What reports does the individual entrepreneur submit, taxes he pays. Should an individual entrepreneur keep accounting: we provide detailed explanations

Even at the registration stage, an entrepreneur should decide on the taxation system for his future enterprise. After this, one more important question should be resolved: who to entrust with accounting. The individual entrepreneur has several options for solving it. Let's look at some of them.


Individual entrepreneurs have several options:

  1. Conclude an agreement with a specialized company for reporting support. This method is considered the most financially expensive. However, this way out of the situation completely eliminates the need for the owner of the enterprise to delve into the reporting. Experienced specialists from competent companies accompany reporting from beginning to end, representing business interests in various authorities.
  2. Hiring a visiting accountant. This option is not as expensive as the previous one. However, there is a certain risk in this case. The choice of an experienced specialist will rest solely with the entrepreneur. Today, finding a person who can work from home and cope with the assigned tasks perfectly is quite difficult. It is not so easy to determine at first glance the scope of knowledge and competence of a specialist. In such matters, it is advisable to use the recommendations of friends or business partners.
  3. Do your own accounting. This is what many entrepreneurs do, whose enterprises use special tax regimes. Accounting for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system and other systems has enough simple diagram. Even a non-professional in this matter can easily cope with it. Moreover, there are various automated services that describe in detail accounting for individual entrepreneurs (for example, especially for entrepreneurs without an accountant)

The latter option has a number of undoubted advantages for entrepreneurs.

How to conduct accounting for an individual entrepreneur yourself?

Step by step instructions for entrepreneurs contains all the necessary information allowing short term understand all the nuances of the system. As mentioned above, various services have been created to help businessmen. In addition, an entrepreneur can take special courses. Such activities will help organize the acquired knowledge. By choosing this option, the entrepreneur significantly saves his money. However, such “free” accounting for individual entrepreneurs requires time. This should be taken into account. Before you begin to delve into the reporting rules, you need to familiarize yourself with basic concepts systems. These include, in particular, the very definition of accounting and existing special regimes. Without understanding these elements, it is impossible to maintain registers, determine the expenditure and revenue parts, pay salaries to employees, calculate tax deductions, and prepare. All these operations together make up the accounting department of an enterprise.

Basic Concepts

Before explaining how to do accounting for an individual entrepreneur yourself, step-by-step instructions include an explanation of the key elements of the system. First of all, the entrepreneur must record the completion of all business transactions. There is accounting documentation for this. It is used in three main ways:

  1. Management.
  2. Taxation.
  3. Accounting.

Management accounting is the analysis of information given in financial records. Based on it, the entrepreneur evaluates the efficiency of the enterprise, makes decisions, plans and optimizes activities, and controls its progress. Accounting involves directly maintaining the company's financial documents. This is carried out in accordance with legal requirements. Tax accounting is the accounting of transactions for the formation of tax bases. Based on this documentation, a tax return is drawn up, according to which the company reports to the fiscal services.


Using the general taxation regime as an example, let’s look at how to conduct accounting for an individual entrepreneur independently. The step-by-step instructions contain instructions that the entrepreneur must take into account all production business transactions. To record them, the Book of Expenses and Income is used. In accordance with the information contained there, at the end of the tax year, the entrepreneur draws up a tax return. 3-NDFL and deducts 13% tax. This payment must be made before April 30th. OSNO also involves the deduction of VAT. To calculate it, all outgoing and incoming invoices, sales, and purchases are recorded in the relevant books. Based on the information contained therein, a quarterly declaration is generated, and a tax rate of 18% is calculated. Payments are made until the 20th of the new quarter for the previous one. If the entrepreneur’s activities are related to cash, then it is necessary to maintain a cash book and fill out

Hired employees

If there are personnel, the entrepreneur must keep personnel records of employees. He acts as their tax agent. The entrepreneur calculates and withholds income tax from employees, pays insurance premiums in the FSS and the Pension Fund. The individual entrepreneur submits reports on personnel:

  1. In the Federal Tax Service about average number employees and their income (form 2-NDFL). The first document is due by January 20, the second by April 1.
  2. In the FSS. Annual and quarterly statements are submitted to this service according to f. FSS-4 until the 15th day of the month, which begins after the end of the reporting period.
  3. In the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund. Form RSV-1 is submitted to these authorities by the 15th day of the second month from the end of the year and each quarter.

If an entrepreneur works alone and does not act as an employer, he must pay fixed medical and pension contributions"for myself."


The tasks of an entrepreneur using a simplified system include filling out the Accounting Book with a base of 6% and income and expenses with a tariff of 15%. When using the simplified tax system, the individual entrepreneur must submit tax return until April 30th. Reporting and contributions for personnel under this regime are similar to those under OSNO. Property (for individuals) and income taxes are not paid. The simplified taxation system is considered the most popular among entrepreneurs. When using it, it is very easy to figure out how to do accounting for an individual entrepreneur yourself. The step-by-step instructions contain few points to follow. The simplified system is therefore most suitable for small and medium-sized businesses.


This regime, together with the “simplified” regime, is included in the category of special, preferential ones. However, when using UTII, individual entrepreneur accounting will be more difficult for beginners. With this scheme, there is no need to take into account expenses and income. An entrepreneur should only record physical characteristics activities. Among them, for example, the area of ​​the premises occupied by the store, the number of units in the carrier’s transport fleet, and so on. All changes in physical indicators throughout the year must be reflected in reporting when calculating tax from the month in which they occurred. The calculation of the mandatory payment is carried out in accordance with the specific type of activity. The indicator is determined by local authorized bodies. In addition, you need to know the deflator coefficients. These are the main points that individual entrepreneur accounting includes. There are advisory centers for beginning entrepreneurs. You can clarify certain nuances directly with the tax service.

