Organization of implementation of management decisions. Theoretical aspects of organizing and monitoring the execution of management decisions

The significance and quality of a management decision are tested by practice and specific cases. Management is only effective and of high quality if everything that is provided for in management decisions is properly executed. The decision is not an end in itself, it is important, but still only the initial one, preparatory part management process. It is naive to believe that once you make a good decision, it will come true on its own, the planned changes will take place automatically, so to speak, in a “natural” way.

Developing a good solution is very difficult, but implementing it is even more difficult. Moreover, if it is not populist, but infringes on someone’s interests, requires high professionalism, willpower, perseverance, organization, proper performance discipline. And this is what is most often lacking. A huge number of management decisions are not implemented or are carried out formally. It is no coincidence that 46.4% of Russians and 33.6% of employees say that the sales system is corrupt decisions made, 53.1% - about legal nihilism and bureaucracy, 25.6% - about low performance discipline and irresponsible attitude towards official duties. Many necessary and well-designed management decisions remain on paper, end with good wishes, and are completely forgotten when management changes.

Implementation of a management decision is the process of putting the intended goals into practice, evaluating the intermediate and final results obtained, and making adjustments in the process of achieving what was planned. This is a process of permanently solving both typical, repetitive tasks and innovative ones designed for unique transformations. This means that new scientific developments and relevant experiments are required, the adoption of new legal acts and amendments to existing ones. From this, in fact, serious organizational work begins to mobilize the efforts of performers and ensure their creative, responsible attitude to the matter.

The execution of management decisions is a rather complex stage, which consists of several stages.

1. Selection and placement of performers, providing the necessary conditions for their successful activities. This is painstaking work to determine the circle of persons who can be involved in the execution of the decision. Every management decision must be supported by an adequate team of performers. Then they are briefed, if necessary, special training is organized, specific tasks are formulated, and deadlines are set. The manager (the subject of management) must be firmly convinced that the meaning of the management decision made is clear to the performers, that they know and understand both the general strategic tasks and individual tasks, and have a good idea of ​​how to implement them. Otherwise, you can’t count on serious success.

In the process of selecting and placing performers, it is advisable to primarily use methods of persuasion that stimulate responsibility, a conscious attitude to the task and high performing discipline. The main thing is to achieve employee interest in the successful implementation of the decision made,

2. The next step in organizing the execution of a decision is the mobilization of available resources to carry out what is planned. There are many such resources - natural, material and financial, production, scientific and technical, technological, informational, ideological. Various plans, instructions, recommendations, memos are immediately developed, sources and channels for obtaining management information, reporting forms, etc. are established. Neglecting such elements of organizing the execution of decisions clearly leads to a decrease in their effectiveness and reduces the possibility of achieving set goals.

The nomenclature, volumes and quality of resources must be optimal. There should be no waste or over-economy here. In the first case, waste of resources and theft cannot be avoided, in the second - lack of quality. We have been building roads for many decades, investing a lot of government resources in them, but in the end we have no roads. A similar situation has developed with housing, utilities, collective and state farm agricultural production, consumer goods. The lean economy has led to the fact that we entered the market with virtually uncompetitive production, backward technologies, and a mass of unnecessary, low-quality goods in warehouses. It is no coincidence that today on store shelves you will hardly find an item with a trademark from the Soviet period.

The economy should be economical, but not at the expense of social progress and quality of life. A country that is among the richest in terms of the share of natural, material, technical and intellectual resources per capita should not be backward in the quality of life of the population. Wastefulness, on the one hand, and the bureaucratic rigidity of the planned system, on the other, took their toll. We have resources, they must be used wisely, rationally and socially expediently. It is no longer possible to live in a poorly measured wasteful and economical regime.

3. After determining the composition of performers and allocating the necessary resources to them, the most difficult organizational stage begins: connecting people and resources. In the process of such actions, the following tasks are usually solved: labor cost standards are established for each performer and each labor collective; standards for the expenditure of time, energy, materials, and monetary resources on reproductive activities are determined, on the one hand, and the quantity and quality of the resulting material, social and spiritual products, on the other. We must learn to manage in such a way that costs are reduced, and the volume and quality of results obtained increase.

This means that we need to provide and promptly implement incentives and sanctions for compliance with established standards of activity, for compliance with standards for the consumption of resources and products received, the required quantity and quality. Meanwhile, in our management practice there has always been and remains a special attitude towards incentives. At best, moral incentives are used. More often we rely on the “strong hand”, coercion and fear of sanctions, forgetting that material and moral incentives (as well as sanctions) are the most important element in regulating and enhancing human activity.

4. Further, in the execution of management decisions, the practical implementation of what was planned comes to the fore, i.e. actual implementation of approved plans and programs, received tasks and instructions. This painstaking daily work is the most important component in the process of implementing management decisions. There should be no rush jobs, nervousness, sloganeering, rallies, or insufficiently effective mobilization measures. The main thing is objectivity, rhythm, consistency, interaction and reasonable intensity of the labor process. And for managers - perseverance, the ability to force themselves and others to do what is provided for by the decision, and to do it creatively, responsibly and efficiently.

Thus, at the stage of practical execution of the adopted management decision, a whole range of problems are solved - legal, personnel, organizational and material and technical conditions are created for the successful implementation of the decision. If there is a need, the necessary changes are introduced to the “set” of functions and powers of performers, job descriptions are clarified, types and incentives and forms of responsibility are determined, and the scope of actions “at discretion” is clarified.

5. Monitoring the progress of execution of the decision. Control is special kind control influence. Its essence lies in the analysis and assessment of the state and results of the implementation of management decisions. Without control and objective assessments of what has been done, any purposeful creative human activity is impossible. Management without control turns into empty calls and formal obligations. It is impossible to do without well-organized control and appropriately organized information and operational regulation of the entire system of management relations. It is especially effective in monitoring mode, which allows you to change, correct, clarify, correct something in a timely manner.

It is only important to know what and how to control. Monitoring observation allows you to a) track the compliance of what is happening with the original intentions and plans; b) promptly identify emerging problems, unforeseen circumstances and negative trends; c) assess the effectiveness of the resources used, the forms and methods of control applied; d) promptly respond to what is happening and make the necessary amendments and adjustments to the management process; e) prevent all kinds of deviations and breakdowns. And the most important thing is to ensure direct (from the control system to the controlled) and reverse (from the controlled system to the control) communication, which ultimately ensures the required quality of control.

In the practice of public administration, both internal (internal) and external control are used. The latter is carried out by state authorities and local governments. There is also specialized control, which is assigned to specially authorized state subsystems and their individual bodies - accounting chambers, civil services, committees and commissions. Such types of control include financial, customs, fire, antimonopoly, product quality control, sanitary-epidemiological, drug addiction, radiation, environmental and other types of control.

Operational intervention in the management process can be carried out in several forms: tracking everything that happens with the management decision made by a given subject. Sometimes such control is quite enough to ensure rational and effective management; adjustments, i.e. clarifications, changes, additions, amendments, as well as regulation - changes in the structure of the management apparatus and its personnel, improving the system of interaction between performers of various spheres and levels, etc.

The organization of execution of management decisions ends with the stage of accounting, analysis and assessment of the achieved results. At this stage, the strengths and weaknesses of the decisions made and the management process as a whole are determined, untapped reserves and opportunities are revealed, and measures are outlined that should be taken into account when making subsequent decisions.

Management practice has developed in such a way that preference is given to administrative methods according to the scheme: “command - execution - control - report - evaluation - new team" In fact, the decision is made “from above”, executed “from below”, and evaluated by society. Hence, it is quite understandable that the existence of constant pressure “from above” in order to achieve the desired (often profitable or convenient) result leads to an excessive increase in the role of methods of control, supervision and coercion. Its mechanism begins to be dominated by the requirements of strict adherence to the command without the possibility of its creative adjustment from below. This is where the desire of performers arises to get a result that corresponds to the team at any cost, and if this does not work out, to embellish what has been achieved or hide shortcomings in a populist manner. In such conditions, performers are little concerned about the correctness, usefulness and rationality of the decision, because the right to evaluate belongs to the subject of management. The latter cannot always, and often is not particularly interested, objectively evaluate the implementation of his decisions. Hence the low level of executive discipline - the vast majority of employees (69.6%) assess the current state of executive discipline below the average level, only every fifth considers it good.

The practice of formally summing up the implementation of what was planned was characteristic of the Soviet system, but it was not only preserved, but also somewhat strengthened in the new Russian conditions. Deputies do not report; in the annual Messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly there are practically no sections devoted to the results of the work done. Not a single government reported on its activities or provided the public with a proper analysis of its achievements and shortcomings. At best, the reporting of ministers is limited to operational reports to the President of the Russian Federation, discussions at meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation and speeches at “government hours” in the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Many politicians and senior officials seem to care little about the results of their “historic” decisions. They are concerned with only one thing: criticizing political opponents and predecessors, as well as proclaiming what needs to be done.

The reason for this, in principle, poorly justified practice is, apparently, a lack of understanding of the practical significance of the assessment and accounting stage of organizing the execution of management decisions, an underestimation of the fact that control ends one management cycle and begins a new one. Hence the natural conclusion: how well the work of the first cycle is completed, the subsequent decisions and their results will be so high-quality and effective. The results obtained are always a projection of the future.

Therefore, if you want to manage effectively, and not imitate it, you must have objective information about the intermediate and final results of the efforts made. It is necessary to know for certain what is the actual source of the result obtained: a competent decision and skillful organization of the matter, the professionalism and talent of the performers, or a consequence of excessive material and financial costs, or perhaps simply a coincidence of favorable circumstances. You also need to know the reasons for the deviations. They may be economic forces, political instability, weak organizational work of the apparatus, the use of outdated social and administrative technologies, insufficient competence of performers, low legal culture of the management object, poor quality of the management decision itself, etc.

A wide range of people are involved in the process of making, implementing and evaluating management decisions: political leaders and officials, specialists and experts, staff and line personnel, scientists and the public. In government bodies, especially at the regional, republican and federal levels, several thousand management decisions are made annually. Officials spend a lot of time developing and implementing these solutions. They have to constantly justify various versions of documents, find optimal alternatives for resource provision, “join” and coordinate various decisions with each other, actively analyze the progress of some decisions and take into account its results when preparing others. Naturally, they, like no one else, need scientifically based technologies for preparing and implementing management decisions.

This is especially important from the point of view of organizing control over execution and increasing the demands of management, increasing the discipline of the management apparatus, its professionalism and responsibility, and mastering the democratic style.

It is proposed to conduct a seminar and practical training on this topic.

Development, adoption and implementation of government management decisions

1. Management decisions and their types.

2. State management decision: concept, properties, distinctive features.

The practical lesson should be devoted to the development of a public management solution and its scientific examination.

Regulatory acts:

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. - M., 1993.

2. Federal constitutional law “On the Government of the Russian Federation” dated December 31, 1997 No. 3-FKZ.

3. Federal Law “On the principles and procedure for delimiting areas of jurisdiction and powers between government bodies of the Russian Federation and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation” dated June 24, 1999 No. 119-FZ.

4. Federal Law “On general principles organizations of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" dated October 6, 1999 No. 184-FZ.

5. Federal Law “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs” dated July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ.

6. Federal Law “On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities” dated August 8, 2001 No. 128-FZ.

7. Federal Law “On the Protection of Rights legal entities And individual entrepreneurs during state control (supervision)" dated August 8, 2001 No. 134-FZ.

8. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On measures to carry out administrative reform in 2003-2004” dated July 23, 2003 No. 824.

9. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal District” May 13, 2000 No. 849.

10. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the system and structure of federal bodies executive branch" dated March 9, 2004 No. 314.

11. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the rules for the preparation of normative legal acts of federal executive bodies and their state registration” dated August 13, 1997 No. 1009.

12. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Model Regulations for the Interaction of Federal Executive Bodies” dated January 19, 2005 No. 30.

13. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Model Regulations for the Internal Organization of Federal Executive Bodies” dated July 28, 2005 No. 452.

14. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation “Concept of administrative reform in the Russian Federation in 2006-2008” dated October 25, 2005 No. 1789-r.

15. Order of the Federal Archival Service of the Russian Federation “On standard instructions for office work in federal executive authorities” dated November 27, 2000 No. 68.


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3. Atamanchuk G.V. Management is a development factor. (Reflections on management activities). - M., 2002. - P. 171-298.

4. Birman L.A. Management decisions: Textbook. - M., 2004. - 206 p.

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Textbook. - M., 2006. - P. 397-435. 10. State and municipal government: fundamentals of theory and organization: Textbook. - Volume I / Ed. V.A. Kozbanenko. - M., 2002. - P. 256-306. M. Degtyarev A.A. Making political decisions: Textbook. - M., 2004. -414 p.

12. Documentation support for the public service: Educational and practical manual / Ed. A.I. Gorbachev and N.N. Shuvalova. - M„ 2006. - P. 47-73.

13. Zotov V.B. Territorial management (methodology, theory, practice). - M., 1998.

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The successful implementation of a management decision is based on a clear action plan, which contains the content of the work, the sequence of their implementation, the time and resources required, quality requirements, the composition of performers, general and intermediate results, and the like. As practice shows, the stage of implementing management decisions at enterprises is the weakest link of the entire process, which is due to: underestimation of the importance of organizational support for the decision implementation process; lack of experience and knowledge base among managers; lack of understanding and inability to use creative methods and ways of working in one’s activities; ignoring the theory and recommendations of scientists; low level of responsibility for the quality of decisions, due to the lack of feedback and objective assessment of the consequences and effectiveness of the implemented solution.

Each organization has the right to choose the methodology and procedures for implementing management decisions in accordance with the specifics of its activities and

organizational structure, corporate culture and comprehensive level of management personnel.

The successful implementation of each of the elements of the technology for implementing management decisions presupposes that the person responsible for implementing the decision has special knowledge, skills and abilities (Fig. 3.10).

