you know, Japan opened up to the outside world only in the 20th century. The influence of this sign can also be seen here, since Scorpio in nature does not like open spaces and avoids daylight. Even at the beginning of the last century, Imperial Japan was distinguished by total surveillance of its subjects. The tendency towards secret inspection is again a “Scorpio” trait.
By the way, Germany also experiences the influence of Scorpio, but there it is limited to one federal state - Bavaria, where Aries, on the contrary, “rests”. It was the capital of this region, Munich, that became a hotbed of fascism, giving it astrologically determined fanaticism. As already noted, in “Scorpio” wars the aggressors are doomed to defeat due to the specific nature of this sign. It should be noted that residents of other German lands often do not favor the Bavarians, as if they do not consider them completely their own (Aries and Scorpio do not get along well with each other). Bavaria even has its own party - the CSU, formed on a purely territorial principle. The full name of the party union is CDU\CSU, but if any German can be in the first party, then only Bavarians can be in the second. The case, I must say, is unprecedented. Sometimes Scorpio's fanaticism can even have an impact on people a short time found themselves in the zone of his influence. Let us recall the murder of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972 by religious fanatics. This is the only case of this kind in the entire centuries-old history of the Olympic Games.
There is another interesting, although little-known, classification that establishes a correspondence between the signs of the Zodiac and their animals - totems. In this system, Aries corresponds to Ram and Dog. With dogs, everything is clear, because most breeds were bred in Germany and England (also influenced by this sign), which is easy to see by their names. It is also worth noting the “barking” speech of the Germans. For this, the Teutonic warriors in Rus' were nicknamed “dog knights.” The ram indicates straightforwardness, tenacity, turning into stubbornness, as well as a tendency to herd (army spirit). Indeed, the Germans are not known for their cunning and have always relied more on the strength of their pressure. Even in their art, a period of “storm and stress” can be traced.
By the way, have you ever wondered why, after the war, a partisan movement did not arise in occupied Germany, or at least in the Soviet zone? But the fascist command prepared special sabotage groups for this purpose - “werewolf” detachments. The reason, in my opinion, is purely esoteric (read astrological). Werewolf translated from German means werewolf. Unfortunately for the vanquished, this particular animal is the totemic animal for the sign Aquarius, under which is located Russia. The wolf will not fight against “his own”. Even the phrase “German partisan” itself sounds rather ridiculous.
To finish with the totems of Aquarius (and we are talking about foreign “Aquarius” countries ahead), let’s mention its second symbol - the Crane. Now, I hope, it’s clear why we have so many songs dedicated to these birds. The pioneer was, perhaps, Alexei Zhemchuzhnikov, whose poem, written nearly a century and a half ago, ends with the poignant line: Stop crying over me, cranes!
But he was an inveterate wit, one of the three authors of Kozma Prutkov’s aphorisms.
By the way, many songs in Russia are dedicated to the wolf, perhaps even more than to the crane. Under Soviet rule, such creativity was not encouraged, since the image of this independent predator did not coincide with the ideal of an obedient human herd, which the authorities could easily control. It is no coincidence that in his famous “seditious” poem Osip Mandelstam compared himself to a hunted wolf, and the state hostile to him to a wolfhound. However, in uncensored song this beast was always held in high esteem. Let us remember the famous line “... and my comrade is the gray Bryansk wolf” or “Wolf Hunt” by Vladimir Vysotsky. In the post-Soviet period, the “wolf” theme became one of the most fashionable. Several music collections “Wolf's Share” have already been published, where the image of this predator is associated with prison romance. In one of them there was a song, the words of which were written by the author of this book.
As you can see, the totems of Aquarius - the Crane and the Wolf - are clear leaders in the song folk art. At the same time, as far as the author knows, not a single song is dedicated to such widespread animals in Russia as the fox or, say, the elk. So much for astrology.
From Aries, as expected, let’s move on to. Let's start with Switzerland- perhaps the most colorful country of this sign. The state is small, its area does not exceed the Moscow region, and its population is significantly inferior to Moscow. Natural resources- minimum. Then where does this wealth come from? The answer is simple: Taurus personifies prosperity (remember the Golden Calf). It is not surprising that the symbol of this country is banks. Why is it that the world's wealth flows there? Because Taurus is reliable and peaceful. Switzerland is so neutral and depoliticized that it has not joined the UN for more than half a century, so it is safest to invest money there. No wonder they say: “Reliable, like a Swiss bank!” The country has not known war almost since the time of Suvorov’s crossing of the Alps. The only “type of weapon” developed in Switzerland - an army folding knife with many accessories - has long found peaceful use throughout the world. And although its army still includes bicycle units, and until recently communication was maintained with the help of pigeons, over the past two centuries there has not been a dictator who would violate the neutrality of the Alpine country. No wonder, because everyone needs a safe haven for money. Reliability is always associated with precision, which is what the famous Swiss watches represent. Eugene Onegin also wore them:
“...Until the watchful Breget rings his dinner bell.”
Leisurely Taurus will always prefer quality to quantity. The Swiss brand is highly rated throughout the world, be it chocolate, medicine or luxury cookware. The company that produces it, Zepter, provides a guarantee of up to 85 years (!). The production of tableware also arose in the country not by chance from an astrological point of view. The fact is that on the human body the Taurus zone is the throat and lower jaw, that is, precisely the place of food intake. I note that a fairly high price is not able to scare away Taurus, who will always prefer to wait, save up, and buy something “super”.
Taurus- the main gourmets in the entire Zodiac, therefore the products of the local food industry, especially the dairy industry, are known far beyond the borders of the country. First of all, local cheeses, and hard ones at that, are famous. Taurus as a sign is unfolded in time, and such products mature for years and are stored for months, unlike most other dairy products.
Swiss chocolate is rightfully considered the best in the world. Again we see a product with a long shelf life. In addition, Venus, which rules Taurus, is in charge of sweets.
Just the word “Swiss” can increase sales. For example, Italian confectioners produce their products under the “Swiss roll” brand.
The combination “environmentally friendly” was also most likely invented by Taurus. Everyone has heard about the untouched alpine meadows and clean mountain air of this country. There are virtually no polluting industries in Switzerland environment. Taurus, by definition, cares about strengthening the body, hence the abundance of ski resorts, prestigious sanatoriums and beauty clinics. Swiss medicines are sold all over the world.
There are four main nationalities in this country, but since citizens do not fight with their neighbors, they all the more live in complete harmony with each other. The Romansh people (the oldest inhabitants of the country) now number less than 50 thousand, but out of respect for them, local banknotes also have an inscription in this exotic language.
The Swiss are very willing to take money from residents of other countries for safekeeping. But they try, if possible, not to provide local citizenship to foreign investors themselves, otherwise this little paradise would overnight be filled with visitors from all over the world.
And yet, excessive materialism (Taurus slogan) can sometimes play a role negative role. At the end of World War II, the Swiss secretly took gold crowns from the Nazis for safekeeping, which they snatched from their unfortunate victims. Although, on the other hand, the unarmed country had nowhere to go.
England's neighbor also belongs to this sign - Ireland. Taurus, in principle, is peace-loving (the influence of the same Venus is felt), but stubborn, like the Ox. Everything is logical, because the word “taurus” in Old Slavonic means “bull”. The British, under the influence of the aggressive Aries, century after century sought to subjugate their weaker neighbor, and the Irish, with their characteristic stubbornness, rejected such advances. The thing is that for Taurus Aries is a hostile sign. For Aries, Taurus, on the contrary, is a desirable sign (this also applies to relationships between people).
Ireland, like Switzerland, is distinguished by rich evergreen pastures, on which, as in the Alpine country, equally fat cows graze. The only difference is that Swiss cattle have a dairy focus, while here they focus on beef cattle. Local stew is known throughout Europe.
Taurus is famous for its thoroughness and symbolizes solid ground under its feet, because it is an Earth sign. Therefore, transatlantic airliners refuel at Shannon Airport near the Irish capital. As for the capital itself (by the way, founded just in the year of the baptism of Rus'), it seems symbolic that its name Dublin echoes the word “doubloon” - a medieval gold coin.
It is not for nothing that Taurus is associated with the word “golden”. This sign has the ability to attract money to itself, sometimes showing remarkable ingenuity. Only, unlike the Swiss, the Irish came up with their own trick - they created a chain of duty-free shops in international airports, thus increasing their turnover many times over. True, in Lately, due to the unification of Europe and the abolition of customs duties, the “Irish shop” had to be closed. However, as they say, there would be a desire (in this case, to promote your brands), but implementation will not matter. IN last years The world is literally flooded with Irish pubs. Even in Moscow there are several of them. But the English pubs, which at one time gave birth to them, were unable, oddly enough, to do something similar.
The Emerald Isle, as this country is often called, has always been one of the poorest European countries, and Taurus cannot stand material disadvantage. Therefore, about 90% of the local population in different years left their homeland in search of work. Most of the Irish settled in the richest country in the world, the USA. There are also astrological reasons for this.

