Exciting drawing lessons for elementary school. Modern concepts of teaching fine arts in primary school

In the manual, the author reveals the methodology for teaching fine arts in primary school. secondary school, gives an approximate thematic planning and developing lessons based on the basic program "Fine Arts and Artistic Work", created under the guidance of folk artist Russia, Academician of RAO B. M. Nemensky. The manual is addressed to fine arts teachers, students of pedagogical colleges and pedagogical schools.

How to bring your goals to life art education? What methodology does a modern teacher need?
Disputes about methodological teacher training are sometimes completely opposite. Different opinions on this matter are known to students of both teacher training colleges and pedagogical universities. We had to face the opinion that teaching is easy, that you don’t need to study, you just need to know the subject.

Of course, to teach drawing in the old way, it was enough to know only a list of traditional techniques. But what to do when you need to master new, non-traditional programs? Here, even with a good knowledge of art and the ability to draw, you won’t get far. No encyclopedic knowledge will help if the teacher does not find a way to the child.

Section I
Chapter 1
Humanization of education and new pedagogical thinking 8
Goals and objectives of children’s artistic development through art 9
Chapter 2
Principles of the program “Fine arts and artistic work” (concept of B.M. Nemensky) 12
Methodological basics 15
Chapter 3
Problem-based learning 22
Three methods of problem-based learning 23
24 lesson types
Literature 35
Section II
1st grade - THE ART OF SEEING 38
2nd grade - YOU AND ART 47
Section III
AUTHOR'S LESSON DEVELOPMENTS (lesson notes in grades 2,3,4 of a four-year primary school) 71
Explanatory note 72
2nd grade - YOU AND ART 74
I quarter. How and what do artists work with 74
II quarter. Meet the masters Images, Decorations, Buildings 93
III quarter. What art says 106
IV quarter. As art speaks 126
3rd grade - ART AROUND US 144
I quarter. Art in your home 144
II quarter. Art on the streets of your city 158
III quarter. The Artist and the Spectacle 172
IV quarter. Art Museums 184
I quarter. Scenery native land. Harmony of housing and nature 203
II quarter. Art of the peoples of neighboring countries 231
III quarter. Every nation is an artist 243
IV quarter. Peoples' idea of ​​the spiritual beauty of man 270.

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Classification of occupations. Drawing from life. Thematic drawing. Decorative drawing. Conversations on fine arts. Brief description each type.

Drawing from life is a method of visual learning, teaches one to think and purposefully conduct observations, and awakens interest in analyzing nature. When drawing from life, the student strives to mark it characteristic features, understand the structure of the subject. Learning to draw from life at school leads to the development of mental abilities, teaches correct judgment about the shape of objects, the influence of perspective, the theory of shadows, color science, and anatomy. Great value Drawing from life helps develop spatial thinking and imagination. Affects the development of memory and abstract thinking. Drawing from life can be long-term for two lessons, and short-term for 5-10 minutes. To develop memory, drawing from memory and imagination is used. In elementary school, handouts for desks (vegetables, fruits) of at least three still lifes per class. Below the horizon line in elementary school, in a frontal or profile image, no more than two objects. From the fourth grade it becomes more difficult to study perspective, design, light and shade, two vanishing points (angular perspective) 3-4 subjects. Thematic still lifes, warm and cold colors. For clarity, you can use visual aids with sample tasks, tables with step-by-step completion of the task. The teacher should guide the children's activities by asking leading questions.

Organization and methodology of conducting decorative drawing lessons. Folk art in decorative drawing lessons.

The creative abilities of students are especially effectively developed in decorative drawing lessons. The program includes tasks on drawing up patterns, designing albums, and decorating rooms. Serves to awaken the creative powers and independence of students.

Decorative drawing aims to familiarize students with the basic principles of decorative and applied art. The decorative design of an object is carried out on the basis of certain rules and laws: adherence to rhythm, symmetry, harmonious combination of colors. In decorative drawing lessons, students learn to create patterns, learn the laws of composition, and master the skills of working with watercolors, gouache, and ink. Ornamental creativity - introduces the basics of artistic design; decorative drawing should be closely related to drawing from life. When composing patterns, you need to show the student how to use the forms of nature: leaves, flowers, birds, and how to process these forms in your compositions. Big educational value has a sample display folk ornament. In the elementary grades, decorative drawing classes are mainly limited to copying folk patterns. The beginning of the work is to copy from samples, creating simple patterns of straight and curved lines. This is followed by a combination of elements of the folk pattern according to the compositional scheme given by the teacher. Work on decorative drawing is completed with tasks on drawing up sketches of decorative design, graphic work with the introduction of fonts. Folk art is a special branch of arts and crafts in which creative process proceeds on the basis of the hereditary transmission by masters from the people of a whole system of traditions and arts. Principles, canons, samples, plots, ornamental motifs. Folk craft is one of the historically established forms of folk arts and crafts, which is the commercial production of artistic objects of wide use with the obligatory use of creative manual labor. In the content of lessons thematic drawing includes images of various scenes from life, illustrations literary works, creative essay paintings on a variety of topics. Thematic drawing enables students to acquire the ability to convey their thoughts and ideas through the means of OZO art. During the lesson, the teacher can conduct a preliminary conversation, use excerpts from literary works, and show examples from the work of outstanding artists. To draw a thematic composition, students need to make sketches from life.

The thematic drawing helps the teacher to become more familiar with the spiritual world of students, to trace how their abilities of figurative representation and imagination develop.


The school drawing program also provides special hours for conversations about fine arts. During these lessons, the teacher introduces schoolchildren to the life and work of outstanding painters, sculptors and architects. Children will learn how and by what means artists achieved ideological depth and emotional expressiveness in their works. Systematic familiarization of students with the works of artists is one of the means of aesthetic education. In outstanding works of artists, typical phenomena of life are collected as if in focus; These works make you look at the world in a new way and notice its beauty. Skills in the field of perception and evaluation works of art raise cultural level students. Knowledge and skills gradually develop - starting from the basic ability to look at a picture and understand its contents to understanding artistic means expressions with which the artist was able to convey his idea.

