How to exercise on a bike to lose weight. Effective use of an exercise bike for weight loss at home

Exercise bike exercises for women are an effective and safe way to lose weight and give your body a slender shape. Training provides intense anaerobic exercise, which supplies the body with oxygen. As a result, calories are actively burned, muscles become elastic.

Regular cardio training strengthens and develops the respiratory system. The exercise machine is an imitation of a bicycle, designed for home or gym use. It activates the muscles of the hips, legs, buttocks, back and abs. The result of losing weight depends on the program, which can be selected for each person in accordance with his physical fitness.

There are practically no disadvantages; exercise can only be harmful if weight loss is ineptly organized. Unsystematic exercise and increased loads lead to disorders of the cardiovascular system and injuries to the musculoskeletal system.


  • severe forms of cardiovascular failure;
  • oncology;
  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiac asthma;
  • thrombophlebitis.

In case of frequent changes in blood pressure, a doctor's consultation is required.

Which is better: a treadmill or an exercise bike?

For those who do not have training experience, it is difficult to choose a piece of equipment based solely on reviews. Figures of women in the photo before and after weight loss classes, as well as comparative characteristics sports equipment makes choosing easier. Exercise machines are not cheap, so before purchasing, it is best to rent the model you like and try it out.

Options Treadmill Exercise bike
Functionality Adjustable mode - depending on the program you select quick step or running at a good pace. The load can be increased by changing the slope of the blade Modern electronic models allow you to change the mode based on heart rate
Uniform – all muscle groups work during exercise. An hour of running burns up to 700 calories Directed - the legs and hips work most actively, the muscles of the back and abdomen are involved indirectly. About 500 calories are consumed per hour
Dimensions Takes up a lot of space in the house. Requires disassembly/installation when moving Looks compact, great for small apartments
Sounds Noisy operation Low noise level
Safety Low – during training of people with large masses, vibration of the simulator is observed. A moving belt increases the likelihood of injury High – minimal risk of damage

Regular training for girls on an exercise bike or treadmill is equally effective way weight loss and modeling beautiful figure. The choice of equipment should be based primarily on the woman’s health status.

Exercising on a treadmill increases the risk of complicating existing joint problems. An exercise bike has a large number of health contraindications. Therefore, if a woman does not have diseases of the musculoskeletal system, then the track is best for losing weight.


  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system - blood pressure is normalized, cholesterol is reduced, and the risk of developing atherosclerosis is reduced.
  • Accelerates metabolism - rapid fat burning promotes effective weight loss.
  • Prevention of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuralgia - correct body position during exercise ensures an even load.
  • Physical hardening of the body - motor activity and endurance develop, the plasticity and dynamism of the body increases.
  • A rehabilitation tool - an exercise bike - is very helpful in recovering from injuries; it is also recommended for people suffering from arthritis.
  • Independence from external factors– since training is carried out indoors, you can lose weight at any time of the day, regardless of the weather.

The result is slender legs, firm buttocks, toned stomach and elastic skin.

How to choose the right exercise bike for your home?

High-quality equipment is one of the components of successful weight loss. They are divided into 4 categories:

  1. Vertical – simulators of track bicycles. Weight loss workouts with legs positioned in a vertical plane allow you to engage almost all muscle groups.
  2. Horizontal – the best option for people with back problems. The horizontal position of the body during exercise promotes maximum unloading of the spine and shows a high result in weight loss.
  3. Portable – folding models, convenient for transportation. It is better to buy for people whose work involves frequent travel.
  4. Hybrid – complex designs with the ability to adjust the chair in vertical and horizontal position. Exercising on an exercise bike is equally effective in helping all family members lose weight.

Training program

Before starting, it’s better to do a light warm-up: breathing exercises, jumping, squats. This warms up the muscles well and prevents sprains. Programs are classified according to the initial level of physical fitness.

1. For beginners:

  • Duration – 30 minutes.
  • Frequency – 3-4 times a week.
  • Pedal speed – up to 50 rpm.
  • Pulse intensity is 60-70% of the maximum age indicators.

Loads are increased gradually, increasing the duration of classes from 10 to 30 minutes. The program lasts 1.5-2 months.

