Sausage recipe. Homemade sausage without guts: recipe and cooking secrets

There are no secrets to making homemade sausage, and the process is not difficult, except for the fact that you need to know where you can buy such an ingredient for this process as pork intestines for stuffing sausages. Recipes on how to make sausage at home are readily shared by people who do this all the time, and the only special equipment required for this is a meat grinder attachment, which can be purchased at a hardware store without much hassle. But those who know the secrets know what products are in their product.

Products for homemade sausages and necessary components

It’s just difficult to cross the psychological barrier that still forces people to buy store-bought products. In supermarkets (and even in markets), they are not always distinguished by proper freshness, and at a fairly high cost, there is no guarantee that the sausage contains exactly the right meat, and in the quantity prescribed by the recipe.

Unscrupulous suppliers have learned to replace some products with other, cheaper ones, and add the necessary taste with food flavorings and colorings.

Be vigilant and carefully look at the ingredients of the products you buy.

Many are put off by the apparent complexity and laboriousness of the process. But there is nothing particularly complicated here. To prepare any homemade sausage, three necessary elements are required:

  • minced meat (filling);
  • pork intestines (casing);
  • spices (taste requirement).

Knowing some recipes, choosing a place where you can buy a casing for the future process of preparing a delicious dish, and having decided on a set of spices that every housewife already has on the kitchen shelf, you can safely begin the upcoming action to please your family or guests .

You can produce your own sausage in a standard kitchen using simple available tools in the form of:

  • ovens;
  • multicookers;
  • frying pans with tight lids.

Of course, homemade sausage will not look like store-bought sausage, but the taste will definitely differ to its advantage.

Minced meat or filling is the basis of success

Most of the recipes for making homemade sausages are based on using ground pork meat. This is understandable if we consider that for natural shell Pork intestines are commonly used. But the range of existing possible fillings is much wider than pork sausage, because a delicious homemade dish can just as easily be prepared from:

  • beef;
  • lamb;
  • chicken;
  • turkey meat,
  • and supporters of vegetarianism are even offered a delicious sausage made from peas and beets, so tasty if prepared correctly that it can be safely used for sandwiches.

Beetroot and peas can serve as ingredients for sausage

Economical brawn made from pork head, liver sausage made from ground or chopped liver, and even fish are very popular among housewives.

Therefore, you should not focus on pork when inventing sausage at home, even if it is being prepared for the holiday table. With a little imagination, you can completely eliminate the purchase sausages, and even invent the necessary recipes yourself.

Pork can be used in homemade products, ground and cut into small pieces, like any other meat, or passed through a large grill. For amateur homemade sausage you will need ground pork and lard, for liver sausage - lard and ground or chopped liver. Delicious sausages with mushrooms, hot pepper, or hard cheese, are prepared according to the general recipe, with the addition of ready-made ingredients.

In sausages with cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, or rice), this ingredient is added ready-made. Any cereal must be cooked in a special way, dry (so that no liquid remains in it), and the minced meat is used raw. You will definitely need:

  • garlic;
  • Semolina is usually added to liver sausage.

Semolina porridge can be added when preparing liver sausage

Milk is added to some types of sausages, for example, amateur and chicken, and sometimes a bun soaked in milk is added, especially if it is prepared in natural skin.

If you don’t want the sausage to look pale or gray, tint it beet juice. The key to the success of any homemade sausage is properly prepared minced meat.

Shells and delicious spices

Numerous recipes shared by housewives differ in several parameters, which necessarily include the amount of spices added and their composition.

You can buy a set of ready-made spices with the taste of salami or Brunswick sausage, but they also have dyes and food flavorings added in advance, which is what lovers of home-cooked meals are trying to get rid of.

There are chefs who believe that a proper homemade sausage should contain nothing except:

  • Luke;
  • garlic;
  • pepper, and capsicum grown on the windowsill.

And there are spice lovers who buy half the assortment of spices at the market.

It is advisable to add spices to the sausage based on your taste preferences.

