Why ms. Basic concepts about MC, MG, Colors

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Syn. term age meanings are consistent. Geological Dictionary: in 2 volumes. M.: Nedra. Edited by K. N. Paffengoltz et al. 1978 ... Geological encyclopedia

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  • , A. Potebnya. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1888 edition (Voronezh publishing house). IN…
  • Plural meanings in Russian, A. Potebnya. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1888 edition (Voronezh publishing house...

MC is a person whose duties include entertaining people in bars, discos, parties, etc.

To put it as simply as possible and in clear language, then the MC is the host of the event, the entertainer, the toastmaster. One of the main differences from the toastmaster and others in the MC is complete improvisation. MCs never have text templates. It is for this reason that the MC must have full and expanded qualities - a sense of humor, charisma, charm.

A developed intellect is very important for any MS. It is especially necessary for good improvisation. Also, acting skills are very important. Without the latter, it is difficult for a person to call himself an MS. Proactivity, positivity and the ability to get out of difficult verbal verbiage.

When talking about MCs, they should not be confused with DJs. This is absolutely different people, although very often, they work together. Joint projects between an MC and a DJ can be presented as in musical projects, where both of them are musicians, and in clubs, where musical mixing music is the responsibility of the DJ alone. The role of the MC in joint projects presented to spectators in clubs is to entertain the public.

The main task of an MC is to entertain the audience. In joint projects with a DJ, the MC amuses the audience with loud shouts, jokes or just songs.

However, what was described above is just one of the options for defining MS. So, in hip-hop culture, an MC is a rap music performer. In this case, the MC is only a performer of songs where the lyrics are read to a pre-prepared backing track. By the way, backing tracks can be like own composition, and taken from the Internet, from special sites where backing tracks are uploaded for users, by the users themselves. That is, some site members compose music and share it, free of charge, with others. What may be interesting is the fact that in hip-hop culture, there is no such concept of a rapper at all, there is one, strictly perceived definition - MC.

Let's not forget that in England the MC is the entertainer. They also have their own MCs - musicians and presenters, but initially the MC for them is a person in the hall.

There is one more thing, quite interesting insight MS. So, in Gaelic culture, MC carries a definition of this kind - “son of such and such.” It is used in the pronunciation and spelling of Gaelic surnames. For example, the surname Donald, it can be used as McDonald.

Let's return once again to the definition of MS, which was given very first. More precisely, let’s touch a little on the history of the emergence of MS. It happens erroneous opinion that MS came from the USA or the European part. In fact, the MC's roots come from Jamaica.

Jamaica, in general, is considered the birthplace of almost all musical culture. Although, to be more precise, not musical, but dance music. As for MS specifically, in Jamaica, everything looked about the same as what is happening now in our country, and throughout the world. MS appeared in Jamaica quite a long time ago, several decades ago. It was there that the musicians, driving around in a cart, trying to diversify their creativity, began to invite a second person. That is exactly what MS became. This man also shouted words, joked, and just talked. Thanks to the second person - the MC, the musicians became more popular and began to gather a larger audience, and as a result, they began to earn more, even despite the fact that they had to share with the MC. The same thing happens today.

Advance (advance) is a term associated exclusively with piracy and the Internet. The advance version of the album is essentially a preliminary draft version of the album that leaked from the studio. Chernova not in terms of sound, but in the likely discrepancy between its tracklist and the one you will see on the officially released disc. It is clear that there may be several advance versions. Especially if the album is marinated for a long time or additional tracks are specially recorded in order to change the track list due to a leak.

Underground (underground - underground, underground) - row artistic directions V contemporary art(in music, literature, cinema, fine arts etc.), opposing themselves popular culture, mainstream. The underground is characterized by a break with the dominant ideology, ignoring stylistic and linguistic restrictions, rejection of generally accepted values, norms, social and artistic traditions, often shocking the public, rebellion. As a rule, such works are either published illegally or written “on the table,” that is, without hope of publication. However, over time, the prohibitions weaken or are lifted, in which case the work comes to the reader, albeit with a certain delay. Also, the term Underground very often refers to general directions in music that does not support classical paths. The term began to be used in the second half of the 20th century, in relation to: * countries where art was subordinated to state ideology, to movements in developed countries, where mass art is market-oriented. IN modern world information technologies A large number of movements and communities are emerging that can be classified as underground.

