Organization of labor of workers at retail enterprises. Features of the work of trade workers and the tasks of its organization in the store

The organization of work in a store must be focused on the implementation of a complex of organizational, technical, economic and sanitary-hygienic measures that make it possible to rationalize the trade and technological process, more efficiently use retail and other space, create favorable working conditions and, on this basis, ensure high level trade services to the population.

There are individual and team forms of labor organization. With an individual form of labor organization, a store employee is employed in a certain area of ​​the trade and technological process, he is assigned personal responsibility for the safety of inventory, customer service, etc. The brigade form of labor organization involves the unification of workers into teams within a department, section and etc. They bear overall responsibility for the results of the work. The Home Goods store has a team form of labor organization. In this regard, a rational division of labor among store workers is of fundamental importance. It provides for a more appropriate placement of workers to perform trade and technological operations, a clear definition functional responsibilities every employee. The main forms of division of labor in a store are: functional, product-industry and qualification.

Functional separation involves the separation of individual functions and the allocation of workers to perform them. Taking this feature into account, all store personnel are divided into three categories: managerial, main or trade and operational, and auxiliary.

Management personnel consists of workers who provide management of trade, technological and labor activities. This includes: director (manager), deputy director (manager), administrator, merchandise manager, sales manager, heads of commodity departments, senior accountant, accountants, cashiers, etc.

The general management of the Household Goods store is carried out by the director, who also manages planning and economic work, recruits personnel and organizes their professional development, ensures labor protection, safety equipment and fire safety. Subordinate to him are services specializing in labor issues and wages, accounting and money.

Deputy director manages the store commercial activities, he is responsible for the organization of technological operations and economic maintenance.

The accounting apparatus receives commodity and cash reports from financially responsible persons, checks and processes them, takes into account funds and bank loans, and also performs other accounting operations.

The administrator monitors the state of product display and advertising design of the sales area, compliance with trade rules, makes decisions on customer complaints, etc.

Managers perform the main functions in the field of commercial work and trade organization. These include researching the population’s demand for products, concluding contracts with suppliers and monitoring their implementation, preparing claim materials, monitoring the condition of inventory, checking the properties of products and compliance with their storage conditions. They also organize the delivery of products to the store, implement modern methods sales of products, etc.

Heads of commodity departments organize the work of their own departments, monitor the maintenance of inventory at a certain level, draw up requests for the import of goods, accept goods in quantity and quality, ensure the safety of inventory, and perform other functions related to the work of the departments. The main (trade and operational) personnel are sellers, controllers-cashiers, i.e. workers engaged in servicing customers in trading floor.

The responsibilities of sellers include preparing and cleaning the workplace, checking the functionality of trade equipment and tools, replenishing working inventories, cleaning containers, maintaining proper sanitary conditions, preparing goods for sale, customer service, accounting for unsatisfied demand, etc.

The cashier prepares workplace to perform settlement transactions (checks the serviceability of the cash register, records meter readings, receives small change, etc.), carries out settlement transactions with customers, delivers proceeds, etc.

Support staff provide service to core staff and also maintain the store in proper sanitary and hygienic condition. This category includes workers, junior service personnel(cleaners), packers, electricians, technicians, etc.

The division of labor based on qualifications is based on the distribution of responsibilities of store employees in accordance with their qualifications. The ratio of the number of sellers of various qualifications in a retail trade enterprise depends on the range of products sold. Since a huge share of the turnover is occupied by goods of complex nature, the number of highly qualified sellers should be greater.

1. Labor processes in a trading enterprise, their meaning and content

Labor processes performed by trade workers have their own characteristics. GOST “Trade. Terms and Definitions" gives the following definition of trade technology: "a set of parallel or sequential operations and procedures in the sale of goods and the organization of goods distribution using certain means and methods." In trade, technology includes operations for delivery, acceptance, checking quantity and quality, storing goods in a store, preparing for sale and the sale itself. The specificity of technological processes in trade is that here the product is not only brought from production to the buyer, but its form of value is also changed as a result of sale to the consumer./3, p. 87/.

Thanks to a number of production operations performed in trade (refinishing, packaging, packaging, transportation), labor in trade creates new value and acts as productive labor. At the same time, due to the objectively inherent functions of trade associated with a change in forms of ownership, labor is a source of various types of services provided to the buyer when selling goods. The main purpose of trade is to provide services to producers and buyers, as a result of which labor processes are carried out. Thus, the end result of the labor of sales workers is not a product, but a service. At the same time, the share of services in the labor of trade workers is constantly growing due to the transfer of direct production operations to the production sector.

For the most part, trading enterprises are relatively small, a deep division of labor is impractical in them, and the use of high-performance machines and mechanisms is difficult.

As in any other industry, in trade total costs are divided into the costs of living and material labor. Living labor associated with a change in the form of ownership accounts for about a third of the labor costs of trade workers. At the same time, the share of living labor in retail trade is much higher than in wholesale trade, which is due to the very nature of the trade and the level of mechanization of labor processes. In retail trade, where the service process ultimately ends with the buyer, the share of living labor is higher. IN wholesale trade Due to the peculiarities of the trade and technological process, there are more opportunities for the introduction of mechanization means and the share of materialized labor is higher.

An important feature of the structural composition of labor resources in trade is that more than 85% of their total number are women, and among sellers their proportion is even higher. This puts forward a number of specific social problems facing the industry, among them, first of all, the need to reduce the share manual labor and an increase in funds for the social needs of the team.

