Peoples now live in the Russian Federation. How many peoples actually live in the North Caucasus?

Russia is rich not only amazing monuments nature, beautiful architectural structures and other wonderful sights. She also has multinational composition indigenous population. At the beginning of this decade, more than two hundred diverse nationalities were officially attested. The country has about 145 million residents who live there permanently, of which the largest group is Russians, there are 116 million of them in Russia, which is 80% of the total population.

It is worth adding that the national composition of our country is not some kind of static indicator; it is constantly changing under the influence of various processes (migration, wars, relocation, etc.).

Russia ranks 7th in the world in terms of population and 2nd in density, second only to the United States of America. 1/5 of our country's population lives in 13 largest cities countries. 7 peoples living in Russia have a population exceeding a million people.

Indo-European group

This vast group includes two subgroups: the Slavic, which is the most numerous, and the group of other peoples. IN Slavic group includes Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles. The peoples of other groups include Jews, Ossetians, Armenians and Germans.

From time immemorial, the Central regions of the country, the North-West and the European North have been considered Russian regions, but Russians live everywhere.

The Ukrainian people in Russia make up a little more than 2% of the total population (4 million 360 thousand people). Ukrainians take their origins from the Circassians. The main thing in the diet of this nationality is flour (dumplings, dumplings, dumplings) and vegetable (borscht, cabbage soup) foods, as well as porridge (favorites are buckwheat and wheat). From meat products The most common are pork and lard. On all holidays, Ukrainians dress up in national sundresses and embroidered shirts.

Belarusians make up about 1% of the population of our country. This nationality is the descendants of the ancient Vends, who settled in the territory of what is now Smolensk, Vitebsk, Pskov, Minsk and Mogilev regions. The Belarusian table has long consisted of milk, cabbage, cottage cheese, eggs, peas, beans, rye bread, in general, everything that can be prepared from products household. Indigenous Belarusians are distinguished by their short stature, sunken eyes, thick build, and round face framed by light brown hair.

The number of Poles in Russia is about 70 thousand people. This nationality is characterized by short representatives. Traditionally, on great holidays, Poles wear their national clothes: striped skirts, aprons, men's trousers made of white cloth, plain shirts and leather belts. National dishes are kvasnitsa, zhur, barshch with the addition of sour cream, lard or butter. Potatoes, mushrooms, apples, homemade sausage, cheese, cottage cheese and milk. The Poles have well-developed folk crafts: carving, embroidery, painting on glass surfaces, ceramics, basketry, sculpture and weaving.

Jews in Russia make up about 0.5% of the country's total population. “Russian Jews” are distinguished by their low religiosity compared to the indigenous population of Israel. Jews have an elongated nose with a curved tip, which indicates their belonging to this nation. They are distinguished by a cheerful disposition, resistance to stress, and good intelligence.

There are about 515 thousand Ossetians living in our country, which is 1.8% of the country's population. They are mainly located in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. This nationality is considered to be the descendants of the Alans. Ossetians for the most part have dark eyes and hair, dark skin tone, and tall stature. These people are quite moderate in food, the diet mainly consists of wheat, barley, corn, cheese, millet and milk; on holidays they eat meat.

Armenians make up more than 4% of the total population of the Russian Federation, which is approximately 1 million 150 thousand people. The Armenian family is characterized by a large number with a clear definition of the rights and responsibilities of its members. Traditional food is grain crops, from which they bake lavash, butter cookies, make noodles, make porridge and pilaf. Among dairy products, the most popular are various cheeses, buttermilk, milk, and matsun.

The German nation in Russia makes up 2.1% (843 thousand). It is typical for Germans to have a small family with one or two children. There is quite a lot of severity in the appearance of representatives of this nationality; they are silent and inhospitable, but at the same time neat, friendly and practical.

Altai group

This group is divided into two subgroups: Turkic, which numbers about 11 million people in our country, and Mongolian, whose representatives in Russia are about 800 thousand. The Turkic group is represented by such peoples as: Tatars, Kazakhs, Chuvashs, Azerbaijanis, Bashkirs, Yakuts and Tuvans. The Mongolian group includes Kalmyks and Buryats.

