Subordinating connection in a complex sentence. Complex sentences: non-union and allied coordinating connections

In modern Russian, especially in written speech, complex sentences are often used. There are two types of complex compounds in the Russian language: union and non-union. Non-union - which consists of several parts, but conjunctions are not used to connect these parts with each other. Here is a classic example of a non-union sentence: “It was snowing, the weather was frosty.” Or, for example: “It was getting cold, the birds were flying south.”

Allies, in turn, have another feature. They also have two or more parts and use conjunctions to communicate. There are two types of unions - coordinating and subordinating. If subordinating conjunctions are used, the sentence is called complex. If coordinating conjunctions are used, it is called compound.

Subordinating connection in a complex sentence

If the parts of a complex sentence are connected to each other using a subordinating connection, it is called complex. It consists of two parts: main and subordinate clauses. There is always only one thing that matters, and subordinate clauses maybe several. From the main part to the subordinate part you can pose a question. There are different types of subordinating connections.

Subordinate clause can serve as an adverbial function, for example: “I left home from school when the bell rang.” It can also serve as a complement: “I told him what I had been wanting to say for a long time.” And, finally, it can serve as a circumstance, for example: “The grandmother told her grandson to go to where he forgot his briefcase,” “I didn’t come because my grandmother was sick,” « “My mother arrived when the snow melted in the yard.”

Here are classic examples of variants with different types of subordinating connections. In all examples, the first part will be the main one, and the second - subordinate clause, accordingly, the question is asked from the first part to the second:

  • “I love it when spring comes”;
  • “I read a book about the house that Jack built”;
  • “Mom was upset because her son got a bad grade”;
  • “The boy decided to find out where Santa Claus comes to the house from.”

Coordinating connection in a complex sentence

We can talk about a coordinating connection in cases where the simple parts that make up a complex are equal, and none of them can be called main or dependent. Accordingly, the question cannot be raised from one part to another. The most common coordinating conjunctions are conjunctions “a”, “but”, “and”.

Examples of coordinating connections:

  • “Mom came home, and at that time my son went for a walk.”
  • “I felt bad, but my friends were able to cheer me up.”
  • “The sun has set, and the heads of the dandelions in the meadow have closed.”
  • “Winter has come, and everything around has plunged into white silence.”

Coordinating connection in variants with the conjunction “a” is often used in Russian folk proverbs and sayings based on the opposition of any characteristics, for example: “Hair is expensive, but the mind is short.” In old Russian, for example, in folklore works(fairy tales, epics, sayings, fables) the conjunction “a” is often replaced by its Old Russian synonym “yes”, for example: “Grandfather came to pull a turnip, but the turnip grew big. The grandfather pulled and pulled the turnip and called the grandmother for help.”

Compound Sentences are especially often used in descriptions of nature, when the author of the work wants to give the most full picture summer day, winter night or bright, beautiful landscape. Here is an example of such a descriptive text with a coordinating connection in complex sentences: “It was snowing, and people ran home with their collars turned up. It was still light outside, but the birds had long since fallen silent. All that was heard was the creaking of snow underfoot, and there was no wind. The sun was slowly setting behind the horizon, and two lovers on a park bench admired the short winter sunset.”

Also, complex sentences, especially sentences with the conjunctions “a” and “but”, are actively used in scientific style written speech, in texts-reasonings. Here is an example of such reasoning: “The human body is resilient, but the immune system can be easily destroyed by uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Antibiotics as medicines have many advantages, but they cause dysbiosis and have bad influence for immunity."

Features of punctuation

Two parts of a subordinating clause are connected by subordinating conjunctions. Parts coordinating type, in turn, are connected by coordinating conjunctions. A conjunction is a small particle that visually resembles a preposition, but performs a completely different function: connects or two sentences that are inside one.

Both in complex and compound sentences, conjunctions must be preceded by a comma. When reading aloud, you need to pause before this comma. Omitting a comma before conjunctions using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions is considered a gross syntactic error. However, primary and even high school often make such mistakes in dictations, in independent and verification work in the Russian language, in essays and written works on literature. In this regard, in school curriculum studying the Russian language includes a separate section devoted to practicing the rules of punctuation.

In complex demons union proposals To connect two parts, you can use not only a comma, but also other punctuation marks, for example:

  • “The sun has risen, the birds have woken up with their usual morning song.”
  • “I warned you: playing with fire is very dangerous!”
  • "It lit up full moon, illuminating the earth with its radiance; sensing the approach of night, a wolf howled in the distant forest; somewhere in the distance, on a tree, an eagle owl hooted.”

Complex sentences help in writing and oral speech especially expressive. They are actively used in texts of various contents. Competent writing of them in compliance with all punctuation rules indicates that the person knows the Russian language well and knows how to clearly express his thoughts in writing. Neglect existing rules punctuation, on the contrary, speaks of a low level of human speech culture. Teachers of Russian language and literature should pay attention Special attention on the correct writing of complex sentences when checking students' written work.