Conversations about fine arts are an important means of not only aesthetic, but also ideological and political education of students. During conversations, the teacher shows the children pictures that reflect the nature of our Motherland, events from the history of the country, portraits of people who glorified the Fatherland. When during a lesson a teacher shows a reproduction of a painting in which the artist’s patriotic feeling and his love for his native nature are clearly expressed, this also evokes in children a feeling of love and admiration for their Motherland. The more vivid and emotional a picture is told about the life of our country, its landscape, etc., the more feelings it will evoke in the child, the more clearly it will be imprinted in his consciousness (Fig. 45, 46). To prepare for conversations about art, we can recommend: Conversations about painting at school. M., 1966; V. Alekseeva. Fine arts and school. M., 1968; N. A. Dm i t r i e v a. Brief history art. M., 1969;P. K. Suzdalev. Soviet art during the Great Patriotic War and the first post-war years. M., 1963; V. K emenov. Against abstractionism in the realism debate. L., 1969; Art and military-patriotic education of schoolchildren. / Ed. V.V. Neverov and B.M. Sapunov. M., 1975; Popular art encyclopedia. M., 1986. So, we see that the variety of classes in the fine arts is of great importance not only for the development of knowledge, skills and abilities in drawing, but also for the overall development of students.

Drawing classes are built in compliance with a logical sequence in presentation educational material, with calculation of the volume, time and depth of the topic. The entire drawing course is determined by the level of knowledge and skills that each student needs to learn. Volume and content are determined curriculum and the program.

The curriculum contains a systematic list of all the topics of assignments and performances that make up the content of drawing in high school. All educational material is distributed by year of study based on accounting age characteristics schoolchildren. By determining the scope of knowledge, skills and abilities in drawing, the program gives the teacher instructions on the sequence of studying and planning the material. New tasks are introduced as the knowledge and skills necessary for their conscious implementation are mastered.

The curriculum contains an explanatory note, which concisely and clearly sets out the goals and objectives of teaching, indicates the basis for the proposed content of classes and gives a general methodological direction work. In order to correctly and successfully achieve all the goals and objectives set by the program, it is necessary, first of all, to thoroughly understand the methodology of working with students, the principles and laws of constructing the educational process that give the best results. Only if you have the right methodological guide By students, drawing at school acquires the necessary educational and educational significance.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


Features of the methodology of teaching fine arts in elementary school

Introduction 3

Chapter 1. Features of the methodology of teaching fine arts in primary school 4

1.1. Pedagogical conditions for teaching fine arts in primary school 4

1.2. Methods of teaching fine arts in grades I-IV 4

Chapter 2. Thematic planning and production of visual aids for lessons in the program “Fine Arts and Artistic Work” 8

2.1. Fundamentals of Artistic Performance (Primary School Curriculum) 10

1st class (30–60 hours) 10

2nd grade (34–68 hours) 15

3rd grade (34–68 hours) 21

4th grade (34–68 hours) 27

2.2. Design of a school arts education program. 34

Conclusion 37

List of references 38


Fine arts as one of educational subjects The comprehensive school occupies an important place in the education of students. A careful analysis and generalization of the best pedagogical experience indicates that fine arts classes are an important means of developing a student’s personality. Fine art, especially close to younger schoolchildren for its clarity, has one of the leading places in the process of developing children's creative abilities, creative thinking, introducing them to the beauty of their native nature, the surrounding reality, and the spiritual values ​​of art. In addition, fine arts classes help children master a range of skills in the field of visual, constructive and decorative activities.

Purpose writing this course work is to consider the features of the methodology of teaching fine arts in elementary school, namely in grades I-IV.

The work aims to: tasks:

Studying the methodology of teaching fine arts in primary school, consider its features,

To identify the pedagogical conditions for the successful teaching of fine arts to children of primary school age, as well as drawing up a thematic annual plan and lesson plan for primary school students

Chapter 1. Features of the methodology of teaching fine arts in elementary school

1.1. Pedagogical conditions for teaching fine arts in primary school

In the development of children's artistic creativity, including visual creativity, it is necessary to observe the principle of freedom, which is generally an indispensable condition for all creativity. This means that children’s creative activities can be neither obligatory nor compulsory and can only arise from children’s interests. Therefore, drawing cannot be a mass and universal phenomenon, but for gifted children, and even for children who do not intend to later become professional artists, drawing has enormous cultivating significance; when paint and drawing begin to speak to a child, he masters a new language that expands his horizons, deepens his feelings and conveys to him in the language of images what cannot be brought to his consciousness in any other way.

One of the problems in drawing is that for primary school children, the activity of creative imagination alone is no longer enough; he is not satisfied with a drawing made somehow; in order to embody his creative imagination, he needs to acquire special professional, artistic skills and abilities.

The success of training depends on the correct definition of its goals and content, as well as on the ways to achieve the goals, that is teaching methods. There have been debates about this issue among scientists since the very inception of the school. We adhere to the classification of teaching methods developed by I.Ya. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin, Yu.K. Babansky and M.I. Pakhmutov. According to the research of these authors, the following general didactic methods can be distinguished: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive and research. 1

1.2. Methods of teaching fine arts inI- IVclasses

Teaching, as a rule, begins with the explanatory and illustrative method, which consists of presenting information to children in different ways- visual, auditory, speech, etc. Possible forms of this method are the communication of information (story, lectures), demonstration of a variety of visual material, including using technical means. The teacher organizes perception, children try to comprehend new content, build accessible connections between concepts, and remember information for further manipulation.

The explanatory and illustrative method is aimed at assimilation of knowledge, and to develop skills and abilities it is necessary to use the reproductive method, that is, to reproduce (reproduce) actions many times. Its forms are varied: exercises, solving stereotypical problems, conversation, repetition of a description of a visual image of an object, repeated reading and memorization of texts, repeated story about an event according to a predetermined scheme, etc. Preschoolers are expected to work both independently and together with the teacher. The reproductive method allows the use of the same means as the explanatory and illustrative method: words, visual aids, practical work 2.

Explanatory, illustrative and reproductive methods do not provide the necessary level of development of children's creative capabilities and abilities. A teaching method aimed at preschoolers independently solving creative problems is called research. In the course of solving each problem, it involves the manifestation of one or more aspects of creative activity. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the availability of creative tasks, their differentiation depending on the preparedness of a particular child.

