Summary of the integrated lesson “February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Outline of the thematic lesson “February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world on the topic: “Defender of the Fatherland Day” for children 5-6 years old


Continue introducing children to the history and traditions of the holiday February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;

To consolidate knowledge about the army, about the branches of the military;

Fostering respect for the defenders of our Motherland.

Equipment: cards on the topic of February 23, pictures and photos depicting military branches.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

The one who correctly names what is shown in the pictures will sit down?

Why do you think we remembered these words?

2. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, we live in a country called Russia. Russia is our Fatherland. Our country has an army, just like other countries. Soldiers, sailors, pilots, and border guards serve in the army. They are called defenders of the Fatherland. The holiday of our army is coming soon - Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is celebrated on February 23.

The army has various types of troops - such an army is strong: it can protect its country at sea, on land, and in the air.

3. Introduction to the branches of the military.

So, the first branch of the military that we will meet today is:

Border troops. (Border guards).

How many of you know who the border guards are?

Border guards are soldiers who guard the border. They are the first to encounter enemy troops when they cross the border. Border guards, like all military personnel, are the defenders of our Fatherland. The border detachment has a guide with a dog. The dog helps the border guards and follows the trail.

Military - navy. The sea spaces of our Motherland are protected by warships. Sailors serve there, including captains. These are the commanders of the ship, they are responsible for the entire ship. Large surface ships are equipped with cannons, anti-aircraft guns, missiles, and bombs. They can defend our Motherland on the water.

Air Force.

How many of you know who the landing party is?

The Air Force is ready to defend our Fatherland from the air if necessary. Pilots - members of the crew of an airplane or helicopter - must not be afraid of heights and be able to take responsibility in a critical situation.

Ground forces.

Infantrymen, artillerymen, missilemen, and tank crews serve in the ground forces. Tanks are self-propelled vehicles with caterpillar tracks, which allows them to pass over any terrain. The tanks are equipped with cannons and machine guns. Signalmen, miners, and military builders also serve in the ground forces.

4. Physical education minute.

One, two, in step,

Three, four, step harder.

Soldiers go to the parade

And they take a step together.

Guys, but there is no war now, why? the necessary army in peacetime?

The army must always be ready to repel enemy attacks.

Guys, what do soldiers in the army do in peacetime?

Soldiers are training.

How do soldiers train?

Soldiers must be strong, brave, strong, healthy, courageous.

5. Game “One - many”.

Tanker - tankers - many tankers; pilot - pilots - many pilots; sailor, soldier, warrior, hero, rocket, saber, cap, infantryman, paratrooper, border guard.

Guys, many of your fathers served in the army, they defended our Motherland. When you boys grow up, you will also serve in the army. You will be good defenders of our Motherland.

Lesson topic: Men's holiday

Demo material:

- drum;

board game"Lotto";

- object pictures (or toys) depicting an airplane, car, ship, submarine, etc.;

- various items to put on the floor: bucket, soft toys, toy airplane, car, cube, skittles, doll, etc. (by number of children);

— audio recording of mobile music;

- slippers large size (38—40).


— soft toys (according to the number of children);

- landscape sheets with a large outline of a ship or submarine (they can be cut out along the outline);

- gouache, brushes, jars of water.

Organizational moment

Greet the children joyfully, call each one by name, and note what color clothes they are wearing.

Physical education lesson “Drum”

Helps develop emotionality and imagery in perceiving music through movements, teaches how to march.

You have a drum in your hands. The teacher and children march around the room and beat a drum; the children pretend to beat their own drum. Clearly tell the children A. Barto’s poem “The Drum”.


Left, right!

Left, right!

The squad is coming.

The squad is coming.


Very glad:



One and a half hours straight!

Left, right!

Left, right!

Already full of holes!

Board game "Loto"

Teaches you to find identical objects shown in pictures and develops attention.

Give each child a Lotto card with eight pictures. Place the plastic chips in a bag. Taking one chip out of the bag, name the object depicted on it and show it to the children. The child looks for such an object on his card and covers the matching picture with a chip. The winner is the one who covers all the objects on his card with chips.

Sports exercises

Develop basic movements.

Educator. Do you want to go on a trip? Then go ahead, everyone on the train!

Children walk in a circle (the train is moving), drive along the bridge - walking “on their toes”; over bumps - walking on your heels.

Carefully! There's a tunnel ahead.

