Characteristics of food industry sectors. General characteristics of Russian food industry enterprises

At the end of the 1980s. food industry Russian Federation was a complex of sub-sectors with large, highly mechanized enterprises. The development of the industry was significantly hampered by the insufficient supply of agricultural products, as well as the lack of funds allocated for its development. As a result, the technical and technological level of food industry enterprises lagged significantly behind the level of most European countries.

In the 1990s. with the beginning of market reforms in the industry there was a certain decline in production. At the same time, the magnitude of the decline in production was somewhat less than in most industries. The main reasons for the decline in the industry were the same as in other industries focused on the consumer market: a fall in the incomes of the majority of the population while increasing competition in the domestic market from imported products. A significant factor in the decline in production was the reduction in agricultural production, which significantly narrowed the industry’s raw material base. The decline in production continued until 1998. Modernization of existing and creation of new enterprises in a number of sub-sectors (production sausages And semi-finished meat products, dairy products, beer, cigarettes and cigarettes) predetermined the possibility of a fairly rapid increase in production volumes.

In 1999, food and processing industry began to gradually emerge from the protracted crisis and increase production volumes for most types of products. This was facilitated by reduced competition in the domestic market from imported products.

The Russian food industry is mainly focused on the domestic market. Products of the domestic food industry have good reputation domestically, in terms of quality characteristics it is not inferior, and in some cases superior to imported ones, and is competitive in the domestic market in terms of price characteristics.

As a result of privatization, the basis of the industry in 2000 was private enterprises - almost 88% of food industry enterprises, which ensure the production of more than 48% of the volume of industrial products

Enterprises in the industry are distributed fairly evenly throughout the country, but there is a certain attraction to the areas where the relevant agricultural products are produced.

Milk and dairy products, meat and meat products are produced in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The largest enterprises in terms of capacity are located in Moscow and.

The production of granulated sugar is carried out from sugar beets and from imported raw materials (raw cane sugar, which comes from Cuba and other countries). Granulated sugar factories are located near their raw material areas. Leading producers (over 100 thousand tons of sugar per year): Krasnodar region,

Belgorod, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tambov, Kursk, Penza, Ulyanovsk, Oryol, Nizhny Novgorod region, Stavropol Territory, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Tatarstan.

Among the enterprises producing chocolate and chocolates The factories “Russia” (Samara), “Red October” and the Babaevsky Confectionery Concern (Moscow), the Odintsovo Confectionery Factory, “Confi” () and a number of enterprises in St. Petersburg stand out noticeably. Market confectionery is estimated at $2 billion in annual sales and growing.

The production of vegetable oils is based on the processing of oilseeds. The main product of the sub-industry is sunflower oil. 48% of vegetable oils are produced in (Krasnodar region, Rostov region, Stavropol region), 35% - in Central.

The production of alcoholic beverages includes the production of food alcohol, vodka and strong drinks. Liquor production is distributed more evenly across Russia: the decisive factor for location is proximity to the consumer. Vodka and liqueurs are produced in 76 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In terms of fish catch in the European part of the country, the leaders are the coastal regions of the Russian Federation, to whose ports fishing vessels are assigned - Murmansk, Kaliningrad, Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan, Rostov regions, Krasnodar Territory, the Republic and the Republic of Dagestan; in the Asian part - Kamchatka Territory, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Sakhalin and Magadan regions. Some of the fish is processed on floating bases, the rest is supplied frozen to fish factories on the continent.

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Food industry includes enterprises producing finished food products or semi-finished products, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages; the structure of the food industry also includes tobacco industry enterprises. The share of food industry enterprises accounts for 14% of the total production of the country's industrial complex. At the end of 2014, the volume of shipped goods of own production in the Russian food industry amounted to 4.7 trillion. rubles

In 2014, production growth in this country amounted to 9.3%. In general, over the past 5 years, the output of the Russian food industry has increased by almost 30%. The growth dynamics are quite high and, importantly, stable. Since 2010, the output volumes of the Russian food industry have increased by 7-9% annually. In addition, in connection with the implementation of the import substitution policy by the Russian government, it can be assumed that in 2015 the growth trends will continue and even increase.

