The consequences of a terrible morning in the story after the ball. Essays

Literature lesson in 8th grade on the topic: “The morning that changed life” (based on the story by L.N. Tolstoy “After the Ball”)

Lesson objectives:

Goals and objectives:

Bring students to understand the author’s thoughts about moral responsibility for everything that happens around them;

By comparing the episodes of the story, help to comprehend ideological meaning works;

Develop students' creative abilities using critical thinking technology;

Lesson type: lesson in mastering new knowledge

Lesson format: lesson - research laboratory

Equipment: portrait of a writer, board, study cards for individual work.

Research MAP ( filled in by students during the lesson; sample student entries are in italics)



life changing incident


Hypothesis (assumption)

A person's life changes from...

Subject of research

Story "After the Ball"


Before the ball

After the ball

Research objects (heroes)


Lesson progress

    Org moment.


Teacher's word: Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. We will become employees of a research laboratory.

What do they do in the laboratory? (They explore something, discover something important for others and for themselves.)

You, too, will make discoveries and record them in the “RESEARCH CARDS” that are on your tables. Check them out.

Guys, is the job of a researcher easy? (No)


What qualities should a researcher have? (Attention, perseverance, observation, diligence, his “soul works”)

Your work will also be appreciated.

What do you think we can explore in a literature lesson? (study answers)

What will be the subject of our research? – story by L.N. Todstoy “After the Ball”

2. Checking homework.

1) The time of writing and the genre of the story “After the Ball.”

When was the story written and what time did the writer depict? (40s of the 19th century, years of the Nikolaev reaction)

A student prepared in advance makes a report about the history of the creation of the story and its original title.

So, at first the story was called “The Story of the Ball and the Gauntlet,” “Daughter and Father,” “And You Say...”. Why was the title of the story changed?
(“My whole life changed from one night, or rather morning,” says Ivan Vasilyevich, which means that the main thing in the story is what happened in the morning, after the ball”).

How would you formulate the topic of our research? (life changing incident)

Write the topic on the card.

3. Goal setting.

- Guys, have you ever thought about...from which a person’s life changes and is directed.

Finish the sentence

A person's life changes from

Write down your hypothesis (assumption) in the research map.

Okay, that's our position.

What do we have to find out as a result of the research? (How did Ivan Vasilyevich manage his life? Was there any important meaning in this life, or was it in vain?)

Let's turn to the story and check your knowledge of the text of the work.


(students themselves assess the degree of their preparation and report this to the teacher) Question: who feels ready for an “A” today? (Students raise their hands.) On “4”? On "3"? Thank you...

5. Testing knowledge of the text of the work.
Survey method
"True and False Questions" The story is told on behalf of Ivan Vasilyevich (yes).
He was deeply in love with Varenka B. (yes).

The ball took place at the provincial leader's house on Christmas (no, on the last day of Maslenitsa)).

Ivan Vasilyevich did not like the ball (no, “The ball was wonderful”).
All evening I.V. danced with Varenka B. (no)
Varenka danced the Mazurka with her father (yes).
At 3 o'clock in the morning they were dancing square dances (yes).
After the ball, the narrator could not sleep (yes).
Walking early in the morning, I.V. saw a scene of soldiers being punished in a field (yes)
The Tatar shouted: “Help!” (Yes)
Colonel B. walked nearby and scolded one soldier (yes)
I.V. married Varenka B. and went to military service(No).

5. Research work.

6. Filling out the table (working with text).

Benchmarking episodes

What scene do you think can be called the main one? Why? Let's read the episode (scene of the soldier's punishment)

When did the events described in the execution scene take place? What happened before that? (after the ball)

Why does Tolstoy describe the ball if the whole point is what happened after the ball? Let's read the episode.

So, we have two episodes before us. Let's write them. What is this technique called?

Who is the main object of our research? (filling out the table)

Ivan Vasilievich, Colonel

Now fill out your table yourself, is the mood of our heroes changing?

Research results:



life changing incident


How did Ivan Vasilyevich manage his life?

Hypothesis (assumption)

A person's life changes from...

Subject of research

Story "After the Ball"


At the ball

After the ball

Research objects (heroes)

Ivan Vasilievich


Ivan Vasilievich


Touched by the feeling of love;
He was not only cheerful, very pleased;
Was drunk without wine

Varenka's father was handsome and stately;
At the ball he is a loving, attentive, good-natured father;
Dancing with his daughter

It was a shame;
There was a physical melancholy in my heart, almost to the point of nausea;
I was overcome by a feeling of guilt, I was embarrassed by what I saw

Protruding lip;
He saw Ivan Vasilyevich and frowned menacingly and angrily;
He moved with a firm step, he had an angry voice


So,Colonel is the same person as at the ball? Is he being a hypocrite or not?( He's not being a hypocrite. This is his job, he has a developed sense of duty)

Prove that the colonel loved his daughter? (He didn’t even dress fashionably. All his money went to his daughter to take her out into the world. He looked at her with loving eyes)
Why didn’t Ivan Vasilyevich enlist in military service? ? (What if the environment “sucks in”, and he involuntarily becomes the same)

How did the narrator’s life change after what he saw?

On the board you see a draft ending to the story. Let's read the final version and try to answer the question: why did Tolstoy change the life story of Ivan Vasilyevich?

“I began to see her less often. And my love ended in nothing, but I did what I wanted to do in the military service and tried to develop in myself such a consciousness of my duty - that’s what I called it - like a colonel, and partly achieved this. And only in old age did I now understand the full horror of what I saw and what I myself did.”

Indeed, in final version the hero's sense of responsibility for the injustice reigning in the world is more strongly expressed. Ivan Vasilyevich is not able to live the way the colonel lives, the way many people live, obeying inhuman laws.

Now, perhaps, we can answer the question posed to us by the author of the story: Conclusion (students make): How did Ivan Vasilyevich dispose of his life? Was there any important meaning in this life, or was it in vain?)

Tolstoy portrays his hero as an ordinary person who, however, managed to avoid the ordinary path of life. Ivan Vasilyevich did not chicken out, he just distanced himself from the abomination, which was not even considered an abomination in his circle, was legalized, encouraged from above, and allowed him to make a career. But, apparently, there were other ordinary people who acted like Ivan Vasilyevich - perhaps not without his influence. The appearance of such people confirmed the simple moral values- kindness, decency, compassion. Ivan Vasilyevich is a man “respected by everyone,” young people listen to him admiringly, and this is indisputable evidence of a life not lived in vain.

    Summing up the lesson:

Today we have done a good job of analyzing Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” and the problems raised by the author of the work. You did a great job.

7. Mutual assessment of performance results.

Presentation of “hearts”.

8. Reflection


Card with the task “Continue the phrase”:

    I was wondering...

    Today we figured it out...

    I realized today that...

    It was difficult for me...

    Tomorrow I want in class...


Essay – miniature on topics:

Is everyone capable of taking responsibility for what is happening around them?

Write the text of the telegram that Ivan Vasilyevich will receive after the ball.

The events that L.N. Tolstoy describes in his story “After the Ball” were not invented. They took place in Russia in 1853, and fifty years later the writer based them on his work. From the very beginning it seems that this story is about love, but it is not.

The narration is told in the first person. The main character of the story is Ivan Vasilyevich. In his youth he was a very cheerful and lively fellow, and also rich. He loved to ride horses with young ladies, and sometimes partied with his comrades, but his main pleasure was evenings and balls.

At one of the balls he met the colonel's daughter Varenka and fell in love with her. She was a tall, slender girl, dressed in a white dress with a pink belt, she had beautiful face and tender blue eyes. Ivan Vasilyevich did not drink at all that evening; he was drunk with love for Varya. He didn't even ask the girl if she loved him, the main thing was that he was in love with her. He danced almost all the dances with Varya, and did not feel his body at all when he waltzed.

Time flew inexorably, the ball was approaching the end. And then Varenka’s father arrived. This was a military commander, like an old campaigner of Nikolaev bearing. The author describes him as a man of excellent physique, with a broad chest, strong shoulders and long, slender legs. Everyone around was trying to persuade the colonel to dance with his daughter, and finally the guests got their way. The colonel took the sword out of his belt, pulled a suede glove on right hand“Everything must be done according to the law,” he said, smiling, took his daughter’s hand and stood there, waiting for the beat. Having waited for the mazurka to begin, father and daughter moved around the hall. Ivan Vasilyevich not only admired this moment, but watched with emotion the couple’s every move. He liked the colonel, he felt some kind of tenderly enthusiastic feeling towards him. Varenka's father seemed to the narrator to be a kind and amiable person.

Arriving home, Ivan Vasilyevich could not sleep. Without closing his eyes, he saw his beloved in front of him, either at the moment when she was choosing her gentlemen, or when she sipped a glass of champagne at dinner. But most of all he saw Varenka together with her father, when she was dancing.