The work of trade workers is characterized by high tension. This applies, first of all, to employees of trading floors - sellers, cashiers, and cashier controllers. The seller is always in sight, he must be friendly, follow the culture of speech, appearance, manners. The most physically demanding work is that of salespeople. This especially applies to the work of food and beverage sellers. household goods. The physical load on one grocery store salesperson per shift sometimes reaches 900 kg, and when performing loading and unloading operations to move cargo - 1200 kg.

The work of a cashier controller is characterized by neuro-emotional tension due to the need for the process labor activity come into contact with a large number of people with varying communication skills. Within an hour, a cashier-controller can serve up to 100 people.

The source of the load is also a significant strain on memory and attention, the specifics of working with material assets, and the monotony of work. The work of a cashier-controller, like a salesperson, is characterized by uneven distribution of workload during the working day and week due to fluctuations in customer flows. At the same time, fluctuations in the number of customers served during peak hours can reach 50% of the average hourly load. In some cases, during peak hours the load can be 70-75% of the total load for a shift.

In trade, summary recording of working hours is used. An analysis of the performance of salespeople showed that by the end of the working day, production begins to fall sharply due to fatigue (up to 30-40%), and this occurs during peak hours, when most enterprises finish work and the number of buyers increases.

Mostly women work in trade. At the same time, goods arrive in packaging that significantly exceeds the maximum permissible loads when lifting and moving things manually. Cereals, flour, sugar are supplied in bags weighing up to 50 kg, herring - with a capacity of up to 50-100 kg, vegetable oil– up to 200 kg, toothpaste– 50-60 kg each.

Therefore, within social development At the enterprise, it is advisable to provide for measures to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards and safe labor standards./4, p. 158-159/.

The number of employees and the structure of the store staff depend on the type of enterprise and the size of its retail space, volume, conditions and mode of operation, methods of selling goods, the number of jobs and other indicators that affect the labor intensity of the work performed.

Due to this great value has a rational division of labor for store workers. It provides for the most appropriate placement of workers in trade and technological operations, a clear definition of the functional responsibilities of each employee. The main forms of division of labor in a store are: functional, product-industry and qualification.

Functional separation involves the separation of individual functions and the allocation of workers to perform them. Taking this feature into account, all retail personnel trading enterprise is divided into three categories: managerial, main, or trade and operational, and auxiliary.

The management staff consists of workers who provide management of the trade, technological and labor process. This includes management, engineering and technical workers and employees - director (manager), deputy director (manager), administrator, commodity experts, section heads, senior accountant, bookkeepers, cashier, etc.

The general management of the store is carried out by the director (manager), who also manages planning and economic work, recruits personnel and organizes their professional development, ensures labor protection, safety and fire safety, and organizes the implementation of orders of shareholders. The services dealing with issues of labor and wages, accounting and finance are subordinate to him.

The deputy director (manager) of the store manages commercial activities, and is in charge of organizing technological operations and business services.

The accounting apparatus receives commodity and cash reports from financially responsible persons, checks and processes them, takes into account funds and bank loans, and also performs other accounting operations.

The administrator monitors the state of display of goods and advertising design of the sales area, compliance with trade rules, makes decisions on customer complaints, etc.

Commodity experts perform basic functions in the field of commercial work and trade organization. These include studying the population’s demand for goods, concluding contracts with suppliers and monitoring their implementation, preparing claim materials, monitoring the condition of inventory, checking the quality of goods and compliance with their storage conditions. They also organize the delivery of goods to the store, implement modern methods sales of goods, etc.

Heads of commodity departments (sections) organize the work of their departments (sections), monitor the maintenance of inventory at a certain level, draw up requests for the import of goods, accept goods in quantity and quality, ensure the safety of inventory items, and perform other work-related functions departments (sections).

The main (trade and operational) personnel are sellers, cashier controllers, controllers, cashiers, i.e. workers serving customers on the sales floor.

The responsibilities of sellers include preparing and cleaning the workplace (receiving packaging material, checking the functionality of trade equipment and inventory, replenishing working inventory, cleaning containers, maintaining proper sanitary condition), preparing goods for sale, serving customers, taking into account unsatisfied demand, etc. .

The cashier controller prepares the workplace for performing settlement operations (checks the serviceability of the cash register, records meter readings, receives small change, etc.), performs settlement transactions with customers, deposits proceeds, etc.

The inspector checks the grade, completeness, dimensions, performance properties and prices of goods. Performs re-measurement of paid goods, fills out passports for purchased goods, advises buyers, packs and releases goods to buyers.

Support staff provide service to essential staff and also maintain the store in proper sanitary and hygienic condition. This category includes workers, junior service personnel (cleaners), packers, electricians, technicians, etc.

Product-industry division allows store employees to specialize in the sale of individual or several product groups. This contributes to a deeper study of the range of products, more qualified and productive customer service.

The division of labor based on qualifications is based on the distribution of responsibilities of store employees in accordance with their qualifications. Rational use qualified personnel has a beneficial effect on increasing the level of customer service. So, taking into account the qualifications of sellers, they are divided into the first, second and third categories. At the same time, the seller of the first category performs more complex work, it is responsible for more responsible functions related to customer service. There are corresponding differences in the scope of responsibilities, as well as in the functions performed, between sellers of the second and third categories.

The ratio of the number of sellers of various qualifications in a retail trade enterprise depends on the range of goods sold. So, than a large share In trade turnover, goods that are complex in nature are occupied by goods, so larger number The store must have highly qualified salespeople on staff.

