Complex sentence with conjunction and subordinating connection. Complex sentences with different types of connections - examples. Russian language

Non-conjunction sentences with coordinating connection- these are non-conjunctive sentences, which in structure and semantic relationships between their parts are identical to compound sentences. These two types of sentences differ from each other only in the presence or absence of a connecting conjunction (a connecting conjunction can be substituted into non-union sentences, and, on the contrary, removed from a complex sentence).

Structurally, such non-conjunctive sentences can potentially consist of an unlimited number of predicative parts, therefore they are called open non-conjunctive complex sentences (or non-conjunctive sentences of open structure).

Open non-union proposal, consisting of several equal parts, names and lists a number of sequential or simultaneous events or phenomena:

The moon stands over a transparent mountain, The surrounding area is bathed in an uncertain light, A row of cypress trees are lined up, Their shadows run into the unknown (V. Ya. Bryusov)

Such non-conjunctive complex sentences are formed with a monotonous enumerative intonation, that is, all parts of the sentence are intonated equally. In addition, all parts of the non-union sentence are united by one leading topic. The order of the parts of a non-union sentence is free, that is, you can easily swap parts.

Non-conjunction sentences with subordinating connection- these are non-conjunctive sentences, which both in structure and in semantic relationships between parts are identical to complex sentences. Such non-conjunction sentences consist of only two parts and are called closed non-conjunction complex sentences (or closed structure non-conjunction sentences).

The fixed (not free) order of arrangement of the two parts of a closed non-conjunct sentence helps to establish semantic relationships between these predicative parts, that is, when rearranging the parts of a non-conjunct sentence, the semantic relationships between them change or the sentence as a whole is destroyed. For example, in the sentence I was late: the car broke down, the second part of a complex sentence tells the reason, and in the sentence The car broke down - I was late, the second part is a consequence of what is reported in the first part.

Parts of such a complex sentence are formed by explanatory intonation (one part explains the other) or contrastive intonation (the first part of the sentence is characterized by a very high tone, the second by a lower tone). From semantic relationships between parts of a complex sentence in oral speech depends on the intonation, and on the letter - the choice of punctuation mark (colon or dash).

Between the parts of closed non-union complex sentences, various types of semantic relationships are established, that is, the semantic role of the subordinate part in relation to the main part is determined. The following varieties can be distinguished: Material from the site

  1. An explanatory non-union sentence is a non-union complex sentence in which the first part contains supporting words - verbs that require addition, explanation, distribution, which is the content of the second part: I knew: the blow of fate would not bypass me (M. Yu. Lermontov).
  2. An explanatory non-union sentence is a non-union complex sentence in which the second part reveals, specifies, explains the content of the first part (often a separate word or word combination of the first part): The whole city there is like this: a swindler sits on a swindler and drives the swindler (N .V. Gogol).
  3. A non-union sentence of justification and reason is a non-union complex sentence, the second part of which contains the justification or reason for what is said in the first part: I can’t sleep, nanny: it’s so stuffy here! (A.S. Pushkin). I am sad: there is no friend with me (A.S. Pushkin).
  4. A non-conjunction sentence with a predicative construction of a consequence is a non-conjunction sentence, the second part of which is a consequence of the action named in the first part of the sentence. Some non-conjunctive sentences with a causal predicative construction can be turned into sentences with an investigative predicative construction. To do this, it is enough to swap the predicative constructions: I opened the window: it was stuffy (reason). It was stuffy - I opened the window (consequence).
  5. An adversarial non-union sentence is a sentence in the second part of which a sharp opposition is expressed to what is said in the first part: I knew about poetry from the very beginning - I knew nothing about prose (A. A. Akhmatova).

Opposition in a non-union complex sentence is often associated with negation:

It is not for the songs of spring over the plain that the green expanse is dear to me - I fell in love with the melancholy crane high mountain monastery (S. A. Yesenin)

Many non-union sentences are characterized by polysemy of semantic relationships between the parts of a complex sentence; these relationships often defy unambiguous interpretation: the boundaries between different meanings blurry and not clear enough.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • what is a subordinate and non-union connection
  • complex with subordinating connection from the works of Marina Tsvetaeva
  • proposals for 5. non-union subordinates. essay
  • examples of sentences with coordinating and subordinating and non-conjunctive connections
  • What are subordinating and non-union connections?