The young man was too happy and saw everything in pink color. After spending two hours at home insomnia, he decided to take a walk. It was the most Pancake week weather outside: fog, saturated with water, snow was melting on the roads, and dripping from all the roofs. At that moment, everything was especially sweet and significant to Ivan Vasilyevich. And suddenly he saw something big, black and heard the sounds of a flute and drum coming from there. Everything was singing in his soul and occasionally he could hear the motif of a mazurka. But it was some other, cruel, bad music.

Ivan Vasilyevich thought that soldiers were being trained, but then he was told that it was a Tatar who was being punished for escaping. Walking next to the offender was a tall military man, whose figure seemed familiar to the young man. It was Varenka's father. The Tatar was beaten very hard with sticks, and he kept repeating the same words. This man did not speak, but sobbed: “Brothers, have mercy. Brothers, have mercy.” But the soldiers continued to beat him, hitting him hard on the back with sticks. Coming closer, Ivan Vasilyevich caught a glimpse of the back of the person being punished. It was something so motley, wet, red, unnatural that he did not believe that it was a human body.

Suddenly the colonel stopped and rushed towards one of the soldiers. “I’ll anoint you. Are you going to smear it? Will you?” Ivan Vasilyevich heard his angry voice. And the young man saw how the colonel with his strong hand beat the frightened soldier in the face because he did not hit the Tatar hard. Ivan Vasilyevich was so ashamed that he lowered his eyes and hurried to go home. All the way, a drum beat and a flute whistled in his ears, and he also heard the words: “Brothers, have mercy,” or the angry voice of the colonel: “Are you going to smear? Will you?”

After this incident, Ivan Vasilyevich’s life changed a lot. He was unable to enter military service, as he had previously wanted, and not only did not become a military man, but did not serve anywhere at all. And from that day on, love for Varya began to wane and eventually faded away.

“So why main character didn’t enlist?” – you ask. I think because he did not want to serve cruel, inhuman laws. His sense of responsibility for his neighbor and love for him intensified.

Tolstoy shows us a man whose conscience has awakened, and only such people, according to the writer, will be able to become progressive, the best representatives of their era.

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THE MORNING THAT CHANGED LIFE (based on the story “After the Ball” by L. N. Tolstoy)


L. N. Tolstoy wrote the story “After the Ball” at the end of his life, in 1903. The work was based on a real incident that happened to Lev Nikolaevich’s brother Sergei Nikolaevich.

The narration is told on behalf of Ivan Vasilyevich, a respected person by all. Ivan Vasilievich talks about his youth and his first true love to Varenka B., the daughter of a colonel.

The morning that radically changed the life of the then student Ivan Vasilyevich was the most ordinary one - in March. Ivan Vasilyevich left the house very early, as soon as it began to get light.

Two hours ago he was still at the ball of the provincial leader of the nobility. There he danced almost all the time with his beloved girl Varenka. Time flew by. He was not only cheerful and contented, he was happy, blissful, he was kind, he was not he, but some kind of creature who knew no evil and was capable of only good.

And therefore, when I came home, Ivan Vasilyevich could not sleep. He went out into the street and went to Varenka’s house. But at the end of the field where her house was, he saw something large and black and heard the ominous sounds of a flute and drum.

"What is this?" - thought Ivan Vasilyevich.

Walking a little further, he began to make out many black people. “Probably soldiers on training,” he decided. But after a few minutes, I realized my mistake.

This was not a lesson, but cruel punishment spitsrutenami - execution. Here they punished a young Tatar soldier who tried to escape from unbearable military service. The bound Tatar was led by two soldiers, and everyone standing in the ranks took turns hitting his bare back with sticks with all their might. An officer walked behind the Tatar.

And suddenly, to his surprise, Ivan Vasilyevich recognized this officer as a colonel with a white mustache, Varenka’s father. Now this colonel, whose aristocratic manners everyone admired at the ball, was beating one of the soldiers with his strong hand in a white suede glove. Why did he beat the soldier? Because, in the colonel’s opinion, the young undersized soldier did not hit the Tatar’s mutilated back with a stick.

The terrible, savage massacre shocked Ivan Vasilyevich so much that his joyful feeling gave way to disgust. It seemed to him that he was about to vomit with all the horror that had entered him from this whole spectacle.

But maybe the colonel was not cruel at all? After all, in Nikolaev times this punishment was legalized. Maybe he was just doing his duty?