Spices included in recipes cannot be considered an axiom, because some people love thyme, basil, and thyme, while others cannot digest their smell. And when a dish is prepared repeatedly, each housewife has her own zest, developed in the process, or acquired empirically, when at some point it dawned on her to add something dictated by many years of experience.

But casings for homemade sausages are dictated by strict etiquette. Meat sausage, pork or beef, is stuffed into pig intestines. Lamb - only in lamb, and when purchasing lamb for the purpose of making sausages, this should be taken care of separately.

If the pig's head is not old, you can use pork skin for the casing, and chicken sausage is especially tasty in chicken skin. The amateurish one is prepared in a tetra pack; it is advisable to pack the vegetable or cereal in a baking sleeve or food foil. When everything is done in compliance with certain rules, the result is beyond praise.

Homemade sausage

Individual, characteristic cooking methods

In order to clearly demonstrate how simple the process of preparing homemade sausage is, it is worth citing some recipes. Pork and beef sausage:

  • chopped meat together with garlic is scrolled through a meat grinder in a 1:1 ratio;
  • after which the minced meat is prepared by thoroughly mixing in a special basin;
  • salt and pepper are added to taste, spice lovers add a special set for meat;
  • minced meat is stuffed into the washed intestines using a meat grinder, from which the knife and grid are removed, and a special nozzle;
  • blisters on the intestines formed in this process are pierced with a needle;
  • Alcohol and ground lard are added to this minced meat;
  • Before stuffing, it must stand for several hours, and it must be stirred several times;
  • the end of the intestine is tied with a knot or a harsh thread.

This sausage can be fried in a frying pan, simmered in a saucepan over low heat, or baked in the oven.

One of the cooking methods is baking in the oven.

Amateur preparation is as follows:

  • meat and lard are minced through a meat grinder;
  • add milk and grated beet juice, spices, salt and garlic;
  • minced sausage is wrapped in a tetra bag (any shape);
  • in this form, cook for about 50 minutes over low heat in a regular saucepan.

For the liver sausage:

  • liver and lard are scrolled through a meat grinder or blender;
  • eggs (raw), fried onions are added vegetable oil, semolina, salt, black pepper, spices;
  • everything is mixed and infused for about an hour.
  • milk is poured in last, after which the cooked intestine is filled.

You can add finely chopped herbs to this sausage before stuffing, and bake it in the oven. The taste and smell are simply intoxicating.

Minced chicken is prepared in a similar way, but without lard, but before the infusion of the minced meat ends (about an hour), a roll soaked in milk is added, thoroughly squeezed out, and everything is thoroughly mixed until the minced meat turns into a homogeneous mass.

This sausage can be wrapped in the skin removed from the chicken and the edges sewn up with raw thread, or simply wrapped. The sausage is baked in the oven, or stewed, with a small amount of water, in a tightly closed casserole dish.

The shape is arbitrary, depending on what pieces of skin were removed. Chicken skin can sometimes be purchased in places where factory-processed chicken is sold. Onions for minced meat can be fried in chicken fat and add herbs.

Cooking homemade sausages is quite simple, and is not much different from frying cutlets or making homemade rolls. With a small investment of time and a much more budget-friendly set of products than purchasing ready-made sausage, you can use any ingredients and consume natural products without preservatives, dyes or foreign additives.

In this category of materials you will find the most best ways preparing homemade sausages according to recipes. How to cook boiled sausage, as well as liver, dry-cured or doctor's sausage. How to fill the casing while preparing sausage at home.

Composition of doctor's sausage. How to make at home

Many families refuse to buy doctor's sausage in supermarkets or at the market, because taste qualities and the ingredients included in purchased sausage leave much to be desired. Cases of food allergies to purchased products have become more frequent.

But sausage lovers don’t have to give up the popular product. After all, you can make a tasty and juicy sausage with your own hands at home. You yourself will choose the appropriate ingredients, the casing (intestine, sleeve) and control the process of preparing a homemade dish.