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GIA. Section “Grammar. Syntax". Complex sentences With different types communications Elena Ivanovna Tkachenko, teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 58”, Arzamas

Types of connections in a complex sentence: conjunction, non-conjunction, coordinating, subordinating

A coordinative connection is found between the parts of a complex sentence. Coordinating conjunctions: However, but, nevertheless, a, but, yes (=a, =and), or, and, also, the same, the same, then... then, either... either, nor.. .neither. Subordinating relationships are found in complex sentences. Subordinating conjunctions are divided into simple and compound. Simple: What, so that, how, when, barely, if, while, although, once, whether, as if, as if, exactly, only, only, as if, as soon as, only, for, so that, if, for now, if only , if. Compounds: Because, because, so that, due to the fact that, in connection with the fact that; In order to, in order to; As, since; At that time, since when.

1) I couldn’t sleep for a long time, and 2) there was the sound of axes outside the window, 3) because woodcutters had come to the village. (Parts 1 and 2 - conjunctive conjunction, coordinating conjunction a; Parts 2 and 3 - conjunctive conjunction, subordinating conjunction because) 1) He thought: 2) winter would soon end, but 3) his teeth were chattering from the cold. (parts 1 and 2 – non-union, 2 and 3 – union composing)

1) The snow was melting, 2) the birds were returning home, and 3) the cold was gradually leaving the heart. (1 and 2 - non-union connection, 2 and 3 - union coordinating connection) 1) So leave unnecessary disputes - 2) I have already proven everything to myself; 3) The only thing better than mountains are mountains, 4) which you have never been to before. (1 and 2 – non-union, 2 and 3 – non-union, 3 and 4 – union subordinate)

Among sentences 32–37, find a complex sentence with a conjunctional coordinating and subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer. (32) During the big break, the director and I, in an empty classroom, began to make our way to Golubkin’s conscience. (33) It was then, in the midst of our conversation, that Vanya Belov appeared and said: - (34) I came to bring myself into the hands of justice! (35) I didn’t believe that he pulled out the dictations, but the director agreed with Vanya’s version. (36) After lessons, six students whose work had disappeared rewrote the dictation. (37) Senya Golubkin received a C, because he had already discovered his mistakes during the break, and moved to the seventh grade. 35

In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating connection. She (1) seemed (2) ready to thank him for another hour, (3) but he turned and ran away. And at the first break it turned out (4) that none of the boys in their class gave anything to the girls. None. Only in front of Lena Popova lay tender branches of mimosa. -Where did you get the flowers? - asked the teacher. “Vitya gave this to me,” (5) Lena said calmly. Everyone immediately began to whisper, (6) looking at Vitya, (7) and Vitya lowered his head low. 3, 7

Among sentences 12–23, find a complex sentence with non-union and allied coordinating and subordinating connections between the parts. Write the number of this offer. (12) Sergeeva is a theater artist, young and beautiful woman. (13) And Alice asked the guy an “adult” question: - (14) Do you love her? “(15) No,” the guy smiled. – (16) I once saved her. (17) In our city, the theater was then on tour. (18) It was in the spring, at the end of March. (19) The guys were sledding by the river. (20) Sergeeva also wanted to go for a ride. (21) The guys gave her a sled. (22) She sat down and drove off, the sled accidentally drove onto the ice, which was thin and fragile, and a minute later Sergeeva found herself in ice water. (23) The guys screamed, but I was not far away and heard it. 22

Among sentences 26–32, find a complex sentence with a conjunctional coordinating and subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer. (26) Tears flowed down the cheeks of the sailors, who had more than once looked death in the face. (27) Having learned the price of courage, the sailors saw the strength of spirit of Leningrad schoolchildren. (28) The cruiser was preparing to go into battle, from which not everyone would return, and these guys had inspired hope itself. (29) Saying goodbye to the children, the team lined up. (30) The guys began to present gifts that they had brought with them. (31) Taking a cloth pouch from the girl’s hands, the foreman, who had two military orders on his chest, said: “I accept the third award of the Motherland.” (32) The sailors knew the value of courage. 28

In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating connection. He kept sitting in the same place, (1) near the foot of the bed, (2) and, (3) when someone leaned over him, (4) he put his jagged claw forward with menacing impotence. 1

