An example from life on the topic of the power of nature. Examples that show the power of amazing nature. A real island of tranquility

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The damage that humanity causes to nature is horrifying: huge toxic landfills, a plastic continent drifting in the ocean, deforestation and the destruction of wild animals. The only good news is that for saving environment and more and more caring people from all over the world, as well as the authorities of cities and states, are coming to help our smaller brothers. The heroes of our selection could not stay away, because even one good deed can start a chain of touching deeds.

We are in website We admire the human attitude of these people towards our planet and the living beings inhabiting it. We hope that their example will inspire you too.

1. In the Philippines, schoolchildren plant 10 trees to preserve native forests.

The Philippines is a beautiful Asian country that has suffered greatly from illegal logging. Previously, forest occupied more than 70% of its territory, but now this figure barely reaches 20%. One of the initiatives to prevent environmental problems was the publication of a law according to which children must plant 10 trees before their graduation. Every year, schoolchildren will be able to plant more than 175 million new trees, and involving them in this useful activity will teach careful attitude to nature.

2. An African photographer shoots models in front of trash to raise awareness about pollution.

Photographer from Senegal Ina Makosi is sure that if you remain silent about the problem, things will not get better. She came up with a creative idea - to do photo shoots in the dirtiest areas of the country to shame the local residents. Vivid photos models against the backdrop of a landfill really produced the desired effect: 2 weeks after the photo shoot in the Dakar suburb of Pikin local residents removed the trash. This result prompted Makosi to continue the project.

3. Sick turtles are helped in Dubai

4. A 9-year-old boy created a public organization that planted more than 14 billion trees in 10 years.

Another useful tree planting initiative, authored by 9-year-old schoolboy from Germany Felix Finkbeiner. The boy set a goal to plant 1 million trees and was able to infect other teenagers with his enthusiasm. Over the course of several years, the Plant for the Planet project has achieved amazing results: in 2011, Felix spoke at the UN, and by 2017 by the members social movement Over 14 billion trees were planted. Now their goal is 1 trillion, 150 seedlings for every inhabitant of the planet.

5. Students refuse to release balloons at graduation.

Few people think about what further fate awaits those balloons and lanterns that are launched into the sky for the holidays. Environmentalists have been sounding the alarm for a long time: such garbage pollutes the environment (the ball takes at least 4 years to decompose) and causes the death of animals. The good news is that caring people remain, such as UrFU students, who abandoned the traditional launch of balloons at graduation and urge everyone to pay attention to preserving the environment. The authorities of Petrozavodsk and St. Petersburg also did not stand aside and introduced a ban on the use balloons and sky lanterns at graduations.

6. In Japan, they do everything possible not to disturb swallows' nests.

The Lawson store in the Japanese city of Matsuyama turned off the illumination of the first letter in the name so as not to disturb the hatched swallow chicks.

And in Saitama, a Japanese policeman built a device out of cardboard so that swallow chicks would not break if they fell out of the nest. He also posted warning signs everywhere.

7. Caring people pick up trash even on Everest

Everest is the most high point on the planet, attracting thousands of extreme sports enthusiasts from all over the world. An excess of tourists generates environmental problem: More and more trash is accumulating along high mountain trails and in campgrounds. To solve the problem, the Nepalese authorities obliged climbers climbing above the base camp (5.3 thousand km) to remove at least 8 kg of garbage from the mountain. Constant actions also help, for example, this year activists collected 11 tons of garbage.

8. In Kazakhstan, paramedics take care of endangered saigas

Man may think that he has conquered and subjugated nature by creating concrete jungles, cutting down forests and extracting minerals. But still, nature continues to slowly but surely prove to humanity that she is the only indestructible queen on this planet, possessing incredible strength.

Step by step, nature takes over buildings, roads and almost any objects that stand in its way.

We have compiled a selection of incredible photos that show the amazing power of nature.

Nature has taken over the shopping center

Plants use any living space. In this case, the choice fell on an abandoned shopping center, where plants are the only visitors today.

Pisces found a new home in an abandoned building

Another similar case with nature's conquest of human creation. Thousands of fish found new house V mall, which was once damaged by floods.

There is always a chance of survival

Mother Nature takes every opportunity to survive. Look at this tree that is literally clinging to life.

The power of nature is inexplicable

No one still understands how a brick could end up in this forest, much less in this tree. But it looks pretty impressive.

But nature is powerful

Nature enters into a fight with humanity and, as you can see, wins. This road sign can't be saved anymore.