The research method has certain forms: text problem tasks, experiments, etc. Problems can be inductive or deductive, depending on the nature of the activity. The essence of this method is the creative acquisition of knowledge and the search for ways to act. Once again I would like to emphasize that this method is entirely based on independent work.

Should be paid special attention on the importance of problem-based learning for children's development. It is organized using methods: research, heuristic, problem presentation. We have already considered the research one.

Another method that helps creative development is the heuristic method: children solve a problematic problem with the help of a teacher; his question contains a partial solution to the problem or its stages. He can tell you how to take the first step. This method is best implemented through heuristic conversation, which, unfortunately, is rarely used in teaching. When using this method, words, text, practice, visual aids, etc. are also important.

Currently, the method of problem presentation has become widespread; the teacher poses problems, revealing all the inconsistency of the solution, its logic and the available system of evidence. Children follow the logic of presentation, control it, participating in the decision process. In the course of a problem presentation, both an image and a practical demonstration of action are used.

Methods of research, heuristic and problem presentation - methods of problem-based learning. Their implementation in the educational process stimulates preschoolers to creatively obtain and apply knowledge and skills, helps to master methods scientific knowledge. 3 Modern teaching must necessarily include the considered general didactic methods. Their use in fine arts classes is carried out taking into account its specifics, objectives, and content. The effectiveness of methods depends on the pedagogical conditions of their application.

As practical experience shows, for the successful organization of fine arts lessons it is necessary to create special system pedagogical conditions. In line with different conceptual approaches, they are defined differently. We have developed a system of conditions that directly influence the development of artistic creativity in preschool children, and we propose to consider it. We believe that this group of conditions consists of:

    developing interest in the study of fine arts;

    a combination of systematic control over the visual activities of preschoolers with pedagogically appropriate assistance to them;

    instilling in children faith in their strengths and their creative abilities;

    consistent complication of visual activities, ensuring prospects for the development of children’s artistic creativity;

    education visual language, folk, decorative and applied arts and design, development of funds artistic expression plastic arts;

    purposeful, systematized use of art history stories or conversations that activate the child’s attention, the work of his thoughts, his emotional and aesthetic responsiveness;

    selection of works of fine art for study;

    the use of technical teaching aids in fine arts classes, especially video and audio equipment, and special visual aids;

    active study by children under the guidance of a teacher of nature (observations, sketches and sketches on the topic, drawing from memory), objects of decorative and applied art, culture and life, historical architectural details;

    introduction of creative, improvisational and problem-based tasks into the lesson;

    the use of a variety of artistic materials and techniques for working with them;

    change of types of visual activities during the academic year (graphics, painting, modeling, design, decorative work, etc.);

    a combination of individual and collective forms of work with children;

    introduction of game elements and artistic and didactic games into the structure of the lesson; use of competition elements;

    systematic development of pedagogically appropriate relationships between sections of the academic subject “Fine Arts”, between this and other preschool disciplines, integrated teaching of art at school. 4

An important condition for the development of artistic creativity of preschoolers in fine arts classes is the use by teachers of technical teaching aids, especially video and audio equipment, and special visual aids. The role of visualization in learning was theoretically substantiated back in the 17th century. Ya.A. Komensky, later the ideas of its use as the most important didactic tool were developed in the works of many outstanding teachers - I.G. Pestalozzi, K.D. Ushinsky and others. The importance of visibility in teaching was emphasized the great Leonardo da Vinci, artists A.P. Sapozhnikov, P.P. Chistyakov et al. 5

Successful implementation of the principle of clarity in teaching is possible with the active mental activity of children, especially when there is a “movement” of thought from the concrete to the abstract or, conversely, from the abstract to the concrete.

At all stages of the lesson, whenever possible, creative, improvised and problem-based tasks should be introduced. One of the main requirements in this case is to provide children with the greatest possible pedagogically expedient independence, which does not exclude providing them with pedagogical assistance, as necessary. So, for example, in elementary grades, especially in the first grade, the teacher, proposing this or that plot, in many cases can draw the attention of preschoolers to the main thing that must be depicted first and foremost, and can show on the sheet the approximate location of the objects of the composition. This help is natural and necessary and does not lead to children’s passivity in visual creativity. From restrictions in choosing a theme and plot, the child is gradually led to their independent choice.

Chapter 2. Thematic planning and production of visual aids for lessons in the program “Fine Arts and Artistic Work”

This is the world - and in this world I am.

This is the world - and in this world WE are.

Each of us has our own path.

But we create according to the same laws.

May the path of the creator be long and the bread of the creator difficult.

And sometimes I want to give you some slack.

But take your palms away from your face.

And again you give your heart. And again. ...

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    ... features before the game. The computer can be both an object of study and a means training... Kuzin V.S. Fine art V primary school. 2-3 grade Part 2 // M., Bustard, 2000 9. Kuzin V. S. Fine art V primary school.1-2 grade, 1, ...

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    ... fine art art, but also in the field of methods training drawing. Methodology training figurative art ... Art,1961. 4. Pyankova N.I. Fine art in modern school M., 2006 5. Rostovtsev N. N. History of methods training ...

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    ... fine art art for study; - use in classes figurative art technical means training, especially... 2004. 4. Sokolnikova N.M. " Fine art And methodology his teaching in primary school". M., Academy, 2003. ...

  • The teaching of fine arts, expressed in the organization of schools, the use of certain methods and techniques in teaching, and the theoretical development of art issues, began only during the period of civilization.

    The art of Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome reached a high level of development. The construction of cities, temples, and residential buildings required a large number of artists, masters of painting, sculpture, and architecture. In special schools, principles, rules, and laws for constructing images of human figures, animals, plants, and interiors began to be developed.

    Thinkers and artists of Ancient Greece considered learning to draw necessary not only for many practical crafts, but also for general education and upbringing. Aristotle (384-322 CE) pointed out that “at present the usual four subjects of instruction are: grammar, gymnastics, music, and sometimes drawing.”

    The works of the great Czech teacher of the Middle Ages, John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), were of great importance in the development of methods for teaching drawing. The great Czech educator believed that the subject of “drawing” should be introduced into secondary schools and that it would help solve its educational problems.