Unplugged (Unplugged) - again based on the direct translation, one can guess that this is music performed with the plug pulled out of the socket. That is, no amplifiers or synthesizers – only the live sound of acoustic instruments. At one time, MTV often practiced inviting popular musicians to a program where they performed their repertoire in such a de-electronic form. Often it turned out so interesting and fresh that such concerts were published as a separate release.

Bootleg (bootleg) is piracy clean water. An underground release that the artist himself did not intend to release and may not even be aware of its existence. For example, we once released Coolio’s album “Coolio. Com". Some of the songs from it were later released on the official “El Cool Magnifio”.

Bootleg example:

Biff (beef - meat (beef), figuratively a complaint, dissatisfaction) - enmity between representatives of hip-hop culture. Beefs, their features and unspoken rules Leading is an important part of hip-hop culture. The most famous beefs are between rappers, but such conflicts are also possible between other representatives of hip-hop culture: DJs, b-boys or graffiti artists. The reasons for beefs are usually accusations of plagiarism, claims to leadership in the genre (unfounded in the opinion of the opponent), irreconcilable creative differences, affiliation with competing record labels, and even accidental insults. In practice, conflicts are expressed in specially recorded songs (traditionally called disses) and interviews, less often in fights and shootouts, in some cases ending in murders.

Beatboxing is the art of creating beats, rhythms and melodies using the human mouth, but modern technology Beatboxing also includes many other areas. Vocal percussion of hip-hop culture.

B-side (B-Side) - the second track, which was recorded on the other side of the vinyl with the single, was called a b-side - you have to fill the unused surface with something. If the release of singles is tied to the pre-sale promotion of the album and the most promising track becomes it, then no one initially bets on the b-side. In a sense, the b-side is a field for experimentation, a test cast of the fishing rod.

Bit - beat in music, used in English expression. beat per minute, bpm - beats per minute. How more value, the higher the tempo of the music.

Bracho, bro, bro, braza (from English Brother) - in rap means brother. The concept is associated in rap with the fact that those who are united by one thing are brothers to each other.

Break dance, break dance (b-boying, breakdance) - street dance, one of the five elements of hip-hop.

Battle , battle (battle, fight, fight) - competition between MC and rap artists, as a rule, is accompanied by humiliation of the enemy. A battle track is often nothing more than a diss at the enemy.

Bagpipes, bagpipes - a means of playing music, tracks, songs. The word *Hurdy organ* makes sense. This can be any means of reproduction - a tape recorder, a DJ console, and so on.

Graffiti - in the original meaning - cave drawings, which ancient people painted on the walls of their homes; V modern sense- inscriptions or drawings painted, inked or scratched on walls, as well as fences and other vertical surfaces. Nowadays this is art style hip-hop culture.

Diss (diss, disrespect - disrespect) is a trend in hip-hop (more specifically, in rap). The essence of a diss is a statement of disrespect in the text of one rapper (or group) to another rapper(s). In such tracks, obscene speech, swearing towards the enemy, and sometimes threats are practiced. Often disses come in pairs, that is, “diss - response diss,” or in chains of disses. Disses are often ignored. Disses are used in beefs

Diction — the rapper’s ability to read clearly and articulately at any pace that Skillz allows.

Compilation (compilation) may consist of previously released tracks by an artist. A kind of report for a certain period of life. All kinds of releases whose titles include the words “The Best” often turn out to be compilations greatest hits any performer.

Rap (rap, rapping) - rhythmic recitative, usually read to music with a heavy beat. A rap artist is called a rapper, or more generally, an MC.
Rap is one of the main elements of the hip-hop music style; often used as a synonym for hip-hop. However, rap is used not only in hip-hop music, but also in other genres.
The word rap comes from the English rap - knock, blow (a hint of the rhythm of rap). To rap also means to talk, to talk.

