The nature of the zodiac sign is Sagittarius. Sagittarius zodiac sign - general characteristics of the sign's character

Sagittarius Planet

The patron saint of Sagittarius is Jupiter - the father and king of the gods. Those born under this sign are generous and fair. They constantly strive for knowledge and are sincere in their beliefs. Perhaps their unwavering optimism is to blame.

Sagittarians are endlessly self-indulgent, and their charm and outgoing nature make everything easy for them.

Sagittarius element

Sagittarius is a Fire sign. But the fire of Sagittarius is not like the ardor of Leo and Aries. This is a fire smoldering under the ashes, the embers of inner passions. On the other hand, like fire that moves quickly and cannot be controlled, Sagittarius fluttering from one thing to another, never looking back. For Sagittarius, action and adventure are the most important thing. They have a lot vitality. They are full of enthusiasm and tend to go beyond their limits.

Fire is also the element of inspiration. Sagittarians always look forward. They are curious and spiritual. It is not surprising that they easily attract people's sympathy, especially with their ability to have fun and have a good time.

They are very sociable and friendly people, characterized by directness in relations with others. Sagittarius is straightforward, but behind his tactless manners hides a rather deep mind and high moral qualities. With a rare combination of wit, resourcefulness and fiery temperament, Sagittarius usually becomes the center of attention in any society. He does everything sincerely; falsehood and deception are alien to him. Sagittarius simply does not know how to lie. Lying is contrary to his nature, and, naturally, any attempt to lie ends in complete exposure. That is why he strives for the truth and absolutely cannot stand it when he is accused of dishonesty.

Despite their straightforwardness, Sagittarians are good friends and are always ready to give you good advice.

Sagittarians are sincerely convinced that they are the most diplomatic people, but there is something childish about them: they do not want to see seriousness in life. As a rule, these people are always happy and cheerful. Sagittarians do not like to take responsibility and try with all their might to avoid it. They can easily get out of any difficult situation.

Sagittarius is a sign of Fire, so people of this sign are talkative and extravagant, friendly, but quick-tempered. Sagittarians know how to protect themselves perfectly.

These are avid travelers. They are distinguished by restlessness and desire to change places. They are always running somewhere, hurrying, striving. They love driving fast. Sagittarians are attracted to danger, physical and emotional risk.

However, Sagittarius must beware of the innate desire for speed and adventure, which in our age can result in a tendency to dangerously drive cars and engage in extreme sports. His impulsiveness only increases the risk, and by nature he is prone to accidents.

Routine and mediocrity are not for them. Sagittarians love to play an important, significant role; their character is best demonstrated in leadership positions. They do not like too hard work, although they usually stick to what they have chosen and devote themselves to work with enthusiasm. They work best in a team than alone.

If Sagittarius does not ruin his health through exceptional frivolity, he has every chance of living to a ripe old age with sound mind and strong memory. Diseases usually affect the lungs, liver, arms and legs.

Sagittarians do not like to be in the hospital. They succumb to illness with difficulty and recover quickly. In general, life rarely defeats these people. They always believe that tomorrow will be better than today and yesterday.

They fall in love quickly, but instantly cool down as soon as they hear the word “marriage.” They think for a very long time about whether to join their destiny with someone, but they just can’t make up their mind.

Many Sagittarius men may lend money without even asking why you need it. Every Sagittarius is a gambler and spender at heart. Among the shortcomings characteristic of Sagittarius are increased temperament, gluttony, love of drinking, which can lead to alcoholism, caustic sarcasm and the inability to keep secrets.

Sagittarians have a fantastic memory. They remember dates, events, various little things in life well, but at the same time they are extremely absent-minded and always lose something - gloves, an umbrella, keys, a wallet.

Sagittarians are incorrigible optimists, since fate often bestows them with gifts. These people are cheerful and happy, extremely lucky. Whatever Sagittarius is, his true nature is that of a generous and cheerful idealist. And he will never change his habits, his individuality, his freedom.

Sagittarius man

Men born under the sign of Sagittarius are frank and talkative. True, these conversations are not always pleasant, but Sagittarius is not distinguished by tact. On the other hand, if he gives his word, you can rely on him. He is an easy, tolerant, understanding friend.

Such a person is almost always surrounded by a crowd. He is a wonderful storyteller and a charming guest. Sagittarians love only those who have a quick reaction. They have a great sense of humor, so they avoid closed people who are unable to support interesting conversation, and are always looking true value in man.

Sagittarius is so optimistic that he may not be offended by insults from his enemies. At the same time, it cannot be said that he had no enemies at all, but still there are much fewer of them than other signs.