Important point

When using UTII, an entrepreneur must submit reports every quarter before the 20th day of the month from which the new reporting period begins. Tax payment is due by the 25th. Entrepreneurs using UTII are not required to keep records. However, this does not exempt them from complying with cash requirements and the procedure in accordance with which cash transactions are carried out. Thus, an entrepreneur must have Cash book, confirming the movement of funds. The obligation to make insurance payments and report on personnel remains.


Whatever taxation system an entrepreneur chooses, it will take some time to study the scheme. It should be taken into account that bills, recommendations, teaching materials Changes are made periodically that need to be monitored. It is advisable to install software, allowing for automated accounting. Moreover, tax authorities accept reporting in electronic form. It should be noted that the programs are updated in accordance with the adopted legislative norms. This allows the entrepreneur to always be aware of changes and correctly draw up documentation. In general, studying taxation schemes is not particularly difficult. Experts recommend starting with simplified, preferential regimes.

To successfully carry out business activities, you need to know exactly how to submit individual entrepreneur reports. This will help avoid not only troubles in relations with fiscal authorities moral plan, but also quite material penalties. Therefore, every year every entrepreneur, even one who works under a simplified taxation system and is the only employee in his business, must submit all necessary reports to public services. However, some reports must be filed quarterly, and there are significant penalties for failure to submit information. Let's try to figure out what kind of reporting an individual entrepreneur must submit. There are many organizations that provide support for the activities of entrepreneurs. That is, for a certain fee, they will not only tell you how to report as an individual entrepreneur, but will also help you with the preparation of a full package of documents.

It is also worth considering the fact that since 2016, entrepreneurs who employ more than 25 people must submit reports only electronically. Everyone else can get by with the paper version for now.

What kind of reporting do individual entrepreneurs submit?

Let's look at the main types of reporting that individual entrepreneurs submit.

Tax reports of an individual entrepreneur

Tax reports, of course, depend on the chosen tax system. For example, entrepreneurs applying special tax regimes ( single tax for imputed income (UTII), patent taxation system (PSN), simplified taxation system (USN), unified agricultural tax (UST)), submit only a general tax return, while an entrepreneur who is on the general taxation system (OSN) must also submit a VAT return, an income tax return individuals. This does not include land taxes, as well as information to the Pension and Insurance Funds and statistical data.

Also, starting from 2016, all employers will be required to submit quarterly information on withholding tax on personal income.

Accounting statements of an individual entrepreneur

Based on the federal law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, absolutely all economic entities, including individual entrepreneurs, must maintain accounting records. At the same time, the same law states that if an entrepreneur keeps records of income and expenses (or only one of these parameters) or reports on other objects of taxation, he has the right not to keep accounting records. Accordingly, the financial statements of individual entrepreneurs, no matter what taxation system they are in individual entrepreneur, may not give up.

Book of accounting of income, income and expenses

As already noted, the entrepreneur is exempt from maintaining accounting if it keeps records in accordance with the requirements of tax legislation. With the exception of individual entrepreneurs paying a single tax on imputed income, the main accounting register is the Income Book or the Income and Expenses Book.

This document can be maintained either electronically or in paper form ( e-book subsequently printed, bound and numbered in the same way as a paper one), while it must be ensured that the information cannot be corrected in electronic form. Any corrections in the income book must be explained (or better yet, not allowed at all) and dated and certified by the signature of the head of the enterprise (and if the enterprise has a seal, also with a seal).

The information in the book must be consistent, complete and accurate; the book is created for a period of one fiscal year. Such books are the main reports of individual entrepreneurs

Deadlines for submitting individual entrepreneur reports

Filing tax reports for individual entrepreneurs depends not only on the taxation system of the entrepreneur, but also on whether he is an employer, as well as on the type of activity of the entrepreneur.

Quarterly reporting of individual entrepreneurs

Let's look at how quarterly reporting for individual entrepreneurs is submitted.

For individual entrepreneurs without employees

An individual entrepreneur on UTII submits a tax return quarterly (by the 20th of the next month) and pays a single tax (by the 25th of the next month).

An entrepreneur submits information to the Social Insurance Fund quarterly (by the 15th day of the next month) using the simplified tax system and the special tax system (if there is an insurance agreement). An entrepreneur on OSN submits a VAT return every quarter (until the 25th day of the next month).

For individual entrepreneurs with employees

Individual entrepreneurs who are employers submit information to the Social Insurance Fund quarterly (by the 15th day of the next month, calculations for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability, in connection with maternity, as well as for compulsory social insurance against occupational diseases and accidents in production) and in Pension fund(until the 15th day of the second month following the reporting month, reporting on payment of contributions and personalized accounting are submitted).

Since 2016, individual entrepreneurs have also submitted quarterly information on personal income tax in accordance with the new form 6-NDFL. The report must contain information on taxes paid on the income of the entrepreneur's employees, as well as other data on the basis of which the amount of tax can be calculated. The deadline for submitting the 6-NDFL declaration is the last working day of the month following the quarter. First time calculation new form must be submitted by 04/30/2016.

Annual reporting of individual entrepreneurs

Let's look at how to give up annual reporting IP.

