Khachapuri is a quick and tasty recipe. Cooking khachapuri according to delicious recipes

To cook delicious khachapuri, you need to know only 2 secrets. First: well-kneaded, soft, even tender dough. The second is a properly composed cheese taste. In Georgia, for both regular khachapuri and Adjarian khachapuri, a special type of cheese called “chkinti-kveli” is most often used.

For citizens of the rest of the world, Georgian chefs recommend different combinations of cheeses. I offer one of the most successful, giving a taste very close to the original.

Ingredients for khachapuri:

  • Wheat flour - 300 g
  • Dry yeast - 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - a small pinch
  • Milk - 100 g
  • Water - 100 g
  • Mozzarella - 150 g
  • Feta, hard - 150 g
  • Cottage cheese (optional) - 50 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Butter - 50 g

You can use cheese like Adyghe or feta cheese as a filling. You can use Ossetian or Suluguni. Or even Dutch. Let's say, 300 g of cheese (salt to taste if there is not enough saltiness) and 200 g of cottage cheese.

Khachapuri preparation time:

  • Dough preparation - 1.5 hours
  • Preparation of khachapuri flatbread - 10 minutes
  • Baking - 15 minutes

How to cook khachapuri step by step

Preparation of dough for khachapuri

Pour the flour into a bowl and, making a well in it, pour in the vegetable oil. Add sugar and salt.

Heat 50 ml of water to 40 C. Heat in the microwave for 20 seconds - if you test the water with your finger, it should burn a little.

Sprinkle yeast over sugar and pour in prepared water. Leave for 5-10 minutes until the yeast swells.

Heat 100 ml water and 100 ml milk and add to the well. Knead soft dough.

Option: Pour 200 g of warm milk into a cup. Mix 30 g and 1 tsp. dry yeast, leave for the yeast to swell. Then pour in the remaining milk, vegetable oil, salt to taste, add 1 tsp. sugar and 1 egg. Whisk everything together. Add flour and knead the dough.


  • Milk makes the dough soft, I highly recommend adding it.
  • It is better not to pour both water and milk immediately, but to add gradually during the mixing process.
  • What is the right dough for the right khachapuri? This is a non-steep, soft dough, but at the same time it does not stick to your hands.

At the end of kneading, gather the dough into a ball, grease your hands with vegetable oil, and grease the ball with your hands - so that you get a buttery crust. Then cover it with a towel and put it in a warm place for about an hour.

After an hour, check if the khachapuri dough has risen well. If yes, you can, after kneading a little more, start baking. If not, leave the dough to rise for an additional 30 minutes.

Tip: before placing the dough in the heat, carefully “detach” the dough from the walls of the bowl with a knife, then you can easily remove it from there.

So, we figured out the test. Now for the filling.

Preparing the filling for khachapuri

Grate the cheese and mix with your hands. Add the egg and 30 g of softened butter.

Then add cottage cheese. If you don't use cottage cheese, you need to use a little more cheese.

Mix everything properly. The filling is ready.

Baking khachapuri

Preheat the stove to 220 degrees Celsius. Roll out the dough into a circle with a diameter of 20 cm. Place the filling in the center (it should take up about half the area of ​​the circle, forming an inner circumference of 10 cm).

IMPORTANT! Khachapuri can be made quite “thick”, or it can be made no thinner than a thin flatbread. If you want to get very thin flatbreads, use the given amount of ingredients to make not 1, but 2-3, dividing both the dough and the filling accordingly.

Now you need to gather the edges of the dough with an accordion, pull them towards the center and secure them there. Imagine making dumplings (or ravioli, whichever is closer): the cheese should be distributed evenly inside, but the seam should be completely smoothed out in the center to make a smooth flatbread.

Flatten it and roll it out with a rolling pin.

Don't forget to flour the board and dough to prevent it from sticking to your hands.

Transfer the khachapuri to a baking sheet (on baking paper), first sprinkling it with flour (or without paper, greasing the baking sheet with oil). Spread the dough with the filling there, and if necessary, flatten it a little more.

Our flatbread promises to be fluffy! You can follow us or make it flatter.

Important. Poke the dough with a fork to prevent it from cracking during baking!

Mix the remaining cheese mass and 20 g of butter and brush the khachapuri on top. It turns out beautiful and tasty.

Or (if there is no mass left): put the cake in the oven, and after 7-12 minutes, when its surface has dried from the heat of the oven, brush with egg yolk and continue baking.

Bake khachapuri on the middle shelf. After about 8-10 minutes, when the bottom is baked and the top begins to turn pink, you can switch the oven to grill mode (if possible). Then the khachapuri will turn out with a beautiful, even crust.

This khachapuri flatbread is thinner, it is made from half the dough

After 2-3 minutes, turn off the oven and remove the khachapuri. Cut into pieces immediately without waiting for it to cool. And serve right away - hot khachapuri tastes better.

Khachapuri with cheese, step by step photo recipe in the oven, in a frying pan and in a slow cooker

Khachapuri is a traditional dish of Georgian cuisine, figuratively - cheese pie, and literally translated - bread and cheese. I’ll tell you how you can prepare delicious pies with cheese and khachapuri at home.

There are many delicious khachapuri recipes:

  • khachapuri in Adjarian style (in the form of a boat filled with egg),
  • khachapuri in Georgian,
  • khachapuri in Imeretian style,
  • khachapuri in Abkhazian,
  • Megrelian khachapuri (this is when cheese is placed on top of the khachapuri before baking),
  • Svan khachapuri (with meat),
  • Ossetian,
  • Armenian khachapuri.

Traditional khachapuri is prepared with unleavened curd cheese of the Adyghe type and an egg, or from feta cheese, suluguni with the addition of cottage cheese, but there are many recipes where they are used in addition to Adyghe cheese hard cheeses, greens are not added to khachapuri. And some housewives make this recipe their own, special, and put not only greens in the khachapuri filling, but also garlic, ham, meat, smoked cheese, potatoes, champignons, and fish. Smart housewives love to cook khachapuri quickly and use ready-made puff pastry or lavash to prepare lazy khachapuri. We will prepare real khachapuri with yeast dough, and we will try to bake them not only in the oven and frying pan, but even in a slow cooker!

We will use the following products in the khachapuri recipe:

  • Wheat flour - 1kg
  • Warm water - 0.5 liters
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Dry granulated yeast - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Butter or margarine - 50 g per dough
  • Butter - 100 g for filling
  • Cheese - 1400 g

From this amount of ingredients we will get 4 khachapuri flatbreads, each one will require approximately 350 g of cheese filling

Ideally, for the filling, of course, use delicate lightly salted Adyghe cheese, Ossetian or Imeretian,

How to cook khachapuri:

Let's start by preparing yeast dough for khachapuri

(you can also often find dough for khachapuri in recipes sour milk, matsoni or kefir).

  1. Pour slightly warm water into a deep cup, add sugar and dry yeast.

2. Leave them for 15 minutes, during which time the yeast will dissolve in the water and turn into foam.

3. You need to add salt to it.

4. Heat the vegetable oil along with margarine or butter, do not make them hot so as not to kill the yeast. Place in a bowl with yeast.

5. Add sifted flour to it and knead the dough. Sometimes I knead the dough for khachapuri in a bread maker.

6. The yeast dough will rise and ripen in a warm place for about 1 hour. It should expand well in volume.

Preparation of cheese filling for khachapuri:

In order for the khachapuri to be rosy and shiny, you need to prepare a lubricant for them.

  1. To do this, mix the remaining yolks with two tablespoons of sunflower oil and three tablespoons of water.

The dough and filling for khachapuri are ready,

the next step is to tell how to make khachapuri stuffed with cheese and eggs.

Cooking khachapuri with cheese in the oven

Cooking khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan

Do not skimp on the oil for khachapuri; as soon as it is absorbed, you can try it.

Khachapuriis a national Georgian dish, which is a pie or flatbread made from dough with cheese filling inside.

The name "Khachapuri" comes from two words: "Khacho"- cottage cheese And "Puri"- bread(dough).

The product itself also consists of these parts: dough and cheese filling.

Khachapuri comes in several types:

1. Imereti– flatbread with cheese inside;

2. Mengrelian– cheese is not only inside, it’s also sprinkled on top;

3. Adjarian– open boat-shaped khachapuri + egg;

4. Achma or Sagan-Makarina– several layers of slightly boiled unleavened dough are sprinkled with cheese and poured with melted butter.

The name khachapuri is taken from the area. Imereti, Adjara, Mengrelia are regions of Georgia. These are, for example, Ural, Siberian dumplings, etc.

DOUGHfor khachapuri, according to the classics of the genre, it can be yeast or yeast-free, but definitely NOT rich; no need to get carried away with the rich component of the dough (butter, sour cream, sugar, etc.).

  • Yeast dough is kneaded using any fermented milk product: matsoni, yogurt, kefir, whey, etc. Or milk and even Borjomi
  • Yeast-free dough is kneaded using the same products (except milk), only the yeast is replaced with soda and baking powder.
  • The dough should be soft to the touch, like your earlobe and not stick to your hands.
  • The dough can also be puff pastry, and it is very tasty, although not a classic!
  • If you bake khachapuri in the oven, then yeast dough is a must.
  • If the oven is upstairs, in a frying pan, and there is no time to wait for the yeast to “work,” then knead the yeast-free
  • dough with soda (baking powder), let it rest for 20-25 minutes, and only after that bake.
  • Khachapuri (like people) can be fluffy and thinner. It's a matter of taste)))
  • Khachapuri can be baked in the oven, over coals using a KETSI clay frying pan, or on the stove in a thick-walled cast iron frying pan.
  • As fillingsmost often used for khachapuriImeretian cheese (chkinti-kweli).

Imereti cheese - is considered the ideal cheese for khachapuri; it is most often used to prepare Georgian pie. It is prepared from fresh, unboiled milk, so all the aromas, vitamins and minerals remain intact. It has a slightly sour taste and a dense elastic consistency. This cheese is something between rennet barrel cheese and mozzarella. Imereti cheese for filling khachapuri should be crumbled by hand without using a grater.

Suluguni – brine Georgian cheese with fermented milk, slightly salty taste and smell. It has a dense, layered and elastic consistency. It is made from pasteurized cow, buffalo, sheep and goat milk or mixtures thereof. The milk is first heated and then lactic acid bacteria are added to ferment it (sometimes with the addition of rennet).

When an elastic curd of cheese is formed, it is crushed into pieces, two-thirds of the whey is removed, lightly pressed, being careful not to remove all the whey, and left for 5 hours, turning the cheese periodically.

When the future suluguni matures to the required condition, eyes form on its surface. The ripened cheese is chopped, poured with milk, whey or water and cooked over low heat, stirring with a special wooden stirrer. After all, the viscous layered mass is laid out on the table, a piece is cut to fit the shape, the outer edges are folded inward by hand, rounding the surface. The formed head of cheese is dipped into cold water to cool and harden, and placed in a mold sprinkled with salt. Ready suluguni is sent to cold brine.

Often in khachapuri recipes you can find cheeses such asvats or feta cheese.

It’s difficult to buy high-quality Imeretian cheese in Russia, so we fantasize, experiment, and combine different cheeses.

For example:

  1. Adyghe + feta cheese or Chanakh cheese 3/1. You can add small pieces of butter.
  2. Barrel cheese (chanakh) + suluguni 4/1;
  3. Mozzarella + feta cheese 1/1;
  4. Mozzarella + suluguni 4/1;

If the original cheeses are unleavened (Adyghe cheese, mozzarella), be sure to add salt.If, on the contrary, the cheese is very salty, you need to wash it, cut it into medium pieces and soak for ~ 50-60 minutes. V cold water so that the excess salt goes away.

Do not use hard cheeses such as Dutch or feta for khachapuri!

(names are clickable)

Imeretian khachapuri baked in the form of a round closed flat cake made from yeast or yeast-free dough with Imeretian cheese inside. For the filling you can use any combination of cheeses suggested above. The cheese in the product should be evenly distributed.

Mingrelian khachapuri - also have a round shape, but cheese is not only added inside the flatbread, it is sprinkled on the top of the product, after having previously greased it with egg. The dough is yeast.

Adjarian – khachapuri in the shape of a boat, the cheese filling of which is poured with an egg at the end of cooking. Adding milk and eggs to the dough is wrong. The dough for Adjarian khachapuri should be simple, “bread”: water, flour, yeast.

It is also incorrect to lubricate the product before and after baking with egg, butter, or milk.

The beauty, even the chic, of Adjarian khachapuri lies in the combination FRESH dough and a very CREAMY CHEESE filling: in this wonderful contrast.

And, of course, traditional: DO NOT add suluguni cheese to the filling for Adjarian khachapuri! Unfortunately, this is a very common mistake. The fact is that suluguni, like any custard cheese, hardens quickly, and the filling in Adjarian khachapuri should be liquid, even after cooling. A broken piece of pie is dipped into liquid yolk and eaten. Combinations of cheeses No. 1 and 3 are suitable for filling khachapuri.

Achma or sagan macarina("sagan" - a high baking tray for such khachapuri, "macarina" - dough products) - This special kind khachapuri, consisting of layers of dough, sprinkled with cheese and sealed into a large pie. The simplest dough is suitable, like for dumplings or dumplings.

Khachapuri "Penovani" got its name from the type of dough, that is, “foaming” (from Georgian - puff pastry).

In addition to cheese, khachapuri is prepared with meat, and then it will be kubdari. And if you use beans as a filling, you get lobiani.

Although, calling these pies the word “Khachapuri” is not entirely correct: we already know WHAT the first part of this word “khacho” - “cottage cheese” means))) But since these pies are similar in shape, dough composition, and cooking technology to “ main character" of the article, you can briefly talk about them:

Please note that since 2010, khachapuri has been a patented official trade name.

Some tips for preparing khachapuri:

1. The dough should be soft. It is advisable to roll it out with your hands and not with a rolling pin.

You all know that, oddly enough, sometimes we want to eat something unusual: some pies, whites or hot dogs. Agree, this happens to everyone. I don’t really want to buy products of questionable quality on the street. That’s when we open cookbooks, videos and other sources in search of delicious and not entirely healthy recipes.

Layered miracle

First, let's prepare puff pastry for khachapuri. The recipe requires premium flour and exclusively sifted flour. You need to take cold water, but not from the tap.

For the test:

Flour - 400 g;
. margarine - 40 g;
. water - 250 ml;
. salt - 1 tsp.

Sift the flour in a heap, make a well in the center and pour water into it. Add salt and gently knead the dough. Cover with a towel and leave in a cool place for an hour and a half. Roll out the dough. Place margarine cut into pieces in the middle. Cover it with the remaining layer and roll it out as thin as possible. Fold three times and refrigerate. The dough is ready.


We will need:

Brynza - half a kilo;
. egg - 1 pc.;
. oil - for lubrication.


1) Make flat cakes 5 mm thick from the dough.
2) Place the filling of grated cheese mixed with egg in the center.
3) Wrap the edges with an envelope.
4) Grease a baking sheet with oil and place khachapuri there.
5) Heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for about half an hour.
6) Before serving, brush with butter or sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

It's very tasty and original dough for khachapuri. The recipe for this dish is quite simple.

National joy

The traditional khachapuri recipe is difficult to prepare, at least Slavic man. As in many cultures, there are plenty of secrets and little tricks. We suggest you take the time to prepare the dough for khachapuri. The Georgian recipe is real.

Have to take:

Butter - 110 g;
. sugar - 2 tsp;
. flour - 2 cups;
. sour cream - 6 tbsp. l.;
. soda - on the tip of a spoon or knife;
. margarine - 50 g.

This is all you need to prepare the dough for khachapuri. The recipe is as follows:

1) Mash butter with margarine.
2) Add sour cream, sugar, salt and water.
3) Mix, add flour and knead the dough with light movements.

For filling:

Potatoes - 300 g;
. feta cheese - 100 g;
. egg - 1 pc.


1) Boil potatoes in their skins, cool.
2) Peel and puree.
3) Grate the cheese on a fine grater and mix it with the potatoes.
4) Divide the dough into eight equal parts.
5) Make a flat cake 10 cm wide from each part.
6) Place the filling in the middle and seal the edge. The recipe for khachapuri dough is very simple, and if you use good flour, it will not float.
7) Flatten the flatbreads to give them the desired shape.
8) Whisk the egg and coat each khachapuri.
9) Place the flatbreads on a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Excellent and delicious dough for khachapuri. The Georgian recipe with cheese will not leave anyone indifferent. We recommend it as a traditional one. Such khachapuri will be surprisingly similar to the real thing. Here is another option for kneading dough for them.

The most delicate yeast dough for khachapuri: recipe

Have to take:

Milk - 200 g;
. salt - at your discretion;
. yeast - 2 tsp;
. soda - half a tsp;
. flour - 3 cups.


  1. Add milk at room temperature to the flour.
  2. Salt, add yeast.
  3. Quench the soda with vinegar and add to the dough.
  4. Knead the dough with smooth movements, adding flour as needed.

This recipe for khachapuri dough makes it very tender and airy. An excellent filling would be suluguni and Adyghe cheese.

Cooking option


Suluguni - 100 g;
. Adyghe cheese - 100 g;
. butter - 80 g.


1) After kneading the dough, let it rise for about forty minutes.
2) Form it into small balls the size of Walnut.
3) Roll them out well so that the diameter reaches the size of a dinner plate.
4) Grate cheese (both types) on a fine grater.
5) Melt the butter in a water bath.
6) Add it to the cheese.
7) Use a teaspoon to place the filling in the center of each roll and pinch the edges tightly in the center.
8) Roll out again with a rolling pin, but not so thin. The thickness of the dough should be about 1 cm.
9) Heat a frying pan without oil.
10) Fry on both sides for about two to three minutes.

You can make khachapuri from ready dough. The recipe will be much simpler. But you must admit, it won’t be as tasty. The very point of making homemade khachapuri is that you can choose the ingredients and filling for the dough yourself.

Kefir dough

Have to take:

Flour - 700 g;
. kefir - 500 ml;
. sugar - 1 tsp;
. salt - at your discretion.

Kneading the dough:

They make very satisfying and crispy khachapuri. The yeast dough recipe is much inferior to it.
1) Heat kefir to room temperature. You can take any fat content.
2) Slowly add flour, starting to knead.
3) Add salt and sugar and knead well.
4) Let stand for about 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, make the filling.

Have to take:

Cheese (salty) - 700 g;
. butter - 100 g;
. soda - as much as needed;
. sunflower oil- 4 tbsp. l.


1) Make a flatbread from the dough we have already prepared.
2) Sprinkle it with a small amount of soda.
3) Knead the dough again and repeat the procedure three times.
4) Cover with a towel and place in a warm place for an hour.
5) Grate the cheese well, coarsely this time.
6) Wait until the dough is ready and divide it into five parts.
7) Form a flat cake using a rolling pin.
8) Place the filling in the center of each of them and add a little butter.
9) Gather the edges in the center, creating a “pouch”.
10) Roll each one out to the size of a frying pan, not very thin. It is best to take a frying pan with a grooved coating.
11) Heat a frying pan without oil and fry until golden brown, covering with a lid.
12) Turn over and continue to fry without a lid for 3-4 minutes.

Adjarian rosy

To prepare the dough:

Water at room temperature or slightly warmer - 200 ml;
. sugar - 1 tsp;
. dry, active yeast - half a sachet (can be replaced with natural yeast - 5 g);
. flour - half a kilo;
. sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.


1) Take a deep bowl.
2) If you prefer natural yeast, sprinkle it with sugar and let it sit for 3 minutes.
3) Mix all ingredients vigorously and leave for 10-15 minutes.
4) After this time, carefully add flour and mix.
5) Knead the dough, adding sunflower oil. It should stick to your hands a little.
6) Wrap well in a blanket and send to a warm place for two hours.


Suluguni cheese - 300 g.
. feta cheese - 300 g.
. Adyghe cheese - 150 g.
. greens - at your discretion;
. egg - 2 pcs.


1) Chop the greens very finely.
2) Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
3) Divide the dough into parts.
4) Roll out into large circles, as for pizza.
5) Distribute some of the greens and cheese filling in a circle and roll it into a roll, leaving a space in the middle.
6) Connect the edges with a “ship”.
7) Place some filling on the empty part.
8) Coat the edges of our “boat” with beaten egg yolk.
9) Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
10) Send the khachapuri there for 15 minutes until the filling boils.
11) