Kudrin Nikolai Mikhailovich. Novosibirsk State Regional House of Folk Art Nikolai Kudrin. Fate and songs

Organizer higher education, rector from 1961 to 1989. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Steel Metallurgy at Moscow Higher Military Medical Institute. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, Prize named after I. P. Bardin, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR (1977)

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Viktor Aleksandrovich Kudrin was born on October 16, 1926. Labor activity He began at the age of 17 in 1943 as an assistant steelmaker in the open-hearth shop of the Hammer and Sickle plant. He entered in October 1943 and graduated in June 1948. IN student years he was an active participant and head of the student scientific circle, the leaders of which were associate professors E.V. Abrosimov and G.N.  Oyx. After graduation, he enrolled in graduate school at the Department of Steel Metallurgy at MIS. After defending his PhD thesis, he was left to work at the department. In 1953–1955 worked at the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR, in 1955 he returned to work at the Institute of Steel.

In 1961, at the age of 35, associate professor V.A. Kudrin was appointed rector and at the same time began working at the department of metallurgy and electrometallurgy of steel at this university. He was the rector of MVMI for about 30 years, until 1989, transferring the leadership of the university to his student G.N. Elansky.

In 1966 V.A. Kudrin defended his doctoral dissertation, and in 1967 he was awarded the academic title of professor, and he was elected head of the department of steel metallurgy at the Moscow Military Medical Institute, and worked in this position until 1993.

Scientific and pedagogical activities

During the years of rectorship of V.A. Kudrin, the formation of MVMI took place as an organization with well-organized educational, educational, methodological, scientific and educational work, the university has gained fame in the country and abroad.

The creator and ideologist of a complex of basic techniques and methods of working with evening students, which received the name “MVMI System”. He is the initiator and author of new curricula for evening students, who ensured the expansion of the profile of graduating specialists, the system for organizing the research work of students studying on the job. During these years, new specialties, specializations, laboratories, faculties were opened at the institute, there was a close rapprochement between the university and industrial enterprises, scientific and design organizations, in many of them university branches were created.

V.A. Kudrin, working first at MISiS and then at MVMI, actively participated in conducting scientific research at the metallurgical plants "Sickle and Hammer", named after.  Serov, "Red October", Zlatoust, Cherepovets, Kuznetsk metallurgical plants, etc. These studies solved important problems of metallurgy: the use of oxygen and natural gas in open-hearth furnaces; improving the quality of bearing and structural materials; refining steel with powdered reagents and gases; the structure and properties of molten steels and the use of this information for rational smelting technology; refining steel from non-ferrous metals; designing water-cooled arc furnace vaults, etc.

He has more than 70 copyright certificates and patents for inventions, is the author of 300 publications, including 10 monographs, among them “Smelting of high-quality steel in open-hearth furnaces”, “After-furnace processing of cast iron and steel”, The use of natural gas in open-hearth furnaces”, Structure and properties of liquid metal - melting technology - steel quality", "Water-cooled arches of electric arc furnaces", "Refining steel with powders in a furnace and ladle", etc.

V. A. Kudrin is the author of a number of textbooks for universities. This is "Metallurgy of Steel" (2 editions, textbook translated into English and spanish languages), "General Metallurgy" (6 editions, translated into Spanish, the fourth edition was awarded the USSR State Prize), "Furnace steel processing". He trained more than a hundred engineers, about forty doctors and candidates of technical sciences.

Was a member of the Council for scientific work students of the USSR and the RSFSR, a member of the expert council on metallurgy of the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR, a member of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Chernobyl of the USSR, a member of the councils of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR and the Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation, the editorial boards of the magazine "Steel" and the abstract journal "Metallurgy", dissertation councils at MISiS and MVMI, chairman of the Main Council on Metallurgy Ministry of Higher Education of the RSFSR, was a people's deputy of several convocations.

