Monument to Gorky and Chaliapin on the Moss Mountains. Monument to Gorky and Chaliapin on the Moss Mountains A monument to Fyodor Chaliapin and Maxim Gorky was unveiled in the Nizhny Novgorod region

The Moss Mountains are one of the most picturesque places in the Nizhny Novgorod region. But besides its natural beauty, this place on a steep sandy river bank under the canopy of centuries-old pine trees is also notable for its history. But first things first.

The Moss Mountains are a ridge of dune hills stretching from the southeastern outskirts of the city of Bor to the village of Oktyabrsky. The height of the hills is at least 50 meters from the level of the Volga. They got their name from the moss with which they are abundantly covered. This place was also called the Fofan Mountains (from the word “fofan” - fool, simpleton) - this name spoke of the frivolity of these mountains, in comparison with the Dyatlov Mountains located on the opposite bank of the Volga. Archaeologists have discovered traces of human habitation on these sand dunes from Neolithic times to the times of Finno-Ugric tribes living here.

However, the Mokhovye Mountains gained great fame as a vacation spot for two world-famous celebrities - Maxim Gorky and Fyodor Chaliapin. Gorky first visited here in 1900, when he came to stay at the dacha of his friends, the architect Malinovsky and his wife Elena Konstantinovna. At that time, a holiday village grew up in this place, in which the Nizhny Novgorod intelligentsia loved to relax. The next summer, Gorky came to the Mokhovye Mountains to relax with his family - his wife, two children, grandmother and nanny. They settled again at Malinovsky's dacha. In 1902, when Nizhny Novgorod Fyodor Chaliapin arrived on tour; he also visited Malinovsky’s dacha at the invitation of Gorky, with whom he was a close friend. Here, above the Volga expanses, Chaliapin sang for his friends who had gathered for a “dacha concert.”

In memory of this remarkable fact, on the coastal slope, on the site of the former legendary Malinovsky dacha, a monument to two great people was erected in 2012 Silver Age– writer Maxim Gorky and singer Fyodor Chaliapin. The monument in the form of two bronze figures was made according to a model by Nizhny Novgorod sculptor Alexander Gorshkov. Several observation platforms with benches have been installed nearby where you can admire beautiful views of Nizhny Novgorod. Here, every year at the beginning of autumn, the festival of high music “Chaliapin Meetings” is held.

In addition to Gorky and Chaliapin, the publicist Chirikov, the writer Melnikov-Pechersky, the photographer Dmitriev, the historian Bogdanovich and many other famous people visited the holiday village on the Mokhovy Mountains.

The Mossy Mountains are also a suitable place for lovers of active recreation. In winter, there are especially many fans of cross-country skiing and those who want to ride stuntboards and sleds.

You can get to the Mokhovy Mountains from Nizhny Novgorod by reaching Bor along the Kirov highway or the cable car. Next, you should drive through the Steklozavodskoye highway and, having reached the Kvarts stadium along Sanatornaya street, turn right behind it along Mayakovsky street. You can leave your car on the site near the Chaliapin cafe.

GPS coordinates of the monument to Maxim Gorky and Fyodor Chaliapin: N 56°19?34?

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Albina Makarova

A monument to Fyodor Chaliapin and Maxim Gorky was unveiled in the Nizhny Novgorod region

Both the great Russian singer and the great Russian writer considered Nizhny Novgorod native, their own. Each of them had a lot of personal, important, even fateful connections with this city.

I was lucky to meet people here

“Nizhny Novgorod is a sweet, pleasant, kind of native Russian city with an ancient Kremlin standing on a mountain at the confluence of the most beautiful Russian rivers - the Volga and Oka,” Fyodor Chaliapin wrote in his diary.

Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin’s acquaintance with Nizhny Novgorod occurred in 1896, when a young man 23 years old, an opera artist, came from St. Petersburg to Nizhny Novgorod to sing in the theater of the famous Nizhny Novgorod Fair, says the head of the Cultural Center in Memory of F. I. Chaliapin in Nizhny Novgorod" academician Alexey Vesnitsky. - The summer theater season of 1896 in Nizhny Novgorod turned out to be largely decisive for the young man in terms of future career: bright people and interesting events forever changed the life of the young artist.

Later, Chaliapin himself wrote about this period of his life as follows: “It was in Nizhny Novgorod at the end of the last century, when I was lucky to make acquaintances.”

Summer 1896 Fair Theater rented by the owner of a private Moscow opera, Savva Mamontov. It was here that Chaliapin’s significant acquaintance with the philanthropist Mamontov took place.

It must be said that Chaliapin even wrote in his own memoirs that he felt uncomfortable on the capital’s stage before this visit to Nizhny. U young singer there was no education, he did not study singing.

We can say that, having got to the Mamontov Theater, Chaliapin pulled out happy ticket, says Vesnitsky. - Savva Ivanovich united around himself outstanding composers, brilliant singers, magnificent directors. Chaliapin's theatrical season in Nizhny Novgorod was very successful; he appeared on the stage of the city theater for 35 evenings. Here the singer learned a lot; he was given lessons in both stagecraft and vocals. Over the summer, Chaliapin grew immeasurably and how opera performer, and as an artist.

It so happened that it was in 1896 that the city theater on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya opened in Nizhny Novgorod. The theater was opened by Savva Mamontov's troupe, performing Mikhail Glinka's opera "A Life for the Tsar" ("Ivan Susanin"). The main party performed by Fyodor Chaliapin. The theater on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya still delights audiences with performances; moreover, its building has retained exactly the appearance that Chaliapin once saw. In memory of this, a white marble plaque was installed on the building of the Nizhny Novgorod Drama Theater, on which it is written that the theater was opened with an opera performance with the participation of Fyodor Chaliapin.

The current drama theater is not the only one in Nizhny Novgorod at the opening of which Chaliapin sang. Seven years later, the world-famous bass will hand over all the money received from three solo concerts, to the fund for the construction of the People's House in Nizhny Novgorod. By the way, the initiator of this construction was Fyodor Ivanovich’s friend Maxim Gorky. People's House opened with a Chaliapin concert, and now this building houses the Nizhny Novgorod Opera and Ballet Theater.

"I love Tornagi madly"

We can say that Nizhny Novgorod gave Chaliapin a wife,” Vesnitsky continues. - All in the same 1896, Savva Mamontov invited the Italian ballet troupe. Among the artists was a ballerina who Chaliapin really liked - Iola Tornaghi. She was a brilliant ballerina, short in stature, with a shock of red hair. Perhaps she would have made a wonderful career in Russia as a ballerina, but she met Chaliapin. Their relationship did not work out at first. The Italian considered the Russian too frivolous, and most importantly, Chaliapin did not know Italian, and Tornaghi did not know Russian.

The story of how Fyodor Chaliapin proposed to Iola Tornaghi is surprisingly romantic. At the dress rehearsal, Chaliapin sang: “Onegin, I swear on my sword, I love Tornagi madly. My life flowed sadly, she appeared and lit me up.”

Iola Tornagi did not understand a word, but from the way everyone turned their heads in her direction, she guessed that something was happening that concerned her. Mamontov came to the rescue; he told her in Italian: “Well, congratulations to you, Iolochka! After all, Fedenka declared his love for you.”

In August 1898, Tornagi and Chaliapin got married. Iola left the stage and gave birth to six children, three daughters and three sons. Family life Chaliapin was happy, but after the death of one of his sons, Fyodor Ivanovich could not find a place for himself from grief. Then there were romances on the side, then a second family. But, despite everything, Chaliapin and Tornagi maintained friendly relations until the end of their days.

Who is the singer and who is the writer?

"The friendship of this wonderful writer and equally wonderful person I’ve been proud all my life,” Fyodor Chaliapin wrote about Maxim Gorky in his book “The Mask and the Soul.”