    The French philosopher-encyclopedist Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) also spoke about the benefits of drawing as a general educational subject. Rousseau noted the important role of drawing in cognition and development of a sensory-emotional attitude towards surrounding reality. In the book “Emile,” or “On Education,” Rousseau wrote that for understanding the surrounding reality, the senses that can be developed in a child are of great importance by teaching him to draw from life.

    Art is a huge world of artistic images, with the help of which artists express their observations, ideas, dreams and fantasies, as well as an effective means of educating a creatively active personality. By introducing students to the fine arts, we thereby convey to them the enormous aesthetic and moral experience accumulated by humanity.

    Art education, understood as education through art, in the unity of its cultural, aesthetic, artistic, psychological and pedagogical aspects, has an active influence on the education of students. In the process of studying fine arts, students actively develop fantasy, imagination, imaginative thinking, and the ability for such mental operations as analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.

    Artistic activity helps children understand and assimilate the culture of different times and peoples, develop their abilities, and gain experience in aesthetic communication.

    Artistic knowledge acquired by children, ability to perceive works of art, the acquired skills of one’s own creative activity are effective means of developing children’s interest in art and the need for artistic and creative activity.

    Teaching fine arts involves the general development of creative abilities, the active formation of aesthetic perception, the targeted formation of realistic depiction techniques and artistic expression skills.

    The artistic creativity of younger schoolchildren most often involves drawing with pencils and paints, modeling, appliqué, i.e. the most traditional, popular, and optimal artistic techniques for this age.

    The creative abilities of schoolchildren should be developed taking into account their interests and individual characteristics.

    The introduction of didactic games and exercises into the learning process makes it possible to arouse in children a desire to learn art, participate in creative activities, successfully implement them and enjoy the work done.

    First of all, it is necessary to develop the following general artistic abilities:

      to creative transformation, thinking, logic, combinatorics, variability;

      drawing up an optimal action plan;

      learning, creative development.

    When teaching fine arts, all components of artistic creativity should be developed and formed: interest, voluntary attention, observation, visual memory, emotionality, fantasy, expressiveness, the “eye-brain-hand” system, graphic training, artistic technologies.

    The purpose of teaching fine arts in primary school is the harmonious development of younger schoolchildren through the means of fine arts, the formation in them of a sustainable interest in fine arts and art, and an active life position.

    An indicator and condition for the effectiveness of fine arts lessons is the children’s passion for work, interest and desire to engage in art. Visual activities should bring joy to children and ensure an active emotional attitude of students to classes.

    Fine arts lessons in elementary school contribute to the development of younger schoolchildren, form a system of knowledge, abilities, skills in visual activity, and the need for artistic creativity.

    In his activities as a teacher of fine arts are guided by:

    curriculum for general secondary education institutions with Belarusian (Russian) language of instruction:

    Fine arts. I–V grades. Curriculum for general secondary education institutions with Russian as the language of instruction. – Minsk: NIO, 2012;

    Revealed mastery. I-V grades. Educational program for the established education system in Belarus. – Minsk: NIA, 2012;

    approximate calendar and thematic planning :

    “Approximate calendar and thematic planning for fine arts,” grades I–V / I.G. Volkova, V.N. Danilov // Mastatskaya adukatsyaya culture. – 2009, No. 4, 2010, No. 1.

    Calendar and thematic planning is approximate. If necessary, fine arts teachers are allowed to redistribute the number of teaching hours between topics;

    sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards “Hygienic requirements for the design, content and organization of the educational process in institutions of general secondary education”, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated July 15, 2010 No. 94. The regulatory document can be found on the website www. minzdrav.by, www.rcheph.by;

    standards for assessing results educational activities students in the academic subject “Fine Arts” in the implementation of the educational program of basic education (Grade V), determined by the educational standard of general secondary education;

    Rules for conducting certification students when mastering educational programs of general secondary education, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated June 20, 2011 No. 38.

    In accordance with the instructional and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus “On the organization of the work of general secondary education institutions to monitor and evaluate the results of students’ educational activities during the period of ungraded education at the first stage of general secondary education,” teaching fine arts in grades I-IV of general secondary institutions education is carried out on a content-evaluative basis (without marking).

    Unmarked training in fine arts is carried out with the aim of:

    Formation of internal motivation for learning in students;

    Development of creativity, independence, reflection;

    Formation of adequate self-esteem;

    Formation of skills to independently evaluate the results of one’s own educational activities.

    The need to use grade-free learning is due to the presence of significant differences in the level of development of abilities in the field of fine arts and artistic training of students.

    Teaching fine arts on a content-evaluative basis is carried out based on the principles of continuity and naturalness of control, criteria, flexibility and variability of assessment tools, and the priority of self-assessment.

    In the process of teaching fine arts, detailed evaluative judgments are widely used, reflecting the degree to which students have mastered skills in the field of fine arts, as well as the level of development of artistic skills they have achieved. The verbal and content assessment is complex in nature and is given taking into account the characteristics various types artistic and creative activities.

    When conducting fine arts lessons, it is recommended to follow the sequence of stages of grade-free learning technology: setting a goal, putting forward a criterion (jointly by the teacher and students), carrying out activities, and assessing. When putting forward a criterion, it is necessary to focus on the level that can actually be achieved by students when carrying out artistic and creative activities. In the assessment process, it is necessary to harmoniously combine internal assessment (independent assessment by students of their own educational activities) with external assessment (evaluation of the process and result of activity by classmates and the teacher).

    An important condition for grade-free teaching of fine arts is the mandatory and timely implementation of all types of control. The following types of control are used in the learning process: preliminary, lesson and thematic. Preliminary control is carried out during the first week of the school year and makes it possible to establish the initial level of artistic development of students. Lesson control accompanies the process of mastering each lesson topic and allows you to record the progress of students in mastering the educational material. Thematic control makes it possible to determine the effectiveness of mastering the topic of the quarter.

    Control is carried out in practical, oral and written forms, as well as in a combination of these forms. At the same time, practical forms of control in fine arts lessons are a priority.

