Musical and didactic game "teremok". Methodical guide to the didactic game "Teremok"

Galina Dunaeva

Didactic game based on a fairy tale« Teremok»

Target: develop children’s coherent speech, practice using ordinal numbers.

The teacher shows subject pictures of the characters fairy tales.

Guess which one fairy tale heroes have come?

Tell me this fairy tale(child independently or with the help of a teacher tells a fairy tale).

Who found it first teremok? Who came second? Third? Who came last and broke teremok?2 task “Guess whose voice?”

I offer other options educational games based on fairy tales« Teremok»

The teacher asks the children to listen to the recorded voice of a famous fairy tale character , after which asks: "Whose voice is this?"

Depending on the complexity of the action, she may also ask who he is addressing.

Additionally, children can select and show the silhouette of a recognizable character.

Didactic game"What else can you call it". Children pass and stand in front of the models

In one word, who is this?

What else can you call wild animals? Why are they called that?

Why are the fox, wolf, and bear models black?

What is it called in fairy tales fox? (sister fox, cunning fox, Patrikeevna fox, red-haired robber, cheating fox, furry huntress)

What fox?

What can he do?

What is it called in wolf tales? (wolf, wolf - click with teeth, Volchek - gray barrel) what wolf? What can he do?

What is it called in fairy tales of the bear? (bear-bear, Mikhailo-Potapovich) What bear? What can he do?

Didactic game“What’s extra?”.Invite the children to see if all the characters are from fairy tales« Teremok» or are there characters from others? fairy tales.

Didactic game"Do you know fairy tales.

The teacher reads a passage, or shows an illustration to fairy tale and asks to name the fairy tale.

Didactic game“Tell me in order!”.

The teacher shows the pictures, the children must arrange them in order of plot development and tell about it.

Didactic game“Name the cubs (cubs) correctly!”

The fox has cubs, little fox

The wolf has cubs, wolf cub

A cow has a calf, calves

The cat has a kitten, kittens

The dog has a puppy, puppies

Didactic game“Say it in one word!”.

Wolf, bear, fox, hare - wild animals

Rook, cuckoo, starling, crane are migratory birds;

Cow, goat, horse, sheep are domestic animals;

Wintering birds


Didactic game« Teremok»

Target. Develop logical thinking, auditory attention, ability to group animals (herbivores, carnivores).

Game rules: Place residents in the tower is possible only then when you guess the riddle correctly, but you need to be careful not to settle in one mansion herbivore and carnivore. The winner is the one who makes no mistakes and places the most tenants. When all the windows are in the mansion is open, we must call the animals that have settled in it in one word - these animals are herbivores or predators.

Progress of the game: Adult speaks: “Standing in the forest thicket teremok. He is neither short nor tall. Whoever guesses the riddle and the animal finds out will be able to place residents in this glorious teremok».

Riddles: “It’s not a mouse or a bird that frolics in the forest, lives in the trees and gnaws nuts.” (squirrel).

“In rich clothes, but he himself is somewhat blind, lives without a window, has not seen the sun” (mole).

“Whoever digs tunnels in the forest, builds dams from branches, his teeth are like axes. They are working hard. (beavers)».

“What kind of forest animal stood up like a column under the pine tree? And he stands among the grass - his ears are bigger than his head." (hare).

“What dangerous animal walks around in a red fur coat, shovels snow, and has enough mice?” (fox).

“Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest, walking boldly and easily, with his horns spread wide.” (elk).

“In summer he walks without a path near pine and birch trees, and in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost.” (bear).

“Who walks around gloomy and hungry in the cold autumn?” (wolf).

Having guessed the riddle, the children place the animal in teremok, all animals disperse in this way.

At the end of the game ask: “Why can’t herbivores and carnivores live together? What would happen if mansion inhabited by a wolf, fox or bear? How can you call the animals living nearby in one word? (neighbours).

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a) appropriate for the age of the children;

b) compliance with the didactic task;

c) compliance with methodological requirements.

    Method of playing the game:

a) organizing children to play (receiving interest, placing children);

b) the role of the educator;

c) management techniques;

d) use of a learning algorithm;

Scheme of analysis of a physical education lesson

    Hygienic conditions for conducting classes.

    Correlation of tasks and content of the lesson with the age and physical capabilities of children.

    Correspondence between the ways of organizing children and the stages of mastering movements.

    Quality of children's motor skills.

