Types of services in business. Delivery of food and household goods to villages. Business services include

The service sector is a broad area for business. To correctly determine a profitable niche, it is necessary to analyze key market indicators. According to the State Statistical Service and other official sources, the most in-demand services are those that are in high demand and consumed in the largest volumes in percentage and value terms.

Analysis of the paid services market

According to Rosstat, in April 2016, paid services worth 679.6 billion rubles were provided to the population of the Russian Federation, in January-April 2016. - by 2668.4 billion rubles. The share of expenses for their payment in consumer expenditures of the population in April 2016. Amounted to 22.1%, which is 0.6% lower than in April 2015.

A comparison of data in percentage and in kind (monetary terms) allows us to identify the most popular and profitable services from the point of view of making a profit.

Table 1 Volume of paid services to the population

billion rubles

January-April 2016 as a percentage of January-April 2015

Paid services Total








physical education and sports


health resorts



Price index is not calculated

Source: Federal State Statistics Service

In monetary terms, the leaders are (in descending order): utilities, transport, communications, household, medical, educational, housing.

Current business model: Opening a company for renting handymen, income 1.7 million rubles. in year .

Positive growth dynamics (in descending order) for the period under review have: hotel, physical education and sports, culture, housing, transport, medical.

Thus, transport, housing and medical services are in greatest demand judging by the volume of provision for the reporting period, they have positive dynamics growth and lead in monetary terms.

Communication and public utilities, we do not consider them as profitable areas for business due to the provision they provide to the population specialized organizations, companies and enterprises.

And household ones, as one of the most popular types, judging by the volume Money received for their provision during the reporting period, we will consider in detail in order to identify those that are in greatest demand.

As a result of analyzing data from the Federal State Statistics Service on household services, we get the following picture. In value terms, the leaders are the maintenance and repair of vehicles, machinery and equipment (RUB 22,757.8 million); repair and construction of housing (RUB 18,532.0 million).

Thus, educational services remain; we will consider the demand for them in the context preschool institutions.

Preschool education services: opening a private kindergarten

As can be seen in Table 2, the number of preschool education organizations at the end of 2015 decreased by 0.9 thousand.

And the number of pupils, according to Rosstat at the end of 2015, on the contrary, increased to 7160 thousand from 6813.6 thousand registered at the end of 2014. In addition, the number of new buildings significantly exceeds the number of kindergartens capable of serving them.

This is what the economy of the private kindergarten “Interesting Kindergarten” in Mitino looks like in numbers:

Rice. 1. Economics of the “Interesting kindergarten”.
Source: RBC according to company data

Thus, the initial investment in opening a private kindergarten, including renovation of the premises, rental deposit, purchase of equipment, expenses in the first year of operation before reaching self-sufficiency amounted to 15 million rubles. Monthly expenses in the process of operating activities amount to 2 million 950 thousand rubles, this includes: rent, labor costs, utility costs, food costs, training materials, advertising and marketing. Revenue 3 million 650 thousand rubles, profit before taxes 700 thousand rubles, simplified tax system 15% “Income minus expenses” - 105 thousand rubles, net profit 595 thousand rubles. The actual payback period is 21 months, the planned payback period is 36 months.

Private medical center services

In 2015, the Russian healthcare system, due to the reforms carried out over the past few years, was faced with a completely natural result of the development of the industry. According to a study by the Higher School of Economics, 80% of Russians cannot count on free medical care that meets their needs from the state.

The result of the reforms was: a decrease in the quality and availability of free services, a global reduction in healthcare costs, a decrease in hospital beds by 9.3% on average across the country, a decrease in the number of doctors by 2.2%, and paramedical staff by 2.8%.

Thus, the toll industry medical services is also attractive for investment due to the fact that the state regulates the procedure for including private clinics in the compulsory health insurance (CHI) system. Opening a private medical center is a profitable and in-demand line of business.

In 2015, non-state medical clinics under compulsory medical insurance provided services worth more than 1.2 billion rubles.

According to the general director of the Association of Private Clinics of St. Petersburg, Alexander Solonin, the most popular areas of the industry are gynecology, therapy and dentistry.

Online advertising business

The Russian media industry has been changing its direction over the past few years. Thus, according to the Expert publishing house for 2015, the television advertising market fell by 24% compared to 2014 to 1.7 billion rubles, the radio advertising market decreased by 32% to $189 million.

Online advertising, on the contrary, has a positive trend: the average annual growth rate was 16.2%. According to the PwC forecast, already in 2016, online advertising will leave behind television advertising, reaching $2.12 billion and becoming the new leader in the Russian media market. The main pillar here is contextual advertising - this is exactly the type of advertising that business owners are willing to spend money on during a crisis.

Let's look at how the contextual advertising management business works using the example of the K50 platform, created by young entrepreneurs Stanislav Branovitsky, Ivan Krasnikov, Georgy Ternovsky. This is what the contextual advertising market looks like using the example of the K50 company in numbers:

  • investments in K50 amounted to $0.8 million;
  • K50 turnover in April 2015 - 210 million rubles;
  • K50’s revenue in April 2015 was 2.1 million rubles;
  • K50 service offers 4 products;
  • 2500 registrations in K50 services;
  • 450 active clients use K50 products.

Transport services

According to the Institute of Economics and Transport Development (IEDT), the role of motor transport in the cargo turnover of the Russian Federation has a pronounced growth dynamics. Expert calculations indicate that by 2030, in the total volume of freight turnover in the country, the role of railway transport will fall from 87% to 83%, and road transport will increase from 9% to 11%. The volumes of cargo transportation show the same trends: 20% and 15% for railways and 78% and 83% for road transport. Opening a transport company - promising direction business.

The service industry has always been one of the most common areas to start a business.

And this is reasonable, because money can only be made on what people really need.

Service business is a very broad concept, so everyone can choose a suitable startup to launch.

