Workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products. How to open a production of semi-finished culinary products: tips and business plan

  • Project Description
  • Description of products and services
  • Marketing Plan
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Manufacturing technology of semi-finished products
        • Similar business ideas:

We bring to your attention a standard business plan (feasibility study) for opening an enterprise for the production of semi-finished products. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, government support or attracting private investment. Using the example of an enterprise in the Ulyanovsk region.

A typical business plan for opening an enterprise for the production of semi-finished products in a small town. Using the example of an enterprise in the Ulyanovsk region.

Project Description

The goal of the project is to open a workshop for the production of semi-finished products in the village. Mullovka, Melekessky district, Ulyanovsk region. Production of semi-finished products - promising direction business. This statement is explained by the fact that the demand for semi-finished products is steadily growing. There are more and more busy people in society who do not have time to prepare homemade food. Semi-finished products allow you to prepare your favorite dish in a matter of minutes, while saving a significant part of your precious time.

Despite a large number of enterprises that have opened today, there is still a shortage of high-quality semi-finished products at affordable prices. This niche is what our company plans to fill.

Opening a workshop for the production of semi-finished products is also beneficial from an economic point of view. The main indicators of the economic efficiency of the project are as follows:

  • Net profit per year = 1,535,277 rubles;
  • Farm profitability = 17%;
  • Project payback = 8 months.

Where to start opening a workshop for the production of semi-finished products

To implement the project, it is planned to receive subsidies in the amount of 300 thousand rubles within the framework of state program support for small and medium-sized businesses in the Melekessky district - grants for beginning entrepreneurs. Also, funds will be allocated for the implementation of the project own funds in the amount of 700 thousand rubles. The total investment in the project will be 1 million rubles.

Opening a workshop for the production of semi-finished products also has its own social indicators:

  1. Registration of a new subject entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the Melekessky district;
  2. Creation of 12 jobs in the district;
  3. Receipt of additional tax payments into the budget of the Melekessky district.

How much money do you need to open a workshop for the production of semi-finished products?

All funds received under the state program to support small businesses will be used to purchase fixed assets. The cost estimate for the project is presented in the form of a table:

Which taxation system to choose for an enterprise

The organizational and legal form of our enterprise will be a company with limited liability— Simbirsk dumplings LLC. The director of the enterprise is Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, she is also the initiator of the project. The taxation system for the workshop for the production of semi-finished products will be the simplified taxation system (STS).

The actual location of Simbirsk Pelmeni LLC is located at the address: Ulyanovsk region, Melekessky district, r.p. Mullovka.

What documents are needed to open a workshop for the production of semi-finished products?

Currently started Practical activities for project implementation:

  1. Simbirsk dumplings LLC was registered at the local INFS branch;
  2. A building was purchased to house production. Room area - 1168 m2. The building is currently being renovated in order to comply with all SES and fire safety requirements of the production facility;
  3. There is a preliminary agreement with the company Elves LLC for the purchase of equipment for a workshop for the production of semi-finished products;
  4. Preliminary agreements have been concluded for the supply of semi-finished products to stores in Dimitrovgrad and Samara.

Description of products and services

The initial range of products produced by the workshop will include:

  • Homemade dumplings, wholesale price 130 rubles/kg;
  • Amateur dumplings, wholesale price 110 rubles/kg;
  • Russian-style dumplings, wholesale price 90 rubles/kg;
  • Homemade cutlets, wholesale price 110 rubles/kg;
  • Amateur cutlets, wholesale price 90 rubles/kg.

As the enterprise develops and new sales channels are established, the range of products will increase.

About 150 kg will be shipped daily finished products. The average wholesale selling price will be 106 rubles/kg.

The technology for the production of semi-finished products includes such stages as: meat acceptance, primary processing of carcasses, culinary cutting, meat sorting, preparation of semi-finished products, packaging of finished products.

