What do you need to open a current account? When may a bank not approve the opening of a current account for an LLC? Marking of Russian banks

Required documents and algorithm of actions for opening an account in the Bank for organizations opened in the form of LLC.


According to federal law about "Societies with limited liability» No. 14-FZ dated 02/08/1998 opening a current account for organizations is a right, not an obligation. Thus, an LLC can carry out entrepreneurial activity without a current account, but the Central Bank has established a limit on cash payments between legal entities, no more than 100,000 rubles per agreement (Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 1843-U).


The first step is determination of the circle of credit institutions, in which it is possible to open a current account. Preference should be given large banks , offering a variety of financial products for small businesses.

If we consider large federal banks such as Alfa-Bank, Bank of Moscow, VTB24, Promsvyazbank, Gazprombank, then they offer a full line of products for small businesses (cash settlement, Internet banking, factoring, lending, deposits For legal entities etc.).

After you have decided on the list of banking institutions, you need to analyze the tariffs for cash management services. For these purposes, you need to request a tariff collection from each bank and make a comparison yourself.

When comparing RKO tariffs, it is necessary to carry out financial analysis, which consists in determining the value of the current account, which consists of the following parameters:

  • Opening prices
  • Tariff for servicing (maintaining) an account
  • Availability and prices Bank-client (Internet banking)
  • The cost of the payment order (on paper and electronically).
  • Tariffs for accepting and issuing cash
  • Additional costs (certification of documents, electronic key, etc.).

Also, when comparing the conditions for cash settlement services, you need to pay attention to the delivery time payment order when exactly the bank sends the payment, on the payment date or the next day.

For small businesses there are many advantageous offers to open a current account. For example, Tinkoff has prepared a special offer for beginning entrepreneurs who are not ready to spend a lot of money on servicing and opening a current account, which includes:

  • free opening of a bank account + connection to mobile and online banking
  • free service for up to 7 months for new entrepreneurs and up to 3 months for all others
  • free verification of counterparties
  • up to 8% are credited to account balances
  • free salary project

The next step is contacting the Bank for a list of documents that must be provided for opening an account.

Important points:

  • When receiving a list of documents, you need to clarify requirements for their certification.
  • After opening a current account, you must notify the Tax Inspectorate within three days at the place of registration of the legal entity. A notification about opening an account is prepared by the bank; the representative of the legal entity must submit it to the tax authority. For late failure to provide information on opening/closing a current account, the Company will be charged a fine of 5,000 rubles.

What documents are needed to open a current account for a Limited Liability Company*

*The list is given using the example of OJSC "ALFA-BANK" (for 2012)

1 Statement on opening an account (in the form established by the Bank), signed by the manager and chief accountant (or a person authorized to maintain accounting written order (order) of a legal entity), if there is no position of chief accountant on staff - only by the head, sealed with the seal of the organization.

2 Power of attorney to open a bank account (original or notarized copy) and an identification document of a representative of the organization, if the account is not opened by the head of the organization.

3 Charter organizations - for legal entities of any organizational and legal form, except general partnerships and faith partnerships (copy certified by a notary)

4 Documents, confirming registration:

  • For legal entities registered before July 1, 2002 - Certificate of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, registered before July 1, 2002 in form R 57001 (Appendix No. 13 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 No. 439);
  • For organizations registered after July 1, 2002 - Certificate of state registration legal entity in form R 51001 (Appendix No. 11 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 No. 439);
  • For legal entities created through reorganization (transformation, merger, division, spin-off) registered after July 1, 2002 - Certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the form R 50003 (Appendix No. 12 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 No. 439 ).

5 Certificate on registering an organization with the tax authority. It is mandatory to submit to the Bank original document.

6 One (two) notarized certified card with sample signatures and seal impressions. The issuance of a card (checks) with sample signatures and seal imprints and certification of the powers of persons having the right to sign can be made at the Bank, subject to the personal presence of authorized persons and the provision of documents confirming their identity and powers.

7 Confirmation of joining to the Agreement on settlement and cash services, signed by the manager and the chief accountant (or a person authorized to maintain accounting by written order (order) of a legal entity), if there is no position of chief accountant on staff - only by the head, sealed with the seal of the organization.