The main thing is to study the theoretical basis, think through the business plan to the smallest detail and find enough money for capital investments.

But it all starts with an idea (which services are the most profitable for the population to make money from), which will either lead to big earnings or to the ruin of the business.

What does it take to start a service business?

Not every person can engage in business, and even more so if it is associated with the sphere of public services.

If you do not have certain qualities, if you are not ready to work from morning to evening to develop your business in the service sector, if you do not have starting capital, and you don’t know how to handle money at all, then it’s better to look simple work with a stable salary.

Business providing services to the public does not tolerate amateurs, lazy people and fools.

It is not advisable to engage in business in the service sector without:

  1. Education (higher or secondary specialized).
    If you have an education diploma in the field you are going to work in, then your work will be much easier.
  2. Work experience.
    If you don’t understand the business you want to open at all, how can you control the activities of your employees?
    For example, to make a restaurant successful, it is advisable to work in restaurant business at least for a few years. The last option is to thoroughly study the theory surrounding your new business in order to provide the highest quality services to the public.
  3. The presence of such qualities as: determination, efficiency, creativity, perseverance, leadership and others.
  4. Ability to work with numbers and wisely distribute earnings.
  5. Starting capital (or at least 50% of the required amount).
  6. The desire to work hard and persistently, to solve problems before they arise, to manage everything independently, despite the presence of assistants.
  7. Believe in your success.

What business in the service sector is most profitable to engage in?

It is important for every entrepreneur that his business begins to make a profit in the near future after opening short terms became self-sustaining.

This can only be achieved if the services you offer to the population are needed by them.

To launch a profitable and promising business in the service sector, you need:

  1. Study the market: what sells best, what areas are in demand, which companies or stores most often become successful, which ones go bankrupt, etc.
  2. Occupy a free niche, because if you fail, you can forget about profit.
  3. Study the features of your region: rental prices, labor resources, consumables, etc.
  4. Find a business in which the level of competition is not too high, so that you do not have to spend huge sums on advertising and formation competitive advantages.
  5. with specific calculations based on prices in your region.

Based on data for 2015, we can create a chart showing the level of profit in the service sector over the past year:

As we see, the most promising business in the service sector, there is still the opening of beauty salons, private clinics, cafes, restaurants, bars and other establishments related to the field of beauty, health and nutrition.

But it is not necessary to open something so banal, especially since the level of competition in this sector is incredibly high, there is a more original business idea, services to the public - a broad concept.

Business providing services to the public: catering establishments

“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it.”
Robert Orben

Every city already has so many different cafes and restaurants that opening another one may seem like too much of a risky idea.

And yet this business can be made successful if:

  1. Come up with an original concept for the establishment Catering, which will interest customers even before, for example, exotic or national cuisine that is not yet represented in your city, a pancake shop with three dozen types of pancakes on the menu, a sports pub, etc.
  2. Find a room that doesn't require overhaul and doesn't cost too much.
  3. Entrust the designer with the development of an exclusive interior.
  4. Hire a team of professionals (cooks, waiters, bartenders).
  5. Think over pricing policy so that the cost of food and drinks pleases customers and at the same time is not unprofitable for you.
  6. Develop an interesting menu.
  7. Actively advertise your establishment.

A business providing services to the public in the catering sector can be done by opening:

  • restaurant;
  • cafe;
  • dining room;
  • fast food;
  • pancake;
  • pizzeria;
  • coffee shop;
  • snack bar;
  • confectionery;
  • children's cafe, etc.

Ideas for business in the service sector: beauty and health

The sphere of beauty and health brings the greatest profit to entrepreneurs, both in stable and crisis times, because people will never skimp on their health, and women will never skimp on beauty.

If you are looking for an interesting and promising idea for a business and have enough funds, then you can open:

  1. .
    The price list of such an establishment should include not only standard procedures, such as manicure, pedicure, facial and hair care, but also more exotic services: Thai massage, chocolate wrap, hammam, fish pedicure, stone therapy, infrared sauna, etc.
    You should focus on wealthy clients who are willing to spend money on themselves.
  2. A hairdressing salon with a standard list of services in a densely populated area residential area.
    Young mothers, housewives, working women with low incomes do not spend too much money and time on themselves.
    They need classic procedures: haircuts, hair coloring, manicure, pedicure, cosmetologist.
    And it is desirable that all this can be found in the area in which they live.
  3. Cheap, purely men's hairdresser.
    Today, men's hairdressing salons have disappeared from the list of services related to beauty and health, gender boundaries have been erased and representatives of the stronger sex get their hair cut in the same glamorous halls as ladies.
    If you open a truly men's hairdressing salon, then you will not end up with clients.
  4. Tattoo parlor.
    People continue to decorate their bodies with intricate designs, so why not start making a business out of it, especially if there is no tattoo parlor in your city yet.
  5. Private clinic: either a broad profile or a narrow one, for example, a dental, gynecological, office or aesthetic medicine center.
  6. Private laboratory.
    Both the clinic and the laboratory require huge capital to open.
  7. A fitness room or other facility where you can exercise regularly.

Service Business Ideas: Entertainment Industry

The entertainment industry has lost some ground over the past few years due to the economic crisis, but remains a promising service sector in which entrepreneurs with a start-up capital of at least half a million rubles can do business.

Service Businesses to Consider:

  1. Entertainment centers for children.
    This could be an indoor park with attractions, playrooms for children of different ages, a hall with slot machines, a center where children can develop their creativity, play Board games etc.
  2. Sports clubs.
    Billiards, bowling, paintball, rental of bicycles and scooters, riding school and other areas for business are very popular today because they allow you to have a fun and healthy time.
  3. Agency for organizing festive events.
    This service business is most suitable for entrepreneurs from large and medium-sized cities.
    The main thing is to hire talented animators and organizers who are bursting with ideas and are able to make any holiday memorable.

Rental service business

The purchasing power of the population has fallen significantly over the past two years.

Not all people can immediately buy a washing machine or a car after they break down, or buy a set for 50 people if some kind of celebration is planned.

Americans were among the first to understand that it is not necessary to sell what people need.

You can rent this out and make a good business out of it.

The rental service business has not yet been mastered by domestic entrepreneurs, so you must hurry to occupy your niche.

You can rent out anything:

  • wedding, evening dresses and other expensive clothing;
  • decorations;
  • designer accessories;
  • household, office, medical and other equipment;
  • cars;
  • dishes;
  • construction equipment;
  • furniture - and so on.

We provide services to the public and at the same time sell our talent and knowledge

If you have some unique knowledge or rare talent, then you don’t have to work for someone else; you can very well use your advantages by providing services to the public.

Business will flourish if you do something truly promising and profitable, for example:

  1. Repair of clothes, shoes, household appliances, fur products, furniture, cars and other things.
  2. Creation of exclusive clothing, shoes, jewelry, furniture, hats, souvenirs and more.
  3. or main dishes right at home.
  4. Developing interior design or landscape design.
  5. Providing consulting services to the population in the field of law, medicine, education, culture, etc.

To begin with, you can open a small business and not even hire employees (or hire a minimum number of them), and then, having made your company self-sustaining and realizing that you are on the right track, expand it.

In the video below you will find tips,

how to open a service business:

Business providing services to the public can be based on original ideas

If you don’t like any of the proposed business ideas and seem already hackneyed, then you can look for more original startups to launch.

For example, open:

  1. Mobile, which sells its delicate goods each time in a new place and delivers bouquets where the client needs them.
  2. An eco-hotel for a certain category of the population, for example, for newlyweds or for grandmothers with grandchildren.
  3. A company that designs and produces board games.
  4. A car service or car wash that goes to the client’s home.
  5. Free taxis or minibuses, which advertisers pay for placing their advertisements outside and inside the vehicle;
  6. Pet spa and hotel.
  7. A company that breeds and sells pigeons, butterflies and other beautiful animals for weddings and other special occasions.

Well, of course, we shouldn’t forget that service business impossible without sales.

Trading has been one of the favorite activities of entrepreneurs for more than a century.

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1.7 billion people on Earth work in the service sector

Irina Milovanova

Cynological center "Elite"

Despite all the advantages, business in the service sector is far from the easiest.

Of course, working in services is somewhat simpler than in manufacturing: no technological requirements, minimum approvals from regulatory authorities. But if you thought that entry into the service sector is available to everyone, we have to disappoint you: this is far from the case. In order to provide quality service, you need to put in no less effort than in any other field.

The main difficulty in this matter is that in the service sector the influence of the human factor is very strong. Let's face it: if you are a mediocre specialist, or do not know how to politely communicate with clients while providing services yourself, your business will not last long. It will be no less difficult if you hire third-party specialists. It is often quite difficult to select them, and it is not easy to monitor how they perform their duties.

Another disadvantage of working in services is a lot of competition. Where there is good demand and starting a business is relatively easy, you run the risk of encountering a lot of equally resourceful aspiring entrepreneurs. Therefore, in services, more than anywhere else, it is important to find your niche and create a unique selling proposition. Don't be afraid to experiment and do what no one else is doing yet. But do not forget about a sense of proportion: services should remain in demand, and not scare away consumers with their madness.

And of course, due to the great competition in the service sector, it can be quite difficult to “unwind”. This means that it may take long years. But you have to start small: in the most competitive service industries, newcomers are often forced to work for little pay, hoping for good recommendations and the work of word of mouth.

Services in Russia: what should the market expect?

But still, entrepreneurs did not face a decrease in demand for all types of services. For example, pawnshops and microloans have benefited from the crisis.

Things have also improved for most services that ultimately help you save money. For example, companies operating in the personnel outsourcing market are doing great: it is cheaper for a business to hire a third party to perform irregular work, rather than keeping someone on staff and constantly paying him a salary.

The business of helping credit debtors is also experiencing real growth.

All these changes are in one way or another connected with the deteriorating economic situation. At the same time, Russian residents do not expect the economic situation to change soon and are committed to saving. According to the Romir research holding, 11% of Russians intend to save on various expensive services, including those related to treatment or education.

Although education market participants themselves do not notice a significant decrease in demand. For example, the London Express network of foreign language schools noted that the number of students studying has decreased only slightly, and in the future the demand will not drop much: there are more people who intend to get a job abroad or improve their competencies in order to look better on the labor market .

But data presented by the National Agency for Financial Research shows: 48% of Russians save on vacations and vacations, 18% on transport.

From these figures we can conclude that in the near future the demand for services in the field of tourism, car servicing, as well as for expensive and unnecessary services will not grow. Therefore, you need to open a business one way or another related to this type of activity after first weighing all possible risks. Or perhaps it’s worth abandoning this idea altogether and looking around in search of new, more in-demand areas in the service sector.

Dmitry Zasukhin

Legal Marketing Laboratory

With all its features, business in the service sector is now very popular. By opening it, we begin to actively make money on our professional knowledge and skills. All this brings, in addition to income, true joy from work.

In my opinion, narrow specializations will be in demand in the near future. For example, lawyers defending fathers' rights, or food photographers. The narrower your specialization becomes, the easier it is for you to attract clients and find your niche.

Irina Milovanova

Cynological center "Elite"

I believe that small businesses definitely need to work in at least three areas that are close to each other. Then market monitoring will allow us to develop what is in demand specifically in this moment and maintain a stable income.

It is also worth turning your attention to everyday services, which either have not suffered much from the crisis, or, on the contrary, have experienced an increase. At the same time, it is best to work in the economy segment.

The sphere of providing services to the public is an attractive niche to open own business. Centuries-old business practice proves that services remain in demand even in conditions of economic downturn during a crisis.