Children crawl under benches.

Soft toys want to “ride” cars.

Children begin to crawl on their knees, and place passengers (one soft toy at a time) on their backs.

Now let's go by bike. Lying on your back, alternately twist your legs: press your knee to your chest - straighten your leg.

The toy sits on the baby's stomach.

Let's sail on a ship.

Children lie on their stomachs, legs straight, pressed to the floor. Then they bend. You can try spreading your arms out to the sides. The toy is on the child’s back.

And finally, we'll fly by plane. We stand on one leg, the other leg is laid back, we bend forward (like the “swallow” exercise).

Educational game “What is this?”

Introduces vehicles, teaches them to name them.

You show the children object pictures, and the children try to name them: plane, ship, car, truck, etc.

Educational game “Who needs what?”

Expands understanding of speech and activates vocabulary, fosters a friendly attitude towards others.

In front of the children, object pictures with types of transport are laid out and soft toys (participating in sports exercises) are placed.

Educator. Kolya! Find the truck and give it to the dog. Well done! Gosh, where is the plane? Place it in front of the bear, etc.

Educational game “What has changed?”

Develops memory, attention and speech.

The children have the same objects in front of them: soft toys and subject cards depicting various types of transport.

Educator. What did we give the bear? That's right, an airplane. What's wrong with the cat? That's right, helicopter, etc.

Invite the children to close their eyes. Remove and hide, for example, a helicopter. When the children open their eyes, they must say what the cat is missing. Next time you can swap the pictures.

Outdoor game “Don’t touch the object”

Promotes physical activity, teaches you to start movements with music and end with its end.

Various objects are laid out on the floor: a bucket, a soft toy, a toy airplane, a car, a cube, a skittle, a doll, etc. Music is playing. Children move around the room, trying not to touch objects on the floor. The music stops - each child must quickly pick up one of the objects. Children take turns naming the object that is in their hands.

Then the objects are laid out again on the floor and the music is turned on. It is advisable that next time the child takes a different object.

Relay race "Daddy's slippers"

Develops basic movements and lifts your mood.

Children line up one after another in a column. The first child puts large “daddy’s” slippers directly on his shoes and, holding the adult’s hand, runs to the wall (or chair), and then returns. The next child puts on his slippers and runs again.

If there are two adults present at the lesson, you can prepare two pairs of slippers and create two teams.

Physical education lesson “Aty-batty”

Develops voluntary attention and the ability to march, beating out the rhythm of a poem.

March around the room with your children, raising your knees high.

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,

Aty-baty, to the market.

Atty-batty, what did you buy?

Aty-baty, samovar.

How much does it cost?

Aty-baty, three rubles.

Aty-baty, what is he like?

Aty-baty, golden.

Painting with a brush “Windows on a ship”

GCD topic: "My dad served in the army"
Summary of the ECD "Cognition" lesson in the middle group

Made up:
teacher middle group №5
Degtyarenko T.V.
Educational area: cognition
Integration educational areas : reading fiction, communication, physical culture, artistic creativity, labor
Type: integrated
Age of children:4-5 years
Direct forms educational activities: reading, looking at illustrations, conversation, physical exercise, looking at a photo exhibition, making photo frames.
Forms of organization: subgroup.

Explain to children that February 23 is the holiday of the Russian Army, its birthday, that soldiers protect our Motherland, they are strong, brave, dexterous.
teach children to talk about various types troops.
to cultivate respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, pride in Russian soldiers.

Dictionary of new words: border, tank crews, sailors, border guards, pilots.

Preliminary work: photographs brought in advance by children; prepared messages about where their dads served.
Equipment and materials: pictures with military equipment and military personnel of various branches of the military, elements of military uniforms, an exhibition of photographs “My dad served in the army.”

Progress of direct educational activities:

1. Reading the poem “February” by S. Marshak:
- Guys, we received a letter this morning. Let's read it?
The return address on the envelope is Army. What did they write to us?
The winds blow in February
The pipes howl loudly.
Like a snake rushes along the ground
Light drifting snow.
Rising, they rush into the distance
Aircraft flights,
It celebrates February
The birth of the army.

Questions: What holiday is the poem talking about?
(February 23)

Who are the military?
(These are warriors who defend their people, their Motherland, the Fatherland from enemies. This is the army.)

2.Looking at the illustrations.
-Who do you see here?
(If children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps and explains).
- You named everyone correctly - these are different types of troops. Why do we need so many types of troops?

(Pilots protect the sky; infantrymen protect the land; sailors and submariners protect the sea).


3. Conversation.
- Our boys will soon grow up and go to serve in the army. Let's imagine that we are in the army. Who serves on the tank?
(If the children do not know, give them the opportunity to think, and then the teacher himself tells and shows using illustrations).
(Tank driver.)

Who serves on the border?
(Border Guard)

Who flies a helicopter?
(Helicopter pilot.)

Who is a rocket scientist?
(Who serves in the missile forces)

What is the name of a person who jumps with a parachute?

What do you call a soldier who does not have military equipment?

Well done! And now you and I will turn into soldiers.

4. Physical exercise “We are soldiers”:
We are soldiers, we are soldiers
We are walking with a brisk step.
To our army, guys,
You just won't get there.
You need to be skillful, strong and courageous.

5.Looking at the exhibition of photographs “My dad served in the Army.”
- Now look at the flannelgraph. Here is an exhibition of photographs “My Dad Served in the Army.” What do you know about your fathers' service?
(children's stories)
6. Making photo frames.
- Well done, guys! you brought nice photos and told interesting stories about the service of your dads! Let's prepare gifts for dads and grandfathers for the holiday?
(production of frames)

7. The result of direct educational activities.
- Soldiers defend our Motherland! Homeland means dear, like mom and dad. Homeland is the place where we were born, the country in which we live. Each person has one homeland. The Russian people have composed many proverbs and sayings about their Motherland:

There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland!
Do not spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.
A person has one mother - one homeland!

They all teach us kindness, love for the Motherland, and the ability to defend it from enemies. You, children, are still very small, but even now you can do a lot to make our Motherland even more beautiful. What can you do?
(Do not litter on the street, do not break bushes and trees and do not trample lawns)
-. And the most important thing is to love your loved ones, be friends with the guys in kindergarten, grow smart, strong, healthy.

Yulia Khoda
Outline thematic lesson"February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Thematic lesson for the middle group.

Educator: Khoda Yu. A.


Target: Patriotic education of preschool children.

Tasks: To cultivate respect and love for the Motherland, its defenders. Expand children's understanding of the branches of the military.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about the Motherland and its defenders. Bring albums with illustrations of soldiers and equipment of the Russian Army to the book corner. Reading books about the Russian Army, memorizing quatrains, proverbs and sayings with individual children.

Materials and equipment: Media presentation.

Sports equipment: "Tunnel".

Organization of children:

Educator: Children:

Khoda Yu. A. Middle group

Progress of the lesson:

The winds blow in February,

The pipes howl loudly.

Like a snake rushes along the ground

Light drifting snow.

Rising and racing into the distance

Aircraft flights.

It's celebrating February

Army birth.

IN: Guys, tomorrow the whole country will celebrate a big holiday. What kind of holiday is this? What does it mean defender? What does it mean Fatherland?

(23 February our people will celebrate the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day. Word Fatherland comes from the word father, Fatherland, father's house, father's land. The Fatherland is our country. Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors, which protect their people, your homeland, Fatherland from enemies. This is an army. Every nation, every country has an army. Russia also has an army. And she more than once defended your people from the invaders.

Children's answers.

Look at these pictures.

The teacher shows illustrations on the screen depicting various types of troops and equipment.

IN: - Who do you see here? Who is this? Tanker-

Children's answers.

IN: - Guys, do you know what equipment helps him in his service?

Children's answers.

D: - Tanker. (slide of a tank driver on a tank)

Everywhere, like an all-terrain vehicle,

The tank will pass on tracks

The gun barrel is in front,

It's dangerous, enemy, don't come near!

Tank durable protected by armor

And he can face the fight!

IN: - guys, who is this? What technique does he have?

D: Pilot. (pilot's slide)

He's a metal bird

Will lift you into the clouds.

Now the air border

Reliable and strong!

IN: - Well done! And now we will play with you. We turn into pilots and fly!

A physical education session is being held "Aircraft".

The planes buzzed

(rotation in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows)

The planes took off.

(arms to the sides)

They sat quietly in the clearing,

(sit down, hands to knees)

And they flew again.

(arms to the sides with rhythmic bends to the sides)

At the end of the game, the children return to their places, class continues.