One of important conditions The division of labor is its cooperation, which is expressed in the combination of professions, specialties and functions by store employees. This allows store staff to be more fully and evenly employed during the working day and speed up the process of serving customers. As a result of labor cooperation, the professional level of store workers increases, they acquire additional skills and knowledge.

The level of labor cooperation in each specific store is established taking into account the store’s operating hours, forms of labor organization and financial liability based on studying the degree of workload of workers and identifying free time during the working day./4, p. 286-289/.

In addition, to improve customer service, it is of great importance for sellers to master additional specialties, which should occur on the basis of the skills and techniques they have already acquired. Thus, it is easier for a seller of garments to master the specialty of a seller of outer and lower knitwear, for a seller of radio products and televisions to master the specialty of a seller of film and photo goods, etc.

In addition to full combination of positions, store employees, in parallel with their main job responsibilities, can perform individual functions related to other professions (positions). For example, department heads must participate in customer service, salespeople must perform auxiliary work during forced breaks in their main work, etc.

The division and cooperation of labor in a store must be carried out taking into account the type and size of the enterprise's retail space, the methods used for selling goods, the size and structure of turnover, the methods used for additional customer service and other operating conditions of the store. However, measures for the division and cooperation of labor should not be accompanied by a deterioration in the quality of customer service and working conditions for store employees.

Improving labor techniques and methods greatly contributes to increasing the productivity of trade workers. Labor methods should be understood as a set of labor actions, aimed at performing operations that are repeated in a certain sequence and connected by a single purpose. Labor method is a way of carrying out the labor process. The techniques and labor methods used depend on the range of goods sold, the qualifications of workers and other factors. Improving work techniques and methods should be accompanied by reducing time spent on labor operations, ensuring labor safety, and achieving maximum content of work. It should help reduce the time spent serving customers and worker fatigue.

The quality of customer service is significantly influenced by the qualifications and general educational level of store employees. Therefore, one of the areas for improving the organization of work in a store is training and advanced training of personnel. With the improvement of the qualifications and general educational level of employees of retail trade enterprises, their labor productivity and culture of customer service increase, and the level of labor costs in trade decreases. A qualified employee quickly masters advanced labor methods, spends less time performing individual operations, and manages to serve more customers than an employee with lower qualifications.

Buyers are also encouraged to comply with the requirements of technical aesthetics when organizing workplaces and interior design, as well as strict adherence to sanitary and hygienic working conditions. Stores must have the necessary sanitary facilities and utility rooms. The productivity of store workers and the quality of customer service are significantly...

Display counters, hangers, tables, etc., as well as end shields for display cabinets, island display cabinets, and wall cabinets. Organization and technology of retail sales of goods Sale of goods is the final stage of the trade and technological process in a store. The operations performed at this stage are the most responsible, since they are associated with direct customer service. Character and...

company system, then it is better to place it either on a corporate server in local network, or on a remote server with a permanent communication channel. Online stores can sell anything. 2.Organization of the activities of electronic stores. Before you start selling through an electronic channel (Internet), you need to think about how the consumer will access the goods, ...

Store premises, trade and technological equipment, labor and ultimately create conditions to ensure high quality customer service. The organization of the trade and technological process of a store should be based on commodity flows. The flow of goods at a retail trade enterprise refers to the movement of goods from the moment of receipt to the delivery of the sold...

Introduction 3
1.1. Organization of financial liability in the store 13
1.2. Working hours and working conditions in the store 16
1.3. Payment and analysis of labor productivity of store employees 22
2. Organization of labor processes in the store 28
2.1. Organizational and legal characteristics of the store, its main economic indicators 28
2.2. Labor organization in a supermarket 30
3. Ways to improve labor processes in a supermarket 39
Conclusion 40
List of sources used 42


The success of any organization is ensured by the employees employed in it. That's why modern concept enterprise management involves separation from large number functional areas management activities one that is associated with the management of the personnel component of the organization - personnel. /1, page 104/

In any organization there is a need to determine the number of personnel, in effective system selection, hiring and placement of personnel, ensuring their employment, taking into account the interests of the company and the employee himself, in the system of remuneration for work based on its results, promotion of employees, system of labor motivation, in taking into account the individual problems of employees.

Increased interest in the human factor in the 60-80s led to the development of the theory and practice of workforce management. It was assumed that the activity labor collective should be aimed at the systematic achievement of the socio-economic goal, which is to obtain high final results while minimizing the costs of all resources, creating a favorable moral and psychological climate, incentives and working conditions that determine its high attractiveness and satisfaction of all team members. /2, Page 9/

The country's transition to market relations radically changed the concept of personnel management, the choice of means and methods for the practical implementation of personnel management tasks to increase production efficiency.

The economic aspect of personnel management, of course, continues to have a decisive influence on the performance of any organization. Associated with it is the determination of the number of personnel, professionally - qualification requirements to him, efficient use personnel by time, qualifications, level of education. However, everything higher value acquires a social orientation in personnel work, a change in the emphasis in personnel policy to take into account the interests of the employee, increasing labor motivation as a condition for higher productivity.

New economic conditions imply the use of not only new theoretical premises, but also new technology the work with personnel itself. In this regard, the role of personnel planning and its information support is increasing.

The introduction of achievements of scientific and technological progress in most cases is determined by the professionalism of the organization’s employees and leads to big changes in a person’s work activity. Training and continuous education of personnel is becoming increasingly important. Old jobs are abolished and new jobs are created, which, on the one hand, contributes to the growth of unemployment, on the other hand, there is a shortage of qualified personnel who meet the requirements of new technologies.