Rapcore - a subgenre of rock music characterized by the use of rap as vocals. Rapcore combines the instrumental and vocal properties of such genres as punk, alternative rock, and hip-hop.

man (man) - from English. Man-man. This is an appeal from one person to another. For some rappers, it is equivalent to Bracho, Bro, Bro, Braza, but has a slightly distant character, that is, when we say Man, we are still addressing a person who is not exactly *brother*, but who is in our contacts.

Mix (mix) - several musical works(tracks) arranged in a continuous sequence. As a rule, mixes are compiled by DJs for various purposes (for example, for inclusion on the radio in thematic programs). Typically, mixes consist of tracks that are similar in genre, mood and other characteristics. On average, the duration of a mix ranges from 25 to 74 minutes (fits on an Audio CD), but can be much longer. The sequence of tracks in the form of a mix is ​​specific in that the tracks smoothly replace each other. At the junction between the tracks there is no “gap” in the form of silence, and the tracks themselves during the transition process coincide in tempo, time signature and other characteristics, thus merging together. The process of creating a mix by a DJ is called mixing.

Newschool (Newschool, New school) - “new Russian rap” - all Russian Rap from 1998 to this day.

Promo (promo) - introductory release. May contain incomplete tracks, low quality, text inserts indicating that this is a promo.

Old school (Oldschool, Old School) - old rap, classic Russian Rap. All Russian Rap before 1998 is considered to be old school.

Release — everything here is simple and intuitive for those who have mastered English within school course. Releases are what music organizations (labels) put out. This can be a record, cassette, video cassette, CD, DVD with a certain unique set of audio and/or visual material. The concept of “release” is applicable, of course, not only to musical products. We can say that every position in the catalog of goods produced by a company is a release, even if your office knits socks or brooms.

Retail (retail) is the final, official version of the album. If you came across a retail version on the Internet, then there should be no more changes in the list of compositions included in the album. This also means that, in theory, we won’t have to wait too long for its official publication.

Russian rap - rap performed in Russian (there are cases of performance in other languages, such as English). Despite the fact that rap was founded by African Americans, Russian Rap has acquired its own unique style, which is unique to it.

Soundtrack (soundtrack) is a selection of songs heard throughout a film or, as has become quite common lately, - computer game. It's worth noting that the soundtrack doesn't necessarily match exactly what you'll hear in the film. It may happen that for some reason the composition you liked was not included in the tracklist, or there are a number of performers on it whose music ultimately remained behind the scenes, or was not even planned to be used in it. Quite often, soundtracks use songs that have been released previously or are about to be released on the albums of the respective artists. However, it is not so rare that exclusive works are created that cannot be found anywhere except on this soundtrack.

Collection - this is an official release, which can bring together artists from the same label, or representatives of the same genre, or they can be selected according to some other criterion (for example, my favorite songs).

Collection example:

staff (stuff - things) - these are the works of a rap artist
“Rappers make things” means “appreciate my thing” - “appreciate my stuff.”

Single (single) - from English word"one". A single track, accompanied by remixes, radio versions, instrumentals, acapella, etc.

Technique - a way to control rhythm. There is also a small branch: “technicality” - the degree of skill to control the rhythm.

Triplet - this is a musical size. In rap, it is now customary to call a rap with broken chips, like tanguist, acceleration, etc.

True (truth, truth, true) - the opposite of fake. “True rapper” is a rapper who reads the truth, whose words do not differ from his deeds.

Freestyle (free style) - improvisation in rap; recitation of a rhymed rhythmic recitative composed by the performer on the go. This is not a pre-written, unrehearsed, “raw” form of hip-hop. Performed to beatboxing, or to instrumental versions of previously recorded hip-hop songs. Freestyle is carried out a large number of competitions (so-called “battles”), in which participants compete with each other in the skill of rhyming words on the fly.

Fakes, fakers (fake - lie) - liars, performers in whose tracks there are a lot of lies, and reality is at odds with the lyrics (To fake MC’s).

Hip-hop (hip hop) - youth subculture, which appeared in the mid-1970s among African Americans and Latinos. It is characterized by its own music (also called hip-hop, rap), its own slang, its own hip-hop fashion, dance styles(break dancing, etc.), graphic art(graffiti) and your cinema. By the early 1990s, hip-hop had become part of youth culture in many countries around the world.