    The program is based on the principle of systematic development in students of the ability to perceive an artistic image in works of art and to create it as feasible in their own works as a result of aesthetic perception of the phenomena of reality and art and mastering the skills of independent artistic activity. Methods of teaching art at school must take into account its specificity as a way of thinking and mastering the world.

    The program defines a system of basic educational tasks:

      formation of aesthetic culture and spiritual world of students, the ability to objectively perceive and analyze works of art of all types and directions on the basis of national and universal values;

      improvement of visual perception, development of imaginative thinking, spatial representation, combinatorics, fantasy, sense of composition, form, color, space;

      teaching the basics of visual, decorative, constructive activities, mastering the figurative language of plastic arts, a complex of means of artistic expression;

      development of abilities and creative activity of students in the process of artistic and practical activities.

    In order to form a culture of oral and written speech in the process of perceiving works of art and performing artistic works, the teacher must create conditions for the development of coherent oral speech of students, the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions, and generalize. It is necessary to develop students’ imagination, aesthetic taste, communication skills, emotional and value-based attitude towards works of art, the ability to conduct a discussion, carry out active and independent artistic and creative activities, increase the level of motivation, and interest in the subject. Acquaintance with the masterpieces of world and national artistic culture should contribute to the formation of national self-identification, patriotism, respect for the culture of one’s own and the peoples of the world, and the desire for a feasible aesthetic transformation of the surrounding reality.

    Requirements for the content and methods of teaching fine arts in primary school ":

      connection with life, with folk artistic traditions;

      unity of upbringing and education, training and creative activity of students; combination practical work with the development of the ability to perceive and understand works of art, the beautiful and the ugly in the surrounding reality;

      taking into account the age capabilities of students, the optimal combination of individual, group and collective forms of work;

      variety of types of work and artistic materials used;

      interdisciplinary connections, connections with other types of artistic activities of children;

    In elementary school, the fine arts program defines three types of artistic and practical activities: image, decoration (decoration) and construction (design).

    Image– the leading type of artistic and practical activity, including drawing from life, from memory, representation, sketches, graphics, subject and plot modeling.

    Decoration (decoration)– a type of artistic and practical activity that involves mastering the basics of artistic crafts (painting, ceramics, weaving, embroidery, quilting, appliqué, floristry, stained glass).

    Construction (design)– design and modeling activities, which involve the study of basic technologies for working with paper, cardboard, fabric, construction sets and other materials.

    When teaching art to primary school children, it is important to use games and exercises in the classroom. Group and collective forms of work help to involve students in the creative process, as well as to activate their interest. At this age, children need to be given the opportunity to try their hand at different types of artistic activities and feel the uniqueness of each of them.

    In addition, during introductory and final classes it is necessary to conduct conversations, during which students should explore the world and learn to perceive art.

    When planning classes, it is necessary to take into account that types of artistic activities can be combined: conversation - image, design - decoration, etc.

    The following basic techniques and materials are used in the learning process: simple, colored, watercolor pencils, wax, watercolor crayons, ballpoint pen, charcoal, felt-tip pens, gouache, watercolor, applique, collage, clay, plasticine, stamp, stencil, painting, floristry, straw , weaving, embroidery, natural materials.

    The teacher can take the proposed approximate planning as a basis and, if necessary, change it independently by creating tasks similar to those recommended in the program. In this case, the content of the lesson should represent the unity of different components: lesson topic, type of activity, object of work, educational tasks, material and technology, terms and concepts.

    There is a need for a clear definition and system of knowledge acquired by students in each class, both certain species classes (conversations about fine arts, drawing from life, thematic and decorative drawing), and in general throughout the entire course of study in fine arts, including various shapes extracurricular and extracurricular activities. At the same time, a very important factor is that the knowledge, skills and abilities that a student receives in life drawing classes are expanded, deepened and consolidated in thematic and decorative drawing classes, in the process of conversations about works of fine art.

    In the same way, the knowledge and skills that schoolchildren master in thematic and decorative drawing lessons find their further development in life drawing lessons.

    Thus, fine arts in a comprehensive school, being a necessary link in the general chain of academic subjects designed to educate students, and above all, subjects of the “aesthetic” cycle - literature, music, occupies an important place in the formation of students’ worldview.

    However, the role of fine arts in education and training will be truly effective if modern fine arts lessons meet a number of conditions, namely:

      Comprehensive solution of educational tasks in fine arts lessons.

      Compliance with the principles of didactics in the process of teaching children fine arts.

      Using problematic issues and situations in fine arts lessons.

      Wide use of visual aids and technical teaching aids in fine arts lessons.

      Maintaining continuity in the visual activities of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren.

      Compliance with interdisciplinary connections between the lessons of fine arts and literature, mathematics, music, labor training, etc.

      Using a variety of techniques and methods of working with children in fine arts lessons, including elements of play, in order to attract children’s attention and interest in visual arts, awakening in them an emotional and aesthetic attitude to objects and phenomena of reality, to the process of drawing and their drawing, and a sense of empathy characters in their compositions and the works of the artists in question.

      Maintaining a close connection (tasks, goals, content, teaching and educational techniques) of life drawing lessons, on topics with other lessons and extracurricular activities in the fine arts.

      Continuous improvement of the methodology for conducting fine arts lessons in all main sections of the curriculum.

      Using the best practices of primary school teachers and fine arts teachers in the process of teaching children the fine arts.

    In the process of summarizing the best practices of teachers in aesthetic education schoolchildren using the means of fine arts, the following aspects are highlighted, especially affecting the improvement of the teaching and educational process in the fine arts lesson. This is, first of all, the use of methods and techniques of work aimed at attracting the emotional and aesthetic feelings of children, at showing them a sense of joy, admiration from meeting beauty in reality and in art, at attracting the interest of schoolchildren in observed and then depicted phenomena and objects the surrounding world. Stimulating the child’s feelings and emotional responsiveness leads to the emergence of stable attention, to a deep and comprehensive study of the phenomena and objects of reality, to the conscious assimilation of the laws and rules of drawing, to the knowledge of the aesthetic in life and art.