And if you add some special “zest” to your own business that the consumer will like, a small business can bring a stable and quite significant income.

Any private enterprise requires a competent approach and knowledge of all promotion issues. Often, many beginning businessmen neglect to monitor the pros and cons of their business and make mistakes, slowing down the start and development of their own business.

The consumer services sector has a number of undeniable advantages over other market segments. Even during the war, people did not stop sewing clothes, getting their hair cut at the hairdresser's or washing in the bathhouse. Today, this niche provides a more expanded range, which only adds to the attractiveness of this type of business.

So, its advantages:

  • Starting a business is possible with little or even no investment.
  • Ease of management compared to trade or production.
  • Great opportunities for providing discounts, bonuses, and promotions.
  • Services are able to advertise themselves, which allows you to save on media advertising.

The disadvantages of such a business are insignificant and, most likely, may appear due to the personal incompetence of the entrepreneur himself and his inability to compete. But you shouldn’t forget about them:

  • The appearance of active competitors nearby can bring all initiatives to a standstill.
  • If the service is unknown to most consumers, then it will have to be widely advertised, spending a lot of money.
  • Poor quality of service can create spontaneous anti-advertising.

However, a talented entrepreneur and professional in his field can always turn any shortcomings of a business into advantages and make them work “for themselves.” But to become such an entrepreneur, you need to have a really good understanding of the field of activity and the target audience for which the project will be created.

You can learn how to start your activity in this area from the following video:

Options for effective directions

It should be noted that you can open your own service business from scratch without major investments, opening an office or creating a staff.

The most successful entrepreneurs at the start of their business become an employee, an accountant, and a director all rolled into one. This move allows you not only to save on investments, wages and other expenses, but also to “grope” for the prospects of a given direction.

Repair and finishing

All people periodically need repairs to their apartments and houses, electrical wiring, sewer and water supply networks, as well as household appliances. If you are a professional in this field, why not offer your services.

All you need at the first stage:

  • Placing advertisements in newspapers and the Internet.
  • Tool.
  • The phone number that clients will call.

Active advertising in the form of a small module in a newspaper of free advertisements may be needed only at first, and then your clients will be friends and acquaintances of those for whom you have already made a high-quality apartment renovation or replaced the electrical wiring.

Subsequently, you can assemble a team and apply for larger projects.


This service is in great demand in major cities. Anything can be delivered to the client's address:

  • Flowers.
  • Food (pizza, sushi, grocery items from the supermarket).
  • Tickets to the theater, circus, museum.
  • Medicines from the pharmacy.
  • Alcohol.

At the initial stage, you can do without any investment at all by introducing yourself in leaflets printed on your home printer. Leaflets can be posted on the entrances of houses so that residents can find your phone number at any time, remembering that it is possible to order delivery.

For the project you will need a car. If you have it, that's half the battle. Next, it would be a good idea to enter into agreements with small cafes, pizzerias, and Japanese cuisine studios that cannot afford to deliver food to people on their own.

Nanny or caregiver

Today, having a pedagogical or medical education, few people want to go to work in a kindergarten or clinic because of the low salary. If you are knowledgeable in this area, then an agency providing such services can become a profitable business.

True, here it will be especially necessary be meticulous in recruiting personnel, because this is exactly the type of activity when a poorly provided service will quickly create anti-advertising for your project. Trusted employees can be found at their previous place of work in their specialty or through recommendations.

Taxi service

Even if your city already has several services, yours, with the right approach, can become the most successful. In this project, everything depends on the cost and quality of the service.

If your taxi arrives very quickly and the cost of the trip is low, customers will prefer to use a new operator, forgetting about the one they used before. In addition, services that award clients bonuses for each trip are in great demand.

To organize such a project you will need:

  • Office.
  • Dispatchers.
  • Computers equipped with headphones with a microphone.
  • Software.
  • Car park.

In fact, everything is much simpler than it might seem. Renting an office can be inexpensive, because all you need is a small space on the outskirts of the city, and not in a large business center. Dispatchers can be hired under an agreement with the employment center and receive a good percentage for their employment.

The software can be purchased via the Internet; as a rule, sellers also provide remote installation.

To open a taxi service completely it is not necessary to buy a whole fleet of cars. In any city there are always many drivers with personal cars who are ready to earn extra money as a taxi driver. Offer them profitable terms and install your software on their smartphone.

Cell phone repair

Most of us can no longer imagine how it was possible to exist without a mobile phone just a couple of decades ago. Therefore, problems with your phone can be very upsetting and disrupt your usual way of life. Of course, the stores have cell phone models for every choice. But do you always have the funds to purchase a new device?

Phone repair is a profitable business. Often in shopping centers you can see how people approach the counter installed in the aisle and receive a repaired mobile phone or hand over a broken one for repair. Everything you might need:

  • Receipt and delivery point.
  • Accessories.
  • Advertising on social networks and local newspapers.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to purchase a large number of spare parts at once. If fixed time Repair time is 3-4 days, then you can purchase the necessary spare part after finding out the cause of the problem.

Photo printing

Almost all people have cameras and mobile phone cameras, and most of them love to take photographs. But not everyone has the opportunity to capture a significant moment in life or just a successful photo on paper. Small points of instant photo printing, located in different parts of the city in shopping centers, take up little space, but bring good income to their owners.

All that may be needed at the initial stage is space rental, printer, computer and photo paper. Additional profit for the service can come from the sale of related products - photo frames, albums, souvenirs, as well as printing on dishes, T-shirts and artistic photo printing.

Marriage Agency

Many people cannot find their soulmate on their own, and you can help them with this. Good marriage agencies are always in demand and bring good profits with small investments.

To open such a business, you will need a well-designed premises, where a person would feel comfortable when he comes to it. Active work on social networks will help to collect a detailed database of brides and grooms. And all that is required of you is to receive applications, process them and offer clients suitable options. And every newly created couple in love is your profit and salary.

How to choose the right option?

The choice of idea for starting a business depends on many factors that can make the business you start successful and highly profitable.

  • First, assess your level of competence in the chosen area. If you are not good at it, consider whether it is worth opening such a project.
  • Secondly, try to calculate how popular the service you offer may become. If there are already several similar organizations in the area where you are planning to open your business, you may not be able to “outrun” existing competitors.
  • Third, assess the risks. You must determine exactly why clients will come to you and not to a competitor, what you can offer them, and why your service will be better.

If all your questions receive only positive answers, feel free to start your own business. And remember that only high-quality provision of services will help you achieve success in the service sector.

You have decided to open a profitable business from scratch. An important factor minimizing risk is payback. Return on investment, repayment of costs and increased profitability of the project. The service sector meets the requirement for a quick return on investment. 90% of the resources spent by an enterprise are the knowledge and time of employees. Or a self-employed specialist working in a home or rented office.

A business based on services to the public or for legal entities requires a special approach in the fight against competition. Attracting new customers and saving your advertising budget. Read the article to the end. We have prepared for you 40 ideas for a profitable business with minimal investment. Follow the links to related materials. Get more information to start your business tomorrow.

Who is this article suitable for?

You can work for yourself, rather than for hire, at any age. When you decide to take a step towards change, you take advantage of an enviable perspective. Exit to new level as a self-employed professional.

Service business ideas are suitable:

  • People with higher and secondary special education those seeking to apply the acquired skills independently;
  • Students who do not want to work for their “uncle”, live on a scholarship and burden their relatives;
  • Employed, as a part-time job with the prospect of replacement;
  • For beginning entrepreneurs with small start-up capital;
  • People without education or inclined to work outside their specialty;
  • For existing businessmen who want to expand their business into new and related areas;
  • Specialists who are ready to use knowledge and experience to develop their own business;
  • For able-bodied retirees who have a craving for action and conquering new heights.

A university graduate expects to take a position with a decent salary. In 2018-2019, there is an oversupply of applicants. Demand exceeds supply. Going into business turns a former student into an employer. The service sector allows you to work independently and reduce cost items to a minimum. Serving the population and legal entities is distinguished by a low investment threshold and quick payback.

Professional education allows you to work in your profession. Apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Among legal entities, accountants, financial consultants and lawyers are in enviable demand. The population needs craftsmen who provide household services.

Lack of education or the desire to realize oneself in other areas does not exclude prospects for development in the service sector. Tutors, nannies, caregivers, and other hourly paid professionals will find grateful clients.

Popular areas of profitable small business

According to statistics, 5 areas are in enviable demand in the areas of trade and services. Growth trends in 2018 promise continued interest in 2019.

  • Mobile (mobile) enterprises - performers who are ready to come to the customer - are especially popular.
  • Business for children - the budget of preschool institutions and schools continues to decline. Parents' expenses increase by 7-13% annually.
  • Mediation - take advantage of the experience of Uber, Avito, Vamdodoma and others successful companies. Create your own business based on saving time and automating routine processes.
  • Online training saves time and money on advanced training, education and motivation of employees. The indicator of demand for services is enviably stable.
  • B2B collaboration – independent contractors, outsourcing firms, freelancers. Companies and individuals help free up time and automate business processes at an affordable price.

How much money do you need to open from scratch?

The service sector provides an opportunity to earn money without making large investments. Expend intangible resources. Work at the customer’s site, at home, in a cafe or office. The company's turnover, employment and the number of regular customers do not influence the choice of an entrepreneur.

To determine the level of start-up costs, we recommend drawing up a business plan. Write down approximate expense items on a piece of paper. Rank the data in order of importance. Consider reducing volumes before taking action. Please pay attention Special attention budget for advertising and promotion.

We recommend that you read the article on promoting services on the Internet. Using the resources of the World Wide Web will significantly reduce costs.

Why should a service business be opened without delay?

Time, a non-renewable resource. It cannot be bought or stopped. Replenish losses from another source. Small businesses and small companies form the basis of the country's domestic economy. According to official data, more than 73% of enterprises have up to 15 employees. A gentle form of taxation will be an advantage in developing your own business. Make the years work for yourself, you deserve financial freedom and independence.

40 business ideas with minimal investment

The list includes areas of services for the population and for business. The latter is overwhelmingly the case. Servicing legal entities guarantees stability. The contractor helps in optimizing routine processes. Saves management time and money. Companies benefit from keeping in touch with freelancers and partners.

B2B is a business based on the supply of goods and services to other companies. Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. It is distinguished by a steadily growing demand for remote employee offers. The prerogative of cooperation lies in the obligation to conclude an Agreement.

Work with the population is unstable. In 90% of cases, the flow of clients requires the implementation of 1 task without continuing the relationship. Projects of regular customers are extended over time. For example, premises renovation services are characterized by a re-use point after 8 or more months. A legal entity is able to provide the contractor with orders for a year in advance.

Here are 40 service-based business ideas. We recommend writing down several suitable directions for further study and starting your own business without delay. Write your opinions, additions and questions in the comments under the article. We will definitely answer you.

Internet Marketing Company

Online marketing is a direction that requires time and knowledge of the performer. To start, you need a personal computer, smartphone or tablet. Analytical services and specialized software represent main article costs. Study the theoretical foundations of the profession. Try working with the programs in demo mode. The free trial period will allow you to earn money on purchases from your first customers.

Types of business using online marketing services:

  • search engine promotion (SEO);
  • setting up advertising (native, contextual);
  • (SMM);
  • development of design solutions;
  • analytics and strategy development;
  • advertising company assessment, consulting and coordination;
  • writing unique texts (copywriting).

A marketer analyzes the market and evaluates competitors. Develops an online promotion strategy. Draws up a media plan. Determines the advertising budget.

Providing comprehensive solution allows the customer to increase the profitability of your enterprise. Work in one or more areas is not excluded. Specialization in a specific task. Assembling a team of highly specialized workers. The average cost of a large organization for online marketing services is 400 thousand rubles. The time frame for completing the assigned tasks is 1-6 months.

Freelancing or freelance work

Freelancers are self-employed specialists in areas that allow remote work. The area includes content creation, tutoring and consulting, design and accounting. The amount of starting capital is calculated individually. For example, a content manager needs a computer with an office program and Adobe Photoshop. If you have them, you only need to pay for the Internet to get started.

To the number additional costs refers to the fee charged by portals for access to customer projects. The percentage charged for transactions through a secure transaction. We recommend paying attention to the freelance platform and the remote work exchange fl.ru, which occupy leading positions. Create a website or blog to reach your target audience for free.

Conducting research surveys

Customers are interested in receiving accurate data. Maintaining a full-time analytical department is expensive. It is beneficial for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities to turn to outsourcing companies. The contractor searches and compiles information used in creating a business plan. Makes calculations related to investments and time costs. Identifies and interviews target audiences.

The cost of 1 interview costs the company 200-800 rubles. Drawing up a detailed report, more than 15 thousand. Work with a focus group and competitor analysis starts at RUB 100,000. Do you have a craving for organizational activities and are not afraid of routine mathematical calculations? List your idea for a service business as one of the most promising. Consider the direction in detail after reading the article.

Cargo transportation services

Freight transportation is necessary for individuals and organizations. The former use the service to transport things when moving or heavy household appliances. Having recharged yourself with the support of a large goods store, provide yourself with an enviable number of orders. Legal entities need deliveries from warehouses and delivery of products to the client. To implement the assigned tasks, a truck of category C, C1 or C1E is required. A D1 minibus or a car with a trailer is also suitable.

Branding agency

Brand positioning and development increases the sales level of an organization. They are distinguished by the stability of demand indicators over time, after the completion of the advertising campaign. A client portrait is created. We are working with the consumer. Output positive emotions in relation to a specific product or company.

Business services include:

  • Development of a communication strategy;
  • Formation of a brand portfolio;
  • Expertise and consultation;
  • Brand analysis and identification of insights;
  • Defining a client profile;
  • Product usability audit;
  • Working with the target audience;
  • Formation of assortment;
  • Naming and copywriting;
  • Product introduction, stage-by-stage testing.

An in-depth study of the target audience is conducted, including interviews with experts. Opinion leaders are getting involved. Persons who inspire the trust of potential clients. Consumers are segmented by indicators. The work requires mandatory training.

Without a portfolio and practical skills, you can’t count on mountains of gold. Entering the market will take the time needed to develop a base. Testing theoretical foundations in the realities of the market. Are you ready to learn new things and develop 24/7? The average cost of branding services is 400-600 thousand rubles. The minimum package for a professional agency starts from 150,000.

Photo and video shooting

A popular area among individuals and organizations includes individual and subject photography. Creation of photo and video materials for advertising agencies and legal entities. Support of personal and corporate events.

At the start you need: good camera, computer, programs for processing footage. Specialized resources for selling content will be a nice addition. Photos of models performing targeted actions are popular.

Consulting business

Profile education and reliable qualifications allow you to open a consulting agency. Manage a client's startup from inception to profit. Receive rewards at every stage of business formation and growth.

The agency provides services for the development and implementation of investment projects. Conduct marketing research independently or with third-party analysts. Help with planning, strategy, setting goals and objectives. Assist in obtaining state support in terms of financing and establishing benefits.

Computer maintenance and network administration

It is a rare organization that will agree to keep a system administrator and a technician on staff. Services are temporary. The need to maintain a computer network and equipment arises chaotically. Similar demand indicators are observed among individuals.

Offer the work of a network master and debugger with a home visit. Conclude service agreements with legal entities. It will take 3-5 months to gather a client base. The average salary of a self-employed computer scientist is 60-80 thousand. The company's income varies greatly.

Printer repair and maintenance

Servicing copiers, the idea for a service business remains relevant. Printer cartridges have a wear resistance that exceeds the refill capacity. The average cost of an element is 3000 rubles. Refilling costs the customer 3 times less. Offer repairs and support to companies on a long-term basis. Collect a customer base in 3-5 months. Offer repairs to consumables and equipment. Connect delivery and service at the equipment installation site.

Execution of orders

Saving time for a busy person is worth the money. Individuals, individual entrepreneurs and organizations spend resources on minor processes. From going to a cafe for a portion of aromatic coffee to transferring documentation to the other side of the city. Build a business using the services of a personal assistant or personal assistant.

What do executors of orders (private customers):

  • grocery shopping;
  • walking pets;
  • car repair and maintenance (driver);
  • small household tasks;
  • organizing an event (moving, dinner in a restaurant);
  • gift delivery;
  • other assignments with minimal responsibility for the performer.

A woman goes on maternity leave. My husband leaves for work early in the morning and returns late in the evening. A personal assistant will relieve the spouses of going to the store. Will take a forgotten phone to work. On the way back, he will take the customer’s car to the wash. It will help you replace light bulbs in lamps or nail a shelf in the hallway.

Business assignment executors perform tasks of varying degrees of responsibility. A trip to the office supply store burdens you with the safety of the funds issued for purchases. Transferring documents to the customer's office or partner entails serious consequences in the event of loss of materials. Disclosure of trade secrets. Large companies hire assistants on a salary, officially.

Tax consulting

Tax evasion is subject to administrative and criminal liability. The issue of state and municipal fees should be treated with caution. Keep records and make payments in accordance with deadlines. According to the rates for certain types activities. Having a specialized education, a private specialist offers services in combination with accounting or separately. The consultant helps you reduce tax costs legally. Correct mistakes with minimal losses for clients.