In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating connection. -I just wanted to know (1) why she howls. She feels bad, (2) right? -You're right, (3) she feels bad. Yanka is used to walking during the day, (4) and I’m at work. My wife will come (5) and everything will be all right. 3,4,5

Among sentences 5–12, find a non-union complex sentence. Write the number of this offer. (5) Firstly, the nickname. (6) His name was Borozhai. (7) Find another dog on earth that has this ridiculous name! (8) Secondly, my dog ​​was indecently cowardly. (9) As soon as one of the guys growled menacingly, my Borozhai squealed like a woman, crouched low and, weaving, ran as fast as he could to mocking hooting. (10) And at that moment I was ready to fall through the ground. (11) Over there, Tolik Karbyshev’s dog is such a dog! (12) Thunder sounds, looks - it sends a shiver down to your very heels. 12

Among sentences 18–25, find a complex sentence with a non-union and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer. - (18) I told everyone there in the city how good it is here: now the housewives won’t fight off the guests, my hand is light. (19) Starting from Sunday, more and more summer residents began to come to the village. (20) The housewives were seized by a fever of profit, and prices tripled, and since people kept traveling, they began to grab without any conscience. (21) Once a neighbor came to see Polikarpovna. (22) During the conversation, I casually asked how much she rented out housing for, and when she heard the answer, she opened her eyes in surprise: - (23) Yes, you, grandma, are completely crazy! (24) I have one, it would tear your hands off for a hundred. (25) Now they take one and a half hundred, two hundred! 18

Among sentences 23–26, find complex sentences with non-union and allied coordinating connections between parts. Write the numbers of these sentences. (23) But one day something happened that is still talked about in our parts. (24) The neighbors' wooden barn caught fire. (25) They managed to bring out the cows, but the calf in the farthest cage was locked - you couldn’t get close. (26) The heat, the smoke, he, the poor fellow, no longer moans, but groans, everyone feels sorry for him, but you can’t climb into the fire. 25, 26

In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinate connection. “Thank you,” (1) said Nazarov, (2) “but that’s not what I came for.” My father is sick. We arrived in Moscow, (3) but in Moscow I only know you, (4) and I wanted to ask, (5) can we stay with you for a week? “No, (6) no, (7),” Sergeeva said hastily. -This is inconvenient (8) because I have a very small apartment. 5, 8

Among sentences 12–16, find a complex sentence with non-union and allied coordinating and subordinating connections between the parts. Write the number of this offer. (12) The kingdom of toys reflected in its own way real world, not humiliating anyone, but elevating me. (13) By the miniature nature of their toys, they emphasized that they were created, as it were, to obey me. (14) And being completely in charge, I realized even then, is very pleasant. (15) I controlled the routes of cars and trains, the habits and actions of animals that I was afraid of in life. (16) I dominated, commanded - they were wordless, silent, and I secretly thought that it would be good to continue to treat others in this way. 16

Among sentences 29–33, find a complex sentence with different types of connections (non-conjunctive and allied subordinating) between the parts. Write the number of this offer. - (29) That’s not what I mean, I’m on business... (30) In this “There are people all around!” there is so much faith and optimism that everyone somehow feels better, brighter... (31) To travel half of Russia without a ticket and without money, more than five thousand kilometers, and return in the same way is incomprehensible to the mind. (32) But they believe her. (33) Her face, eyes and smile shine with friendliness, she is so sincere - all outward that you simply cannot help but believe her. 33

References Open bank GIA-9 tasks // FIPI website Trosnetsova L.A., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. Russian language. 9th grade. M.: Education, 2013.

Non-union and allied connection

between parts of a complex sentence

Pechkazova Svetlana Petrovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU “Lyceum No. 1”, Chamzinka, Republic of Mordovia

  • continue preparing for the OGE in Russian in 9th grade;
  • systematize knowledge about non-union and allied (coordinating and subordinating) connections between parts of a complex sentence;
  • practice the skill of performing a task of this type

Assignment on this topic

in KIMs it is formulated

as follows:

Among the sentences... find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and a conjunctive coordinating (subordinating) connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

To complete this task,

try to compose

action algorithm

Execution algorithm

of this assignment

Determine the number of grammatical stems in a sentence

One grammatical

Two or more

grammar basics






Execution algorithm


Find a sentence in which

more than two grammatical stems

Establish the type of connection between simple sentences

as part of a complex

coordinating connection type:



independent, connected

conjunctions AND, YES (=AND), BUT,



subordinating connection: from

you can ask a question to the main clause; conjunctions and allied words: WHAT,


non-union connection: parts of a complex sentence are connected without conjunctions, in meaning

Non-union complex sentence

, .