And therefore, an important place in efficient work The store is focused on the correct, optimal organization of labor processes.

The organization of labor in a store should be aimed at implementing a set of organizational, technical, economic and sanitary-hygienic measures that make it possible to rationalize the trade and technological process, make more efficient use of the trade and technological process, make more efficient use of retail and other space, equipment and store personnel, and create favorable conditions labor and on this basis provide a high level of trade services to the population.

The object of this study is Zvezdny Supermarket CJSC.

The subject of this study is the organization of labor processes at Zvezdny Supermarket CJSC.

The purpose of this work is, taking into account modern principles and approaches to organizing labor processes and the specifics of working with store personnel, to determine the main directions for improving the system of selection and hiring of personnel for the Zvezdny store and give practical recommendations for its optimization.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Consider theoretical aspects labor organization of store workers;

Analyze the specifics of working with the staff of the Zvezdny store;

Consider the main directions for improving the organization of work for employees of the Zvezdny store.

Research method - comparative analysis based on the author’s personal acquaintance with this trade organization and financial statements for 2001.

1. Labor processes in a trading enterprise, their meaning and content

Labor processes performed by trade workers have their own characteristics. GOST “Trade. Terms and Definitions" gives the following definition of trade technology: "a set of parallel or sequential operations and procedures in the sale of goods and the organization of goods distribution using certain means and methods." In trade, technology includes operations for delivery, acceptance, checking quantity and quality, storing goods in a store, preparing for sale and the sale itself. The specificity of technological processes in trade is that here the product is not only brought from production to the buyer, but its form of value is also changed as a result of sale to the consumer./3, p. 87/.

Thanks to a number of production operations performed in trade (refinishing, packaging, packaging, transportation), labor in trade creates new value and acts as productive labor. At the same time, due to the objectively inherent functions of trade associated with a change in forms of ownership, labor is a source of various types of services provided to the buyer when selling goods. The main purpose of trade is to provide services to producers and buyers, as a result of which labor processes are carried out. Thus, the end result of the labor of sales workers is not a product, but a service. At the same time, the share of services in the labor of trade workers is constantly growing due to the transfer of direct production operations to the production sector.

For the most part, trading enterprises are relatively small, a deep division of labor is impractical in them, and the use of high-performance machines and mechanisms is difficult.

As in any other industry, in trade total costs are divided into the costs of living and material labor. Living labor associated with a change in the form of ownership accounts for about a third of the labor costs of trade workers. At the same time, the share of living labor in retail trade is much higher than in wholesale trade, which is due to the very nature of the trade and the level of mechanization of labor processes. In retail trade, where the service process ultimately ends with the buyer, the share of living labor is higher. In wholesale trade, due to the peculiarities of the trade and technological process, there are more opportunities for the introduction of mechanization and the share of materialized labor is higher.

An important feature of the structural composition of labor resources in trade is that more than 85% of their total number are women, and among sellers their proportion is even higher. This raises a number of specific social problems for the industry, including, first of all, the need to reduce the share of manual labor and increase funds for the social needs of the team.

The work of trade workers is characterized by high tension. This applies, first of all, to employees of trading floors - sellers, cashiers, and cashier controllers. The seller is always in sight, he must be friendly, monitor his speech culture, appearance, and manners. The most physically demanding work is that of salespeople. This especially applies to the work of sellers of food and household goods. The physical load on one grocery store salesperson per shift sometimes reaches 900 kg, and when performing loading and unloading operations to move cargo - 1200 kg.

The work of a cashier-controller is characterized by neuro-emotional tension, caused by the need in the process of work to come into contact with a large number of people with varying communication skills. Within an hour, a cashier-controller can serve up to 100 people.

The source of the load is also a significant strain on memory and attention, the specifics of working with material assets, and the monotony of work. The work of a cashier-controller, like a salesperson, is characterized by uneven distribution of workload during the working day and week due to fluctuations in customer flows. At the same time, fluctuations in the number of customers served during peak hours can reach 50% of the average hourly load. In some cases, during peak hours the load can be 70-75% of the total load per shift.

In trade, summary recording of working hours is used. An analysis of the performance of salespeople showed that by the end of the working day, production begins to fall sharply due to fatigue (up to 30-40%), and this occurs during peak hours, when most enterprises finish work and the number of buyers increases.

Mostly women work in trade. At the same time, goods arrive in packaging that significantly exceeds the maximum permissible loads when lifting and moving things manually. Cereals, flour, sugar are supplied in bags weighing up to 50 kg, herring - up to 50-100 kg, vegetable oil - up to 200 kg, toothpaste - 50-60 kg.

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    1. Organization of financial liability in the store………………………………………………………………………..15
    2. Working hours and working conditions in the store…………………………………………………………………………………………18
    3. Payment and analysis of labor productivity of store employees. Occupational safety……………………………………………………………… .........25
    1. Organizational and economic characteristics of the “Gastronom” store……………………………………………………………………… ………..…………30
    2. Analysis of labor organization in the store……………………………………..33
    3. Ways to improve labor processes in the Gastronom store…. ……………………………………………………………..…... 37


LIST OF SOURCES USED..…………………........….. 41


Information on the structure of trade turnover of OJSC “Trade House “NEMAN” for 2009……………………………………………………………………… ……...43


Information on the structure of trade turnover of OJSC “Trade House “NEMAN” for 2010……………………………………………………….. …………………………44


Time sheet at the Gastronom store………………….45


Special permission (license)…………………………………………..