8 When opening a special brokerage Account - a license to carry out brokerage activities.

9 Solutions management bodies of a legal entity on the structure and personnel of the company’s management bodies.

10 Information letter on registration in the Statregister of Rosstat.

11 Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

12 Copy of the document certifying leader's personality organization, person(s) entitled to the first or second signature, as well as person(s) authorized to manage funds in the account using an analogue of a handwritten signature, codes, passwords and other means, certified by a notary or by a Bank employee upon presentation to Bank of original documents.

A copy of a non-resident’s identity document drawn up in foreign language, must be notarized with a translation into Russian.

Requirements for certification

  • The documents specified in paragraphs 3 - 5, 8 - 12 are submitted to the Bank in the form of originals or in the form of copies certified by a notary (or by the body that carried out the registration) or by the head of the organization (with the obligatory presentation of the originals).
  • Copies of documents from an organization can be certified by a person who has the right of first signature and is indicated on the card with sample signatures and a seal, as well as by the head of the organization who is not indicated on the card with sample signatures and a seal when providing a copy of an identity document.
  • Copies consisting of more than one sheet must be bound and the sheets numbered. At the stitching site, the number of numbered and stitched sheets should be indicated (in words); the date is affixed, the signature of the person who certified the copy of the document indicating the last name, first name, patronymic (if any) and position; as well as an imprint of the organization's seal.
  • Copies consisting of one sheet are certified in a similar manner on the front side, or, if there is no space on the front side, on the back side of the document.

Having a bank account greatly simplifies the activities of companies. You can make transfers in favor of counterparties or accept payments from them without wasting time on personal meetings.

Select bank

Opening a current account is a simple procedure that does not require much time. You just need to collect a list of documents and submit them to the bank. Thanks to online services Today you can reserve an account without leaving the office. In this article you will learn how to open a current account, and also receive important recommendations at the bank's choice.

How to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur

Opening an account for an individual entrepreneur allows you to control cash flows more quickly, and keep track of expenses much easier. To open a bank account, an entrepreneur needs to carry out several simple steps.

So, we bring to your attention instructions for opening a current account for individuals (IP). It consists of the following steps:

First, decide on a bank (choose the most suitable tariff. If your business has little income and expenses, then you should find the most optimal package of services. Also keep in mind that individual entrepreneurs’ funds in an account in a bank licensed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are insured for an amount of over 1,400,000. Financial organizations without a license may turn out to be scammers. Don't trust own funds new banks offering to open an account free of charge and in the shortest possible time.

For example, it is considered one of the most reliable and popular banks for opening a current account);

find out what documents the bank requests (this can be done by visiting a bank branch and asking a consultant. If you value your time, you can find out this information on the website of the selected bank);

then collect all the papers required by the bank (do not neglect the generally accepted certification rules, otherwise the bank may refuse to open an account. If a credit institution requires you to provide the original, then the brought copy will also cause a refusal to open a current account);

go to the bank branch and wait for your turn ;

when a specialist sees you, give him all the documents ;

you will be asked to sign an agreement for banking services, as well as fill out an application to open an account;

check all the data that the bank employee indicated in the contract ! If you find any discrepancies, notify the employee. Any mistake may subsequently lead to the inability to manage the account, and if the bank’s license is revoked, it will be problematic to get your money back;

sign the contract and choose a tariff for service (often banks offer ready-made packages of services, which already include a certain number of payments per month, issuing certificates, etc. It is profitable to purchase a package of services, since it is more economical in terms of money);

connect additional services (for example, Internet banking or SMS notifications about account transactions);

deposit funds into the account to activate it and debit the commission (it’s more profitable to pay not monthly, but immediately for a year);

then the bank employee will give you the details of the open account . However, the account will not be active immediately. The opening time depends on the speed of document processing by the bank. This may happen on the day of treatment, or maybe on the third day. In any case, the operator will notify you of the result.

After the employee reports the final opening of the account, you can provide the details to your counterparties. They can also be found in your personal account on the bank’s website.

Select a bank for individual entrepreneurs

Opening a current account for an organization

Various organizations, including legal entities, also do not experience difficulties when opening current accounts.

The procedure differs from the case with an individual entrepreneur only in the document package. Legal entities have a more complex structure, and more paperwork is required to formalize their activities.