Many books have been written about the friendly relations between the two great contemporaries. They first met very young in Serebryakov's choir - then Gorky was accepted into the singing group, but Chaliapin was not. Then, remembering this fact, they always joked that it was still unknown who sings better.

Now in Nizhny Novgorod, in the memorial museum-apartment of Gorky, part of the exhibition is dedicated specifically to Chaliapin, and on the house No. 19 on Semashko Street, where the apartment is located, there is Memorial plaque: “Chaliapin lived here in 1903 with Gorky.”

School to remember

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the great Russian bass donated funds for the construction and improvement of a Nizhny Novgorod school. This educational institution It turned out to be unusual for its time.

The school was wonderfully equipped: flowers, pictures, teaching aids, busts of writers decorated classrooms, says Vesnitsky. - All this did not exist in ordinary schools of that time. And here, among other things, there was a piano on the stage, plays were staged at school, handicraft clubs worked, and gifts were brought from Chaliapin from Moscow for Christmas trees.

That first school building did not survive; it was rebuilt and expanded, but the school itself, and most importantly, its creative, informal spirit remained. School No. 140 in the Prioksky district of Nizhny Novgorod has a Chaliapin museum; holidays are held there every year in honor of the great singer.

Country concert on the Mokhovy Gory

At the beginning of the 20th century, on the Bor bank of the Volga opposite Nizhny Novgorod, the dacha village of Mokhovye Gory appeared; the Nizhny Novgorod intelligentsia gathered here. Among the summer residents were the writer Melnikov-Pechersky, the famous photographer Maxim Dmitriev, and the historian Bogdanovich. Maxim Gorky also had a dacha here. Chaliapin really liked to relax on the Moss Mountains in pine forest. Friends admired nature, had picnics, Fyodor Ivanovich often sang, he was inspired by the beauty of these places.


In the 21st century, Chaliapin and Gorky returned to the Mokhovye Mountains, and it was here that a monument to the two friends was erected.

The model of the monument was made by Nizhny Novgorod sculptor Alexander Gorshkov, the casting was made in the Smolensk region, Nikolai Rostovtsev, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, co-author of the concept of the monument, shares the details. - Two bronze figures look into the distance. Those who walk here will definitely have a feeling of the presence of Chaliapin and Gorky! And from the stairs that lead to the Volga, it will seem that two living people are looking into the distance. The monument is just a head taller than a man of average height - in the tradition of ancient Roman statues.

Nizhegorodsky has plans cultural center in memory of Chaliapin - to revive the atmosphere of a dacha village on the Mokhovy Mountains, to create a historical and cultural center here. And they consider the opening of the monument to be the first stage on the chosen path. In their opinion, this project can turn Bor into a place of pilgrimage for tourists from all over the world.

But these are only plans for now, and at the opening of the monument, the musicians of the Vologda Male Chamber Choir tried to return the atmosphere of the bygone Silver Age, preparing for this event a special concert “Dedicated to Maxim Gorky and Fyodor Chaliapin.”

The Nizhny Novgorod land is amazing, culture and business, philanthropists and bright nuggets often come together here... Perhaps this is precisely the brand of our city, perhaps this is the main thing that attracts tourists to our region, says Vesnitsky. - And Chaliapin’s development as a singer was here, the help that the philanthropist Mamontov provided him with this - bright that example.

The Monument to Chernobyl, or the Monument to Participants in the Elimination of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident, is not striking in its monumentality. This is a modest stele made of black marble, installed on one of the central streets city ​​of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region. The glossy front side of the stone depicts a stylized emblem of the peaceful nuclear industry. Below it is attached a commemorative plaque made of the same material.

The monument was erected several years after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, for the liquidation of which many citizens of our country were urgently mobilized. Among them were city residents. It is no secret that the liquidation of the consequences of the accident took place in emergency mode and many of the participants sacrificed life and health in order to prevent even more dire consequences. In honor of their courage and dedication, this memorial sculpture was erected.