Main works


  • Kozlov L.I., Levitin S.S., Kurochkin B.N., Chernenko M.A., Kudrin V.A. Use of natural gas in open hearth furnaces. M.: Metallurgizdat, 1962.
  • Kudrin V.A. Smelting of high-quality steel in open-hearth furnaces. M.: Metallurgy, 1970.
  • Kudrin V.A., Parma V.M. Technology for producing high-quality steel. M.: Metallurgy, 1984.
  • Elansky G.N., Kudrin V.A. Structure and properties of liquid metal. Melting technology – steel quality. M.: Metallurgy, 1984.
  • Kudrin V.A., Sosonkin O.M. Water-cooled roof of an electric arc furnace. M.: Metallurgy, 1985.
  • Smirnov N.A., Kudrin V.A. Refining of steel by blowing powders in a furnace and in a ladle. M.: Metallurgy, 1986.
  • Improvement and modernization of steelmaking technologies: monograph/ed. prof. V.A. Kudrina. M., 2011.

Textbooks and tutorials

  • Kudrin V.A. Theory and technology of steel production: textbook. for universities. M.: Mir, 2003.
  • Voskoboynikov V.G., Kudrin V.A., Yakushev A.M. General metallurgy. textbook for universities. Six editions. M.: Metallurgy, 1967, 1973,

1979, 1985, 2000, 2002.

  • Kudrin V.A. Extra-furnace processing of cast iron and steel. M.: Metallurgy, 1992.
  • Kudrin V.A. Steel metallurgy: textbook. for universities. Two editions. M.: Metallurgy, 1981, 1989.
  • Vishkarev A.F., Kudrin V.A., Povolotsky D.Ya. Extra-furnace processing of steel: textbook. for universities. M.: MISiS, 1995.
  • Kudrin V.A. Resource saving in metallurgy and problems of environmental protection. M.: MGVMI, 2000.


Test pilot 1st class (1940), senior lieutenant.
Born on January 23 (11th century), 1898 in the city of Tambov. Graduated from high school and institute foreign languages, in 1915 - translator courses at the Faculty of Special Purposes of Moscow State University.
In 1916 he graduated from the Nikolaev Military Engineering School and the theoretical courses of N.E. Zhukovsky at the Moscow Higher Technical School, the Gatchina Military Aviation School (1917), and the Higher Military Aviation School in Odessa (1917).
In 1917, warrant officer Kudrin took part in the First World War as a military pilot.
From February 1918 - in the Red Army, he was a red military pilot, then commanded the 14th fighter detachment.
In 1918-1919 worked as an instructor pilot at the Moscow Military Aviation Pilot School.
Participant Civil War in 1919-1921 In the fall of 1919, as part of a special aviation group, he systematically subjected the White Guards to bomb attacks and disabled entire cavalry units of the Mamontovites. In 1920, on the Western and Southern fronts he fought against the White Poles and the troops of Baron Wrangel. Then he served in Transcaucasia. In 1921, he made an outstanding flight over the Karaklis Pass for those times, delivering command directives and gold to the Red Army units. The Central Election Commission of Armenia assessed this flight as “an exceptional feat for the working people.” B.N. Kudrin’s military merits were awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
Since 1922, he worked as an instructor pilot at the Serpukhov Higher Aviation School of Air Shooting and Bombing. He took to the skies (09/19/1924) and tested the BICH-2 Parabola glider, and participated in the tests of the BICH-3 aircraft (1926).
Since 1925 - head of the flight unit of the Borisoglebsk military aviation school of pilots.
Since 1926 he served in combat units of the Air Force. Since 1927 - in reserve.
Since 1927, he worked as a pilot in the Civil Air Fleet, flying on the Arkhangelsk - Syktyvkar route. Took part in the tests of BICH-7 (1929).
From 1932 to October 1936 he was a test pilot at the Kharkov Aviation Institute design bureau. He took to the skies and tested the Omega (1932), KhAI-1 (10/8/1932), KhAI-4 (summer 1934), UPB (05/11/1935), ANT-26 in a glider version (05/7/1935), KhAI-6 (06/15/1935). Since October 1936, Senior Lieutenant Kudrin has been in the reserve.
From October 1936 he worked as a test pilot at aircraft plant No. 22 (Moscow). He took to the skies and tested the “S” (summer 1939) and St. Petersburg (02/18/1940) aircraft. Tested VIT-1, VIT-2, I-153 with a turbocharger (1939), serial TB-3 (1936-1938), SB (1936-1941), Ar-2 (1941), Pe-2 (1941) and their modifications.
In June 1943 - test pilot at aircraft factory No. 293. Conducted tests of the BI-1 aircraft in the glider version (September-October 1941), BI-2 (January-March 1945).
Until February 1952, he worked as a test pilot, deputy head of the LIS of aircraft plant No. 51. He tested a liquid-propellant rocket engine designed by V.N. Chelomey.
In recent years he lived in Moscow. Died November 9, 1977. He was buried in the village of Polushkino, Odintsovo district, Moscow region.
Awarded the Order of the Red Banner (1921), Patriotic War 1st degree (04/29/1944), medals.