Each country has its own energy, its own problems, its own character and destiny. And each country, like any person, has its own zodiac sign. Which one is right for you?

Have you noticed that in one country a person is very comfortable, but in another there is a feeling that this is not him at all? This happened to me when, after living for some time in the Czech Republic, I realized - it’s not for me! Everything was wrong there: the people, the mentality, the very energy of the area - in one word, uncomfortable. After some time, I moved to Poland... from the very moment I crossed the border, I felt at home here, as if I had lived here all my life, and when I reached the capital, I immediately felt - this is it! Having lived here for 3 years, I became confident in the feeling that this is my country. I didn’t do any horoscopes, no one told me where I would definitely feel good - I just tried and found it. But now I understand that my search could be greatly simplified thanks to astrology.

Each country is influenced in one way or another by the sign of the Zodiac and a certain set of planets, while one country can be influenced by several signs at the same time. Twelve signs are twelve types of attitude towards life. Each person will have their own world, environment and, accordingly, country. In order to determine what will be best for you, the science of astrology has come up with such a thing as “relocation”. But it is not always possible to use such services, and, to be honest, finding an intelligent astrologer is not so easy. It is for such cases that I suggest you use a general approach that will give at least a general understanding of how in tune you and the country are.

Countries by zodiac sign

Spartan Aries

Yes exactly. In ancient times, it was this sign that patronized Sparta. The Spartans had almost all the traits of those born under the sign of Aries - belligerence, determination and asceticism. Germany became the modern personification of Sparta. Of course, this does not mean that all Aries urgently need to pack their bags and set off to conquer a new homeland. But as an option for a vacation (and maybe even for moving), this country is still worth considering. In addition, Aries will feel quite comfortable in America, Spain, southern Russia, Palestine, Turkey, Mexico, Uruguay, Cuba and Africa.

Earthly Taurus

So, we know that the main planetary ruler of Taurus is Venus. She, in turn, appears to us as something blooming and fruitful. Therefore, the most favorable countries for Taurus will be countries with rich nature - Moldova and Bulgaria, most of Ukraine. In addition, we know that Taurus is an earth sign, i.e. The peoples who live in the countries of “Taurus” value the warmth and comfort of home. But, again, don’t generalize everything! Therefore, many other countries will be comfortable for Taurus, such as Japan and Switzerland, Estonia and Finland, Tibet and Australia.

Twin Greece

Yes, yes, in ancient times it was Greece that was under the sign of Gemini! Geminis are characterized by goodwill and, to some extent, carelessness, optimism and giving a hand to their neighbors. Geminis value their own family traditions, pay great attention to the rights and freedoms of the people who live next to them. Therefore, Geminis are recommended to visit or consider the following countries as a prospect for moving: Greece, USA, Belgium, Italy, Armenia, Korea, UAE, Singapore or Madagascar.

Indian Cancer

So, Cancer is a sign of humanism, purity and preservation of traditions. India, which is connected by a complex mix of cultures, corresponds to these qualities. Cancers are individualists, they are vulnerable, warm-hearted and kind. But if someone decides to encroach on their territory, they will attack. The peoples who inhabit the “countries of Cancer” are, as a rule, spiritually rich. It is in these countries that religions and secret teachings originate. Distinctive feature The material life of these countries varies from very prosperous to extremely poor, but this is not their main priority. That's why best countries for Cancer are: India, Holland, Denmark, Uzbekistan, Canada, New Zealand, Paraguay and Scotland. In addition, in these countries it will be comfortable not only for Cancers, but also for Pisces and Scorpios. Taurus can establish the “necessary connections” here, but Virgos will definitely find new friends.