His imagination can cause him a lot of trouble, but fate always lends him a helping hand in time. Sagittarius is so lucky that sometimes it seems unfair. And naturally, with such luck, he quickly recovers from the blows of fate, if they do overtake him.

The sin of Sagittarius is tactlessness and inattention, but not deliberate cruelty. You certainly can’t blame him for cruelty. His speech is as straight as an arrow. He can say whatever he thinks, but if he sees that you are in love with him, he can pretend that he doesn’t understand anything.

Sagittarius men are very amorous and flighty, love to flirt and strive for variety. No matter how many times Sagittarius is disappointed in women, his optimism does not diminish. He believes that every day gives him new opportunities.

Sagittarius love life very superficial, but at the same time he is very honest. He is sentimental and has a sensitive heart. He enjoys being in love, but is very careful about getting involved. None of his hobbies last long, as he is naturally inclined to create problems out of nowhere. He needs an easy relationship. Sagittarius always wants to be your friend, and it's up to you to decide whether you want your relationship to go further.

Sagittarians are passionate in love, but when it comes to marriage, they are ready to turn back. Marriage ties frighten them. Nevertheless, Sagittarians are very loving and treat women with great tenderness and warmth.

Women often misinterpret the attitude of a Sagittarius man. They view relationships as more serious than they actually are. Sagittarius resists getting too close and does not like jealous women. He prefers connections with those who tend to perceive love as easily as he does. For the most part, Sagittarians look at every pretty woman. They are in love with some ideal, a beautiful dream and they look for him everywhere, and his luck usually helps him get out of difficult situations.

The Sagittarius man is not ready for a long-term relationship. He takes love too easily. When falling in love, she does not take on obligations and always retains the opportunity to retreat. He must always have an escape route, since he never clearly knows what he really wants.

Give him freedom if you want to keep him near you. Be generous, kind, don’t make scandals for him, but at the same time make it clear that he cannot completely control you, that you too free spirit. Don't stop him from bringing his ideas to life. Do something else while he shoots his arrows into invisible distances.

New relatives will not burden you, since Sagittarians generally do not attach of great importance family ties. But you shouldn’t force your relatives on him either—it’s better to go and visit them without him.

In alliance with Sagittarius, you will have to travel a lot. The endless change of landscapes, new faces, contacts, impressions perfectly suit the inclinations of Sagittarius. Sagittarians love risk and some extravagance.

Find something to do and give him the opportunity to feel free. A woman marrying a Sagittarius must remember that this man, whether he is married or not, always remains a bachelor at heart. If you hold him, he will escape, despite any locks.

Usually, Sagittarius wives have to put a lot of effort and tact into correcting mistakes caused by the straightforwardness of their husbands, and for this they need to be attractive.

When he does wrong, he will always tell you so. Practice listening to his frankness and convince yourself that he still loves you, instead of listening to rumors and gossip.

Subject to moods and easily depressed, he may become irritable. Fortunately, this doesn't last long. Sagittarius hates scandals like no other and avoids them in every possible way.

Be, like him, economical in the manifestation of feelings, and you will be surprised how strong the love that grows in such soil can be.

Sagittarius is very practical in financial affairs. He makes an impression generous person. Loves luxury and gives expensive gifts.

Sagittarians love comfort, a certain atmosphere of lightness and choose a woman who not only improves their opinion of themselves, but also runs a good household.

Sagittarius has almost no interest in small children, but over time he will fuss more and more with them. He loves children more when they are older. He goes hiking with them and plays sports. For children, he is more of a friend than a father.

Sagittarius woman

A friendly and outspoken Sagittarius woman usually entangles your heart with her unique charm that you simply have nowhere to escape. Her enthusiasm, willingness to meet halfway and sense of humor will delight any man.

She is always somewhat straightforward because she sees the world as it is.

First of all, like men, the Sagittarius woman loves to tell the truth. She will never lie to you.

She behaves quite openly with men and is not prone to coquetry; she speaks and acts as she feels.

Few people, like her, know how to use logic in any situation and at the same time maintain the happy ability to believe in the best. She is unpretentious in choosing a lover. A man can attract her with one trait - enthusiasm, sense of humor, and she will not pay attention to his less desirable qualities. Sensitive and touchy, she loves flattery. A man with a good tongue can easily win her heart.

Like the Sagittarius man, she is difficult to persuade to marry. You need to have a lot of patience to get her as your wife.

She in constant movement. The Sagittarius woman loves to entertain and participate in fun.

As a rule, such a woman is independent and leaves her father’s house early to lead an independent lifestyle. Both sexes of this sign have an aloofness from family ties.