This is the second lesson on the topic "Complex sentences with different types connections." During the lesson, the understanding of the structure of complex sentences with various types connections, the ability to determine the types of conjunction and non-conjunction connections in a complex sentence, the skill of placing punctuation marks in such sentences were practiced, and all this work was carried out in combination with repetition for the exam (OGE).



Abstract open lesson Russian language in 9th grade

Date: 04/08/2017

Teacher: Polkina I.A.

Subject: The use of conjunction (coordinating and subordinating) and non-conjunctive connections in complex sentences.






Lesson type: consolidation of the studied material, preparation for the OGE.

Equipment: handouts, test tasks.

During the classes

I. Communicating the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will deepen your understanding of the structure of complex sentences with various types of connections, i.e. We will practice the ability to determine the types of conjunction and non-conjunction connections in a complex sentence, the skill of placing punctuation marks in such sentences, and carry out all this work in combination with repetition for the exam.

Record the date and topic of the lesson.The use of conjunction (coordinating and subordinating) and non-conjunctive connections in complex sentences

II. Repetition of what has been learned.

A) Let's repeat the spelling.

Write down the phrases in the column, insert the missing letters, highlight the spelling. What spelling are the words chosen for? root evil, be..biased look, be..taste in clothes, be..positioned differently, climb..a mountain, be..get seriously ill, be..a pitiful act.

Spelling of prefixes in Z/S. Rule: Z is written before voiced consonants, S - before voiceless consonants). What is this task in the OGE? How can it be formulated?

B) Let's repeat the vocabulary.

Let's define LZ wordsCandid- not partial to anyone, fair (Ozhegov)

Let's select synonyms by the way. Impartial - objective, impartial (dictionary of synonyms).

Replace the colloquial word "get sick" with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

Find among the written phrases phraseological unit - “In earnest”, define its meaning (thoroughly, seriously).

C) Replace the phrase “ruthless act”, built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase(an act without pity).

Now let’s complete task 4 of the OGE.Write down your answers in your notebook(independently, check).

Task 4 OGE

1. From sentences 16-19, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by the rule: “In prefixes ending in -З and -С, Z is written before voiced consonants, and S before voiceless consonants.”

(16) He ties a rope to one of the posts supporting the crossbar and climbs into the well. (17) He realizes only one thing: not a second of time can be lost.

(18) For a moment fear creeps into my soul, as if I might suffocate, but he remembers that the Bug has been sitting there for the whole day. (19) This calms him down, and he descends further.

2. From sentences 25-29, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness - the voicedness of the subsequent consonant.

(25) He was silent and looked past me. (26) What does he care about Elena Frantsevna, he forgot to even think about her. (27) He was betrayed by a friend. (28) Calmly, casually and publicly, in broad daylight, for the sake of a penny gain, he betrayed the person for whom he did not thinking , would go into fire and water.

(29) He kept me alienated for almost a year.

3. From sentences 40-43, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by the rule: “In prefixes ending in Z and S, Z is written before voiced consonants, and S before voiceless consonants.”

(40) Lisapeta suddenly clearly saw Zheka’s thick envelopes, covered with stamps, moving in a chain to the north, towards the city of Norilsk. (41) They fly like a flock of geese. (42) They are knocked down by the wind, and they get lost somewhere in the snow, disappear without a trace . (43) And for some reason she felt very sorry that these letters would not reach their addressee...

4. From sentences 29-33, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “incompleteness of action.”

- (29) Not much before! (30) Then there were no people at all, but now there is no end to them. (31) I’ll tell you what: because of a stranger you good price you're missing out, if you don't put it out, then you'll regret it bitterly! (32) Well, should we negotiate with the new guest?

(33) The old woman sadly and worriedly looked to the side, squinting eyes, then in a changed voice she hurriedly said...

5. From sentences 28-30, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “approximation”.

- (28) And here comes the groom came ! (29) Hello, young groom!

(30) The guys laughed.

We check completed tasks.

I II. Let's move on to the topic of our lesson.

Let's repeat the theory:What combinations of syntactic connections between simple sentences are typical for a polynomial complex sentence with different types of connections?

(These are sentences with the following types of communication: A) coordinating and subordinating;

B) composing and non-union;

B) subordinate and non-union;

D) coordinating, subordinating and non-union.)

Recording under dictation (sentences taken from the text of the FIPI presentations) on the board, syntactic analysis with explanation.

1 (To appreciate kindness and understand its meaning), 2 [need certainly myself experience it]: 3 [must be perceived a ray of someone else's kindness and live in it], 4 [ need to feel], 5 (like a ray of this kindness takes over the heart, in word and deeds throughout life).

Someone else's kindness is a premonition something more which is not even immediately believed; this is the warmth from which the heart warms and comes

(JV with subordinate and non-union connection).

What are the written sentences about?(about kindness)

IV. Examination homework

Read essay 15.3 based on the text about the squirrel (Text No. 3 FIPI)

What is kindness?