The Tatars are the most numerous nationality in the Russian Federation, after the Russians, they make up 3.8% of the entire population of the country, that is, approximately 5.5 million people. Tatars are distinguished by their bright appearance: brown eyes, dark hair, well-defined cheekbones, wide nose, narrowed eyes. These people are hospitable, hardworking and clean, but they are also characterized by stubbornness and indifference.

There are more than 655 thousand Kazakhs. They live mainly in Western Siberia, Lower Volga region and the south of the Urals. Traditionally, Kazakhs are engaged in livestock breeding (cattle, sheep, goats, camels). It is customary for women to work with wool, and for men to work with jewelry, leather, wood and metal.

The number of Chuvash in our country is 1.2%. The Chuvash are traditionally employed in the agricultural sector, but now many representatives of this nation are employed in the services, culture and trade sectors.

Azerbaijanis live in the Republic of Dagestan; they account for 4.5% of the total number of residents of this republic. The traditional occupation of Azerbaijanis is gardening, farming and viticulture; common crafts are leather working, jewelry making, and making copper objects.

Bashkirs live mainly in the Republic of Bashkortostan, which is part of the Russian Federation. There are approximately 1 million 670 thousand people. They have a memorable appearance: a straight, wide nose, a protruding chin, a large head, and short stature.

The Yakuts number 444 thousand people and live primarily in the Republic of Sakha. Here the share of the urban population is low, since the traditional occupation of the Yakuts is farming and other agricultural activities. Residents live in small villages.

The nationality of Tuvans in our country is about 223 thousand inhabitants, living mostly in the Republic of Tyva.

The Buryats number about 460 thousand people, they are settled in the Republic of Buryatia. Folk crafts - fishing, hunting, livestock breeding, farming.

Kalmyks settled in the Republic of Kalmykia, Rostov, Astrakhan, Orenburg and Volgograd regions, there are 147 thousand of them.

Ural group

This family includes Finnish and Ugric group. Finnish consists of representatives of the Mordovians, Komi, Mari, Karelians, and Udmurts. And Ugric - Mansi and Khanty.

Mordva lives in the Republics of Mordovia, Chuvashia, Bashkiria, in the Ulyanovsk, Samara, Orenburg and Penza regions, the population is 1 million 720 thousand people. The occupations of the Mordovians are not very different from the Russians; preference is given to agriculture.

There are almost 605 thousand Mari people in the population of Russia. Since ancient times they have been engaged in the cultivation of oats, hemp, rye, barley, buckwheat, carrots, onions, flax, turnips, hops and potatoes.

The number of Karelians in the Russian Federation is approximately 100 thousand people. The traditional crafts of the Karelians are weaving, hunting, fishing, embroidery, and reindeer herding. The national drink is turnip kvass.

There are 637 thousand Udmurts in our country. The national clothes of this people are very bright and painted. However, in holidays Udmurts wear exclusively white outfits. The territory where the Udmurts live is perfect for growing all types of grains, so this activity is a priority here.

The Khanty and Mansi are representatives of the peoples of the North. The first nationality consists of 21 thousand representatives, and the second - of only 7.6 thousand.

Caucasian group

This group included representatives of the peoples of Dagestan, Ingush, Chechens, Georgians, and Kabardians.

The Ingush number 411 thousand people, whose main occupation is agriculture, growing grapes, tea, honey production, and gardening. In addition, horse and cattle breeding is common.

The number of Chechens is more than 1 million 300 thousand people. They live in villages and eat wheat stew, home-made bread, corn porridge, urek and shish kebab. They are engaged in the production of carpets, shoes and clothing, cloth and felt.

More than half a million Kabardians live in our country. The etiquette of communication between older and younger generations, women and men is preserved here. From time immemorial, Kabardian men have been considered excellent warriors; national clothing contains many devices for carrying weapons and ammunition. Women's clothing distinguished by long, closed dresses and high headdresses.