Rice. 3.10.

The person responsible for implementing the decision is the specialist or group tasked with implementing the decision.

The low quality of subordinates' performance of assigned work is most often due to mistakes made during the implementation of decisions.

Statement of goals is the process of formulating, discussing and formalizing the goals of a decision. Poor quality statement of goals leads to the fact that performers do not know what is required of them, for what exactly they are responsible. This results in them being unable to concentrate on their work, expressing dissatisfaction with being removed from the decision-making process, and losing motivation for more strenuous activities.

The control action can be expressed in the form:

Prohibition - an oral or written prohibition that implies certain sanctions in case of its violation;

Order, instruction, instruction - obliges the performer to specific actions. Implementation is critically dependent on precision and clarity of language;

Restrictions - define the limits of actions, powers or activities;

The implementation of management decisions can be organized individually and collectively.

Individual execution of decisions can be role-based, when the functions are defined by job descriptions, and remuneration is carried out within the framework current system remuneration, or go beyond the scope of the role when functions are not included in the job responsibilities and do not provide for guaranteed remuneration.

Collective implementation of decisions involves the formation of a decision execution group, which includes the most qualified specialists on this problem. Collaboration improves decision-making by integrating knowledge, experience, and diverse perspectives. This also determines a number of factors that strengthen decision-making by a collective body rather than by an individual. However, collective decision making has a number of disadvantages. These decisions often take longer to make than individual ones, with a lot of unproductive time spent waiting, organizing, or repeating known facts. The team may inadequately influence the decision-making process if there are discrepancies in the psychophysical and power parameters of specialists, inconsistency of efforts in implementing the decision, or shifting their tasks and responsibilities to others. Collective execution of a decision involves the publication of an administrative document on the formation of a group, which appoints a group leader and clearly states the powers and responsibilities of each group member; the remuneration system and forms of control and reporting are determined.

The level of completion of a specific task depends on the following factors:

Abilities, desire of employees, coordination and coordination of actions in the group;

Assessment, selection, training of personnel allows taking into account the individual qualities of task performers;

Personnel motivation system and corporate culture, which encourage employees to take an active position in the process of completing tasks;

Structure and features of interaction in the work group;

Situational restrictions, which include: limited time, unclear instructions, lack of authority, inflexibility of procedures, and the like.

An important component of the implementation of management decisions is the delegation of authority. The advantages of delegation of authority when implementing management decisions are:

Time saving;

Use of special knowledge of subordinates;

Creating additional motivation;

Getting creative ideas;

The demonstrative nature of the criticisms and reservations;

Strengthening the positive effect through greater independence of subordinates;

Unloading the manager and freeing him from some of the responsibility.

One of the main elements of implementing management decisions is control. Control can be: episodic and systematic; detailed and general; warning (prevention of possible mistakes), ascertaining (searching for and punishing those responsible), analytical (identifying the causes of mistakes). If the manager has an attitude that employees must be forced to work, then he prefers frequent, detailed and ascertaining control. The idea that employees need to create favorable conditions for successful work requires systematic, general control, a combination of proactive and analytical levels.

The assessment of the implementation of a management decision takes into account individual characteristics, as well as the intellectual level, physical and emotional state of the employee, and his current needs.

The motivation and incentive system must necessarily provide for rewards and accountability depending on the employee’s level of performance of certain job responsibilities. Encouragement, especially from managers or colleagues, contributes to the growth of self-esteem, which is one of the most effective motivating factors that determine high levels of performance. Rewards should not be abstract (for example: “You are a good worker”), but concrete (exactly the actions and why they deserve reward), timely and consistent with everyone’s personal contribution. At the same time, rewards should not be turned into a means of manipulating employees and ignoring the possibility of envious feelings.

In management practice, there are methods for explicitly declaring punishments (reimbursement of expenses or losses, reprimand or mistrust, etc.). However, managers who are developing a motivation system have a very balanced and cautious approach to the formation of a punishment system, since its influence can cause irreparable harm to the organization.

The negative aspects of the punishment system include: an indifferent attitude towards completing tasks; negative emotional reaction or even aggressive behavior employee; staff turnover.

It should be noted that the final effectiveness of decisions made significantly depends on the quality of their implementation. Therefore, increased attention must be paid to this stage at all levels of management. In some cases, it is advisable to develop special target applications or network diagrams that cover an interconnected set of activities to implement fundamentally important decisions. These measures are divided into three main groups. The first group of activities is aimed at timely communication of the decision to the executors. Positive results are usually achieved in cases where those directly involved in the discussion of decisions and activities for their implementation (productivity and quality improvement groups, scientific and practical conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.). The second group of activities covers the maneuvering of personnel, resources, the creation of operational reserves, that is, material support for the process of implementing the decision. The third group of measures is aimed at improving procedures for monitoring the process of implementing decisions made. Without effective control over the process of functioning and changes in the managed system (organization), neither the implementation of decisions made nor the successful final results envisaged by the goals of the organization are possible. Such control prevents deviations and quickly eliminates difficulties in executing a decision at a stage when it is still possible to influence this process.

Note: no matter how well the solution is prepared, it is effective only for a limited set of external and internal conditions and, if they change, requires revision. In addition, very often during the implementation of a solution it turns out that not all factors and cause-and-effect relationships were taken into account, that is, new problems are identified that require adjustments to the solution.

After drawing up an organizational plan and selecting performers, the decision enters the implementation stage. Special role at the same time plays an explanation of the decision made. It is important to prevent distortion of the content of the decision, its incorrect interpretation and comments.

Sometimes a decision undergoes a number of changes during its implementation, that is, certain adjustments are made to it. The reasons for this may be:

Error in the decision-making process;

Poor organization of decision implementation;

Sudden changes in the environment.

In this case, appropriate adjustments should be promptly made before the decision loses its relevance. If the changes do not help, you need to reconsider the decision. Reconsidering a decision, of course, requires additional costs, which are not always justified and are carried out only when new opportunities and reserves open up.

After implementing the decision, a mandatory operation is summing up. The results should always be summed up regardless of whether the decision was completed in full and on time, ahead of schedule or partially not implemented, and the results serve as assets of the management process in subsequent decisions. At the same time, the team receives information about its weaknesses and strengths, the correctness of the management decision-making system is checked, this is practical training from personal experience.

Preparation and decision-making are of great importance in the activities of organizations and their management apparatus, but, as noted above, the organization of execution of the decision is no less important. The organization of the execution of management decisions is based on actually existing objective and subjective factors, which cannot be abstracted from, therefore, firstly, it is sometimes easier for a manager to develop and make a decision than to organize the implementation of adopted measures; secondly, the effectiveness of all management activities largely depends on the organization of execution of the decision, since only at this stage the results are objectified information work and planned activities, the accuracy of determining the reasons and assumptions about the planned results is checked. In this regard, we can say with confidence that the organization of execution of decisions taken is no less important stage management process than the development and adoption of decisions.