From this material you will learn how to properly prepare boiled doctor's sausage at home. Simple photos and video recipes will help even a beginner in the kitchen make this delicacy the first time.

How to make liver sausage recipe at home

The taste of real juicy liverwurst, prepared at home, cannot be compared with purchased products, which do not always contain only natural ingredients....

In this article we will tell you how to make homemade liver sausage with your own hands. Let us remind you that liver is such nutritious insides of animals as kidneys, heart, liver. Many gourmets value the taste very much beef liver, which can be used to prepare this delicacy. The liver contains many substances beneficial to the body, including vitamin D.

Casing for making sausage at home

Lovers of natural homemade sausage, Those who have made this exquisite meat delicacy with their own hands at least once in their life know that a special casing must be used to stuff the prepared minced meat. Typically, canned pork intestines (or beef intestines, or lamb intestines for making Vienna sausages) are used as casings for homemade sausages.

If you want to make delicious dietary homemade sausages, we recommend buying beef intestines as a casing, as they are easily digested in the stomach and are very low in calories. And for the normal process of food digestion, the enzyme of the microflora of cattle (cattle) is useful, which this shell perfectly preserves during the preparation of the product.

Recipes for homemade pork sausage in the gut

The quality of food products on the shelves of many shops and supermarkets is deteriorating every year. In order to withstand competition and reduce the cost of the final product as much as possible, manufacturers resort to various tricks, filling their products with food ingredients that are not the same. high quality and additives that increase the shelf life of goods. All these “tricks” not only worsen the taste of the food, but can also affect your health (causing, for example, an allergic reaction). It’s hard to imagine what stuffing is used to make sausages now... at least there’s very little meat...

Therefore, for lovers of tasty and natural pork sausage I highly recommend learning how to make this wonderful product with your own hands at home. In fact, preparing homemade sausage is not very difficult and even a “kitchen amateur” can easily cope with this task.

How to make blood sausage at home using a recipe

The tradition of eating foods mixed with fresh blood came to us from ancient times. Some peoples still consider fresh animal blood to be an excellent rejuvenating agent, as well as a cure for many diseases.

Usually, to prepare soondae or blood sausage at home, use specially prepared minced meat with the addition of fresh bovine, pork or veal blood.

But why is homemade blood sausage so popular these days? This dish is very satisfying and has a unique taste. But most importantly, it contains very useful substances that help treat certain ailments.

How to make dry-cured sausage at home

In this article you will find the most best recipes making dry-cured sausage, the special taste of which is highly valued in many “expensive” restaurants!

Juicy and appetizing homemade sausage will outshine the taste of any store-bought counterpart. Instead of all sorts of artificial additives that manufacturers stuff their products into, you can add cognac and nutmeg to your homemade sausage for a unique taste, garlic for a rich aroma, and paprika to add interesting flavor notes and preserve the natural color of the meat.

And of course meat!!! A sausage prepared at home will definitely contain a sufficient amount of meat... because you won’t deceive yourself! :)))

How to make boiled sausage at home using recipes

It's no secret that store-bought sausage is stuffed with various artificial flavors, preservatives and ingredients that preserve appearance product. In addition, ground cartilage, sinews and other “appetizing” components are added to sausage mince in order to increase the volume and reduce the cost of the final product.

But you can make real boiled milk sausage without all these additives with your own hands. And in this article we will tell you how to cook delicious sausage at home. Simple and clear step by step recipes with photos will help even a beginner in the kitchen make this wonderful meat product. And video lessons with a visual demonstration of the process of preparing homemade boiled sausage will allow you to cope with the work very quickly.

Homemade sausage is a favorite dish for many. Only a vegetarian can refuse such a tasty treat. Moreover, if you prepare this product with your own hands, you will know for sure that even a child can be treated to such a sandwich. So satisfying and delicious dish It will definitely please your man, and it will be so nice to enjoy something delicious. And if you serve sausage to festive table, then the title of “wonderful hostess” is guaranteed to you.

The Internet is simply crowded various recipes homemade sausage, and the sight of colorful photos whets your appetite. So let's figure out how to make homemade sausage.

Regardless of what kind of homemade sausage you are going to make, the cooking process consists of several general, mandatory steps, namely, preparing the minced meat, forming and heat treating the sausage.

Meat selection

The classic version is homemade pork sausage in the intestines. It is extremely important to choose the right meat for minced meat, since the quality of the taste of the finished dish largely depends on this.

The most suitable for sausage is pork neck. She is not very fat, but at the same time internal fat it contains, which in the finished sausage will become a tasty and aromatic juice. If you want the sausage to be fattier, then you will need to add lard to the minced meat.

If pork neck If you can’t buy it, you can use meat from any part of the carcass, the main principle is that it should not be tough and too greasy. The ratio of meat and lard should be 4:1. good at in this case neck, back or scapular.

Those who for some reason do not like or do not eat pork can prepare sausage from beef, lamb or poultry. No less interesting would be the option using several types of meat. When choosing lamb, you should pay attention to the veins, they should be soft, then the meat itself will also be soft. But when choosing beef, you need to look at its color; the lighter the meat, the younger the animal was, which means the sausage will be softer and juicier.

It is best to buy meat at the market, from a supplier you trust. When choosing pork, try, if possible, to taste the lard from the same carcass. If it is aromatic and tasty, then the meat will be the same.


Before proceeding to chopping, it is important to thoroughly clean the meat from bones, skins, cartilage and chaff, since their presence in ready dish completely unacceptable. The meat for homemade sausage is cut by hand into cubes measuring 1x1 centimeter. You can pass the minced meat through a meat grinder, but then homemade sausage will not be as tasty and juicy. Therefore, it is better not to be lazy and cut it. The process is certainly labor-intensive, but the sausage will turn out especially tasty.

Of course, if you are preparing homemade dumplings or salami, then the meat should be passed through a meat grinder.


The chopped minced meat must be thoroughly kneaded by hand. This will not only help distribute the spices and salt well, but also achieve the correct structure. The fact is that with prolonged kneading, excess air will escape and the filling will become denser.

If you can see that the consistency is too thick, you can add a little cream; if the minced meat is already too fatty, then use water instead of cream. Liquid minced meat, on the contrary, is thickened by adding starch, flour or mustard powder.

After the minced meat is mixed with spices, salt and additives and brought to the correct consistency, it must be placed in the refrigerator for several hours so that it combines better and becomes homogeneous.

Adding spices

Most often added to homemade sausage:

  • black or scented ground pepper;
  • garlic;
  • rosemary;
  • nutmeg;
  • ground bay leaf;
  • caraway;
  • anise.

The sausage will be more piquant if you add:

  • Provençal herbs;
  • ground red pepper;
  • Cayenne pepper;
  • paprika.

It is better to use freshly ground spices; they will give the meat more flavor; in addition, you can warm them up before adding them to the minced meat so that the flavor is revealed better. A small addition of alcohol to the minced meat, for example, good cognac, will highlight the aroma of herbs and spices.

You can form the sausage either with or without a casing. In the case of the shell, it must first be prepared. If you use natural intestines, then rinse them and soak them for a couple of hours in warm water, after which you need to rinse them again with warm water and you can scrape them a little with the back of a knife.

You can use an artificial casing, such as cellulose, protein, collagen or polyamide. They should also be pre-soaked in warm, salted water, but for a maximum of three minutes, and then simply washed under the tap.

The easiest way to fill a natural or artificial casing with minced meat is to use a special attachment on a meat grinder. To do this you need:

  • attach one end of the shell to the cone attachment;
  • serve the minced meat to expel the air;
  • tie a knot at the other end of the shell.

When filling sausages, it is necessary to maintain medium density. A sausage that is packed too tightly may burst, and a sausage that is not packed enough will create voids.

If there is no special attachment for a meat grinder, you can use a cut-off one. plastic bottle, pushing the minced meat into the casing through the neck.