There are 131 thousand Georgians in the Russian Federation. Positive traits Their character is hospitality, friendliness, tact and tolerance.

Welcome to Russia!!!

Multinational composition of the population Russian Federation enshrined in the first lines of the Constitution and conditioned historical traditions, left over from previous historical eras.

The documents of the latest census enshrine the voluntary nature of the national definition of an individual, so the question “how many nationalities are there in Russia” can only be given a conditional answer.

Construction of a common house

Story Russian statehood, which began in ancient times, is the process of formation over a vast area of ​​a social organism consisting of national formations very different in composition. The quantitative predominance of the Russian nation largely determined the qualitative composition of multinational education. The true Russian mentality is characterized by natural tolerance, which was formed from the habit of living in peace with neighbors. And how many nationalities are there in Russia - those who came with menacing intentions and became united people with the Russians?! How can one not recall the history of the Kazan Khanate or the nomadic peoples from the southern steppes.

Another reason for the increase in the number of nationalities gathered on one sixth of the land was the imperial policy of territorial expansion, which led to the unification under a single state entity of a huge number of “foreigners” with their own customs, languages ​​and culture. The respectful attitude of the titular nation towards the way of life of other peoples was in many ways the basis of state unity, and how many nationalities there are in Russia can be understood by the huge variety of languages, costumes and traditions.

Belonging to an ethnic group

It is human nature to strive to understand one’s place in society, belonging to certain linguistic, cultural, professional, educational, and religious groups. Division along ethnic lines has always been one of the most important and familiar; nationality is one of the main categories of stratification. Calls to return to the roots, to search national roots characteristic of even the most advanced and educated layers of society.

Unfortunately, the desire for national identity often takes the form of a fad, a fashionable hobby, or, even worse, xenophobia and chauvinism, in favor of the political needs of the current moment. This has always been a serious danger, given how many nationalities live in Russia. But there remains hope for the intelligence of people, because a rare nation can consciously declare intolerance towards other people’s customs and call for the destruction of a culture born within the framework of another nation.

Fifth column

A mandatory item on nationality (in the sense of belonging to a specific ethnic group) was in the Soviet passport, which was in direct accordance with the beliefs of the founder of the communist state, Lenin. Even before the revolution, in the questionnaires of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, at the direction of the leader, the column “nationality” was introduced.

Stalin became a faithful successor of the national policy, which aimed to hide interethnic problems, and solve obvious and urgent ones with an iron fist, without taking into account the diversity, how many nationalities and nationalities there are in Russia, evicting entire peoples from their usual places or creating artificial formations type complex in composition autonomous republics. This approach gave rise to huge problems during the collapse of the USSR in the form of interethnic conflicts, often with the use of armed force.

Soviet document circulation made the state bureaucracy a powerful force. It was easier to take into account how many nationalities lived in Russia with such document flow, although some nationalities, in particular small Finno-Ugric groups, were considered non-existent because they were not on the list approved by the authorities.

Modern views on national identity are in the nature of approaching a specific person, who himself makes conclusions about belonging to a specific ethnic group based on linguistic and cultural preferences.

Number of nations and nationalities

The census reports noted more than 800 answer options to the question on the census form about nationality, but after processing the numbers with the participation of ethnographers, it turned out that the names of many nations and nationalities differ only in pronunciation options in different dialects.

Thus, 193 ethnic formations of various scales were identified: 145 were separate ethnic groups, and 48 were their constituent parts in the process of historical and cultural evolution. This is one of the answer options to the question “how many nationalities are there in Russia.” That this is only an option is clear from an analysis of the results of censuses conducted in other years. It becomes clear that the identification of ethnic groups in separate category or their inclusion in another education is made at the discretion of ethnographic experts based on their scientific developments.

Indigenous Peoples

There is another type of statistical data showing how many nationalities there are in Russia. They divide all the nationalities of Russia into three groups:

The first is large ethnic groups, most of which live within the borders Russian state, often forming national administrative units. A minority of such peoples live outside the Russian Federation. This group includes Russians, Tatars, Chuvash, Komi, Yakuts, Kalmyks and others - about 100 peoples in total.