Our company will use only high-quality raw materials. This includes: cooled or chilled beef of the first and second categories (GOST 779-55), meat pork (GOST 7724-77), veal, baking flour (GOST 26574-85). Raw materials will be sourced from local wholesalers, large agricultural producers and farms. All incoming raw materials will undergo strict veterinary control.

Marketing Plan

The main competitors of our enterprise will be similar manufacturers located in the Melekessky district and the city of Dimitrovgrad, as well as manufacturers from other regions. The range of products produced by competitors is very wide, and the price range is also quite significant. However, as research shows, there is a shortage of quality semi-finished products at retail outlets." home production" The demand for such products is always high, and there is often no supply.

The competitiveness of our products will be achieved primarily through a competent ratio of price and quality of goods. Sales of manufactured products are planned to be carried out through the following sales channels:

  1. Implementation via retail outlets sales, shops and pavilions;
  2. Sales through wholesale organizations;
  3. Concluding supply contracts for local chain stores.

The main markets for the products are the city of Dimitrovgrad and the Melekessky district, as well as the cities of Ulyanovsk and Samara. Currently, there is an agreement for the supply of products to LLC Chain of Supermarkets (Dimitrovgrad), LLC Saturn (Dimitrovgrad) and LLC New Product"(Samara).

Advertising of manufactured products is planned to be carried out by posting information on bulletin boards, in mass media, the Internet, as well as during personal visits to retail establishments.

How much can you earn from selling semi-finished products?

Total monthly revenue of the enterprise will be 1,030 thousand rubles.

However, this revenue figure will be achieved only after 6 months of operation of the workshop. Since before reaching large volumes of production, it is necessary to establish sales channels for products and win the trust of consumers.

Thus, the annual revenue of the enterprise will be 10,815,000 rubles.

Production plan

The production of semi-finished products will be carried out in a premises with a total area of ​​1168.88 m2. In this case, the workshop itself will be divided into appropriate sections:

  • Area for receiving and cutting up animal carcasses;
  • Semi-finished products production area, which has sub-areas for the production of minced meat and dough;
  • Packaging and labeling area;
  • Storage area for raw materials and finished products;
  • Room for working personnel;
  • Shower and toilet rooms;
  • Accounting and production administration office.

The enterprise will comply with all norms and sanitary rules imposed on such facilities by regulatory authorities. The workshop premises will have good lighting, ventilation and air exchange with an influx of clean outside air. The walls, floors and ceilings bordering the refrigerator compartment will be insulated. All workplaces where personnel come into contact with unpackaged products will be equipped with sinks with hot and cold water supply.

What equipment to choose for the production of semi-finished products

The main equipment required for the production of semi-finished products includes: a dumpling machine, a dough mixing machine, a flour sifter, a meat grinder, a blast freezer, a split system, a freezer, a refrigerator, and a chest.

When choosing equipment, the main emphasis is on reliability, ease of operation, availability of spare parts, low cost and, accordingly, high payback rates.


In planned staffing table The workshop for the production of semi-finished products will employ 12 people.

Financial plan

The cost of raw materials for the production of semi-finished products, per 1 kg of produced products, is as follows:

Taking into account the planned production volume of semi-finished products, the annual costs for raw materials and ingredients will be 6,011,250 rubles.

The monthly expenses of the enterprise will be 750,737 rubles, and the annual expenses will be 9,008,850 rubles.

The main expenses of the enterprise are the costs of purchasing raw materials for the manufacture of semi-finished products - 67% of total expenses per year. In second place are the costs of payment wages shop workers - 19% of total costs.

Net profit based on annual sales of semi-finished products will be 1,535,277 rubles. The profitability of the workshop for the production of semi-finished products is 17.0%. With such indicators, the project will pay for itself in 8 months.

The enterprise will make tax contributions to various levels of the budget of the Ulyanovsk region up to 498,682 rubles per year.

Where to start producing semi-finished products

First things first initial stage we will need to register a new business entity. After which you need to rent or purchase property and build a production facility yourself.