The process of organizing the execution of a management decision is divided into several elements. In table Figure 5 shows the main elements of the process of executing a management decision.

Basic elements of the organizing processexecution of management decisions

First of all, when organizing the execution of a management decision, it is necessary to clarify, specify and detail the management decision. After developing and making a decision, the manager is obliged to bring it to the executors, to each employee, department or service involved in its implementation. A typical mistake when organizing the execution of a decision, it is the implementation of insufficiently specific measures (the requirement of specificity for a management decision was noted above). Sometimes there are wordings of measures in the decision, such as, for example, “radically improve the operational situation in the area” or “it is necessary to pay the most serious attention to working with personnel”, “intensify interaction with public organizations of the area”, etc. Activities with such wordings are general character and require further development during implementation. Based on them, specific tasks must be formulated for the performers, deadlines must be established, and the order of execution must be determined.

When detailing the planned activities, distributing forces and resources (if this was not done at the stage of developing a decision and was not included in the decision), it is necessary to select and place performers. This work the most complex: the manager considers a complex of organizational, personnel, pedagogical and psychological factors, uses information about his subordinates, and demonstrates the ability to work with people. This, in particular, explains the attention that management science pays to psychological, pedagogical and socio-psychological issues of leadership. In the management process, the problem of selecting and distributing both managers and performers objectively arises. The basic rule for selecting and placing personnel is to select people to perform certain tasks, and not to adapt tasks “to the performer.” However, there are shortcomings and difficulties in the selection and placement of personnel. The most typical ones are:

  • insufficiently high level of personnel qualifications;
  • poor knowledge by employees of the specifics of working with people, in particular the basics of management sciences, pedagogy and psychology;
  • lack of a clearly developed system of professional personnel selection. In the process of organizing the execution of decisions made, briefing acts as a very important element in preparing subordinates to implement the decision. How successful the coaching will be depends on the personal qualities of the boss and the subordinate. A manager must be interested in training capable performers; he must develop in his subordinates the skills to adequately understand the tasks assigned to them and how to solve them. The boss needs to communicate his decisions clearly and clearly. Detailed Explanation tasks, consulting during briefings are a good way to orient subordinates to perform tasks in the current conditions, help them understand the manager’s approach to ways to implement a management decision.

Effective briefing is possible only in an environment of normal contact between the subordinate and the manager. When instructing, the manager must establish in his subordinates the feeling that they can complete the tasks assigned to them and achieve their goals. Fostering confidence requires wisdom and patience from a leader. Due to negligence, ambition, or distrust of a subordinate, a boss can undermine his sense of self-confidence and the ability to solve the tasks assigned to him, which ultimately can lead to a decrease in the effect of implementing the decision. The boss is responsible for maintaining the proper level of trust. A capable manager has two advantages over his subordinates: authority and traditions of the organization, which gives him confidence, which, in turn, should be firmly based on his abilities. One of the important elements of the process of executing a management decision is the organization of interaction between employees. Interaction is coordinated in place and time joint activities people to implement common functions, solve common problems, achieve common goals. The organization of interaction includes the following main elements: determination of joint goals, tasks, functions; identification of shared methods and tools; information exchange procedure; the procedure for joint management of performers; accounting, control and evaluation of the results of joint work. One of the important management functions is control - an analytical management function, which includes monitoring the flow of processes in the control object, comparing the values ​​of controlled parameters with a given program, identifying deviations from the program, their location, time, causes and character. Control is a necessary element of a manager’s work, which is a system for checking the compliance of the functioning process with accepted management decisions, requirements, norms and standards. To organize control, it is important to provide all the necessary conditions. Thus, employees exercising control must be given certain rights and responsibility for the quality and objectivity of inspection of specific areas of work and have the necessary psychological and pedagogical qualities for this. During the control process, they must receive information about the actual situation, deviations from plans and factors influencing the process of execution of decisions. Information about negative deviations from the planned plans allows us to develop measures to correct them, correct shortcomings, omissions, neutralize negative factors, which, in turn, constitutes the content of the next of the listed elements of decision execution - adjusting management decisions and regulating the management system. At the final stage, they sum up results of implementation of management decisions, evaluate the results obtained. The results of employee activities are usually summed up at meetings, gatherings, meetings, and during group and individual conversations. Based on the results of the execution of decisions, an order may be adopted to reward or punish the employees who took part in this.

So, we have examined the main elements of organizing the execution of management decisions: clarification, specification and detail of the management decision made; selection and placement of performers; instructing performers; ensuring the activities of performers; organization of interaction between performers; control over the execution of the decision, correction and summing up.

Correction is the process of making clarifications, changes and amendments to decisions made and already being implemented. Correction in the process of execution of decisions in organizations is determined by the following factors. Firstly, the assessment of the results of the future implementation of a management decision at the stage of its development is probabilistic in nature. Managers make decisions under conditions of greater or lesser uncertainty associated with unreliability, distortion, incompleteness and delay of information. Secondly, even using mathematical modeling when developing a solution, it is impossible to fully take into account the influence of all factors on the process of executing the decision. Thirdly, the process of executing the decision taken is extended over time, during which an unaccounted change in the state of the organization and external conditions occurs (changes in demand, supplier prices, emergency situations, etc.). The circumstances that determine the correction in the process of executing decisions include, of course, errors and failures of the performers. Emergence various factors, one way or another influencing the process of execution of decisions, makes it mandatory to correct decisions.

In the activities of an organization, control contributes to the strict implementation of planned activities and implemented management decisions. It allows you to identify and disseminate positive experience and provide practical assistance to subordinates in eliminating shortcomings. The content, forms and methods of control at different levels of management have their own characteristics.

It must be remembered that in the process of implementing a decision, the success of the business may largely depend on the efforts of employees both within the enterprise and on their interaction with other enterprises, institutions and organizations.

In the process of organizing the execution of a decision, it is of great importance to create for performers the necessary conditions for legal, material, technical and financial support of their activities, rational regulation of working hours, coordination of actions by establishing and delimiting mutual rights and obligations, coordination and integration of efforts. The complexity of the work of managers lies in the fact that they are obliged to act as organizers of interaction.

Briefing is necessary and useful for all employees, both superiors and rank and file. Undoubtedly, coaching will be more effective if the employee has special education and practical work experience. Briefing can be viewed not only as a way of conveying tasks to the performer, but also as a method of ongoing training, so the importance of well-established briefing for each employee cannot be overestimated.

Effective execution of the decision is facilitated by well-organized briefing of employees, which consists of obtaining the latest information about the current situation, specific tasks, as well as general and individual advice on their implementation. During the briefing, employees are informed of the established principles at the moment situations in their areas of activity.

Organizing the execution of management decisions is a rather complex and diverse activity. The heads of internal affairs bodies and their divisions, as well as the inspector (operational) staff of the management apparatus of sectoral functional services and headquarters units, daily carry out organizational work to implement many different decisions. Directly at the level of internal affairs bodies, the subjects of organizing the execution of decisions of higher authorities are: the head of this body, its management staff, management staff, as well as their employees, whose responsibilities include certain areas of organizational activity (material and technical support, ensuring mobilization readiness, maintenance of funds communications, technical controls, etc.). Voronov A.M. The management process in internal affairs bodies: a textbook. - M., 2003. - P. 55. At the same time, sometimes it is necessary to organize the execution of decisions made not only by their managers, but also by their superiors. The nature of the execution may vary in time. Some pass very quickly, others last a certain period of time, sometimes quite long. Therefore, for each of them it is necessary to perform a lot of the same type of actions, which precisely form the elements, or stages, of the process of organizing the execution of decisions. There are four common basic elements of organizing the execution of any management decisions:

Selection and placement of performers;

Ensuring the activities of performers;

Execution control, adjustment and regulation

Summing up the execution of the decision Salnikov V.P. Fundamentals of management in internal affairs bodies: textbook. - M., 2002. - P. 45.

There is also an additional or optional element - bringing the decision to the executors. In fact, it turns out there are five stages of organizing the execution of management decisions.

Let's begin our consideration of the stages with the optional stage, that is, with the stage of bringing the decision to the executors. The significance of this stage is due to the fact that its high-quality implementation creates the necessary prerequisites for the subsequent implementation of the solution. There are two practiced ways of carrying out the work of communicating the decisions made: publishing decisions for public consumption and bringing them to the attention of the executors. The first of these methods, in fact, includes the second, and therefore clear distinctions between them cannot be found. It can be said that the second method makes it possible to convey the provisions in more detail to the performers, explaining to them the intention of the senior boss and the upcoming actions, as well as, in some cases, the responsibility assumed for failure to perform actions or going beyond the scope of such activities. R. A. Fatkhutdinov “Management decisions” - M., 2006 - P. 48.

As already mentioned, first of all, its goal is to familiarize performers with the content of the management decision. In our case, we are more interested in directly communicating the decision to the performers. It can be carried out:

Direct (oral) communication of the decision to the executors at meetings, during briefings, in individual conversations, etc.

Sending a written decision by the manager;

Transferring the decision using communications, etc.

In the case when the resolution of the head of the internal affairs body indicates two or more persons responsible for organizing the execution of the decision, the order and method of familiarizing them with the document - parallel and sequential - becomes important. Voronov A.M. The management process in internal affairs bodies: a textbook. - M., 2003. - P. 61.

Moreover, the higher the level of the decision made, the more difficult and longer the process of bringing the content of the decision to the executors, the more attention is required to complete this work.

Bringing decisions to the immediate executors does not exclude, and in some cases presupposes, the need to inform other services, apparatus and employees who are not its direct executors about the decision made.

The content of communicating the decision to the executors is not limited to the actions of the management subject discussed above. At this stage of the management cycle, he should also explain to the performer the validity of his decision and form in him the desired attitude towards this decision. At the same time, the performer must be convinced that the entrusted decision is the result of an objective need, and not the subjective desire of the boss. Salnikov V.P. Fundamentals of management in internal affairs bodies: textbook. - M., 2002. - P. 83.

The contractor must understand and understand all the details of the decision. After all, incorrect or incomplete fulfillment of these conditions will lead to incorrect understanding and ineffective implementation. Therefore, the organizer, first of all, takes measures to clarify it himself. To do this, he finds out general meaning, main idea, which is sometimes hidden in general, abstract and ideal provisions of legislation due to its multi-level structure. Sometimes the activity of understanding flows into the activity of detailed study. And it is precisely detailed study, because every detail, element in the chain determines its strength.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, decisions such as instructions, regulations, rules, etc. are usually made. Quite often, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation, by their orders, announce normative acts adopted by bodies of representative power and executive government (laws, decrees, resolutions). To understand these norms, the interpretation of legal norms is used, as well as other methods of interpretation: logical, grammatical, historical, in scope, etc.

All of the above is aimed, in essence, at the goal and the procedure for achieving this goal, while trying to make the activity effective. This is what is clarified and detailed. Goal setting is the process of developing discussion and formalizing goals that employees can achieve. If goals are not defined, then subordinates do not know what is expected of them, what responsibilities they bear, they cannot concentrate on their work, they do not participate in decision making, and they lose motivation in stressful activities. A simplified model of goal setting includes, on the one hand, the existing difficulties, and to specify goals that, through the connecting mechanism (elements of the connecting mechanism: effort, perseverance, leadership, strategy, plans) affect execution. On the other hand, execution depends on certain regulators (target obligations, feedback, task complexity, situation). Grechikova I.N. The process of making and implementing management decisions // Management in Russia and abroad. - 2007. - No. 12. - P. 12.

The stage of selecting performers, training and instructing them. This stage is necessary since individual provisions of the management decision indicate only the structural (industry) affiliation of the relevant performers. Thus, the manager must, already in the process of decision-making and subsequent detailing, decide on the composition of the performers, foreseeing in advance that it will be carried out by specific bodies, structural units, groups of employees and individuals. The degree of complexity of the task for a particular performer must fully correspond to the employee’s job responsibilities and his experience in operational activities in the entrusted area. In addition, business, moral, and psychological qualities are taken into account. Taking into account these factors is necessary, since in law enforcement activities the level of professional and business qualities is largely determined by length of service, and the improvement of professional skills occurs in the system of their professional training. The manager’s task remains to select qualified personnel to implement the decision. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated January 5, 2007 No. 5 “On approval of the main directions for improving the legal support for the organization and activities of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for 2007 - 2017”

There are several rules that should be followed when working at this stage: Salnikov V.P. Fundamentals of management in internal affairs bodies: textbook. - M., 2002. - P. 54.

The performer should be matched to the task, not the task to the performer. If it were the other way around, then the internal affairs body would decide the functions limited by the characteristics of personnel, professional experience, physical capabilities, which is unacceptable, since in this case the assigned goals that must be fulfilled fade into the background.

The degree of complexity of the task should reach the upper limit of the performer’s capabilities. The need to comply with this rule is determined by the fact that if the boundaries are higher, there is a danger of failure to complete the task. If it is lower, then this essentially leads to irrational use of resources and professional stagnation of a person. Of course, sometimes tasks are assigned that have slightly higher boundaries for the purpose of development and advanced training, but with strict adherence to the conditions that the consequences of poor quality work will be reversible and the performer has enough time to complete it.

Taking into account individual characteristics, knowledge, skills and functional responsibilities performer. This allows the subject of management to choose the most suitable one from among possible candidates. to implement a specific decision. At the same time, providing more specific information during briefings to eliminate the risk of misunderstanding of goals, despite professional qualifications, and similar systematic instructions.

The next stage is the stage of supporting the activities of performers, which serves to create conditions under which the goals and objectives set in the management decision can be achieved - this is regulatory and methodological support; logistics and financial support; moral and psychological support; provision of time; information support. Kamyshnikov A.P., Makhinin V.I. Fundamentals of management in law enforcement agencies: textbook. - M., 2007. - P. 67.