Nevertheless, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the instructions for opening an organization account. The latter can be both commercial and budgetary: the process of obtaining a banking service is no different. To open a current account, a legal entity will need to complete the following sequence of actions:

decide on a credit institution (large companies are better off choosing well-known banks with a wide branch network. They are reliable and inspire trust from counterparties);

decide who will handle the invoice - a manager or a trusted representative (the second option implies the presence of, for which you will need to provide certificates to a notary);

collect documents (their may differ in different banks, so pay attention to this special attention. Depending on what legal form your company has, you will need to provide additional documents);

go to the bank branch (some banking specialists go themselves to the company’s office or to any convenient place for the head of a legal entity by prior agreement);

sign the service agreement in two copies (before signing, check that the bank operator has provided all the data correctly. Errors in such documents are not allowed);

fill out an application to open an account (it is important to indicate the currency and purpose of the account);

add additional services to your account y (for example, many businessmen cannot do without a mobile application through which they can view account transactions at any time of the day);

after this, the specialist will inform you about the bank’s decision within 1-2 days (and in some cases later) . If an account has been opened for you, then you need to deposit an amount into it to activate it. Most often, it amounts to the annual cost of the service package.

After these simple manipulations, you can ask the bank operator for details. Now you can make non-cash payments and control cash flows in your account.

Select bank

Opening a current account for an LLC

To open a current account, an LLC will need to complete the following steps:

choose a suitable bank(little known financial organizations won't fit. The bank in which the LLC’s account is opened is the most important component of the company’s status. And most potential business partners pay attention to it);

the manager or representative, by proxy, goes to the credit institution, where he signs an agreement to join banking services. The latter is compiled in two copies. There can be no mistakes in it, and therefore you should carefully study its contents before putting your own signature;

you need to familiarize yourself with the list of service tariffs and choose the best option (it is better to familiarize yourself with the service packages in advance, before going to the bank. This will reduce the time spent with a bank employee);

within a few days the bank makes a decision to open an account (after a positive answer, the specialist will call you and ask you to come to the office to activate the account);

on last stage you will need to pay for a service package and activate additional functions (For example, personal account in Internet Banking).

The entire account registration process takes no more than 40 minutes. To speed up this process, you can prepare documents in advance, download application forms from the bank’s website and fill them out.

Select a bank for LLC

How to open a current account online

The procedure for opening an account in all banks is approximately the same, but there are some nuances. For example, in Sberbank, in, in, increased demands are placed on clients. They are expressed both in the list of documents and in the longer process of their processing by the bank.

If you do not want to waste time going to the bank when opening a current account, then you can use online application through the website of the selected bank. This way you can reserve an account for both an individual entrepreneur and an LLC.

If you have already decided on a bank, then opening an account through its website will not be difficult. To do this, you need to follow steps, some of which are completed online and others when you visit the bank. You can familiarize yourself with them in the table.

Steps to open an account on the bank's website The procedure for opening an account through a bank after submitting an online application
Select a bank from the rating of tariffs for current accounts;

go to home page official website of the bank;

find the “Open account” button;

enter information about the organization or individual entrepreneur (name and TIN required);

indicate contact information (phone number, email address);

expect a call from the bank.

You will only need to go to the bank to have your documents verified by a specialist. Opening an account online is quick, and the main thing is that you can do it while in the office. Some banks allow the client to transfer documents without visiting a branch. To do this, a bank specialist comes to your office, where he draws up documents.

After simple online registration steps, your details will be sent to your email address. The account will be active, but operations on it are limited. You can only top it up. The bank gives you a few days to come to the branch with a package of documents and finally open an account. If this is not done, the account will cease to function, and all funds transferred to it will be returned to the senders.

The service of opening an account online is also beneficial because many banks offer the first few months of service for free. This is convenient for saving money, especially if you have just registered your business.

Notification of opening a current account to the tax office and the Pension Fund of Russia

Previously, after opening an account, individual entrepreneurs and organizations, including LLCs, had to inform the tax authority and the insurance fund about this. However, from May 1, 2014 this requirement canceled, and information about open account The bank transfers it to the tax office. From May 2, 2014, the pension fund is also informed by the credit institution.

Thus, in 2017, there is no need to write applications to the tax and insurance fund to open an account. There are no longer any fines for this, since all responsibility lies with the bank.

Is it possible to work without a current account?

There are no clauses in the law obliging all individual entrepreneurs and LLCs to open a current account. However, the regulations have restrictions on the amount of 100,000 rubles per contract. This clause means that if the amount of the contract with the counterparty is over 100,000 rubles, the funds must be transferred exclusively to the company’s current account.