    Techniques for an individual approach to children when teaching them movements.

    Physical activity in the classroom: indicators of the child’s body’s response to the load. Techniques for regulating physical activity.

    Activation mental activity children in class.

    Emotional state of children.

    General and motor density of the lesson.

    Terminology and quality of teaching exercises by the teacher.


Scheme for analyzing classes to introduce children to nature

    Age group.

    Organization of the lesson:

a) switching children from play to activity;

b) organizing children in class;

c) equipment: quantity and quality of natural objects, visual materials, their placement, use of TSO, items for caring for plants and animals.

    Preliminary work with children, its influence on the mastery of the lesson topic.

    Program content:

a) compliance with the objectives of environmental education of children of this age group;

b) accuracy of educational, developmental and educational tasks, connection with everyday work, other methods;

c) the relationship between new and familiar material;

d) cognitive and emotional load.

    Methods and techniques of work, their correspondence to the age of the children, the topic of the lesson, and the conditions of the lesson. The appropriateness of the relationship between the materials used.

    Start of the lesson:

a) attracting the attention of children;

b) setting a cognitive task for children and ways to solve it.

    Progress of the lesson:

a) the role of the teacher (explanation, formulation of questions, nature of assistance to children);

b) a technique for activating attention, memory, thinking;

c) independent activity of children, taking into account the individual characteristics of their development.

    End of class:

Summing up form;

Involving children in generalizations and conclusions;

Tasks for consolidating the material.

    Analysis of children's behavior during class (interest, activity, independence, mastery of practical skills, degree of speech relationships, ability to observe, compare); level of natural history knowledge.

    Total duration of the lesson.

    Results and proposals.


Scheme of analysis of visual arts classes

    Purpose of the lesson:

Development of visual sensuality, associative-figurative thinking, perception.

Work on the expressiveness of the artistic image;

Training in technical skills;

Development of perception of works of art.

    Form, type, type of lesson:

Form - individual;



View - lesson-tasks, lesson-exercise, lesson-graphic stories, etc.

Subject, subject, decorative;

Type - according to condition;

According to the sample;

By my own design.

    Material (objects; visual and illustrative)

    Adequacy of the methodology and form of training for the stated goal.

    The effectiveness of the techniques used in the lesson, their focus:

To create interest in the topic;

To complete the task;

For each student to fully understand the means and methods of action;

With the goal of creating quality and expressive work;

To stimulate an independent method of action;

On individual assistance, if necessary;

To stimulate independent activity.

    Emotional state, mood of children during and after classes.

    Qualitative indicator of the effectiveness of the lesson (evaluation of children's work).

    Level of self-service skills and self-organization of one’s activities during classes.


Scheme of analysis of classes using the methodology of music education

    The program content of the lesson, according to the tasks and content of the lessons in this age group and the level of development of children; functional content; emotional and aesthetic uplift; educational impact; modern sound.

    Organization of classes: hygienic conditions; aesthetic design of the music hall; culture of children's behavior; preparation and quality visual aids,use of TCO ,attributes.

    Structure of classes: type, form of delivery, logic and duration of structural parts. The duration of the lesson, the focus on the emotional provision and interest of children.

    Training and development techniques:


a) methodological techniques specific to a given direction, used by the music director in different structural parts of the lesson. Their validity, effectiveness;

b) interaction between the music director and the teacher in different structural parts of the lesson in order to jointly solve the assigned tasks;

    Class style musical director: tone of speech, emotionality, expressiveness, accessibility of explanation, professionalism of performance, interaction with the teacher, aesthetic taste in the selection of musical repertoire, the ability to see all children, individualization of learning.

    General assessment of the lesson: preparedness, importance in the training and development of children’s musicality, wishes for improving the work of the music director.


Scheme of analysis of a lesson on speech development (vocabulary work)

    Type of activity (excursion, observation, viewing).

    Correct choice of lesson topic. Correspondence of program tasks to the topic of the lesson.

    The sequence of implementation of program content during the lesson.

    Organizational expressiveness of the lesson (logical harmony of each part and completeness as a whole).

    The teacher’s choice of rational methods and teaching techniques which provide children with better learning of new material.

    The duration and quality of the organizational part of the lesson (the presence of various techniques that contributed to the emergence of interest in the content of the lesson: conversation based on personal experience children, artistic expression, visual, gaming, etc.). What conclusion can be drawn based on this part of the lesson about the interest of children, about the solution of educational problems in this part?