(listing facts)

; .

(listing of facts, proposals are common, complicated)

Birds sing cheerfully and carefree , butterflies flutter.

Hazel bushes grew along the banks of the stream ; The swimsuit flowers bowed their yellow heads to the water.

: [ reason ].


Pavel didn't like autumn : she brought him suffering.

: [explanation].


After a while we hear : The lapwings scream at the top of their lungs.

: [ addition ]

(and saw, and heard, and felt)

[ → ] - [ ← ].


Chin followed him he suddenly left the service.

I looked up : The cloudless sky shone joyfully above me.

: [ addition ].

(how, what)

[time, condition] - .

(when, if)

- [ output (so) ].

Suddenly Pavel felt : someone's fingers touch his arm.

The morning will come let's hit the road.

Called himself a milk mushroom get into the back.

The smoky sun is rising It will be a hot day.

The cheese fell out There was such a trick with him.

Compound sentence

, coordinating conjunction.

[ Two or three large drops of rain fell ] , And [ suddenly lightning flashed ] .

[ Only the oriole gi shouting ] , yes [ cuckoos vying with each other to count down someone's unlived years ] .

That [ the sun shines dimly ] , That [ a black cloud hangs ] .

Not that [ it was getting light , not that [ it was getting dark ] .

Coordinating Conjunctions



And, yes(s), too, also; neither..., nor; both... and


A, but, yes (but), but, however, etc.

Or, either, then..., then..., not that..., not that...

Complex sentence

, ( subordinating conjunction...).

( Subordinating conjunction...) , .

[… , ( subordinating conjunction...) , … ] .

[ I'm back in town ] , (Where my childhood is over).

(If open the window) , [ the room will be filled with the aroma of summer flowers ].

[ Father, ( When returned from fishing) , boasted of an unprecedented catch ] .

Species subordinate clauses .



Which? Whose?

Conjunctive words


Questions about oblique cases

What, how, to, as if, as if.

Which, which, which, whose, who, what, where

Demonstrative words

Meaningful questions

That, such, such, everyone, any

Who, what, whose, how, why, why, where, when, where, how much.

I live in a house that is located on the edge of the village [..noun], (which).

[He knew] (that the basis of everything is morality).

Adverbial clauses

Where? Where? Where?

[Never go back to where] you were happy. [...there], (where...).

When? How long? Since when? Until when?


How? How much?

Mode of action and degree

(When I opened the window), [the room was filled with the aroma of flowers]. (When…), .

How? How? To what extent? To what extent?

[Gerasim grew up dumb and powerful], (like a tree grows on fertile soil). , (How …).

For what? For what purpose? For what?

[Uncle sang like this] (like the common people sing).

, (How …).

Under what condition

[One must love every task] (in order to do it well). , (to …).

Why? Why?

For what reason?

[Buy new phone], (if there is money).

, (If …).


[I didn’t come to school] (because I was sick).

, (because …).

What follows from this

Despite what? Against all odds?

[The weather was cold and windy], (so the snowdrifts were high). , (So).

[We went for a walk] (although it was raining).

Operating instructions

with training simulator

  • Each task has several answer options. You must choose the right one.

2. If you have chosen the correct answer, then when you click the mouse, a plus sign appears (correct).

3. If you choose the wrong answer, a minus (wrong) icon appears when you click the mouse.

4. Move to the next task by clicking the mouse.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–5, find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

The rain flooded the forest; Boiling lakes formed at the edge of the forest where Gorbunov was located. The branches of the trees trembled under the weight of the water falling on them. In the darkened, distorted air it became impossible to see German fortifications. But the enemy's shelling did not subside. Bluish, ghostly pillars of explosions darted in the dark depths of the downpour; flashes of fire ran across the field.

Test your knowledge

The guys crawled all over the island in search of unmelted snow. Seryozha managed to find in the crevices between the rocks the remains of last year’s snow, compacted like ice. Secretly from Petrovich, Seryozha was lowered down on a rope, he chopped the snow with an ax and sent it up in a bucket. Climbing the rocks was dangerous. Petrovich categorically forbade doing this, but the guys secretly brought buckets of last year’s snow to Ilyinichna. She kept grumbling and threatening to complain to the foreman, but she didn’t refuse the snow: she had to cook dinner.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–3, find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and conjunctive coordinating and subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

These remarks were enough for the hectic, sparkling thought of escaping from class to flash like lightning. (7) Our class was considered exemplary, there were eight excellent students in it, and there was something funny and piquant in the fact that it was we, respectable, exemplary children, who would amaze all the teachers with a strange, unusual trick, decorating the dull monotony of school everyday life with a bright flash of sensation. My heart sank with delight and anxiety, and although no one knew what our adventure would lead to, there was no turning back .

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–5, find complex non-union sentences. Write the numbers of these sentences.

Before the war, I never had to return home after a long separation. But we didn’t have to leave for long. The very first time I left home was pioneer camp, the second time I left for the front. But even those who returned home after a long separation before the war did not then experience what we are experiencing now. They returned bored - we are returning alive...

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–6, find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

Grandmother spent whole days sitting on a rubble under a split cherry tree. One cherry tree trunk has already dried up, the one that hugged and protected the house. The grandmother was waiting for her grandson and slowly, imperceptibly fell into a doze. (4) And she no longer heard the rustle of leaves above her head, or the chime of birds - the world went out and moved away from her with all its bustle. She only heard the roar of war and shuddered from this roar. And she thought: from under the roots of this clumsy cherry tree, which she once planted for some reason, it comes, from the very interior of the earth.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–5, find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and conjunctive coordinating and subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

On the bridge stood Captain Zamyatin, the head of the expedition and several members of the crew. With tense, concentrated faces, they looked at the sea and sky. Everyone understood that the ships were now passing through a particularly dangerous section Barents Sea: at any moment a submarine’s periscope may emerge from the depths, and a fascist plane may appear in the sky. This concentration of the sailors was transferred to the guys: they became more restrained. Dozens of eyes watched the surface of the restless sea, the gray, quickly moving clouds.

Test your knowledge

The guillemot's body is squat, its legs are moved far back, and its toes are connected by swimming membranes. On the ground it moves slowly and clumsily, and can only take off from cliffs and water. (3) She is an excellent swimmer, can dive to a depth of ten meters, and moves underwater with the help of her wings. Guillemot weighs up to two kilograms, its meat is edible. She places the only egg directly on the rocks; it is shaped in such a way that it does not roll off the rocks. A guillemot egg is equal in weight to two chicken eggs and is not inferior to them in nutritional value. Local industrialists also collect guillemot eggs to lure arctic foxes.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–6, find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and a conjunctive coordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

The days are already unusually warm. There is a chill in the spring air. The taiga is majestic and calm, but this is only apparent calm: a huge amount of work is going on inside every tree, every bush. Day and night, the roots with all their lobes absorb moisture from the ground, abundantly filled with recently melted snow. The snow-white lambs on the talniks have already fluffed up, the earrings on the alder have turned yellow, although the roots still lie under the snow. There are no greenery or flowers on the tiny lawns yet, but even here there is tireless activity.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–7, find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

Thirty years have passed since then, but I still remember that incident with the book when I accidentally destroyed huge house human faith. I hurt someone else and didn’t have the courage to correct the mistake. (25) And our life took a different road, where everyone is hurt and lonely, where there are no those who can raise the fallen. Pain became my inseparable companion. (….. She looks at me with the eyes of a lanky eighth grader and patiently reminds: human life is short, so never regret what you can give, never take away what is asked of you.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–6, find a complex non-union sentence. Write the number of this offer.

The girl called the dog to her:

Nipper, come to me! Well, good one, well, dear, go! Do you want some sugar? Well, go ahead!

But Kusaka didn’t go: she was afraid.

The old man smoothed out his long beard.

I want to help you. There is such a thing magic word. I'll tell you this word. But remember: you need to say it in a quiet voice, looking straight into the eyes of the person you are talking to. The old man leaned close to the boy’s ear and whispered something.