The second group is peoples from neighboring countries (former Soviet republics). Namely: Ukrainians, Belarusians, Armenians, Kazakhs, etc.

The third group includes representatives of nations with a small population, most of whom live outside Russia: Romanians, Hungarians, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. Total number ethnic groups the second and third categories depend on the calculation method and range from 60 to 90. These statistics show how many nationalities in Russia and nationalities whose representatives belong to a foreign ethnic group.

The majority of the Russian population consider themselves Russian - 81%, that's 111 million people. In addition to them, there are six more nationalities that number more than 1 million people: Tatars - 5.3 million (3.72%), Ukrainians - 1.92 million (1.35%), Bashkirs 1.58 million (1.11%). ), Chuvash 1.43 (1.01%), Chechens - 1.41 million (1.0%) and Armenians - 1.1 million (0.83%).

Geographic ethnography

The history of the Russian Empire, the history of the Soviet Union, the current period is an endless process of interaction between large and small ethnic entities, resettlement of peoples, migration and re-emigration. How many nationalities are there in Russia that have experienced cataclysms of various scales in their history at the behest of the authorities?

As a result, there are no more or less vast areas left on the map of Russia inhabited by representatives of one nation; there are areas with a relatively homogeneous national composition and areas that represent a motley mixture of customs and languages. The latter can safely include the Middle Volga region and North Caucasus. Using their example, one can imagine how many nationalities live in Russia if, say, in small developed mountain areas, speakers of several dialects belonging to different language families coexist.

Tree of languages

It is the language, and not the typical way of life for a group of people or similar external signs, that is the defining category for a nationality. There are almost as many languages ​​in Russia as there are nationalities! That is, no one knows a definite answer, and every linguist and ethnographer has his own opinion. This is as true as the fact that language is like a living organism: it changes, develops or withers. Science knows many dead languages.

The number of language families alone, to which scientists classify the dialects spoken by Russians, is striking; there are 14 of them. This is like the number of branches extending from a single trunk, and smaller branches extend from them, the number of languages ​​is comparable to the number of leaves, and in the case of languages throughout Russia, according to a number of scientists, this figure is close to two hundred.


Even world-famous scientists, linguists, ethnographers, and sociologists consider the most reasonable answer to the question of how many nationalities and languages ​​there are in Russia to be more than a hundred. But just reasonable people add that it’s not a matter of quantity, but of common house enough space for happy life to all peoples, and the smallest of them would feel like part of a friendly family.

    It is difficult to calculate how many nationalities there are in the world, since there is a merging of peoples all the time in the world. There are 251 countries in the world. But there are approximately 2000 nationalities, with their own language and religion, but this figure is constantly changing, due to the fact that some peoples simply disappear from the face of the earth.

    There are more than 2000 nationalities in the world, but these are the main nationalities.

    But every nationality has ethnic peoples, such as the Dagestanis - Avars, Dargins, Lezgins, Laks, Tabasarans, Nogais, Rutulians, Tsakhurs, Agulians, etc.

    If by nationality, then 252.

    No one can name the exact number of nationalities living on Earth; the number gradually changes, some nationalities disappear or merge with others. As of 2015, there are about two thousand nationalities.

    Although the humanity of the Earth was usually divided into races, and these are four main ones: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid and Australoid. But they are only 70% of the total population of the world, and 30% are already racial groups that arose as a result of the mixing of these main races. There are 3-4 thousand in the world various peoples. Mixing of blood occurs constantly in our world. If there was a time when national borders coincided with state ones, where 90% of the population consisted of the main nationality, for example Denmark, Poland, many states Latin America, then now people migrate more often.

    It all depends on what you mean by nationality. So, in the domestic understanding, nationality is the ethnic origin of an individual, that is, to which nation he belongs. In the West, the term nationality refers to citizenship, or state affiliation of a person. If we estimate the number of nationalities in the domestic sense of the word, then their number, according to different estimates, will be from 4500 to 6000. In the second case, the number of nationalities comes together with the number of states and becomes the number 192.