2. For weight loss and keeping fit.

The program promotes effective reduction weight and consolidation of the result.

  • Frequency – 4-6 times a week.
  • Training duration is 45 minutes excluding warm-up.
  • Pedal speed – up to 60 rpm.
  • Pulse intensity is 70-80% of the maximum age indicators.

Classes should not be carried out every day, since the body needs time to recover from stress. The total duration of the weight loss course depends on individual characteristics.

3. For the elderly.

Exercise bike exercises help older people age group not only lose weight, but also solve many problems of the musculoskeletal system. They reduce pain in arthritis, osteoporosis, and inhibit the processes of bone degeneration. According to experts, after regular training, patients sleep better, get less tired, their blood circulation is normalized and their immune system is strengthened.

Classes for older people are conducted in a comfortable manner. It is better to start losing weight with minimal loads, gradually increasing their intensity. Duration – no more than 40 minutes/day, under the supervision of a specialist.

  • To avoid muscle pain and overwork, women are advised to start with 15 minutes a day.
  • For achievement desired result you need to exercise for at least an hour 4-5 times a week.
  • In order for a woman to quickly lose weight on an exercise bike, it is necessary to increase the intensity. For this purpose, a individual plan, taking into account the characteristics of health and lifestyle.
  • Training for girls is recommended to be done in interval mode. For example, alternate 30 seconds of exercise at a fast pace with 60 seconds at a slow speed.
  • To effectively lose weight, it is better to alternate exercises while sitting and standing.
  • It is better to wear comfortable, not too loose clothes made from natural fabrics.
  • You can’t exercise 2 hours before or after meals, medicines, drinking coffee, tea, smoking.
  • To lose weight correctly, you need to follow drinking regime. Volume clean water without gas should be 1.8-2 liters per day.

Sports equipment such as an exercise bike have been used for several decades. Even in Soviet times he was frequent guest gyms and ordinary apartments. But there is still debate about whether it is really effective in the fight against extra pounds.

It is quite obvious that by providing aerobic cardio exercise, exercise on an exercise bike allows you to strengthen certain muscle groups, in particular: calves, thighs, abs and obliques. But with its help, defeat the so-called “ orange peel" and reset overweight Not everyone succeeds. So can this miracle device help overweight people?

Does an exercise bike help you lose weight? Features of operation.

When choosing a weight loss machine, not everyone thinks about the design features and the manufacturer’s recommendations for its use. Meanwhile, each of the projectiles is designed in accordance with specific purposes.

If professional exercise machines installed at sports complexes have the primary task of developing muscles, then exercise bikes used independently at home have the primary goal of burning calories for weight loss. At the same time, “name” manufacturers often accompany their products with instructions for consumers, which indicate the main principles of using the unit to ensure optimal results. Among them:

  1. Regularity of training. Moreover, it is advisable to decide before the start on their time, duration and frequency in order to adhere to the schedule.
  2. Development of a schedule in accordance with the characteristics of the body. Each of the programs, even those that have proven their effectiveness in practice, needs to be adapted for yourself, changing the time, intervals, and load. Experts distinguish two main approaches: short-term daily exercise (for unprepared people) and long-term training three times a week (for those who are active and ready for a heavy load). Please note that when choosing the second complex, you must take 1-2 days off from training to restore the body.
  3. No overload. By trying to increase the time and frequency of exercise, you can get the opposite result instead of a sharp weight loss. The body in a state of stress stops accumulating energy for physical exercise and tries to “save energy” to ensure more important vital functions.
  4. Dieting. This factor is relevant for those who want to not only reduce the size of their waist, arms, hips and remove subcutaneous fat, but also lose weight. After all, when calculating the load, the number of calories received during the day is taken into account. Agree that when you uncontrollably eat high-calorie foods, you must perform excessive loads to burn them.
  5. Changing training modes. The developers recommend alternating the two most simple circuits: uniform and interval load. That is, it is necessary, while maintaining a stable speed, to periodically accelerate and decelerate.
  6. Heart rate control (heart rate, or simply pulse). This is perhaps the most important advice manufacturers, joined by professional trainers and doctors. This tactic allows you to get maximum effect without risk to health, which is also important for those suffering overweight of people.
  7. Using additional fat burning products. Special shorts or a skin-warming cream can enhance the effect of training. But this is not a prerequisite.