If you want something from her, you need to ask, but not demand. She likes to be protected, but she hates being ordered around. At the same time, she absolutely cannot stand weak men.

The Sagittarius woman is incapable of deep emotional feelings and is not going to lose her individuality for the sake of any man, even the most beloved. But she likes to know that you treat her with love.

She is one of those people who act first and think later and never listen to outside advice or warnings.

Although it seems that she is able to solve her problems on her own, this is only an appearance.

Having truly fallen in love with a man, she experiences a severe mental crisis. But it's very strong in spirit woman. She is often considered cold and heartless, but this is not true. Like any Sagittarius, she becomes indignant when her honesty is doubted.

She openly flirts without any intention of turning it into an affair. She is usually surrounded by many men. She considers herself equal to a man, can copy men's manners, wear men's sweaters, just like men, and loves sports. Although by nature she is very feminine.

The Sagittarius woman is smart and can stand up for herself in a critical situation, but her heart is defenseless. She is a trusting child by nature and an incredible idealist.

Sagittarius loves good food, wine, clothes, first class travel and easily spends their money on this.

She doesn't know how to hide her feelings. Direct and frank, she is also friendly and generous. She loves her freedom and nothing should stop her from traveling. She needs variety. This is a source of inspiration for her. But she cannot be happy alone; her happiness must be shared by those around her.

She never sits still. Her apartment usually looks like she just moved in or is about to move out. She is tired of having to endlessly wipe the dust, put things in order, and clean up. She hates the routine of household chores. Although she may also do some improvement in her home. Pride makes Sagittarius do a lot of housework. She must be surrounded by beauty and purity, and besides, she understands that if she does not do this, no one will do it for her.

Most Sagittarius women have little desire to cook.

She is a good listener, a good companion for the adventurous man, and a wonderful hostess who can liven up any party.

She is surrounded interesting people. Her friendliness gives people the feeling that they are being greeted with pleasure, and she easily extinguishes any conflicts.

True, she is unlikely to be able to get along with a melancholic person. She physically cannot stand gloom and pessimism. When she Bad mood, this can be terrible, but fortunately it rarely happens.

The Sagittarius wife is better than other zodiac signs at receiving and entertaining guests; in her house they feel very comfortable thanks to the kindness, friendliness and cordiality of the hostess.

Sagittarians are usually not very hot parents. Mothers, having overcome the initial feeling of increased responsibility, behave like good older sisters, taking an active part in all the fun of their children. Children adore such mothers.

Mutual compatibility


They are well compatible, they like to be together. They have lots of friends. Both enjoy active recreation and sports. The marriage is promising.


The practical homebody Taurus will not be suitable for the restless Sagittarius who is looking for adventure. Even short-term relationships require self-discipline, let alone marriage.


Both love fun and are content with each other's company for a while. However, Gemini will definitely begin to criticize their partner, and Sagittarius will not stand it. For a marriage to last, you will have to make an effort.


Cancer needs security and stability. Sagittarius strives for freedom and seeks adventure. Cancer is overly sensitive to accommodate the open Sagittarius. They may be good friends, but the marriage is hopeless.


Both are distinguished by great straightforwardness and love of freedom, they have a common love of adventure, they easily overcome difficulties. A great connection that just might turn into one of those marriages made in heaven.


The pedantic Virgo, prone to a simple life, has little in common with the reckless, impulsive, freedom-loving Sagittarius. In turn, Virgo will seem too much of a bore to Sagittarius.


Libra's forbearance is exactly what Sagittarius needs. Libra will watch the extravagant antics of Sagittarius with enthusiastic amazement and will be able to find him in his partner best sides. Good hopes for both short and long-term relationships.


Scorpio needs a loyal partner who you can rely on. Sagittarius gets irritated quickly and soon cools down. Scorpio accumulates irritation and is ready to explode. They may be physically connected for a while, but their marriage will not be happy.


Their tireless, freedom-loving natures will sooner or later demand freedom from each other. The marriage is unlikely to be successful.


The cautious Capricorn is wary of the impulsive Sagittarius. Capricorn is tight-fisted. Sagittarius spends without thinking and wants to have everything they can buy. Apart from mutual dissatisfaction, it is difficult to expect anything from this marriage.


Aquarius can keep this connection in balance. They both like adventure. Both are not jealous and do not try to dominate their partner. A happy marriage can develop.


None of them can give the partner a feeling of reliability. It seems to Sagittarius that he is bound by the shyness of Pisces, and his energy and love of life are slowly drowning in the swamp of despondency. Extremely complex connection and an almost impossible marriage.