For example, you entered into a rental agreement for a premises. The monthly fee is 10,000 rubles. After 10 months, the amount under the contract will be 100,000 rubles. Accordingly, from the 11th month you have the obligation to open a current account.

Some entrepreneurs try not to allow the amount under one contract to exceed 100,000 rubles, and each time they open new ones. However, sooner or later such actions will interest the tax authority, which is fraught with fines.

It is important to understand that there is nothing complicated about opening an account. In addition, it is convenient if in the future you want to expand the boundaries of your business. Modern technologies allow you to control the company’s cash flows online, which is only possible when opening an account.

Opening an account should be approached responsibly. Your activities and the attitude towards your company from potential business partners will depend on this. There are some tricks that will help a businessman open an account profitably.

Check with the bank in advance for the package of documents and the rules for their certification so as not to fill out the paperwork again.

Choose a reliable bank

When all the formalities for opening an individual entrepreneur in tax authorities settled, there are still some nuances that need to be thought through before you start your economic activity: choice tax regime, accounting, printing.

Why does an individual entrepreneur need a current account?

One of the questions that often arises for a new entrepreneur is whether he needs a bank account. A bank account is not required for individual entrepreneurs. It is usually opened by those who plan to work with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs using non-cash payments.

Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is possible to make payments between individual entrepreneurs or in the connection between individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in cash, however, the legislation limits such payments to an amount of up to 100,000 rubles per contract. For business entities this means that one-time contract, not exceeding the announced amount, can be done in cash, but for the sake of systematic payments under the same contract, a current account for individual entrepreneurs will still have to be opened.

Many organizations fundamentally work only by bank transfer, so for them the lack of a bank account with a company is a good reason for refusing to cooperate. IN modern business a current account with an individual entrepreneur is a sign of “ good manners” and the “seriousness” of the entrepreneur. Considering that most organizations, as well as individuals, are increasingly switching to online services, including in banks, having accounts is no longer a “luxury”.

Pay contractors, accept payments from clients, issue wages employees and transfer taxes and extra-budgetary contributions - a current account allows you to do all this easily and quickly, without even visiting a bank branch.

Another important factor in favor of opening an individual entrepreneur’s current account is the opportunity to receive business loans from “your” bank under a simplified procedure and preferential rates.

Opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs: where to start?

When opening an account for non-cash payments, you are usually guided by the following criteria:

  • cost of opening and maintaining an account;
  • ease of working with the bank (availability and location of branches, mode, speed of service);
  • Availability of remote banking services (RBS) for entrepreneurs.

Opening an individual entrepreneur's current account with Sberbank of the Russian Federation has long been no longer an alternative solution: you can choose any financial institution that provides services to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in your city. As a rule, you can find the most favorable rates from smaller banks (including regional ones). To do this, compare the tariffs and conditions of banks located in your city (they can be found on the websites and in bank branches). If you're lucky, you can open an account for free, taking advantage of a promotion or special offer for legal entities.

Be sure to talk to the manager for working with legal entities and entrepreneurs: perhaps he will be able to offer you interesting individual conditions.

Please note the presence of the Bank-Client system. Remote banking allows you to manage money via the Internet at any time and without leaving your home: track balances, make transfers, receive statements. This saves a lot of time (there is no need to go to the bank, sit in line, or adjust to the branch’s operating hours) and eliminates a large part of the “paper” accounting work. In addition, rates for self-service via Internet banking are usually cheaper than for similar work on paper.

Check the cost of cashing out cash through the cash desk and commission for intrabank transfers from individual entrepreneur’s account to account individual. Most likely, the second option will allow you to transfer money from your current account to your current account via Internet banking and cash it out through a plastic card. To do this, you need to issue a debit card with free or minimal annual maintenance, linked to the individual’s account. Don't forget to find out the addresses of ATMs that will dispense your funds without commission.

List of documents for opening a bank account for an individual entrepreneur

Let's move directly to the question of how to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur. Each bank may have its own requirements for the package of documents required to hire an entrepreneur for service.

According to the instructions of the Central Bank, the mandatory list of documents includes:

  1. Copy of passport: main spread and pages 4–5 with registration.
  2. A copy of the registration certificate tax accounting(TIN).
  3. A copy of the state registration certificate of individual entrepreneur.
  4. Licenses confirming the right of an entrepreneur to engage in licensed activities.
  5. KOPiP (card with sample signatures and individual entrepreneur seal imprint).
  6. Power of attorney and documents for third parties authorized to manage funds in the individual entrepreneur’s current account.