Kindness is the expression of sincere, good feelings towards someone. Kind people are compassionate and able to give care and love to others without demanding honor or reward. At the sight of misfortune kind heart becomes upset and there is a need to provide help with advice, deeds, and sympathy. And if in order to help someone out of trouble, you need to show your fists and physically come to the defense of the weak, then a kind person, even if he is weaker than the offender, will do it.

The hero of Albert Likhanov’s story desperately rushed to defend the squirrel, which was being bullied by ten high school students. The boy was deeply outraged by the fact that each of them had both a head and a heart, but none of them understood what they were doing. Shouts and demands to stop had no effect on the boys, their leader openly gloated, and the squirrel had already fallen down... Good must be done with fists. AND main character rushed at the crowd of offenders, desperately resisting, not feeling pain and wanting only one thing: “to ram someone else.” This act was appreciated by the grandfather who came to the rescue.

More than once I have seen teenagers behave disgracefully towards animals. Stopping them and asking why they were doing this, why they didn’t think that the kitten or puppy was in pain or scared, I was always amazed at their answer: “Just think, a cat. This is not a person!” I really want to answer with the words of Leo Tolstoy: “To understand whether an animal has a soul, you need to have a soul yourself.” Callousness towards weak and defenseless animals, if left unpunished and unnoticed, will certainly lead to such aggression manifesting itself towards people. And vice versa: a person who has a soul for animals will also be treated with kindness.

Take a look around. If you see that someone needs your help, if you feel that you cannot help but pass by, it means that kindness lives in your heart. Do good deeds and remember - to be kind person means to be a real person.

V. Consolidation

We write down the following sentences and analyze them (the sentences are taken from the text of the FIPI presentation):

[Costs just thoughtfully read some classical piece] and [you will notice], (how it has become easier to express using speech own thoughts, pick up the right words). (SP with composing and subordinate connection).

[After reading serious works You you'll figure it out faster], [your mind will become sharper], and [you will understand], (that reading is useful and beneficial).

(SP with composing, subordinating and non-union connection).

Now, as a test of knowledge, let’s complete the exam tasks

Task 14 OGE (work in pairs)

1. Among sentences 32–37, find a complex sentence with a conjunction and subordinating connection between parts. Write the number of this offer.

(32) During the big break, the director and I, in an empty classroom, began to make our way to Golubkin’s conscience. (33) It was then, in the midst of our conversation, that Vanya Belov appeared and said:

- (34) I came to bring myself into the hands of justice!

(35) I didn’t believe that he pulled out the dictations, but the director agreed with Vanya’s version.(36) After lessons, six students whose work had disappeared rewrote the dictation. (37) Senya Golubkin received a C, because he had already discovered his mistakes during the break, and moved to the seventh grade.

2. Among sentences 12–23, find a complex sentence with non-union and allied coordinating and subordinating connections between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

(12) Sergeeva - theater artist, young and beautiful woman. (13) And Alice asked the guy an “adult” question:

- (14) Do you love her?

“(15) No,” the guy smiled. - (16) I once saved her. (17) In our city, the theater was then on tour. (18) It was in the spring, at the end of March. (19) The guys were sledding by the river. (20) Sergeeva also wanted to go for a ride. (21) The guys gave her a sled.(22) She sat down and drove off, the sled accidentally drove onto the ice, which was thin and fragile, and a minute later Sergeeva found herself in icy water.(23) The guys screamed, but I was not far away and heard it.

3. Among sentences 6–10, find a complex sentence with non-conjunctive and conjunctive coordinating and subordinating connections between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

(6) These remarks were enough for the hectic, sparkling thought of escaping from class to flash like lightning.(7) Our class was considered exemplary, there were eight excellent students in it, and there was something funny and piquant in the fact that it was we, respectable, exemplary children, who would amaze all the teachers with a strange, unusual trick, decorating the dull monotony of school everyday life with a bright flash of sensation.(8) My heart skipped a beat with delight and anxiety, and although no one knew what our adventure would lead to, there was no turning back.

- (9) Only, people, so that the whole team! - Vitek Noskov warned us.

(10) Since I got a controversial B in chemistry for the first half of the year, to be honest, there was no reason for me to run away from class, but the will of the team is higher than personal interests.

4. Among sentences 1–5, find a complex sentence with a non-union and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Avalbek did not remember his father, who died at the front. (2) The first time he saw him in a movie was when the boy was about five years old.

(3) The film was about the war, Avalbök sat with his mother and felt how she flinched when they shot on the screen.(4) He was not very scared, and sometimes even, on the contrary, had fun when the Nazis fell. (5) And when ours fell, it seemed to him that they would get up later.

5. Among sentences 15–22, find a complex sentence with non-union and allied coordinating and subordinating connections between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

(15) After the lesson, Lisapeta ran up to Vera:

- (16) Verka, I’ll tell you something, and you’ll just die of surprise! (17) I saw at the post office how Zheka sent thick envelopes!

– (18) Who did you send it to?

(19) Lisapeta, of course, was not a bad girl, but when she appeared, you immediately wanted to shrink - she fussed and spun so much.(20) It seemed as if Lisapeta was in several places at once.

- (21) Do you remember that Liza Rakitina, who went to the north, studied in our class? (22) It was to this Lizka that he sent letters!

VI. Generalization

What types of conjunctions in complex sentences do you know?

If there is no union, what kind of connection is this?

What punctuation marks are used in non-union sentences?

Homework.For the OGE - repeat everything about synonyms, complete a selection of tasks on cards, and also complete options 2 and 3; according to the textbook: paragraph 37, exercise 211

Self-analysis of the lesson

Lesson topic “The use of conjunction (coordinating and subordinating) and non-conjunctive connections in complex sentences.” This is the second lesson on this topic.

Target : deepen students’ understanding of the structure of complex sentences with various types of connections.


Educational:to develop the ability to determine the types of allied and non-union connections in a complex sentence with different types of connections; practice the skill of placing punctuation marks in a complex sentence with different types of connections; All this work is done in conjunction with revision for the exam.

Educational: develop analytical skills: compare, contrast, draw conclusions;

Educational:cultivate kind feelings towards animals.

Lesson type: consolidation of the studied material.

Equipment: use of handouts.

The stages of the lesson are as follows: repetition of what has been learned (preparation for the OGE), learning new material, checking homework, consolidating and testing knowledge.

All didactic tasks at the lesson stages were completed.

Teaching methods used in the lesson: visualization, problem-solving, differentiated learning, student-centered approach. The methods correspond to the material being studied and the results obtained can be considered positive.

A widely used means of knowledge control today is testing. After repeating the material, students are given a test as reinforcement. By answering the test questions, students determine the types of conjunction and non-conjunctive connections in complex sentences, learn to find complex sentences with different types of connections in the text. In this way, you can check how students navigate new concepts and how they have mastered a new topic.

The lesson went at an optimal pace, the parts were logically connected with each other. Variety of species academic work ensures the stability of the educational and cognitive atmosphere.

The activity of students is adequate to the demands of the educational process, students are ready for problematic situations. A variety of assignments ensures that all students are kept busy, taking into account their abilities.

In this article we will look at what complex sentences with different types of connections are, examples of which will be given and analyzed. But to make it clear, let's start from afar.

What is a complex sentence?

In syntax, a sentence is words combined general meaning and associated with the laws of grammar, having common theme, purpose of utterance and intonation. With the help of sentences, people communicate, share their thoughts, present some material. The idea can be expressed briefly, or it can be expanded. Accordingly, sentences can be laconic or widespread.

Every sentence has its “heart” - a grammatical basis, i.e. subject and predicate. This is the subject of speech and its main characteristic (what does it do, what is it like, what is it?). If there is only one grammatical basis in a sentence, it is a simple sentence; if there are two or more, then it is complex.

(SP) may include two parts, three, four or even more. The relationships in meaning between them, as well as the means of connecting them with each other, can be different. There are complex union proposals and non-union proposals. To learn about their diversity, read the next section.

What are the types of joint ventures?

We have already begun to talk about the fact that joint ventures can be union or non-union. Everything is very simple. If the parts of the joint venture are connected by a union (or by intonation), then the connection between them is called union, and if only by intonation, then, accordingly, non-union.

In turn, conjunctive sentences are divided into coordinating and subordinating sentences - depending on whether their parts are in an “equal” position or one depends on the other.

Spring will come soon. This is a simple proposal. the world will play again bright colors. This sentence is complex, and its parts are connected by intonation and conjunction " When". We can ask a question from the main predicative part to the subordinate clause ( the world will sparkle with bright colors When? - when spring comes), which means it's Spring will come soon and nature will bloom. This sentence also has two parts, but they are united by intonation and a coordinating conjunction And. It is impossible to form a question between the parts, but you can easily divide this sentence into two simple ones. This sentence is complex. Spring will come soon, flowers will bloom, birds will fly in, it will become warm. This joint venture contains four simple parts, but they are all united only by intonation; there are no unions at the boundaries of the parts. This means that it is non-conjunctive. In order to compose complex sentences with different types of connection, it would be necessary to combine both a conjunctive and a non-conjunctive connection in one sentence.

How many simple sentences can there be in a complex one?

For a sentence to be considered complex, it must include at least two simple and two predicative parts. Complex sentences with different types of connections (we will see examples below) contain at least three parts, and sometimes there are about ten. But in this case, the proposal may be difficult to perceive. Such sentences combine conjunction and non-conjunction, coordinating and subordinating in any combination.

He was surprised; my head and chest were full of some strange feeling; the water ran with frightening speed, indomitably breaking through the stones, and falling with such force from a height that it seemed that the mountain, whose slopes were full of mountain flowers, could not withstand this pressure...

Here's a great example. Here are parts of complex sentences with different There are 5 predicative parts in this sentence, between which all of the possible types communications. What are their features? Let's remember in more detail.