How much money do you need to start a business?

When opening the production of semi-finished products, the amount will be taken into account based on the final product. For example, when setting up production semi-finished meat products(dumplings, cutlets, etc.) 1 million rubles are needed. This does not take into account the construction of the structure or the cost of rent, without paying staff.

How much can you earn from the production of semi-finished products?

The full payback period for the production of semi-finished products is eight months. After this time, we can talk about receiving net profit. The net annual profit from the production of semi-finished products will be 1.5 million rubles. Taking into account the expansion of production areas and access to additional markets for finished products, net income from the production of semi-finished products increases significantly.

Which equipment to choose

To establish the production of semi-finished meat products, you will need to purchase:

  • dumpling machine and freezer;
  • blast freezer and vibrating meat sifter;
  • dough mixing machine and refrigeration chamber.

What documents are needed to open

registration documents as a subject of production activities;

  • documents for the production facility (lease agreement, ownership documents);
  • permission from the sanitation station;
  • permission from the fire inspection;
  • agreement for the purchase and supply of equipment for the production of semi-finished products;
  • contracts for the supply of semi-finished products;
  • an agreement with the company for the removal and disposal of production waste;
  • agreements with employees and collective agreements;
  • job descriptions, etc.

Which tax system to choose for registering the production of semi-finished products

A simplified taxation system for the production of semi-finished products is the best option.

The demand for fresh meat products is constantly growing. The main competition is between the chilled and frozen segments. There is a place in this niche for now for everyone, because different types semi-finished products are clearly differentiated by purpose and distribution channels.

The volume of meat consumption in Russia has been constantly increasing over the past 10 years. Even based on the results of the depressed year 2015, there is an increase (3%) compared to the previous period. At the same time, the production of semi-finished products is growing most actively, as well as their consumption. This is explained by the employment of the population, accelerated dynamics modern life. To understand whether this area is promising for small businesses, let us briefly describe:

  • features of the Russian meat products market;
  • types of products, preferences, sales network;
  • technologies and equipment for meat processing;
  • regulatory regulation of this type of business.

Supply and demand for semi-finished products

About 50% of the total volume of meat (Russian and imported) is sold raw. Approximately 30% goes to sausage products, 5% to canned food, about 15% to the production of semi-finished meat products and supplemented with other ingredients. IN last years their consumption increases by 10-15% annually, while sausages - by only 5% (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Dynamics of growth in the production of semi-finished meat products according to Rosstat.

Almost tenfold growth is a response to constantly growing demand. But production is distributed unevenly across regions (Fig. 2). Traditionally, over 60% falls on the Central and Northwestern districts, where large meat processing plants are concentrated. According to experts, consumption of these products will grow in the next 3 years, with the highest rates expected in the periphery.

Figure 2. Structure of distribution of meat processing enterprises by district in 2013.

Increased demand has changed the strategy of large meat holdings (Fig. 3). If earlier they focused on the production of sausages, frankfurters, and other delicacies, then in the last two years they have been actively repurposing them into raw semi-finished products. This will certainly lead to increased competition. The developed capacities of giant enterprises, their own raw material base, and the possibility of purchasing imported equipment and new technologies put small businesses in obviously unfavorable conditions.

Figure 3. Zones of influence of Russian agricultural holdings for the production and processing of meat in the European part of Russia. According to Kommersant.

Most large meat processing plants produce frozen products. The transition from sausage production to products for culinary processing, the purchase of new technologies increases its cost. Standard packaging is also inconvenient: small ones are expensive for the manufacturer, large ones are not suitable for the buyer. Bulk goods are now in high demand.

Small businesses find a place in this niche for several reasons. Proximity to sales points saves transportation costs. And price in times of crisis is the main regulator of consumer demand. In addition, consumers are increasingly choosing chilled meat rather than frozen meat; even if its cost is 10 - 15% higher. Since the shelf life of such products is up to 7 days, retailers buy them from local producers. However, they often complain about the poor assortment and low quality of the goods.