But, it should be noted that the increase in the volume of shipped goods in monetary terms was caused by to a greater extent rising food prices. Production indices are growing a little slower. In 2014, the production index was 102.5% compared to 2013, and if we take the average increase over 5 years, it will be 2.9%.

To increase the efficiency of the food industry, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation developed the “Strategy for the Development of the Food Industry of the Russian Federation until 2020”. The main goals of which are:

  • Increase in production volumes;
  • Modernization of production and expansion of production capacity;
  • Development of logistics and market infrastructure food products;
  • Increasing the competitiveness of products for the purpose of import substitution and increasing exports.

The food industry is the most important sector of the economy, creating food products based on the processing of agricultural raw materials (grain, potatoes, sugar beets, oilseeds, meat, milk, fish, etc.). It includes a large group (more than 20) of industries and sub-sectors, the main ones (by share in the production of industry products) of which are: meat, dairy, baking, fish, oil and fat, flour milling, winemaking, sugar, canning, confectionery. Using raw materials of plant and animal origin, the food industry (along with light industry) is more associated with agriculture. Hence the unique location of its enterprises, and in some cases their special nature of work (seasonality of production, etc.).

The location of the food industry as a whole is determined by the action of raw materials and consumer factors.

Depending on the predominant role of the raw material or consumer factor in the food industry, three groups of industries are distinguished.

Industries where it is advisable to locate enterprises near sources of raw materials. These include industries in which the consumption of raw materials far exceeds the weight of the finished product (material-intensive industries). For example, the cost of sugar beets per 1 ton of sugar is 5-7 tons. In addition, sugar beets lose quality during long-term storage or long-distance transportation. For this reason, the places where sugar (sand) is produced geographically coincide with the areas of developed beet growing: the Central Black Earth, North Caucasus, Volga regions, the south of the Central region, the south of Siberia and the Far East.

A similar dependence on raw material bases is observed in the location of oil mills. Because the exit vegetable oil from sunflower seeds makes up 39-44% of the weight of processed seeds (depending on the processing method), they are placed in places where sunflower is cultivated - in the North Caucasus (provides more than half of the vegetable oil production in Russia), in the Central Black Earth (Voronezh and Belgorod regions stand out - more than 20%) and Volga region (Volgograd, Astrakhan region - 14%) regions. Closely related to the sources of raw materials are the canning (canning of fruits, vegetables, milk, fish), starch and oil industries, etc.

Most of the production of food fish products comes from the Far Eastern (Primorsky Territory, Sakhalin and Kamchatka regions) and Northern (Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions) regions and the Kaliningrad region; canned fruits and vegetables - North Caucasus(Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, Rostov region - more than 40% of the country's production), Central Black Earth and Volga regions.

To industries, whose enterprises gravitate towards places where finished products are consumed, include industries that produce perishable products, the weight of which, as a rule, exceeds the weight of the original raw materials (baking, confectionery, pasta, dairy industry, etc.).

The third group consists of production (industries), the initial stages of which are involved in the processing of agricultural raw materials at their sources, and the final stages (packaging, bottling, etc.) are located at points of consumption of finished products. These include winemaking (primary and secondary winemaking factories), tea (tea and tea-packing factories), tobacco (fermentation and tobacco factories), meat, flour-grinding and some other industries.

The meat industry, the largest branch of the food industry (in terms of gross output value and number of employees), produces meat, sausages, canned meat and other meat products. Enterprises specialized in slaughtering livestock (since transporting live livestock over long distances is ineffective - website), freezing meat, and producing canned meat gravitate toward raw material bases (areas of developed livestock farming). The main regions for this type of production are the North Caucasus, Ural, Volga, Central Black Earth and West Siberian regions. In places of consumption (mainly large industrial centers) there are enterprises specialized in the production of fresh meat, sausages and other meat products. Their production is available in all regions, but on a particularly large scale - in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, etc.

In the CIS countries, the food industry is represented quite widely. Particularly noteworthy is the specialization of Kazakhstan in the production of meat, canned meat and other meat products, Ukraine and Moldova - in the production of granulated sugar, sunflower oil, grape wines and canned fruits and vegetables, the Transcaucasian republics - tea, wine and cognac products, republics Central Asia- dried fruits.