Conjunctive coordinating connection

Complex conjunction sentences are either compound sentences (CCS) or complex sentences (CCS).

A coordinating connection (CC) connects “equal” simple sentences. This means that it is impossible to form a question from one predicative part of a complex sentence to another, there is no dependence between them. Parts of the BSC can easily be made into independent sentences, and the meaning of the phrase will not suffer or change.

Coordinating conjunctions are used to connect parts of such sentences. and, a, but, or etc. The sea was rough and the waves crashed against the rocks with furious force..

Conjunctive subordination

With a subordinating connection (SC), as its name implies, one part of the sentence “subordinates” the other, carries the main meaning, is the main one, while the second (subordinate) only complements, specifies something, you can ask a question about it from the main part. For subordinating connections, such conjunctions and allied words are used as what, who, when, which, because, if etc.

But it’s sad to think that our youth was given to us in vain, that they cheated on it all the time, that it deceived us...(A. Pushkin). This sentence has one main part and three subordinate clauses, dependent on it and answering the same questions: " But it’s sad to think (about what?) that it’s in vain..."

If you try to divide the SPP into separate simple ones, then in most cases it will be clear that the main part retains its meaning and can exist without subordinate clauses, but the subordinate clauses become incomplete in their semantic content and are not full-fledged sentences.

Non-union connection

Another type of joint venture is a non-union joint venture. A complex sentence with different types of connection most often combines a connection without conjunctions with one of the types of conjunctions or with both types at once.

The parts of the BSP are connected only intonationally. But this type of joint venture is considered the most difficult in terms of punctuation. If in conjunction sentences only one sign is placed between their parts - a comma, then in in this case You need to choose one of four punctuation marks: comma, semicolon, dash or colon. In this article we will not go into the details of this difficult rule, since our task today is complex sentences with different types of connections, exercises in their grammatical correct drafting and punctuation.

The horses started moving, the bell rang, the wagon flew away(A.S. Pushkin). This sentence has three parts, connected by intonation and separated by commas.

So, we have briefly characterized each of the possible types of connection between parts of the joint venture, and now we will return to the main topic of the article.

Algorithm for parsing joint ventures with different types of communication

How to correctly arrange signs in a joint venture with many parts and different types of connections? The most important thing is to determine how many parts there are and where exactly their boundaries lie. To do this you need to find the grammatical foundations. There are as many predicative parts as there are. Next, we highlight all the minor members related to each of the foundations, and thus it becomes clear where one part ends and the other begins. After this, you need to determine what types of connections between the parts (look at the presence or absence of conjunctions, try to ask a question, or try to make each of the parts a separate sentence).

And finally, all that remains is to correctly place the punctuation marks, because without them in writing it is very difficult to comprehend complex sentences with different types of connections (the exercises in the textbooks are precisely aimed at developing this skill).

How not to make a mistake in choosing punctuation marks?

Punctuation of a complex sentence with different types of connection

Once the predicative parts are highlighted and the types of connections are established, everything becomes very clear. We place punctuation marks in accordance with the rules relating to a specific type of communication.

Coordinating (CC) and subordinating relationships (CS) require a comma before the conjunction. Other punctuation marks in this case are very rare (in a coordinating connection, a semicolon is possible if one of the parts is complicated and contains commas; a dash is possible if the parts are sharply opposed or one of them contains an unexpected result).

With a non-union connection, as mentioned above, one of four punctuation marks may appear, depending on the semantic relationship between the parts of the sentence.

Drawing up diagrams of complex sentences with different types of communication

This step can be performed before placing punctuation marks, or after, to check their correctness. Diagrams are used in punctuation to graphically explain the choice of a particular punctuation mark.

The diagram helps to write complex sentences with different types of connections without punctuation errors. We will give examples of punctuation marks and diagramming right now.

[The day was beautiful, sunny, surprisingly calm]; [a cozy shadow loomed on the left], and [it became difficult to understand], (where it ends, the shadow) and (where the emerald foliage of the trees begins).

In this sentence, a non-union connection is easily traced between the first and second parts, a coordinating connection between the second and third, and the third part is the main one in relation to the next two subordinate parts and is connected to them by a subordinate connection. The scheme of this joint venture is as follows: [__ =,=,=]; [= __], and [=], (where = __) and (where = __). Schemes of complex sentences with different types of connections can be horizontal and vertical. We have given an example of a horizontal diagram.

Let's sum it up

So, we have found out what complex sentences with different types of connections are (examples of them are very common in the works fiction And business communication). These are sentences containing more than two simple ones, and their parts are connected by different types of syntactic connections. JVs with different types of communications may include SPP, SSP and BSP in various combinations. In order not to make mistakes in punctuation marks, you need to identify simple sentences within complex ones and determine the types of syntactic connections.

Be literate!

To the question How to find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and a conjunctive subordinating connection? given by the author Staff the best answer is

For example:

For example:

Answer from Ruslan Kurbanov[newbie]
plus 2 points

Answer from Best Friend[newbie]
And aren't you ashamed? the person really doesn’t understand, but you...

Answer from Make a fool of yourself[expert]
non-union sentences are not connected by a conjunction when there are several grammar basics. For example:
The teacher is sick, there will be no lesson.
The teacher is the subject, Ill and will not be - the predicate.
The first sentence is two-part (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second is one-part (the grammatical basis is represented by only one predicate).
A complex sentence also consists of several simple ones, but they are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions (what, so that, when, etc.)
The main sign of sl sub. sentence:
- from one sentence You can ask a question to someone else. therefore, the one from which the question is asked will be the main one (as in a phrase, one word is the main one), and the other is dependent or subordinate (as in a phrase, the second word is dependent)
For example:
The teacher is sick, so there will be no lesson.
in contrast to complex sentence in complex compositions both parts are equal. It is difficult to ask a question from one sentence to another. just like in the non-union. only in a unionless one there are no unions between simple sentences. and in complex sentences. those included in the complex are connected by coordinating conjunctions.
For example:
The teacher is sick and there will be no lesson.
Now compare all three options.
the teacher is sick, there will be no lesson - non-union proposal. the question cannot be asked.
the teacher is ill and there will be no lesson - compound. the question cannot be asked.
the teacher is sick, so there will be no lesson - complex. Can I ask you a question. For what reason will there be no lesson? - the teacher is sick.

Answer from Caucasian[newbie]

Answer from yupu kpu4pku[newbie]
non-conjunctive sentences are not connected by a conjunction in the presence of several grammatical stems. For example:
The teacher is sick, there will be no lesson.
The teacher is the subject, Ill and will not be - the predicate.
The first sentence is two-part (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second is one-part (the grammatical basis is represented by only one predicate).
A complex sentence also consists of several simple ones, but they are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions (what, so that, when, etc.)
The main sign of sl sub. sentence:
- from one sentence You can ask a question to someone else. therefore, the one from which the question is asked will be the main one (as in a phrase, one word is the main one), and the other is dependent or subordinate (as in a phrase, the second word is dependent)
For example:
The teacher is sick, so there will be no lesson.
in contrast to complex sentence in complex compositions both parts are equal. It is difficult to ask a question from one sentence to another. just like in the non-union. only in a unionless one there are no unions between simple sentences. and in complex sentences. those included in the complex are connected by coordinating conjunctions.
For example:
The teacher is sick and there will be no lesson.
Now compare all three options.
the teacher is ill, there will be no lesson - a non-union proposal. the question cannot be asked.
the teacher is ill and there will be no lesson - compound. the question cannot be asked.
the teacher is sick, so there will be no lesson - complex. Can I ask you a question. For what reason will there be no lesson? - the teacher is sick.

Answer from Denis Larionov[active]
oh fuck

Answer from Alexey Dementyev[active]
Finally, we went nuts!

Answer from Diana Zhilova[newbie]

Answer from rapper[newbie]

Answer from Oleg Olegov[newbie]

Answer from XxxNGxxx[newbie]

Answer from Dmitry Kondakov[newbie]
non-conjunctive sentences are not connected by a conjunction in the presence of several grammatical stems. For example:
The teacher is sick, there will be no lesson.
The teacher is the subject, Ill and will not be - the predicate.
The first sentence is two-part (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second is one-part (the grammatical basis is represented by only one predicate).
A complex sentence also consists of several simple ones, but they are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions (what, so that, when, etc.)
The main sign of sl sub. sentence:
- from one sentence You can ask a question to someone else. therefore, the one from which the question is asked will be the main one (as in a phrase, one word is the main one), and the other is dependent or subordinate (as in a phrase, the second word is dependent)
For example:
The teacher is sick, so there will be no lesson.
in contrast to complex sentence in complex compositions both parts are equal. It is difficult to ask a question from one sentence to another. just like in the non-union. only in a unionless one there are no unions between simple sentences. and in complex sentences. those included in the complex are connected by coordinating conjunctions.
For example:
The teacher is sick and there will be no lesson.
Now compare all three options.
the teacher is ill, there will be no lesson - a non-union proposal. the question cannot be asked.
the teacher is ill and there will be no lesson - compound. the question cannot be asked.
the teacher is sick, so there will be no lesson - complex. Can I ask you a question. For what reason will there be no lesson? - the teacher is sick.

Answer from Nikita Malafeev[newbie]

Answer from Liza Bagadurova[active]
why the same thing?

Answer from Ripper[newbie]
non-conjunctive sentences are not connected by a conjunction in the presence of several grammatical stems.