Test your knowledge

He sat in front of me, so chocolate-colored, and he had different eyes: one of his own was yellow glass, and the other was a large white one made from a sewn button from a pillowcase. But it didn’t matter, because Mishka looked at me with his different eyes and raised both paws up, as if he was already giving up. And I suddenly remembered how long ago I had never parted with this Mishka for a minute. I carried him with me everywhere, and sat him at the table next to me for dinner, and put him to bed, and rocked him to sleep like a little brother. I loved him then, loved him with all my soul, I would have given my life for him then.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–10, find a complex non-union sentence. Write the number of this offer.

- Wow! - said Mishka. - Where did you get it? Will you give it to me at home?

- No, I won’t give it: it’s a gift.

The bear pouted and moved away from me. It got even darker outside, and mom it still didn't work. Here Mishka says:

- So you won’t give me a dump truck?

And he handed me a box of matches. I took it, opened it and at first I didn’t see anything, and then I saw a small light green light, as if I was now holding a tiny star in my hands.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–5, find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and a conjunctive coordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

“He didn’t want something, but they threatened and frightened him. (47.. Tanya! Look in the box!

“No,” Tanya said quietly. – The funeral is in place, there are photographs, but no letters.

Anna Fedotovna closed her blind eyes and listened intently, but her soul was silent, and her son’s voice no longer sounded in her. He faded away, died, died a second time, and now he is dead forever. Taking advantage of her blindness, the letters were not taken out of the box - they were taken out of her soul, and now not only she, but also her soul has become blind and deaf...

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–5, find complex sentences with non-conjunctive and conjunctive coordinating and subordinating connections between parts. Write the numbers of these sentences.

The crab was terribly large and flat, and if you looked closely, you could see bumps and spines on it, some kind of seams, jagged combs. If you dry it, it would probably make a wonderful souvenir! (4... The crab sat under the bed for a week. He kept sitting in the same place, near the foot of the bed, and when someone leaned over him, he put his jagged claw forward with menacing impotence. (6...) On the third day, about foam appeared on his whiskers, but when Zybin touched him, the crab pecked his finger painfully, until it bled.

in class

Well done!

Solid knowledge:

you can work with the dough



There were many errors:

need to repeat the rule


Thank you

get to work!

  • Ivanova Yu.S. Russian language: help in preparing for the practical exam. – M.: Trigon, 2013.
  • Makarova B.A. Absolute spelling literacy in 30 days. – M.: AST Astrel, 2014.

3. Novikova L.I. A manual for preparing schoolchildren for centralized testing. – M.: Exam, 2014.

4. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements:

Material used

Complex sentences allow you to convey voluminous messages about several situations or phenomena, making speech more expressive and informative. Most often, complex sentences are used in works of art, journalistic articles, scientific works, texts in official business style.

What is a complex sentence?

Complex sentence - a sentence that consists of two or more grammatical bases is an intonationally formed semantic unity expressing a certain meaning. Depending on the relationship of the parts, complex sentences with coordinating subordinating and non-conjunctive connections are distinguished.

Complex sentences with coordinating connections

Compound Sentences - conjunctional sentences, which consist of equal parts connected by a coordinating connection. Parts of complex sentences are combined into one whole using coordinating, adversative or disjunctive conjunctions. In writing, a comma is placed before the conjunction between parts of a compound sentence.

Examples of compound sentences: The boy shook the tree, and ripe apples fell to the ground. Katya went to college, and Sasha stayed at home. Either someone called me, or it seemed like it.

Complex sentences with subordinating connections

Complex sentences - conjunctional sentences consisting of unequal parts that are connected by a subordinating connection. In complex sentences, there is a main part and a dependent (subordinate) part. Parts of the dictionary are connected to each other using conjunctions and allied words. In writing, between parts of a complex sentence, a comma is placed before the conjunction (conjunctive word).

Examples of complex sentences: He picked a flower to give to his mother. Those present were wondering where Ivan Petrovich came from. Misha went to the store his friend was talking about.

Usually, a question can be raised from the main clause to the subordinate clause. Examples: I came home (when?) when everyone had already sat down to dinner. We learned about (what?) what happened yesterday.

Complex sentences with non-conjunction connections

Unconjunct complex sentences are sentences whose parts are connected only with the help of intonation, without the use of conjunctions and allied words.