Haters (hate- hatred) - people who hate anything or everything. In Russian Rap they denote people whose work is permeated with hatred towards any artist.

Chel - from the word man. In rap, and in life, people are simply too lazy to say some words in full, so they are called CHEL for short. Chel is also a kind of address to another person. In rap it has a certain meaning, similar to Man, Bro, Bracho, Braza, Brow, but a more distant concept from these words.

Barrel organ - a means of playing music, tracks, songs. This could be a tape recorder, a DJ console, and so on.

Album (album) - the term came to us from the times vinyl records, when one track was placed on one record, and they were put together as if in albums (record albums). Accordingly, an album is a collection of songs from one artist into one collection.

Crunk - a style of southern rap music, with repeated phrases and fast dance rhythms.

DJ (disc jockey - disc jockey, DJ) - a person who plays musical works recorded on audio media for an audience.

Delivery (delivery) - voice production, general mood of the track.

Double Time (double time) is a reading, approximately twice as fast as the beat rhythm. Rapper Fike has a very fast flow and this term is very relevant to him.

An example of Doubble Time can be heard in the rapper's tracks .

Dual Disc - a relatively recent term, and I personally haven’t gotten my hands on such things yet, and not enough of them have been produced. In this format there is, for example, an album Linkin Park"Reanimation". Let's approach this concept “from the stove”. When the opportunity arose to offer consumers not only music, but also video clips on one disc, publishers began to take advantage of this quite actively. However, there were two restrictions. Firstly: you can’t cram too many videos onto a multimedia track, otherwise the space available for the music itself will be proportionally reduced. Secondly: you definitely need a computer to view it. The advent of DVD offered an attractive alternative to circumvent both of these limitations. Releases simply began to come with an additional DVD disc, which was placed in a folding box that did not differ from the usual one on the outside. The next step suggested itself. If double-sided DVDs exist, why not have an audio CD on one side, and a DVD on the other, mirrored surface, that can be easily viewed on home equipment.

EP - literally Extended Play - a term from the days of vinyl records. EP - means an incomplete album, with a playing time of 10 to 25 minutes.

Flow (presentation) - the ability to decorate your text with a competent emotional tone. Often 50% of success depends on Flow.

LP - literally Long Play - a term from the days of vinyl records. LP means an album with a playing time of 25 to 80 minutes.

Live (Live) - recording from a “live” concert. The roar of the crowd and the amplifier is usually present, but that has its own charm, doesn’t it? Such releases are recorded during performers’ concert tours, when they perform with live musicians. It differs from an equally live live concert by the presence of an impressive audience, because a good live concert is not easy to organize and they are held in very spacious venues. And of course, you can’t do without the roar of amplifiers. However, the experience of seeing music being created from start to finish right before your eyes can be unforgettable. Especially if it is done by those who know a lot about it. An example would be living The albums Roots and Erykah Badu. In Erica's case, the live album is perhaps her best release.

Maxi-single - less than an EP, but more than a single. May contain several tracks, and like a single, several remixes, etc.

MC, emc (Master of Ceremonies) - in reggae and hip-hop culture, an artist who, accompanied by electronic dance music, pronounces words from the stage - pre-composed or improvised, usually in the form of rap - to excite the audience, as well as introduce the DJ. In Russian Rap, MCs are usually considered to be participants in battles who read their own text to someone else’s music.

Punch Line (stress line) - a line written in the style of comparison, which unites the meaning of the previous lines, as if putting an end to it.

R&B (rhythm and blues, rhythm and blues, rhythm and blues, R’n’B) is a genre of popular music originally performed by African-American musicians, integrating a combination of blues, jazz and gospel. The term was coined in 1949 by the chart makers of the American Billboard magazine, replacing the disparaging expression "race music" that had previously been common. There is a popular, albeit incorrect, half-joking theory-backronym that R&B in the modern sound means “rich and beautiful” - “rich and beautiful”.

Respect (respect) - good location to a person, respect for his creativity.