How to choose an exercise bike for your home?

A wide selection of equipment, on the one hand, allows you to choose the one that best suits the requirements, and in absolutely any price category, and on the other hand, it complicates the choice for those who know little about the functions, features and modes of modern exercise bikes. The types of projectiles depend on a number of features, the most significant of which are: landing and the principle of resistance.

What seating position should you choose for an exercise bike?

There are two main athlete seating options used in exercise bikes: vertical and horizontal. They differ fundamentally in the load they create on the muscles. Therefore, you should not neglect this parameter when choosing a unit.

The upright position is no different from the standard position that an athlete takes on a bicycle. It increases the load on the spine and back muscles. Its advantage is more calories burned and a more familiar position.

A horizontal position is considered safer because it reduces pressure on the spine and joints. It allows you to practice reclining, leaning on your back. This position reduces the load on the vessels, but is also less effective.

Hence the conclusion: if you want to get maximum efficiency from your classes, then choose the option with a vertical landing.

Types of resistance in exercise bikes.

According to this parameter, mechanical, magnetic and electromagnetic exercise bikes are distinguished.

Mechanical ones can be block or belt. Their main advantage is low cost. The disadvantages are limited functionality and noisy operation.

An average-cost option is magnetic exercise bikes, in which the resistance is provided by two magnets. Among their advantages: more load options, which can be changed by removing or bringing magnets closer together; noiselessness and the presence of a computer that allows you to control the progress of the workout.

Electromagnetic options are among the most expensive models. They allow you to achieve the maximum effect by controlling the progress of the lesson and automatically setting the required load.

Recently, manufacturers have added another version of the exercise bike to their lineup, which is called a bicycle ergometer. It has the greatest functionality, and, by monitoring the main parameters during training, it provides optimal load, taking into account heart rate (heart rate), athlete’s weight and BMI (body mass index). But for now, this type of exercise equipment is not available to ordinary consumers due to its high cost and is purchased only for elite gyms and rehabilitation centers.

To choose the optimal exercise bike model, be sure to also consider:

  • the presence of additional functions (it’s not worth overpaying for obviously unnecessary ones);
  • manufacturer;
  • product quality (try the simulator and computer in the store);
  • size (this factor is especially important for owners of small apartments);
  • the athlete’s nominal weight (if you weigh within 80 kg, choose models with a minimum parameter of ≤100).

Exercise program for losing weight on an exercise bike.

When developing a schedule of exercises whose goal is specifically weight loss, you should pay maximum attention to two parameters: workout intensity and heart rate.

Intensity of exercise on an exercise bike.

The frequency and duration of training for weight loss is as follows:

  • initial stage: half-hour training every other day for 6-8 weeks.
  • transition from the initial to the main stage: training for 45 minutes with a couple of recovery days per week. This intensity is optimal for maintaining the achieved effect and preventing weight gain.
  • intensive mode: hour-long classes with one recovery day per week.

A workout on an exercise bike should always be preceded by a warm-up, including basic stretching elements and a thorough warm-up of the calf muscles.

Optimal heart rate (pulse rate) for burning fat.

During training, it is necessary to monitor your pulse. It must be kept within the minimum and maximum levels. How is this calculated?

Min. level: (220 – your age) x 0.65

Max. level: (220 – your age) x 0.75

For example, you are 40 years old:

Min:(220 – 40) x 0.65 = 117 beats per minute

Max: (220 – 40) x 0.75 = 135 bpm

Those. for a person who is 40 years old, you need to keep your heart rate at 120-130 beats per minute throughout the entire workout. If it is less than 117, then the efficiency of fat burning will greatly decrease, and if it is more than 135, then this is too much, because the load on the heart increases, and you can only harm yourself.

Everyone has heard about how beneficial cycling is. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to do it, so an alternative such as an exercise bike comes to the rescue. Such exercise machines are available in gyms. They are also available for purchase and use at home. If you learn how to properly exercise on an exercise bike, you will be able to lose weight. excess weight, and pump up the muscles in your legs.