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Examples of complex sentences with non-conjunctive connections between parts: The music started playing, the guests started dancing. It will be frosty in the morning - we won’t go anywhere. Tanya turned around: a tiny kitten was huddled against the wall.

A comma, dash, colon or semicolon can be placed between parts of non-union complex sentences (depending on what meaning the parts of the BSP express).

Complex sentences with different types of connections

Mixed complex sentences can include several clauses connected to each other by coordinating, subordinating and non-conjunctive connections. In writing, in mixed complex sentences, the punctuation characteristic of complex, complex and non-union sentences is observed.

Examples: Vitya decided that if the teacher asked him to answer a question, he would have to admit that he had not prepared for the lesson. On the right hung a painting depicting a blooming garden, and on the left there was a table with carved legs. The weather worsened: rose strong wind and it started to rain, but it was warm and dry in the tent.

If complex sentences within a mixed sentence form logical-syntactic blocks, a semicolon is placed between such blocks. Example: On the porch, a sparrow was pecking at grains that grandmother accidentally scattered; At this time, dad came out, and the bird quickly flew away.

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In this article we will look at what complex sentences with different types of connections are, examples of which will be given and analyzed. But to make it clear, let's start from afar.

What is a complex sentence?

In syntax, a sentence is words combined general meaning and associated with the laws of grammar, having common theme, purpose of utterance and intonation. With the help of sentences, people communicate, share their thoughts, present some material. The idea can be expressed briefly, or it can be expanded. Accordingly, sentences can be laconic or widespread.

Every sentence has its “heart” - a grammatical basis, i.e. subject and predicate. This is the subject of speech and its main characteristic (what does it do, what is it like, what is it?). If there is only one grammatical basis in a sentence, it is a simple sentence; if there are two or more, then it is complex.

(SP) may include two parts, three, four or even more. The relationships in meaning between them, as well as the means of connecting them with each other, can be different. There are complex union proposals and non-union proposals. To learn about their diversity, read the next section.

What are the types of joint ventures?

We have already begun to talk about the fact that joint ventures can be union or non-union. It's very simple. If the parts of the joint venture are connected by a union (or by intonation), then the connection between them is called union, and if only by intonation, then, accordingly, non-union.

In turn, conjunctive sentences are divided into coordinating and subordinating sentences - depending on whether their parts are in an “equal” position or one depends on the other.

Spring will come soon. This is a simple proposal. the world will play again bright colors. This sentence is complex, and its parts are connected by intonation and conjunction " When". We can ask a question from the main predicative part to the subordinate clause ( the world will sparkle with bright colors When? - when spring comes), which means it's Spring will come soon and nature will bloom. This sentence also has two parts, but they are united by intonation and a coordinating conjunction And. It is impossible to form a question between the parts, but you can easily divide this sentence into two simple ones. This sentence is complex. Spring will come soon, flowers will bloom, birds will fly in, it will become warm. This joint venture contains four simple parts, but they are all united only by intonation; there are no unions at the boundaries of the parts. This means that it is non-conjunctive. In order to compose complex sentences with different types of connection, it would be necessary to combine both a conjunctive and a non-conjunctive connection in one sentence.

How many simple sentences can there be in a complex one?

For a sentence to be considered complex, it must include at least two simple and two predicative parts. Complex sentences with different types of connections (we will see examples below) contain at least three parts, and sometimes there are about ten. But in this case, the proposal may be difficult to perceive. Such sentences combine conjunction and non-conjunction, coordinating and subordinating in any combination.

He was surprised; my head and chest were full of some strange feeling; the water ran with frightening speed, indomitably breaking through the stones, and falling with such force from a height that it seemed that the mountain, whose slopes were full of mountain flowers, could not withstand this pressure...

Here's a great example. Here are parts of complex sentences with different There are 5 predicative parts in this sentence, between which all of the possible types communications. What are their features? Let's remember in more detail.

Conjunctive coordinating connection

Complex conjunction sentences are either compound sentences (CCS) or complex sentences (CCS).

Coordinating connection (CC) connects “equal” simple sentences. This means that it is impossible to form a question from one predicative part of a complex sentence to another; there is no dependence between them. Parts of the BSC can easily be made into independent sentences, and the meaning of the phrase will not suffer or change.

Coordinating conjunctions are used to connect parts of such sentences. and, a, but, or etc. The sea was rough and the waves crashed against the rocks with furious force..