These people are open to the world and everything new, they are cheerful and purposeful. Sagittarius, their characteristic is activity, they are mobile in everything, both in thinking and in lifestyle. They have many interests, among their hobbies are religion and philosophy, they like to think about eternal questions and live looking ahead. It is important for Sagittarius to find themselves and follow the right way. Having realized who they are at their core, they strive to realize themselves in their business and go ahead.

Sagittarians do not like empty words, because they were born to create and create without wasting time.

More than anything in the world, they love to reveal secrets, to learn the most unknown. Sagittarians openly demonstrate their uniqueness and individuality, do not recognize generally accepted standards and do not like to live by stereotypes, so there are no restrictions for them. Among them are many revolutionaries who changed history.

Sagittarius, the characteristic of the zodiac sign is the desire for higher goals. It is not for nothing that they are symbolized by a man with an arrow aimed at the heavenly heights. In life they are successful, achieve their goals, and deviate from their plans only when they lose the thread of their actions and the image of the final result. But they don’t sit around worrying about unfinished business, but take on something new. Sagittarians have no equal in their sense of purpose.

Positive features

Sagittarius has a rather choleric character. They are real adventurers and pioneers, in their own way life path They often make mistakes, but they turn this knowledge into invaluable experience, and do not grieve over the number of bumps they get.

Representatives of this sign quickly and successfully solve any problems, see a way out even in difficult situations, precisely because of their optimism, so it seems that fate itself is helping them. Sagittarians, without hesitation, get down to business, without spending a lot of time on thinking, it is pleasant for him to learn about the world through actions, even if with a lot of mistakes, he will still be delighted with the process.

It is not in the nature of Sagittarius to bend their hearts and speak in hints,

Sagittarians value their freedom, but also respect the freedom of others.

they are straightforward and sincere. They expect from their interlocutors the same frankness that they decide to do themselves. Things are bad with secrets, there is no secret information for them, in conversations they rely on any truth from their memory. They do this not to offend others, not to reveal someone’s secret essence, but only because of their directness and honesty.

People really appreciate Sagittarius for their sense of humor, for lending a helping hand to them in difficult times, for their kindness and sociability. Sagittarians have many friends and close friends, but they rarely become attached to someone with all their hearts, nevertheless, they are excellent comrades. They deftly know how to help without leaving a person in debt.

In relation to his enemies and ill-wishers, Sagittarius is merciless, all his kindness evaporates, and with them he is cruel and cold. Situations of deception and bullying make them feel deeply frustrated. In all difficult situations Sagittarians are used to coping on their own without involving anyone else. Honesty and sincerity are maintained even in verbal battles with enemies.

Throughout their lives, these people cherish a piece of naivety from childhood, which arouses sympathy. They can confuse something, forget, lose the same things. But their memory is bright and clear; a whole library of memories is stored there. Points regarding work and everyday affairs are poorly reinforced there.

Sagittarians are often told that they are inappropriate for their age; they are young in heart and soul, which is why they look young in appearance. Throughout their lives, they maintain an ardent desire for new discoveries and travel, studying new sciences and meeting new people.

Those born under this sign love to be the center of attention and value decent company, which helps them build a career. They tend to spend money lavishly on drinks and delicious food. Sometimes they save money for a long time and painstakingly for their dream, and then suddenly spend it on something that is far from being the most necessary and desirable. Sagittarius will not refuse to lend money; friends and relatives can come to them in difficult times for help. He loves animals and often has several pets at home.

Negative traits

  • One of the negative aspects of Sagittarius is the inability to combine several things. He definitely needs complete silence and concentration, but sometimes they do not complete the job due to lack of patience. Their love of instantly grasping at things sometimes brings them difficulties and tasks beyond their capabilities
  • It is difficult for Sagittarius to take on anything that requires a long, methodical decision and forces them to use their brains. Often, struggling with this, they become pedantic.
  • Those born under this sign try to rid themselves of any obligations, they hate being in debt to someone and reserve freedom for the opportunity to reverse the move.
  • Sometimes they are too impulsive. They go to extremes, sometimes working too hard, sometimes giving up altogether. Sagittarius can change their decisions quite abruptly; their thoughts are spontaneous and sometimes confused.
  • No matter how unusual it may sound, sometimes they go overboard with optimism. It is worth remembering that these are eternal children.
  • Sagittarians are capable of suddenly flaring up, love to brag, and are proud of themselves. Often their social circle consists of the lower strata of society, and this is where a certain thrill is hidden for them.
  • Sometimes Sagittarius forgets about his words, becomes stubborn, not wanting to listen to anything, and behaves vulgarly.