Usually the list is not exhausted by these documents: bankers also request a “fresh” extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and a letter from local authority Rosstat on the assignment of statistical codes.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs can be obtained from the territorial tax office within a week, its validity period for the bank is 1 month. All copies must be notarized or, if such a service is provided, certified by authorized bank employees for a fee.

Additionally, you will be asked to fill out an application and other papers required for security checks.

During the time required to comply with all formalities, bank employees will prepare an agreement, after which you will receive a certificate of opening a current account as an individual entrepreneur.

Notification of tax and extra-budgetary funds

The last stage of interaction with the bank - signing agreements on settlement and remote services - does not end with opening an account. Now you need to notify the tax office and pension fund about this event, and as soon as possible.

Notification of the tax inspectorate is carried out on a form according to form S-09-1, filled out and signed by the entrepreneur in 2 copies. Violation of the 7-day deadline established for filing a document is punishable by a fine of 5,000 rubles (Article 118 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

It is advisable to visit the tax authorities in person: you need to take the second copy of the notice, signed by the inspector, and keep it with the rest of the individual entrepreneur documents. If you cannot get to the tax office in person, a representative can submit documents, but only with a notarized power of attorney in hand.

You can send documents by mail: a valuable letter must be accompanied by a list of attachments and a receipt. Online submission is possible only if the individual entrepreneur has a qualified digital signature certificate.

Federal Law No. 212-FZ of July 24, 2009 (Article 28, paragraph 3, paragraph 1) imposes individual entrepreneur the obligation to report the opening of a current account to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as to the Social Insurance Fund (if the individual entrepreneur is registered with social insurance) within a week.

There are no standardized forms for notifying these funds, but there are forms recommended by these institutions that are available for download at official Internet portals relevant authorities.

Opening a current account for an LLC: necessary documents+ procedure for the registration procedure + 15 best banks for opening an account + possible reasons refusal.

Opening a current account for an LLC is one of important points start of any business activity. That's why this issue should be given special attention.

Moreover, the work of large enterprises, especially if it is an LLC, is impossible without a bank account, since almost all financial transactions are carried out with its help.

In addition, this option will help track and streamline the organization’s financial flows, which will significantly improve business activities and make it as transparent as possible.

Each bank provides its own conditions when opening a current account. All you have to do is choose the financial institution that is most suitable for your business.

Is it possible to operate an LLC without opening a current account?

There is no law in the legislation of the Russian Federation that would oblige businessmen to open a current account (SA). However, the state has created such conditions that it simply cannot be done without it.

For example, Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation clearly states that it is necessary only by bank transfer. You can read the text of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation at the following link: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_19671/6260761a81d7b15d58

You will also need a cashless payment if you exceed the cash limit, which is 100,000 rubles. Moreover, this requirement does not apply only to one-time transactions. For example, you rent an office and pay 20 thousand rubles per month. Thus, in just six months the amount of rent will exceed the permissible limit of 100 thousand rubles.

Thus, before the first tax payment and exceeding the cash payment limit, you have time to decide on the choice of bank and prepare all the necessary documents for opening an LLC current account.

What documents should I prepare to open an LLC current account?

Different banks may have different documentation requirements, but not significantly.

When opening an LLC current account, the standard set of documents looks like this:

  • Certificate of state registration of the enterprise. Sometimes they require a certified copy.
  • Constituent documents (charter, agreement, deed, regulations).
  • Certificate of tax registration.
  • Passport or certified copy of authorized persons included in the bank account.
  • Order on the appointment of the head of this LLC.
  • (issued after LLC registration).
  • Documents confirming your identity (passport, TIN).

Please note: documentation such as an application, agreement, etc. is prepared by the bank itself.

IN Russian Federation all credit institutions are controlled by Rosfinmonitoring. This is done so that it is possible to trace all possible transactions related to money laundering, financing of terrorist groups and all other transactions that violate the law of the Russian Federation.

Due to this fact, the bank may require additional documentation:

In any case, if you decide to open a bank account, it is better to consult required package documents from employees of the selected financial institution. They explain everything clearly and in detail, as they are interested in working with a new client.

What is a signed and stamped card?

When opening a current account, you will definitely come across this concept, which is usually few people are familiar with.