The peculiarities of the food industry include the fact that it is part of the agro-industrial complex. It is focused on producing products to satisfy the population's basic food needs. Food industry enterprises collect raw materials, process them and bring them to a form in which it is best to organize delivery to the end consumer.

Considering the report researchers leading research institutes of the country and their tables, this area of ​​production is greatly influenced by the development of agriculture. It determines the characteristics of the sectoral composition of the region’s food industry, its capacity and other important qualities.

What industries are included in the food industry?

There are the following branches of the food industry:

  • production of soft drinks;
  • winemaking;
  • confectionery industry;
  • canning;
  • pasta;
  • oil and fat and cheese making;
  • flour and cereal;
  • fruit and vegetable;
  • poultry farming;
  • bakery;
  • brewing;
  • salt;
  • alcohol;
  • tobacco and others.


The sectoral structure of the food industry implies its division into the following categories:

  • include enterprises that work with imported raw materials. Their placement is focused on large transport hubs - railways, ports and others. The products they produce are usually highly transportable;
  • include plants and factories that are located closer to raw materials or to the end consumer.

How is the production process carried out?

Most businesses of this type belong to the processing industries. Only some of them have a mining direction (production of salt, fish, etc.). For high-quality processing of primary raw materials, each plant uses its own technological schemes, but they all boil down to ensuring high safety of the final product.

The methods used should improve taste qualities manufactured products, making them more attractive to buyers. Also, all technological schemes for processing, if possible, should ensure long term storage of products, which is very important during their long-term transportation over long distances.

In production food products Not last role is assigned to the organization of processes of bacterial and non-bacterial fermentation of raw materials. In the first case, they mean fermentation that occurs with beer, wine, cheese, etc. The second group includes products that reach required characteristics using its own enzymes (for example, when aging meat).

There are other, no less popular, methods of processing raw materials - canning, stabilizing filtration (fruit juices, beer are subjected to), tenderization (using electrical voltage) and many others.

Characteristics of the Russian food industry

In Russia, livestock farming is most developed. This industry sector occupies leading place, since it provides about 65% of the raw materials for the further production process. Livestock enterprises are mainly located in the European part of Russia, where the climate is milder and there is enough feed.

Most of the production of this industry (about 70%) comes from livestock farming.

You can also note other areas that are developed in Russia:

  • enterprises for the production of sugar, starch, canned food are located relative to the sources of raw materials. For example, a large ASTON plant is located in the south of the country. It specializes in the production of oil and similar products. There are sugar production enterprises in the Caucasus;
  • factories producing bakery products are located evenly throughout the country. They are tied only to the consumer;
  • any plant related to the flour-grinding, meat or fishing industries is located relative to the place where raw materials are extracted.

Production of bread and bakery products

Production capacities of the Russian food industry

The production capacity of various branches of the food industry in Russia is as follows:

  • . Own sugar production reaches 3.3 million tons. The main raw material in in this case sugar beet appears. Raw cane sugar is also used, which is delivered from abroad;
  • confectionery. IN last years productive capacity This industry produces more than 3,500 thousand tons of products per year. Most of the enterprises of this type are located in the Central Federal District (about 40%). The leading companies are Mars, Wrigley, Mondelis Rus;
  • oil and fat It mainly produces products such as butter, margarine, vegetable fats, and mayonnaise. Enterprises of this type primarily use raw materials obtained from the country. The leading direction in the industry is . The South of Russia company owns about 30% of the country's entire market;
  • dairy. There are more than 1,500 different enterprises in this industry. On average, the country produces about 16.5 million tons of milk, 0.5 million tons of cheese, and 0.6 million tons of butter per year. Leading enterprises are Wimm-Bill-Dann, Ochakovo and Voronezh plants, Permmoloko;
  • meat. Has about 3,600 factories different types. They mostly work with outdated equipment, so the volume of imported meat in Russia is significant;
  • fish processing. The main region where the main enterprises of this industry are located is the Far Eastern fisheries basin. It provides 2.4 million tons of products per year;
  • distillery and winemaking. Enterprises related to this industry are generally evenly distributed throughout Russia. During the year, the country produces up to 66.6 million deciliters of vodka, 6.9 million deciliters of cognac, 15.6 million deciliters of champagne wines, 32.1 million deciliters of wine;
  • brewing. Baltika is considered the leading enterprise in this industry. It occupies 37% of the entire beer market in Russia and is actively exported to other countries of the world. Also working in this industry are the Sharypovsky, Angarsky, Barnaul, and Zhigulevsky plants.