Psychological support involves activities aimed at developing in performers a responsible attitude towards the task, a conviction in the importance and social significance of the task being performed, and an interest in the high-quality and timely execution of cases. An important element of this activity is the formation of psychological stability in subordinates when acting in extreme situations, the formation of readiness for complete dedication to complete the assigned task. This is achieved by methods of psychological influence on employees, including using the example and authority of the manager, providing trust, etc.

Legal support means endowing the contractor with the rights and powers necessary to implement a specific management decision, so that the contractor carries out its activities within certain limits, but without interference or barriers to the execution of the decision. Material, technical and financial support means the supply of performers with vehicles, weapons, uniforms, food, money and other types of allowances necessary to complete the task. Organizational support involves the subject solving a number of issues, the main of which are:

Ensuring compliance of the time factor with the nature and volume of tasks, which is expressed in the most accurate determination of the deadline for the completion of tasks and works received by the contractor. In this case, the deadline is set to be reasonable.

Organization of an information system that would be able to provide the subject of management with sufficiently complete and timely information about the progress of the decision, and on the other hand, the awareness of performers about the results achieved, changes in the decision or operating conditions.

Organization of interaction between performers, coordination of their activities. That is, the organization of such activities in which several performers participate in the implementation of the solution, performing the tasks assigned to them. At the same time, it is created and organized in general view based on by-laws, coordinated in terms of goals, place and time, the activities of performers in jointly solving assigned tasks through an optimal combination of inherent means and methods.

Coordination of the activities of performers is understood as the activity of the subject of management in determining the interacting performers, types and forms of such interaction, organizing practical training of the interaction of performers, providing them with assistance in their work, supporting interaction between performers. The stage of regulating the process of executing a management decision is essentially the exclusive competence of the manager and consists of introducing individual changes to organizational activities. In this regard, regulation, as a type of management activity, is classified in a number of special publications as an independent management function.

One of the ways to carry out such activities will be adjustment - that is, introducing amendments, clarifications, changes to a previously adopted and already implemented decision.

Stage of summing up the execution of the decision. This is the final stage of the entire process of organizing execution. Summing up the results associated with organizational processes in the structure of the internal affairs body has two main goals. First, give a general assessment of the result of the work, assessing the contribution to general activities individual performers. Secondly, point out the most significant mistakes and miscalculations that were made in the process of executing the management decision. The most common forms of summing up the execution of decisions in internal affairs bodies include: holding meetings; publication of reviews, orders; individual discussion of results with performers. Kamyshnikov A.P., Makhinin V.I. Fundamentals of management in law enforcement agencies: textbook. - M., 2007. - P. 72.

If the decision is permanent, then the results of it are summed up for a period determined by the internal affairs body. Based on the information received, a new decision is made and thus the management cycle resumes.

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By academic discipline"Management decisions"

Topic: "Organization of implementation of management decisions"

Moscow - 2011





Every person takes during his life large number decisions that affect, first of all, himself and the few people associated with him.

However, in organizations, the decision-making process plays a more important role significant role than in the private life of an individual. The stakes here are much higher. Decisions made in an organization, firstly, affect the lives of not only the organization’s employees, but also many other people. If an organization is powerful enough, its decisions can change not only the environment in which the organization operates, but even the course of human history. Secondly, decisions made in organizations are highly complex, since it is necessary to take into account a huge number of different factors: the future state of the market, the competitiveness of products or services, the amount of capital investment, etc.

In addition, the efficiency of enterprises depends on the quality of management decisions. This determines the importance of each responsible employee of the management apparatus, and even more so managers, mastering theoretical knowledge and skills in developing management decisions. A decisive place among the reasons for ineffective decisions is occupied by ignorance or non-compliance with the technology of their development and organization of implementation.

The organizational aspect is manifested in the organization, both the development and implementation of management decisions. At the same time, a number of its functions are realized, namely guiding, coordinating and motivating.

The guiding function of decisions is manifested in the fact that they are made based on the long-term development strategy of the enterprise and are specified in a variety of tasks. At the same time, decisions are the guiding basis for the implementation of general functions of management, planning, organization, control, motivation, which are implemented through decisions.

The coordinating role of decisions is reflected in the need to coordinate the actions of performers to implement decisions within the approved time frame and of appropriate quality.

The motivating function of decisions is realized through a system of organizational measures (orders, resolutions, regulations), economic incentives (bonuses, allowances), social assessments (moral and political factors of labor activity: personal self-affirmation, creative self-realization).

The effectiveness of each management decision largely depends on the implementation and correlation of these functions, both during its preparation and at the implementation stage.

Taking all this into account, management decisions become a real tool for achieving set goals.

The purpose of the essay is to study the organization of implementation of management decisions; for this, the following tasks are set: to analyze the principle of making management decisions and methods of organizing their implementation.

Chapter 1. Management decisions

Considering organization to be a management tool, many sociologists and management theory specialists, starting with M. Weber, directly link its activities primarily with the preparation and implementation of management decisions. Management efficiency is largely determined by the quality of such decisions. The interest of sociologists in this problem is due to the fact that the decisions record the entire set of relationships that arise in the process of labor activity and organization management. Goals, interests, connections and norms are refracted through them. Characterizing the full cycle of management activities, consisting of goal setting, planning, organization, coordination, control and adjustment of goals, it is easy to notice that it is ultimately presented in the form of two management elements: preparation and implementation of management decisions. This is why decisions are a central element of management and organization.

Decision making permeates all management activities; decisions are made on a wide range of management tasks. Not a single management function, regardless of which body performs it, can be implemented otherwise than through the preparation and execution of management decisions. Essentially, the entire set of activities of any management employee is, in one way or another, related to the adoption and implementation of decisions. This, first of all, determines the significance of decision-making activities and determining its role in management.

In the sociological literature, there are various points of view on what decisions made by a person in an organization are considered managerial. Some experts classify as such, for example, the decision to hire a person, the decision to quit, etc. The point of view seems justified, according to which only those decisions that affect relations in the organization should be classified as managerial.

Management decisions, therefore, are always associated with changes in the organization; they are usually initiated by an official or relevant body who bears full responsibility for the consequences of controlled or implemented decisions. The boundaries of competence within which he makes decisions are clearly defined in the requirements of the formal structure. However, the number of persons involved in preparing the decision is significantly greater than the number of persons in power.

The preparation of management decisions in modern organizations is often separated from the function of making them and involves the work of a whole team of specialists. In the “classical” management theory, it is, as a rule, a function of headquarters services.

The process of implementing a decision is associated with the implementation of a special plan, which is a set of activities aimed at achieving goals and deadlines for their implementation. The development of such a plan is the prerogative of the relevant services in the management apparatus. However, today those who will implement it, that is, the direct executors, are involved in its development.

One of important factors influencing the quality of management decisions is the number of tiers in the organization, the increase of which leads to distortion of information when preparing a decision, distortion of orders coming from the subject of management, and increases the sluggishness of the organization. The same factor contributes to the delay of information received by the subject of the decision. This determines the constant desire to reduce the number of management tiers (levels) of the organization.