We are talking about a card on which there are samples of signatures and an imprint of the organization’s seal. It is a very important banking document and is necessary as protection against fraudsters.

To get such a card, you just need to contact the bank where you opened the account. You will also need the seal of the organization and the signature of the manager, which will be certified by an employee of the financial institution in your presence.

After all the necessary steps, you will receive a document with samples of the seal and signature.
Usually this service is offered immediately at the LLC.

Registration procedure: details

Opening an LLC current account takes very little time.

Often, on the Internet portal of a financial institution, you can submit an application in advance and reserve details. Next, you need to visit the bank only once - bring the original documents and sign the agreement.

Most credit institutions provide this service free of charge.

While the bank employee is checking the authenticity of the information provided, you will be asked to fill out the following documents:

  • statement;
  • questionnaire;
  • contract

After all the completed actions, you can carry out the necessary financial transactions and payments using a current account.

We choose a bank.

As mentioned earlier, each bank provides different conditions cooperation.

When choosing the best financial institution for yourself, you should pay attention to several important points:

  1. There are often cases when an LLC accountant will need to travel to the bank to transmit payment orders. In this regard, the location of the credit institution also matters - it is better to choose one close to the office.
  2. Pay attention to the bank's reputation and customer reviews. You can use the services of experts to professional analysis selected institution.
  3. Carefully study the terms and costs of services to choose the best option for your LLC.
  4. Most often, preference is given to large and respectable financial institutions, as they can more easily withstand economic crises in the country.
  5. Please note that there is a service such as credit support for clients who have opened a current account. This option is very popular among LLC owners.

Most profitable by banks to open an LLC current account with service prices are shown in the table below.

You will find the most detailed information on the conditions for opening an RS on the official websites of these financial organizations.

Now we will look in more detail at the main conditions and advantages of each bank from this list.

No. 1. Dot

Apply for opening: https://tochka.com/#section-page-request


  • The longest operating day in Russia. Possibility to make internal payments around the clock.
  • High degree of trust from the audience.
  • Free connection to Internet banking services.
  • Fast service and processing.
  • If necessary, the manager can come to the client.
  • Free certification of documents.
  • There is a 70% discount for the first 3 months of service.

No. 2. Modulbank

Apply: https://modulbank.ru/rko/kak-otkryt-raschetnyj-schet


  • Opening a current account for an LLC in 5 minutes is completely free.
  • Availability of a personal account.
  • You can install a free application on your phone with which you can manage your finances.
  • Customer support 24/7.
  • No commission for money transfers and cash withdrawals (exception – “Standard” tariff).

No. 3. Tinkoff

Apply for opening: https://www.tinkoff.ru/rko/search/form/otkrytie-raschetnogo-scheta-OOO/


  • Operating day from 4 am to 9 pm.
  • Possibility of remote work using a special application.
  • No commission for interbank transactions.
  • Additional interest is charged on the remaining funds.
  • Full compatibility of accounting programs with your personal account.

No. 4. Sberbank

Apply for opening an account: https://www.sberbank.ru/ru/s_m_business/bankingservice/rko?utm_


  • Availability of a free tariff.
  • Opening a current account in one day.
  • Using a mobile application to control finances.
  • Payments are made around the clock.
  • No commission on tax and budget payments.

No. 5. Promsvyazbank

Submit for opening: https://www.psbank.ru/Business/Everyday/CashService/OpenAccount

You must fill out the form with information about the company:

Connection (rub.)Urgent
connection (rub.)
management (rub.)
Business Light590 3000 1050
Business 24x7590 3000 1600
Business Check890 3000 2290
My business0 3000 1800
Business Start0 2999 399
Business without borders990 3000 1900


  • Possibility to make internal payments around the clock without commission.
  • Providing customers with technical support over the phone 24/7.
  • Confirmation of financial transactions via SMS.
  • Availability of Internet banking.
  • Commission 0.15% for cash deposits.
  • Providing assistance to bank employees at the time of opening a current account.

No. 6. UBRD

Apply for opening: https://goo.gl/i8J5e6


  • One of the most profitable cash settlement services.
  • Top up your account through an ATM.
  • Possibility to make payments after 18:00.
  • No limit on interbank transactions.