Answer from Natalya Timoshkina[newbie]
non-conjunctive sentences are not connected by a conjunction in the presence of several grammatical stems. For example:
The teacher is sick, there will be no lesson.
The teacher is the subject, Ill and will not be - the predicate.
The first sentence is two-part (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second is one-part (the grammatical basis is represented by only one predicate).
A complex sentence also consists of several simple ones, but they are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions (what, so that, when, etc.)
The main sign of sl sub. sentence:
- from one sentence You can ask a question to someone else. therefore, the one from which the question is asked will be the main one (as in a phrase, one word is the main one), and the other is dependent or subordinate (as in a phrase, the second word is dependent)
For example:
The teacher is sick, so there will be no lesson.
in contrast to complex sentence in complex compositions both parts are equal. It is difficult to ask a question from one sentence to another. just like in the non-union. only in a unionless one there are no unions between simple sentences. and in complex sentences. those included in the complex are connected by coordinating conjunctions.
For example:
The teacher is sick and there will be no lesson.
Now compare all three options.
the teacher is ill, there will be no lesson - a non-union proposal. the question cannot be asked.
the teacher is ill and there will be no lesson - compound. the question cannot be asked.
the teacher is sick, so there will be no lesson - complex. Can I ask you a question. For what reason will there be no lesson? - the teacher is sick.

Answer from Marcel Rakhmanov[newbie]
non-conjunctive sentences are not connected by a conjunction in the presence of several grammatical stems. For example:
The teacher is sick, there will be no lesson.
The teacher is the subject, Ill and will not be - the predicate.
The first sentence is two-part (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second is one-part (the grammatical basis is represented by only one predicate).
A complex sentence also consists of several simple ones, but they are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions (what, so that, when, etc.)
The main sign of sl sub. sentence:
- from one sentence You can ask a question to someone else. therefore, the one from which the question is asked will be the main one (as in a phrase, one word is the main one), and the other is dependent or subordinate (as in a phrase, the second word is dependent)
For example:
The teacher is sick, so there will be no lesson.
in contrast to complex sentence in complex compositions both parts are equal. It is difficult to ask a question from one sentence to another. just like in the non-union. only in a unionless one there are no unions between simple sentences. and in complex sentences. those included in the complex are connected by coordinating conjunctions.
For example:
The teacher is sick and there will be no lesson.
Now compare all three options.
the teacher is ill, there will be no lesson - a non-union proposal. the question cannot be asked.
the teacher is ill and there will be no lesson - compound. the question cannot be asked.
the teacher is sick, so there will be no lesson - complex. Can I ask you a question. For what reason will there be no lesson? - the teacher is sick.

Answer from Denis Stolyar[active]
non-conjunctive sentences are not connected by a conjunction in the presence of several grammatical stems. For example:
The teacher is sick, there will be no lesson.
The teacher is the subject, Ill and will not be - the predicate.
The first sentence is two-part (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second is one-part (the grammatical basis is represented by only one predicate).
A complex sentence also consists of several simple ones, but they are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions (what, so that, when, etc.)
The main sign of sl sub. sentence:
- from one sentence You can ask a question to someone else. therefore, the one from which the question is asked will be the main one (as in a phrase, one word is the main one), and the other is dependent or subordinate (as in a phrase, the second word is dependent)
For example:
The teacher is sick, so there will be no lesson.
in contrast to complex sentence in complex compositions both parts are equal. It is difficult to ask a question from one sentence to another. just like in the non-union. only in a unionless one there are no unions between simple sentences. and in complex sentences. those included in the complex are connected by coordinating conjunctions.
For example:
The teacher is sick and there will be no lesson.
Now compare all three options.
the teacher is ill, there will be no lesson - a non-union proposal. the question cannot be asked.
the teacher is ill and there will be no lesson - compound. the question cannot be asked.
the teacher is sick, so there will be no lesson - complex. Can I ask you a question. For what reason will there be no lesson? - the teacher is sick.

Answer from Elena Ten[newbie]

non-conjunctive sentences are not connected by a conjunction in the presence of several grammatical stems. For example:
The teacher is sick, there will be no lesson.
The teacher is the subject, Ill and will not be - the predicate.
The first sentence is two-part (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second is one-part (the grammatical basis is represented by only one predicate).
A complex sentence also consists of several simple ones, but they are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions (what, so that, when, etc.)
The main sign of sl sub. sentence:
- from one sentence You can ask a question to someone else. therefore, the one from which the question is asked will be the main one (as in a phrase, one word is the main one), and the other is dependent or subordinate (as in a phrase, the second word is dependent)
For example:
The teacher is sick, so there will be no lesson.
in contrast to complex sentence in complex compositions both parts are equal. It is difficult to ask a question from one sentence to another. just like in the non-union. only in a unionless one there are no unions between simple sentences. and in complex sentences. those included in the complex are connected by coordinating conjunctions.
For example:
The teacher is sick and there will be no lesson.
Now compare all three options.
the teacher is ill, there will be no lesson - a non-union proposal. the question cannot be asked.
the teacher is ill and there will be no lesson - compound. the question cannot be asked.
the teacher is sick, so there will be no lesson - complex. Can I ask you a question. For what reason will there be no lesson? - the teacher is sick.