Spanish-French Lion

Yes, this is precisely the direction that suits Leo, given that the symbols of this sign are endless color, unimaginable beauty, bright external attributes that are elevated to the rank of the highest art! Leo is a very bright nature; accordingly, majesty and steadfastness are his life credo. The country that best matches these characteristics is Spain. And with it the country of high fashion and “world catwalks” - France. In addition to them, the following countries were also under the influence of Leo: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Italy, Iran and Brazil. In addition to Leo, Sagittarius and Aries will also feel comfortable there. For Gemini, these countries will become a source of information, and Libra will be able to find like-minded people in them.

Japanese-Swiss Virgo

Virgo is a family sign, consistent, thrifty and neat. Representatives of this sign are intellectuals, they are inquisitive and love nature. They are pedantic, scrupulous and never rush from one extreme to another. Japan and Switzerland correspond very well to these characteristics. In addition, they should visit the Baltic states, Germany, the Czech Republic, Belarus, Vietnam and the Canary Islands.

Balanced Libra

Refinement, grace and style are about Libra. And all these characteristics, of course, are best met by the country of “real ladies and gentlemen,” England. In addition, the patron countries of Libra are France, China, Austria, Syria, Burma and Saudi Arabia. By the way, Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius will also feel comfortable in these same countries. Virgos can successfully go shopping in these countries.

Emotional Scorpio

As expected, Scorpio will correspond to “biting” countries; it simply cannot be any other way! And, as a rule, such countries are of Islamic origin, which tend to suppress instincts and transform them into a kind of spirituality, isolation on their ideals and principles. The main ones on Scorpio's track record are Iran and Afghanistan (I personally have never been drawn there!). In addition, countries such as Turkey, Azerbaijan, Cuba, Iceland, Algeria, Cambodia, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia are under the influence of Scorpio. Cancers, Virgos, Capricorns and Pisces will also be quite comfortable in these countries.

Don Quixote - Sagittarius?

Apparently yes! If he is an idealist, then he is a Sagittarius! So, Spain is actually under the sign of Sagittarius. The breadth of nature, the expansion of borders, conquest and the desire for luxury - all this is about Sagittarius and Spain. Also “Sagittarius countries” are Cyprus, Poland, New Zealand, Australia, France, Brazil, Georgia, Portugal, China and Argentina, and, perhaps, Hungary. Sagittarius can take Aries, Leo, Libra or Aquarius with them for company. And better yet - all together!

Capricorn the Conservative

And again, the most conservative country - Germany - snatches the palm. But in the case of Capricorns, not its entire part, but only the western part, without Bavaria and the former GDR. Both Koreas and Mongolia are also quite filled with conservatism. But that’s not all: in Saudi Arabia, Scandinavia, Tibet, Mexico, Nepal, Israel and Ireland Capricorns will also feel at home. Capricorns can safely take Taurus and Virgo with them as travel companions.

Aquarius: Individualist Hunter

Aquarius combines the qualities of lightness and recklessness with a sense of beauty. Aquarians are real hunters for something new, they do not tolerate loneliness and love freedom very much. Therefore, countries such as Japan, Finland, Canada, Sweden, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Russia (northern and European parts) are suitable for them. Aquarius can share these territories with Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries.

Fishing countries?

And what are they? And there are a lot of them! Egypt, Iceland and Portugal are considered the most “fishy” countries, because these countries (like, in fact, Pisces themselves) live in their own special rhythm. Considering that most Pisces are creative people who have a craving for something hidden, unknown and even occult, the following places are also suitable for them: Colombia in Sicily, Normandy in France, Indonesia and the countries of Oceania, Romania, Palestine, Venezuela, Hawaii, Finland and Nepal. Scorpios, Cancers, Taurus and Capricorns will feel comfortable in these countries along with Pisces.

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From the author

Astrology – mathematics of the gods

Man is a particle of the universe, and therefore invisible threads connect him with the Universe. The laws of world harmony are studied by thousands of sciences, among which astrology is the most ancient and mysterious. Astrology is, of course, a science: its depth and reasoning, the harmony of its theories and the weight of its conclusions have led to its partial recognition today, as evidenced by the teaching of astrology along with other subjects in some universities in India, Europe and the USA.

Each of us at least once had the need to look into tomorrow. Knowing what will happen tomorrow is the secret dream of every person. Astrology allows mere mortals to reveal to mere mortals what is only accessible to the gods - the veil of the future.

This book is primarily for those who want to see the causes and understand their consequences, armed with the art of the ancients. It contains everything famous horoscopes the world as interpreted by astrological systems different nations. You have in your hands the complete body of knowledge on astrology accumulated by humanity. Various nations found their own, special words to describe the amazing laws of the Cosmos, according to which human life is built. After all, the words “as above, so below” always remain true.

Western zodiac horoscope

No one knows exact date the emergence of astrology. It appeared almost simultaneously among almost all nations and on all continents. Our predecessors believed that Earth and Sky are inseparable - as above, so below, and, observing the sky, one can penetrate the veil of mystery of earthly Existence. People have established that life on Earth obeys the rhythms of the movement of celestial bodies. The priests observed the planets and stars for centuries, and over time, having accumulated enough information, they named the planets after the gods they worshiped.

This is how astrology appeared - the science of celestial bodies, the laws of motion of which determine the course of human life.

Western astrology is a direct descendant of the original source of astrology. Its origins lie in astrological system Babylon. The heart and at the same time the crown of Western astrology is the horoscope and the art of its interpretation.

Several characteristic features of Western astrology can be identified that distinguish it from another, no less developed, astrological tradition, Vedic astrology. Let's not go deeper, let's just say that one of the features is greater attention to the Sun than the Moon. Therefore, in the 20th century, the zodiac sign in which the Sun was located at the time of a person’s birth began to be associated with a person’s horoscope in the mass press, and rules were developed for the compatibility of people with different solar (solar) signs. But in Vedic astrology, the role of the night luminary - the Moon - is taken into account first of all in the analysis.

So, astrology allows us to understand the relationship between various events taking place in the country, the world and the fate of each person, focusing on his horoscope.

But it would be a mistake to think that astrology sets any restrictions. Its goal is to tell a person about his capabilities and abilities, to help him decide on life goals and outline ways to achieve them. By revealing to a person the program of his life, stellar science only warns about possible vicissitudes of fate and helps to make the right choice.

Zodiac circle

Planets move against the background of stars. The stars were united into groups - constellations. There are a total of 132 constellations in our Galaxy. After many years of observations, it turned out that events on Earth are closely related to solar activity. 12 periods were calculated, corresponding to 12 constellations that the Sun passes through during the year. The apparent path of the Sun along the constellations surrounding the Earth is called zodiac circle.

Today we know that the astronomical positions of the constellations have changed under the influence of the gravity of the Sun and Moon. The point of the vernal equinox, which thousands of years ago, at the time of the establishment of the zodiacal constellations, was at zero degree Aries, has shifted. Its displacement occurs at a rate of 1 degree per 70 years. This phenomenon is called precession. Precession was recorded in the 2nd century BC. e., but it did not affect the interpretation of the zodiac signs, since the signs are considered a guideline for determining the position of the Earth relative to the Sun. The sector of the celestial sphere that the Sun passes between March 21 and April 21 still represents the energy field of Aries.

Based on the division of the zodiac circle into 12 sectors, the Greeks created a calendar, establishing the measure of time as follows:

One revolution of the Sun across the celestial sphere (360°) gives a year;

Dividing the celestial sphere into 12 sectors gives 12 months;

Dividing each sector by 30 degrees gives 30 days, the Sun advancing at the rate of 1 degree per day;

The Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn gave rise to the names of the seven days of the week: Moon day (Monday), Mars day (Tuesday), Mercury day (Wednesday), Jupiter day (Thursday), Venus day (Friday), Saturn (Saturday), day of the Sun (Sunday).

Zodiac signs were assigned character traits, which reflected the state of nature during the period the Sun passed through a particular constellation.

At the end of March and April, when nature awakens from hibernation, the Sun gives all living things a powerful energy impulse for development. People born under the sign of Aries carry such qualities as activity, self-confidence, a passionate desire to prove themselves, to be a leader, and to get ahead.

In April-May, when everything is in bloom, sensual Taurus adoring beauty and comfort are born.

At the end of May - June, when solar activity changes, it is time for communication. During this period, fast, enterprising, sociable Geminis are born.