For individual entrepreneurs without employees

Entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system annually submit a tax return by April 30. Entrepreneurs on the OSN submit: before April 30, a tax return on income tax and, within five days after the expiration of a month from the date of receipt of income during the year, a declaration on the expected income for the next year.

For individual entrepreneurs with employees

Individual entrepreneurs who are employers annually submit tax service: until January 20, information on the average number of employees; until April 1, information on employee income

If the deadlines for individual entrepreneur reporting are still not entirely clear, or you doubt their compliance, or you are worried that you will not remember everything at once and may get confused somewhere and not submit documents on time, remember the individual entrepreneur reporting calendar can be found on some sites on the Internet.

Reporting upon liquidation of individual entrepreneurs

When closing an individual entrepreneur, the entrepreneur must submit the latest reports to the Pension Fund and the Tax Service. In this case, it is better to submit reports to the Pension Fund immediately before the closure of the enterprise or immediately after, without delay. Tax reporting is also submitted when closing an individual entrepreneur.

In this case, the entrepreneur on UTII submits a report before submitting documents for liquidation, and the entrepreneur on the simplified tax system submits a report no later than the 25th day of the month following the month in which business activity was terminated (in accordance with the data specified in the notice in tax authority).

It is also worth mentioning that documents on liquidation and submitted reports must be kept for three years, since the tax service may call former entrepreneur for checking. We hope our article helped you understand what kind of reporting an individual entrepreneur submits.

The simplified taxation system (hereinafter referred to as the simplified taxation system) is one of five special tax regimes provided for by the current tax legislation. This special regime is designed for small businesses, therefore the rules for calculating tax, the procedure for its payment and, accordingly, reporting under the simplified tax system are quite simple and understandable in application by individual entrepreneurs.

Pay attention! You can easily prepare and submit reports under the simplified tax system using the online service “My Business”. The service automatically generates reports, checks them and sends them electronically. You will not need to visit in person tax office and funds, which will undoubtedly save not only time, but also nerves. You can get free access to the service right now by following this link.

How to switch to simplified tax system

In order to switch to the simplified tax system, it is enough to submit a notification to your tax office about the transition to a simplified taxation system. You can switch to the simplified tax system only from the beginning of the calendar year, so the notification must be submitted before December 31. For example, if an individual entrepreneur wants to switch to the simplified tax system in 2018, then the notification should be submitted before December 31, 2017.

If an individual is just registering as an individual entrepreneur and plans to immediately apply the simplified tax system, then in this case, a notification about the application of the simplified tax system should be submitted no later than 30 calendar days from the date of registration of the individual entrepreneur.

Important: the transition to the simplified tax system is of a notification nature! This means that after submitting the notification, you do not need to wait for any document from your tax office authorizing the use of the simplified tax system.

Limitations in the use of the simplified tax system

There are few restrictions on the use of the simplified tax system for individual entrepreneurs. Unlike organizations, for individual entrepreneurs who want to switch to the simplified tax system, there is no limit on the amount of income.

Thus, an individual entrepreneur does not have the right to apply the simplified tax system if (Article 346.12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):

  • it is engaged in the production of excisable goods, as well as the extraction and sale of minerals, with the exception of common minerals;
  • switched to Unified Agricultural Tax;
  • the average number of individual entrepreneur employees for the year exceeded 100 people;
  • failed to notify the tax authority of the transition to the simplified tax system within the prescribed time frame.
Features of the application of the simplified tax system

1. The simplified tax system is applied on a voluntary basis (clause 1 of article 346.11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

2. When applying the simplified tax system, individual entrepreneurs are exempt from paying the following taxes (clauses 2, 3, article 346.11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):

  • property tax for individuals. The exemption applies only to the property that the individual entrepreneur uses in his business activities, and which is not included in the special list of real estate objects, the tax base for which is calculated based on the cadastral value;
  • value added tax (hereinafter - VAT), with the exception of VAT paid when importing goods into the territory of the Russian Federation, and VAT paid when performing the duties of a tax agent, for example, in the case of renting premises from authorities;
  • personal income tax (hereinafter referred to as personal income tax), with the exception of personal income tax paid by individual entrepreneurs as a tax agent, that is, when paying income to employees and other individuals.

3. Individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system are exempt from accounting, since they keep records of income and expenses according to the simplified tax system in the book of income and expenses (Article 346.24 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Article 6 Federal Law dated December 6, 2011 N 402-FZ “On Accounting”).

But individual entrepreneurs must follow the rules of conduct cash transactions established by Bank of Russia Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014 (clause 4 of Article 346.11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

4. The simplified tax system can be combined with UTII and PSN. It is impossible to combine the simplified tax system with the OSNO (regular taxation system) and the unified agricultural tax.

Taxation under the simplified tax system

When submitting a notification about the application of the simplified tax system, the individual entrepreneur must select an object of taxation (Article 346.14 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The rate and amount of tax that the individual entrepreneur will have to pay depends on this.

1. When choosing the object of taxation “Income”, a rate of 6% is applied. This object of taxation is beneficial for individual entrepreneurs who provide any services or are intermediaries under agency agreements. That is, they carry out activities that do not require financial and material investments.

To determine the amount of tax, it is enough to multiply the amount of all revenue by the tax rate. Individual entrepreneurs have the right to reduce the calculated amount of tax by the amount of insurance premiums paid both for themselves and for their employees.

Important: if an individual entrepreneur has employees, then the amount of the simplified tax system can be reduced by insurance premiums only within 50%. If an individual entrepreneur works on his own, then the amount of the simplified tax system is reduced by the insurance premiums paid for himself without restrictions.