No! And again no! The colonel was a very cruel man. Otherwise, he might not have taken fresh spitzrutens for punishment, he might not have watched so vigilantly to ensure that the soldiers beat the Tatar with all their might. He might not have beaten the young soldier for a weak blow.

And Colonel B. was not the only one who was so inhumane to the soldiers. In his memoirs of a meeting with a 95-year-old soldier, Tolstoy writes how cruelly the soldiers were treated in the Nicholas army. The soldiers nicknamed Nicholas I - Nikolai Palkin.

An old soldier told Lev Nikolaevich that under Tsar Alexander I, out of 100 people, 20 were beaten to death. Nicholas was good then, if in comparison with him Alexander was considered merciful!

And what happened next to Ivan Vasilyevich? did he still want to throw in his lot with the army? No! After the incident that struck him so deeply that March morning, he could no longer think about serving in the army. And his ardent love for Varenka gradually faded away, because he could not go to a house whose owner was such a person. And now it was unpleasant for him to meet Varenka.

But Ivan Vasilyevich did not disappear without the army, he became a writer, a respected person by all. Thanks to his creativity, many became real people.

Other works on this work

“From that day on, love began to wane...” (Based on the story by L. N. Tolstoy “After the Ball”) "After the ball." L.N. Tolstoy After the ball “What is L.N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” directed against? What, according to the author, determines changes in human relationships? Author and narrator in L. N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” Ivan Vasilyevich at the ball and after the ball (based on the story “After the Ball”) Ideological and artistic originality of Leo Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” Personality and society in L. N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” My impression of L. N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” The image of Ivan Vasilyevich (Based on the story by L. N. Tolstoy “After the Ball”) Colonel at the ball and after the ball Colonel at the ball and after the ball (based on the story by L. N. Tolstoy “After the Ball”) Why did Ivan Vasilyevich reassess his values? (based on the story by L. N. Tolstoy “After the Ball”) Why is the story of L.N. Tolstoy is called “After the Ball” Why is L. N. Tolstoy’s story called “After the Ball” and not “The Ball”? The technique of contrast in L. N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” L. Tolstoy's story “After the Ball” The role of landscape in the stories of L. N. Tolstoy “After the Ball”, I. A. Bunin “Caucasus”, M. Gorky “Chelkash”. The morning that changed life (based on the story by L. N. Tolstoy “After the Ball”) What is honor, duty and conscience in my understanding (analyzing L. N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball”) Reflections of Ivan Vasilyevich in the story by L. N. Tolstoy “After the Ball” The role of chance in a person’s life (Based on the example of L. N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball”) Composition and meaning of Leo Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” Features of the composition of L. N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” The role of contrast in the works of Russian writers of the 19th century (Based on the example of L. N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball”) Composition and meaning of a work of art (Based on the example of L.N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball”) Exposition of the concept of the story “After the Ball” by Tolstoy Problems of Leo Tolstoy's story "After the Ball"

L.N. Tolstoy wrote the story “After the Ball” at the end of his life, in 1903. The work was based on a real incident that happened to Lev Nikolaevich’s brother Sergei Nikolaevich.

The narration is told on behalf of Ivan Vasilyevich, a respected person by all. Ivan Vasilyevich talks about his youth and his first true love for Varenka B., the daughter of a colonel.

The morning that radically changed the life of the then student Ivan Vasilyevich was the most ordinary one - in March. Ivan Vasilyevich left the house very early, as soon as it began to get light.

Two hours ago he was still at the ball of the provincial leader of the nobility. There he danced almost all the time with his beloved girl Varenka. Time flew by. He was not only cheerful and contented, he was happy, blissful, he was kind, he was not he, but some kind of creature who knew no evil and was capable of only good.

And therefore, when I came home, Ivan Vasilyevich could not sleep. He went out into the street and went to Varenka’s house. But at the end of the field where her house was, he saw something large and black and heard the ominous sounds of a flute and drum.

“What is this?” - thought Ivan Vasilyevich.

Walking a little further, he began to make out many black people. “Probably soldiers on training,” he decided. But after a few minutes, I realized my mistake.

This was not an exercise, but a cruel punishment by spitzrutens - execution. Here they punished a young Tatar soldier who tried to escape from unbearable military service. The bound Tatar was led by two soldiers, and everyone standing in the ranks took turns hitting his bare back with sticks with all their might. An officer walked behind the Tatar.

And suddenly, to his surprise, Ivan Vasilyevich recognized this officer as a colonel with a white mustache, Varenka’s father. Now this colonel, whose aristocratic manners everyone admired at the ball, was beating one of the soldiers with his strong hand in a white suede glove. Why did he beat the soldier? Because, in the colonel’s opinion, the young undersized soldier did not hit the Tatar’s mutilated back with a stick.