From the end of June to the end of July, Cancers are born. This is the brightest time of the year, but Cancer is more strongly influenced by the Moon, the ruler of feelings and emotions. Hence the emotionality of his nature, the changeability of moods.

In August, when solar energy brings material fruits - the harvest, magnanimous and royal Leos are born.

At the end of August and September, it is time to stock up for the winter and make plans for the future. This is reflected in the practicality and rationalism of Virgos.

In October, when Golden autumn is already coming to an end, the charming aesthetes Libra are born.

In November, nature falls asleep, the first snow falls and Scorpios, the most mysterious and mystical sign, are born.

In December, when the Sun approaches the Earth, restless and purposeful lucky Sagittarius are born.

The Capricorn period begins on the winter solstice. Nature is lifeless, and the Sun, moving closer to the Earth, gave people born in January what they needed most - strength, perseverance and endurance.

In February it is the time of Aquarius - inventive and full of ideas.

Pisces completes the natural cycle. They are born in early spring and eagerly await the warmth. Subject to all influences, Pisces have an extraordinary ability to sympathize, penetrate human souls and feel the subtlest cosmic vibrations.


Each zodiac sign has a corresponding planet. At the time when astrology took its first steps, two luminaries and five nearby planets were known - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. That is, initially astrologers operated on the family celestial bodies. Later, three more planets were discovered - Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and in 1977 - Chiron (it is still unclear whether this is an asteroid or a comet nucleus; it was discovered near Uranus). The twelfth planet, Proserpine, has not yet been discovered, but there is evidence that the ancients knew it. Presumably it is located beyond the orbit of Pluto.

The influence of the energies of various planets is manifested in the nature of the zodiac signs. It can be harmonious and disharmonious, depending on the individual horoscope indicators. But you can draw the first conclusions yourself based on the information about the planets below, even without having a birth chart.

Sun. The sun is the center of everything solar system. The sun is the main source of energy, heat and light. It also rules the sign of Leo. These are bright personalities with a large reserve vital energy, creative potential, sense of humor; They quickly restore strength and do not suffer from illness for a long time.

Character traits 1
Do not take the listed character traits that the planets endow with this or that sign as a sentence. Some traits may never appear if you have self-control. In any case: forewarned is forearmed!

(+) activity, brightness, masculinity, psychological stability, self-sufficiency, independence, pride, creativity, generosity, authority, nobility, generosity, self-esteem, organizational skills;

Moon. The moon rules feelings and emotions. Patronizes Cancer. Cancers are emotional, prone to mood swings, and sensitive to what is happening around them. They are dreamy, sentimental, love children, and are attached to home and family. But for all their indecisiveness and vulnerability, the children of the Moon have a tenacious will to live - they survive and recover from severe crises and begin to live anew.

Character traits:

(+) variability, sensitivity, receptivity, impressionability, endurance, patience, memory for good things, caring, adaptability;

(-) laziness, lack of concentration, slowness, absent-mindedness, optionality.

Mercury. This planet rules the intellect, speech and thought. If your planet is Mercury, then you have a deep mind, contact, the ability to quickly absorb information, and the ability to express your thoughts both orally and in writing. Children of Mercury are fast, tireless, and sociable. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.

Character traits:

(+) quick thinking, resourcefulness, active assimilation of information, observation, dexterity, ability to express oneself clearly, mobility, curiosity, tenacious memory, ability to quickly switch from one thing to another, compliance, rationality, dispassion;

(-) inability to complete things, indecision, unprincipledness, talkativeness, love of rumors and gossip, insincerity, scatteredness, unreliability.

Venus. Venus represents harmony, love, beauty, pleasure. Venus is associated with the energy of well-being, and therefore with money. Rules Taurus and Libra. Astrologers call Venus “small happiness.”

This planet promises love, wealth and life in a calm, beautiful and harmonious environment.

Character traits:

(+) emotionality, discriminating taste, elegance, charm, visual attractiveness, sexuality, love of comfort and entertainment, friendliness, amorousness, peacefulness, romance, the ability to quickly get out of depression;

(-) tendency to feel sorry for oneself, laziness, inertia, ruthlessness, narcissism, stubbornness, energetic “vampirism”, jealousy, materialism, lack of a sense of proportion, sloppiness.