Sagittarius personality by date of birth

1st type - first ten days (November 23 -December 2)

Sagittarians of the first decade are under the influence of Saturn, they love mysticism. By temperament they are strong in spirit, passionate and freedom-loving. They often show themselves as ruthless, rude people, with a bit of arrogance and a thirst for power. They do not like to share with someone their affairs and those things that they consider exclusively theirs.

2nd type - second decade (DECEMBER 3-DECEMBER 12)

In the second decade, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. These people decide things with cool head, have a developed logical thinking, perform well in mathematics. Sagittarius born during this period have a close connection with relatives of the older generation, they make the most difficult dreams come true. They also have a noble heart, they are generous with help and very responsible.

In life, they are interested in everything, they want to use their resources to the maximum and learn as much new things as possible. Sagittarius of this decade is often the “foundation” in the birth of a company; he easily unites like-minded people, and in a leadership position - subordinates.

It is not surprising that such Sagittarians become excellent leaders, directors and bosses; they have the ability to patronize by nature. They do not skimp on flattery if it benefits them. They can be extremely unreliable and let people down. By harming themselves, they make mistakes.

3rd type - third decade (December 13 -December 21)

The third decade and the patronage of Mars characterizes Sagittarius as strong-willed, strong and powerful people. They are naturally endowed with the ability to skillfully manage people. Very sexy and have strong energy. In their minds lies the idea of ​​their higher purpose and the ability to change everything.

Sagittarians of this decade love to play to the public, they are actors, they like to surprise the “spectators” with their bold antics. They are extremely active and strive to realize themselves in all matters, not wanting to waste time.

Characteristics of a Sagittarius woman


From infancy, the Sagittarius girl demonstrates her stubbornness. She is loud and hysterical if she doesn't get what she asks for. She's attracted to beautiful toys, she takes a responsible approach to choosing clothes and accessories. This girl likes to keep up with fashion; she prefers bright and stylish outfits.

An important part of life for her is a hobby; she needs her own passion. Sagittarians love sports and everything connected with it; they are naturally resilient, have a good figure and a lot of energy. They can have time to attend several clubs, combining it with their studies without any problems.

The Sagittarius child prefers to live in a separate room and is not eager to communicate with relatives all day long. She is attracted to parties, traveling, hiking, she is a child of the whole world, and does not feel attached to home.


The behavior of a Sagittarius girl often causes discontent among her friends and discussions behind her back. Feeling offended and deprived, she makes sarcastic ridicule towards the offenders. But seeing that she really hurt loved one, instantly changes strategy and tries to make amends.

Deep down, Sagittarius is very naive and easy to deceive. Girls of this sign quickly forget grievances and misfortunes, without tormenting themselves with repeated experiences. Often Sagittarius plunges into intimate life early and the first serious relationship. A correctly established position by parents helps them understand their emotions and control their hobbies.


During school lessons, Sagittarius girls are inattentive, which is why they cannot keep up with the class. In this case, the answer lies in their pride; you need to interest her in studying, and things will go uphill. After all, she has excellent logic, a strong memory, and a lively mind.

The older these girls get, the more serious their hobbies become. You can sometimes be amazed at what serious literature they read in adolescence, how persistently they are interested in political issues.

Affairs and work

Most often, Sagittarians know from childhood what they want to become and put this goal in their heads. They know how to move towards big goals, dividing the path into small stages. Sagittarius women love to defend human rights and freedoms and prefer to work on a flexible schedule.

Routine, monotonous activity suffocates them, and hard work and fire in their eyes are ignited only from the work for which they really have a soul. Sagittarius devotes himself completely to such work, receiving worthy results and success as a reward.

Characteristics of a Sagittarius man


Sagittarius boys have an optimistic outlook on life. Fate loves and spoils them. Their list of enemies is very short, but they have a whole carload of friends and acquaintances, because he is the very personification of happiness.

From the cradle, the Sagittarius boy loves to move a lot, he is inquisitive and loves communication. The noisy environment does not prevent him from falling asleep. You won't get bored with such a kid, he runs fast, studying everything he meets on the way, he will hit a lot of bumps in childhood.

In adolescence, he continues to be an active companion, loves noisy parties, games and dancing until the morning. His friends are a reflection of himself, bright, energetic, purposeful. In any situation, the Sagittarius boy remains faithful and truthful.


These are the guys girls should be wary of. They are amorous and fickle. For them, almost all of their relationships are nothing more than a simple affair. You should be careful in your relationship with him and carefully study his behavior to make sure - is all this serious?