The terrible, savage massacre shocked Ivan Vasilyevich so much that his joyful feeling gave way to disgust. It seemed to him that he was about to vomit with all the horror that had entered him from this whole spectacle.

But maybe the colonel was not cruel at all? After all, in Nikolaev times this punishment was legalized. Maybe he was just doing his duty?

No! And again no! The colonel was a very cruel man. Otherwise, he might not have taken fresh spitzrutens for punishment, he might not have watched so vigilantly to ensure that the soldiers beat the Tatar with all their might. He might not have beaten the young soldier for a weak blow.

And Colonel B. was not the only one who was so inhumane to the soldiers. In his memoirs of a meeting with a 95-year-old soldier, Tolstoy writes how cruelly the soldiers were treated in the Nicholas army. The soldiers nicknamed Nicholas I - Nikolai Palkin.

An old soldier told Lev Nikolaevich that under Tsar Alexander I, out of 100 people, 20 were beaten to death. Nicholas was good then, if in comparison with him Alexander was considered merciful!

And what happened next to Ivan Vasilyevich? did he still want to throw in his lot with the army? No! After the incident that struck him so deeply that March morning, he could no longer think about serving in the army. And his ardent love for Varenka gradually faded away, because he could not go to a house whose owner was such a person. And now it was unpleasant for him to meet Varenka.

But Ivan Vasilyevich did not disappear without the army, he became a writer, a respected person by all. Thanks to his creativity, many became real people.

Essays on literature: The morning that changed life

The events that L.N. Tolstoy describes in his story “After the Ball” are not invented. They took place in Russia in 1853, and fifty years later the writer based them on his work. From the very beginning it seems that this story is about love, but it is not.

The narration is told in the first person. The main character of the story is Ivan Vasilyevich. In his youth he was a very cheerful and lively fellow, and also rich. He loved to ride horses with young ladies, and sometimes partied with his comrades, but his main pleasure was evenings and balls.

At one of the balls he met the colonel's daughter Varenka and fell in love with her. She was a tall, slender girl, dressed in a white dress with a pink belt, she had a beautiful face and gentle blue eyes. Ivan Vasilyevich did not drink at all that evening; he was drunk with love for Varya. He didn't even ask the girl if she loved him, the main thing was that he was in love with her. He danced almost all the dances with Varya, and did not feel his body at all when he waltzed.

Time flew inexorably, the ball was approaching the end. And then Varenka’s father arrived. This was a military commander, like an old campaigner of Nikolaev bearing. The author describes him as a man of excellent physique, with a broad chest, strong shoulders and long, slender legs. Everyone around tried to persuade the colonel to dance with his daughter, and finally the guests got their way. The colonel took the sword out of his belt, pulled a suede glove on his right hand, “everything must be done according to the law,” he said, smiling, took his daughter’s hand and stood there, waiting for the beat. Having waited for the mazurka to begin, father and daughter moved around the hall. Ivan Vasilyevich not only admired this moment, but watched with emotion the couple’s every move. He liked the colonel, he felt some kind of tenderly enthusiastic feeling towards him. Varenka's father seemed to the narrator to be a kind and amiable person.

Arriving home, Ivan Vasilyevich could not sleep. Without closing his eyes, he saw his beloved in front of him, either at the moment when she was choosing her gentlemen, or when she sipped a glass of champagne at dinner. But most of all he saw Varenka together with her father, when she was dancing.

The young man was too happy and saw everything in pink. After spending two hours at home insomnia, he decided to take a walk. It was the most Pancake week weather outside: fog, saturated with water, snow was melting on the roads, and dripping from all the roofs. At that moment, everything was especially sweet and significant to Ivan Vasilyevich. And suddenly he saw something big, black and heard the sounds of a flute and drum coming from there. Everything was singing in his soul and occasionally he could hear the motif of a mazurka. But it was some other, cruel, bad music.

Ivan Vasilyevich thought that soldiers were being trained, but then he was told that it was a Tatar who was being punished for escaping. Walking next to the offender was a tall military man, whose figure seemed familiar to the young man. It was Varenka's father. The Tatar was beaten very hard with sticks, and he kept repeating the same words. This man did not speak, but sobbed: “Brothers, have mercy. Brothers, have mercy.” But the soldiers continued to beat him, hitting him hard on the back with sticks. Coming closer, Ivan Vasilyevich caught a glimpse of the back of the person being punished. It was something so motley, wet, red, unnatural that he did not believe that it was a human body.

Suddenly the colonel stopped and rushed towards one of the soldiers. “I’ll anoint you. Will you anoint it? Will you?” Ivan Vasilyevich heard his angry voice. And the young man saw how the colonel with his strong hand beat the frightened soldier in the face because he did not hit the Tatar hard. Ivan Vasilyevich was so ashamed that he lowered his eyes and hurried to go home. All the way, a drum beat and a flute whistled in his ears, and he also heard the words: “Brothers, have mercy”; then the colonel’s angry voice: “Are you going to smear it? Are you going to?”

After this incident, Ivan Vasilyevich’s life changed a lot. He was unable to enter military service, as he had previously wanted, and not only did not become a military man, but did not serve anywhere at all. And from that day on, love for Varya began to wane and eventually faded away.

"So why didn't the main character enter the

Service?" - you ask. I think because he did not want to serve cruel, inhuman laws. His sense of responsibility for his neighbor and love for him intensified.

Tolstoy shows us a man whose conscience has awakened, and only such people, according to the writer, will be able to become progressive, the best representatives of their era.

L. N. Tolstoy wrote the story “After the Ball” at the end of his life, in 1903. The work was based on a real incident that happened to Lev Nikolaevich’s brother Sergei Nikolaevich.

The narration is told on behalf of Ivan Vasilyevich, a respected person by all. Ivan Vasilyevich talks about his youth and his first true love for Varenka B., the daughter of a colonel.

The morning that radically changed the life of the then student Ivan Vasilyevich was the most ordinary one - in March. Ivan Vasilyevich left the house very early, as soon as it began to get light.

Two hours ago he was still at the ball of the provincial leader of the nobility. There he danced almost all the time with his beloved girl Varenka. Time flew by. He was not only cheerful and contented, he was happy, blissful, he was kind, he was not he, but some kind of creature who knew no evil and was capable of only good.

And therefore, when I came home, Ivan Vasilyevich could not sleep. He went out into the street and went to Varenka’s house. But at the end of the field where her house was, he saw something large and black and heard the ominous sounds of a flute and drum.

"What is this?" - thought Ivan Vasilyevich.

Walking a little further, he began to make out many black people. “Probably soldiers on training,” he decided. But after a few minutes, I realized my mistake.

This was not an exercise, but a cruel punishment by spitzrutens - execution. Here they punished a young Tatar soldier who tried to escape from unbearable military service. The bound Tatar was led by two soldiers, and everyone standing in the ranks took turns hitting his bare back with sticks with all their might. An officer walked behind the Tatar.

And suddenly, to his surprise, Ivan Vasilyevich recognized this officer as a colonel with a white mustache, Varenka’s father. Now this colonel, whose aristocratic manners everyone admired at the ball, was beating one of the soldiers with his strong hand in a white suede glove. Why did he beat the soldier? Because, in the colonel’s opinion, the young undersized soldier did not hit the Tatar’s mutilated back with a stick.

The terrible, savage massacre shocked Ivan Vasilyevich so much that his joyful feeling gave way to disgust. It seemed to him that he was about to vomit with all the horror that had entered him from this whole spectacle.

But maybe the colonel was not cruel at all? After all, in Nikolaev times this punishment was legalized. Maybe he was just doing his duty?

No! And again no! The colonel was a very cruel man. Otherwise, he might not have taken fresh spitzrutens for punishment, he might not have watched so vigilantly to ensure that the soldiers beat the Tatar with all their might. He might not have beaten the young soldier for a weak blow.

And Colonel B. was not the only one who was so inhumane to the soldiers. In his memoirs of a meeting with a 95-year-old soldier, Tolstoy writes how cruelly the soldiers were treated in the Nicholas army. The soldiers nicknamed Nicholas I - Nikolai Palkin.

An old soldier told Lev Nikolaevich that under Tsar Alexander I, out of 100 people, 20 were beaten to death. Nicholas was good then, if in comparison with him Alexander was considered merciful!

And what happened next to Ivan Vasilyevich? did he still want to throw in his lot with the army? No! After the incident that struck him so deeply that March morning, he could no longer think about serving in the army. And his ardent love for Varenka gradually faded away, because he could not go to a house whose owner was such a person. And now it was unpleasant for him to meet Varenka.

But Ivan Vasilyevich did not disappear without the army, he became a writer, a respected person by all. Thanks to his creativity, many became real people.