Mars. Mars imparts masculine qualities - activity, energy, fearlessness and temper. This planet rules Aries and Scorpio. There are many passions and bright events in the lives of these people. They are accompanied by struggle and victory.

Character traits:

(+) activity, courage, assertiveness, impulsiveness, perseverance, directness, enthusiasm, self-confidence, love of risk, passion, leadership abilities, enterprise, simplicity;

(-) aggressiveness, conflict, ruthlessness, rudeness, vulgarity, selfishness, arrogance, cockiness, irritability, rashness.

Jupiter. This is the planet of luck, prosperity, authority and influence. And if Venus is called “small happiness,” then Jupiter is “great happiness.” Lucky are those who were born under the influence of this planet. She brings glory and honor to her children. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces.

Character traits:

(+) benevolence, generosity, truthfulness, politeness, respectability, the ability to see the whole picture without getting hung up on details, perseverance in achieving goals, talent as a teacher;

(-) extravagance, intemperance in food, drink and sex, hypocrisy, promiscuity in love, greed, authoritarianism, pride, hypocrisy, complacency, predatory instinct.

Saturn. The planet of discipline, limitations, hard work and realism. It teaches us the most difficult lessons in life, but it also helps us overcome obstacles and brings us success—though not as quickly as we would like. Having led a person along the path of trials and self-improvement, Saturn gives him the opportunity to achieve prosperity. This planet rules Capricorn, Aquarius.

Character traits:

(+) perseverance, prudence, dedication, philosophical mindset, self-sufficiency, constancy, pedantry, punctuality, caution, hard work, discipline, commitment, vitality;

(-) suspicion, isolation, mistrust, stinginess, fatalism, narrow-mindedness, excessive conservatism, fears, tyranny, embitterment, greed, vindictiveness, grief, pessimism.

Uranus. Planet of unusual developments, revolutionary upheavals, extremism, brilliant insights and a happy accident. Ruled by Aquarius. Children of Uranus are able to change the natural course of events, slow down or speed up some processes and reshape their destiny in a new way. They make decisions freely and act freely. The most unpredictable and unusual things happen to such people.

Character traits:

(+) originality and unconventional thinking, craving for novelty and everything unusual, idealism, ingenuity;

(-) stubbornness, hypocrisy, bad luck, hot temper, lack of self-control, passion to break and destroy everything.

Neptune. Neptune expresses a person’s mood for cosmic harmony. This planet combines the qualities of the Moon, Venus and Saturn. But if the Moon is ordinary intuition and sensitivity, Venus is stable feelings, and Saturn is the crystallization of harmony and intuition, then Neptune is hypersensitivity, clairvoyance, deep insight into the essence of things and phenomena, the ability for selfless, unearthly love. All these qualities are inherent in Pisces, which is ruled by this planet.

Character traits:

(+) romance, dreaminess, rich imagination, sensitivity, compassion, subtle sense of harmony, symmetry, rhythm, musical and poetic abilities, prophetic dreams, prophetic gift, amorousness;

(-) tendency to illusions and self-deception, inability to distinguish good from evil, morbid impressionability, suggestibility, negligence, harmful and dangerous addictions, hypochondria, obsessions, neuroses.

Pluto. Planet of pride, indomitability. She feeds with her energy Scorpios - the pacifiers of darkness, the lords of forces that are not subject to people of other signs. Pluto is the personification of power and the accumulator of wealth. But at first he can take everything away, subject a person to the most severe trials, and then abruptly throw him up, endowing him with enormous wealth. Plutonians carry within themselves a gigantic charge of energy; they are leaders, passionaries, to whom they obey in extreme situations. However, this energy can be dangerous primarily for Scorpio himself.

Character traits:

(+) activity, toughness, assertiveness, inner strength that manifests itself at the right moment, perseverance, collectivism, deep emotionality, irony, iron will, high survival rate, magical abilities;

(-) gregariousness, cruelty, greed, tendency to extremes, tendency to self-destruction, lack of self-control, thirst for power, lack of self-control.

Proserpine. This is the highest hypostasis of Saturn. If Saturn is the core, the system, then Proserpina is the supersystem. She gives her children, born under the sign of Virgo, meticulousness, clarity, the ability to study things and phenomena in depth, accumulate information and move to a new quality. Every Virgo can become a conductor of a higher system of knowledge, but for this you need to work hard.