2. When choosing the object of taxation “Income minus expenses”, the tax rate is 15%. Tax is paid on the difference between revenue received and expenses incurred. Therefore, such accounting is chosen by entrepreneurs engaged in activities such as trade, construction, production and others, in the implementation of which it is necessary to purchase goods, materials, raw materials, attract contractors, cargo carriers, etc. etc.

The tax amount is calculated using the following formula: (income minus expenses) * 15%.

Important: entrepreneurs who have entered into simple partnership agreements (agreements on joint activities), as well as those who are parties to a property trust management agreement, have the right to apply the simplified tax system only with the object of taxation “Income minus expenses” (clause 2 of article 346.14 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Procedure and deadlines for tax payment when applying the simplified tax system

The tax payment scheme is as follows:

  • no later than the 25th day of the first month following the expired reporting period (quarter, half-year, 9 months), advance payments are paid; at the end of the year, by April 30 of the year following the expired year, the tax amount is paid, taking into account previously paid advance payments.

Example: Individual entrepreneurs apply the simplified tax system “Income”. For the 1st quarter of 2017, revenue amounted to 200 tr., for the 2nd quarter - 300 tr., for the 3rd quarter - 150 tr., for the 4th quarter - 400 tr.

The amount of tax payable is calculated as follows:

  • until 04/25/2018 - 12 tr. = 200 t.r. × 6%;
  • until July 25, 2018 - 18 thousand rubles. = (200 t.r. + 300 t.r.) × 6% - 12 t.r.;
  • until October 25, 2018 - 9 tr. = ((200 tr. rub. + 300 tr. rub. + 150 tr. rub.) × 6%) - (12 tr. rub. + 18 tr. rub.);
  • until 04/30/2019 - 24 tr. = ((200 tr. rub. + 300 tr. rub. + 150 tr. rub. + 400 tr. rub.) × 6%) - (12 tr. rub. + 18 tr. rub. + 9 tr. rub. ).
When choosing the object of taxation “Income minus expenses”, if at the end of the year expenses exceeded income, then the individual entrepreneur is obliged to pay a minimum tax, which is calculated as 1% of all revenue for the year.

Reporting on the simplified tax system for 2018 for individual entrepreneurs without employees

In this case, no later than April 30 of the year following the expired tax period, the individual entrepreneur must submit a declaration according to the simplified tax system to his tax office (clause 2, clause 1, Article 346.23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Based on the results of 2018, a declaration under the simplified tax system must be submitted by May 2, 2019.

But there are two cases that provide for special reporting deadlines:

  1. In case of termination of an activity subject to the simplified tax system, the declaration must be submitted no later than the 25th day of the month following the month in which such activity ceased (clause 2 of Article 346.23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  2. In case of loss of the right to use the simplified tax system in the middle of the year, the declaration must be submitted no later than the 25th day of the month following the quarter in which this right was lost (clause 2 of Article 346.23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Reporting on the simplified tax system for 2018 for individual entrepreneurs with employees

The composition of the individual entrepreneur’s reporting will be as follows.

To the tax office at the place of registration:

Deadlines for submitting a declaration under the simplified tax system in 2018

Deadlines for submitting 6-NDFL calculations in 2018

  • for 2017 - until April 2, 2018;
  • for the 1st quarter of 2018 - until May 3, 2018;
  • for the 2nd quarter of 2018 - until July 31, 2018;
  • for the 3rd quarter of 2018 - until October 31, 2018;
  • for 2018 - until April 1, 2019.

Deadlines for submitting 2-NDFL in 2018

Deadlines for submitting calculations for insurance premiums in 2018

  • Calculation for 2017 - until January 30, 2018;
  • Calculation for the 1st quarter of 2018 - until May 3, 2018;
  • Calculation for the first half of 2018 - until July 30, 2018;
  • Calculation for 9 months of 2018 - until October 30, 2018.

To the Social Insurance Fund (SIF):

Deadlines for submitting 4-FSS in 2018

Paid from employee income:

In electronic format:

  • for the first quarter of 2018 - until April 25, 2018;
  • for the first half of 2018 - until July 25, 2018;
  • for 9 months of 2018 - until October 25, 2018;
  • for 2018 - January 25, 2019.
In paper format:
  • for the first quarter - until April 20, 2018;
  • for the first half of the year - until July 20, 2018;
  • 9 months - until October 20, 2018;
  • for a year - until January 20, 2019.
Deadlines for submitting confirmation of the main type of economic activity in 2018

How to conduct accounting for an individual entrepreneur: analysis of the need for accounting + reasons why accounting is so important + methods of accounting when organizing a business + stages of accounting + reporting calendar for each taxation system.

When creating their own business, most entrepreneurs, first of all, think about the relevance of the idea and the amount of capital investment they need.

Undoubtedly, these questions are important at the business planning stage, but there is another equally important question - how to maintain accounting for an individual entrepreneur.

Why is it so important to decide in advance how you will handle the bookkeeping process? How to do this correctly? We will definitely find answers to all questions in today’s article.

Why does an individual entrepreneur need to keep his own accounting records?

If you are already officially considered an entrepreneur or have just thought about such a prospect, you have probably already thought about the prospect that you will have to keep some kind of records of your activities, which is necessary for.

You may also have already heard that individual entrepreneurs are not required to keep accounting records at all, and that this form of organizing business activity is completely exempt from tax documentation.

If you heard such an opinion and listened to it, we have to disappoint you, it is not entirely true.