Conjunctive subordination

At subordinating connection(PS), as its name implies, one part of the sentence “subordinates” the other, carries the main meaning, is the main one, while the second (subordinate clause) only complements, specifies something, you can ask a question about it from the main part . For subordinating connections, such conjunctions and allied words are used as what, who, when, which, because, if etc.

But it’s sad to think that our youth was given to us in vain, that they cheated on it all the time, that it deceived us...(A. Pushkin). This sentence has one main part and three subordinate clauses, dependent on it and answering the same questions: " But it’s sad to think (about what?) that it’s in vain..."

If you try to divide the SPP into separate simple ones, then in most cases it will be clear that the main part retains its meaning and can exist without subordinate clauses, but the subordinate clauses become incomplete in their semantic content and are not full-fledged sentences.

Non-union connection

Another type of joint venture is a non-union joint venture. A complex sentence with different types of connection most often combines a connection without conjunctions with one of the types of conjunctions or with both types at once.

The parts of the BSP are connected only intonationally. But this type of joint venture is considered the most difficult in terms of punctuation. If in conjunction sentences only one sign is placed between their parts - a comma, then in in this case You need to choose one of four punctuation marks: comma, semicolon, dash or colon. In this article we will not go into the details of this difficult rule, since our task today is complex sentences with different types of connections, exercises in their grammatical correct drafting and punctuation.

The horses started moving, the bell rang, the wagon flew away(A.S. Pushkin). This sentence has three parts, connected by intonation and separated by commas.

So, we have briefly characterized each of the possible types of connection between parts of the joint venture, and now we will return to the main topic of the article.

Algorithm for parsing joint ventures with different types of communication

How to correctly arrange signs in a joint venture with many parts and different types of connections? The most important thing is to determine how many parts there are and where exactly their boundaries lie. To do this you need to find grammar basics. There are as many predicative parts as there are. Next, we highlight all the minor members related to each of the foundations, and thus it becomes clear where one part ends and the other begins. After this, you need to determine what types of connections between the parts (look at the presence or absence of conjunctions, try to ask a question, or try to make each of the parts a separate sentence).

And finally, all that remains is to correctly place the punctuation marks, because without them in writing it is very difficult to comprehend complex sentences with different types of connections (the exercises in the textbooks are precisely aimed at developing this skill).

How not to make a mistake in choosing punctuation marks?

Punctuation of a complex sentence with different types of connection

Once the predicative parts are highlighted and the types of connections are established, everything becomes very clear. We place punctuation marks in accordance with the rules relating to a specific type of communication.

Coordinating (CC) and subordinating relationships (CS) require a comma before the conjunction. Other punctuation marks in this case are very rare (in a coordinating connection, a semicolon is possible if one of the parts is complicated and contains commas; a dash is possible if the parts are sharply opposed or one of them contains an unexpected result).

With a non-union connection, as mentioned above, one of four punctuation marks may appear, depending on the semantic relationship between the parts of the sentence.

Drawing up diagrams of complex sentences with different types of communication

This step can be performed before placing punctuation marks, or after, to check their correctness. Diagrams are used in punctuation to graphically explain the choice of a particular punctuation mark.

The diagram helps to write complex sentences with different types of connections without punctuation errors. We will give examples of punctuation marks and diagramming right now.

[The day was beautiful, sunny, surprisingly calm]; [a cozy shadow loomed on the left], and [it became difficult to understand], (where it ends, the shadow) and (where the emerald foliage of the trees begins).

In this sentence, a non-union connection is easily traced between the first and second parts, a coordinating connection between the second and third, and the third part is the main one in relation to the next two subordinate parts and is connected to them by a subordinate connection. The scheme of this joint venture is as follows: [__ =,=,=]; [= __], and [=], (where = __) and (where = __). Schemes of complex sentences with different types of connections can be horizontal and vertical. We have given an example of a horizontal diagram.

Let's sum it up

So, we have found out what complex sentences with different types of connections are (examples of them are very common in the works fiction And business communication). These are sentences containing more than two simple ones, and their parts are connected by different types of syntactic connections. JVs with different types of communications may include SPP, SSP and BSP in various combinations. In order not to make mistakes in punctuation marks, you need to identify simple sentences within complex ones and determine the types of syntactic connections.

Be literate!