First, we need to understand what exercise on an exercise bike provides. Their benefits are as follows:

  • Such activities allow you to lose weight with maximum comfort, in a sitting position. For many people who are quite lazy, this is a clear advantage. Those for whom running is contraindicated can exercise on an exercise bike, as this will not put much strain on the knees. An exercise bike is also suitable for those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system. It can be set to a mode that will be as gentle as possible on the spine.
  • Although when exercising on an exercise bike our position is sitting, nevertheless, this type sports refers to cardio exercises. Cardio exercises make it possible to lose weight. In view of this, cardio training on an exercise bike is a great solution for those who want to lose excess weight. Due to regular classes also you can improve endurance, strengthen the cardiovascular system and respiratory system.
  • An exercise bike wonderfully strengthens muscles, but, in addition, training to the limit of your capabilities, you speed up your metabolism and increase your calorie expenditure. If you exercise regularly, you will be able to lose weight much faster.
  • Training on an exercise bike for men is useful because allow you to pump up your leg muscles. For women, the benefits of this simulator are completely undeniable. For many of them, the most problematic areas of the body are the legs, hips and buttocks. The exercise bike is specifically aimed at training these areas. After exercising regularly for a couple of weeks, you will soon notice that your figure has become more toned and your lower body has acquired an attractive shape.
  • Exercise on an exercise bike for men helps develop strength and endurance. For women, training gives them the opportunity get rid of cellulite.

Exercise bikes are convenient for use at home. They allow you to study at any time convenient for you, they are quite compact and easy to use. In addition, during exercise you can listen to your favorite music or watch TV, which will make losing weight even more enjoyable and comfortable.

How many calories do exercise on a stationary bike burn?

Calorie consumption during exercise is the most popular question, especially among women. It all depends on the pedaling speed. If it is 15-20 km/h, in an hour you can burn about 300-450 kilocalories. Moreover, the more you weigh, the more calories you will burn. If the load is intense, at a speed of about 30-35 km/h, then calories will be burned much faster. An hour of such a load will provide an opportunity to get rid of 500-900 kcal.

The effectiveness of exercise will largely depend on your heart rate. It will be high if the heart rate is about 70% of the maximum.

Optimal time for classes

What is the best training time on an exercise bike? Essentially, you can do at any time convenient for you. But it is believed that The maximum effectiveness of exercise occurs in the morning, even before the main breakfast. This is explained by the fact that in the morning there is no glycogen in the blood, so during exercise fat is immediately burned. In the evening, glycogen is burned in the first 20 minutes, and only then the body begins to get rid of fat. But morning workout should be performed carefully, starting at a moderate speed, so as not to put excessive strain on the heart in the morning. Gradually the speed can increase.

How to properly exercise on an exercise bike?

There are different training programs, but, regardless of the chosen program, follow these tips How to properly train on an exercise bike:

  • There is no need to overbend your lower back.
  • Keep your back natural. The shoulders can be slightly rounded.
  • Hands should be moderately relaxed. Don't put your weight on them.
  • Keep your feet parallel to the floor. Your knees should be pointing forward.
  • Keep your head straight.

Before starting exercise on an exercise bike, make sure that you have no contraindications to it. Among the latter are hypertension, tachycardia, heart disease, vascular disease, and angina. If in doubt, it is better to consult a specialist.

Try not to make yourself uncomfortable. Training should be fun.

Exercise bike training program for weight loss

The training program on an exercise bike for weight loss initially assumes that you must exercise systematically and regularly. The lesson time should be at least 30-40 minutes.

  • Calculate your maximum heart rate. This is easy to do: subtract your age from 220. For example, the maximum heart rate for a person aged 30 years will be 190 beats per minute. To lose weight, you need to reach a heart rate of at least 60% of your maximum. Thus, we multiply 190 by 0.6 and get 114. This value will allow us to get maximum result in fat burning. If you reduce the load, you will get a regular strengthening cardio workout; if you increase it, you will be able to train the body’s endurance.
  • Start training at an easy level. Do a smooth and gradual warm-up and cool-down.
  • At first, exercise about three times a week for 30-40 minutes. Over time, you can increase your pedaling speed and workout duration. When the muscles are already sufficiently trained, you can exercise daily.