More precisely, from a legal point of view - yes, indeed, individual entrepreneurs are not required to keep accounting records if they keep an Income and Expense Accounting Book (KUDiR).

But does this mean that individual entrepreneurs are exempt from accounting as such?

To avoid problems when organizing own business, it is important to listen not only to the opinions of others, but also to at least a little navigate the legislation of the Russian Federation, which will allow you to avoid numerous difficulties.

Federal Law No. 402 in Article 6 on the obligation to maintain accounting records ( http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_122855/d7372b9bbb772927073ce566
) states that individual entrepreneurs may indeed not keep accounting records, but at the same time they are required to keep records of income and expenses.

In fact, an individual entrepreneur is, although not legal entities, and individual entrepreneurs, they are still required to keep accounting records for their business. It’s just called tax accounting, not accounting.

Tax accounting is the collection and analysis of data regarding the income and expenses of an enterprise, on the basis of which one can draw a conclusion about the number of taxes obligatory for payment to the state.

It turns out that individual entrepreneurs still have to keep accounting records, and it is very important to treat this point of doing business, because how competently tax accounting is carried out determines how your business will develop.

Why is it so important to take responsibility for accounting for individual entrepreneurs?

At first glance, organizing a business activity looks quite simple: you come to the tax office, submit documents and after a while receive confirmation that you have the right to legally run your own business.

In this case, you simply pay a certain amount of taxes to the state and no problems arise. Is it really that simple?

If you know a little about the law and have already mastered the basics of accounting, then everything can really be quite cloudless.

But you must understand that accounting is not such a simple matter, the complexity of which largely depends on what kind of activity you are conducting and on what scale.

This is important because the tax regime that will be applied depends on the above factors, and which will subsequently determine how much taxes you will pay to the state treasury.

If you choose the wrong tax system or treat tax accounting carelessly, the consequences may not be the most pleasant:

    You will become an entrepreneur using a tax system that does not suit you at all.

    Let’s imagine that you have already submitted documents to register an individual entrepreneur and have already managed to become one. If within 30 days you do not choose a system by which taxes will be deducted from you and do not submit the appropriate application, then by default you will become an OSNO user - General system, which, by the way, is one of the most difficult to understand.

    You will find yourself unable to run and grow your business because the tax rate is too high.

    This trouble may happen to you due to the same incorrectly chosen taxation regime, which will subsequently lead you to too high taxes that you, as an entrepreneur, simply cannot handle. And you can change the system only at the end of the calendar year.

    You will have to pay fines and may be subject to sanctions.

    If the tax pressure turns out to be too much for you, and you simply cannot pay taxes, then in addition you will also receive a fine. In the worst case, your accounts may even be “frozen”, and you, as an individual entrepreneur, will be forced to stop your activities.

If you do not want to encounter such unpleasant problems as we have just listed while organizing your own business, you should think about how to keep an individual entrepreneur’s accounting at the stage of business planning.

Only such a responsible attitude will allow you to create a profitable business, which, if chosen correctly, will develop and not move towards bankruptcy.

How can you conduct accounting for an individual entrepreneur: 3 main options

All of the above was noted so that you, as an existing or future entrepreneur, understand that maintaining accounting records correctly, even as a simple individual entrepreneur, is very important.

It is this point that will have the greatest impact on the ability of your business to move forward.

In addition, proper accounting will only help you initially understand whether investments are being made correctly and whether your company is satisfied with the profit you are receiving.

And since accounting is a very complex matter, it can be done in several ways:

  1. On one's own.

    This option is the most difficult, since it assumes that you will manage the accounting of the individual entrepreneur absolutely independently.

    • Advantages: you become an experienced entrepreneur who understands all the intricacies of doing business + you save a decent amount on accountant fees.
    • Disadvantages: it takes time to understand everything and learn everything + at first you can make mistakes.
  2. Hire a qualified accountant on your staff.

    A good accountant with his own staff allows you to step away from complex issues, how to do accounting, and allows you to pay more attention to other issues.

    • Advantages: You don't have to worry about the intricacies of how to do accounting, and you have more free time.
    • Disadvantages: to pay wages the accountant will spend up to 60 thousand rubles every month, which is unprofitable with a small business volume + finding a qualified employee who can be trusted is not so easy.
  3. Contact law firm on outsourcing.

    By outsourcing all the accounting to an individual entrepreneur, you save yourself from the need to study accounting yourself and hire an employee.

    • Advantages: such companies work harmoniously, without making mistakes.
    • Disadvantages: high cost of services if you are going to entrust the company with all reporting.

Which method to choose is, of course, up to you. In many ways, the choice of method depends on what financial capabilities you have, and how much entrepreneurial activity are you planning?

If your business is small, then you can safely take on the accounting of individual entrepreneurs yourself. If your enterprise is quite large-scale, and you plan to use complex taxation systems, for example, OSNO, then it makes sense to think about hiring experienced accountants.

It makes no sense to consider how to maintain accounting for an individual entrepreneur with the help of specialists, since such a procedure involves only two stages: finding an accountant and entrusting matters to him.

We will consider the sequence of accounting on our own. This will help you understand where tax accounting begins, and what is especially important to pay attention to.

A step-by-step guide on how to do accounting for an individual entrepreneur

So, if you, as an individual entrepreneur, have decided to do your own accounting, then you need to follow the steps described below.

Stage 1. Create a detailed business plan for your activities, paying special attention to the financial part.

Why is a business plan so important when maintaining tax reporting? It's very simple. The accuracy of your calculations, namely the calculation of expenses and expected profits, directly determines the tax regime that you should choose.

