Ways to increase sales in the wholesale business. How to increase sales in retail: expert recommendations

Hello! In this article we will talk about promotions to attract customers.

Today you will learn:

  • How to conduct promotions for;
  • What types of shares exist and how to come up with a share;
  • How to calculate stock performance.

What are “shares” and why are they needed?

During the height of the economic crisis in the country, the issue of attracting new customers faces almost every enterprise. The situation is aggravated by the high level in almost all areas of business.

In such harsh conditions, entrepreneurs are forced to resort to the most stringent measures to attract customers. One of these measures is sales promotion.

Sales promotion – a promotion tool aimed at short-term increase in demand with the help of various promotions that stimulate purchases.

Promotions will allow you to achieve the following goals:

  • Short-term increase in sales volumes;
  • Capture market share for a long time;
  • Attracting new consumers:
  • Poaching consumers from competitors;
  • Stimulation large volumes purchases;
  • Retaining loyal consumers.


  • Drawing attention to the company, brand and product;
  • Providing information about the product and company to potential consumers;
  • Significant increase in sales during the promotion period;
  • Quick consumer response to stimulating effects;
  • Sales focus.


  • The short-term impact, as a rule, increases sales only for the duration of the promotion;
  • Often provide Negative influence on the image of the organization. In the event that the company high level begins to sell goods at a discount of more than 70%, it loses wealthy buyers and attracts those who are ready to purchase products only at discounts;
  • Significantly reduces company profits. A discount of even 5% has a painful impact on the company’s profits, which we will talk about a little later.

If these shortcomings don’t scare you, then let’s move on.

Promotion strategy development process

Any activity to attract visitors must begin with developing a strategy. Stocks are no exception.

The process of developing a sales promotion strategy includes the following stages:

  • Formation of sales promotion goals;
  • Identifying suitable stocks, which we will talk about a little later;
  • Development of an incentive program: designation of the timing of the promotion, determination of the amount of the incentive (budget), determination of the conditions for participation in the promotion, methods of promotion and distribution of the incentive package, development of a mechanism for responding to the promotion, preliminary testing;
  • Practical implementation of the incentive program through the use of various promotions;
  • Evaluation of results.

Types of promotions to attract customers

On this moment there is very a large number of variety of options shares

The choice of one or another means of sales promotion depends on the following factors:

  • Specifics of activity.
  • Product type. For example, let's say you sell wedding dresses. It would be strange to give a second when buying one;
  • Store format and location. For example, we own a stall selling pies at the station. There are three more similar stalls next to us. To attract consumers, we decided to hold a promotion. As a gift to a random lucky winner, we are providing a coupon for one free pie per day for a month. However, 90% of our consumers are passing through this place and they will not be interested in this promotion, and it will not help us resolve the issue with competitors;
  • Activities of competitors in this area;
  • Financial capabilities of the company;
  • Purposes of the action.

Determine each of these parameters for yourself. Have you determined? Then let's move on to the types of shares.


Discounts are the most popular and easiest way. Buyers are happy to buy goods with red price tags. The more you lower the price, the more purchases you will get. But be careful. Every percentage of the price hurts the margin of your products.

During the month of discounts, sales volume increased by 20% and amounted to 148 pies or 2,664 rubles. The pie margin for the promotion period was: 18-17.3 = 0.7 rubles.

Let's calculate the profit received during the month of the promotion: 0.7 * 148 = 103.6 rubles. Thus, thanks to discounts, we lost 209.4 rubles in profit with an increase in purchases by 20%.

Make it a rule to carry out such calculations before introducing a discount system.

Human psychology is designed in such a way that he practically does not notice a price reduction of less than 15%. Therefore, a discount of 5 or 10% will not lead to a significant increase in demand.

Discount forms:

  • Seasonal sales;
  • Discounts for large volume purchases;
  • Discounts in honor of a special occasion (customer’s birthday, store opening date, etc.);
  • Discounts for purchasing a certain category of products.
  • Discount on defective goods;
  • Discount on “product of the day”;
  • Discount when purchasing in ;
  • “Bring a friend” discount.

Please note that the introduction of any discount must be tied to a specific occasion. If you simply lower your prices, the consumer will think about the quality of your product. It is discounts that tend to negatively affect the image of an organization if they are applied ineptly.

Gifts for purchase

Also very popular look stock. You can give away both your own products and those of your partners for purchase. In the first case, you will again have to calculate the change in sales volumes and profits so as not to go into the negative. But the second option is very tempting.

Find a partner company that needs to promote its product or brand and offer cooperation.

Example. Since the idea of ​​discounts at our pies stall failed, we decided to give gifts for purchases. To do this, we agreed with the store opposite that we would attract our customers to their outlet by issuing them a coupon to receive free tea from them. The store agrees, since the likelihood that a visitor will buy some product from them by going for free tea is very high.

Types of “gift with purchase” promotion:

  • The second lowest priced product is free;
  • Bonus from partners;
  • Lottery;
  • Discount card for purchase.

Loyalty cards

Almost everyone has several cards from their favorite stores in their wallet. They allow the buyer to benefit from shopping in this store.

The following forms are distinguished discount cards:

  • Discount cards– provide the client with a fixed discount. It does not change during the use of this card. Aimed at retaining visitors and linking them to the outlet;
  • Savings cards– often the amount of benefit depends on the total quantity of goods purchased in monetary terms. The more you bought during the entire period of using the card, the greater your discount. Aimed at increasing the number of purchases and retaining customers;
  • club card– provided to special customers, for example, for a large purchase volume. It carries certain privileges, including: the opportunity to participate in promotions, permanent discounts, gifts.

You can’t just give out cards; time their donation to coincide with some event or set conditions.

Here are some options for you:

  • Store birthday;
  • Large purchase volume;
  • Issuance of discount cards to first visitors;
  • Issuance of cards for participation in the competition;
  • Selling cards.

Competitions and giveaways

This type of stock is actively gaining momentum. Hold a prize draw, come up with a competition, the winners of which will receive your products as a gift. This will allow you to increase company awareness and consumer loyalty.

There are two types of competitions:

  • Related companies. In this case, the buyer must purchase a certain quantity of goods to receive a surprise. For example, buy 10 bottles of soda to collect the caps from them and get a prize. Aimed at increasing demand and attracting attention to the company;
  • Unrelated to product. The consumer performs a task without having to purchase the company's product. For example, a consumer must write a story about their day at school in order to receive a free school supply kit.


As a rule, it is carried out in large supermarkets. Moreover, this type of promotion is aimed not so much at increasing the sales volume of the product being tasted, but at increasing the sales volume of the supermarket as a whole. According to statistics, consumers who have tried a product buy 25% more than they planned in that store.

We will talk about calculating the effectiveness of this type of promotion a little later.