Types of products, sales directions

Semi-finished meat products are produced from all types of meat: beef, pork, poultry, including offal. Currently, their range includes about 40 units. Products are usually divided into two large categories: chilled and frozen. According to manufacturing technology, they are:

  1. Natural. Large, small-piece products, mainly from chilled meat: oven-baked beef and pork, steaks, natural cutlets, shish kebab, stew, soup sets.
  2. Breaded. Ready-to-cook dishes from fresh and defrosted meat in liquid (with egg) breadcrumbs: offal, chops, rump steaks.
  3. Chopped. Products made from low-grade raw materials, often with the addition of bread and spices: cutlets, steaks, meatballs. This group also includes packaged and loose minced meat.

Mixed semi-finished products with the addition of dough and, to a lesser extent, vegetables are widespread on the Russian market (Fig. 4). The undisputed leader is dumplings; they even came up with a special vending machine for them.

Figure 4. Product consumption indicators instant cooking by species (2014).

Product sales channels:

  1. Retail chains- their share is about 50%. Dumplings and cutlets sell well in retail outlets of all types. Sliced ​​meats (kebabs, goulash), minced meat, pancakes, pasties, manti - prevail in markets and supermarkets. Both frozen and chilled products are sold.
  2. Specialty cookeries- occupy approximately 10%. These are ordinary stores that sell goods from the counter. Our own culinary workshops allow us to prepare a varied range of products ready meals, quickly respond to seasonal changes, changing tastes and needs. They sell finely chopped meat in marinades, kebabs, goulash, khinkali, cabbage rolls.
  3. HoReCa segment- About 14% of semi-finished meat products are sold through it. It is developing the fastest thanks to the spread of fast food. Buyers - restaurants, bars, canteens, cafes fast food. Frozen products are often supplied to catering establishments; large high-tech production benefits here.

Main trends for 2016 – 2019:

  1. Increased demand for chilled products; increasing the share of poultry meat: chicken and turkey.
  2. Expanding the range of dishes in sauces, marinades of original recipes; with the addition of vegetable ingredients.
  3. Replacement of traditional products with new ones, original dishes national cuisine peoples of the world.
  4. Increased consumption of semi-finished products in the expensive segment, ready-to-eat meals.

If an entrepreneur decides to open a meat business, first you need:

  • determine which market segment to work in, select an assortment;
  • find, master, develop recipes taking into account modern technologies;
  • purchase professional equipment, transport for delivery.

The technological process, for example, for natural semi-finished products includes:

  • defrosting of carcasses, half-carcasses (defrosting) in the amount of daily processing - if necessary, if the workshop is located separately from the slaughter place;
  • washing, drying, cutting into large cuts, trimming, trimming;
  • preparation of portioned, small-piece, chopped products using special machines;
  • packing goods into functional containers, sealed bags, labeling;
  • cooling (freezing), storage, transportation to a warehouse.

As for the recipe, buyers prefer semi-finished meat products with a minimal degree of processing. For example, if these are chickens, then they are simply cut into half carcasses, breasts, wings, etc. However, there is a growing demand for “convenient” products, balanced in composition, with different ingredients, allowing you to prepare a dish using quick culinary methods. For this purpose, modern packaging such as “protective atmosphere” or “gas environment” is used. Experts believe that owning them will soon become a ticket to the natural chilled food segment.

Inexpensive equipment for all types of processing is produced by Russian factories. It can be selected individually, or you can purchase a ready-made modular workshop for the production of semi-finished products. The selection depends on the future assortment. As a rule, the equipment of the workshop is formed by: band saws, cutting presses, meat grinders of various capacities, machines for applying breading mixture, cutlet or dumpling machines. If you have no work experience, it is advisable to find a supplier who provides comprehensive services, including training and information support. Often such equipment is purchased on lease. The main selection criteria: an integrated approach (multifunctional lines) and rationality - the ability to ensure the sale of the entire volume of manufactured products.