Also, such a decision will depend on the type of activity you will be engaged in as an individual entrepreneur.

Therefore, in order to initially choose the right system by which you will pay taxes, it is very important at the business planning stage to decide on OKVED codes, expenses and future income.

If you cannot draw up such a detailed report yourself, it is better to seek help from financial specialists at the initial stages. In the future, this will save time and nerves when switching to other tax systems.

Step 2. Choose the tax system that best suits you and submit the appropriate application for such a decision.

As soon as you finish drawing up a business plan, you will already be able to figure out which tax regimes are suitable for you in order to keep an individual entrepreneur’s books.

In total, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for 5 such regimes, each of which has its own characteristics. You can get acquainted with each of the systems in more detail by reading the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, where each regime is given a separate chapter.

To choose the right mode, take into account the previously mentioned characteristics:

  • type of business activity,
  • the amount of expenses and income,
  • number of hired employees.

By the way, it’s also worth thinking about employees in advance, because when hiring workers, you agree to submit additional documentation and also pay taxes.

In the table below, we briefly described each of the tax systems, which will help you figure out which one is right for you, what papers you need to fill out for reporting, and what the tax rate is in each case. In the end - how difficult the regime is.

Modesimplified tax systemUTIIPSNUnified agricultural taxBASIC
Section of the Tax Code of the Russian FederationChapter 26.2Chapter 26.3Chapter 26.5Chapter 26.1Chapter 21-25
For what type of activity can it be used?Restrictions exist only for the following types of activities:
Production of alcohol and tobacco products.
Notary and lawyer's offices.
Playing. business
The following activities are allowed:
Household and veterinary services
Catering services, parking lots, service stations
Retail on areas less than 150 sq. m.
It is allowed to conduct 63 types of business activities, including:
Training services
Hairdressing services
Repair services

The full list is contained in Article 346.43 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and may be changed in some regions.

Intended exclusively for agricultural producers (the share of income from the sale of agricultural products must be at least 70% of total income from goods and services).No restrictions.
Additional RequirementsThe number of employees is no more than 100 people, the income is no more than 150 million rubles.Number of employees – no more than 100 people.The number of employees is no more than 15 people, the amount of income is no more than 60 million rubles.The number of employees for agricultural producers is not limited, for fishing farms - no more than 300 people.No restrictions.
What taxes do you have to pay?One general tax depending on the object of taxation.Single tax.One tax, which is calculated as a percentage of potential income.Unified agricultural tax.Personal income tax, VAT, property tax for individuals.
Object of taxationIncome or income reduced by expenses.Imputed income of the taxpayer.Potential annual income.Income reduced by expenses.For personal income tax - income, for VAT - income from the sale of goods and services, for property tax - real estate
Tax rateFor the object “income” - from 1% to 6%, and for “income - expenses” - from 5% to 15%.15% of the amount of imputed income.6% of potential annual income.6% of the difference between income and expenses.Personal income tax – 13%, VAT – 0%, 10%, 18%,
Property tax – up to 2%.
Tax periodCalendar year.Quarter.The period for which the patent was issued ( calendar year). Calendar year.Personal income tax – calendar year,
VAT – quarter, property tax – calendar year.

As an example, we also provide a sample application for the application of the selected taxation system, which you will need to submit to the Federal Tax Service to obtain the right to use the selected regime:

Stage 3. Choose the method of how you will conduct accounting for the individual entrepreneur.

Although we are currently considering a way self-management accounting department, in practice you will have to determine which method you will use. In many ways, the type of taxation that you choose earlier will help you resolve this issue.

If you have enough starting capital to carry out business activities, you can hire qualified specialists. But, if you act rationally, then it is worth noting that for regimes such as the simplified tax system or UTII, if the scale of your business is small, it does not have makes a lot of sense hire an accountant.

It is not so difficult to cope with maintaining such reporting, especially since you can use various computer programs - such as 1C - to help yourself.

If you must use OSNO, then figure out the intricacies yourself tax accounting it will be more difficult. But, if you want to do everything yourself, then after gaining a little knowledge in this area, you will be able to cope.

Stage 4. Study the taxation system you have chosen, the reporting calendar, the rules for its use, and the availability of benefits.

When you have decided on the taxation regime and the method of accounting, then it’s time to start studying in depth how it works this system, what documents are needed from you in the form of reporting, and how often they need to be submitted.

At the same time, please note that if you have hired employees, you also need to submit additional reporting documentation.

While it is quite easy to remember the tax rate, it is a little more difficult to understand exactly how the amount of tax required to be paid is calculated.

Also take a good look at the reporting calendar, which will indicate what needs to be submitted and when. We will dwell on this in more detail later.

Stage 5. Proceed directly to bookkeeping, collect the necessary documents, act in accordance with the chosen system.

When starting a business, you immediately need to start doing bookkeeping. After all, regardless of whether you have a profit or not, you will have to submit reports.

In such cases, when there is no profit or the tax amount is zero, as a rule, reporting documents, the so-called “zeros”, are still submitted.

As soon as you open a business, depending on the regime, you will need to maintain KUDiR, save necessary documents, bank statements, etc. Don’t miss this moment at the very beginning, because a lack of any documents can lead to problems in the future.

Now you see what the main five stages are in the accounting procedure for an individual entrepreneur. Finally, we have collected for you a few more tips and recommendations on the topic under consideration.

Accounting for individual entrepreneurs. Review of taxation systems.

What taxes does the individual entrepreneur pay? Accounting.