IN: Guys, look, who is this? Who is helping him?

Children's answers.

D: - Border guard. (slide of a border guard with a dog)

Border guard on the border

He guards our land,

To work and study

Our people could calmly.

IN: - Who serves on warships? What technology do they have?

Sailors: (sailor's slide)

On the mast is our tricolor flag,

A sailor is standing on the deck.

And he knows that the seas of the country

Ocean boundaries

Both day and night there must be

Under watchful guard!

IN: - What do you call a person who jumps from a plane with a parachute?

D: - Parachutist (skydiver's slide)

Paratroopers in minutes

Descending from heaven.

Having unraveled the parachutes,

They'll comb the dark forest,

Ravines, mountains and meadows.

They will find a dangerous enemy.

IN: - Guys, here is a soldier who has no military equipment, only weapons and equipment.

D: - Infantryman. (foot soldier slide)

IN: Who is this? where does he serve? What technique does he have?

Submariner (slide of a submariner near a submarine)

Here is a wonderful picture -

Coming out of the depths

steel submarine,

It's like a dolphin!

Submariners serve in it -

They are both here and there

Under water surface circling

They protect the border.

IN: - Well done! Everyone you know the defenders.

Now we'll play again.

An outdoor game is being played « Submarine- secret dive" (tunnel). Children crawl one by one through the tunnel.

Soldiers defend our homeland! Motherland means dear, like mom and dad. Homeland is the place where we were born, the country in which we live. Each person has one homeland. The Russian people have composed many proverbs and sayings about Homeland:

“There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland!” How do you understand this?

“Don’t spare your strength or your life for your Motherland”(slide Our Motherland

IN: - They all teach us kindness, love for the Motherland, its ability protect from enemies. You, now, are still very small, but you can also do a lot to make our Motherland even more beautiful. Do not litter on the street, do not break bushes and trees, do not trample lawns. And the most important thing is to love your loved ones, be friends with the children in kindergarten, and grow up smart, strong, and healthy.

(slides "The beauty of the Russian land")

IN: - And so, guys! Tell me, what holiday were we talking about today? Who are they « Defenders of the Fatherland» ? Who serves in the Russian Army? Why do we have so many defenders?

Children list.

IN: - Well done, guys! You answered my questions wonderfully, completed all the tasks, showed that you are strong, dexterous, skillful, that you can serve in the army and will become worthy defenders of our Motherland, which you will cherish and love.

I want everyone to laugh

May your dreams always come true.

So that children have joyful dreams,

May it be a good morning,

So that mom doesn't be sad,

So that there is no war!

IN: Our the lesson has come to an end. Thank you all very much.

And now the girls will congratulate the boys on "During the day Defender of the Fatherland» and give them gifts.

Conclusion: The lesson was successful. All educational and educational tasks have been completed. This topic allowed to expand children's knowledge about the Russian Army. It evoked a strong emotional response. Given thematic lesson is important in the system of instilling patriotism and love for the Motherland in children.



Lesson notes

Developed by: Lukina M.V.

teacher additional education,

highest qualification category

Lesson notes



    Continue to introduce the national holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day through a lesson in manual labor.

    Strengthen children's knowledge about the branches of the military.

    Continue learning to fold a sheet of paper into different directions, consolidate the terms used in origami: the basic form of “door”, left side, right side, bend a craft part, bend it outward, rotate a craft, turn a craft over, etc.

    Activate in children’s speech words denoting types of troops and character qualities inherent in soldiers.


    Continue to develop the ability to work according to a template, cut out small parts of military equipment and tools.

    Develop independence and the ability to compose a composition when making a finished postcard.


    Cultivate a sense of pride in the Russian Army, in your close relatives, and a desire to be like strong and brave warriors.

    Cultivate a kind attitude towards dad, grandfather, brother; the desire to give them a beautiful gift

Preliminary work:

    Learning poems about the army and the military.

    Conversations on the topics: “My appearance», « Bad habits", "Conversations about courage and bravery", "Relatives serving in the Army", "Profession - military", "Our Army", "Branches of the Armed Forces", "My dad, grandfather, brother - what are they like", "Uniforms", “Difference in ranks”, looking at illustrations about Russian army, reading newspaper clippings about our valiant Army.

    Didactic games: “Branches of the Armed Forces”, “Guess who is gone”, “Tools”, “Who needs what for work”.