Monument to Arkady Gaidar

The monument to Arkady Petrovich Gaidar in the city of Bor is located in the courtyard of school No. 9 on Kommunisticheskaya Street. Today the school has been renamed a lyceum, but the monument stands in the same place. And this is no coincidence. Despite the controversy going on in Lately around the writer’s controversial biography, he was and remains a classic of children’s and youth literature.

The monument itself is a gray life-size sculpture depicting the writer in the military uniform of the Red Army - a tunic and a commander's hat. Gaidar is captured in motion, walking forward. The pedestal of the monument is decorated with groups of bas-reliefs. On the left is a detachment of cavalry, galloping under a fluttering banner. In the center are groups of children traditionally holding symbols of various sciences.

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Lenin monument

Monument to V.I. Lenin in the city of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region, is located near the Teplokhod cultural center and is a standard five-meter plaster sculpture, painted silver and mounted on a gray cement pedestal.

The name of the author of this monument did not reach grateful descendants. However, among tourists this sculpture popular as a classic example of the restyle that took place everywhere in the late thirties of the last century.

First of all, what catches your eye is his pose, which is completely atypical for images of the leader of the world proletariat, and his clothing, which is more reminiscent of an overcoat than the cloak we are all familiar with. The seams left when replacing the leader's face are obvious. Everything falls into place if you know that the sculpture originally depicted F.E. Dzerzhinsky. Therefore, the monument has not so much artistic as historical value - as a clear example of the impact of ideology on cultural objects.

The transport facility, known as the Bor Bridges (also known as the Volzhsky Bridge or Gorky Bridges), is a twin railway-road bridge (built in 1965) and a single-track railway bridge (built in 1935) across the Volga. Through it, transport communication is carried out between the Kanavinsky and Moskovsky districts of Nizhny Novgorod with the Borsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The bridges are located on the P159 highway.

The architectural design of both bridges corresponds to the period of their construction. The older one, the railway one, is made on the basis of arc span structures and is supported on solid reinforced concrete bulls. The coupled railway-road bridge also has a design characteristic of its time - U-shaped supports and straight spans.

Borskaya cable car station

Station "Borskaya" is the final station of the Nizhny Novgorod cable car. The opening of the station took place on February 9, 2012. The Nizhny Novgorod cable car is an attempt by the authorities to provide residents with an alternative urban transport that does not create traffic jams. The road connects the banks of the Volga in the area of ​​Nizhny Novgorod and Bor.

The Borskaya station is located, as the name suggests, on the Bor city side. The building provides comfortable waiting and convenient boarding of passengers into the covered cable car cars. In addition to being a valuable transport facility, the building is undoubtedly one of the city’s jewels.

The station building was built in Art Nouveau style. The abundance of glass and the lightness of the lines, devoid of pretentiousness, create a feeling of lightness and flight of the structure. Light colors of the cladding with a slight accent of red make the building very elegant.

Glass factory

The glass factory in the city of Bor is one of the oldest industrial glassmaking enterprises in Russia, famous for its traditions. Construction of the plant began in 1930, and already in 1934 the first belt was launched. The total production area is about 70 hectares.

Factory products - polished and automotive glass various characteristics. Bor Glass Factory is one of largest manufacturers Stalinite and triplex. High quality products allows us to retain a significant percentage of exports of goods abroad.

Since 1997, the main shareholder of the plant has been the Belgian group of companies Glaverbel, which changed its name in 2007 to AGC Flat Glass Europe.

Spartak Stadium in Bor

A new, renovated stadium with several volleyball courts (for playing beach volleyball), a basketball court, three tennis courts, a full-size football field, an indoor area for fans - stands under a canopy, equipment rental, an outdoor exercise equipment area, as well as a sports hall.

Cultural Park on Bor

The park offers vacationers: trampolines, a playground, a shooting range, rental of sports equipment (skates, bicycles). There are attractions on the territory of the park. Prices for attractions are lower than in many amusement parks. There are concession stands where you can enjoy cotton candy and popcorn.