    Did the children understand the purpose of the lesson (the teacher’s explanation of how to achieve this goal)?

    Teaching a purposeful observation process (teaching children systematic observation, the sequence of transition from the analysis of one side of an object to the other, from the general to the specific; and vice versa, activating different analyzers in the process of observation).

    The teacher’s speech, his role in the lesson.

    The presence of techniques that activate the thinking and speech of children (methods of examining an object, a sample of a new word, an explanation of a new word, repetition of new words by children, the teacher during the lesson, lexical exercises, problematic speech situations, etc.)

    Children’s ability to express their judgments about an object (object), identify the main features, compare an object with another object, use new words, expressions, etc. in their judgments.

    The use of generalizing concepts in children's speech.

    The purpose of the final part of the lesson.

    Methodological techniques aimed at consolidation (games, artistic word, questions, etc.).

    Solving other problems for the development of children's speech (grammar, coherent speech, education of sound culture of speech).

    Draw a conclusion about the level of development of vocabulary work of children of this age.

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

I bring to your attention an interactive game based on the fairy tale “Teremok”.

For development cognitive interest Children can use various techniques and methods. The method will be modern and interesting for a preschooler interactive game. Creating this game for children second junior group According to the fairy tale “Teremok”, I expected to solve various problems: the development of attention, memory, thinking, mathematical development.

You can use the didactic game “Teremok” in a directly organized educational activities with children of primary preschool age, and individually with teachers and parents.

Target Audience: 3-5 years.

Place of use: direct educational and individual activities.

Target: Maintain children's interest in Russian folk tales. Strengthen the ability to distinguish fairy-tale heroes, develop children’s coherent speech, practice using ordinal numbers. Develop curiosity and cultivate a love for animals.

Tasks: development of attention, memory, thinking, mathematical development.

Practical significance: The presentation can be used by teachers in classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, when organizing joint gaming activities, as well as by concerned parents.

All slides are scrolled using a computer mouse or using control buttons.

  • Slide No. 1. Front page.
  • Slide number 2. Table of contents.
  • Slide number 3. Game "Who Lives Where?"
  • Slides No. 4-8. Game "Riddles about animals"
  • Slide number 9. Dynamic warm-up
  • Slide number 10. The game “Who saw the tower first?”
  • Slide number 11. Game "Who broke the tower?"
  • Slide number 12. Game "Build a tower"
  • Slide number 13. Game "Count the Animals"
  • Slide number 3. If the answer is correct, the background behind the figure changes color to green. If the answer is incorrect, the figures sway.
  • Slides No. 4-8. If the answer is correct, the figures increase in size and the marker does not change color. If the answer is incorrect, the animal figures sway and the marker turns red.
  • Slide number 9. Launched by mouse click.
  • Slides No. 10-11. If the answer is correct, the marker changes color to green and the figure enlarges. If the answer is incorrect, the marker changes color to red and the figure sways.
  • Slide number 12. Exercise machine. When you click on geometric figure, it moves to a part of the “teremka” similar in shape.
  • Slide number 13. If the answer is correct, the marker changes color to green. If incorrect, turn red. Animals are motionless.

The presentation is set up in such a way that you can go into more detail on each plot.

Didactic game based on the fairy tale “Teremok”

Thematic selection of gaming material on the theme of the folk tale “Teremok”


Continue to teach children to listen carefully and watch a fairy tale, emotionally perceiving its content.
Form stable ideas about the color, shape, quantity and size of objects.
Continue to teach children to navigate in space, to understand the meaning of the concepts “up”, “down”, “next to”, “pa”, “under”, “above”.
Improve the ability to finger paint, stick, and sculpt.
Develop auditory and visual perception, thinking, sense of rhythm, fine and gross motor skills.


Figures for tabletop theater for the fairy tale “Teremok”.
Colored pictures of animals depicted on a strip of paper divided by vertical lines, scissors.
Volumetric details building material.
A background picture with an image of a mansion, two stripes-paths of different lengths, color silhouette pictures of mice.
Boxes with round and square holes, cubes and balls of the appropriate size.
Water lily leaves cut from green oilcloth, a bench, a tunnel.
Details of the “frog” applique, plasticine yellow, pumpkin seeds, glue.
A sheet with large and small circles pasted on, large and small colored silhouette pictures of cabbage.
Orange finger paints, fox coloring.
Circles-plates cut out of white paper, multi-colored pencils.
Buttons different colors two sizes, a picture with a picture of beads (the circles-beads correspond to the color and size of the buttons).
Background picture with a picture of a Christmas tree and a den. Silhouette color pictures: sun, cloud, mushrooms, bear.
White paper circles, brown and yellow pencils.
Sheet diagram, multi-colored squares made of thick cardboard.
Audio recordings: “Dance” from the cartoon “Teremok”, “Song of the Frog”.