The sausage can be made large, or it can be divided into small sausages by twisting the intestine. After the intestine is filled, it would be a good idea to prick it with a needle so that the voids disappear, steam comes out, and the sausage does not burst.

If there is no casing, then you can form homemade sausage using parchment, cling film, foil, wrapping minced meat in them like candy.

Heat treatment

Homemade sausage can be boiled, fried, baked, stewed, or a combination of heat treatment methods. In any case, the main thing is maintaining the correct temperature. In order for the sausage to be juicy and aromatic, at the same time cooked and not burst, it is necessary to cook it at a temperature of no more than eighty degrees.

If you decide to cook the sausage in a frying pan, then fry it over medium heat on one side until a golden crust forms, and then over higher heat on the other side until the same result is obtained. You can add your favorite herbs or spices to the pan, which will give the dish a special piquancy.

You can bake the sausage in the oven either simply on a sheet or by wrapping it in foil. If you bake without foil, you need to periodically baste the sausage with fat to prevent it from drying out. In the case of foil, it should be opened a few minutes before the end of cooking to allow the sausage to brown.

Cook the sausage in low boiling water, covered, for twenty minutes. Usually sausage is boiled before frying or stewing.

Without shell

Homemade sausage can be prepared without the casing, and the dish will turn out just as tasty and beautiful. You can serve the sausage on a holiday table, or you can simply prepare it for breakfast sandwiches.

To prepare it you will need:

  • pork – 1000 grams;
  • salt – 10 grams;
  • pepper, oregano, basil, rosemary - 10 grams each;
  • garlic – ½ head;
  • champignons – 400 grams.

The preparation is like this.

  1. Pass the meat through a meat grinder.
  2. Add salt and spices, finely chopped garlic.
  3. Add fried champignons to the minced meat, mix everything.
  4. Beat the mixture.
  5. Wrap the minced meat in parchment, in the form of candy.
  6. Wrap in two layers of foil.
  7. Cook the sausage for an hour over medium heat.
  8. Place the finished sausage in the refrigerator for a day.

As you can see, the recipe for homemade sausage without casing is quite simple. It can be prepared not only from pork, but from any other type of meat.

Now we will learn how to make homemade sausage from pork and beef. For this we need:

  • pork – 1 kilogram;
  • beef – 1 kilogram;
  • lard – 300 grams;
  • salt – 1 tablespoon;
  • nutmeg, ground black pepper;
  • onion –500 grams;
  • garlic – ½ head;
  • cognac – 50 milliliters;
  • water – 1 tablespoon.

The preparation is like this.

  1. Pass the meat and lard into a meat grinder with a large grid.
  2. Separate half of the minced meat and pass it through a meat grinder with a finer grid.
  3. Fry the onion and chop with a blender.
  4. Fry the onion and large minced meat a little.
  5. Combine all types of minced meat, add spices, cognac and water.
  6. Stir and leave for 30 minutes.
  7. Stuff the intestines with the prepared mixture.
  8. Bake in the oven, in a sleeve at a temperature of 180 degrees, 1 hour and at a temperature of 150 degrees for another half hour.

Juicy and flavorful cold cuts sausage is ready!

Chicken sausage

For chicken sausage you need to take:

  • chicken fillet – 1 kilogram;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • dill – 2 sprigs;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • paprika – 1 tablespoon;
  • – 4 grams.

The preparation process is as follows.

  1. Cut the washed and cleaned fillet into cubes.
  2. Pour in 50 milliliters of water and leave to disperse.
  3. Chop the dill and garlic.
  4. Mix meat, gelatin, dill, garlic, spices and salt.
  5. Stuff the intestines with minced meat.
  6. Bake for 1 hour at 180 degrees.
  7. Place the finished sausage in the refrigerator for a day.


To prepare homemade liver sausage with bacon, you will need:

  • liver – 1 kilogram;
  • lard – 600 grams;
  • milk – 1 glass;
  • onions – 5 pieces;
  • egg - 6 pieces;
  • semolina – 12 grams;
  • salt, spices;
  • oil.