Opening schedule for the “Gastronom” store…………………………………………………………………… …………………


Certificate of state registration of a commercial organization….


Job description of a store manager……………………………


Working instructions for the seller of the 6th category………………………………………………………


Loader's work instructions……………………………………………………..


The success of any organization is ensured by the employees employed in it. That is why the modern concept of enterprise management involves separating from a large number of functional areas of management activities those that are related to the management of the personnel component of the organization - personnel.

In any organization, there is a need to determine the number of personnel, in an effective system of selection, hiring and placement of personnel, in ensuring their employment, taking into account the interests of the company and the employee himself, in a system of remuneration for work based on its results, promotion of employees, a system of labor motivation, in accounting individual problems of workers.

Increased interest in the human factor in the 60-80s led to the development of the theory and practice of workforce management. At the same time, it was assumed that the activities of the work collective should be aimed at systematically achieving the socio-economic goal, which is to obtain high final results while minimizing the costs of all resources, creating a favorable moral and psychological climate, incentives and working conditions that determine its high attractiveness and satisfaction with it for all team members.

The country's transition to market relations radically changed the concept

personnel management, selection of means and methods of practical implementation

HR management tasks to improve production efficiency.

The economic aspect of personnel management, of course, continues to have a decisive influence on the performance of any organization. Associated with it is the determination of the number of personnel, professional and qualification requirements for them, the effective use of personnel, time, qualifications, and level of education. However, the social orientation in personnel work is becoming increasingly important, changing the emphasis in personnel policy to taking into account the interests of the employee, increasing labor motivation, as a condition for higher productivity.

New economic conditions require the use of not only

new theoretical premises, but also new technology for working with

personnel. In this regard, the role of personnel planning is increasing, its

information support.

Introduction of achievements of scientific and technological progress in the majority

cases is determined by the professionalism of the organization’s employees and leads to big changes in a person’s work activity. Training and continuous education of personnel is becoming increasingly important. Old jobs are abolished and new jobs are created, which, on the one hand, contributes to the growth of unemployment, on the other hand, there is a shortage of qualified personnel who meet the requirements of new technologies. And therefore, an important place in the effective operation of a store is occupied by the correct, optimal organization of labor processes.

The organization of work in a store should be aimed at implementing

complex of organizational, technical, economic and sanitary

hygiene measures to rationalize trade and

technological process, more effectively use the trade and technological process, more effectively use retail and other space, equipment and store personnel, create favorable working conditions and, on this basis, provide a high level of trade services to the population.

The object of this study is the Gastronom store.

The subject of this study is the organization of labor processes in the Gastronom store.

The purpose of this work is to take into account modern principles and approaches to

organization of labor processes and the specifics of working with store personnel, determine the main directions for improving the system of selection and hiring of personnel for the Gastronom store and give practical recommendations for its optimization.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

consider theoretical aspects of labor organization for store workers;

analyze the specifics of working with the staff of the Gastronom store;

consider the main directions for improving labor organization

employees of the grocery store.

The research method is a comparative analysis based on the author’s personal acquaintance with this trade organization.


Labor processes performed by trade workers have their own characteristics. In trade, technology includes operations for delivery, acceptance, checking quantity and quality, storing goods in a store, preparing for sale and the sale itself. The specificity of technological processes in trade is that here the product is not only brought from production to the buyer, but its form of value is also changed as a result of sale to the consumer.

Thanks to a number of production operations performed in trade (refinishing, packaging, packaging, transportation), labor in trade creates new value and acts as productive labor. At the same time, due to the objectively inherent functions of trade associated with a change in forms of ownership, labor is a source of various types of services provided to the buyer when selling goods. The main purpose of trade is to provide services to producers and buyers, as a result of which labor processes are carried out. Thus, the end result of the labor of sales workers is not a product, but a service. At the same time, the share of services in the labor of trade workers is constantly growing due to the transfer of direct production operations to the production sector.

For the most part, trading enterprises are relatively small, a deep division of labor is impractical in them, and the use of high-performance machines and mechanisms is difficult.

As in any other industry, in trade total costs are divided into the costs of living and material labor. Living labor associated with a change in the form of ownership accounts for about a third of the labor costs of trade workers. At the same time, the share of living labor in retail trade is much higher than in wholesale trade, which is due to the very nature of the trade and the level of mechanization of labor processes. In retail trade, where the service process ultimately ends with the buyer, the share of living labor is higher. In wholesale trade, due to the peculiarities of the trade and technological process, there are more opportunities for the introduction of mechanization and the share of materialized labor is higher.

An important feature of the structural composition of labor resources in trade is that more than 85% of their total number are women, and among sellers their proportion is even higher. This raises a number of specific social problems for the industry, including, first of all, the need to reduce the share of manual labor and increase funds for the social needs of the team.

The work of trade workers is characterized by high tension. This applies, first of all, to employees of trading floors - sellers, cashiers, and cashier controllers. The seller is always in sight, he must be friendly, monitor his speech culture, appearance, and manners. The most physically demanding work is that of salespeople. This especially applies to the work of sellers of food and household goods. The physical load on one grocery store salesperson per shift sometimes reaches 900 kg, and when performing loading and unloading operations to move cargo - 1200 kg.

The work of a cashier-controller is characterized by neuro-emotional tension, caused by the need in the process of work to come into contact with a large number of people with varying communication skills. Within an hour, a cashier-controller can serve up to 100 people.

The load source is also a significant memory voltage

and attention, the specifics of working with material assets, the monotony of work. The work of a cashier-controller, like a salesperson, is characterized by uneven distribution of workload during the working day and week due to fluctuations in customer flows. At the same time, fluctuations in the number of customers served during peak hours can reach 50% of the average hourly load. In some cases, during peak hours the load can be 70-75% of the total load for a shift.

In trade, summary recording of working hours is used. An analysis of the performance of salespeople showed that by the end of the working day, production begins to drop sharply due to fatigue (up to 30-40%), and this occurs during peak hours, when most enterprises close their work and the number of buyers increases.

Mostly women work in trade. At the same time, goods arrive in packaging that significantly exceeds the maximum permissible loads when lifting and moving things manually. Therefore, as part of social development at the enterprise, it is advisable to provide for measures to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards and safe labor standards.

Job description

The purpose of this work is to take into account modern principles and approaches to

organization of labor processes and the specifics of working with store personnel, determine the main directions for improving the system of selection and hiring of personnel for the Gastronom store and give practical recommendations for its optimization.


1.1. Organization of financial liability in the store…………………………………………………………………………………..15
1.2. Working hours and working conditions in the store…………………………………………………………………………………...18
1.3. Payment and analysis of labor productivity of store employees. Occupational safety………………………………………………………………......25
2.1. Organizational and economic characteristics of the “Gastronom” store…………………………………………………………………………………..…………30
2.2. Analysis of labor organization in the store……………………………………..33
2.3. Ways to improve labor processes in the Gastronom store…. ……………………………………………………………..…...37
LIST OF SOURCES USED..…………………........…..41

In trading enterprises, there are three types of division of labor: functional, product-industry and qualification.

The functional division of labor consists of identifying individual functions performed by workers. On this basis, all personnel of a trading enterprise are divided into managerial, main (trade and operational) and auxiliary. Management personnel, in turn, are divided into managers, specialists and technical performers. Based on their functions and place in the management system, managers are usually divided into linear (enterprise director, manager, section head, etc.) and functional (head of the marketing department, head of the human resources department, etc.). The main job responsibilities of managers of trading enterprises are presented in table. 1.1.

Table 1.1 Job responsibilities managers

Job title

Job responsibilities

Director (CEO)

Strategic planning of enterprise activities.

Organization of work of enterprise departments.

Ensuring that the enterprise fulfills its obligations to the federal and local budgets, off-budget funds, suppliers, buyers and creditors.

Issues of financial, economic and economic activity enterprises.

Distribution of responsibilities in the management apparatus, delegation of powers to other officials.

Organization of work with personnel, issues of personnel motivation.

Organizing control over compliance with safety regulations, legal requirements for the social protection of workers and environmental protection.

Protection of the property interests of the enterprise in court, arbitration, authorities state power and management.

Chief accountant

Formation of an enterprise's accounting policy.

Organization of accounting and reporting.

Carrying out inventory.

Timely provision of necessary accounting information to the relevant authorities.

Control over compliance with the law, timeliness and correctness of paperwork, expenditure of the wage fund, calculation and transfer of taxes and fees, repayment of loan debts.

Conducting an economic analysis of financial and economic activities.

Participation in the preparation of materials on shortages and thefts. Taking measures to accumulate financial resources, interacting with banks to place available financial resources. Management of accounting staff.


Planning of entrepreneurial and commercial activities.

Control over the development of commercial terms of concluded agreements, risk assessment.

Analysis and solution of organizational, economic, personnel and socio-psychological problems.

Selection and placement of personnel, staff motivation.

Organizing connections with business partners.

Market research, analysis of motivation for demand for goods and services.

Head of Marketing Department

Development of marketing policy.

Organization and conduct of marketing research.

Determination of prices for goods and services, discounts, payment terms.

Preparation of proposals for the purchase of goods.

Development of sales forecasts.

Head of section

Organizing, planning and coordinating the work of the section. Participation in the formation of the assortment. Maintaining inventory in the section.

Development and implementation of measures to improve the organization and conduct of trade.

Organization of work with personnel, placement of personnel.

Monitoring compliance with the rules for the sale of goods.

Monitoring compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, labor protection and safety rules and regulations.

Administrator of the trading floor

Monitoring the state of display of goods, advertising design of the sales area.

Checking the quality and safety of goods, expiration dates, removing from sale low-quality goods or goods with an expired sale date.

Monitoring staff compliance with proper quality and culture of service, rules for the sale of goods and sanitary and hygienic requirements.

Monitoring compliance with labor protection and safety regulations, fire safety.

Information from buyers (if necessary) about the consumer properties of goods, prices, assortment, services, and operating hours of the enterprise.

Permission controversial issues with buyers.

Warehouse Manager

Warehouse management for receiving, storing and issuing inventory.

Ensuring the safety of goods, compliance with storage conditions.

Maintaining records and reporting, ensuring compliance with the rules for registration and delivery of receipts and expenditure documents.

Monitoring the serviceability of fire fighting equipment and the condition of the premises, the availability and serviceability of equipment and inventory.

Collection, storage and timely return of containers.

Head of HR Department

Participation in the development of personnel policy of the enterprise.

Determination of current and future personnel needs and sources of its satisfaction.

Selection and placement of personnel.

Organization and conduct of employee certification.

Organization of hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation.

Organization of preparation of documents on pension insurance and assignment of pensions.

Methodological guidance and coordination of the activities of personnel specialists and inspectors.

Monitoring the implementation by heads of departments of legislative acts and orders of the head of the enterprise on issues of working with personnel.