Development of the food industry in different countries of the world

There are many industries all over the world that offer products suitable for further processing - flour milling, meat, fish, dairy and others. Basically, they represent certain agricultural formations, specially equipped places for slaughtering livestock or fishing. As a result, products are manufactured that can be immediately supplied to the market to the end consumer or sent for further processing.

Based on these features, powerful corporations have emerged in the world that are incredibly popular among consumers. For example, this is the concern plant Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Unilever and many others. Each of the corporations is represented by a variety of enterprises located throughout the globe.

The most successful countries with a developed food industry are Australia, Argentina, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Poland, China and many others. There are also factories that specialize in the extraction and production of exotic products - tea, tobacco, some fruits and vegetables, seasonings, etc. They are mainly located in countries such as Uganda, Thailand, China, India and others.

Enterprises located on their territory most often work with primitive equipment. They use the simplest technological schemes, which does not prevent them from obtaining large volumes of products. Basically, every factory located in these countries sells its goods in areas where there is a huge demand for them.

The population's demand for food is satisfied by the food industry. The production sector has several directions and a large territorial distribution. In this article we will identify the main sectors of development of the food industry, list possible difficulties and priority areas.

Role of the food industry

Great potential for the development of production in the food industry is formed due to the rich raw material base created by agriculture. Activities are based on direct communication with trading companies. Localization, mass production, high profitability and resistance to economic changes have made the food industry a leader.

The characteristics and importance of the food industry make it possible to establish that investing in the production of domestic food products is one of the most profitable and quickly pays off. This is due to citizens’ trust in the raw material base, the close proximity of enterprises to consumers, and an alternative pricing policy.

Definition of food industry

The food industry is a complex of production associations that manufacture and produce raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products to provide the population with food. Distinctive feature industry is diversified development.

Food industry sectors

Today there are more than thirty separate industries for the production of food products, tobacco and alcohol products.

What does the food industry produce:

  • Dairy products;
  • Products long-term storage, special processing (preservation);
  • Meat processing;
  • Oil and fat products;
  • Pasta, flour grinding;
  • Winemaking;
  • Tobacco products, smoking accessories;
  • Confectionery;
  • Low alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks;
  • Processing of fish and seafood;
  • Extraction and preparation (grinding, adding additives) of salt;
  • Sugar production;
  • Growing fruits, vegetables, herbs;
  • Bakery products.

Extensive industrial separation is associated with mass production and the difficulty of combining different types of raw materials processing. Each area is positioned in a separate direction, developing all possible ways of processing raw materials and product range. The largest and most promising industries are the production of meat, milk, flour products and food products.

The main branches of the food industry are the processing of raw materials arriving through the country’s transport networks (for example, processing of dairy and meat products coming from farms). This group production is distributed depending on logistics, proximity to large industrial centers and complexes. The second category of products is developing in relation to the emerging demand of the population and the raw material base.

The bulk of production is focused on processing materials, a small part is engaged in mining natural resources(fish, salt, plants that can be eaten). When carrying out activities, enterprises are obliged to ensure optimization of the production cycle, safety and high quality manufactured products, competitiveness in the international market.

Food production is important for the economic and food security of the country. The main problem in the development of the food industry in Russia at present is the limited availability of raw materials. Since farming is declining, and existing farms do not satisfy the need for production of dairy and meat products.

According to the geography of the Russian food industry, industry enterprises are located wherever there is a population. We can only talk about the specialization of regions in various types Food Industry. In terms of production of food industry products, Central Russia, the Volga region, the Urals and the North Caucasus stand out.