Organizational and legal issues

Production of meat, others food products with it (semi-finished products, canned food, sausages); rules of storage, transportation, packaging, labeling are regulated by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of meat and meat products” (TR CU 034/2013). This document contains all the requirements, manufacturing conditions and classification of products with different meat contents, for example:

  • meat - (> 60%) with the addition of other ingredients;
  • meat-containing - (5 – 60%), including flour, eggs, cereals, water;
  • meat and vegetable - (30 – 60%) using plant components.

Only the main groups are listed, in fact there are many more. After the development of the relevant GOSTs, their names will be indicated during labeling. In accordance with the Regulations, manufacturers are required to issue one of three documents:

  • veterinary certificate- fresh unprocessed meat (veterinary organization of the Ministry of Agriculture);
  • state registration certificate- meat products for baby food(Rospotrebnadzor);
  • declaration of conformity(DoS) - processed meat, including semi-finished products (certification body).

Declaration is carried out according to three schemes: for the period of storage, 3 and 5 years (Fig. 5). An accredited laboratory of the Customs Union has the right to conduct tests, draw up and register DoS.

Figure 5. List of actions to obtain a declaration of conformity for 3 years.

Each manufacturer must have a package of documents, including technical documentation, laboratory test reports and DoS. As for the sale of meat products, it does not have any special differences and is regulated general rules for retail trade.

To sum it up. For small enterprises, it is not profitable to produce finished products, since it is difficult for them to compete in terms of quality with sausages and sausages from large meat processing plants. It is more practical to produce fresh products that do not require deep processing of meat and do not duplicate common ones. famous brands. It is cheaper, does not require mastering complex processes or attracting qualified specialists.

Semi-finished products have become an integral part of the diet of almost every family. Dumplings, dumplings, cabbage rolls and much more can be found on store shelves and can be prepared at home in a few minutes. It's fast, tasty and inexpensive. It is these main factors that attract customers, given the pace of modern life in big cities, such product options often help out many. In this article we will talk about how to open a business selling semi-finished products in your city, and what you need to consider to make it profitable.

Business Features

The first thing to consider before you start practicing retail trade semi-finished products is the presence of a target audience in the area in which you want to launch a business. If this Small town, then you need to look for a room somewhere in the center, but if it’s large you need to look for options near food markets or student dormitories. Students usually spend a lot of money on various types of semi-finished products, since they do not know how to cook, especially if the town is small and there is also a university, then such a business may definitely suit you.

The second point is that it is not necessary to look for a full-fledged rental space; you can consider options for renting kiosks, for example, in shopping malls with other products.

The third factor is the quality of the products. Your semi-finished products should be fresh and, above all, tasty. When searching for suppliers, take this factor into account and in the future constantly check the quality of the products sold and listen to customer feedback.

Premises and equipment

We have already discussed above where to look for premises to open a convenience food store. Now let's discuss some points. When selecting a room, you can look at options from 10 – 15 sq.m. and more. If you rent a kiosk, you will already organize display cases differently and the space there is usually 4 - 5 sq.m.

Another important point. An excellent solution would be to trade on the market. Yes, it is in the grocery market that such a specialized retail outlet can enter. If you start with complete zero, then you can definitely try to work there, and your investment will be minimal.

In terms of equipment for trading frozen semi-finished products, you will need:

  • refrigerated display cases;
  • refrigeration chambers;
  • electronic balance;
  • furniture for the seller’s workplace;
  • cash machine.

Rules for trade in semi-finished products

Trading in products requires the entrepreneur to prepare all the necessary documents for trading. Here is the basic list of what is needed:

  • you must be registered as an individual entrepreneur.
  • you must indicate OKVED for trading in semi-finished products. For Russia this is - 51.11 . For Ukraine - 46.11 .
  • have on hand all quality certificates for products.
  • obtain permission from the SES and fire service.
  • decorate the buyer's corner.