Sagittarius is the most cheerful sign of the zodiac, able to quickly cope with any difficulties thanks to optimism. Such man walking through life with an easy gait, confidently moving along the chosen path, without getting hung up on little things and not getting discouraged in the event of temporary troubles. Sagittarius always believes in the best, and therefore will not miss his chance. Such a person can become a reliable support for his loved ones. Thanks to his generosity, he will never leave them in trouble, and most importantly, he does not need anything in return. Sagittarius is not one of those people who like to remind people of their good deeds so that they feel like they are in his debt. All of him noble deeds they come from the heart, he does not like to put other people in an awkward position, and therefore it is easy and pleasant to be around him.

Character Weaknesses

Sagittarius can be very tactless and even rude, which often offends close people. Acting on emotions, he can make a mistake, which he himself will later regret, and will spend a lot of energy trying to somehow rehabilitate himself in the eyes of those to whom he is guilty. Sagittarius can flare up and cool down just as quickly, and few people have the desire to adapt to his emotional swings.

Sagittarius does everything a quick fix, and this applies to both home improvement and work. A person born under this zodiac sign sees the task as a whole, but does not attach importance to details, which can be very important. Sagittarius is not so much lazy as inattentive and inclined to judge everything superficially. It happens that as a result of his hasty decisions and actions, the problem not only remains unresolved, but also gets worse. Eliminating his mistakes, Sagittarius spends much more time than it would have taken if he had acted deliberately from the very beginning.

In personal life

In love, Sagittarius is emotional, passionate and loves novelty. This does not mean at all that he often changes partners or is incapable of being faithful. For personal happiness, Sagittarius needs a person with a similar temperament and a craving for diversity, and, most importantly, who does not limit his freedom. Jealous people definitely have nothing to do next to Sagittarius. The representative of this zodiac sign is very sociable and attractive, so he is not deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. If his chosen one attempts to influence his lifestyle, this will inevitably lead to separation. Sagittarius will not avoid conflicts, try to bypass sharp corners, and will not want to change even externally, because indulging other people’s whims is humiliating for him. On the other hand, his attitude towards his loved one cannot be called unfair, because Sagittarius himself accepts people as they are. He is not busy searching for his ideal and is tolerant of other people's shortcomings, but only if his personal interests are not affected. Having met a person to his liking, a representative of the fire element will surround him with care, love and attention, and will also do everything to ensure that this union is long-lasting.

See Sagittarius compatibility with other zodiac signs:

Sagittarius man

The Sagittarius man is confident in himself, leads an active lifestyle and needs constant changes. What depresses him most is boredom and stagnation in events, so if nothing new happens in his life for a long time, he diversifies it himself, and the range of his possible actions is very wide. This could be a new hobby, usually associated with extreme sports, or it could be a change of place of work or residence. The Sagittarius man feels like a fish in water in a new environment, and even in a foreign country where he knows no one. He gets real pleasure from unusual experiences, loves to travel, meet people unlike himself, and rejoices at every opportunity to gain new knowledge.

The fate of a Sagittarius man is usually divided into several stages, completely different from each other. In one life, he manages to live several lives, and at the same time does not feel tired or craving for peace and stability. Even in his old age, he has no equal in activity among the young, and no matter what happens, he always remains carefree and optimistic.

IN family life is happy only if his wife fully shares his interests. However, a woman with a calmer temperament can also give him happiness, but only if she does not impose her ideals and views on life on him. Sagittarius is not one of those who can live in an unsuccessful marriage for years. If he decides to break off the relationship, he will literally leave his wife wearing only his slippers, even if they have joint property. Sagittarius acts on emotions, but nevertheless, decisions made changes extremely rarely.

Sagittarius Woman

A woman born under this zodiac sign is smart, cheerful and energetic. She does not know how to lie, be a hypocrite and hide her emotions, even if for ethical reasons this is necessary. The Sagittarius woman speaks her opinion about people in plain text, without trying to choose more pleasant words to express her thoughts. Naturally, not every person is ready to accept the harshness of her character and patiently listen to criticism addressed to her, so the representative of the fire element regularly has conflicts in the family, at work, and even with strangers.

In relationships with men, she behaves on an equal footing, and in the men’s campaign she generally gives the impression of being “her guy.” She does not like to flirt, does not try to look feminine, does not resort to cunning to impress a man, and acts straightforwardly. For her personal happiness, she needs a person who will appreciate her sincerity and will not be frightened by some of the brutality of her behavior.