Interval training for weight loss

Interval training on a stationary bike is suitable for those who already have a certain level of physical fitness. It involves alternating fast and slow speeds, which allows you to burn fat intensively.

It used to be that fat was burned better with low-intensity cardio. For example, during a slow but long run. But later research revealed that interval loads are more effective. They make it possible to burn fat for another two days after training, which is why today they are recognized as one of the optimal ways to lose excess weight.

This type of training begins with a five-minute warm-up, which involves pedaling at a calm pace. After this you need to alternate intensive load with moderate load with a time ratio of 1:3. The specific time will be determined by your physical fitness. For example, if it is average, keep the pace intense for one minute, and calm for 3 minutes. After 20-30 minutes of training, a cool-down is done and the lesson ends.

A training program on an exercise bike for men can be more difficult, since along with losing weight, representatives of the stronger sex often set building muscles in their legs as their main goal.

Features of nutrition when exercising on an exercise bike

If your goal is to lose weight, then, regardless of the specific training program, need to create a calorie deficit. If you overeat on unhealthy high-calorie foods, then any exercise on an exercise bike will be simply ineffective. To lose weight, you must consume fewer calories than you burn in a day. Recommended exclude fatty, sweet, fast food from the diet. You need to build a menu on protein products, cereals, and fresh plant foods. Also It is very important to drink enough clean water, which helps speed up metabolism and cleanse the body.

Don't overeat at night. You simply won’t have time to spend these calories, and they will inevitably go to waste. excess fat. Dinner should ideally be protein-rich. It is recommended to supplement exercises with an exercise bike and other physical activity. At a minimum, try to walk more often and replace the elevator with steps.

Useful video telling you how best to lose weight on an exercise bike

Effective exercise on an exercise bike: some tips

An exercise bike, how to exercise it correctly will depend on your goals, will give more benefit and effectiveness if you adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is important to take the correct position on the exercise bike. An uncomfortable posture can cause not only fatigue, but also the appearance of a number of diseases. While a slightly bent position on a bicycle is normal, sitting upright on a stationary bike is recommended. Proper seat height adjustment is important. You must learn to distribute the load correctly, and then long workouts will be easier to endure.
  • Choose the right shoes and clothes. Expensive cycling gear for exercise is not necessary, but what you wear should be comfortable and not restrict your movement. If in the gym, replaceable shoes are expected on their own, then when using the exercise machine at home, many people sin by exercising barefoot or in socks. But this is, at a minimum, inconvenient, and, at a maximum, fraught with serious foot injuries. Use practical sneakers or sneakers.
  • It is important to correctly define your goals and assess your own condition. To lose weight you need one program, to gain muscle – a completely different one. If during training you notice any deviations from the normal state, you need to stop training and determine what the reason is.
  • Follow general occupational and safety regulations. The start and end of training should not be too abrupt - this is stressful for both muscles and joints.

When choosing a time for classes, experts advise taking into account your biorhythms. It will be more comfortable for a “lark” to study in the morning, and for an “owl” - in the evening.

In general, the exercise bike is a good option for weight loss, and as in conditions gym, and at home. The main thing is to choose the right program and study, taking into account all the rules and requirements, diligently and regularly. Then you will be able to achieve the desired result.

Do you need slender legs and a toned stomach? Then you should remove everything unnecessary from the exercise bike, which is probably sitting idle and used instead of a hanger, and start exercising.

From the article you will learn how to properly exercise on an exercise bike at home in order to lose weight and get the maximum benefit from your workouts.

Rules for conducting training

Before exercising on an exercise bike, do a warm-up, and after exercise, stretch

Some men believe that an exercise bike for weight loss was invented exclusively for ladies. But that's not true. It also helps the stronger sex - trains leg muscles, improves joint mobility, and resistance to injury. Its advantage is that it helps in losing weight in the legs and stomach. You can find out which muscles work when training on an exercise bike.

Basic rules for training on an exercise bike:

  • Classes are effective if they last 30–40 minutes.
  • Whether to exercise in the morning or in the evening - everyone decides for themselves, focusing on biorhythms.
  • Before exercising, they warm up to prepare the body for the stress. The set of exercises includes bending, jumping, rotational movements of the joints of the legs and arms.
  • Before the first workout (if the machine has only one user), adjust the saddle height.

    The legs are straight in the lower position of the pedal; the athlete should not stagger to reach the lower pedal.

  • The front part of the thigh is loaded more. When moving down, the leg is tense, when moving up, it is relaxed.
  • After training, stretch to avoid muscle contraction.
  • Will help you achieve results.

Basic rules for training on an exercise bike (video tips):

Loads and results

choose the load depending on your goals

The final result of training depends on the load.

  • to pump up the muscles, use high resistance, the muscles work the entire cycle;
  • For weight loss, choose a medium resistance level.

How is training intensity determined?

The intensity of the workout depends on the selected speed:

  • light - 15–16 km/h;
  • average - 19–20 km/h;
  • moderate - 22–25 km/h;
  • high - 27–30 km/h;
  • very high - from 35 km/h.

Interval training for weight loss

alternate between fast and slow tempos

This weight loss system is suitable for an exercise bike. Interval riding will reduce the risk of fatigue injuries and allow you to perform more repetitions. in less time.

This good way fights fat reserves, as it burns more fat than monotonous exercise. The point is to alternate between fast and slow tempos.

The fast phase lasts no longer than 60 seconds, which does not allow the body to move into the comfort zone.

Research results confirm the effectiveness of this type of training. Scientists conducted studies and found that women who periodically increased their pace by 8-12 seconds lost more body fat in 20 minutes than those who exercised monotonously for 40 minutes. Reviews of people losing weight on an exercise bike can be found.

Interval riding promotes weight loss not only, but although it seems that the press is not involved in such loads. The method is suitable for those who do not have time to train 4–5 times a week - in this case, 3 times a week is enough.

Phase duration, seconds Phase name Load level
300 Warming up Lightweight
30 Sprint High
60 Rest Average
30 Sprint High
60 Rest Average
45 Sprint High
60 Rest Average
45 Sprint High
60 Rest Average
60 Sprint High
60 Recovery Average
60 Sprint High
60 Recovery Average
30 Sprint High
60 Recovery Average
30 Sprint High
60 Recovery Average
45 Sprint High
60 Recovery Average
45 Sprint High
60 Recovery Average
60 Sprint High
60 Recovery Average
60 Sprint High
60 Recovery Average
240 Completion Lightweight

Beginners can begin interval training after mastering the initial training program.

Interval training is prohibited due to health problems. Contraindications include a weak heart and chronic diseases. Therefore, before a cycle of classes, consult a doctor about whether it is possible to conduct classes in this mode. Such training is carried out in courses. After a month of interval training, they switch to uniform training, and after another month the course is repeated.

Burn fat with cardio training:

Training programs for different fitness levels

choose the degree of load depending on your level of training

The program is selected depending on the athlete’s level of training.

Program for Beginners

The first three weeks show a low level of load in this mode:

Day of the week Time, min.
1st week 2nd week 3rd week
Monday 15 20 30
Tuesday Rest Rest 30
Wednesday 15 20 Rest
Thursday Rest Rest 30
Friday 15 20 Rest
Saturday Rest Rest 30
Sunday Rest Rest Rest

The fourth week trains in the same way as the third, but the load level is increased to medium.

Average level

They train on the simulator 3–4 times a week, the duration of one session is increased to 40–45 minutes.

High level

Train 3-4 times a week using the interval method for 40-60 minutes.


simplest formula to calculate the maximum allowable heart rate: 220 minus age

Important criterion proper training- heart rate, or pulse.

So, you purchased an exercise bike. Or bought a membership to a fitness club.

Now, before you bridle the iron horse, you need to learn the basic rules of exercising on an exercise bike.

Indeed, you don’t want all your seven streams of sweat to drain from your body in vain, without visible results?

Of course not.

So let's get started.