Non-union and allied coordinating connection are one of the ways of constructing. Without them, speech is poor, because they provide more information and are capable of containing two or more sentences telling about different events.

Complex sentences and their types

Depending on the number of parts, complex structures are divided into two- and polynomial. In any of the options, the elements are connected either by a conjunction (which, in turn, is provided by the corresponding part of speech) or by a non-conjunction.

Depending on what types of relationships are present, complex formations create the following groups:

  • Complex sentence with non-union and allied coordinating connection: The sky suddenly darkened, a distant rumble was heard, and a wall of rain covered the ground, driving down dust and washing away the city smog.
  • Constructions that combine elements with a subordinating relationship, for example: The house we entered was depressing, but in this situation we had no choice.
  • Complex sentences with subordinating and non-union types of connections: No matter how he hurried, his help was late: another car took the wounded.
  • In polynomial constructions, subordinating, non-union and allied coordinating connections can be used simultaneously. The next time the phone rang, my mother answered it, but all she heard was a robotic voice telling her that her loan was overdue.

It is important to be able to distinguish between complex sentences and constructions complicated, for example, by homogeneous predicates. As a rule, in the first case, the syntactic lexical unit contains several grammatical stems, while in the second there will be one subject and several predicates.

Non-union designs

In this type of lexical constructions, 2 simple sentences or more can be combined, which are connected by intonation and meaning. They can communicate with each other in the following ways:

  • Sentences are linked by enumeration. The evening gradually faded, night fell on the earth, the moon began to rule the world.
  • Constructions in which elements are divided into several parts, two of which are opposite fragments. The weather was as if to order: the sky cleared of clouds, the sun was shining brightly, a light breeze blew across the face, creating a slight coolness. In this unionless design, the second fragment, consisting of 3 simple sentences, connected by enumerative intonation, explains its first part.
  • A binary combination of simple elements into a polynomial complex structure, in which the parts are combined into semantic groups: The moon rose above the ridge, we did not immediately notice it: the haze hid its radiance.

A non-conjunctive, like a conjunctive coordinating connection, in a complete connection separates individual sentences from each other with punctuation marks.

Commas in non-union polynomial constructions

In complex compounds, their parts are separated by commas, semicolons, dashes and colons. Commas and semicolons are used in enumerative relations:

  1. The parts are small in size and connected to each other in meaning. After the storm there was silence, followed by a light whisper of rain.
  2. When parts are too common and not connected by a single meaning, a semicolon is used. Chamomiles and poppies covered the entire clearing; Grasshoppers were chirping somewhere below.

Unionless designs are most often used for transmission large quantity information that is not always related in meaning.

Dividing marks in non-union formations

These signs are used for the following types of relationships between elements of a syntactic structure:

  • Dash - when the second part is sharply opposed to the first, for example: We knew about his fears - no one knew about his readiness to die.(In such a construction with a non-union, as well as a union, coordinating connection between parts, I would like to put the conjunction “but”).
  • When the first part talks about a condition or time, then a dash is also placed between it and the second fragment. The rooster crowed - it's time to get up. In such sentences, the meaning of the conjunctions “if” or “when” is appropriate.
  • The same sign is placed if the second part contains a conclusion about what was discussed in the first. There was no strength to object - he silently agreed. In such conjunction constructions, “therefore” is usually inserted.
  • When the second part of the sentence is compared and determined by what is narrated in the first. He makes a speech - he breathes hope into people. In these constructions you can add “as if” or “as if”.
  • In sentences with an explanatory connection and justification of the reason, a colon is used. I’ll tell you to the point: you can’t let your friends down.

Sentences with a non-union, as well as a union, coordinating connection between parts are separated by signs depending on their semantic relationship.

Complex constructions

In sentences of this type, a coordinating connection is used, carried out using coordinating conjunctions. In this case, between their parts there may be:

  • Connective relationships interconnected by unions and, yes or, particles also, also and neither...nor. No birds chirp, no mosquito squeaks, no cicadas chirp.
  • In separating relationships, conjunctions are used that and, or, particles either... or, not that... not that and others. Either the wind brings an incomprehensible sound, or it itself is approaching us.
  • Sentences with both non-union and allied coordinating connections with comparative relations indicate the identity of events, but in the second case with the use of conjunctions namely And that is. Everyone was happy to see him, that is, that’s what he read on their faces.
  • Explanatory relationships tend to use conjunctions yes, but, ah, particles but, and therefore and others. A blizzard was raging outside the window, but it was warm near the fireplace in the living room.

Often it is conjunctions and particles that explain what connects simple sentences into a single complex structure.

Complex sentences with mixed types of communication

Constructions where a non-union and a union coordinating connection are simultaneously present are found quite often. They can contain separate blocks, each of which contains several simple sentences. Within blocks, some elements are connected to others in meaning and are separated by punctuation marks with or without conjunctions. In a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and a conjunctive coordinating connection, the boundary between them is the dividing marks, although the individual blocks may not be connected in meaning.