The preparation is as follows.

  1. Finely chop half the lard.
  2. Grind the second half of the lard together with the liver in a meat grinder.
  3. Fry finely chopped onion and add to the minced meat.
  4. Beat the eggs in a separate bowl and add to the minced meat.
  5. Add semolina, salt, spices, milk.
  6. Leave the minced meat for half an hour.
  7. Fill the shell with minced meat.
  8. Bake in the oven for forty minutes at 180 degrees.


To prepare homemade liverwort you will need:

  • boiled liver – 1 kilogram;
  • onion – 2 heads;
  • egg – 10 pieces;
  • sour cream – 1 glass;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Let's start cooking.

  1. Pass well-boiled liver through a meat grinder along with onions.
  2. Add eggs, mix.
  3. Add sour cream, salt, spices, herbs and mix thoroughly.
  4. Fill the intestines with minced meat and form into small sausages.
  5. Cook the sausage over low heat for about forty minutes.
  6. After cooking, the sausage must be baked for two hours at 150 degrees.

With buckwheat

To prepare healthy homemade sausage with buckwheat, you need the following ingredients:

  • pork – 0.5 kilograms;
  • lard – 300 grams;
  • a glass of buckwheat;
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste;
  • garlic – ½ head;
  • intestines.

The recipe is as follows.

  1. Boil buckwheat until tender.
  2. Cut the meat and lard into small cubes.
  3. Chop the garlic.
  4. Combine everything, add salt, spices and mix thoroughly.
  5. Stuff the intestines with buckwheat minced meat.
  6. Prick the sausages with a needle.
  7. Cook over medium heat for 35 minutes.
  8. Fry in a frying pan until golden brown.

Sausage with buckwheat is ready!

Black pudding

To prepare a delicious homemade blood drink you will need the following ingredients:

  • pork blood - 1 liter;
  • lard with meat layer – 200 grams;
  • buckwheat – 100 grams;
  • salt and ground black pepper – 10 grams each;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • milk – ½ cup.

The cooking method is as follows.

  1. Cut the lard into 1 centimeter cubes and fry in a frying pan.
  2. Cook buckwheat until done.
  3. Pass the blood through a meat grinder.
  4. Add milk, spices and garlic to the blood.
  5. Add lard and porridge in portions, mix thoroughly.
  6. Stuff the sausage.
  7. Cook over low heat for five minutes, then pierce with a needle.
  8. Bake for half an hour in the oven at 180 degrees, greasing.

Recipe with cheese

If you often cook regular homemade sausage and want to try something new, try making this delicacy with cheese.

To do this, take:

  • chicken meat – 2 kilograms;
  • spices – 1 tablespoon;
  • sun-dried tomatoes – 200 grams;
  • bell pepper – 100 grams;
  • champignons – 100 grams;
  • hard cheese – 100 grams;
  • lard – 0.5 kilograms.

The preparation is as follows.

  1. Finely chop the chicken meat.
  2. Pass onion, garlic, lard through a meat grinder.
  3. Mix the minced meat, add salt and spices.
  4. Cut cheese, peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms into cubes.
  5. Divide the minced meat into 4 portions and add your own ingredient to each.
  6. Stuff the sausages.
  7. Bake for half an hour at 200 degrees.

Eight types of different sausages are ready - choose your favorite ones.

So, we looked at the main stages of making homemade sausage. You can use one of the recipes we offer, or you can use your culinary imagination and invent new, original sausages.

The main thing to remember.

  1. Choose only high-quality products for making sausage.
  2. Before cutting, the meat should be cooled, then you can cut it easier and the minced meat will have the correct consistency.
  3. Do not be lazy to prick the finished sausages with a needle so that they do not burst during heat treatment.
  4. If you have prepared a lot of sausage, store it in a container, fill it with lard, and simply reheat it before serving.

Now you know how to make homemade sausage. Choose your own recipe, cook more often, spoil your family and friends with delicious food. And bon appetit everyone!