Progress of the lesson:

Demonstration of the tabletop theater "Teremok"

There is a tower in a field, not low, not high.

A small mouse runs past. She saw the tower, stopped and asked:

- Who lives in the little house? Who lives in a low place?
Nobody responds. The mouse entered the little mansion and began to live there.
A frog-frog galloped up to the tower and asked:
- Who lives in the little house?
- I, little mouse! Who are you?
- And I am a frog.
- Come live with me!

The frog jumped into the mansion and the two of them began to live together.
A runaway bunny runs past. He stopped and asked:

- Who lives in the little house?
- I, little mouse!
- I, frog-frog!
- Who are you?
- And I’m a runaway bunny.
- Come live with us!

The hare hops into the tower! The three of them began to live together.
A little fox-sister walks by. She knocked on the window and asked:

-Who lives in the little house?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- Me, the runaway bunny.
- Who are you?
- And I am a fox-sister.
- Come live with us!

The fox climbed into the mansion. The four of them began to live together.
A gray barrel top came running, looked in the door and asked:

- Who lives in the little house?
- I, little mouse.
- Me, the runaway bunny.
- I, little fox-sister.
- Who are you?
- And I’m a gray barrel top.
- Come live with us!

The wolf climbed into the mansion. The five of them began to live together. Here they live in a little house, sing songs. Suddenly a clubfoot bear walks past. The bear saw the tower, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs:

- Who lives in the little house?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- Me, the runaway bunny.
- I, little fox-sister.
- I, the top-gray barrel.
- Who are you?
- And I’m a clumsy bear.
- Come live with us!

The bear climbed into the tower. He climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed and couldn’t get in and said:

- I’d rather live on your roof.
- Yes, you will crush us!
- No, I won’t crush it.
- Well, then climb up!

The bear climbed onto the roof and just sat down - bang-bang! – the tower cracked and the whole thing fell apart. We barely had time to jump out of it: a small mouse, a frog, a runaway bunny, a little fox-sister, a gray barrel top - all safe and sound.
They began to carry logs, saw boards, and build a new mansion.
Built better than before!

Cutting with scissors “Inhabitants of the Teremka”

Children use scissors to cut a strip of paper with images of fairy tale characters along vertical lines.

Didactic game “Who lives in the little house?”

Children show a picture of the animal that the teacher names.

Who lives in the little house?
Does anyone live in a low place?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- Me, the runaway bunny.
- I, little fox-sister.
- I, the top-gray barrel.
- I'm a clumsy bear.
What does the frog say? Kwa-kwa.
How does a wolf howl? Oooh.
How does the mouse squeak? Peep-pee-pee.
How does a bear roar? Y-s-s.

Construction "Building a tower"

Children build a mansion from building material according to the teacher’s model.

And now the inhabitants of the tower want to play with you.

Little mouse

Didactic game “Paths to the tower”

And different paths lead to the tower. How many tracks? Two. Same tracks? Different paths - one long and the other short. The mouse is confused, which path should it take to get to the house faster, the long path or the short one? Guys, what do you think? Yes, guys, that’s right, it’s faster for a mouse to run along a short path to the house, and now we need to correctly show it where the short path is. Move your mouse along the short path.

Didactic exercise “Hide in a box”

Children are asked to hide cubes and balls in the box by inserting them into holes of suitable shape.


Dynamic pause “Frogs in the swamp”

Children walk on lily pads to the music, crawl along a bench, and crawl into a tunnel.

Visual activity “Frog”

Children stick on a frog, make a ball-core of a lily from plasticine, press it to the background and stick pumpkin seed petals into it.

Runner Bunny

Didactic exercise “Bunny plants cabbage”

The bunny grows cabbage in her garden. Arrange the cabbage correctly: place small cabbage in small circles. And on big circles- large cabbage. Which cabbage is larger, small or large?