How to come up with a promotion to attract customers

To come up with a promotion to attract customers, you need to go through the following steps:

  • Define your advertising campaign goals. What do you want to achieve? Increasing sales, increasing customer loyalty, attracting new customers or retaining existing ones. Write down all your goals;
  • Determine the participants of the marketing campaign. Who exactly do you want to influence, who will influence it, who will control its implementation. Discounts can scare away wealthy clients from your company and attract consumers in the middle and low price segment. A club card may have the opposite effect. Promoters, salespeople, and customer service managers can influence consumers. The entire process will be controlled by a director or administrator. All personnel involved in carrying out the action must be trained: familiarized with the conditions, given instructions.
  • Determine the motives of each participant. The consumer is interested in additional benefits, the seller is interested in premiums or bonuses for good results, the administrator is interested in fulfilling the plan, increasing sales volume. Correctly identifying the motives of each participant will allow you to effectively manage the process.
  • Work to identify your customers' needs. What exactly might interest them?
  • Think about when your promotion will be most relevant. For example, ice cream in winter will not cause such a stir among consumers as gingerbread cookies and hot chocolate.
  • Decide on the type of promotion. It directly depends on the one for which you are holding the promotion. It is also important to determine the value of the gift. Remember that a large number of small bonuses attract consumers more than a few expensive gifts.
  • Make the terms of participation in the promotion clear and short, otherwise the client will suspect deception or simply will not study your proposal. There shouldn't be too many conditions.
  • Communicate with your consumer, answer his questions, play with him. This way you will gain precious trust.

Analysis of the effectiveness of the campaign

We have already discussed how to evaluate the effectiveness of discounts; evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of loyalty cards, gifts and competitions is carried out in the same way.

Remember that an increase in sales does not at all guarantee an increase in profits, because you lose on a discount or gift. In this case, when calculating efficiency, the gift should be considered as a discount (the cost of the gift = the amount of the discount).

Example. For the purchase of 5 pies at a time, we give chewing gum. The promotion will last one week. The price of chewing gum is 2 rubles. Let's assume that only those who initially wanted to buy them will buy the fifth pie, and we have 10 out of 50 people a week. Thus, thanks to the promotion, sales volume will increase by 200 rubles or by 10 pies. Our margin before the promotion was 2.7 rubles. The sales volume before the promotion was 90 pies. We calculate the profit for the week before the promotion 90 * 2.7 = 2 43 rubles.

Let's calculate how much additional profit we will receive from the promotion: 2.7 * 10 = 27 rubles. And we will lose: 2*10 = 20 rubles. Thus, the promotion will allow us to increase profits by only 7 rubles.

Now let's learn how to calculate the effectiveness of tastings.

Let's say we are conducting a tasting of our pies. The promotion will run for 2 days, 3 hours a day. The price of our product is 20 rubles. The cost is 17.3 rubles.

We plan to reach an audience of 20 people. The number of pies required is 20 pieces. In addition, we need a tray costing 200 rubles and a package of napkins costing 30 rubles.

Thus, the cost of carrying out the action will be 576 rubles.

Let's calculate using the formula: Break-even point = total costs/margin = 576/2.7 = 213 pies. We will have to sell this number of pies based on the results of the tasting.

According to the rule of information dissemination, everyone who tastes the pie will tell three of their friends about the product, and each of these three will tell three more.

Thus, the maximum number of buyers who will come to the stall based on the results of the tasting will be 180 people. We don’t know how many pies they will buy, but according to pessimistic calculations (everyone will buy only one pie), this number of buyers is not enough. The project is risky.

Examples of the best stocks

Promotion at the airport.

A couple of years ago, an American airline held a raffle for travel packages. The conditions were as follows: a person waiting for a flight was asked to press a button, after which the computer randomly determined the country to which the lucky person would go. In this case, all travel expenses were paid by the airline.

Free lunch.

One of the Chinese sites ran an interesting promotion. For a month, every hour for 1.5 seconds a button appeared on the resource page, by clicking on which the lucky person received a free lunch. By the way, the number of site visitors increased 4 times this month.

An example from Russia.

The Moscow Geocafe holds a promotion every day. Its conditions are as follows: at 18:00 Moscow time, a drawing for a free dinner was held between cafe visitors. The winner was determined randomly. Second and third places were also determined and received a bottle of wine and a 50% discount on their order, respectively.

Promotion in the store.

One of the Vilnius denim stores ran the following promotion: all customers who came without pants were given free jeans of their choice. As a result, on the day of the promotion, a line of freebie lovers lined up in the store. However, be careful with such promotions, otherwise you may face legal consequences.

Purchasing a product is a process that is subject to certain psychological stereotypes of customers. Some things are bought spontaneously (here a sudden inner impulse plays the dominant role), and some are bought only after a scrupulous analysis of the available information about the product.

Making plans

How to increase sales in a retail store? This is a question that worries most retail managers. Unfortunately, a miracle cure has not yet been invented that will quickly and effectively raise revenue to the skies. On the path to increasing well-being, many difficulties will have to be overcome. And only you can decide whether you are able to carry out your plans.

Real steps

According to experts experienced in this field, there are the following ways to increase sales:

Ensuring a stable flow of customers and frequency of purchases.

Increasing the average bill, that is, selling goods at a large amount.

Which path is better to follow? How to increase sales volumes as efficiently as possible? To answer these questions, we will consider each method separately.

Increase in the number of buyers

To make as few mistakes as possible when deciding to stick to this plan, you need to be a competent marketer. Special knowledge will help answer the question of how to increase sales volumes compared to the previous reporting period.

According to retail statistics, at least one in ten visitors will definitely buy something. Therefore, the more visitors, the more buyers. How to increase sales in a retail store?

The most effective options

  • Place all kinds of advertising materials on the so-called shopping path next to the outlet. To do this, it is necessary to determine where exactly the customer flow passes near the store. Promotional materials are designed to make people remember the existence of the outlet and visit it.
  • Distribute advertising information of an informational and stimulating nature. Decide which channel will be most suitable for disseminating information about your store - glossy magazines, radio, television, directories, advertising on the Internet, leaflets in mailboxes, etc.
  • The most advantageous option is the so-called cross-events. They are joint promotions with other companies. The main goal is to attract as many clients as possible with the help of partner companies. As an example, we can cite the following event: a store selling perfumes and cosmetics distributes discount coupons in a nearby office center. The people who come to the store are the partner’s attracted clients. Another option is an event aimed at sharing streams. Thus, in a clothing store, customers are provided with bonuses for jewelry, and in a jewelry store, the opposite is true. Such cross-promotions make it possible to increase sales in a retail store by spending minimal amount funds. At the same time, the most loyal audience is reached.
  • Place advertisements within the reach of the outlet. It is no secret that each store has its own reach of customers, that is, people who are ready to go or go there to purchase the necessary goods. For example, a grocery mini-market has a shopping area limited to a couple of residential buildings, since few people would dare to take a half-hour walk to buy matches or salt. If we consider a large household appliance store, then we can talk about an entire district. The “warmest” circle will be made up of customers living closest to a given retail outlet. The working coverage is average in terms of “warmth”, located a few stops from the store. This is where the bulk of potential buyers are concentrated. It is on the border of this circle that advertising of the outlet should be placed. This option will allow you to expand the coverage of territories step by step.