Tax accounting calendar: what is important to remember if you decide to do your own accounting for an individual entrepreneur?

Let's assume that you have already become familiar with the taxation system that will be applied to you and know what documents need to be submitted as reporting.

To make it easier for you to remember what and when you need to submit for each of the modes, we have prepared a detailed reporting calendar, which at first will help you understand the dates for submitting documentation and not forget about the reporting day.

QuartersTax regime
simplified tax systemUTIIUnified agricultural taxBASICPSN
Quarter No. 1Advance payment– until 25.04Declaration – until 20.04
Quarterly tax – until 25.04
- VAT declaration – until July 25
Tax – until 25.09
The tax return is not submitted. The deadline for paying the cost of a patent depends on its validity period.
Quarter No. 2Advance payment – ​​until 25.07Declaration – until 20.07
Quarterly tax – until July 25
Advance payment for the first half of the year – until July 25VAT declaration – until July 25
Tax – until 25.09
Advance payment for personal income tax – until 15.07
Quarter No. 3Advance payment – ​​until 25.10Declaration – until 20.10
Quarterly tax – until 25.10
- VAT declaration – until 25.10
Tax – until 25.12
Advance payment for personal income tax – until 15.10
Quarter No. 4Tax return for the year – until 30.04Declaration – until 20.01
Quarterly tax – until 25.01
Tax return for the year – until 31.03VAT declaration – 25.01
Tax – until 25.03
Personal income tax declaration – until April 30
Tax at the end of the year – 15.07

But, as we said above, submitting reports intended for each regime is only half the battle. Maintaining accounting for an individual entrepreneur also means submitting documents according to hired employees, for which you will also pay taxes as insurance premiums.

For convenience, we display the data using a table:

Document titlePlace of delivery (authorized body)Due dates
Data on the average number of employeesInspectorate of the Federal Tax ServiceUntil January 20 of the next reporting year
Data on employee income (2-NDFL)Inspectorate of the Federal Tax ServiceUntil 01.04 of the next reporting year
Data on employee income (6-NDFL)Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service
Form FSS-4FSSUntil the 20th day of the month following the reporting quarter - in paper form
Until the 25th day of the month following the reporting quarter - in electronic form
Form SZV-MPension FundUntil the 15th day of the month following the reporting month
Form SZV-STAZHPension FundUntil March 1 of the next reporting year
Form RSV-1Tax officeUntil the end of the month following the reporting quarter

Let's sum it up. We figured out whether an individual entrepreneur needs to do accounting and how to do accounting for an individual entrepreneur.

The main thing that is required of you in this matter is to be responsible and take a balanced approach to choosing a taxation system, so that in the future the burden of taxes does not lead to your...

Doing your own accounting is not that difficult if you figure it out. As a last resort, you can use special programs that make the life of those entrepreneurs who decide to keep tax records much easier.

We talked about how to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur and hope that we were able to dispel fears about bookkeeping and reporting. Beginning entrepreneurs often get confused when they need to choose a tax regime. And without clear understanding At this point it is simply impossible to move on. We again asked Irina Shnepsts, financial director and owner of the outsourcing company MIRGOS, to explain in simple language: what types of tax regimes, what is the difference between accounting and tax reporting of an individual entrepreneur, who can do accounting for you, and in what ways an individual entrepreneur pays taxes and submits reports.

Tax regimes for individual entrepreneurs: which is more profitable?

Now let's talk about tax regimes: which one would be more profitable for a freelancer or a small business owner to choose.

Tax regime- this is the conditions under which you will work, draw up documents, what taxes you will have to pay and what reports you will submit to government authorities.

By default, when registering an individual entrepreneur, the mode is assigned basic, that is, with the payment of VAT, income tax, and property tax. These are quite complex taxes, stay on general mode It’s only worth it if it’s very profitable for you, for example, there are large customers who want to buy only with VAT. I recommend that others switch to or. And you don’t have to pay a sales tax on a patent. In all other modes, unfortunately, you will have to.

In some regions (but not in Moscow), it is possible that the conditions of application can be read in the law for your region. Look for a title like " On the taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities"+ name of your region or city.

There is another special tax regime - Unified agricultural tax(single agricultural tax), but it is only suitable for producers of agricultural products.

In general, an individual entrepreneur can use several special modes to different types activities or combine a special regime with the main one.

Each mode has its own difficulties and advantages. To help you navigate the possible taxes and reports in each tax regime, here is comparison table taxes paid by individual entrepreneurs.

To enlarge, click on the picture

And a few comments.

The most profitable regime for individual entrepreneurs is the simplified tax system of 6% or a patent. A patent is possible not for all types of activities, but according to a closed list (tutoring, personal services, private detective activities, some types of trade - see Article 346.43 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Using the simplified tax system, you submit a declaration only once a year and pay advance tax payments 4 times a year. Keep a book of income. On Patent you pay only the cost of the patent (you can not immediately, in two parts), there are no advance payments or declarations if you keep an income book.

UTII is somewhat similar to a patent, it is also valid for certain types activities:

It is most common among those individual entrepreneurs who are engaged in trade.

There are two versions of the simplified tax system: one, when you count only your income and pay 6% of it, and the second, when you subtract expenses from income and pay 15% of the difference.

For those individual entrepreneurs who provide services, the first option, 6% (income), is more suitable.

The second option (15%) is beneficial when you have large official expenses (more than half of your income). For example, you pay for office rent, salaries employees, purchasing materials for production or goods for resale.

