Student dormitory. Why do you dream about Dormitory?

Eastern women's dream book

A dream in which you live in a densely populated dorm- indicates: you are tired of constant communication with people and strive for loneliness and quiet rest.

If you are moving from a dormitory to a separate apartment- this means that you will experience pangs of conscience for the unseemly act you have committed.

A dream in which you come to your apartment and discover that you live in a dormitory- portends serious changes in life. For an unmarried woman, such a dream promises an early marriage.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a hostel in a dream and living in it- to obtain permanent residence in your apartment.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Dormitory- to the gathering of all relatives for some reason.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Dormitory- to a trip to the cemetery.

If you dreamed:

  • If you had a bad dream:

    Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

    When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

    Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

    Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

    Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

    Turn your bed linen inside out.

    Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

    Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

This is a reflection of you inner world if there are many rooms, they are a symbol of different facets of your life or nature.

Rooms that are on different floors in a dream: symbolize different levels your feelings: the higher the room is, the more important this piece of soul is to you.

A clean, comfortable room made according to Feng Shui: a sign of your peace of mind and, as a result, a stable improvement in life.

An untidy room: a sign of mental discomfort. Most likely, you have accumulated a lot of unresolved problems, and this causes you anxiety, resulting in poor health or an unimportant state of affairs.

If there are strangers in the room who are friendly: the dream suggests that you are in agreement not only with those around you, but also with yourself.

This means that your affairs, especially those related to negotiations, should be moving forward successfully.

If the guests in the room behave aggressively: the dream indicates your internal discord.

If you do not bring your feelings into balance, conflicts and failures really await you in reality.

An unfinished room: a sign of unfinished business and unrealized plans.

An empty, unsightly room: a symbol of loneliness and spiritual devastation.

At the same time, if an empty room is beautiful and filled with pure light: this is a sign of your spiritual renewal.

If in reality you are hatching any interesting plans, they have every chance of success.

Bright light outside the room's windows: may indicate that some external events will help you find harmony and peace of mind.

Darkness outside the windows of the room: warns that you are too withdrawn into yourself. Try to pay more attention to people and the world around you - this will make your life richer and brighter.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Dream Interpretation - Room

Grass grows in the rooms - the house will soon be empty.

Falling into a hole in the main room portends misfortune in the family.

A horse enters the room - indicates a situation related to adultery.

A small door to the room opens - predicts a love affair.

The sun shines directly into the room - you will get a good position in the service.

Interpretation of dreams from

Such a dream only means that the Dreamer will have to find in reality the House of her Soul - the most comfortable and balanced (independent) internal state in which Everything is possible (unlimited human capabilities, including extra-sensitivity, which must be developed).

In reality, someone is preparing to make you an offer that is obviously unprofitable for you. However, this deceit will be revealed and you will do right choice. The dream also says that something will bring you good profit, subject to your active participation. And from your friend (or about your friend), you may not receive very good news.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Flip-flops, hostel, thieves, train tickets

Yours family life unstable and changeable, or at least does not suit you (the hostel). However, it is possible that you are afraid to admit to yourself this crisis and continue to play a role prosperous family(a family of thieves and your attempts to lock them up). You need to listen more to your feminine needs (handbag) and admit how much you want change (train tickets). Your friend has something for you personal meaning. Perhaps she is perceived by you as your own antipode, the complete opposite, perhaps some kind of symbol of the “voice of reason.” Your plans for family life are “outside the fence” - on the one hand, you have a good idea of ​​what you want, but it is somewhat utopian and idealized. In family life, your mind is inactive - somehow switched off, family life functions on autopilot. You are not satisfied with your female self-realization, your women's life(without skirt).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Toilets, dormitories, other people's houses

Dreams about toilets occur at moments of friction, quarrels, and showdowns. These could be disagreements within the family, at work, or with friends. They only say that a quarrel may occur. Regarding different houses, we can say that your fate is not clearly defined and chance plays the “first fiddle” in it. You can either find what you want or end up in a completely opposite world. You need to make a choice, put your goals and desires in order, decide life guidelines.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Apartment-dormitory

A dream with a implementation period of 9-12 months. Sleeping on an apartment. There is a 90% chance that the current tenant will move out and will have to rent to new people, whom you will not be sure of. As soon as such a situation arises, it makes sense to prepare an agreement that will exclude additional guests or bring additional money as fines.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Apartment-dormitory