    Fine arts classes are an important means of developing a student’s personality. They contribute to the expansion of interests, the development of students’ aesthetic needs, their mental and creative activity, and their emotional and aesthetic attitude to reality. Fine arts classes develop such personality traits as independence, focus, accuracy, and hard work. In the process of visual activity, students acquire graphic and pictorial skills, learn to observe, analyze objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Thus, educational drawing and familiarization with the best works of fine art serve as effective means of understanding reality and at the same time help the development and formation of visual perceptions, imagination, spatial concepts, memory and feelings, as well as the education of the moral and aesthetic qualities of the child.


    - Kuzin V.S. “Fine arts and methods of teaching it in primary school”, 1984.

    - Kosterin N.P."Training drawing", 1984.

    - Kandinsky, V.V. “On the spiritual in art”, 1992.

    - Alekhin, A. D."When the artist begins", 1993.

    -Kuzin V. S. “Fine art and methods of teaching it at school”, 1998.

    - Satarova L.A. "Fine arts at school", 2004.

    -Sokolnikova N.M. “Fine arts and methods of teaching them at school”, 2005.

    - Pyankova N.I. "Fine arts in modern school", 2006.

    - Instructional and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus “On teaching the academic subject “Fine Arts” in 2012/2013 academic year", 2012.

    Currently modern educational institutions are at the stage of modernization and updating the content of education. Today, the main strategic goal of education is to create the basis for sustainable socio-economic and spiritual development of Russia. The spiritual development of a person and the formation of his culture are significantly influenced by art activities, which can serve as a mechanism for the development of the cultural potential of society, its artistic and creative elite. However, the implementation of the main strategic goal of education through art is associated with the need to solve modern problems in the field of culture, which include:

    • - underestimation in social practice of the role of aesthetic consciousness and artistic culture as influential factors in the dynamic development of society;
    • - cultural nihilism of a significant part of young people, when the values ​​of high art and their role in culture are questioned or even denied;
    • - a growing gap between the mass school and high culture, which is becoming increasingly elitist;
    • - minor role, which is allocated to subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle in general education at all its levels;
    • - the spread of paid forms of education, against the backdrop of a low standard of living for the majority of the population, the impossibility of acquiring special tools, modern technical means and materials, which becomes an obstacle to obtaining an education in the field of art for some gifted youth;
    • - extremely weak material, technical and personnel support for art education, especially within the framework of the general educational process.

    In accordance with the emerging problems of modernization of education, including art, the need arose for new approaches to teaching in general education institutions. The implementation of the principles and tasks of a modern school requires not only a change in views on the content, forms and methods of schoolchildren’s educational activities, but also a radical transformation of the teacher’s activities. The personality of the teacher and his professional training occupy a central place in the system of general and pedagogical education. The relevance of the problem is determined by the fact that without significant changes in the teacher’s attitude towards pedagogical activity and its components, to ourselves and to other subjects of this activity, a qualitative update of the system school education, won't happen.

    The purpose of this study is to determine the role of fine art in the process of spiritual and moral education of the personality of a primary school student. In our opinion, the role of fine art in the modern understanding of the content of education should be determined through solving the following problems:

    • - identifying the main goal of teaching fine arts at school;
    • - analysis of modern concepts of teaching fine arts in primary school;
    • - determination of the conditions for the successful formation of the spiritual world of a junior schoolchild and the tactics of the activity of a fine arts teacher.

    As is known, the content of education is social experience, that is, the experience of human activity throughout the history of its development. AND I. Lerner names four main elements of educational content: knowledge, methods of activity, experience of creative activity, experience of emotional-value relations.

    In the modern concept of art education, these four components appear in inextricable unity, but in the reverse order of their significance in artistic development student's personality. Thus, for younger schoolchildren, the most relevant in the process of teaching fine arts is the experience of feelings, experiences, interests, needs; social, moral and spiritual relations.

    Artistic development in the concept is considered as a path to the humanization of the school. Therefore, the main goal of children's art education is to instill in them an aesthetic attitude towards life.

    An aesthetic attitude to life is a special personality quality that is necessary for a person’s responsible existence in the world. It is expressed in the following abilities:

    • - directly feel like an integral part of the endless surrounding world;
    • - see your continuation in the world around you;
    • - feel a sense of belonging to another person and to human history and culture in general;
    • - realize the non-utilitarian value of everything in the world;
    • - realize your responsibility for everything in life, starting with your immediate environment.

    The development of precisely this quality creates a solid foundation for moral, environmental, patriotic and other traditionally identified types of education.

    An aesthetic attitude to the world underlies art, human artistic exploration of the world, and can be developed in children in the process of teaching artistic disciplines. Teaching art must begin with kindergarten, continuously continuing in secondary school and university. At all stages of art education, the pedagogical process should be based on psychological characteristics age of schoolchildren and a differentiated approach to the content of art education. It is important to distinguish between what everyone needs as a factor in the development of personality and worldview, and what future professionals need.

    Primary education in the subject “Fine Arts” is part of the “Art” educational system and provides general art education, which is aimed at the spiritual, moral and aesthetic development of schoolchildren.

    During the period of primary art education, in the process of realizing the main goal, that is, nurturing an aesthetic attitude to life, the emphasis in teaching is on the development of:

    • - emotional responsiveness when perceiving the surrounding world;
    • - primary forms of artistic imagination;
    • - the ability to express an emotional assessment of a phenomenon in sensually perceived images.

    The actual creative practice of younger schoolchildren should prevail over the work of perceiving art, which is gradually and steadily expanding. What is common to all types of art must prevail over specific features its individual types.

    In the conditions of variable learning, it is important to note some commonality of the set tasks for studying fine arts. Fine arts in elementary school is designed to introduce schoolchildren to the world of plastic arts, the formation of artistic and imaginative thinking, the development of creative abilities, teaching the basics of visual literacy, the formation of practical skills in various types of visual arts, familiarization with the heritage of domestic and world art, and others.

    Each current program shows with the help of what tasks it is possible to achieve the above-mentioned main goal of teaching fine arts and cultivating an aesthetic attitude towards life. It should be noted that, despite the commonality of the stated goals of the “Art” educational system, different authors do not have consensus in the conceptual justifications of their programs. Therefore, choosing the only program necessary in given specific conditions among existing areas of teaching fine arts at school is a significant problem for a primary school teacher.