Corporate training and consulting in the HR field

Training and motivation of employees is carried out within the competence of the trainer. In practice, the lecturer needs experience in introducing theoretical foundations in 32% of areas. The latter relates to technical and technological topics. HR specialists and psychologists provide consultations on the selection and motivation of personnel.

Train your staff in applied knowledge that you are good at. Come up with a unique program to maintain corporate spirit. Present your training via the Internet, through your personal website or social media. Offer courses personally to the end user.

Audit firm

Are you a chartered accountant or lawyer? Auditing firms help small organizations and large companies. Review documentation and prepare reports. A worthy example of services for business. Outsourcing accounting allows you to relieve the customer's staff. Take over the implementation of routine processes. In addition to consulting duties, auditors offer transaction support. Representation in supervisory authorities and protection of clients' interests in court.

Courier service

The duties of the courier include the delivery and transfer of material items representing information, legal and monetary value. Letters, documents and cargo. The advantage of contacting the service is economic and temporary. Couriers cooperate with express mail operators and enjoy discounts and first-line privileges. They have their own transport for transferring valuables within the territory. A personal manager communicates with a representative of the organization. Liability is insured and limited based on the contract.

Sales and installation of software

Take advantage ready-made solution a major developer or write your own program. The business idea comes in two versions. Mediation and production. The first involves cooperation between companies that hold leading positions in the market. Integration of products of Russian and foreign developers in the areas of accounting and tax accounting. Carrying out sales and service. Ensuring information security.

Open the catalog of software companies, read the offer and terms of representation. Pay attention to young representatives of the field. The right decision would be to join and support a promising startup.

Programming skills allow you to create your own software solution or write custom products for the end user. The average cost of software development is 400-450 thousand rubles.

Organization of exhibition events

Help entrepreneurs make new connections or make extra profits with the help of an event. Exhibition of products, technological, innovative solutions. Conducting an advertising campaign through presentations in retail outlets and crowded places.

With an interest in the topic and organizational skills, you will realize yourself in a profitable business. Find premises, gather and organize the work of staff. Create an event plan. Monitor the exhibition at every stage. The cost of services starts from 100,000 rubles. excluding expenses.

Installation and maintenance of air conditioners

Help private customers and legal entities select the appropriate equipment. Provide advice at the stage of purchase and commissioning. Carry out the installation and sign a contract for scheduled maintenance of the air conditioner. After installing the climate system, instructions are provided.

Business requires technical skills, preliminary preparation, special education. It will be easier for you to open your own business after an internship at a representative office of a specific brand or working in a company of future competitors.

Security services for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. persons

The success of a service business depends on the connections you have. And also information equipment. Databases purchased or obtained through acquaintance. Ensuring security includes personnel screening. Analysis of risks of cooperation with potential partners. Search for listening devices in premises. It is permissible for private individuals to offer a vehicle history check or identification using documents. 9 out of 10 companies consist of former employees ministries and departments.

In addition to the above, there will be cooperation with software developers. Introduction of internal and external security measures. Installation of CCTV cameras and security alarms. The range of services in this area is extensive. We recommend starting with 1 or more directions, gradually expanding the offer.

Business on waste disposal services

Garbage removal and disposal is important for the population and business representatives. Your clients will be owners of private houses, medical institutions, shops and warehouses. The scope of work includes cleaning of cesspools, construction pits, and drainage. Cleaning drains and sewers. Collection and removal of waste of environmental hazard class 1-5, depending on the permits received. Availability of appropriate equipment and maintenance of technology.

Collected waste is taken to special places, drainage stations and recycling fields. To sell a business based on services, registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC is required. Obtaining a license from the Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

Rental of premises for seminars and trainings

Premises and equipment for conducting trainings, presentations of products and services are rented by the hour. You can purchase a property with a mortgage. Transfer to non-residential property is desirable. The cost of the auditorium depends on capacity, comfort and related materials.

The hall is rented for:

  • conferences;
  • trainings;
  • webinars;
  • presentations;
  • seminars;
  • master classes
  • business negotiations.

In order to minimize the costs of starting a business, premises can be subleased. Your partners will be the owners of offices, real estate on the second or more floors of buildings. Hotels and cafeterias. To expand the offer, we recommend including a choice of several options in the service package.

Recruitment consultation

The agency helps with the selection of low, medium and highly qualified personnel. Staffs the enterprise with auxiliary workers (migrants), organizes interviews with applicants. Independently hires workers to complete tasks, controlling the process at every stage. You will need a database of applicants graded by topic and level of training. We recommend choosing a package subscription over purchasing information on local media. Large job portals provide connectivity for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. persons

Business service based on call center services

Make cold and hot calls to the company's target audience. Conduct surveys of potential customers, fill out questionnaires as part of after-sales service. Call center specialists analyze the market, use a negotiation script, and apply psychological triggers to increase efficiency.

The package of services includes sampling by target audience, identifying client pain. Selection of a conversation script based on the data received and the behavior of the group. The work is accompanied by the collection of analytical data. Correction based on the use of lead generation levers. The average cost of 1 call within Russia is 40 rubles. In the case of robotization of the process, when a recording speaks to a potential client, the price is 5-10 times less.

Business on legal assistance services

Lawyers have the right to support the population and legal entities. persons in terms of Civil, Family and Administrative Law. Criminal cases and consultation are available to lawyers. The list of services includes an interview regarding client questions. Drawing up and checking documentation, contracts, contents public offer. Representation of interests and protection of legal rights in courts. Drawing up claims and complaints. Particularly popular is the management of the bankruptcy process for individuals.

Volunteer organization

Collect a base of volunteers to carry out social activities significant works. Register as a non-profit organization. Act on the basis of grants and sponsorships. Your main volunteers will be young people and students. An important question Your company will benefit from your business. Clean water bodies, collect garbage in parks and forests, hold events for children from disadvantaged families. Your actions will help make the world a better place and earn enough to stay motivated.