Sources of information:

  • Kudrin Boris Nikolaevich / Red Falcons of our Motherland /
  • “Planes of the Land of the Soviets” / “Multimedia service”, 1998, CD-ROM /
  • Orenburg flying. / I.S.Kopylov, A.N.Lazukin, G.L.Raikin, M., Voenizdat, 1976 /
  • Chronology of I.I. Rodionov / Russian Air Force /

Composer, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR, Honored Artist of Russia.

The songs of Nikolai Kudrin - a famous Siberian composer, ascetic and promoter of Russian song - lucky fate: at one time the whole country picked them up, making them truly popular.

His passion for music began with early childhood. There were no musicians in the family, but Nikolai, at the age of six, learned to play the harmonica with the help of his neighbors. And his father had to buy him a tool, allocating for this two pounds of wheat from his poor peasant farm. They lived then in the village of Vassino, Toguchinsky district. And this accordion is in the hands of a boy who had no idea about musical literacy, suddenly began to sing joyfully and loudly at village weddings and holidays.

When Nikolai was ten years old, the family moved to Novosibirsk. During the war years the boy went to school folk art, carrying an accordion wrapped in a padded jacket on a sled. Here he mastered the button accordion, which became his favorite musical instrument throughout his life. At the age of 14, Nikolai entered preparatory courses for paratroopers and jumped with a parachute. A year before the end of the war, he went as a cabin boy to the Pacific Fleet, where he served for five years.

"My little village" Spanish Olga Voronets Listen

"Bread is the head of everything" Spanish. Olga Voronets

Kudrin, N. E.

Pseudonym of the writer N. S. Rusanov (see).


Kudrin, N. E.

pseudo. publicist N. S. Rusanov.


. 2009 .

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    Last name is Kudrin. Famous bearers: Kudrin, Alexander Nikolaevich: Kudrin, Alexander Nikolaevich (1911 1973) Master of Sports of the USSR (1940), Honored Boxing Trainer of the USSR (1957). Kudrin, Alexander Nikolaevich (1918 1999) professor pharmacologist, ... ... Wikipedia

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  • Gallery of modern French celebrities, Kudrin N. E.. Lifetime edition. St. Petersburg, 1906. Book publishing house "Russian wealth". With attachments 12 portraits. New binding. The condition is good. The title is “Gallery of Contemporary...
  • Technological processes of steel production. Textbook, Kudrin Viktor Aleksandrovich, Shishimirov Vladimir Aleksandrovich. In the textbook in summary characteristics of materials used in steel production and technologies for their preparation are considered, including modern technologies direct...