    To date, several main areas of teaching fine arts have been developed and are in practice. Each of them has its own goals, its own content, its own structure and is implemented through its own program.

    The first concept of universal graphic literacy is presented by traditional program, operating in many schools across the country. This direction was founded during the formation of the Russian Academy of Arts (early 18th century), when the methods and principles of training professional artists in an extremely simplified form were “lowered” into secondary schools for drawing lessons. What was professionally necessary and significant for the training of professional artists was artificially transferred to general education. The modern author of this concept is Dr. pedagogical sciences, Professor V.S. Kuzin.

    The main objectives of the program in fine arts: students mastering the knowledge of the elementary fundamentals of realistic drawing, developing skills in drawing from life, from memory, from imagination, familiarization with the features of working in the field of arts and crafts and folk art, modeling and appliqués; development of children's visual abilities, artistic taste, creative imagination, spatial thinking, aesthetic feeling and understanding of beauty, nurturing interest and love for art.

    The content of the subject includes the aesthetic perception of reality and art, practical artistic activity of students. These components of the content of fine arts are divided into main types of activities: drawing from life (drawing, painting), drawing on themes and illustrating (composition), decorative work, modeling; applique with design elements, conversations about fine art and beauty around us.

    The second concept of a holistic approach to training and education, based on the category of “artistic image,” was developed in the late 60s - early 70s of the 20th century. Head of the laboratory of the Research Institute of Art Education, Professor B.P. Yusov. Its main idea is “understanding, experiencing and feasible creation of an artistic image by students.” Fundamentally different from the previous ones, this concept considers the artistic image as the main method and as the result of the process of perception and creation of a work of art.

    The main objective of the fine arts program is to create an artistic image in various types and genres of fine art using graphic literacy.

    Visual literacy was filled with new content, coming from the specifics of the artistic and visual language, from the methods of creating an artistic image. Methods of creating an artistic image involve various types of educational activities: images on a plane, in volume (modeling), in the process of working from life, from memory, from imagination, based on fantasy and imagination, as well as aesthetic perception of the surrounding reality and art. And the specifics of artistic and visual language are studied in the process of solving the following educational problems: shape, proportions, design; color and lighting; space and volume; compositional organization of the image; working with art materials; development of artistic perception and aesthetic responsiveness.

    This concept was truly groundbreaking. For the first time in many years, art in school began to be understood as a subject that develops artistically and artistically educates. B.P. theory Yusova served as the basis for the creation of subsequent concepts.

    The third concept of introduction to world artistic culture was developed in the early 70s of the 20th century by the problem group of the Scientific Research Institute of Artistic Education and the Aesthetic Council of the Union of Artists of the USSR under the leadership of People's Artist of the RSFSR B.M. Nemensky. Her main idea- formation of artistic culture as part of spiritual culture. It has absorbed the rich theoretical and practical experience of previous concepts, including theories of artistic education developed in the 20-30s. (the theoretical heritage of L.P. Blonsky, A.V. Bakushinsky, S. Shatsky, P.I. Vygotsky, etc.), as well as the experience of art education in other countries. The artistic image here is a means of forming the artistic culture of students, and the child’s personality comes to the fore.

    The main objectives of the program: to develop in students a moral and aesthetic responsiveness to the beautiful and the ugly in life and in art; formation of artistic and creative activity; mastering the figurative language of fine art through the formation artistic knowledge, skills and abilities.

    Communication with art through comprehension of the specifics of its language occurs in various types of artistic activity - visual, decorative, constructive.

    The fourth concept is introducing folk art as a special type of artistic creativity. The founder of this concept is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor T.Ya. Shpikalova. Folk art is studied here in the interaction of all types of artistic creativity in the system of national and world culture. The artistic image in this concept is considered comprehensively in connection with nature, life, work, history, and the artistic national traditions of the people. This concept allows for a regional approach to teaching fine arts at school.

    The main objectives of the program: the formation of a worldview and moral position through the development of historical memory, which will allow the student to feel that he belongs to centuries-old human experience, the experience of his ancestors; creating an artistic image of a thing through mastering the necessary skills, studying types of things different schools folk craftsmanship and the development of a creatively active personality.

    Each section includes the following types of educational and creative activities: experimentation (experimental exercises), educational practice(repetition exercises, educational assignments), creative works (compositions, variations, improvisations), conversations on art.

    The fifth concept is being implemented within the framework of the School 2100 educational program. This is one of the programs for the development of general secondary education, aimed, first of all, at the development and improvement of the content of education and at providing it with program, methodological and educational materials. The scientific director of the program is Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Aleksey Alekseevich Leontyev.

    • - firstly, it would be a system of developmental education, preparing a new type of student - internally free, loving and able to creatively relate to reality, to other people, capable of not only solving the old one, but also putting new problem able to make informed choices and make independent decisions;
    • - secondly, it would be accessible to mass schools and would not require teachers to retrain;
    • - thirdly, it would be developed precisely as an integral system - from theoretical foundations, textbooks, programs, methodological developments to a system for advanced training of teachers, a system for monitoring and monitoring teaching results, a system for implementation in specific schools;
    • - fourthly, there would be a system of holistic and continuous education.

    In the aesthetic cycle, teams under the leadership of B.M. are working in this direction. Nemensky and O.A. Kurevina. The authors of the visual arts program are O.A. Kurevina, E.D. Kovalevskaya. It is aimed at the formation of spiritual culture through artistic and creative visual activity, which makes it possible not only to perceive spiritual culture in a detached manner, but also to directly participate in its creation on the basis of emotional and intellectual inclusion in the creation of a visual image of the world.

    The program is structured according to content blocks, covering both the general cognitive component and the direct artistic and activity component. In the process of mastering program didactic units, students gain not only the skills of mastering certain visual operations and manipulations, not only techniques for creating a concrete visual image, but also comprehend the context of an artistic phenomenon as a result of the transformation of reality in the process of self-expression. Artistic and creative visual activity is inextricably intertwined with aesthetic ideas about reality, about activity, about a person and about oneself. Therefore, as a necessary condition, it is preceded by a general aesthetic context (interaction, environment), expressed in the program through concepts, the assimilation of which will help students engage in the creative process through involvement and empathy.