If you have even the slightest chance - survive, use it to the fullest

We often see plants breaking through concrete surfaces. This is definitely an indication of great strength.

A real island of tranquility

This is the famous lone tree that found its shelter in the middle of the lake.


This tree is in national park The city of Washington is the link between the two hills.

Which of the photographs impressed you the most and have you ever witnessed similar pictures?

Since ancient times, people have admired the power of nature and were completely dependent on any natural influences. Now the situation is completely different, but does nature cease to amaze us with its power?

The question is, of course, rhetorical. Moreover, even now there are a lot of examples when, it would seem, developed humanity cannot do anything to oppose the forces of nature. Somewhere, tornadoes appear in other parts of the world - tsunamis.

Any grandiose natural phenomena can bring not only beauty and inspiration, but also total destruction, which sweeps away any achievements from its path human culture and the people themselves too. In such situations, one can only come to terms with and admire how nature can equalize people with other representatives of flora and fauna.

Thanks to this property, a person can reflect on his own rather insignificant position in this world. Of course, humanity as a whole has achieved a lot, but it is still dependent on nature. If we talk in simple words, then the power of nature still exceeds the power of people and humanity.

Notwithstanding the above, in my opinion, main strength nature is the opportunity to admire nature. The gracefulness of a lion or the beauty of a sunset - people cannot even imagine something like this, although they possess (at least some representatives human race) the beauty of thinking. In fact, much of what people use is taken from nature.

We are talking not only about some technical inventions, but also about culture itself, about images of art. If we talk about true beauty, then most often what comes to mind is the power of natural beauty: how the lotus blooms, how the peacock’s tail straightens, how boundless the snows of Antarctica are. It is possible to give a lot of examples, the essence will always remain in appealing to the beauty of natural creation.

Even now, when people know how to build most beautiful cities and buildings, nature complements these creations with its own notes - weather conditions and other factors. Therefore, I see the power of nature in the beauty that lies in nature.

Although, if you look in more detail, then nature cannot see its own beauty. Only people see beauty. Then perhaps beauty exists only in people themselves?

Essay on the Forces of Nature

Nature is the progenitor of all living things, endowed with extraordinary power. She, like a true mother, helps her children, heals, punishes, and helps them take the right path.

Ancient people worshiped nature as a living being, rejoiced at its gifts and feared the manifestations of its anger and the punishment that followed. It was believed that she shows her anger with the help of the forces of nature: thunderstorms, fires, volcanic eruptions, floods and droughts. People have long worshiped the forces of nature, deifying them, giving them names and performing various rituals in order to appease and enlist their support for the whole year. Those people whose behavior was supposed to bring the wrath of nature upon the inhabitants faced severe punishment. Nowadays, in remote corners of the Earth, some tribes still preach the cult of nature, bringing gifts to it.

The power of nature lies in its mercy; it is able to feed and water the suffering, heal physical and mental wounds with the help of its gifts, and warn of future disasters and natural disasters with the help of animals and birds. The abundance of medicinal herbs and plants, and the wide range of their actions is simply enormous; with the help of nature’s gifts, you can cope with many diseases, reduce pain and alleviate allergies. Walking on fresh air promote overall health.

The power of nature also lies in its creation. The unity of man with nature helps to gain peace of mind, cope with symptoms of stress and depression. Left alone with nature, a person is able to rethink a lot, find a solution to a problem that seemed to have no solution, change life path. Outdoor recreation can bring peace and tranquility.

Option 3

Despite the fact that a person can solve almost any problem with the help of reasonable approaches, sometimes he himself needs help from what surrounds us.

All the diversity of phenomena and objects around us actually also has the ability to influence a person different ways, manage people. If a person changes under the influence of nature, then we can talk about it amazing power. This is something that is not accessible to the human eye. But, nevertheless, its impact is so powerful that it can significantly affect a person’s life in the field of construction, everyday life, health, and beauty.

However, a person must distinguish in which case it is necessary to be able to defend against natural disasters, for example, when it has a destructive significance. On the other hand, the benefit coming from natural processes, is invaluable when it comes to improving the health of the body.

A striking example in Russian literature is the work of A. I. Kuprin “Olesya”. To the girl, with early childhood Having spent time in the lap of nature, we know firsthand how to cure serious ailments with the help of herbs and roots. And this is not magic, but the skillful use of nature’s reserves. Moreover, life forest dwellers filled with happy moments that positively influence their soul, since in every manifestation of nature they find those beauties that give them strength and energy. Admiring the world around us contains the miraculous power of nature.