Your own Apartment in a dream is the home of your Soul, your personal “I”, your personal problems and successes. 3-room apartment - in reality we will talk about the deeply personal and painful issues of the Dreamer in official marriage. In the corner of the first room, on one Bed behind a Screen, there are two Caucasians who sleep on the bed in shifts - in reality this is an infinite (other) morality, to which the Dreamer simply turns a blind eye for everyday reasons (everything is in plain sight, although it is covered by a screen, behind which men sleep, replacing each other). The second room is the Barracks, where there are only Beds with Girls - this is a reality situation that is emotionally satisfying (beds), but not everyday (when all the Girls are busy with their own affairs). The absent and decent (stable) girl Sveta and the Girl who gives Money to the Dreamer for accommodation are two sides of the same coin: Morality (trust, sincerity, love, light - Sveta in a dream) and Poverty (social/status, swearing/wealth, lies, intrigue, self-deception - Money in a dream). The Dreamer wants to sort out all this chaos with each individual, but later - in reality, this is the Dreamer’s intention NOT to cut from the shoulder, but to analyze all Aspects of her life and draw some conclusions for herself, where and how it will be more profitable for her. This is what the dream is about. Best regards, Livia.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Why do you dream about a hostel in dreams? Dream books explain the dream in which you live in a hostel in different ways.

Some dream interpreters believe that in reality you are a very sociable person and never have difficulty making contacts, while others point to your secrecy and fear of something new. To describe in detail the meaning of such a dream, remember how you felt about the hostel, under what circumstances you began to live there, and whether life was easy for you in such a place.

Important knowledge

If you look in the dream book, the hostel in which you see yourself in a dream together with a large number, represents your fatigue from excessive communication at work and at home. You need to find a secluded place to spend some time there, relax and restore peace of mind. Try to get out into nature more often, walk near ponds and in parks.

What does it mean, according to Miller’s dream book, to see in a dream a hostel that you really want to move to? Very soon you will have the opportunity to show your professional qualities. Remember your student years and find an unusual solution to the problem that has arisen. If you manage to show yourself in the best light in front of your superiors, you will be offered a promotion, and in a couple of years you will already be moving to your own large apartment or house.

If you dreamed of a hostel in which you were to move in, - according to Universal dream book, in the coming days you will learn someone's secret that will help you achieve your goals. The dream interpreter advises carefully weighing the benefits and harms of using information obtained in this way - perhaps it would be better to leave the secret as such forever?

What might you dream about living in a student dormitory? Dream Interpretations say that such a vision predicts a meeting with old friends whom you have not seen for several years. This is a great opportunity to restore relationships and enjoy communicating with good people who understand your thoughts and feelings.

What, according to dream books, does it mean to have a dream in which you were heading home, but suddenly found yourself in the student dorm where you lived before? You are about to meet an important person who will like you and help bring some of your ideas to life. Be grateful to this person and never be disingenuous when communicating with him - you will find true support and a good friend in the future.

Sincere fun

If you had a dream in which you managed to get a room in a hostel after a long wait, in reality you will find yourself in new team, in which you will feel uncomfortable at first. To quickly adapt to such a situation, listen to dream books:

  • At first, you will need to take a closer look at new people, try to get to know some of them better so as not to feel discomfort.
  • Feel free to participate in general conversations, discuss topics that interest you, but don't try to say " last word” in every conversation - this will not show you from your best side.
  • When you are confident enough in your abilities, you will no longer remember past inconveniences, you will begin to understand the new society well, and, if desired, you will be able to demonstrate leadership qualities. People will definitely listen to you if you respect other people's opinions.

Did a man dream about moving to a hostel from an apartment? This promises you success and promotion, as well as gratitude for your hard work and diligence. You are in good standing with your manager, so he listens to your opinion - don’t be afraid to give advice and speak out on important issues.

What does it mean to have a dream in which you lived in a dorm room with your big family? The meaning of such a dream about a hostel can be found in Loff’s dream book: you will have a short family trip not far from home. Despite the fact that you only get to spend a few days together, you should use the opportunity to improve your relationship and smooth out conflicts, if any. You must return home in mutual understanding and respect for each other.

Enormous opportunities

If in a dream you received a message that you have to move out of the hostel to short term, - in reality you may be faced with a difficult task, which cold calculation and iron strength will. You will have to push aside all the secondary issues in order to deal with the main problem - then everything will begin to move on its own, and you can let go of the situation a little.