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

Homemade sausage’s taste cannot be compared with any industrially produced products. She's simply delicious.

Making a homemade product with your own hands requires extremely painstaking work associated with patience and endurance.

In this article we will analyze the most delicious recipes step by step.

Guts for homemade products: where to buy and how to process natural guts

Where to buy guts?

Intestines for cooking meat at home can be bought in the markets in the meat departments. Due to their unpresentable appearance, they are not on the shelves; you need to ask or negotiate (order). The intestines can be: pork, lamb or canned.

There are many online stores selling products and equipment for homemade sausages. Where can you buy intestines - both natural and artificial.

Don't forget to buy a special attachment for the meat grinder. It is sold separately from the meat grinder. It can be purchased at hardware stores or online stores.

How to process real guts?

If you bought natural intestines, then they must be thoroughly cleaned, washed outside and inside, turning them inside out.

Remember: Well-cleaned intestines are as clear as a sheet of parchment.

  • Place one end of the intestine on the water tap with a stocking
  • Place the whole intestine in the sink
  • Hold the end of the intestine that is put on the tap with your hand and turn on cold water. Water will flow throughout the intestine and flush it.
  • After this procedure, place the intestine in a small bowl.
  • Mix a glass of cool water, a glass of vinegar (9%) and 1/2 cup of salt. Pour into the bowl with the guts and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse the intestines again.

Separate damaged and punctured intestines. But quality ones need to be preserved immediately. To do this, put well-washed intestines in glass jar and sprinkle generously with salt so that it remains unmelted. Close the jar tightly with a lid and store in the refrigerator on the top shelf, using as needed.

Pork intestines are used to make sausages with various fillings: from beef, pork, from a mixture of beef and pork, from nutria meat, liver.

Lamb intestines are suitable for preparing regular sausages or thin “hunting sausages”.

A homemade product can be baked in the oven or boiled and eaten immediately; it can be dried, smoked, covered in fat and stored in appropriate conditions for as long as needed. The homemade product has positive reviews among its consumers.

If you bought artificial intestines in the store, then you only need to fill them with warm water for 20 minutes so that they become softer and then stuff them.

Homemade pork sausage


  • 1 kg pork
  • 2 - 3 onions
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • ground black pepper
  • chopped nutmeg
  • chopped bay leaf
  • crushed marjoram


Pork with onions mince, add finely chopped garlic and spices, seasonings. Mix everything well.

Attach the prepared intestines to the nozzle. Sausage at home - creative process, agree.

Fill thin pork intestines, thoroughly cleaned and washed, with minced meat, tie them and

Place the resulting sausage in a frying pan in a ring (spiral), prick with a fork to release trapped air bubbles, otherwise, when frying in the oven, the air may rupture the casing.

Then fry the meat in the casing on both sides in the oven, periodically basting with the released juice. If there is not enough juice, you can add a little water.

Serve the finished fried, rosy, aromatic homemade product to the holiday table with fried or boiled potatoes, homemade pickles, fresh herbs, red sweet peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes.

How to make homemade sausage with chicken liver and buckwheat - video recipe

How to make sausages at home from pork and beef


  • 500 g - pork
  • 500 g - beef
  • 50 ml - milk
  • 150 g - sour cream
  • 1 piece - egg
  • ground nutmeg
  • salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying


Rinse the pork and beef, dry and mince 4 times.

Add salt, nutmeg. milk, sour cream and egg. Mix everything well.

Place a tablespoon of minced meat on the film and form a sausage.

Repeat the procedure until the minced meat is finished.

Boil the sausages for 15 minutes.

Remove the film from the sausages and make cuts. Fry in oil until golden brown.

Homemade sausages made from pure meat, without preservatives, are ready.

Chicken sausage (sausage)

Products (yield 1.5 kg of sausages):

  • 1.5 kg - chicken fillet
  • 500 g - sour cream (20 - 25%)
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 80 g - butter
  • ground black pepper
  • 2 m - natural guts


Grind the chicken fillet and garlic in a meat grinder.