Security social guarantees workers in the field of employment and compliance with employment procedures.

Organization of timekeeping, preparation and implementation of vacation schedules.

Ensuring the preparation of established reports.

Specialists are a category of workers who analyze incoming information, develop technical, economic and organizational decisions. These include accounting employees, marketing department employees, merchandise experts, a human resources inspector, and a legal adviser. The main job responsibilities of specialists are presented in table. 1.2.

Table 1.2. Job responsibilities of specialists

Job title

Job responsibilities



Reception and control primary documentation. Calculation and transfer of taxes and fees, insurance premiums, payments to banking institutions.

Participation in conducting economic analysis of financial and economic activities.

Preparation of data on relevant areas of accounting for reporting. Formation, maintenance and storage of a database of accounting information.

Commodity expert

Monitoring compliance with contractual obligations, receipt and sale of goods.

Participation in the preparation of data for supply claims. Participation in the formation of the assortment.

Monitoring the availability of goods in warehouses.

Participation in inventory taking.

Monitoring compliance with the rules of storage of goods, preparation for sale, preparation of the necessary documentation.

Monitoring compliance with expiration dates of goods and their sales.

HR inspector

Registration of hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation.

Registration and maintenance of personal files of employees.

Filling, accounting and storage work records, calculation of work experience, issuance of certificates. Monitoring the preparation and adherence to vacation schedules. Preparation of documents for the assignment of pensions.

Preparation of established reports.

Legal Advisor

Participation in the development of legal documents.

Providing legal assistance to business units. Informing employees about current legislation and changes in it, consulting employees on organizational, legal and other legal issues.

Participation in the preparation of documents on theft, embezzlement and other violations.

Accounting and storage of ongoing and completed judicial and arbitration cases. Participation in concluding business contracts.

Technical performers include the senior cashier (cashier) of a trading enterprise and the manager’s secretary. The main job responsibilities of these employees are given in table. 1.3.

Table 1.3. Job responsibilities of technical performers

Job title

Job responsibilities

Senior cashier (cashier)

Carrying out operations for receiving, recording, issuing and storing cash and securities.

Maintaining a cash book.

Transfer of funds to collectors in accordance with the established procedure.

Preparation of cash reports.

Secretary of the head

Carrying out work on organizational and technical support for administrative and administrative activities of the manager.

Office work.

Organization of telephone conversations, reception of information.

Drawing up letters, requests and other documents on behalf of the manager.

Preparation of meetings and conferences, preparation of minutes.

Organization of reception of visitors.

The main (trade and operational) personnel include sales floor workers and storekeepers. Their main job responsibilities are listed in table. 1.4.

Table 1.4. Job responsibilities of sales and operational personnel

Job title

Job responsibilities


Preparing goods for sale.

Control over the availability of goods subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity, certificates of conformity or other documents replacing them.

Showing products to customers, demonstrating them in action. Assisting customers in choosing the right products. Calculating the cost of goods, issuing checks.

Timely replenishment of working inventory. Preparing the workplace, obtaining packaging materials, decorating store windows, preparing price tags. Cleaning of unsold goods and containers.

Demand research.

Cashier of the trading floor

Paying customers for goods and services, receiving money, punching a check, giving change.

Refunds for unused checks.

Functionality check cash register, recording meter readings, setting them to zero.

Elimination of minor malfunctions of cash registers. Receiving a small coin.

Counting money and handing it over in the prescribed manner, reconciling the sales amount with the readings of cash counters.

Cashier controller

Receiving goods from the warehouse, checking the quality and quantity of goods sold, the quality of packaging and the presence of labeling. Reconciliation of sales amounts with cash counters. Elimination of minor faults of cash register machines.

Drawing up commodity reports, acts of defects, shortages, misgrading, acceptance certificates for the transfer of material assets.

Participation in inventory taking.

Resolving controversial issues with customers in the absence of the administration.


Reception into the warehouse, storage and delivery of goods, equipment, workwear.

Checking the compliance of accepted values ​​with accompanying documents.

Maintaining reporting documentation on the movement of goods. Participation in inventory taking.


Compliance with the procedure for acceptance and shipment of goods, rules for organizing loading and unloading operations.

Sanitation control vehicle. Ensuring the storage and safety of goods during transportation.

Compliance with labor protection and safety rules, fire safety, and industrial sanitation.

Support personnel include loaders, auxiliary workers, cleaners of retail and office premises, packers, electricians, technicians, etc.

The second type of division of labor - commodity-industry - allows workers to specialize in the sale of goods of certain or several product groups. So, for example, sellers of fabrics, furniture, haberdashery, meat products, groceries, etc. can be identified.

The qualification division of labor implies the distribution of responsibilities in accordance with qualifications. For this purpose, ranks are introduced for core and auxiliary personnel.

Employees of a retail trade enterprise directly involved in trade services to citizens form service personnel. These include: the head of a department (section), a sales floor administrator, a merchandiser, a salesperson, a cashier, a cashier controller, a forwarder, a passenger elevator operator, an escalator attendant, and a hand luggage acceptor.

Working hours of sales and operational personnel

The time during which the employee, in accordance with the internal labor regulations of the trade enterprise and conditions employment contract must perform work duties is called working time. According to Labor Code In the Russian Federation, normal working hours cannot exceed 40 hours per week. Normal working hours are reduced:

for 16 hours a week - for workers under 16 years of age;

5 hours per week - for workers who are disabled people of group I or II;

4 hours per week - for workers aged 16 to 18 years.