A person involved in creativity, painting, literature, music sees in her a source of inspiration. This is due to the fact that divine, unique images are concentrated in nature. They are found anywhere: among representatives of the world of animals, plants, or among objects of space, earth, and water.

The influence of nature on man is enormous and in terms of transforming him inner world. Being in constant contact with defenseless younger brothers - animals - people learn a lot from them. By protecting them, protecting, for example, animals from death, we thereby help ourselves to grow spiritually, showing mercy and compassion towards loved ones. In such situations we find peace and tranquility.

Thus, nature and man are closely interconnected. At the same time, man’s dependence on nature is so great that sometimes he is not able to cope with it alone. Therefore, only caring people can, by wisely using its resources, benefit for themselves. The incredible power of nature lies in its uniqueness and limitless possibilities.

Books play an important role in the development of any personality, even now in the era information technologies they are the main source of knowledge. By reading books, we learn new worlds and the unknown depths of the human soul.

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  • Incomprehensible nature

    The green morning outside the window smelled of the freshness of May rain. Proud of their colorful decoration, the trees quietly listened to the spring hubbub of birds.

    Nature. Great and incomprehensible. Created by the powerful force of the Almighty Creator, it lives, abounds and delights the human eye with its diversity and uniqueness. Every time it flares up in the spring with the green colors of awakened trees to congratulate us with the song of a nightingale, and briefly makes us sad when it waves at us the wings of cranes flying south.

    However, regardless of the time of year, nature is alive. She is unique and uncontrollable in her desire to transform, experiment and surprise with her fantasies. And she does it quietly, imperceptibly, as if on the sly... But sometimes, like a dissatisfied artist, she is capricious, breaking and mutilating her creations. It collapses like an unbridled element, flooding everything with an endless stream of rain. By washing away old, disgusting paintings, nature is inspired to paint new, more perfect ones. And soon he creates them with ease. We, mere mortals, admire her transformations. We admire it so much that sometimes we even want to stop the wonderful moments.

    Canvases of famous and unknown artists reflect only tiny particles of the indescribable beauty of nature. Its mysterious greatness is imperceptible to the cursory glance of a fussy person. And only talented artist able to reflect this amazing beauty on canvas. He tries to express his feeling of the world around him and convey it to others. This kind of work is called creativity. I want to look at it and also create, and often not with a brush or on canvas. But such creativity is far from the creations of nature, for man himself is its creation and can only be part of a small experiment in the interval of natural fantasies.

    Love nature!

    By imagining oneself as a creator, a person makes a huge mistake. With his large-scale actions, he is trying to prove that he is capable of being. Man moves mountains and changes the flow of rivers, cuts down forests, conquers the energy of the atom, overcomes cosmic heights and modifies living organisms. He competes with nature in strength and at the same time creates great benefits for himself. Benefits that seem to be enough for everyone and forever. But it turns out that these benefits are not enough for everyone, and certainly not forever. Those who get them soon thirst for better and more, and nothing excites them except the insatiable desire for enrichment.

    But nature is already tired, because she, mother, is already old and more and more new human whims are incomprehensible to her. She doesn't see common sense in them. Increasingly, she cannot cope with human thoughtlessness, which leads her into imbalance. Angry, she throws lightning into human dwellings, destroying them with heavy winds and earthquakes.

    And yet nature is maternally affectionate and kind. After all, it is she who waters the hard work on earth with warm rain, giving calloused hands with fragrant bread. Every year it decorates trees with various fruits and fills forests with mushrooms and berries. In summer, it caresses the body with the sun's rays and warm waves of the sea. Gives us an incentive to live and gives us inspiration to create.

    So maybe it’s worth thinking about what to do and why? Look around so as not to receive angry reproaches for your good thoughts and desires? Maybe it’s worth organizing your activities in such a way that you not only take from nature, but also give at least a little?

    Having once visited the Earth, the journey through which is called life, you should not leave a deep mark on it. And if so, then it is important that he is kind. Love nature!

    What is the power of nature?

    Strength is a multi-meaning word. When we talk about the power of nature, we mean its greatness, power, and might. Man is not given the ability to comprehend nature. We can only admire her beauty and gratefully accept her generous gifts.

    In my opinion, the power of nature, first of all, lies precisely in its beauty, and not in its destructive power. Mother Nature gave us life, which means we must do everything to ensure that our coexistence is harmonious.