No. 7. SKB bank

Apply for opening an account: http://www.skbbank.ru/corporate/rko/rko_temp

tariff plan
Connection (rub.)Leading through
department (rub.)
service (rub.)
Director+0 2200 1700
Entrepreneur+0 1700 1500
President+0 3000 2600
Green corridor0 1900 1400
Start-Up0 1900 500
Partner0 1900 1100
Start-Up+0 990 990
Partner+0 1590 1590


  • Instant provision of an invoice after completing an application.
  • The duration of the operating day is until 21:00.
  • Availability of Internet banking function.
  • Remote customer service.
  • Flexible system of commission fees for cash withdrawals.

No. 8. Opening

Apply for opening: https://www.open.ru/sme_account


  • Reservation of online applications.
  • Remote management of financial transactions 24/7.
  • Availability of the “Urgent payment” function.
  • Confirmation of financial transactions via SMS and email.
  • No commission on customs and tax payments.

No. 9. Alfa-Bank

Submit for opening: https://alfabank.ru/corporate/rko/zayavka/


  • Carrying out intrabank transactions until 23:00.
  • Interbank transactions are valid until 20:00.
  • Availability of computer applications for all types of devices.
  • Free SMS notification of funds transfer.
  • No commission on payments.

No. 10. Sovcombank

Apply for opening: https://msb.sovcombank.ru


  • There is no commission for transfers up to 600 thousand rubles.
  • Remote work with bank employees.
  • Making payments 24/7.
  • Possibility to return an erroneously sent money transfer for 100 rubles.
  • SMS notification about the balance of money in the current account.

No. 11. VTB-24

Submit for opening: https://www.vtb24.ru/company/rko/request/?mode=main


  • Working with Internet banking and a special mobile application.
  • The All Inclusive tariff allows you to withdraw cash without paying.
  • Transfers to the budget are made free of charge.

No. 12. VTB Bank of Moscow

Apply for opening: https://www.bm.ru/ru/pakety/zayavka/

No. 13. Rosselkhozbank

Submit for opening: https://www.rshb.ru/legal/cashservice/

No. 14. Raiffeisenbank

Apply for opening: https://www.aval.ua/ru/corporate/money_oper/open_accounts

No. 15. Vanguard

Submit for opening: https://www.avangard.ru/rus/corporate/cashservice/

Opening a current account.

How to choose a good bank? Consults
government procurement expert Valery Ovechkin:

When may a bank not approve the opening of a current account for an LLC?

Of course, it is beneficial for banks to get a new client, but there are cases when businessmen are refused to open an LLC current account.

The most common reasons for refusal are the following:

  1. Incorrectly completed application.
  2. False documents provided.
  3. Documentation for invoicing is not complete.
  4. If the management of the LLC has already submitted an application more than once. Such actions are not prohibited by law, but may raise a number of questions on the part of the financial institution.
  5. Lack of reporting to the Federal Tax Service.

Opening a current account for an LLC- undoubtedly, one of the most important moments in the activities of an enterprise, which requires utmost attention during the registration period.

Choose a bank from the list of reliable ones, do not “buy in” on too low prices - as a rule, they are offered either by newcomers to the financial market or by scammers. Carefully study the contract before signing, and clarify any unclear points on the spot. All this will help you avoid problems in the future.

Despite the fact that, at the legislative level, a current account is a right and not an obligation, its absence can greatly limit business activity. Of course, everything depends on the specifics of doing business. Thus, an account should be opened by entrepreneurs who plan to make transactions over 100 thousand rubles, because Cash payments for amounts exceeding this limit are prohibited by law.

How to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur: a short FAQ

  1. Is an individual entrepreneur required to open an account? No, this is his right, not his obligation. But it is impossible to carry out settlements in the amount of more than 100 thousand rubles without an account.
  2. How long after registering an individual entrepreneur should a bank account be opened? There are no statutory deadlines.
  3. Is it possible to open multiple accounts? Yes, sure. Their number can be any.
  4. Do I need to notify the authorities about the opening of a bank account? Yes, if the account is opened outside the Russian Federation. If in a Russian bank, then the credit institution will do this for the entrepreneur. Until 2014, individual entrepreneurs had to notify the tax and Pension fund, otherwise he faced a fine of 5,000 rubles.
  5. Is it possible to open a free current account for an individual entrepreneur? Can. There are banks that do not charge a commission if there is no turnover. But often this only applies to plans with high monthly fees. And as soon as there is any movement on the account, such a package of services becomes unprofitable.

If the account is optional, then why open it?