The problem of the rationality of decisions made has acquired no less importance in the theory of organizations. If the first theorists of the sociology of management considered the preparation of a decision as a completely rational process, then starting from the mid-50s. An approach has become widespread, according to which this process is considered limitedly rational, because it is determined by sociocultural and human factors. Increasingly, the role of the manager’s intuition is being noted when preparing decisions.

The necessary organizational prerequisites for implementing a decision are created already in the process of its preparation and adoption. The decision itself already determines who, what, when, where, how and for what purpose should do it. At the same time, the process of organizing the implementation of decisions made has its own characteristics and requires special implementation methods.

This process includes the following steps:

drawing up an organizational plan;

bringing the decision to the executors;

monitoring the progress of the decision;

making adjustments.

Drawing up an organizational work plan for the implementation of the decision made is the first and particularly important stage in the process of implementing the decision. It must clearly define who, with what forces, what part of the work and in what period of time performs it. Often, for greater clarity, it is advisable to leave a schedule for implementing the solution. The schedule identifies the main stages of the solution implementation process, the timing of their implementation and the responsible executors. To perform each stage of each group of work, the required number of performers of the relevant specialties is selected, taking into account their qualifications and experience.

The finished organizational plan is communicated to the performers. At this stage, explanatory work is always necessary. As a rule, an employee who has a good understanding of the task, the significance of the decision made, as well as the consequences, always performs the work assigned to him with great attention and responsibility. At this stage, it is necessary to ensure effective labor incentives. This can be material incentives, or providing employees with the opportunity to take initiative, develop appropriate work plans, assign performers to areas, etc.

It often happens that in order to implement a decision it is necessary to train employees in new methods and techniques of work. Then, simultaneously with explanatory work, instructional and methodological work should be carried out. An important place is also occupied by the coordination of the activities of performers, the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual assistance in the team.

With the beginning of the implementation of the adopted management decision, control over the progress of its implementation begins. However, any control is impossible without accurate detailed accounting of the work to implement the solution. In this case, various types of accounting are used: statistical, accounting and operational.

Conclusions for Chapter 1: A decision is a choice of an alternative. The need for decision-making is explained by the conscious and purposeful nature of human activity, arises at all stages of the management process and forms part of any management function. Decision-making (managerial) in organizations has a number of differences from the choice of an individual, since it is not an individual, but a group process. The nature of the decisions made is greatly influenced by the degree of completeness and reliable information available to the manager. Improving the process of making management decisions and, accordingly, increasing the quality of decisions made is achieved through the use of scientific approach, models and methods of decision making. A serious problem associated with the effectiveness of the organization is also the problem of implementing decisions made. Up to a third of all management decisions do not achieve their goals due to low performance culture.

Chapter 2. Organization of implementation of management decisions

2.1 Organization of implementation of the decision made

In relation to management decisions, the organization is considered as a complex of works for their effective implementation.

Theory and practice have developed principles for organizing the execution of decisions that must be observed. First of all, the leader divides the overall program of action into separate sections ( group assignments) to specific performers. Then the process of organizing the implementation of the decision includes three interrelated stages: bringing the tasks to the consciousness of the performers; preparing performers to complete the task; encouraging performers to carry it out conscientiously.

When completing tasks, they strive to ensure that the performers clearly understand: what, when, how, under what conditions, with what forces and means, by what time, with what quantitative and qualitative indicators needs to be done.

For a better understanding of the task, the general idea of ​​solving the problem facing the team is first explained. A deep and unambiguous understanding of it is the initial condition for mastering an individual task. Next, you should show the place of each task in the overall work, mutual connections with other tasks. Finally, the goal is explained, that is, the expected result of the work, completion dates and criteria for evaluating results are indicated. Particular attention is paid to possible difficulties, ways to overcome them, and labor safety rules.

To bring tasks to the attention of the performer, various forms and methods are used: meetings and assemblies, conversations, instructions, showing samples of execution, studying documents, etc.

At meetings and conferences, the boss who made the decision usually makes a report, but this is not always advisable. The authority of the boss on whose behalf the decision is announced creates a kind of psychological barrier to free discussion of ways to implement the decision. It is better if the message is delivered by a person whom the performers treat with sufficient respect, as a specialist, although he is neither their boss nor the author of the decision. It is better for the author of the decision not to get involved in the discussion, no matter what form it takes. The more acute the discussion, the better the doubts of subordinates and “pitfalls” that were difficult for the author to foresee are revealed. The discussion materials are carefully analyzed, and sometimes a conversation is held with some of the opponents who spoke.

After hearing the full range of opinions, it is advisable to present the manager with a program of action, taking into account the results of the discussion. In this case, attention should be paid to the comments that were taken into account.

The purpose of the conversation is to clarify the performer’s opinion about the upcoming work, understand the reasons for his objections and doubts, answer all questions, check the depth of understanding of the task at hand and how to solve it. It is first necessary to establish psychological contact with the subordinate, to create conditions for him to freely and uninhibitedly express his thoughts. The establishment of contact is facilitated by: the manager's favorable reaction to the subordinate's doubts, expression of complete trust in him, refusal of reproaches for not understanding the task or unwillingness to complete it, and focusing exclusively on the business side.

Instructions are given the day before the start practical work. The manager thinks in advance about the process of performing work for a subordinate. During the briefing period, he may offer to retell or state in writing in what sequence and how the employee intends to complete the task. Often, shortcomings in work performance are associated with underestimation of instructions. However, both ignoring it and explaining it in too much detail are bad. The latter is even more dangerous, since the performer is confused about the requirements for him.

The general rule when instructing is to communicate the most necessary things, without which you cannot begin work. The remaining information should be provided as the deadlines for completing the relevant types of work approach through additional instructions.

Showing performance samples as a method of completing a task is used when verbal explanations are not effective enough. The forms of implementation of this method are different:

* Supervision of the work of an experienced person;

* Movie, business games, video recording of the game;

* Discussion of video recording with repeated video recording creates a businesslike atmosphere;

* Training, exercises.

Studying documents is one of the main methods of completing a task. It's not that simple. The accuracy of perception and transmission of content from a document depends on numerous factors: how it is compiled, in what context it is presented, what the employee’s well-being is, and so on.

There are afferent and effector images of upcoming reality. The first means the image of the upcoming work created by the performer, obtained as a result of the above methods of completing the task. Effective is an operational image, that is, its own plan of action. Such plans for performing the same task different people may be different.

According to psychologists, workers with weak nervous system prefer to compile a detailed individual plan. People with a strong nervous system tend to be less detailed plans. As they are more self-confident, they quickly navigate unforeseen circumstances. In other words, the effector operational images with which different individuals begin to work are different for them. The more enriched this image is in comparison with what is perceived from the boss, the more proactive the employee is.

The effector images with which performers begin to work are subject to requirements for completeness, accuracy, depth of the image, and its resistance to stress.

Fig.1. Conditions for forming an image of upcoming activities among subordinates

The completeness of the image means that it reflects all the upcoming work from beginning to end. This is important to know in order to correct the employee’s ideas about what to do at certain stages of work.

The accuracy of the image indicates the clarity of the presentation of the features of the planned work. (You can know everything you need, but not exactly. You can know part, but in detail. That is, completeness does not equal accuracy. In both the first and second cases, adjustments by the manager will be required). The depth of the image characterizes how distant the image is in time from the beginning of the actions that are reflected in it (in the image). People with a weak nervous system have a greater depth of effector image. The flexibility of the image means that when the situation changes, the performer's initial ideas can be quickly restructured. The stress resistance of an image is a measure of strength in the face of unexpected difficulties. This is especially important in types of work where working conditions can be extreme (lack of time, danger to life, lack of information, etc.). The consistency of the effector operational images of all task performers means that not only individual tasks are taken into account, but also connections with all involved persons (units). If all the specified requirements for effective operational images are met, it means that the function of bringing the task to the performers by the leader has been fulfilled: subordinates know their task and are able to complete it. The manager, as it were, “plays out” each individual task himself, putting himself in the place of the performer in the appropriate conditions. Errors in determining the nature, scope or content of the task reduce the effectiveness of the solution as a whole. To avoid this, you should adhere to the following rules:

1. Ensuring that each task meets business and psychological characteristics performer. It is necessary to take into account the professional skill of the employee (his special knowledge, skills, experience in performing similar work). The task also correlates with the characteristics of a person’s temperament. As you know, it is difficult for a phlegmatic person to do work that requires quick adjustment; choleric people are more suitable for it. Temperament also influences the perception of any new task.

2. The distribution of tasks should stimulate collectivist feelings (for example, it excludes experienced workers from gaining benefits at the expense of maintaining or reducing the rank of other team members; an indisputably fair establishment of the labor participation coefficient, etc.).

3. Mutual trust among performers of a common task. There must be a belief that a team member will not commit offenses that will negatively affect the overall results of work. Each individual is confident that everyone else can work with full dedication and high quality. What is important is the approximate homogeneity of the motives of work of team members. This is achieved as a result of great educational and organizational work.

4. Mutual insurance and mutual assistance of people working together. A solution is a holistic plan, the division of which into parts for different performers is associated with possible costs and impoverishment of the overall plan. Therefore, when distributing tasks, subordinates must be given a clear orientation towards the final result achieved by the entire team. For each performer, incentives should be provided that would encourage him to care not only about completing his own tasks, but also the tasks of his colleagues.

5. Mobilization of the team. This is a type of activity to organize the implementation of decisions. It is implemented simultaneously with the process of communicating tasks to performers. Its essence lies in the fact that, with the help of a targeted system of educational and organizational measures, the manager, together with public organizations (trade union), forms the moral and psychological attitude of the team and each employee to conscientiously fulfill the task (decision made). The work is carried out in stages: first with the organization’s assets, then a mobilization plan (organizational and technical measures) is drawn up to complete the task by department.

2.2 Monitoring the execution of management decisions

management motivation decision planning

Each manager has to monitor the implementation of many management decisions at various levels of management. Therefore, the choice of forms of control is important. Head of more high level must be able to select a number of main generalizing criteria with the help of which he. Without spending a lot of time and effort, he will be able to assess with a sufficient degree of accuracy the degree of implementation of a management decision. If the manager tries to control the progress of work, delving into all the details, all the little things, he will be overwhelmed with information, among which it is difficult to find the main one.

Since all power and responsibility for the functions of control over relationships are assigned to one person (the manager), and he is physically unable to exercise it in full, the manager is forced to delegate part of his powers to his subordinates. This is what forms vertical (linear) hierarchical structures. The specialization of management functions and the forms of their coordination give rise to a rigid pattern of the functional structure modern organization. In the management hierarchy created in this way, each employee has his own manager and everyone, except ordinary performers, has subordinates. This implies the specificity of the dual formal position of any leader, which leaves a significant imprint on the image of his behavior.

Well-organized control represents feedback, without which the management process is unthinkable. Therefore, special organizational and analytical units are now beginning to be created in the management apparatus, one of the functions of which is to monitor the implementation of decisions, orders, resolutions, instructions.

In the process of implementing a decision, sudden changes in the situation may occur, caused by external reasons, errors that have emerged, and miscalculations both in the decision itself and in the organization of its implementation. In these cases, there is a need to either change the decision made (in terms of timing, performers, content of some tasks), or to make a new decision. Therefore, in the process of making and implementing decisions, it is necessary to provide for the procedure for making the necessary changes. This especially applies to decisions that are made under conditions of uncertainty, which is very typical for the activities of emergency authorities and departments. The need to adjust the progress of a decision is not always associated with a worsening situation. As the solution is implemented, new opportunities may open up that will allow you to achieve better results.

The implementation of a decision, regardless of the results, should always end with a summary. When summing up, you should analyze all stages of work to implement the solution, all successes, mistakes, failures. Summing up provides information about achieving the goal, compliance established deadlines, achievement of planned and side results, the activities of performers, etc. Mandatory summing up of the implementation of the decision has great educational significance. Teams and direct performers must know what results they achieved, how they worked, what the social, economic, and political assessment of their work is. From a management point of view, summing up the implementation of a solution is the study of achievements and mistakes, the acquisition or improvement of experience in solving similar situations and problems, and the acquisition of experience in using new methods.

Conclusions on Chapter 2: A management decision is a social act prepared on the basis of a variant analysis and assessment of information, adopted in the prescribed manner, having directive significance, a generally binding nature, containing the setting of goals and justification for the means of their implementation, organizing practical activities subjects and objects of management.

Organizing the implementation of decisions is a specific activity that completes the management cycle for each specific task. The implementation of management decisions is the most complex, labor-intensive and lengthy stage of the decision-making process, absorbing the bulk of time and resources.

Depending on the conditions for the development and implementation of management decisions, they can be used various shapes developments: decree, law, order, order, instruction, act, protocol, instruction, contract, agreement, plan, contract, offer, acceptance, regulation, rules, model.

Forms of implementation of management decisions include business conversation, prescription, persuasion, explanation, coercion, instruction, message, personal example, training, advice, business games (trainings), meetings, sessions, report, business word.


Rational organization of the implementation of management decisions and systematic monitoring of compliance with the norms and conditions for high-quality implementation are a real prerequisite for ensuring their effectiveness.

Developing and implementing solutions that always ensure high efficiency is a difficult task even for experienced managers. For various reasons, the effect may not be as expected. However, there must be a constant desire to maximize the effect, since insufficient efficiency qualifies as a “defect” in the work of a manager.

So, the performance of an enterprise depends on the quality of management decisions. They must meet certain requirements, be based on the prevailing economic conditions, and be adopted in compliance with organizational and psychological prerequisites.

Organization of implementation of management decisions, and control over their quality (and, accordingly, their effectiveness) can be called one of the most important prerequisites for ensuring the competitiveness of products and companies in the market, the formation of rational organizational structures, implementing correct personnel policies and work, regulating socio-psychological relations in the enterprise, creating a positive image, etc.


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