First of all, make sure that you are in the right shape for training on the simulator. In sportswear. You must have shoes on. For gym classes, this is a given fact; However, at home, a considerable part of exercise bike users, as practice shows, exercise barefoot. It is not right. When you turn the pedals while barefoot, you put extra (physically noticeable) stress on your feet.

As a result, your technique will suffer, and your endurance will decrease: instead of an hour, you will spend half an hour on a “trip”; instead of half an hour - 15-20 minutes, and so on. Sneakers or sneakers are the right shoes for exercising on an exercise bike.


Before you take off on an imaginary Tour de France, warm up your muscles. Jump, squat, run (at least in place), swing your legs and arms. These are by no means empty words, but a necessary measure: if you do not warm up your muscles before a long session, this trip may be your last.

However, in order to warm up, it is not at all necessary to jump and run: in the end, you can use the simulator itself for this purpose by pedaling for 2-3 minutes in easy mode at low speed.


Calculate your maximum possible heart rate limit. This calculation is easily carried out using the following formula: subtract your age from 220. The resulting value will become maximum heart rate, which must be adhered to while riding an exercise bike.

A special sensor, which is usually mounted in the handrails of the simulator, is designed to help monitor the pulse. However, you can’t trust him blindly either: sometimes he can make mistakes, and the cheaper the model of the simulator, the more often the sensor does this.

In addition, you should not take the figure obtained as a result of your calculation of the maximum allowable heart rate as truth. It's just general rule, which implies some exceptions. In fact, there are people who, at 50, can give the heat to even a young 20-year-old; At the same time, the completely opposite picture is widespread.

Nevertheless, you should still listen to a certain recommendation: if you want to lose weight, it is recommended to stay within 65-85% of the maximum permissible heart rate limit, controlling this value and not allowing it to decrease/increase.


The general rule for all beginners who sit on an exercise bike for the first time is: the duration of the very first lesson should be about 10-15 minutes. Indeed, from the point of view of adapting to a new type of activity, this recommendation makes sense. At the same time, there is no need to stand idle for too long without making progress, ending the workout as soon as the time counter shows the cherished 10-20 minute mark. In this case, you simply will not feel the effect of the classes.

Therefore, make it a rule: with each new trip, add another 3-5 additional minutes to your time on the exercise bike - at least until you start pedaling for 45 minutes a day. Yes, exactly 45 minutes is the ideal MINIMUM duration of training on an exercise bike, or on any cardio machine in general. Most of the most prominent experts agree on this opinion: athletes, fitness instructors (including those working with stars), as well as nutritionists.

It is believed that in the first half hour of exercise, carbohydrates are burned and only then the hated fats. Therefore, from the point of view of achieving perfect figure It is much more profitable to exercise 3-4 times a week for 45-60 minutes than every day, but for 15-20.

However, if your main goal is to enjoy your workouts, and not to get rid of excess body weight, then you are free to do as you please.

Speaking about the intensity of training, you again need to ask the question: what do you actually want to get from exercising on an exercise bike? Slow riding at an extremely high load helps strengthen the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks. Prolonged and intense pedaling at a medium load (or alternating it) is suitable for those who bought a machine (or a subscription to a fitness club) to lose excess weight.


Finally - about the most important thing - about our health, which, unlike exercise bikes, is not sold in stores.

When exercising on a bicycle trainer, listen to your own feelings: do not sit on the seat for too long if you feel exhausted or, worse, in any pain. Don't torture yourself.

In addition, develop an ideal exercise schedule for yourself: it is believed that it is best to ride an exercise bike 3-4 hours after waking up. If being busy at work or other matters does not allow you to do this, then find time to study in the evening, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

You should not eat heavily immediately before starting a workout: this will reduce its effectiveness, and driving with a full stomach is not the most pleasant pleasure. In the same way, you should not pounce on food immediately after completing classes: be patient, wait at least 30-40 minutes.

But drink plain or mineral water During training, no one forbids you. Do not believe those “experts” who claim that drinking during physical activity can lead to abnormal heart function or, worse, cardiac arrest. These tales, characteristic of Soviet doctors, were refuted by European doctors a decade ago. The only thing: do not drink liters of water during training - drink in small sips and little by little.