Assortment and search for suppliers

Such outlets are usually divided into two types:

— they sell products from various manufacturers and have a very wide range of goods;

— they sell semi-finished products from one plant and are their representatives, while the design of the outlet is made in the corporate style of the manufacturer’s trademark.

But still, in order to open a store of frozen semi-finished products, you will need to have the following popular items in your assortment:

  • vareniki;
  • dumplings;
  • pancakes, cheesecakes, pancakes;
  • cutlets and minced meat, and other semi-finished meat products;
  • semi-finished confectionery products;
  • pizza;
  • frozen vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • cabbage rolls and pasties;
  • crab and fish sticks and so on.

In fact, the assortment of such a store can be very wide, but, as a rule, it is limited only to popular goods.

To find suppliers you need to either search profitable offer at wholesale food markets, or directly contact manufacturing plants, but at the same time, having previously thought through how you will deliver the products to the store.

How much do you need to start?

The investment will be small, but you will need to spend a little money on purchasing or renting equipment. Before opening a store of semi-finished products, especially from scratch, you will need to make a competent calculation of investments in the business. Below we present the main expense items and approximate amounts, but you will need to recalculate all expenses for your business.

  • Room rental – $200 – $250. Consider the costs of public utilities. Since you will have many refrigerators, the cost of maintaining them also needs to be considered.
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $200
  • Initial purchase of goods – $4000 – $5000
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​$2200 – $2600
  • Transportation costs - $60.

How much can you earn?

At making the right choice space for trade, you can sell good volumes of products. Calculating earnings is actually not easy. But we don’t have a business plan, just an idea that you can develop further.

The average markup on semi-finished products is 30% - 50%.

By establishing high-quality service and constantly fresh and tasty goods, you can make a good profit from sales. Over time, the business can be scaled up by opening several such outlets throughout the city.

Conclusions. As a business, trading in semi-finished products is a very relevant niche, even during a crisis. Let's highlight the main pros and cons. Pros: a sought-after product, not a very perishable product, a wide segment for expanding the range. The downside is competition from large retail outlets; for small towns this is not a problem, and the second point is the difficulty of finding a place for retail.

What can you say about this business? We are waiting for your answers.

Food products occupy a market segment that guarantees income even during a crisis. And the production of semi-finished products as a business is gaining momentum every year. However, many niches still remain vacant. When starting out, we recommend that you do not forget about high-quality business plans, which you can find if you wish.

Where to look for sales

Semi-finished products are in demand in supermarkets and branded outlets. But this does not mean that a little-known entrepreneur’s entry into the market will be successful.

Selling semi-finished products of our own production is a very specific activity. An attempt to organize direct deliveries of goods to stores is complicated by the following factors:

  • For its transportation, a truck with a cooled body is required;
  • store refrigerated display cases are often provided by suppliers and contracts do not provide for the placement of more than just their branded products;
  • the willingness of a novice entrepreneur to install equipment for his own goods does not always solve the problem due to the lack of free retail space.

A businessman setting up the production of frozen semi-finished products should negotiate with the following categories of clients.

  1. Village mini-markets. They are outside the attention of large suppliers of semi-finished products. We will be happy to cooperate on delivery terms.
  2. Distribution companies. They provide pickup. They require a discount of up to 15% of the cost. They pay with a delay.
  3. Bases selling semi-finished products. They work on delivery terms by the manufacturer. Like distributors, they pay for goods on a deferred basis.

Organization of production of dumplings and dumplings

These are the most popular types semi-finished products among Russians. Their main advantages are affordability and tradition. Organize the sale of any other semi-finished products, be it khinkali, pancakes, ravioli, cabbage rolls or stuffed pepper much more difficult.

The production of semi-finished flour products requires expensive equipment. To prevent the dough from becoming saturated with moisture from the filling, becoming sour and darkening, ultra-fast freezing is necessary. Prices for equipment for this purpose start from 20 thousand euros.