Increased number of purchases

Here, thoughtful work with the existing customer base comes first. This entire array can be divided into regulars, the bulk and the so-called ballast. Let's consider these types in more detail:

Regulars are active and extremely loyal customers. The share of such clients should ideally be from 20 to 40% of the total audience.

The bulk. These people visit the store from time to time; they are capable of “treason” if, for example, there is a sale at another outlet.

- “Ballast”. Customers who are outside the store’s target audience or visitors make up this layer.

If you are wondering how to increase sales in a retail store, you should work most closely with the second type of customers. Professionals know that it costs less to retain customers than to attract new customers. It's time to launch a loyalty program, which is a system of events aimed at encouraging and retaining customers. An important rule: 80% of profits come from 20% of buyers.

The loyalty program has several strategic goals:

Stimulation of regular customer requests;

Increasing the amount and frequency of purchases;

Building a client database;

Formation of a solid reputation of the company in the eyes of clients;

Attracting new customers.

The mechanisms of cumulative discounts and bonuses work very effectively.

Increasing point of sale conversion

How to increase sales in a retail store, taking this indicator into account? Firstly, we note that conversion refers to the ratio of those who purchased to those who visited. It is quite natural to strive to ensure 100% conversion. However, even 50% will be acceptable.

There are two most common reasons for low conversion. This is unsatisfactory merchandising and unproductive staff work.

Increasing the average amount per check

To increase this indicator, you can sell either an expensive product or more units of a cheap product. The second option is considered the simplest. What steps to take in this case?

Proper duplication of the most popular products at additional points, filling the checkout area with useful little things, and displaying them in sets will help achieve the goal. Equally important is constant work with staff: trainings, seminars, lectures, etc.

Above was presented general information. Now let's look at how to apply the acquired knowledge in certain areas.

Simple tricks will help you understand how to increase your wholesale sales or succeed in retail trade. Strive to ensure that every step you take is aimed at improving the quality of services and creating a good image of the company.

Floristic business

How to increase flower sales? To do this, here are examples of some effective tricks:

  • Building an upsell system. Did the client purchase a bouquet? Great! Ask him which ribbon is better to wrap the flowers (at the same time, offer the most profitable option for you), what toy he will choose to go with the bouquet (“They usually take a teddy bear with these flowers...”), what kind of chocolate does the recipient prefer - black or white?
  • Formation of a client base. Try to get contact information for each buyer. Hold lotteries. For example, every person who buys a bouquet before a certain date gets a chance to win ten thousand rubles towards the purchase of flowers.
  • Incentives for sellers. An employee who sells bouquets for a large amount receives, for example, a certificate for spa services. By holding such competitions regularly, you will think less and less about how to increase the sale of flowers: your employees will do everything for you.
  • Anticipating customer expectations. Presenting cute trinkets with purchases is very effective in this regard. Successful example one of the flower salons: on Valentine's Day, store employees released butterflies, which delighted all customers.

Second hand

In order to succeed in this business, it is very important to choose the right location for the outlet. To sell used items, it is not at all necessary to rent space in elite business centers. A suitable place in residential area or close to the market.

How to increase second-hand sales using an air freshener? In fact, this household chemical can help in the formation positive image companies. The fact is that all second-hand goods are disinfected with a special gas before being sent from Europe. Such chemicals differ extremely unpleasant smell. That's why a couple of cans of air freshener will come in handy. In addition, it is important to ensure natural ventilation of the room.

In trading, the issue of increasing sales is absolutely commonplace. No matter how much you sell now, the plan will always be a little higher. Otherwise, it's simply not the right plan. And most importantly, the answer to the question of how to increase sales has long been found. You just need to take the time to use the best practices and developments of successful companies.

Sales Success Formula

On the difficult path of increasing sales, it is important to know the formula for success in sales. This formula works for everyone, this formula reflects the very essence of sales. If you learn to use it, you will get what you want. Here is the formula for sales success:

The sales success formula tells you several important things:

  1. If you want to increase sales, influence the following: traffic, conversion and average bill;
  2. You must constantly monitor the above indicators. If you do not know your current values ​​of these indicators, this is an alarming signal - you are not in control of the situation;
  3. It doesn’t matter who you are a business owner or a simple seller, these indicators do not depend on scale, they can simply be called differently;
  4. While working on one indicator, monitor and control the others. It often happens that the conversion rate has increased, but the average bill has fallen and, as a result, has not changed.
  5. In an established system, these indicators are in balance and are not so easy to influence.

The last point is especially important on the way to increasing sales. For example, suppose you have a store that sells foodstuffs in a residential area of ​​the microdistrict. The store’s audience is constant, the average check and conversion will not change much. In such a system, without changing the assortment and without attracting new customers, sales cannot be greatly increased; there is a ceiling on the consumer market. And your task is to decide whether you have reached the ceiling of this market. If yes, then all the standard methods to increase sales will not help you much, you are unlikely to recoup the costs.

What influences the main KPI indicators

So, when examining the issue of increasing sales, we have already learned 3 main indicators by which sales can be increased. Let's figure out what affects these indicators.

How to increase traffic

Traffic is the number of visitors to your store i.e. potential buyers. Generally speaking, there are two main ways to influence traffic.

Attract new customers to the store

It is worth noting that there are a lot of ways to express yourself to the consumer. All you need to do is choose those that suit you and are the most effective in your sales segment. Here are the main sources of attraction:

  • Outdoor advertising and;
  • Internet advertising – contextual advertising, targeted advertising, banner advertising;
  • SEO – search engine optimization, as well as other free advertising on the Internet;
  • SMM – promotion in social networks;
  • Customer recommendations (word of mouth);
  • Advertising in the media - TV, newspapers, magazines;

By the way, in network marketing you increase incoming traffic solely due to your active actions. This tool is also available to stationary sellers, primarily by working with the existing customer base.

Bring back customers who previously purchased

Customer return is influenced by such indicators as: quality of service, competitiveness of your offer, loyalty systems and bonus cards. IN in this direction Every sane salesperson works. In sales to the corporate segment, this is called collecting a database. A seller with a large customer base is very valuable. At the same time, not all trade organizations are seriously engaged in collecting contacts of their clients and their further attraction.

A very interesting point is the long-term nature of these measures. New clients can be attracted quickly enough, but the price of attraction events is quite high. Conversely, creating conditions for clients to return to you again and again is less expensive, but you will not get the effect quickly.

How to increase conversion

Conversion is the percentage of customers who purchased to the total number of potential customers (traffic). The number of leads for each sales type will be different. So for a store this will be customers who come to the store, for a website this is website traffic, for SMM audience coverage, for contextual advertising number of ad clicks and number of ad impressions.