Character traits:

(+) observation, analytical thinking, ability to reconstruct the whole piece by piece, sense of duty;

(-) corrosiveness, tediousness, obsession with trifles, sloppiness or manic love of order, greed, sycophancy.

Chiron. Chiron communicates between near and distant planets. This is the highest hypostasis of Mercury - sociability and accumulation of vital important information. Chiron rules Libra, endowing them with wisdom, justice, diplomacy, goodwill and the ability to select keys to any information and translate it to any level of complexity.

Character traits:

(+) adaptability, the ability to reconcile warring parties and understand, without judging, the ability to restore justice, balance and objectivity;

(-) confusion of moral and ethical standards, opportunism, intrigue, the ability to combine and split into two - to sit on two chairs, to be a servant of two masters.

Elements, crosses and types of energies

Four elements are associated with the constellations of the zodiac, coloring them with their energies - Fire, Earth, Water and Air. A group consisting of three signs belonging to the same element is called a trine.

Trigon of Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Trigon of Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Trigon of Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Trigon of Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Fire correspond to a huge dynamic charge, activity, thirst for transformation and power. This element imparts a choleric temperament.

Properties Earth– immobility, firmness, staticity, certainty, concentration, realism. Earth gives a melancholic temperament.

Air represents interaction, contacts, thirst for renewal, variability, intelligence, information. Gives a sanguine temperament.

Qualities Water– instability, fragility, impressionability, suggestibility, emotionality, receptivity, plasticity, detachment from reality. Gives rise to a phlegmatic temperament.

In the beginning there was Ether - the Divine Word, Thought, Revelation, which was dissolved in all elements. Then Fire arose - active creativity, transformed by Thought. Creative combustion gives birth to concrete forms - this is the element of the Earth. When the visible, material world is created, objects begin to interact with each other - this is Air. The result is a merger of these two objects. They are destroyed and return to their original source - Water. This cycle repeats itself over and over again.

Fire and Earth are solid, strong elements, unshakable and stable. Air and Water are unstable and changing.

Planets are also associated with the elements:

Fire: Sun, Mars, Jupiter.

Earth: Venus, Saturn, Proserpine.

Air: Mercury, Chiron, Uranus.

Water: Moon, Neptune, Pluto.

* * *

The twelve zodiac signs are also divided into three crosses - cardinal, fixed and movable. Crosses indicate the life strategy inherent in a person, the form of development, and the dynamics of personality psychology. This form of behavior was given initially. Each cross combines all four elements.

Cardinal cross– this is a cross of will, goals. It symbolizes a goal, a program, an algorithm, a movement. Includes the signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Aries is a movement forward, Cancer is a dive into the depths, Libra is a return to origins, Capricorn is a movement upward. People of these signs do not tolerate aimlessness. They are future-oriented and anticipate events, always planning something ahead. Movement towards the goal is carried out in a straight line and in a strictly specified direction.

Fixed cross includes the signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. It symbolizes waiting. For a person to make a leap forward, he must accumulate a critical mass of energy. Leo waits for a long time, prepares for exploits, does not waste time on trifles; then the accumulated energy quickly transforms into a dynamic (manifested) state, and a qualitative leap occurs. Scorpio torments himself and those around him for a long time, and when tension is pumped to the limit, he begins to act and accomplishes a lot in a short period of time. Aquarius also operates according to the same scheme. He also cannot make a decision for a long time, is tormented by doubts, but then overnight he makes a revolution, transforms his life. Taurus will need much more strength to make the final decision, but in the end long journey a well-deserved reward awaits him. It is important for representatives of these signs to work on their past; it is an incentive for them to develop.

IN movable cross includes Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Pisces. These people are brilliant tacticians - they know how to seize the moment, they are flexible, mobile, and able to resonate with their surroundings. They live in the present moment, constant changes occur to them, every moment they are unique.

* * *

Zodiac signs are divided into male, active (yang) and female, passive (yin). Masculinity carry the signs of Fire and Air - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius. These signs give birth to creators and creators - people who go ahead, pave new paths, but they do this in different ways, in accordance with their psychology. Feminine inherent in the signs of Earth and Water - Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. These are signs of balance, order, stability.