  • Making payments online is faster and more convenient.
  • It's easy to pay taxes and mandatory payments.
  • Possibility to conduct transactions for amounts exceeding 100 thousand rubles.
  • Most companies prefer non-cash payments, so they may refuse to cooperate with an individual entrepreneur who does not have an account.
  • Possibility to accept payments from customers by plastic cards and through systems electronic money(Yandex.Money, Webmoney, QIWI and others).

How to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur - step-by-step instructions

Opening an account for an individual entrepreneur is not a quick process. As a rule, this takes at least 5 working days, not counting the choice of a credit institution. The stages of the procedure can be outlined as follows:

  • Selecting a bank, comparing conditions for cash settlement services;
  • Collection of documents;
  • Submitting an application to the bank;
  • Opening a current account;
  • Receiving documents.

Step 1. Select a bank for individual entrepreneurs

An individual entrepreneur can choose any bank that provides cash settlement services. To compare according to objective criteria, before contacting a credit institution, you need to prepare an approximate diagram of financial flows in the company:

  • How many payments are planned per month;
  • What is the average amount of operations planned for (if large payments are expected, then this must also be taken into account);
  • Will funds be withdrawn for economic needs?
  • How much money will be required per month to pay salaries?

Even if an entrepreneur is just starting out, he must imagine what speed he will be ready to reach in, say, six months.

In each bank, it is advisable to ask a consultant to calculate the cost of cash settlement services per month based on specific data. You should not rely solely on monthly account maintenance information. The fact is that most credit institutions practice limits. For example, the cost of 50 payment orders can be 10 rubles, and starting from the 51st - 100 rubles. for the operation. And it will be unprofitable to make calculations more than 50 times a month.

In addition to the cost of the service, important criteria bank selection will be:

  • Availability of remote interaction tools (online banking for individual entrepreneurs, mobile application);
  • Convenient location of the bank office (you will still have to travel, especially if there are problems with Internet services, and you need to send payments);
  • Are deposits insured by the state (if the bank is not included in the deposit insurance system, then when its license is revoked, the entrepreneur loses all the money);
  • Other offers for entrepreneurs (interest on the balance, lending on preferential terms, issuing a plastic card for business, etc.).

Some banks provide an online service for opening a current account. However, without visiting the branch, you cannot conclude a contract for cash register services. In fact, we are only talking about reserving an account, that is, in any case, you need to submit a package of documents, this requires your personal presence (or you can make a power of attorney).

Step 2. Collecting documents and submitting an application

List of documents for opening an account:

  • IP passport;
  • Application for opening an account;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (can be downloaded and printed electronically);
  • Certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur or USRIP registration sheet;
  • Sample signatures (if not issued by a credit institution);
  • Licenses (when conducting activities that require licensing)

The easiest way to make a card with signatures is directly at the bank if the individual entrepreneur does not have one. For the rest, standard documents are required that the entrepreneur has on hand. They need to be brought to the bank branch. The application is usually drawn up electronically, and the operator, based on it, prepares an agreement, which will be signed after reviewing the application. The bank also has the right to request other documents, as well as a seal (if available).

Step 3. Opening a current account

After submitting the application and before opening the account, an average of 5 more days pass. We need to wait. At this time, the credit institution checks the documents. As soon as a decision is made, bank employees must notify the client about it.

Important! Submitting an application does not guarantee account opening. The bank has the right to refuse to provide this service to the client. This usually happens if there are errors in the application, the information was submitted incorrectly, or additional documents were not submitted confirming the right to conduct business, the availability of business premises, etc.

Step 4. Receiving documents from the bank

After all checks have been completed, the bank sends a notification to the client by decision: open a bank account for an individual entrepreneur or refuse cash settlement services. In most cases, approval comes. If a refusal occurs, it is important to find out the reason and resubmit the documents. You may have to contact another bank.

If the decision is positive, you must sign an agreement, pay for the service and start using your current account.

  • An entrepreneur should open a current account for an individual entrepreneur; there are more advantages than disadvantages. This includes the possibility of non-cash payments, conducting transactions in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, and accepting payments by cards.
  • When choosing a credit institution, it is important to compare tariffs in detail using the example of an existing business.
  • Opening an account will take time; this fact must be taken into account and not planned until the payment and receipts agreement is signed. Promises to immediately open a bank account for individual entrepreneurs should be treated as an advertising ploy.

The bank has the right to refuse to open an account. This usually occurs due to errors in the application and failure to provide requested documents.