First of all, the internal state of the store (seller, website) is influenced by the more conditions created for purchases, the higher the conversion will be. Conversely, the difficulties that the client encounters when purchasing reduce conversion. Conversion is a hygienic indicator of management professionalism. The main difficulties that reduce conversion in the store:

  • , or rather its absence, for example, lack of price tags or inconvenient navigation around the store;
  • Queues at checkouts and other factors that reduce the speed of purchase;

In fact, these points are relevant for other types of sales, for example, for a website:

  • Ease of site navigation, intuitive design, mobile version and so on.;
  • Unqualified personnel;
  • Complex form to fill out on the website;
  • High prices for goods or non-competitive offers;

In general, as we see, to increase conversion and, as a result, sales, it is necessary to restore order and train staff. While generally not that difficult, it is much more difficult to maintain order and the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of your salespeople.

Increasing the average bill

Average bill is how much money one customer spends in your store. The average receipt consists of two components - the number of goods in the receipt and average cost purchases. There are many ways available to you:

  • Cross sale (cross sale) is a related product to the main one;
  • – this is the sale of a more expensive product to the client;
  • – location of related products next to the main one;
  • also increases the number of goods in the receipt;
  • Expansion of the assortment - often the increase in the average bill is hampered by the lack of one or another product or the lack of expensive goods;

What types of clients are there?

Increasing the average check is, first of all, the correct monetization of incoming traffic. Remember that among the clients who come to you there are always loyal people who will buy everything you offer them. Anyone who has worked in sales will confirm that there are 3 categories of clients:

  1. Shopaholics buy everything in their path. They receive true happiness from the purchasing process and feel free to communicate with the seller. The main thing is to create a positive attitude for them. They are rare, depending on the sales area from 2 to 10% of the total number of clients.
  2. Skeptics are suspicious of any activity of the seller. They like to make decisions on their own. With the advent of the Internet, such clients almost completely moved there, although life still drives them to offline stores. No more than 5% of all clients.
  3. The middle class is ordinary clients for whom it is important to understand what they are paying for. They can exhibit the qualities of both shopaholics and skeptics, it depends on the conditions of sale. The vast majority of clients are like this. If you correctly explain to them that the product meets their needs and is worth the money, then they will buy from you.

Your task as a seller is to create conditions so that shopaholics and the middle class get what they need. Unfortunately, many sellers avoid using methods to increase the average check because they see no point in scaring customers. At the same time, the same seller may be puzzling over the question of how to increase sales.

Trade-related organizations have always been concerned with one question: how to increase sales. I recommend 5 surefire ways!

Commerce has long been one of the most popular ways to organize your own business and become a rich person.

And, of course, businessmen different eras were concerned about one issue: how to increase sales, because more sales mean more money.

Businessmen were looking for various ways, sometimes their searches were crowned with success, sometimes they turned out to be completely useless.

U modern entrepreneurs related to trading, as well as managers, whose income depends on the number of sales, have one undeniable advantage over their colleagues from the past: they can not only use other people’s ideas, but also have access to various useful sites, such as “Diary Success."

Thanks to such sites, you can get the advice you need not only about your business activities, but also about other important issues.

What determines sales volumes?

Any organization associated with trade, be it a small store or a large enterprise that not only sells, but also manufactures goods, has always been concerned about one question: how to increase sales.

It was the activity of the sales department that was the main measure of the company’s success: sales are growing - everything is great, but they are falling - which means you need to look for sources to increase their volume.

And only when things were going really badly did the emphasis shift: the goal was not to increase sales, but to retain existing customers.

Certainly, main reason The reason why it is so important to keep sales volumes high is profit.

As the number of customers decreases or their purchasing power decreases, the profits of everyone, from sellers to the owner of the business, will fall.

AND big companies, and small ones often make a common mistake: when sales fall, management begins to blame the departments responsible for them or the sellers themselves for everything.

This is wrong, because no matter how qualified and pleasant the seller or manager is, the buyer will not purchase the product if:

  • the store has a meager assortment - he simply won’t find what he needs;
  • there are interruptions in supplies - there are now enough stores, so you can purchase the required product elsewhere, rather than wait until it appears at your place;
  • V trading floor dirty or has an unpleasant odor;
  • the product is not advertised, etc.

What are modern methods of increasing sales based on?

Sales volumes can be increased if:

  1. Increase the number of clients.
  2. Increase the average bill of each client.

“If you don't take care of your client, someone else will.”
Konstantin Kushner

Depending on the problems you have, start acting in either one or several directions.

    Increase in the number of clients.

    Those who suffer the most from a small number of clients are those who have just appeared on the market and have not yet managed to win an audience, or long-registered companies that are rapidly beginning to lose their clientele due to competition or internal problems.

    When chasing new clients, the main thing is not to lose old ones.

    Often executives or creative managers decide to completely transform the company's work or change the product range, which is why old customers begin to leave.

    If you have nothing to lose (for example, there are too few clients), then you can act radically.

    Otherwise, it is better to introduce innovations smoothly.

    Increase the average check.

    Let’s say you have two dozen regular customers, but every day they buy only a loaf of bread in your store, but your neighbor, a businessman, has only three regular customers, but each of them spends 200-300 hryvnia in his store every day.

    It is clear that the neighbor’s profit is much greater.

    You need to convince your regular customers that not only your bread is delicious, but that your other products are also excellent.

5 ways to increase your sales

Experienced entrepreneurs advise not to limit yourself to any one direction (that is, not to focus only on increasing the number of customers or, having given up attracting new customers, try to convince existing ones to purchase more goods), but to act in a comprehensive manner.

There are plenty of effective ways to increase sales, but I have chosen the 5 most effective, both according to experts and in the opinion of my friend, a successful entrepreneur:

    Study the market thoroughly.

    Commerce does not tolerate haphazard actions.

    You must study the trends of the modern market, the stories of your competitors, the reasons for their defeats and adapt the information received to your business.

    Create a written strategic plan.

    If filming full-fledged advertising videos and demonstrating them is not available to you, then use modern methods: newspaper advertisements, social networks, emails, telephone information to potential clients, distribution of leaflets, etc.

    Make prices flexible.

    You know what some domestic stores do before sales: they raise prices (for example, by 20–40%), and then lure customers with attractive advertisements: “Discounts on the entire range up to 50%!”

    There are no financial losses, and clients react to the word “discount” with lightning speed.

    Carry out more promotions.

    Most buyers love them.

    In my opinion, the leader among supermarkets in creative promotions today in Ukraine is Silpo.

    They even get serious, reasonable people hooked on their promotions: “Price of the week”, “Hot offer”, “ Thematic days", "Coupons for increasing points", etc.

    Make changes to how your company operates.

    See what exactly isn't working.

    Maybe it’s due to slow sellers, or your product range is outdated, or your prices are much higher than those of your competitors, or it’s time to renovate the premises, or maybe the logo is repelling customers.

    There is no reasonless drop in sales.

    For example, my friend told me that when she worked as a salesperson in a perfume store, customers left because the cleaning lady not only exuded the aroma of sweat, but also scrubbed the floors with such frenzy in their presence that they quickly retreated.