    If by the term nationality you mean some belonging to one or another ethnic group of a certain individual, then in the whole world there are about 2000 such groups that are registered in official sources, but I do not agree with this, because I believe that if a person has modern world there was a mixing of blood, then it will be a different nationality, and not a choice between mother or father

    Now there are from 4500 to 6000 nationalities on Earth, but no one can say for sure how many nationalities actually exist on our Earth, but these numbers are only approximately estimated; there are many ethnic groups, groups of nationalities that differ in their characteristics and language, external characteristics (appearance, eyes).

    There are more than 180 nationalities in Russia alone.

    But total number There are from 2500 to 5000 languages ​​on earth.

    They say that the number nations equal to the quantity states, but there are even more nationalities.

    There is no exact data, since different countries have their own concept of nationality, and some of them do not have specific information due to poor organization of the population census.

    If we consider that in Russia alone there are more than 200 nationalities, then I think this figure will reach more than 1000.

    The names of all nationalities living in our country can be found on WIKIPEDIA at the link:

    There are many nationalities on Earth, some indicate numbers from 800 to 2 thousand. The discrepancies are so great for the reason that not all countries keep records of their national composition and the population census is poorly developed.

    I found information that there are 252 nationalities living on Earth. WITH full list and the number of peoples can be found in the photo below.

    Nobody knows the exact number of nationalities of people living in our time for one simple but global reason: **INTERRACIAL AND INTERNATIONAL MIXING**, for example: a Ukrainian woman gives birth to a black man, a Russian woman to a Kazakh woman, a Polish woman to a Chinese man, etc. The approximate number of nationalities is about 2000 thousand

    No one can say the exact number of nationalities on the planet, but official sources put the figure at about 2000. Only according to official data, about two hundred nationalities live in our country.

How many peoples live in Russia?

The existence of the population of Russia as the sum of numerous peoples - nationalities - has become an integral part of our consciousness and existence. One of the first articles of the Russian Constitution reads: “The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people" Thus, the presence of many nationalities in Russia is also enshrined in law.

How many are there? The phrase “more than a hundred peoples live in Russia” is common. It’s interesting that they said this about both the Russian Empire and Soviet Union.

Russia inherited from the USSR a fairly clear record of the ethnic (in official Russian terminology “national”) affiliation of each individual. Until recently, there was a mandatory fixation of such affiliation. Until now, ethnicity is optionally noted in vital records (birth and death certificates). There are statistical summaries of demographic phenomena. Questions about ethnicity are regularly asked in censuses. Moreover, by law, it is the census data that must serve as the basis for all official documents. The official ethnic picture seems very definite, with clear interethnic boundaries, a precise place in it for almost every person. Moreover, national/ethnic affiliation has long been officially considered almost an integral characteristic, received at birth and irreplaceable throughout life. In many ways, this ethnic picture appears in mass consciousness, this often appears in academic articles. Most scientists - not ethnographers - use census materials as a background accompanying one or another historical processes, as a slice of reality that helps to better understand the existing situation in a given period of time.

As we have already said, the main source of information about the national composition of Russia is population censuses. In public opinion, the population census looks like a procedure for inventorying the country's human resources.

But the opposite hypothesis is also widespread among ethnographers and anthropologists. It is most cogently presented in B. Anderson’s work “Imaginary Communities,” where the author convincingly shows that the way the state designates and classifies people greatly influences how these people perceive themselves. Those. The “fiction” of the state contributes to the formation of the self-awareness of its citizens. Anderson showed nations not as originally existing, but as communities created through the written word and literacy, maps and censuses.

From this point of view, both the conditions and methods of conducting population censuses become significant. And censuses, in turn, turn out to be not only mirror image real ethnic composition, but also an instrument of its formation and, possibly, change.

Technologically it looks like this.