Its author and presenter People's Artist Russia, Viktor Tatarsky soulfully and confidentially - in a manner that does not tolerate fuss, reads letters from listeners with everyday stories, stories about destinies, with memories of songs... And the response to each letter is a song or melody, which, perhaps, has never been heard before wasn’t on the air... And sometimes it happens that you can find it in the radio library musical works that listeners remember is not possible. Then Viktor Vitalievich Tatarsky turns to the program assistants - record collectors with requests to search for rare phonograms. The history of the search for one of these records will be discussed on this page of the site.

The post office delivered a letter to Radio Russia containing a memory of the song “My Village” by composer Nikolai Kudrin. At the very beginning of the 1970s, Nikolai Mikhailovich Kudrin presented this song to the folk choir from the working-class village of Suzun, Novosibirsk region, with whom he collaborated. And the Suzunsky Choir became the first performer of “Village”. With this song, the choir represented the Novosibirsk region in Moscow at the All-Russian show of rural amateur performances, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the formation of the USSR. In 1974, performed by Suzunsky Russian folk choir the song “My Village” was first recorded on a gramophone record, and three years later this recording was included in the program of another giant vinyl disc - “Siberian Souvenir”, which represented the best creative groups and vocalists of the Novosibirsk region.

The song “My Village” became widely known and popular; it is still sung to this day... However, when Radio Russia needed a phonogram of the Suzunsky Russian Folk Choir, it turned out that the records on which it was published were a philophonic rarity. The records were not found either by the largest record collectors in Russia, or by the Melodiya company itself (even the tape recording of the song was not preserved by the publisher), and the required records were not found in the extensive audio collection of the Russian State Library... They were looking for a recording of the song not only in Moscow , where the largest music libraries in the country are concentrated, but also in the homeland of choristers - in the Novosibirsk region with the active assistance of employees of the Novosibirsk State Regional House of Folk Art and journalist of the Novosibirsk State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Nadezhda Sokolova:

In an interview information program“Vesti Novosibirsk”, a fragment of which was included in the TV story, members of the first composition of the Suzunsky Russian Folk Choir Galina Egorovna Ilyicheva and Nadezhda Konstantinovna Stroganova said that “When composer Nikolai Kudrin wrote the song “My Village,” the choir leaders gladly took it into their repertoire - everyone really liked the song. After all, both the melody and the verses are beautiful... When you sing “Village...”, it seems as if the words of the song sound from the depths of your soul - everything in the song is simple and, at the same time, very figurative, capacious, melodiously... A wonderful song that has become business card Suzunsky choir!

The choir appeared in 1968 thanks to the Honored Artist of Russia Alexandra Ivanovna Popova, as well as Pavel Zakharovich Polevakho and Boris Nikolaevich Nazarov. Brothers Gennady and Alexander Zavolokin worked with our choir for about two years - their creative path began in Suzuna. This was back at the turn of the 60s - 70s. They taught at music school and worked as accompanists in the choir. It was immediately obvious from the Zavolokins that they were professionals in their field, very talented guys! We also sang Gennady Zavolokin’s songs: “Oh, what a blue sky melts in the sky behind the village. Oh, how soulful those sweet words are...”

At that time, the choir often performed at song shows and was one of the best choirs in Siberia; twice became a laureate of the All-Russian amateur art show; went on tour not only Soviet Union, but also abroad: we sang in Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Austria, Portugal and even Japan! The Suzunsky Choir gave more than a hundred concerts a year; he was awarded the honorary title of the people's collective. Besides us, the choir members, the team included dance group and an orchestra of Russian folk instruments!

But times change... The choir still exists - young people sing in it, but the repertoire is different. We don't regret it, it's just that the choir is developing in a slightly different direction. And the time is different now...”

After the broadcast of a story about the search for records of the Suzun Russian folk choir, as its author Nadezhda Sokolova told the site, dozens of responses followed to the editors of Vesti Novosibirsk - viewers called, in whose home music libraries records of Olga Voronets, Nina Panteleeva, and others were preserved artists and groups with a recording of “Village”, but not performed by the Suzunsky Choir! And only the staff of the Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library were able to find a rare recording: both wanted records with the song “My Village” performed by the Suzunsky Russian Folk Choir were preserved in the library’s collections. The journalist spoke about this in a new story:

Composer Nikolai Kudrin recalled that he wrote “Village” during a trip with concerts to the Kyshtovsky district of the Novosibirsk region. I saw poems by Vladimir Gundarev in a local newspaper and the song was born literally right away - the poems themselves were so melodious...

