Noses draw species. Basics of drawing a portrait. Proportions and angles. Theoretical basis: proportional relationships

Let's look at one of the methods for drawing human noses for beginners. In this lesson we will do without serious construction, but we will study simple ways draw a completely realistic nose. To get started, we suggest doing a few simple exercises.

Draw a horizontal “ladder” on a sheet of paper, as shown in the figure, and practice “fitting” different noses into it in profile. Notice how different they are.

Now try another method that allows you to draw a snub, straight and curved nose (again, in profile). Draw two circles different sizes, larger in front, smaller in back, as shown in the figure: if the nose is snub-nosed, the second circle is lower than the first, if it is straight, equalize the lower borders of the circles, and if it is curved, equalize the upper borders. Using this scheme, drawing the outline of the nose becomes quite easy.

Now you can shade the resulting noses. Note that the highlights and darkest shadows are on the noses different types lie differently. The darkest places in frontal lighting are in the nostrils and behind the wings of the nose. After lightly shading the entire shaded surface, apply cross strokes to enhance the contrast.

Now let’s draw the same three types of noses from a frontal angle. First, let's draw this auxiliary diagram. For all three types we draw the same big circle- this is the tip of the nose, and the two rounded lines are the bridge of the nose. We draw smaller circles on the sides (nostrils) at different heights: for the snub-nosed one at the bottom (and larger than the others), for the straight one we compare the lower borders of all the circles, and for the curved one we draw small circles along midline big circle.

Mark the bridge of the nose, tip of the nose and nostrils with lines.

You can start shading. Try to keep clear lines only around the nostrils, and shape the bridge of the nose and the tip using light strokes.

How to draw a person's nose with a pencil

Drawing a nose, step by step.

If you decide to draw a person’s face, it is important, first of all, to correctly draw the person’s eyes, but not only. There are no “little things” in a person’s portrait. All facial features must be drawn accurately, including the nose must be drawn correctly and beautifully. In this lesson you will be able draw a person's nose step by step. Nose drawing done with a simple pencil.

1. Let's start drawing the nose with simple markings

Every person has a nose unique features, therefore, it is impossible to give precise advice on how to draw the nose of a girl, child or man. You can only make an abstract or, as they say, “academic” drawing of the nose. This is exactly the version of the nose that I suggest you draw. I hope there is no need to explain how to draw these two lines.

2. Contours of the “wings” and bridges of the nose

The human nose consists of “wings” and the bridge of the nose, and it is these contours that need to be drawn in this step. The segment of the width of the “wing” in my drawing is equal to exactly half of the perpendicular line from the beginning of their intersection. You need to draw the nose carefully, accurately observing the proportions.

3. The nose takes on a real shape

After precise preliminary marking of the drawing, drawing the nose correctly and beautifully will be easy. You can see for yourself that it’s not at all difficult to draw further. Outline the streamlined shapes of the wings of the nose. Draw two lines from the bridge of the nose and draw the tip of the nose.

4. Lesson "How to draw a nose" is almost finished

At this step, remove the extra contour lines, and you will get a real academic nose, all that remains is to draw a few small details. Be prepared to have to adjust the final shape of the nose in the drawing several times. Drawing a nose is not difficult, but the slightest inaccuracy leads to the fact that the nose will become “plump” like Santa Claus or thin and skinny like Baba Yaga.

5. How to draw a voluminous nose

This stage of drawing and the next one will consist of only one thing. You need to apply shadows with a soft, simple pencil so that the nose looks voluminous, like in a painting by real artists.

6. How to draw a person's nose. Final step

When to draw a nose, at the beginning of the drawing of a person's face or at the end? Usually, when drawing a nose at the end of a lesson, the nose turns out distorted, either too small, or, on the contrary, large. The eyes and nose are the most important elements in drawing a person's face, so it is better to start drawing with them. You can correct the chin, ears and even lips, but if you didn’t “get it right” with the nose and eyes, the person’s portrait will not look like anything.

  • Drawing a nose, step by step.

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We have already told our readers about human anatomy, and to be more precise, about how to draw lips, neck and eyes. However, we still haven’t figured out how to draw a person’s nose with a pencil step by step for beginners. That is why in today's article we decided to demonstrate step-by-step master class, which will help to replicate exactly the proportional part of the face - the nose.

Of course, many can say that you rarely meet a person with symmetrical facial proportions... but it’s better to learn to draw with a smooth, small and easy to draw nose. Whether it is male or female makes no difference, the most important thing is that final result exceeded expectations.

Master class: how to draw a person’s nose with a pencil step by step for beginners photo

To repeat step by step work pencil, it is enough to follow 6 step-by-step steps, repeating one action after another to get a very good final result.

  • Step 1 - make a sketch

Of course, in this master class we will not consider the different structures of the nose and their shapes. We will simply show how from a geometric sketch you can reproduce an academic or, as it is also called, an abstract drawing. Its peculiarity is complete symmetry and the absence of anatomical features acquired during birth or resulting from injury.

To make a sketch, just use a simple pencil, a ruler, a white sheet of paper and an eraser. The base visually resembles an inverted letter T, with a stick extended through the top.

  • Step 2 - outline outline

To ensure that the bridge of the nose, nostrils and their wings are symmetrical, use a ruler to measure the same distances, starting from a vertical line. To do this, make two strokes on top, and complete the bottom lines by adding dashes to them - you should get equal segments.

  • Step 3 - outlines

To get a finished sketch, you need to connect all the segments together.

  • Step 4 - eraser

Using an eraser, erase the excess details, leaving only the outline.

  • Step 5 - shading

By shading you can add volume to your drawing. Light pressure on the pencil will give the facial features accuracy and a certain reality.

  • Step 6 - coloring

If you have the skill, you can paint your nose with paints. True, this is not recommended for beginners.

Finished works of a human nose in pencil, photos of step-by-step works for beginners:

Drawing lesson No. 7. I called him " How to draw a nose with a pencil" Yes, it’s not just to draw, but to draw “correctly.” In principle, the nose can be depicted as simple curved line, or like in comics with holes. But our task is to learn to draw as much as possible

As an example, we will use the so-called Nubian nose - long and wide at the base. The lucky owner of such a nose is SMA President Barack Obama.

Let's start with the proportions of the nose. They are shown in the first picture. The ratio between the height and width of the nose should be approximately 1.5:1. Let's draw approximate boundaries within which it will be located. You don’t have to make the lines so bold so that it doesn’t look like it’s in a frame. Just a couple of light strokes are enough to make it clear, or just imagine it in your mind.

Let's draw a curve in the bottom middle - the base of the nose. And two small convolutions at the edges for the nostrils. Of course, each person has different noses (thicker, wider, narrower, longer), so you shouldn’t limit yourself in choosing these parameters. Even !!

Now we draw the contours of the nose, the so-called “wings” on the sides. Make them curved at the bottom and fairly flat towards the top. Their size should fill a little less than a third of the entire length of the nose. Lightly apply the main lines in the center, as well as the lines where the nose meets the face. It is difficult to copy from a photo, because in reality there are no clear contours, so you need to learn the basic techniques for drawing a nose with a pencil. Applying darkening in those places where clear lines are not visible will help solve this problem. Start adding shadows in those places as shown in the following pictures: Fill the nose holes with black, starting from the top corner. Then draw two small lines below the nasal wings to create a fade-in effect. Now carefully add shadows to the edges of the nasal wings and the tip of the nose, as well as a small area below the wing of the nose. Our nose is ready: I also drew my nose. This is how it turned out for me:
Yeah, funny =) Show your noses, leave comments on the lesson below. And also

The pinnacle of artistic skill is the depiction of a person. Probably because his body has too complex a structure compared to other creatures. It's not easy to draw his appearance. Of course, for most people, the problem is the correct transfer of body proportions, as well as the symmetry of the pattern. But if you delve into the details, then the most the hard part human image is the face. They say that it only seems to us that a person’s head is symmetrical; in fact, everything is not so. Our eyes are not the same size. One eyebrow may be slightly higher than the other, and the nose is not as symmetrical as it seems. Although it is difficult to notice with the naked eye. In order to learn how to depict a human face, real masters recommend practicing working on its individual elements. This lesson will focus on how to draw a nose.

The importance of each element

There is an opinion that the main attractive detail of the face is the eyes. But this is not entirely true. No matter how beautiful and expressive the eyes may be, a large aquiline nose or a small, inconspicuous nose can easily ruin big picture. That is why it is very important to correctly convey all the features. Whatever the face, beautiful or not, nature created it harmonious. And all its parts fit one another. Therefore, if you draw from life, it is extremely important to convey all the details as accurately as possible. And how to draw a person’s nose remains an important point.

Step-by-step technique

Nature created each person unique, and it is impossible to find two completely identical people on the entire Earth. Each of us is original. It is impossible to establish exact rules on how to draw a woman’s or a man’s nose. But there are a number of tips that, if you adhere to, will help you quickly learn how to depict this part of the face.

First of all, draw two strictly perpendicular lines. These will serve as guides during the process. The horizontal line must intersect the vertical line at the bottom. For those who, before drawing a nose, were interested in anatomy human face, it will not be a secret that the main features of this part are the wings and the bridge of the nose. Starting the actual work, you need to outline the contours of these elements. On at the moment We are depicting an abstract nose, so it must have the correct shape and strict proportions. If you make accurate notes from the very beginning, then further work will not be difficult. We outline all the smooth lines of the nose and give it the desired shape. When the main outline is set, remove all additional strokes using the eraser. Be prepared what to draw perfect nose It won't work on the first try, and you'll have to erase and re-draw the lines several times. At first glance, everything is simple. But any little thing can spoil the design, and the nose will turn out to be too small or aquiline. So be careful. To give your nose volume, you need to apply shadows. For this we use a soft pencil. So we have determined how to draw a nose correctly.

Of course, this is just a test drawing, but get used to the purity of the image. This means don't put too much pressure on the pencil or rub marks with the eraser. In addition, it is better to take high-quality paper. Make sure it is not glossy. This type of paper is difficult to draw on and almost impossible to tint. And the pencil should not be too hard. Otherwise, all the lines will be light and too thin. These unwritten truths need to be remembered not only to learn how to draw a nose with a pencil - they will be useful when depicting any object.

The million dollar question

Many beginners wonder when it’s time to draw the nose: after the eyes or along with the mouth, or do you need to sketch all parts of the face at the same time and then smoothly shape them? There is no right answer. But it’s better not to draw it at the end, otherwise there is a high probability of distorting the entire face. Professionals recommend drawing the nose and eyes at the same time. Moreover, by their location they serve as landmarks for each other. And mistakes in these parts of the face are too difficult to correct.

Now you know not only how to draw a person's nose, but also when. But the key to success is most often the possession of information and the development of skills.

How to draw an anime nose

Anime style has its own rules for depicting a nose, and it cannot be said that they are much simpler than in realistic drawing. Basically, the shape of this part of the face can convey the age or gender of the character. Thus, older people usually have their noses drawn in more detail than younger people. The guys are drawn with its sharp shape. And girls get a small, neat nose. Of course, shadows and highlights play an important role. For detailed drawing, use the same type of auxiliary lines: two perpendiculars. Sometimes only the nostrils are depicted. Remember that if something doesn’t work out, then start drawing with the usual geometric shapes and straight lines, and then smoothly give them shape. There is no need to rush and neglect additional touches. The idea that they will bother you is wrong. Their main goal is to give you the necessary guidance. It's the same as writing on a squared page or on a blank album sheet. Is there a difference? The checkerboard will allow you to make the inscription even. Likewise, auxiliary lines are intended to ensure that the drawing is correct.

Don't forget to apply shadows. They add volume and realism to the drawing. In addition, they are depicted based on the light source, and not as they please. Often female nose make it slightly noticeable. And sometimes they don’t draw at all. Guys' noses have more defined contours. And if they are not drawn, then at least a shadow is used. Remember that the image of the nose changes with every turn of the head.

Nose and character

There is a science of physiognomy. She studies different nose shapes and their relationship to a person's character. This science can be useful for those who create their own characters and draw comics. Changing the shape of the nose can also be an indicator of certain emotions. Often you want to portray a cheerful person, but you end up with an angry or sad character. Therefore, to the knowledge of how to draw a nose, it would be good to add some information about facial expressions and physiognomy. So much for the relationship between art and psychology.