Cafe "On the Roof"

The cafe is on the roof shopping center"Mirror" in the city of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region. From the roof there is a beautiful view of the entire city, the Volga River, the cable car across the Volga, as well as top part city ​​of Nizhny Novgorod. Can be used as an observation deck.

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Monument to A.M. Gorky and F.I. Chaliapin on Moss Mountains- one of the interesting and unusual attractions of the city of Bor.

History of the appearance of the monument

Gorky and Chaliapin met for the first time in 1900 in Moscow and since then both began to call each other nothing more than “childhood friends.” And indeed they were united by many things: the great Russian singer Chaliapin, and great writer Gorky considered Nizhny Novgorod their hometown and both loved the Volga very much.

At that time, the Nizhny Novgorod intelligentsia liked to gather in a holiday village on the Mokhovy Gory at the Malinovsky dacha. Among the intellectuals were writer Melnikov-Pechersky, famous photographer Maxim Dmitriev, historian Bogdanovich. Maxim Gorky also had a dacha here, where Chaliapin came: he really liked to relax in the purest pine forest on the Mokhovy Mountains.

In memory of this, in October 1967, a memorial sign was erected on the site of the Malinovskys’ former dacha, and on August 12, 2012, a monument to A.M. Gorky and F.I. Shalyapin (architect Alexander Gorshkov).

Where is it located and how to get there

Address:Nizhny Novgorod region, Bor, st. Dachnaya, 7A

How to get there: The monument is located on the street. Mayakovsky on the banks of the Oka. You need to drive through Bor and exit onto the street. Sanatorium. After the Ice Palace and SK Kvarts, turn right. Further straight along the road 500 meters to the monument.

The monument to Fyodor Chaliapin was erected on the pedestrian Bauman Street in front of the Shalyapin Hotel, not far from the Church of the Epiphany, in which Fyodor Chaliapin was baptized on February 2 (old style), 1873. In the premises of the Epiphany Bell Tower there is a memorial hall and a small museum of the life and work of Chaliapin.

The author of the “bronze Chaliapin” is the sculptor A. Balashov. The monument was inaugurated in 1999, on the 125th anniversary of Chaliapin’s birth. Granddaughter was present at the opening famous artist– Irina Borisovna Shalyapina. In her opinion, the sculptor did a good job of conveying the resemblance to the artist. The monument unveiled in Kazan turned out to be the first monument to Chaliapin in the world.

The sculpture fits well into the environment of the city center. It is equally organic next to both the hotel, designed in the style of a modern classic, and the ancient architecture of the bell tower.

There are many Chaliapin places in the center of Kazan. All of them are located in the center. Fyodor Chaliapin was born on Rybnoryadskaya Street (now Pushkin Street). The family was not rich and moved often. During his childhood, Fedor lived in the village of Ometyevo, which has now become one of the city’s districts, and in the Tatarskaya Sloboda, not far from the modern Circus, and in the Admiralty Sloboda. He lived in Sobachy Lane (now Nekrasov Street), on Georgievskaya Street (now Sverdlov Street). Here was the sixth city primary school, where Fyodor Chaliapin studied.

A serious milestone in Chaliapin’s life was his work as a clerk in the Kazan district zemstvo government in 1886. Chaliapin's father served in this council since 1873. The government building was located on Zhukovsky Street, 4. Now the building houses School of Music. Fyodor Chaliapin was noticed as a child beautiful voice and excellent ear for music. IN different time he sang in the choirs of eleven churches in Kazan. Becoming famous singer, Chaliapin visited Kazan many times, both on tour and to meet with old friends.

Since 1982, Kazan has hosted the international Chaliapin opera festival. On Fyodor Chaliapin's birthday, fans of his talent gather at the monument on Bauman Street. The famous dramatic bass-baritone of the singer invariably sounds, and the monument is buried in flowers.