The Sagittarius woman can be very successful at work, but she tries to choose an interesting activity for herself and avoids routine and monotony. She is proactive, has a high ability to work and great creative potential, so it goes up quickly career ladder and without much difficulty can get a leadership position. With the advent of her family, her interest in work does not fade. The Sagittarius woman will never agree to the role of a housewife, even if her husband is quite capable of providing her with a decent life.

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Zodiac sign Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) - the uniqueness of this sign lies in the fact that in people of this sign the fire element seems to be intertwined with amazing tranquility and prudence. As soon as you take a closer look at Sagittarius, you will notice that these people harbor many amazing traits and have great optimism! Make sure of this by reading the horoscope, which tells about all areas of life! The Sagittarius characteristic shows that various ideas quickly come to mind, and their success is often based on their intuitive hunch. Like their symbol - the Archer Centaur, Sagittarians are direct in manner and speech, which, like a flying arrow, hits the target. They express their personal opinion, regardless of anything. They are keen observers of life, and they can rarely refrain from making comments about the personalities of their loved ones, but these comments are useful, not just critical.

However, Sagittarians must realize that not everyone is as objective as they are and their good intentions are often misunderstood. Sagittarians are very romantic and passionate, honest and direct in their feelings and intentions. However, this is often mistaken for emptiness and superficiality or feigned flattery. The zodiac sign Sagittarius should not be offended by the slightest manifestation of neglect or inattention, whether it is real or apparent. They should not be offended or harbor a grudge against people - their only source of joy. They must learn to believe in their bright tomorrow. Why not? After all, he is their powerful ally. Despite their sociability, Sagittarians are often very lonely, as they are extremely idealistic. They continue to believe in and long years after having learned the bitter experience. They trust people again and again. And this is one of the great secrets of their success - their great faith, which is usually generously rewarded.

As a rule, Sagittarius is happy and cheerful, we are always in high spirits. He advises other people to follow his example, which sometimes helps them out. But the zodiac sign Sagittarius is a fire sign, and therefore if he feels that someone is trying to offend him with excessive familiarity or show power over him, he can flare up. He is enraged by unfair accusations and all sorts of rumors about him. Thanks to his inherent independence, Sagittarius can often become an object of criticism or even ridicule. Having the ability to buy the most beautiful jewelry and priceless treasures of art, showing excellent taste to little things, Sagittarius quite often remains indifferent to his own appearance, wears shabby things - despite the fact that his pockets are full. Sagittarius never avoids a fight or calls for help. He can defend himself perfectly well.

Characteristics of Sagittarius clearly shows that people of this sign have a very strong sense of self-esteem. They are attracted by power, fame, titles, honor and awards, prestige and popularity. But the zodiac sign Sagittarius does not strive for power to satisfy their ambition: they want to influence external world and transform it, they wish to improve both human morals and the nature of things. However, they become anxious when they see that they have been misunderstood or accused of meddling in other people's affairs - which is completely out of character for them. It's just hard for Sagittarius to tame their powerful instincts. Obeying a momentary impulse, he forgets about everything and becomes very impatient. He is in a hurry to live and wants to be on time everywhere. Sometimes, however, a representative of the Sagittarius sign can completely unconsciously accept himself as a kind of standard. It never occurs to him that he sometimes aims at a goal that many do not dare to achieve and hope that other people not only cannot shoot an arrow, but are powerless even to pull the bowstring.

Such a person concentrates all his attention on what he is doing in this moment, and it looks like he can't see anything around him. Therefore, it often becomes a cause of annoyance and irritation for friends who want to properly weigh and think everything over, compromise, trust their instincts, and the like; all this is alien to the nature of Sagittarius. It's crowded vitality and energy, he is active, active, always in motion and searching. The zodiac sign Sagittarius by nature is a passionate and enthusiastic person, completely devoted to the cause to which he has devoted his life, be it a religion, to which many Sagittarians are clearly drawn, or a buffoonery. They never show their fatigue until they fall from exhaustion. They love discipline and order, are very conservative and pedantic, and try to support generally accepted traditions and customs.

Characteristics of Sagittarius

  • Influence: Jupiter.
  • Symbol: centaur archer, stars, wands, raised index finger.
  • Colors: blue, cyan, violet, crimson.
  • Stone: topaz, amethyst, peridot, turquoise, opal, carbuncle, sapphire, emerald, agate.
  • Metal: zinc, tin.
  • Flowers: carnation, narcissus, cornflower, palm tree.
  • Mascot: horseshoe, salamander.
  • Happy day: Thursday.
  • Unlucky day: Wednesday.
  • Favorable numbers: 3 (all numbers divisible by 3), 4, 9.
  • Countries: Portugal, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Spain, countries Latin America(except Mexico and Brazil), Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco.

Born from November 23 to December 2 under influence - a courageous and independent nature, sensual with a strong spirit, fond of hunting and sports.

All Zodiac Signs have special character traits that many people know about. Each of us has something that can amaze even ourselves. That is why we can say about each Sign that it is unusual.

Does this make us all equal? To some extent this is true, but in matters psychological analysis it's the little things that matter. WE have already examined the features and facts about such Signs as Virgo, Scorpio, Libra and many others. 10 unusual facts about Sagittarius will help you better understand the train of thought of these unusual people, as well as their life priorities and even small secrets.

Sagittarius character

Let's say right away that these people irritate some people, and make others fall in love with them. The fact is that to Sagittarius, whole life seems like a game. He is very dynamic and very smart, but not everyone can appreciate this. In principle, Sagittarius does not care about the opinions of others about his personality. They are concerned about much simpler matters.

Representatives of this Zodiac Sign always have something to say, because they are well-read and very erudite. Their strength lies in the fact that they accept any outcome of their affairs as positive. They learn quickly and are very good at teaching others. The only thing that separates them from incredible success is multitasking. They often take on too much. This does not interfere with them and never throws them off balance, but their efficiency in completing tasks suffers.

The fire element makes these people real rebels. They are ready to go against any person in a dispute and fight for justice. Often these individuals choose and dark side trying to get my way. Yes, they are selfish, but tell me, who among us is not selfish? Sagittarians do not hide this, because they do everything head-on, and not on the sly.

10 facts about Sagittarius

Fact one: Sagittarius behave strangely when in love - two people are fighting in them. One says: “Yes, this is your happiness, dive headlong into love.” The second one says: “Yes, well. Again disappointments. Look, you’ll be parting soon.” Sagittarius very often think that relationships are destroyed at the stage of the candy period. Because of this, many people have the impression that Sagittarians are frivolous and cold. They just want to seduce and escape. This is wrong. Now you know it.

Fact two: Sagittarians are easily moved to action. You just need to bring a bit of competition into any business, then they will not be able to resist the temptation to be first. Their favorite sin is vanity. If everyone says that a person born under the Sign of Sagittarius has become the best in something, then this will give the latter an incredible boost of vivacity, self-confidence and a lot of strength. When you praise a Sagittarius, you become his best friend, because he is susceptible to flattery. It will be even better if these words are true.

Fact three: despite the dynamics of life and the fire in their eyes, Sagittarians are among the most careful drivers. If they know that they are stronger, faster or better than others at something, then they themselves will not shout about it. In general, they treat their things very carefully. They know how to maintain their mood and energy at the same level even in extreme situations.

Fact four: They are ready to do anything for their loved ones. This applies to all areas of life. They are ready to sacrifice love, money and time. If one of their close friends or relatives is in danger or needs help, then Sagittarians will help them, don’t even doubt it.

Fact five: they cannot be argued over. They won’t bang their heads against the wall like Aries, but will bombard you with arguments. These people generally know how to speak and defend themselves verbally. They make incredibly successful lawyers. They are also good teachers. They won’t nervously kick you in the face like Virgos - they will diplomatically and clearly explain the theory, back it up with practice, and answer all your questions. These are the best teachers.

Fact six: Sagittarians rarely change hobbies. They can add something to their list of favorite things to do, but never throw it away. Their passion never goes away. From school they can play volleyball, football, and do cross-country sports. At 40 years old, they will still go to the stadium with friends and play their favorite game. They are true to themselves and try to achieve maximum results In sports.

Fact seven: Representatives of this Sign are obsessed with success. If you play Tetris, then Sagittarius will come up to you and say that he somehow scored more points than you. This will most likely be true. If you want, he will provide you with evidence, but even in small things he will try to keep the lead.

Fact eight: Sagittarians are more likely than other people to have a universal musical taste. They can listen to any music, from rap to classical.

Fact nine: Do you want to cheer yourself up? Turn to Sagittarius. They always know. When and how to joke. Their phrases and facial expressions can be incredibly funny. They can also support you in difficult times with a speech full of understanding and sympathy. You should not think that their life consists only of searching for profit. They are deep, like the ocean and full of love and positivity.

Fact ten: Sagittarians are wonderful parents. Their parenting methods may differ greatly from standard and generally accepted ones, but their children will always love them. These are the parents who are their children's first priority. best friends, and only then life mentors.

Sagittarians require a lot of energy. They don't need affirmations for every day because they motivate themselves. They just need to be able to relax. If Sagittarius more often remembers that life is not only work, but also relaxation, then everything in his life will be fine. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and