Foxy sister

Game with buttons "Beads"

While the fox was running, she lost her beads. The poor woman cries: “Trouble! Help, kids! Well, guys, let's help the fox?

Finger painting "Fox"

Children paint over the outline image of a fox.

Top-gray barrel

Drawing with pencils “Lunch for the wolf”

Guys, our wolf is terribly hungry. And so that he doesn’t eat any of the animals, let’s quickly feed him ourselves. (Children draw “cutlet” and “vermicelli” on a paper circle plate).

Musical and rhythmic exercise “Orchestra”

Children beat out the rhythm to the music using children's noise instruments.

Teddy Bear

Didactic game “Bear in a den”

Here is a picture in front of you. What's on it? A Christmas tree, and under it a bear’s den.

The sun came out. Take the sun in your hands and place it on the top of the sheet. The bear went out for a walk. (Children manipulate the corresponding silhouette pictures according to the text).

The bear climbed up the tree. He climbed to the very top, could not resist and fell down. Mishka cried: “s-s-s.” A cloud appeared in the sky. She blocked out the sun. The weather turned bad and the bear lay down on its side in its den.

At this time, rain poured from the cloud: “drip-drip-drip.” Tap your fingers on the table, like raindrops knocking.

After the rain, mushrooms grew. Two mushrooms. Next to the Christmas tree. Come out of the den, Mishka, and collect mushrooms. How many mushrooms grew under the tree after the rain? Two mushrooms. Eat, bear, two mushrooms.

Drawing with pencils “Lunch for a bear”

On the circle-plate, children draw circles-cutlets with a brown pencil and paint over them. Then short pasta strokes are drawn with a yellow pencil.

Didactic game “Building and building a tower”

Children lay out multi-colored squares on a chart sheet.

Didactic manual for kindergarten"Teremok"

Description. I bring to your attention the teaching aid “Teremok”. The manual is intended for preschool children with speech disorders. Applicable in educational field“Communication”, “Cognition”, “Reading” fiction" Can be used for individual work, and for working with small subgroups. Promotes speech development and consolidation of acquired speech skills.
Method of making the manual.
With the help computer graphics draw a mansion. We print it on a printer.

We laminate the finished image with transparent self-adhesive.
We cut out pockets from transparent film and attach them to the windows using double-sided tape.
We select the necessary pictures and laminate them with tape.

Didactic game "Teremok"

Target: develop children's speech activity.
Options for tasks.

1 task “Remember the fairy tale”

Target: develop children’s coherent speech, practice using ordinal numbers.
The teacher shows subject pictures of fairy tale characters.
- Guess which fairy tale the heroes came from?
- Tell this fairy tale (the child tells the fairy tale independently or with the help of a speech therapist).
- Who was the first to find the tower? Who came second? Third? Who came last and broke the tower?

Task 3 “Who lives where?”

Target: Learn to use prepositions over, under, between.
The teacher places animals in pocket windows, asks them to look carefully and guess who they are?

This beast lives above the wolf. This…
- This animal lives above the fox. This …
- This beast lives under my arm. This …
- This animal lives under a frog. This …
- This beast lives between the wolf and the hare. This…
- This one is between the mouse and the bear. This …
Then the child himself makes riddles by pronouncing the words over, under, between

Task 5 “Settle the tenants”

Target: Fix spatial representations to the left, right, top, bottom.
The teacher offers to move the animals into apartments.
The mouse will live on the third floor on the left.
Fox is on the second floor on the right.
The bear is on the first floor on the left.
The hare is on the third floor on the right.
The frog is on the second floor on the left.
The wolf is on the first floor on the right.

Task 6 “Select pictures with the given sound”

Target: develop phonemic awareness, learn to isolate a given sound in a word, automate the sound [w] in words.

The teacher puts a letter in the top window indicating the sound [w] (or another sound being assigned) and invites the child to find pictures with this sound.

Task 7 “Divide into syllables”

practice dividing words into syllables.
The teacher places syllable patterns in windows with right side and invites the child to place the residents on the left side in accordance with the diagram.
- Name each resident. Clap your hands for the number of syllables in each word, and you will find out who lives in which apartment.

Task 8 “Syllable songs”

Target: develop phonemic awareness, automate the sounds in syllables.
In the evening, all the residents of the Teremka organize a concert. Everyone sings their favorite song. Let's sing along with them! Listen carefully and repeat the songs with your mouse. And now together with the fox, and now with the bear. Try not to make mistakes!