In all Soviet and Russian censuses, when answering the question about nationality (nationality), the principle of self-determination was and is in effect. In particular, when asked about nationality, the census taker can name any name of the nationality, nationality or ethnic group to which he identifies himself. And the census taker (until 2002 – a counter) writes down what was said on the census form without changes.

However, when developing census materials, not all responses are highlighted. Before the census, a list of nationalities is determined that will be identified during the census and for which its materials will be developed.

Special manuals are being created: dictionaries of nationalities and languages, which indicate which of the selected nationalities a particular answer belongs to. These lists of nationalities and corresponding dictionaries are the fruit collaboration ethnographers (now ethnologists) and statistics workers.

This is how they wrote about this procedure after the last census.

In general, the latest population census most fully and openly presented the stages of structuring the national composition of Russia:

– all the peoples identified during the development of census materials are listed: there were only 182. Moreover 142 of them were presented as independent peoples, and 40 – as ethnic groups that make up some of these distinct peoples. It was to this list that it was ultimately reduced 776 variants of ethnonyms.

As for previous population censuses, we can only see the final results of this " technological process» is the finite number of identified ethnic/national units.

As is known, the 1897 census did not ask a question about ethnicity. In 1926 it was allocated 175 ethnic units (including 4 ethnic groups that were part of the Georgians, and 6 nationalities that ethnographers considered “imprecisely defined”); in the “rejected” census of 1937 they intended to highlight 109 ; in 1939 they allocated 99 "nations, national groups, nationalities and nationalities" (including two groups: "other nationalities of Dagestan" and "other northern nationalities"); in 1959 it was divided 121 ethnic unit ; in 1970 – 122 ; in 1979 – 123 ; in 1989 – 128 ; in 2002 – 182 (including 40 ethnic groups that were part of other nations (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Number of ethnic units counted in Russia during population censuses

The identification of individual peoples depended and depends not only on certain modern scientific views of ethnologists, but also on the political situation, often on the influence of lobbying groups, etc.

For example, Latgalians were considered a separate people in 1926, 1939. and were developed as a result of the census, but in 1959-1989 they were not singled out and were classified as Latvians. It can be assumed that until 1940 they were considered an oppressed national minority of a foreign and capitalist state, and then merged with the powerful Latvian socialist nation. To confirm my assumption, in 2002 they again began to be identified as a separate people.

There were also examples of direct dependence on the domestic political situation. In 1926 and 1939 Crimean Tatars during the census they were not distinguished from the rest of the Tatars in the country. And in 1959-1989. they were considered a separate people and data about them was developed based on the results of all four censuses. But nowhere in official open publications of 1959-1979. the name “Crimean Tatars” was not mentioned, they were added to the rest of the Tatars, and only in the 1989 census were data about them published openly.

Thus, the exact number of peoples is always just a reflection of the current opinions of the ethnological and political community. And, to the question “How many nationalities are there in Russia?”, it is best to answer “More than a hundred” - you probably can’t go wrong.

The stock phrase wanders from text to text and refers both to the country as a whole and to individual regions, and more precise numbers are often mentioned. Sometimes this accuracy even looks strange... For example: “According to the 2002 census, there are more than 134 nationalities in the Saratov region (according to the 1989 census, 111 nationalities lived in the region).” N.B. Telyatnikov. Peoples of the Saratov Volga region: modern demography. Questions of Statistics 2007, 4, p.64 Literally it can be understood this way: in 1989 there were representatives of exactly 111 nationalities, and by 2002 more than twenty-three more people were somehow added, perhaps arrived. Without understanding the procedure for conducting and processing census data, it is difficult to understand this.
Such hereditary consolidation of nationality was introduced through the efforts of the NKVD in personal documents (passports, etc.) in 1938.
Similar ideas are expressed in the article by V. Tishkov “Construction of categories and identities” .
“In the USSR, the question of nationality is included in the programs of all population censuses... To develop materials for the 1989 population census, a list of nationalities was adopted, containing 128 items. ... In all post-war population censuses, the number of identified nationalities fluctuated ... very slightly: in the 1959 census, 126 nationalities were identified, in 1970 - 122, 1979 - 123.” ( National composition of the population of the USSR. M.: Finance and Statistics, 1991. P.3).
What is surprising, however, is the 40,551 people with “options of answers to the question about nationality not listed above.” What “NOT LISTED” options could there be if the list itself implies ALL answers. We can only assume that these are fictitious names, like “goblins”, “elves”, etc.