Organization of sporting events

Another socially significant project and business providing services to the population. Organize events to keep young people busy with useful activities. Negotiate with municipal structures and private investors. For example, hold a race under the banner of a sports shopping center. Proper imagination and love for physical education will allow you to develop a solid platform. Successfully held competitions will launch word of mouth. They will gather like-minded people and regular participants around your company.

Opening of the museum

With a budget of 350,000 rubles, open your own museum. Collect a thematic collection that is interesting to the general public. For example, choosing a school-age audience will allow you to conclude agreements with educational institutions general education. It could be a museum of entertaining sciences or musical instruments. Exhibition of the history of video games. Dolls and toys from the 90s. Only your imagination can limit your options for starting a business.

Book club

Gather like-minded people who love reading new books and discussing what they have read in a group. Participants make voluntary contributions to cover club expenses and pay for the services of the organizer. Formally, the same scheme can be followed when opening circles of other directions. Additional income comes from invitations famous personalities from the world of books. Writers, editors, representatives of large publishing houses. Conducting trainings, lectures and seminars. Sales of books, including rare specimens with the author's signature.

Organization of holidays

The services of an entertainment event organizer are in great demand. The idea is suitable for working with the public and companies. Birthdays, weddings, open-air dances, corporate events and New Year's parties. Choose a specific niche or provide a comprehensive offer like an agency.


Help with mastering a school subject, preparing for the Unified State Exam and entrance exams to a university. Build on education and additional skills. In order to teach a child English it is not necessary to receive higher education. It is enough to take advanced courses. Another area is classes with preschool children. Preparing for 1st grade. For this, experience as a kindergarten worker or graduation from a specialized faculty at a pedagogical institute will be useful.

Lawn mowing

Seasonal services business starts with early spring and ends in late autumn. In addition to cutting the grass, the responsibilities of preparing the area after winter are added. Cleaning leaves and replanting withered areas. Fertilizer application, manual weed removal. Work with private home owners, companies and municipal institutions. The cost depends on the height of the grass and is calculated according to square meters or hundreds. The average rate is 15 rubles/m2. To get additional profit out of season, we recommend paying attention to snow removal services.

Landscaping and landscaping

Landscape architecture involves planning, designing and executing a project. Landscaping is carried out as a package of services or separately. By sowing the area or laying a rolled lawn. Earning decent money takes time and dedication. Completing training and gaining skills in working with specialized visualization programs. Gradually, you will develop a customer base who are ready to provide your business with orders within the season.

Interior decoration

Improvement of residential and commercial premises. Interior design in accordance with the target orientation. The designer’s work includes measuring the object and designing the project in specialized software. Drawing up drawings and sketches. Assistance in purchasing materials, furniture and equipment. Maintenance of repairs, control and organization of work of craftsmen. To start your own business, a higher architectural education will be useful. The cost of work depends on the technical specifications and additional wishes of the customer. Varies from 50 thousand to several million.

Household services and husband's work for an hour

The direction includes a list of types of work and services for the population and business. A comfortable existence at home, in an office, in a warehouse or a store is impossible without water and electricity. It is advisable to place things on shelves rather than throw them on the floor. My husband helps out for an hour with minor repairs, cosmetic and practical tasks. Hang the curtain rod, change the faucet, install a new socket. Major work should be entrusted to a specialized specialist.

Having experience and training allows you to open a business with minimal investment. Work independently or assemble a team of specialists, distribute tasks and monitor implementation.

Delivery of goods from IKEA

A type of highly specialized transport services. Create a website and connect the IKEA product catalog. Deliver orders to the pick-up point or customer's doorstep. Receive 10% of the purchase amount. Successful implementation requires a truck and the willingness to do the work yourself or organize staff. Starting from a popular brand, supplement your offer with products from others. retail chains and production Business is developing successfully in small towns.

Help for car owners

Build a profitable business by helping car owners. Minor car repairs and diagnostics, mobile tire fitting. Car selection, ordering and delivery of spare parts to service stations are gaining popularity.

A private specialist or a group of specialists are ready to come to your address and fix a minor problem. Change the oil, help with tire installation. Connect the control unit and gearbox to the computer to search for errors. Subject to rare restrictions, business has the right to exist. It is actively being implemented in Western countries.

Mobile tire fitting services have been successfully operating in Russia for more than 5 years. Only a few are involved in selecting a used car for individuals and delivering spare parts to service stations. Occupy a vacant niche.

Delivery of food and household goods to villages

Current direction in the field of trade and services. Shop on wheels. Deliver food and household goods to remote settlements. In addition to the necessary ones, it makes sense to grab popular sweets and advertised products. Toys for children. In short, goods that are difficult to get without a long trip to the store.

Profitable business in Russia. Yes it is possible!

Skeptics argue that without attracting large investments, it is impossible to open a business in the country. Western capital accumulates in large enterprises, and meaningful franchises are not available to small businesses. Statistics say the opposite.

According to SMEs, there are more than 6 million companies in Russia. Over 3 million are individual entrepreneurs with a staff of less than 15 people. 2 million consist of micro-companies of legal entities. 74% of enterprises have been on the market for 5 years or more. Profitable business in Russia consists of small companies and activists.

People who are accustomed to relying only on their own strength. Search and find new ways to make a profit. Generate fresh ideas that are implemented with an enviable share of demand when there is a shortage of supply.

We have reviewed 40 areas worthy of your attention. Perhaps you will open one of them tomorrow. The trends for 2018-2019 include self-development, Internet technologies and business process automation. The sphere of trade and services is moving to a new level. Taxis are called through an application on a smartphone. Craftsmen and specialists order landing pages. Collect reviews and generate leads.

Before you start your own business using one of the profitable business ideas, take the following steps. Research the market you are entering. Conduct research based on the experience of future competitors. Calculate your budget.

The next step is strategy. Even a rough business plan is better than no plan at all. Finally, it is worth thinking about attracting additional investments.