And it is worth remembering that every individual entrepreneur must pay the so-called “fixed” contributions to your own pension and health insurance(their size changes every year; this can be clarified on the Pension Fund website). And if the individual entrepreneur is a woman and wants, she needs independently conclude an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund and pay fees for the whole year (which is nice, a very small amount).

What types of reporting are there for individual entrepreneurs and what is the difference between them?

Just don’t be afraid of the word “reporting” right away.

  • Accounting statements- these are the familiar words “balance sheet” and “profit and loss account”.
  • Tax reporting- these are tax declarations (VAT, profit, simplified tax system, property, and so on).

Individual entrepreneurs do not make or submit balance sheets; they may not keep accounting records at all, provided that they keep books of income (and expenses).

Everyone submits tax returns except individual entrepreneurs with a patent. Which tax depends on the chosen tax regime.

There is also a separate type of reports - calculations for insurance premiums to the Pension Fund, to the Social Insurance Fund - they are filled out only by those individual entrepreneurs who have employees.

In order not to get confused and miss the deadline for paying taxes or filing a return, here’s some advice from practice:

  • Read 2-3 sources of information, one of them is necessarily official, i.e. the Tax Code or information on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.
  • Make a sign for yourself, what taxes to pay, when, when to submit the declaration. Next to it, write the articles of the laws where it is written about them. And mark on the sign what date and what you did, when you paid the tax, when you submitted the report. And so on every quarter. Very disciplined and helps you remember your taxes.

How to submit reports while in the tax queue?!

An individual entrepreneur can submit reports in three ways:

  1. In person (on paper and flash drive).
  2. By mail (on paper).
  3. Via TKS (in other words, by e-mail), without paper and queues at the tax office or at the post office.

The most advanced way is electronic reporting. This is paid and done through a special telecom operator. When choosing a method for sending reports, compare which will be more expensive:

  • stand for half an hour at the post office, pay for postal services several times a year (for individual entrepreneurs with employees) or once a year (for individual entrepreneurs without employees);
  • pay a certain amount of money and send the same reports electronically without leaving your computer;
  • go to the tax office, talk to the inspector, stand in line, wasting time on the road.

There is no strictly positive way here. Calculate what is right for you.

You can send it to the post office or tax office courier. Of course, when sending your representative to the tax office, be sure to write him a power of attorney to submit reports.

How to conduct accounting for an individual entrepreneur?

Very often, entrepreneurs have a question: should they do the accounting themselves or entrust it to a specially trained person?

And here we understand that if you ask an accountant about this, you will receive the appropriate answer: of course, it is better to entrust it to a specialist.

If you ask the opinion of your friend, an individual entrepreneur, he will say: what is there to entrust, pay someone money, manage it yourself.

If you ask the tax office, they will probably say that it doesn’t matter, as long as you pay your taxes on time and correctly.

I will answer this way. Don't take anyone's word for it. Calculate your every move. Have a question about an accountant? Estimate how much time it takes you to calculate taxes and sort out papers, read laws and search for answers on forums. Calculate how much an hour of your time costs and how much an accountant’s work costs. If you have time, but little money, keep records yourself, it’s not very difficult. If you have money and little time, entrust it to an accountant.

There are also tools for keeping records and preparing individual entrepreneurs’ reports, such as programs (1C, BukhSoft) and online services (My Business, Kontur.Accounting, BukhSoft Online, 1C Online, My Finance and others). Online services make it possible to control the deadlines for paying taxes and submitting reports, and help submit reports (subject to the purchase of an electronic digital signature). It is worth understanding that the cheaper the service, the more limited its range of functions. A reasonable approach to choosing an automated accounting assistant is a combination of a low price, availability of the functions you need and your own sense of responsibility.

By law, only the individual entrepreneur himself is responsible for failure to submit reports or pay taxes.

Not an online service, not your accountant assistant, but you personally. Therefore, please be financially literate and always think for yourself.

My advice: if you lead yourself, lead in good faith. You are your own accountant. Read the laws, consult with a professional accountant (for example, we advise individual entrepreneurs on accounting for initial stage, show and tell what, how and where is done). If you use an online service or program, check everything, because errors are possible in any program. Don’t start accounting so that you don’t have to overpay a third-party specialist to clean up the mess in your accounting department. Collect all documents confirming the receipt of goods, works, and services from your suppliers, keep a book of income and expenses, and a sign indicating the deadlines for submitting reports and taxes. File all papers in a folder, collect cash registers and sales receipts, receipts, bank statements.

Let's sum it up

For individual entrepreneurs, tax regimes are applied: basic (with all taxes), simplified tax system (6% of income or 15% of the difference between income and expenses), patent. Less commonly, UTII and Unified Agricultural Tax (agricultural). The most profitable is usually the simplified tax system of 6% or a patent.

Reporting can be accounting and tax. Individual entrepreneurs keep books of income and expenses and hand over tax reporting- declaration - once a year. You can submit in person, by mail or electronically.

In conclusion, I want to say: you will succeed!

The eyes are afraid - the hands do. Master the registration of individual entrepreneurs, maintaining records of individual entrepreneurs, submitting reports - you can do everything. Read the laws, consult (only, please, with specialists, and not with colleagues who, like you, have little understanding of the issue and know only what they themselves have encountered), connect electronic reporting, pay taxes and keep accounts your money.

Good luck with your business!

Write in the comments, have you already registered as an individual entrepreneur or are you just planning and looking for information on the topic? Do/are you planning to do your bookkeeping yourself or trust a specialist?