Add salt, sour cream and pepper.

Mix thoroughly and refrigerate for 2 hours.

Fill the entire intestine with the meat mass, making twists every 8 - 10 cm. The sausage is ready.

Boil the sausages in boiling salted water for 20 minutes.

Dry the finished products and fry in butter on both sides.

Sausages prepared according to this recipe are served hot.

Homemade liver sausage


  • 1 kg - liver
  • 1 kg - bacon
  • 1 kg - pulp of any meat
  • salt and spices - to taste


The liver is boiled in water, adding 2 onions, cut into slices, a few black peppercorns and a bay leaf.

When the water boils, the liver is removed and cut into small pieces. Cut the lard and meat pulp into small pieces.

Then the mass is salted, black or allspice is added if desired. Everything is mixed and the large intestines of the pigs are filled. The ends are tied with twine and the surface of the shell is pricked.

Boil the sausage in the same water where the liver was cooked, pressing it with pressure (a plate) so that it does not float up. Cook until the shell becomes soft.

The cooked products are wiped from the broth and from adhering foam and fat.

The liver in the shell is cooled and stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 - 5 days.

Video recipe for homemade meat sausage

We can only wish you successful implementation of the recipes at home.

To make sausage at home you will need pork intestines. Most often they can be seen in markets, less often in the meat departments of stores. The size of the giblets varies: you can find ones suitable for both sausages and sausages. The intestines must be thoroughly washed and scraped out with a dull knife. This process is labor-intensive, but all conditions must be met, since the durability and taste of the product largely depend on the quality of the casing.

As a rule, 800-900 g of minced sausage can be placed in 1 m of medium-sized intestine. Therefore, the number of giblets is calculated based on this indicator. The cleaned intestines are sprinkled with salt and stored in the refrigerator. After which they begin to make minced meat.

For homemade sausage you will need (for 8-9 kg of finished product):

beef or veal without bones – 3 kg;

lean pork – 3 kg;

lard or pork belly – 1-1.5 kg;

intestines – 9-10 m

5-6 large heads of garlic

salt (15 g per 1 kg of minced meat)

ground black and red pepper - to taste

alcohol (2 tbsp per 1 kg of minced meat) - can be replaced with vodka in the same amount or brandy at the rate of 4 tbsp. l. for 1 kg minced meat

The process for preparing minced meat is as follows:

  1. The meat is cut into pieces of such a size that they can easily fit into the inlet of the meat grinder. Remove the skin from the peritoneum, cut it into small cubes no more than 1 cm thick, do the same with lard.
  2. Place a large grill on the meat grinder and peel the garlic. Scroll through the beef, peritoneum, garlic and mix the resulting mass thoroughly. Finely chopped lard, pepper, salt and alcohol are added to it. Now you will need water (it is better to take filtered or boiled). The liquid is added in small portions to the minced meat and mixed thoroughly. This process is repeated until a homogeneous viscous mass is obtained.
  3. Cover the container with minced meat cling film and leave for 6-8 hours to let it brew. But every 1-2 hours do not forget to thoroughly mix the mass. After the required time has passed, you will need to understand whether there is enough salt and spices in the minced meat. To do this, fry a small cutlet and taste it (necessarily cold). If any component is not enough, it is added.
  4. The intestines are washed from salt, cut into pieces 70-90 cm long and placed in a container with warm water. They must stay here for at least 15 minutes. Then, one by one, pieces of intestines are placed on a water tap and filled with water.
  5. Change the attachment to a tubular one on the meat grinder, place one of the intestine segments on it, and tie its free end with a thread. To prevent the shell from inflating when filling with minced meat, a couple of punctures are made with a needle not far from the thread. Fill the intestines with minced meat. Finished products can be boiled, fried in a frying pan, baked in the oven, or smoked in hot smoke. Before cooking, the sausage is dried for 1.5-2 hours.
Prepare delicious homemade sausage from giblets in a net and spicy lamb kupaty!