    So, there are no unimportant little things in this matter.

I bring to your attention a video with practical advice,

how to increase the average customer check in a store.

The above sales methods are really effective, you will see when you try to use them in combination.

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From this article you will learn:

  • How to increase your company's sales through customer interaction
  • How to increase product sales using prices and promotions
  • How to increase sales in wholesale trade
  • How to increase sales in an online store

The correct answer to the question: “How to increase sales?” – can lead any company to success. The main goal of commercial management of an enterprise is to maximize this criterion. We will consider the most effective methods increasing sales volume.

What needs to be done to increase profits: 19 universal methods

  1. Thorough market research.

Commerce does not accept ill-considered actions.

You need to learn about all the movements of the modern market, the successes or failures of competing companies, and then use the collected information to develop your own enterprise.

Describe your strategy in writing.

  1. Identification of promising directions.

To increase sales volumes, it is necessary to find out which economic areas are the most promising. Data from the analysis of the consumer index and various events in a certain area can help with this.

  1. Increase in the number of customers.

A small number of buyers equally affects new companies that have just entered the market structure and have not yet had time to gain popularity, and already established ones, whose clients may go to competitors due to internal problems in the organization itself.

When looking for new consumers, it is very important not to lose old ones.

Often, directors and top managers decide to radically change the operation of the enterprise, completely update the product range - this may force the previous acquirers to leave.

You can act in this way only if you have nothing to lose - for example, you have very few long-time customers.

Otherwise, innovation should be introduced gradually.

  1. Advertising of services and goods.

If you cannot afford to produce and display full-scale commercials, new technologies will come to your aid: corporate promotion on social networks, email campaigns, phone calls to clients, viral advertising. Don't forget about good old newspaper advertisements and flyers distributed by promoters.

  1. Increase your revenue using your phone.

A feature phone can help boost retail sales. It is better to forget the method of calling from several numbers, which is often used by unscrupulous companies: excessive intrusiveness can do your organization a disservice.

Try to offer your products and services to those who are interested in them. You need to have not only a complete set of information about your product, but also information about your potential buyer: who he works, what he is interested in, what problems concern him - and how your product can help solve them.

  1. Making changes to the company's work.

Find out which specific methods of your business are not working.

Perhaps it's all about ignorant sellers. Or your product range has long been outdated, while the cost remains above the market level. Or maybe you just need to renovate your premises or rebrand, and the question of how to increase sales will disappear by itself.

  1. Creation of highly specialized solutions.

During the year, enterprises operating in the fashion clothing market update their product catalog several times. They want to control the collection of orders for each region and be able to change it at any stage of the trade chain. Such clients can be offered special software for warehouse management and automated messaging with customers. They also offer their partners the opportunity to return product from the retail outlet to the distribution center. Accordingly, they need to ensure air or multimodal delivery, and in the case of transporting fur products, transportation must be accompanied by security.

  1. USP or differentiation from competitors.

To increase turnover, it is necessary to find all the beneficial differences between the enterprise and its competitors. If your main advantage is cost, you need to make radical reforms. A significant advantage can be:

  • free prompt delivery;
  • high quality service;
  • provision of related services;
  • discounts, bonuses and gifts for customers;
  • a wide range of goods in stock, etc.
  1. Quarterly report on work performed.

Often, clients do not realize what exactly they are getting by concluding a subscription service agreement with a particular organization. That is why it is worth regularly sending detailed reports to your partners, including a list of all work performed. This helps to increase the level of loyalty among potential consumers and, accordingly, increase the volume of sales in production.

  1. Social proof.

Research shows that customers are more willing to purchase goods and services from companies that are reliable and good reputation which are beyond doubt.

Confirmation of these characteristics can be, for example, certificates of conformity or other official documents, sociological research, which is the best way to convince consumers (social proof): “2500 customers cannot be wrong!”

  1. Improving the quality of services.

This method allows you to answer the question of how to increase sales during a crisis. If you've surveyed your customers in advance, you can move on to implementing your preferred strategic plan. It is necessary to improve the quality of services, train staff, and purchase new equipment. Buyers can be offered discounts, bonuses and gifts for the holidays.

  1. "Mystery shopper".

This is a specially trained person whom you hire secretly from your employees. He plays the role of an ordinary client and must record all stages of the trade chain using a hidden camera or voice recorder. This allows the businessman to understand how things really are. What the owner of the enterprise knew and the real situation may turn out to be diametrically opposed.

For additional control over employees, you can install special software on work computers that monitors the image on the monitor. The premises should be equipped with a CCTV camera. This will help identify undisciplined and incompetent employees and, ultimately, eliminate the factors that prevent the company from increasing its revenue.

  1. Changing the motivation system.

Launching an updated line of products, one of the corporations operating in the market wholesale sales and distribution of computer equipment, fell into quite a difficult situation. The sales volume was very small compared to competitors. Managers stated that customers were uninterested and rarely contacted the firm. It also did not work to offer a product as an alternative to something, since it was not possible to convey information about it to the consumer. competitive advantages. In general, the products were practically unknown on the domestic market and did not have reliable marketing support. The company itself relied on this line big hopes, but it was impossible to change the principles of calculating salaries for employees. Management decided to pay regular bonuses to motivate specialists. They were paid not only the standard salary, but also $0.5 for each product sold. At first, the amount seemed purely symbolic, but over time the unexpected move brought very good results - the level of revenue was increased by 60%. Each manager significantly expanded their personal client base, increasing their income and organizations.

  1. Development of a selling website.

Modern business needs a high-quality website - this is an axiom. An Internet portal is one of the main ways to attract customers and a tool that helps increase the level of purchases in stores. In order to increase its effectiveness, it is necessary to pay special attention to three main elements: a home page with good SEO text, application and feedback forms. Here are some tips to help improve your website's performance:

  • simplify the structure: do not load pages with heterogeneous information. Visitors must intuitively understand what and where to look;
  • prepare two separate menus: a general one for navigating the site and a product catalog divided by business segments (for example, “Expert. Restaurant chain”, “Expert. Club”, etc.);
  • Publish an infographic on the main page illustrating the benefits of your services. For example, you can write how much the company will lose if there is no automation of production processes and how much it will gain if they are finally debugged automatically;
  • place a link on the main page to a section with reviews from previous clients (positive, of course). They can push a potential consumer to cooperate with you;
  • leave space on the key page for a banner advertising special offers, promotions and bonuses;
  • In each upper left corner you need to place a button to order a manager’s call.
  1. Improvement and automation of application processing.

Another way to help increase retail size is the function of sending an electronic application. With its help, the buyer can track what stage his application is at. Automatic processing of incoming requests serves two purposes at once: increasing the level of consumer loyalty and making the work of employees easier.

  1. Increase in sales volume due to the right choice promotion channels.

Try connecting to advertising campaigns in Yandex. Direct”, place your banners and articles on the main websites of your region. For example, an organization selling land plots sold eight properties just by announcing its special offer. Still effective way promotion is television advertising. In particular, one of the construction companies managed to quickly achieve recognition of its own brand thanks to the launch of the reality show “Construction. Your own home in three months.”

  1. Blue Ocean strategy.

This method is based on the search and formation of new markets that have not yet been developed by competitors. Consider the following case study. A network of lighting equipment stores offered its customers qualified design assistance. To do this, each client needed to photograph their apartment and send the pictures to the salon. After studying the photo, the designer suggested the most suitable lamps from the salon’s assortment. As a result of the campaign, it was possible to increase sales volumes by 37%. Word of mouth has shown particular effectiveness.

  1. Search for a competitor.

Create a virtual rival for yourself - and the unique advantages of your products and services against his background will become more pronounced. Customers will be much more loyal to you if the competition is conducted in an interesting game form.

Remember, for example, a funny video about the confrontation between the MAC OS and PC computer systems, which helped increase the number of Apple fans several times. Or a classic example of PR battles between Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Co. The undeniable advantage of the latter is the publicly available composition of the drink - this inspires customer confidence (unlike Coca-Cola, which keeps the recipe secret).

  1. Analysis of the reasons for low demand.

Often it is not even necessary to increase the sales volume of an enterprise, but only to remove the barriers that prevent it from reaching maximum heights. For example, consumers may be put off by ignorant or overly intrusive salespeople, an old premises without renovation, or even a poorly designed storefront. By eliminating these reasons, you can significantly improve the level of retail sales.

Techniques for increasing a company's sales ratio through customer interaction

  1. Targeting thrifty buyers.

There are several techniques to encourage consumers of the first type (24% of the total) to make a purchase.

Here are some examples of how these methods work.

The cost of the offer can be changed without changing anything in essence, but only by dividing it into amounts that are psychologically easier to perceive (for example, $100 per month instead of $1200 per year).

The Internet company AOL has replaced hourly payments for its services with monthly ones. This strategy is the opposite of the one described earlier and is aimed at getting users not to track their expenses every day.

All-inclusive resorts provide a sense of security and comfort because tourists feel that all expenses have already been covered and no additional expenses will be required.

Netflix has replaced the pay-per-view system with a flat monthly rate for unlimited access to all content.

  1. Comprehensive solutions for consumers.

Make comprehensive logistics offers to your clients that take into account strengths your enterprise. Test the new service on one of your partners, and if successful, extend it to other customers.

  1. "Devil's Advocate".

This ancient Catholic tradition has taught modern marketers much. Studies show that if someone's idea is refuted by the devil's advocate, that person's confidence in their own rightness only increases. Your firm can take advantage of this experience and act as the devil's advocate yourself. This way you can increase the confidence of your customers (they are the leading consumers of your products). Let the "devil's advocate" express their doubts, and you debunk him with the help of scientific and practical experience.

  1. Attracting like-minded people.

Tell your potential customers about the great cause you are pursuing (this could be raising money for charity or any other social project). This will provide an opportunity to attract like-minded people as committers. 64% of citizens surveyed by sociologists said that it was this factor that prompted them to make a purchase decision.

A good example is a charity event to increase sales of TOMS Shoes. Its essence is simple: when you buy a pair of shoes for yourself, you give a second pair to children in need. The campaign helped sell millions of pairs of shoes - and millions of children received new shoes for free. Thus, good and kind deeds can increase sales!

  1. Overcoming the “barrier to entry”.

There are often situations when a consumer is almost ready to make a purchase, but needs an additional incentive. They may have the opportunity to try out a future purchase absolutely free. During a certain period of time, while testing is carried out, the client will have time to get used to the product or service. This will increase the likelihood that after this period he will buy the product, simply not wanting to give it up.

A correctly formulated proposal plays a decisive role in this situation. Many people resort to the standard phrase: “Try a 30-day demo for free.” However, you will agree that the slogan “The first month is free” sounds more pleasant and convincing. The goal is one, but the means are different, therefore, the result may be different.

  1. Sales scripts.

The technology involves interviews between the seller and the buyer with the following types of questions: situational, problematic, extractive and guiding. By answering them, a person shows greater interest in the products offered. Keep in mind that it is impossible to create universal templates for all types of buyers. The head of the department must independently develop a question sheet with expected answers for each item. In order not to lose the skill acquired during SPIN sales training, you need to consolidate it every day for a month. Employees should brainstorm questions for this type of interview two to three times a day. Please note that regular clients who are accustomed to a certain type of negotiation with your managers may initially be hostile to the new model. Therefore, first you need to test it on new customers, only then transfer the skill to regular customers.

  1. Explaining to consumers their next steps.

Dr. Howard Leventhal, in his research, argues that a person will not perceive relevant information if it does not contain clear instructions. Buyers believe that the described difficulties do not apply to them and prefer not to worry. But when the description of the problems is followed by instructions for eliminating them, the result exceeds all expectations.

The number of people receiving a flu vaccine has increased by a quarter after clear advice on how to avoid the disease was published. This is one of the most common ways to attract new clients to insurance companies.

  1. Up-sell method.

Train your managers to work with visitors, taking into account their emotional state. They should know what to tell customers additionally about the qualities of the product, consider all its capabilities and advantages. And do this in an accessible form so that the consumer fully appreciates the benefits of the offer.

  1. Admitting shortcomings.

How to increase sales during a crisis based on your own mistakes? Here you can describe many cases of real industrial disasters that occurred during last years(eg oil spills). Most often, the reason for these situations was the reluctance of firms to notice their mistakes and correct them. This continued exactly until a crisis moment came, when it was too late to change anything. For example, the energy company TEPCO (Japan) admitted only a year and a half later that it had made a mistake that led to a “nuclear crisis” on the Japanese coast.

When working with online applications, you have probably encountered situations where developers send emails apologizing for technical glitches and problems. Such mailings make it clear that the organization is working on mistakes, is not leaving them unattended, and will do everything possible in the future to avoid repeating them.

  1. Services for the product (packaging, delivery, lifting to the floor, warranty and post-warranty service).

Functionality and ease of use can be half the cost of the product. For some categories of customers, these factors are fundamental and have the greatest influence on the purchasing decision. We are talking mainly about older people, mothers of young children and people who do not own their own cars. In this case, it is worth thinking not only about the growth of the average check, but also about sales in general.

  1. Keeping customers on their toes.

Keep consumers on their toes. A classic study by Norberg Schwartz shows that all it takes to change a person's mind is finding a dime. Use people's positive reactions to surprises for marketing purposes and give them small gifts. Such an action will help to significantly increase the volume of sales, and it does not have to be very expensive - it is not the price that is important, but human attention.

  1. Newsletter for potential buyers.

This is the formation of a database of people who have expressed interest in your project, even if the contract was never concluded. Then, in case of any promotions, discounts or changes in the assortment, they can be promptly notified about these events.

  1. Surprises for clients.

Pamper your customers with surprises - and you will be able to win their trust and loyalty, receiving a huge number of grateful reviews. The online shoe store Zappos traditionally uses exactly this kind of influence tactics.

Expecting to receive your order within five days, as promised on the website, you suddenly receive it within a day. Or you get the opportunity to return shoes throughout the year. Such surprises helped accumulate a huge number of reviews on the site, which became a powerful marketing tool for influencing potential buyers.

  1. Harnessing the power of shortcuts.

Use evaluative statements. When studying the factors influencing the voting results, a special behavioral test was conducted. Based on its results, scientists found that people who were randomly called “politically active citizens” voted 15% more willingly. Even though people received this rating by chance, this characteristic had a serious impact on them. Use this method: Show your clients that you think they are innovative, innovative, and proactive. Then they will act according to that label.

How to increase sales using prices and promotions

  1. Increasing the cost of a product, selling a more expensive analogue of a product.

Even if the buyer says that he wants to save money, this is not a reason to sell him the most budget-friendly product. The manager can structure the conversation as follows: “Of course, I can offer you a car for three hundred thousand rubles. But you definitely want it to have climate control, power steering and heated seats.” If the buyer answers in the affirmative, it is worth noting: “Why would you spend money on a car that doesn’t suit you?”

You can sell a more expensive product only if it has additional benefits. Let's take, for example, two almost identical refrigerators of different brands and with different prices. Most managers will say that there is no difference between them. But is it? Of course not! The task of the department head is to explain to employees how different models differ in terms of technology, manufacturing standards, warranties, etc.

  1. Average check growth.

This is the most accessible method. It kind of follows from the method described above, but with some difference. The check can increase due to a simple increase in prices, an increase in the number of service functions, or changes in payment terms. By the way, an increase in cost by 1% increases profits by 3-10%. It is important that the price increase is not too significant and brings with it new opportunities.

  1. Adding shares.

The vast majority of buyers love them very much.

The leader of Ukraine among supermarkets in terms of originality of promotions is Silpo.

Even serious ones reasonable people react to their promotions: “Price of the week”, “Hot offer”, “Thematic days”, “Coupons for increasing points”, etc.

  1. Visibility of commercial offers.

The trade initiative must really interest the potential consumer of goods or services. It should include detailed description characteristics and advantages of products. When conducting one-time promotions or providing short-term discounts, market instructions must be supplemented with information about them. Great Feature Article – 10 Clever Writing Techniques commercial offer.

  1. Various recommendations for clients (at least three).

When new customers contact a company, it can be very difficult to predict what price range of goods and services will interest them. Thus, if you only offer them products in one price range, you may miss their preferences. It would be more correct to offer several alternative options at once - for example, “standard”, “business” and “premium” sets.

In this case, sales psychology will work well. The buyer will understand that he was offered products with a wide price range, and he has very few reasons to refuse the purchase. In this case, it is necessary to correctly compile sets of products of different prices and clearly explain to the customer the differences between them. Start with the most expensive sets - then he will perceive cheaper products positively.

  1. Providing expiring discounts.

For example, offer customers a bonus card with a unique code. If a buyer spends a certain amount in a store within a month, he will receive a discount on all products in the next month. The amount of the concession depends on the number of orders last month. At the same time, the discount expires if a person has not bought anything for a whole month. An approximate range of discounts could be: from 5% when purchasing 100 rubles to 30% when spending 20 thousand rubles.

  1. Cost differentiation.

Manufacturers set a single price for certain product categories. Often this is not entirely justified. If a visitor directly asks about the price, the manager does not have time to identify his needs - he needs to clearly state the amount. If a single price has not been established, the manager can ask many clarifying questions, establish a dialogue and obtain information that will help influence the buyer. In addition, this way you can slightly increase the number of clients.

  1. Favorable price image.

From a psychological point of view, it is better to write “100 rubles a month” on the price tag than “1200 rubles a year.” By correctly setting a non-intimidating price, you can significantly increase your sales volume.

Means of increasing sales in a retail store

  1. Patency.

How can you understand, even before the store opens, how busy the place where it will operate is? Easily! Stand at the door of the future company and for a certain time count all the people who passed by and glanced in your direction. This way you will calculate the total number of potential clients. To create a more accurate description, you will have to take into account the gender and age of people passing by. Compare the data obtained with theoretical portrait buyer and understand the approximate attendance of a retail store by ordinary passers-by.

  1. Signboard.

So, you have found out the number of possible passer-by buyers. Now they need to be “hooked”. First of all, a sign can help with this. She must be:

  • bright and eye-catching;
  • understandable and giving an idea of ​​what products are sold outside the door;
  • encouraging people to buy in this store (through a wide range, affordable prices, high quality, etc.).

Most often, you can find out how effective a particular sign is only by trial and error.

  1. Cross-selling.

Having sold a certain product, you can offer related services. For example, a person who bought an aquarium can order its correct installation, connection and maintenance - all without leaving the checkout. For this retail store it is necessary to negotiate with the relevant companies, and then attract buyers and receive your percentage.

  1. Determining the purchase threshold.

There is no specific model here - it all depends on the imagination of the store owner. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • when making a purchase whose price exceeds a certain limit, the client receives a coupon for free delivery, a discount or a gift;
  • When you buy two products, you can get the third one for free.

The list can be continued endlessly. Each store is trying to come up with its own promotions to increase sales in stores.

  1. Payment of change in goods.

This method is not very common, but very interesting. When paying for products, the buyer receives change not in money, but in goods - for example, matches or candy.

  1. Yellow and red price tags.

This method is widely known. Many supermarkets sell products that are past their expiration dates at discounted prices. This is exactly what the multi-colored price tags convey.

  1. Possibility to return the product if you don't like it.

Moreover, there is a law that obliges sellers to accept products back within two weeks after sale.

  1. Hints on price tags.

On the labels you can place information that some others are usually purchased along with this product. The buyer will most likely take the advice and buy something in addition to the main product.

  1. "Chair" for the buyer's companion.

People rarely go shopping alone, and most often your direct client's companion is someone who is completely uninterested in your services. To prevent him from trying to get your customer out of the store as quickly as possible, offer him an activity that will help pass the time: watching TV for men, playing games for children, reading fashion magazines for women.

  1. Unique selling proposition.

Not every store owner has the opportunity to rent premises on a busy street and hang a chic sign. However, anyone can create a unique product or service that will make people want to go out of their way. This is the main method of increasing sales.

  1. Upselling.

This is an offer to make an additional purchase to the main one. For example, when purchasing a smartphone, a SIM card and insurance are offered, and the purchased bouquet of flowers is advised to be packaged for an additional fee. The main rule is that the price of an additional service should not exceed the price of the main product. This method allows you to increase the company's sales level by 30%.

  1. Working with margin.

Perhaps the most accessible method of increasing profits. They say that the low cost of a product is not always perceived by the buyer as the most attractive. Often, buyers consider a product sold at a high price to be of higher quality. Ask yourself a question: does it matter whether the sausage costs 300 rubles or 310? Most often, such a difference seems insignificant to buyers. Now calculate your total profit.

Let's look at the example described in Robert Cialdini's book “The Psychology of Influence.” The owner of a jewelry store could not sell several turquoise jewelry. When leaving on vacation, she left a written order to her subordinates: “*1\2 price for all turquoise.” Imagine her surprise when, upon arrival, she learned that all the jewelry had been sold...at twice the price. The seller simply did not understand her instructions and increased, rather than decreased, the price.

  1. Price tags.

Take a critical look at your price stickers. As a rule, they are impersonal and do not catch the eye. A potential buyer has only a few seconds to make a purchasing decision in the store he visited. Try to surprise him enough to make him stay for at least a few minutes and start asking questions. Price tags printed on colored paper and cut out in the form of intricate figures, with tempting and sometimes shocking offers, can help with this. For example, on the eve of the New Year holidays, you can print them in the form of snowflakes, Christmas trees, snowmen and other holiday paraphernalia. Or you can place in a prominent place a product that is sold at an exorbitant price. No one will probably buy it, but many will want to look at it and perhaps buy something else. It doesn’t matter at all what they say about you, as long as the address is indicated correctly.

  1. Smile.

In stores where salespeople smile at their customers, sales increase by 20-30% compared to outlets where sullen staff work. Teach your employees to smile regardless of their mood.

  1. « Free cheese" without a mousetrap.

The famous home goods brand offered free cookies to visitors to its stores. Thus, he attracted parents with children to the number of buyers and won over consumers.

  1. Non-standard guarantees.

Provide additional guarantees and you will get new customers. “If we don’t deliver the pizza in half an hour, you’ll get it for free.” “If a salesperson is rude to you, you will get a discount.” “If you find a product cheaper than ours, we will refund 110% of the difference!” Experience shows that it is very rare to put these guarantees into practice, but the opportunity itself certainly attracts customers.

  1. Other services.

Let's say you own a cosmetics store in a small town. How to make the whole city know about it? Easy: hire a high-quality stylist and distribute leaflets that for a month a master will work in your store who will help you choose cosmetics for free and teach you how to apply makeup correctly. In a month, women will only talk about your company - even those who don’t need a stylist, and they learned about the promotion from their girlfriends.

Do you sell plastic windows? Announce a promotion in which each buyer will receive a free device that measures the thermal conductivity of windows and calculates heat loss. Anyone who needs to replace the windows in their apartment will think about you first. You can offer to install mosquito nets for three hundred rubles. Perhaps at first it will bring you losses, but then you will see how many clients for whom you installed them will come to you to order windows. Moreover, your craftsmen may subtly hint that it’s time to change the windows.

How to increase sales in wholesale trade

  1. Creation of a marketing department.

To increase sales volume, it is necessary to properly organize the work of the marketing department. Specialists must constantly research the market, look for new options, and optimize production and logistics processes. Hire competent workers and your company will prosper.

  1. Expansion of the range.

Always think about the possibility of expanding the range of products offered. You can more diversify the models, their size range, and the number of related products. By increasing your offer, you will save the client from having to look for other suppliers.

  1. Demand research.

Determine the capabilities of your customers and set tasks for managers, based not on the experience of past years, but on the share of your deliveries to the customer. For example, your manager sells goods worth 100 thousand rubles. The partner's turnover is growing. However, it turns out that the potential of this organization is 10 million rubles, and your company is simply used as a backup supplier. It's bad if the manager doesn't know about it. It's even worse if the manager doesn't even know.

  1. Competent work with federal and regional networks.

Most wholesale suppliers try to cooperate with large corporations. Concluding such an agreement is usually quite simple and almost always profitable.

  1. Transparent pricing policy.

Be clear and understandable pricing policy or make the salaries of your managers directly dependent on profits. Either you work according to a strict price list, which specifies all categories of clients, or you give the manager the authority to provide any discounts and bonuses, but at the same time make it dependent on revenue. There is no third.

  1. Concluding contractual obligations with regular consumers.

Contracts with regular customers are mutually beneficial cooperation in terms of the ratio of not only cost and profit, but also price and quality. Buy good goods at a favorable price. This will allow you to ensure optimal matching of prices and corresponding product properties for your customers, which will become your undeniable advantage. Buyers simply cannot refuse such a lucrative offer. Value your reputation as a conscientious supplier - it will work better than any advertising.

  1. Penetration into the client's business.

The better you understand the business activity of your buyer, the lower the risk of losing him, the closer you are to the end consumers, the better your consignor’s sales go.

  1. Thorough analysis of customer failures.

Let's say an insignificant customer leaves you. You are not upset and think that you will have more time to interact with large firms. In fact, this situation is fraught with serious consequences. The reasons that forced small companies stop cooperating with you can have an impact on large ones. The modern market is designed in such a way that small organizations respond more sensitively to new trends and trends - this helps them survive. Therefore, the factors influencing them will later be reflected in large enterprises. You must carefully analyze the departure of each customer and draw the right conclusions.

  1. The focus is on the client's business, not your business.

This basic principle work, not a way to make a profit. Once you start working with wholesale, concentrate on the trade of your customers. Think about how to increase the sales volume of your partner’s company, which product is in greatest demand, and how to increase the profitability of the enterprise. While your partner is afloat, you are also on the crest of the wave.

  1. Compliance with the rules of working with distributors.

It is very important to properly build interaction with dealers - so that this does not interfere with working with ordinary customers. Decide what is your priority: retail trade or representative services. Often it is worth closing your own retail and stop giving discounts to intermediaries. In other cases, the emphasis should be on your own implementation - if resources allow.

  1. Creating interesting offers.

The company's pricing policy and its bonus system should work for long-term cooperation, and not for one-time transactions.

  1. Monitoring.

Constantly analyze competitors' offers. Clients who have previously used their services will help you with this.

  1. Working with transport.

Create your own logistics department. This will give you a huge advantage over your competitors - you will be able to ensure uninterrupted delivery of goods. Of course, at the first stage you will have to incur significant losses, but after a short time they will pay off handsomely, helping to increase the sales level of the enterprise.

  1. Constant search for new clients.

The main goal of a store selling by the piece is to make a profit. Most often, such companies are open to offers that promise additional income. Of course, there is a risk that you may lose your regular buyer, who was lured away by competitors. On the other hand, there is a high probability that you will be able to offer more favorable conditions. Therefore, do not stop looking for new consumers, even if the enterprise is already operating at full capacity.

  1. Personnel training.

The volume of trade largely depends on the person selling the product or service. It is necessary to place emphasis on selecting a staff of competent specialists and training them. However, participation in many master classes, seminars and trainings is by no means an option. You need to understand which of the activities is most effective and choose it. Teach employees to show off the product, emphasizing its advantages and not dwelling on the inevitable shortcomings. Professionalism of the staff - The best way increase sales levels.