In small hand-made workshops producing up to 300 kg of semi-finished products per day, at the initial stage you can make do with freezers. It is enough to leave the finished products in them overnight. But freezers will not be a complete replacement for equipment for blast freezing. In addition, refrigerated chests take up a lot of space, and when used in the workroom, the temperature rises significantly.

The production of frozen meals and semi-finished meat products requires the purchase (also do not forget about a competent business plan, for example, the production of such products that you can):

  • dumpling machine;
  • flour sifter (used to clean it from lumps and impurities, as well as saturate it with oxygen, which ultimately improves taste properties test);
  • meat grinders;
  • minced meat;
  • dough mixer;
  • small things: containers, scales, knives, cutting boards, trays;
  • computer technology for accounting of semi-finished products of own production.


Production of semi-finished products: Video

Semi-finished meat products are a product that is in great demand among customers. They take very little time to prepare, so they are a good alternative to “full” meals. Semi-finished products have a number of specific advantages in production: they can simplify and facilitate the work of procurement shops, reduce the time required for preparing meat snacks and increase the throughput of the enterprise. About what nuances should be taken into account when opening your own meat production, we will tell you in this article.

general information

Statistics report that the production and consumption of meat and meat products in our country is increasing from year to year. According to forecasts, this market will only grow in the next few years. Experts note the highest growth rates in the segment of chilled semi-finished meat products.

What is a semi-finished product? This is a portioned product made from chopped minced meat or other raw materials with various additives. Products are classified into several types:

  • According to processing methods, chopped, natural semi-finished products, dumplings are distinguished;
  • by type of meat used: beef, lamb, pork products, as well as rabbit and poultry products;
  • according to thermal state - frozen and chilled.

In addition, the production of semi-finished products is divided into two separate segments - processed products and natural products.

Natural products

This segment, in turn, consists of several subgroups. These are meat-and-bone, chopped, large-piece, small-piece, portioned, marinated and meat sets. To prepare chopped semi-finished products, the scapular, cervical, and thigh muscles, which contain tougher and coarser connective tissue, are used. The meat is ground using special equipment, after which fat, eggs and spices are added.

Processed Products

This segment mainly includes cutlet products. These include cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, and other processed minced meat and meat products.


Let us consider in more detail how the technology for the production of semi-finished meat products is carried out. Frozen meat raw materials are supplied to the enterprise in the form of blocks. It is crushed using a crusher. Mechanically separated meat prepared in a meat and bone separator is often used for minced meat.

After the meat has been minced, the minced meat is passed through a grinder. Then add ground bacon, chilled water, salt, spices and other additives. The mass is thoroughly kneaded on a mince mixer or using a cutter. This device is designed for grinding soft meat raw materials and turning it into a homogeneous mass.

The prepared minced meat is immersed in a machine to form semi-finished products. At this stage, the product takes on a specific shape with a specific weight for each portion. Depending on the volume of production of semi-finished products, a rotary or screw system for forming the product is used.

The forming machine gives the cutlets the desired shape, then the products are laid out on a conveyor belt. After this, depending on the recipe, the products are sent to a icing machine, and then to breading equipment. The next step is transportation of the semi-finished product to a blast freezing chamber or to a spiral freezer.

Freezing varies in duration. For example, a cutlet weighing 85 grams should spend about 2 hours in a blast freezing chamber, but in spiral freezing equipment this time is reduced to 40 minutes. The production of semi-finished products is completed at the packaging stage. To do this, use plastic bags, cardboard boxes or other containers. Finished products should be stored in low-temperature refrigerators.

Business plan for a workshop for the production of semi-finished products

Own production of semi-finished meat products must begin with the development detailed business plan. Calculations and forecasts should be based on data marketing research. It is necessary to carefully study the sales market, raw materials, and offers from equipment suppliers.