    Outdoor games “Dexterous and brave”, “Tug of war”, “Crossing”, “Deliver a report”, “Sailors and pilots”.

    Conducting integrated classes: “Atty-batty soldiers marched!”, “We know little about the war.”

    Preparing the background for a future postcard: cardboard with cut edges, burlap with fringed threads, sheets of paper painted with printing (crumpled paper) or “spray”, stencils depicting military equipment, tools, making carnations from corrugated paper.


For each child: A4 cardboard different colors, a piece of burlap with a threaded fringe 19x28; sheets of paper 30x17 for making a tunic or shirt, stencils depicting military equipment and tools; technological maps for making a tie; carnations made of corrugated paper, pieces of multi-colored paper and cardboard; stars, screws, nuts, nails for decorating greeting cards.

Progress of the lesson:

Teacher: What is the name of the holiday that our country celebrates on February 23? (Day of Defenders of the Fatherland).

Teacher: How to understand the word "Fatherland"? (Motherland)

Teacher: Guys, what is the name of our Motherland? (Russia)

Pre-prepared children read T. Bokova’s poem “Motherland”

1 child

Homeland is a big, big word!

Let there be no miracles in the world

If you say this word with your soul,

It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies!

2 child

It fits exactly half the world:

Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.

Favorite city, native apartment,

Grandma, mom, kitten... and me.

3 child

Sunny bunny in the palm of your hand

Lilac bush outside the window,

And on the cheek there is a mole -

This is also the Motherland.

Teacher: Anything is possible native land: can feed with its bread, give drink from its springs, surprise with its beauty, but cannot protect itself.

And who can protect Russia? (Army).

Teacher: Yes. The army has various types of troops, and it must protect our country in the air, at sea, and on land . Name the types of troops that you know. (Soldiers, pilots, sailors, tank crews, border guards serve in the army... They are called defenders of the Fatherland).

Teacher: We talked a lot about your fathers and grandfathers, who served in your native army, it is very pleasant that you know so much about your loved ones. What kind of soldiers were they? (Dexterous, strong, courageous, courageous, attentive, decisive, persistent in overcoming obstacles, good comrades, physically developed, able to operate complex equipment).

Teacher: Do you want to be like your close men? (Yes)

Not all of the guys’ fathers served in the army (there are reasons for this), but they are also defenders of our Motherland. And if trouble happens, they will definitely stand up to protect their children, wives, fathers and mothers. Our boys, when they grow up, will also go to serve in the army, but in order to become real soldiers and defenders, they must learn a lot.

Conducting: physical education minutes.

Like soldiers on parade

We walk row by row,

Left - one, right - one!

Look at us!

We squat quickly and deftly.

Sailors need skill

To strengthen muscles

And walk along the deck! (squats - arms forward)

Teacher: Today I suggest you make a gift for your close men, boys: “ Greeting card for Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Samples Show:

Teacher: See what cards you can make for our loved ones. What do they have in common and how do they differ? (On all postcards there is a tunic and a shirt - similarities; military equipment, pagons, tools - difference).

Think about what kind of card you want to make and what you will need for this?

Talk through the sequence of all the work:

    Making a shirt or tunic together with a teacher;

    Making a tie ( technological map) at the request of the children;

    Selecting templates and working with them according to the child’s choice;

    Choice of additional decorations;

    Making a postcard from ready-made forms.

Finger warm-up:

These fingers are all fighters,

Well done guys.

Two – large and strong small ones

And the soldiers are daring in battle.

Two - brave guardsmen,

Two smart young men,

Two nameless heroes

But they are very zealous at work!

Two short little fingers,

Very nice boys!

Making a shirt with a teacher:

    Place the sheet vertically, make a basic “door” shape;

    Turn the craft to the reverse side, bend the top side of the craft;

    Turn the craft onto the reverse side: attach the upper right corner to the middle, and also attach the upper left corner to the middle;

    Bend down the bottom of the craft;

    Bend the corners to the sides to create a “boat”, bend the side corners inward;

    Raise the bottom side to the collar.

Helping children in need.

After finishing the work, lay out all the postcards on the table and look at them together with the children, determine which postcard can be given to a military man and which to a jack of all trades. And since our dads have already served in the army, you can give them any card, because they are our jacks of all trades.

After the children have completed their work, invite them to think together about what words they will say when they give the card.

Thank the children for their work.