Skillz (skills, abilities) is a generally applicable term, it can be applied to absolutely everything that paints the skill of an MC.

Spelling (writing) - the way in which a text rhymes, conveying its content. The expression “fashionable spel” implies its use in the text modern game words and consonances that can only be found in rap among all genres.

Style (style) - a set of techniques used by the MC in a unique combination. Having his own style, the rapper begins to be recognizable, no matter how he raps, and no matter how his voice is staged. All MCs have the right to call their style whatever they want.

Tung Twist - a direct example of chipping. That is, this is the repetition of certain syllables in a word at a speed of two times or more.

YO! — we can often find this word in lyrics, or even more often we hear it in rappers’ tracks. This word is also a kind of address and is literally translated as *Hey!*. Mainly used to attract attention.

Today, almost all nightclubs have their own showmen or, as they are called, MCs. But back in 2000, this profession was not as popular as it is now. Alexey Mogilevsky is one of the first. He started by holding competitions at discos. Even then I came up with a stage name for myself - Smile (translated from English - smile)

Now the merry fellow Smile is one of the most popular MCs in Kherson. He himself spoke in more detail about his profession.

What does "MS" mean?

MS - master of ceremony (literally translated from English - master of ceremonies). In general, MS here and MS abroad are “two big differences.” If on a foreign stage an MC raps to music or something else, like “Yo!”, “Come on!”, then here the MC also holds competitions, performs the work of an entertainer (announces the release of show ballets, DJs), “ gets the audience going. We can say that the MC is a kind of disco host. While working as an MC, I learned to “feel” the audience and work with young people. I am often invited to various events. Recently I was the host of the Miss Kherson 2003 competition, and now I am hosting a program on one of the Kherson radio stations. - Festivals are often held - a kind of competition for MCs and DJs. You took part in one of these shows and won prize place. What do you think is the key to success?

Perhaps in his behavior on stage. If some of my colleagues come out with a boring phrase like “Kherson girls are the best!!!”, then I’m trying to be more original. I never have a pre-prepared script. On stage you need to behave naturally, and therefore you need to be able to improvise. In addition, the audience is different. If the people in front of you are respectable, then the humor should be appropriate.

What is a disco crowd like?

Cheerful, relaxed youth. But there are also people who like to be rude. They cannot be taken seriously. One day there was a Mexican show at the nightclub where I work. I was on stage dressed as a Mexican. Someone from the crowd shouted: “Hey, Pedro!” I gracefully turn to him and say: “Pedro is you, and I am Muchacho!” Everyone laughed, and the boy behaved more modestly after that.

You say you hold competitions. Which?

Regular entertainment competitions. These are often carried out in children's holiday camps. Here's my favorite competition: several people go on stage. They are given drinks, and at the MC's request, all participants roll up one pant leg. At the command “Let’s go,” they eagerly begin to drink water. And the winner is, for example, Vasya, who drank the drink last. Everyone is perplexed... Then they are informed that the competition was for the hairiest leg... At one time, such a competition was also popular: two teams take the stage. The winner is the one who ties the longest rope from her things. Some participants wanted to win so much that they wore only their underwear.

Is the MS profession profitable?

In general, the job pays well. When an MC from Kyiv came to Kherson, he received $50 per evening. I am also often invited to various nightclubs, and not only those in Kherson.

You work mostly in the evenings. What do you do during the day? - During the day I work at school. I teach labor and economics. There are many funny stories associated with this. I remember on the eve of the first school day There was a big disco in front of the drama theater. A lot of young people gathered. I was an MC. I worked on stage all evening. When the kids saw me at school the next day, they exclaimed: “Oh, Smile! What are you doing here? “I am your new teacher,” I answered. They were shocked. But despite the fact that my students often see me in a different role, there are no problems with discipline in lessons. When in live I give away prizes on the radio, and sometimes my students call. Say hello to your economics teacher...

Can a girl be an MC?

Certainly. At one of the festivals my opponent was a girl from Nikolaev - MC Tara. I faced her in the final. I was even a little nervous.

For you, is what you do a job or a hobby? - Both. Hobby - because I like it, and work - because it pays money