How does Tsvetkov’s dream book explain moving out of the hostel every month? Serious changes are coming in your waking life that will force you to reconsider your plans for the near future and possible ways to implement them. Don’t be afraid to move forward, because your “other half” will always support you and give practical advice.

In your dream, did you happen to be the head of a dormitory or its commandant? Dream Interpretation from A to Z believes that you will be able to implement everything you have planned and will not spend a lot of effort and money. Don’t waste time on empty worries, but just get on with current affairs - any undertaking will end in great success.

If, after waking up in the morning, your first thought was: “I dreamed that I was moving to a hostel,” then in reality you are haunted by a recently started business that makes you constantly worry. Perhaps its successful completion no longer depends on you and you have fulfilled your obligations perfectly, so now the best solution for you would be not to think about this matter for some time, to give it the opportunity to move forward on its own.

If in a dream you built a hostel or spent time in a hostel, this is a hint that now is the best time for you to build a career and create a reputation. Be responsible and diligent - and you will quickly improve your financial affairs.

According to Freud's dream book, living in a dorm with a large number of people means you are embarrassed to express your true desires to your lover, because you are afraid of misunderstanding and ridicule. You should find the strength within yourself and call your “other half” for a frank conversation - you will be surprised how much this will change your personal life and add “zest” to the intimate sphere.

Why might you dream of an old hostel, which is very dirty, according to Winter’s dream book? Such a vision suggests that you need to pay off all debts, if any. If this is not possible, then be sure to maintain relationships with the people who lent you funds, reminding you that very soon you will be able to repay the loans.

Did you dream that you were sneaking into your dorm through a secret passage at night? In reality, you will be able to quickly find a way out of an emergency situation and “get away with it,” and you will also receive monetary reward for resourcefulness. Author: Zoya Krupskaya

Dream interpretation hostel

As the dream book says, a hostel is a symbol of upcoming quarrels. But the interpretation of such a vision will not always be negative. A dream where there is a room in which a large number of people live only indicates that the dreamer is tired of constant communication. Such dreams usually occur to people whose profession is closely related to socialization in society. Solving the problem will be quite simple. You need to rest alone for a few days.

Universal interpretation

In real time, to make the dorm comfortable, you need to maintain a positive attitude and make compromises. A dream about moving into a room hints at upcoming quarrels and misunderstandings. What will famous interpreters and folk dream books tell you?

Miller's Dream Book

If you have become a resident of a hostel, then this sign hints at a large number of accumulated tasks and unfinished tasks. Most likely, the dreamer will need to make every effort to complete them and ultimately increase his income.

Moving to a house where many people live indicates a desire to change your destiny. To dream that the room is abandoned means serious changes, both on the personal front and in work.

Modern dream book

A modern dream book will tell you why you dream about a hostel. Such dreams can be interpreted as a hidden desire to radically change reality. For example, girls may not even realize how much they need to replace the role of a cook, housewife and become a business woman.

If you dreamed of a hostel

Positive interpretations

  • Moving to a student dormitory means making new friends. Such dreams foreshadow a fun time and interesting acquaintances.
  • If the room where you are in a dream is crowded with people, then expect guests.
  • Many sleeping places and a spacious room will tell a woman about large quantities fans.
  • If a person, while indoors, recognizes friends among people, this is a hint of immediate progress in business and material well-being.

Cons of sleep

  • By leaving the hostel, the dreamer shows his weaknesses. Thus, the consciousness gives a signal that strength is running out and you need to rest immediately.
  • If in a dream the farthest bed belongs to you, then in reality someone wants to set you up, to appropriate a place “under the sun” for themselves.
  • Shereminskaya's dream book says: a hostel is a symbol of gossip. They envy the dreamer and want to slander him.

The plot of the dream

If in a dream the dreamer needs to change his place of residence or move into an uncomfortable room, then this is not necessarily a sign of material and housing difficulties. To properly understand the vision, you need to take into account all the smallest details.

What was the room like?

Room view

If the new room is bright and spacious, then you can soon get a promotion or sign a lucrative contract. A room in gray tones, or a dream accompanied by darkness, speaks of mental discomfort. A person needs to change his home environment. Usually, such visions entail scandals and troubles.

Moving process

A good sign would be to move into a dorm if you are single. Perhaps fate has prepared a surprise for you in the form of a soul mate.

When someone close to you moves in with you, it is a symbol of luck.

Why dream of a problematic and noisy check-in process? To financial difficulties. Such a sign hints that it is necessary to be more attentive to one’s financial situation and carefully select a circle of trusted persons.