Do you know how many nationalities there are in the world? Answering this question is not as easy as it seems at first glance. There are quite a lot of contradictions in the understanding of the very term “nationality”. What is this? Linguistic community? Citizenship? This article will be devoted to bringing some clarity to the problems of nationalities of the world. We will also look at which ethnic groups produce beautiful women and attractive men. Naturally, nationalities can disappear and assimilate. And an individual in our age of globalization can be a product of a mixture of different ethnic groups. And often it is difficult for a person to answer the question of what his nationality is. But if we talk about large groups of people, then we can isolate several factors by which ethnicity is determined.

Citizenship and nationality

Firstly, not all powers are monolithic in the ethnic composition of their populations. And even if we do not take into account the presence of migrants, the so-called “first generation citizens,” even then we cannot say that there are one hundred and ninety-two nationalities of the world. List of states (namely, there are so many of them in political map) does not give us an idea about numerous ethnic groups, inhabiting these same countries. For example, representatives of more than one hundred and eighty nationalities live in the Russian Federation. And Northern and South Korea inhabits one people, divided by a demarcation line due to political strife. There is a concept " American nation", but she is extremely variegated in ethnic composition. The same can be said about Australia, New Zealand and Canada, whose lands were settled by emigrants from all over the world. At the same time, even in such a seemingly monolithic country in terms of ethnic composition as Poland, there are Silesians, Kashubians, Lemkos and other groups.

Language and nationality

One of the markers by which one can determine whether a person belongs to a particular nation is his language. In the population census, this factor is placed at the forefront. If we are guided by this marker, then the question of how many nationalities there are in the world can be answered: from two and a half to five thousand. Why is there such a huge discrepancy in numbers? Because we are faced with a new difficulty: what is language? Is it a dialect, a dialect used by a certain ethnic community? But determining a person’s nationality by language is also not entirely correct. After all, not all Jews know Hebrew. And it almost died, and now the government is making incredible efforts to revive it. Residents of the Green Island speak English, but do not consider themselves British.

Appearance and nationality

An even more precarious path is to determine the ethnicity of an individual by his physiological characteristics. What can we say about a person's appearance? If he has blond hair and Blue eyes, then he can equally successfully turn out to be a Swede, a Russian or a Pole. We can, of course, talk about Scandinavian, Mediterranean, Latin American, but all this does not give us an idea of ​​what a representative of the “titular nation” should look like. Moreover, with the dominant brunette gene, blondes are gradually “dying out.” Nationalities of the world, whose representatives inhabited the lands previously known as the countries of fair-haired people (Bulgaria, states on Balkan Peninsula, Italy, Georgia), after the Turkish conquest they noticeably “darkened”. So define ethnicity by appearance is not possible. Although, of course, there are certain facial features that are often found in representatives of a particular nationality.

Formation of ethnic groups

All the nationalities of the world in their own way historical development passed long haul. Ancient tribes entered into military-trade alliances with each other and long time lived in close proximity. As a result, certain differences were erased, dialects came closer together, forming one language. One can cite the example of the ancient Romans. In addition to the Latins who inhabited the regions along the banks of the Tiber, the Veneti, Auzones, Lucanians, Osci, Messapians, Piceni, Umbrians and Falisci took part in the formation of the people. And their dialects still exist today! The huge Roman Empire, which included many nationalities, collapsed in the Middle Ages. Latin is the official language ancient state- gave impetus to the formation of Romance languages: Italian, French, Spanish. Awareness of the multitude by one community within the state gives rise to a nation.