The work schedule of employees of trade enterprises must be consistent with the operating mode of the enterprise itself. Employees may be provided with a five-day working week with two days off, a six-day work week with one day off, or a work week with days off on a rotating schedule. To do this, they draw up a schedule for going to work.

The work of the personnel of a commercial enterprise can be organized in one, two or three shifts (for enterprises operating around the clock). Working two shifts in a row is prohibited by the Labor Code. For a store that operates for a long time during the day or around the clock, a tape schedule for opening work can be established, taking into account the intensity of visitor flows.

The time during which an employee is free from performing work duties and which he can use at his own discretion is called rest time.

Types of rest time are:

Breaks during the working day (shift);

Daily (between shifts) rest;

Weekends (weekly uninterrupted rest);

Non-working holidays;


During the working day (shift), the employee must be given a break for rest and food lasting no more than 2 hours and no less than 30 minutes, which working hours does not turn on. The time for granting a break and its specific duration are established by the internal labor regulations of the organization or by agreement between the employee and the employer.

The duration of weekly uninterrupted rest cannot be less than 42 hours.

Employees must be granted annual leave while maintaining their place of work (position) and average earnings. Annual basic paid leave is provided to employees for 28 calendar days.

Working conditions for trade workers

Factors that determine the working conditions of employees of trade enterprises are divided into psychophysiological, sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic, socio-psychological and ergonomic.

Psychophysiological factors include physical and neuropsychic stress, pace and rhythm of work, monotony, volume of information processed, work and rest schedule. According to experts, the degree physical activity trade and operational personnel corresponds to 2-3 points on a six-point rating scale (except for workers in non-mechanized warehouses), dynamic load - 3 points (work standing, walking 5-7 km per shift), and the degree of neuro-emotional load - 4 points on a five-point scale (contacts with other people during the service process and responsibility for material assets).

Working conditions for workers in trade enterprises largely depend on ventilation and heating. Normal air exchange and air temperature must be maintained in the sales area and other premises. Special requirements are imposed on lighting: it can be either natural or artificial, but it must be uniform, sufficiently intense, and not distort the natural color of the goods.

Ergonomic factors include the development of trade and technological equipment in relation to the proportions and sizes of the human figure.

Organization of personnel work at the enterprise

The concept of personnel work includes:

· personnel planning;

· regulation of workers' labor, development of job descriptions and qualification characteristics;

· recruitment and selection of personnel;

· organization of a system of payment and labor incentives;

· professional adaptation;

· optimal distribution of workers by type of activity, taking into account individual abilities and the nature of professional training;

· professional education, training and advanced training of personnel;

· assessment of the work activity of employees.

Workforce planning is the assessment of future human resource needs and the development of a plan to meet those needs based on an analysis of changes external environment enterprises, as well as analysis and forecast of enterprise development.

It is advisable to start regulating the work of employees with an analysis of the content of work, the official delimitation of rights, duties and responsibilities. This information is recorded in job descriptions and qualification characteristics.

Recruitment consists of creating the necessary pool of candidates from which the most suitable employees are selected. The size of the recruitment effort is determined by the difference between existing human resources and future human resource requirements. In this case, factors such as employee retirement, possible staff turnover, expiration of contracts, and expansion of the enterprise’s scope of activity should be taken into account.

Recruitment can be done from external and internal sources. Internal sources include additional work, redistribution of duties, or relocation of an employee within the enterprise. The advantages and disadvantages of internal and external sources of personnel attraction are presented in table. 1.5

Table 1.5 Advantages and disadvantages of internal and external sources of personnel attraction

Benefits of attracting

Disadvantages of Attraction

Internal sources of personnel attraction

The emergence of chances for career growth, which increases the degree of attachment of workers to the enterprise, improves

socio-psychological climate in the team.

Low costs for attracting personnel. Applicants for the position are well known within the company.

Applicants for the position know the company.

Maintaining the level of remuneration prevailing at this enterprise.

Quickly fill a vacant position without lengthy adaptation.

Freeing up positions for the growth of young personnel.

"Transparency" of personnel policy.

High degree of controllability of the current personnel situation.

Opportunity for targeted staff development.

Possibility to avoid staff turnover.

Increasing motivation, degree of satisfaction

satisfaction with work.

Limited options for selecting frames.

The possibility of tension or rivalry in the team if there are several candidates for a position.

The opportunity for the newly appointed person to express personal likes and dislikes


Reluctance to refuse anything to an employee who has extensive work experience at this enterprise.

Additional costs for retraining or advanced training are required.

External sources of personnel attraction

Wider choice.

The emergence of new views, ideas,

aimed at the development of the enterprise.

A new person, as a rule, achieves recognition more easily.

Lack of personal likes and dislikes in the newly appointed leader.

Higher recruitment costs.

Possibility of deterioration of the psychological climate at the enterprise.

High risk.

Poor knowledge of enterprise problems.

Long adaptation period.

Blocking career growth opportunities for company employees.

Increased staff turnover.

Professional adaptation involves familiarizing the employee with his responsibilities, workplace, getting to know the members of the team and the distribution of responsibilities within it. In this case, two directions of adaptation are distinguished: primary, i.e. adaptation of young personnel who do not have work experience, and secondary, i.e. adaptation of workers with experience professional activity. Responsibility for the professional adaptation of the employee lies with his immediate supervisor.

An employee’s work activity is assessed on the basis of information about how effectively he performs the duties delegated to him. One of the ways to evaluate work activity is personnel certification.