Due to non-stop production and large volumes manufactured products, equipment for the food industry quickly wears out and becomes obsolete. Therefore, timely updating of the technical base is important to maintain the priority position of the country’s food industry.

The geographic location of Russia allows for the production of food products not only obtained on land, but also for the production of large volumes of fish and seafood, so there is no acute shortage of raw materials in this industry.

The weaknesses of the state’s food industry in comparison with foreign producers are:

  • Poor technical equipment of production;
  • Low rate of introduction and application of innovative technologies;
  • Undeveloped system of federal price regulation;
  • Poor organization of protection of companies' rights before government agencies and etc.

Despite these shortcomings, the Russian food industry is still very attractive for Russian and foreign investment. Attracting additional working capital- the main prospect for the development of the food industry in Russia. Among foreign companies, manufacturers such as Nestle, Heinz, Unilever, and Danone are actively cooperating and making investments.
80% of companies plan to carry out technical re-equipment in the near future, in order to automate the production process, as well as to achieve higher competitiveness over foreign manufacturers.

Food industry enterprises

2017 was a year of positive dynamic growth in the food production sector. This is due to the application of sanctions restrictions in relation to Russia, the introduction of an import substitution policy, and government benefit programs.
The table shows the largest food manufacturers in Russia in terms of labor productivity at the end of 2016.

In terms of percentage growth in labor productivity over twelve months, the leaders were:

  1. Kanevsksakhar – 107%;
  2. Veliky Ustyug Distillery – 101%;
  3. Tagansky meat processing plant – 95%.

Interesting example: In terms of the degree of implementation of innovative technologies in the production and supply of dairy products, it is worth noting the Galaktika Group of Companies, which has become a leader in the production of milk products on the international market and sells its products throughout Russia.
Using blockchain technology, the buyer can control the entire production chain of Galaktika Group products - from the farm to the shelf. How to do this: Scan the barcode on the product, enter the production date, enter an individual code, and receive all the information about this product!

What are the main factors for locating food industry enterprises in Russia?

The profitability and development of food producers is determined by two main factors: proximity to raw materials and demand among the population.

The location of the processing complex in close proximity to the raw material producer allows saving on transportation costs and storage costs. Raw materials are regularly processed, the production process has a continuous cycle, which is fundamental to stability. Focus on consumer demand is necessary for organizations that produce products with short term storage

The nature of the location of industrial food industry enterprises is also influenced by the following factors:

  • Seasonal nature of the supply of raw materials;
  • Impossibility of raw material transportability;
  • Economic unreasonableness of logistics activities;
  • The nature of consumer demand;
  • Massive demand for food products;
  • Significant share transport costs in the cost of production, etc.

A large share of the technical equipment of food industry enterprises is occupied by imported manufacturers, but domestic suppliers actively compete with them in the sales of food equipment and related products for food production.

Let's identify the largest domestic suppliers of special equipment: among imported equipment manufacturers it is worth noting: Ferrero SpA, Buhler AG, Technology B.V., etc.

Implementation rates are growing every year latest technologies in food production. This dynamics is due to the current global economic situation, as well as the need of the country’s population for domestically produced goods.

The main direction of implementation of innovative technologies in the food industry is automation of the production cycle. At the beginning of the 21st century, the food industry was actively introducing robots, allowing you to lift large loads with heavy weight and replace equipment for the food industry.

Automatic conveyors make it easier for workers and increase the quality and speed of a certain operation.

Among the new products in the food industry are flavorings, preservatives, sweeteners and substitutes. Such components can significantly reduce the cost of products and increase the shelf life of products. An important area of ​​development is also the use of improved packaging.

Current food industry news:
Among latest news The food industry can be distinguished as follows:

  • Fish processing companies plan to cut out intermediaries, purchasing raw materials directly from miners;
  • The decline in the purchase price of whole chicken was 13%;
  • An increase in the consumption of semi-finished products has been recorded among the population;
  • The demand for fat substitutes based on vegetable raw materials, etc., has increased.

The food industry is a fundamental area of ​​production to meet the needs of the population. Main criterion stability - introduction of innovations into the field of activity, which will optimize production cycle, create goods of decent quality without harm to citizens and the environment.