    The objectives of the course are: expanding the artistic and aesthetic horizons; familiarization with the achievements of world artistic culture in the context of various types of art; mastering visual operations and manipulations using various materials and tools; creation of the simplest artistic images using painting, drawing, graphics, plastic arts; mastering the simplest design and decoration technologies; education of spectator culture.

    The practical implementation of the program presupposes tasks for reflection, for mastering color science and a sense of form, search and experimental orientation, the result of which is collective work that completes each problematic content block.

    The sixth concept was built by Yu.A. Poluyanov. within the framework of the developmental education system D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydova. This system has been developed since 1958 on the basis of experimental school No. 91 Russian Academy education. A feature of this psychological and pedagogical concept is the various group discussion forms of work, during which children discover the main content of educational subjects. Knowledge is not given to children in the form of ready-made rules, axioms, or schemes. In contrast to the traditional, empirical system, the courses studied are based on a system of scientific concepts. Children in primary school are not graded; the teacher, together with the students, evaluates the learning results at a qualitative level, which creates an atmosphere of psychological comfort. Homework is kept to a minimum; learning and consolidation of educational material occurs in class.

    Children do not get overtired, their memory is not overloaded with numerous but unimportant information. As a result of training according to the Elkonin-Davydov system, children are able to argue their point of view, take into account the position of others, do not take information on faith, but demand evidence and explanations. They develop a conscious approach to studying various disciplines. Training is carried out within the framework of regular school programs, but at a different quality level.

    The integrated course “Fine arts and artistic work” within the framework of the Elkonin-Davydov system proposes solving basic educational problems in accordance with the age of students.

    In the first year of schooling, children are introduced to those types of visual and labor activity, which are accessible to them by technology. The 1st grade course is introductory and transitional from preschool classes to school classes, built on the principles of the developmental education system. Contents of classes by type of educational and creative work presented in the following sections: lines - spots - silhouettes, commonality and differences, measure of size and shape, connection by design; sculptural modeling; paints and color; decorative painting; artistic design; architecture and monumental painting; artistic sewing.

    The content of the second year of study in fine arts and artistic work includes five sections: harmony of color combinations, harmony and expressiveness of color, rhythm in life and in art, symmetry in life and in art, outlines of objects and images. All these sections are interconnected and aimed at a single task: developing in children the ability to see not only individual images and parts of products, but the relationships between them, which is impossible without developing the ability to generalize the perception of color, space, and shape of what they depict.

    The main task of the third year of study is to create conditions for the formation and successful implementation by students of new creative interesting ideas. This task is realized through the study of the following sections of the course: compositional and constructive balance, dynamic and static balance of composition and design, contrasts - analogies, proportions of the image and composition, pen drawing, outlines - shape - proportions of images.

    At the fourth stage, the main task of teaching is to reconstruct children’s already established ideas in such a way that they turn on their spatial imagination about the world around them and the ways of depicting it. Therefore, the content of the training includes such sections as: spatial plans of composition; three-dimensional images; observing and depicting trees; watercolor art; designing three-dimensional forms from flat sheet material; rhythm in painting, graphics, sculpture; design of three-dimensional artistic products, our city (village, village) in different times year.

    Analysis of the objectives and content of the program Yu.A. Poluyanova shows that each method of artistic representation, having been introduced (not taught, not memorized, but rather introduced into the visual activities of children) at some stage of learning, is then constantly included in all subsequent classes, unfolding before the students in ever new and richer ways. possibilities. At the same time, when becoming familiar with each of these methods and practicing each of them, children should develop a new and very important ability to look and see.

    So, the concepts and programs for teaching fine arts at school presented here are diverse and do not all equally propose to realize the main goal of forming an aesthetic attitude to life. Guided by the basic principles of continuous art education in a secondary school, a primary school teacher teaching fine arts should focus on the fine arts curriculum that is implemented in the main section of the secondary school.


    Development modern system general education is determined by such a conceptual position as the inseparability of school and society. Society lives and develops as it learns. However, today, increasingly, politicians, scientists, educators, students and their parents note that the interests of the child and the needs of society are beyond the threshold of the school. Many researchers see the only way out of this situation - radical changes in school policy towards its democratization and humanization. In this regard, work is underway to rebuild and update the entire education system, a search is underway for ways to develop the school, concepts, projects, programs, and non-traditional forms of education are being developed.

    The variety of concepts in art education is a shining example modern trends development of the education system and complicates the tasks of a teacher teaching fine arts in primary school when choosing the leading principles and methods of education and training. However, any school program in fine arts is focused on the formation of the child’s spiritual world, on the development of his aesthetic perception of the world, creative self-expression, and the formation of interest in life through a passion for art.

    The role of fine art in solving general educational problems is clearly defined by the concept of modernization Russian education for the period until 2010: “Formation in schoolchildren of civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, ability for successful socialization in society and active adaptation in the labor market.”

    When solving the main tasks of spiritual enrichment of younger schoolchildren through introduction to the fine arts, it is important for the teacher how the artistic and pedagogical process will be organized, through what content and forms it will influence the formation of a creative personality. The main principle determining the success of the pedagogical activity of a fine arts teacher should be careful attitude To children's creativity and at the same time tactful management of this process.

    The primary conditions for the successful formation of not only the child’s spiritual world, but also his practical skills and visual skills are:

    • - a variable approach to setting and solving artistic and creative problems,
    • - nationally oriented training in fine arts,
    • - stimulating the independence of younger schoolchildren in the choice of artistic materials and means of expression in the process of creating visual images,
    • - the teacher’s desire for pedagogical creativity and improvement of the educational process, etc.

    An elementary school fine arts teacher should always remember that changing social values ​​and increasingly rich information flows are always reflected in the fine arts. Only truly spiritual works of art become immortal. That's why classic designs painting, graphics, decorative and applied and folk art should form the basis of the content of the subject area “Art”, since time is not subject to them. Similar processes can be traced in the development of teaching methods. While the most modern teaching methods may gradually become outdated, the methods that the novice teacher has tested in practice and which have repeatedly shown themselves to be successful will form the basis of his teaching activities in the future.


    artistic fine arts general education

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