In anticipation of the release of the radio program “Meeting with a Song”, in which Viktor Tatarsky will read a letter about the song “My Village” and a recording of the Suzunsky Russian Folk Choir will be played, the site “site” for the first time on the Internet publishes a rare phonogram of the song:

"My little village"

(Nikolai Kudrin - Vladimir Gundarev)

Suzunsky Russian Folk Choir

Nikolai Kudrin. Fate and songs.

The songs of Nikolai Mikhailovich Kudrin are familiar to several generations and not only from recordings: the songs of the Siberian composer have a happy fate - they are loved and sung throughout the country, often considered folk... “When Nikolai Mikhailovich composed the music of “The Village,” he represented the village of Vassino, Toguchinsky district, in which he was born!”, - says the composer’s wife Natalya Kudrina-Stolyarova, - “I remember we were on a trip abroad. We are traveling by bus from Romania to Bulgaria. Trees flash along the road... And suddenly, in the open space, a beautiful village opens up to the eye... Here, as one, without saying a word, they sang the song “My Little Village”... Those who forgot the words, I reminded... Now, when I’m alone at home , I listen to recordings of “Derevenka” or I sing it myself - this is my favorite song!”.

Natalya Andreevna, you created covers for Nikolai Kudrin’s songbooks, including music collection with the title “My Village”...

This is the 76th year... Our son Kolya was five months old and at night, when he fell asleep, I drew the cover. But initially the title of the collection was based on another famous song by Nikolai Mikhailovich - “Bread is the head of everything.” I remember they came to the chief art editor of the West Siberian publishing house, Vitaly Minko, to show a version of the cover: a cucumber-colored ornament on a cherry background; it’s like a slightly open scene, you can see a wheat field - spikelets and a house in the distance... And Vitaly Porfiryevich, suddenly, says: “Let’s call the collection “My Village” - this song is known better than “Bread is the head of everything”!” And then I made the cover in a different green-turquoise color scheme, and remembering the words of the song: “... in the freckles of bird cherry trees you stand over the river...”, I painted white petals, like snowflakes falling and an ornament... It turned out as if the artists They are wearing kokoshniks. I also made patterns on the reflection in the water, the middle of which was stylized as spikelets. It turned out decorative, beautiful, and folk-like!

I am an architect by training, worked at the Novosibirsk State Design Institute. And my passion is to draw and create ornaments! Therefore, in the evenings and at night I often drew: sketches, sketches, designed books - fairy tales for children. The books “Thumbelina”, “Morozko”, “Silver Hoof” with my drawings were reprinted several times; I have received awards for the design of these books! She also created costumes for the artists. The Siberian Choir sang in dark blue velvet dresses, sewn according to my sketches. And Lyudmila Zykina also had a dress made according to the sketch I came up with. The singer performed in it! Lyudmila Georgievna was friends with Nikolai Mikhailovich Kudrin and stayed with us. I remember she asked me to draw her a dress, but only one that would not make her figure look fuller. Zykina liked the rich, deep emerald color and an image of a rowan brush on the chest and on the shoulder... And the skirt, too, with an image of a rowan... And the singer herself once admitted to me that she gets real pleasure if she manages to do embroidery - she said that she loves embroidery very much ...

Nikolai Kudrin's songs were sung by Olga Voronets, Lyudmila Zykina, Nina Panteleeva, Galina Merkulova, Galina Belash, Tatyana Khokhlova, Siberian and Suzunsky Russian folk choirs, the Vatalinka ensemble and many, many more artists. I know that Nikolai Kudrin also had his own vocal group...

There was a creative team whose concerts were called, like the radio program, “Meeting with a Song.” It is quite possible that this program was the inspiration for the title. concert program(Nikolai Mikhailovich loved listening to the radio!). Valentina Avdeenko-Mikhailova, Galina Yudina, Galina Merkulova, Olga Kulagina sang in the group. They performed in Siberian cities and towns. And I drew posters for them, designed beautiful costumes for the singers!..

- Did you go on tour with Nikolai Mikhailovich?

Usually, I bake pies and rush with gifts to see off the artists on tour! I also tried to help Nikolai Mikhailovich - after all, his right shoulder had been hurting since his front-line years and I helped him carry the button accordion... I was on trips with him - it’s unforgettable! I remember that after one of them I was so impressed by the concert that while we were traveling back on the train, I took all the notes in a notebook so as not to forget anything. And then I wrote an article for the newspaper, calling it “Meeting with a Song,” in which I talked about what struck me most of all. It would seem: a grueling trip - off-road, inevitable fatigue... And our artists are ordinary people... But when after this long journey they went on stage in elegant costumes - magic happened - they were so transformed, as if there had been no tiring journey, as if there was no fatigue! And most importantly, what a viewer! We came to distant villages - by the time you got there, it was already late, late evening... But the spectators in sometimes cold, poorly heated clubs were waiting for us, did not go home - and sat with small children on uncomfortable wooden benches waiting to meet Nikolai Kudrin and his songs...

"Russian boots"

(Nikolai Kudrin - Alexander Shcherban)

Nina Panteleeva

- Natalya Andreevna, how did you meet Nikolai Mikhailovich Kudrin?

Nikolai Mikhailovich is 17 years older than me. When he returned to Novosibirsk after serving in the navy, I had just been born... And we met when I was 19 years old - at that time I was a first-year student at the Institute of Architecture... Baba Masha raised me - my adoptive mother - Maria Alekseevna Stolyarova, She gave me her last name. We lived in a house on Station Square in the same entrance as the artists of the nationally famous vocal duet Yuri Pritula and Ivan Kruglov. We lived together, visited each other, and even did exercises together! And then Yuri Nikiforovich and his family left for Rostov-on-Don - he was invited to this city to work in the theater.

I remember it was October and the sun was shining brightly. Baba Masha asked me to go buy some bread. And I loved to run quickly up the steps! And so, I go down the stairs and on the second floor I literally bump into a handsome, slightly plump man in an ocher-brown jacket and a silver headdress like Schweik’s... I screamed in surprise: “Oh, sorry!” He smiled - this smile is still in my soul, he said hello and treated me chocolates- He held out a whole palm of sweets! I noticed his eyes - beautiful gray-blue eyes (I have blue eyes too!).

Baba Masha was the eldest in the house and once asked me to collect money from apartments for the cleaning lady. I'm knocking on apartment 11, where formerly family Yuri Pritula lived, and this blue-eyed man with a radiant smile opens the door! It turned out that his birthday is December 19th! And I accidentally went to a holiday - Nikolai Mikhailovich Kudrin’s birthday, got to know him better, his family - children Vova and Nadya, his first wife Lyudmila Pavlovna... How wonderfully she danced to “Russian Boots”!.. By the way to say, Nikolai Mikhailovich composed the melody of the song “Russian Boots” while riding on a tram - he wrote down the notes right in the margins of the newspaper! He lived by music constantly.

We were family friends. Nikolai Kudrin invited me to concerts, and when he and his wife went on tour, they trusted me to look after the children. Vova was nine years old at the time, and Nadya was eleven. We had such kind and welcoming relationships with our neighbors! Then the Kudrins moved to another house. But we often saw Nikolai Mikhailovich on the bus - I was going to work, and in the morning, leaving the house, he was in a hurry to visit his father, who lived separately (Mikhail Yakovlevich Kudrin survived the war, but was wounded and shell-shocked at the front... ) and only after that Nikolai Mikhailovich went about his business.

The time has come - as Fate decreed - and Nikolai Mikhailovich Kudrin and I became husband and wife. In 1976, our son Kolya was born. Became an architect, like me; teaches at the Academy of Architecture, is studying in graduate school, and is writing a Ph.D. dissertation. According to his project, in particular, beautiful evening lighting was created for the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater! Nikolay also plays the button accordion superbly! True, as a child I wanted to learn to play the violin, but I mastered the button accordion - very talented and musical. And now my granddaughter Sonechka is growing up - four and a half years old and she is also interested in music: she tries to press accordion buttons...

Nikolai Mikhailovich also has an interest in music, because, in early age manifested itself when he first heard the accordion...

Yes. He was six years old when he heard the accordion played and was literally mesmerized by the sound of this musical instrument, and begged his parents to buy an accordion! And they gave a bag of flour in exchange for an accordion for their son. Nikolai Mikhailovich recalled how absolutely happy he was that day when he was taking his accordion home on a sled! And then I studied at the House of Culture and each time I tied the accordion to the sled when I went to class and back, so as not to drop or damage the accordion... When Kolya was ten years old, the Kudrins moved from the village of Vassino to Novosibirsk. In the city, he mastered playing the button accordion while participating in amateur performances. And this musical instrument became Nikolai Mikhailovich’s favorite throughout his life. True, Nikolai Kudrin had another passion - cinema. He once admitted to me that he dreamed of becoming a film actor, especially during the period when he worked as a projectionist as a teenager... But the war years changed the fates of many of his peers... And Nikolai, on a Komsomol ticket, went to the front with his accordion...

- It is known that Nikolai Kudrin miraculously survived during the war...

Nikolai studied at preparatory courses for paratroopers and performed parachute jumps. And in 1944 he became a cabin boy in the Pacific Fleet. On his first voyage he was supposed to go on the steamer Sukhona to the shores of America - to the allies - to collect cargo for the USSR. But when the team was being assembled, Nikolai Kudrin was not on the list, but a certain “Nikolai Kurdin” was listed - a typo crept into the document. And no matter how Nikolai Mikhailovich’s colleagues insisted that there was no Kurdin among them, but only Kudrin, the commander was adamant and did not take Nikolai on board, arguing that everything must be strictly as specified in the documents.

Kolya got on the motor ship "KIM" of the Far Eastern Shipping Company and with his crew crossed several times Atlantic Ocean. Both sailors and residents of port cities in the USA and Canada listened to his playing of the button accordion... One might say, Fate protected Nikolai Kudrin! A typo in the spelling of his last name saved his life... After all, the steamship Sukhona on its first voyage was torpedoed by a German submarine, its entire crew died...

Nikolai Mikhailovich served on ships for five years. In the spring of 1948, news came that his mother was seriously ill, paralyzed, and Nikolai had to leave his service in the navy.

On the way with Far East On the train, Nikolai Kudrin met a soldier who was carrying a concert button accordion from the Italian company Scandalli - a dozen and a half registers, the rarest and most luxurious musical instrument! I wanted to hear how it sounded, so I asked the soldier to play something on this button accordion... And then it turned out that the soldier didn’t really know how to play! Then Nikolai Mikhailovich took the instrument and played it himself: how magnificent the music sounded, as if a real organ was playing - such power of sound, such pleasant overtones! .. He invited the soldier to change musical instruments. He agreed, but with an additional payment. And Nikolai Mikhailovich played “Scandalli” on the button accordion for the rest of the journey for the train passengers, and at stops in the station squares. And he gave all the money he earned, along with his old button accordion, to the soldier. Nikolai Kudrin came to Novosibirsk with a button accordion from Scandalli!

Nikolai Mikhailovich was accepted as an accordion player at the Sibirsky folk choir. And then he began working at the Philharmonic. Today on the Philharmonic building there is memorial plaque with the inscription: “Folk composer-songwriter Nikolai Mikhailovich Kudrin worked in this building from 1951 to 1997”... I remember once Nikolai Mikhailovich and I were sitting on a bench in the park near the Philharmonic. He pointed to the second window from the right corner of the building and said: “It was in this office that I composed Quail...”


(Nikolai Kudrin - Nikolai Palkin)

Galina Merkulova

The first to perform “Quail” was Galina Merkulova, soloist of the Siberian Choir. And when Lyudmila Zykina came to Novosibirsk on tour, Nikolai Mikhailovich showed the song to her. In just one evening, Lyudmila Georgievna learned “Quail” with her musicians and performed it on stage at the next concert!.. And after a while Nikolai Mikhailovich heard “Quail” performed by Lyudmila Zykina on the All-Union Radio. It was late in the evening, I remember: he just turned on the radio and then his song started playing - what a coincidence! Nikolai Mikhailovich was very surprised and delighted!

- I could probably compose such soulful songs as “Quail” only with kind hearted Human...

Nikolai Mikhailovich was always smiling, kind, gentle, caring, and forgave everything. And his songs, therefore, turned out beautiful, melodic, which everyone sang and sang with pleasure!

Olga Voronets sang several songs by Nikolai Kudrin: “Village”, “Song of the Unknown Soldier”, “Singer of Russia”, “Bread is the Head of Everything”... Olga Borisovna visited our house, I treated her to Siberian dumplings, and she, admiring their taste, she kept asking questions about how to prepare the same ones for her: what kind of dough is needed, what kind of meat for the filling... I gave Olga Voronets one of my painted nesting dolls - a pencil doll - she really liked it! And then we called Olga Borisovna for many years, even after Nikolai Mikhailovich passed away... And Olga Voronets said that my nesting doll - she has it next to the phone on the table - is a memorable souvenir from Novosibirsk...

The song “Bread is the head of everything” was sung not only by Olga Voronets, but also by Olga Kulagina and the Siberian Russian Folk Choir. When the choir sang - powerfully, emotionally, the whole hall stood up! In honor of the authors of this song, “Kudrinsky” bread is now baked in the Novosibirsk region - so fluffy, fragrant, snow-white, decorated with spikelets!

- What does it taste like?

It is very tasty: a little salty, a little sweet.

- In memory of Nikolai Mikhailovich Kudrin, festivals of the Kudrin Song have been held for many years...

Right. On Nikolai Kudrin's birthday - December 19 - song festivals are held: choirs and soloists perform - they sing Nikolai Mikhailovich's songs.

“Bread is the head of everything”

(Nikolai Kudrin - Vladimir Balachan)

Olga Voronets

Every year, the Novosibirsk State Regional House of Folk Art organizes a singing competition for the Nikolai Mikhailovich Kudrin Prize, which has become a good tradition!

Nikolai Kudrin, Honored Cultural Worker of the RSFSR, Honored Artist of Russia, was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples and recognized as “Person of the Year” in Novosibirsk. And in 2000, posthumously, according to the results of a survey of Siberians, the composer became “Citizen of the 20th century of the Novosibirsk region.” A street in the Kalininsky district of Novosibirsk is named after Nikolai Mikhailovich Kudrin.

Nikolai Kudrin did not live to see his 70th birthday just a few months... One of the composer’s last works was the opera “Geese and Swans”, written for the Novosibirsk Puppet Theater based on poems and libretto by Samuil Marshak.

The site “site” thanks Nikolai Kudrin’s wife Natalya Kudrina-Stolyarova, journalist of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Novosibirsk” Nadezhda Sokolova, veterans of the Suzun Russian Folk Choir Galina Ilyicheva and Nadezhda Stroganova, employees of the Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library - head of the Arts Department Lyudmila Berdnikova and leading bibliographer of the Department of Local History Galina Zolotova, as well as the staff of the Novosibirsk State Regional House of Folk Art.