Production capacity

Purchase necessary equipment for the production of semi-finished meat products is one of important points when developing a business plan. You will need:

  • meat grinder;
  • cutting press;
  • slicer for cutting semi-finished products;
  • band saw for cutting meat;
  • molding machine;
  • equipment for preparing dumplings and cutlets;
  • freezers;
  • packaging machines;
  • storage chambers (separately for finished products and raw materials);
  • scales;
  • equipment for leasing;
  • mince mixers;
  • meat grinder;
  • washing bath;
  • sets of knives and cutting boards;
  • bactericidal lamps.

If you intend to start preparing dumplings, then you should purchase additional equipment for the production of semi-finished products:

Room and location

To open a workshop for the production of semi-finished products with a productivity of one ton of finished products per shift, you need a room with an area of ​​approximately 16 square meters. m. In addition to the production area where the equipment will be located, it is necessary to have a room for staff, a room for storing raw materials, as well as toilet and shower facilities.

It is recommended to locate the production of semi-finished meat products close to farms and peasant farms involved in animal breeding. They will be able to become suppliers of environmentally friendly raw materials and reduce transportation costs. Rental costs can be about 50 thousand rubles per month.

A meat processing workshop cannot be located in basements where there is no natural light, in residential buildings and near them, in rooms with limited installation capacity. Also not suitable for the production of semi-finished products are premises where there is no gas supply and limited ceiling height (recommended - more than 3 meters).

Buildings with complex architectural and planning solutions, places where it is not possible to create flow-exhaust ventilation, where there is no connection between any production premises and waste disposal, should also not be considered as a workshop.


To service the equipment, 2-3 workers per shift are enough. In addition to this you will need:

  • director;
  • deputy directors for financial and production issues;
  • Head of the household;
  • accountant;
  • Chef;
  • logistics;
  • chief technologist;
  • HR Specialist;
  • quality inspector;
  • IT specialist;
  • cleaner;
  • sales and purchasing managers.

Of course, at the initial stage of the business, many of these employees will not be needed or their work can be combined by one person. But when successful development business for efficient work you will need additional footage.


The production of semi-finished meat products has a profitability of about 30%. Some entrepreneurs increase this figure to 80%. This is achieved due to a good original recipe developed at the enterprise, as well as high-performance equipment and cheap raw materials. Semi-finished meat products, the producers of which strive to obtain maximum profit and save on the amount of minced meat in the finished product, which may be of low quality and can undermine the reputation of the enterprise.


Collecting documents is one of the problems that a new entrepreneur may encounter. It is not easy to comply with all legal requirements in this area of ​​business. If you do not have experience, it makes sense to contact equipment suppliers. They are ready to provide a full set of documents and provide the enterprise with the necessary production capacity.

You should start a business with registration legal entity. You can register as an individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur) or LLC. When considering the main points, it should be remembered that the production of semi-finished products requires a mandatory conclusion from the SES. In addition, it is necessary to develop a production control program in accordance with which production will be carried out.

Do not forget also that it is necessary to obtain certificates of conformity for all types of products. The list of standards for starting a business is not small. It makes sense to involve specialists who will help you collect and prepare all the necessary documentation.


When planning this type of business, the main task is to find distribution channels. If you don’t think through this issue properly, you can end up with a warehouse filled to capacity with finished products without the possibility of selling them. This can lead not only to damage to the goods, but also to the closure of the entire production.

When opening your own business, be prepared for the fact that there is a lot of competition in the production of semi-finished products. Some of the main ones are retail chains, having their own processing shops. If you want to sell products through them, then long-term cooperation is out of the question. After all, they themselves are producers.

But besides the “giants” there are also smaller ones. trading enterprises who will be ready to work with you. You should pay attention to small cities and towns where network companies did not have time to open their branches. There are also specialized butcher shops where people purposefully purchase meat products.

The production of semi-finished products is one of the priority areas in the state program for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. To open a workshop, you can receive government support and provide financing for the project.