Natural assimilation

Not all nationalities of the countries of the world have survived to this day. A smaller nation surrounded by a larger one risks losing its identity, especially if it is included in a state where this same nation is considered the “titular nation.” great nationality. This happened in the USSR. The first census, conducted in 1926, found that there were 178 nationalities living in the state. In 1956, there were only 109 of them. And there were 91 large nationalities, which numbered more than ten thousand people. Thus, in less than thirty years, the number of ethnic groups has decreased significantly. Of course, not everyone became Russian. Adjarians, Laz, Svans and Mingrelians began to associate themselves with Georgians; Kuramins, Turks and Kipchaks began to consider themselves Uzbeks. Thus, if the cultural characteristics of small peoples are not maintained, there is a serious risk that they will disappear.

Forced assimilation

Sometimes governments, wary of separatist sentiments, pursue policies aimed at the deliberate destruction of nationality as such. They do not kill members of the ethnic minority, but carry out targeted assimilation measures. For example, in Poland after World War II, all Lemkos were taken out of their places of compact residence and settled in small groups in other regions of the country. In the south of France, for a long time, schoolchildren were punished if they began to speak the local Occitan dialect. Only in the eighties of the twentieth century, under public pressure, elective courses were opened to study the almost extinct dialect. Since the world's small nationalities are already inclined to dissolve into large ones, assimilating them by force is a violation of human rights.

How many nationalities are there in the world?

Nobody knows this. According to various sources, the nationalities of the peoples of the world can number from four and a half to six thousand. The total number of languages ​​and dialects ranges from two and a half to five thousand. But there are still tribes that do not make contact with the civilized world (the so-called un-contacted people). How many such tribes are still found in Africa, the Amazon Valley? It is also quite difficult to determine the line between ethnic group, nationality and nationality. But there is another opinion about larger communities. It is believed that a nation is a purely political construct. This theory is gaining more and more supporters in modern society.

Beautiful nationalities of the world: list

Assimilation, of course, can lead to the disappearance of an ethnic group. But mixing blood only improves the gene pool. The so-called mestizos have always amazed us with their beauty and talents. Let us at least remember the Russian poet A.S. Pushkin, in whose veins Slavic and African blood flowed. If we talk not about certain individuals, but about large groups of people, then the same relationship can be traced here. The most beautiful community is the one in which they are mixed, as in a crucible, different nationalities peace. Thus, the countries of Latin America amaze with the abundance of beauties and angelic men. After all, local Indian tribes, Spaniards and people from Africa took part in the formation of Costa Ricans, Brazilians and Colombians. Citizens former USSR They are also quite good-looking, since many of them were born as a result of mixed interethnic marriages.

Where do the most beautiful girls live?

This issue worries not only representatives of the stronger sex. Of course, everyone has their own standard of beauty, but aren’t Miss Universe competitions held? Let's do a little statistical analysis to find out which country has the most beautiful women peace. The nationality of the charming winner is not taken into account by the jury. But we will count charming girl representative of the “titular nation”.

So, according to surveys conducted by various men's and women's magazines, Brazilian women are in first place in beauty. After all, this Latin American country is real. Here you can meet both an irresistible blonde and a charming black woman. Many Asians gave Brazilians the languor of the Japanese orchid and almond-shaped eyes. If you like tall blondes, then feel free to go to Sweden for them. Argentines are in third place. The fourth position is held by Ukrainians, and the fifth by Russians.

Where do the most handsome men in the world live by nationality?

A selection of super attractive machos different countries created a portal for tourists Travelers Digest. He did his own research to properly guide single ladies on a romantic getaway. What happened? Which nationalities in the world have produced the most Apollos?

The portal warns that it assessed not only the external data of men, but also their upbringing, level of intelligence, and ability to care for a lady. Swedes, residents of New York and Amsterdam lead the list. The Top Ten included the Portuguese, Argentines, Australians, Spaniards, Germans, Italians and Israelis. But girls often notice that the portal is wrong. In their opinion, residents of Latin American countries, Spaniards, Italians and Turks are more attractive.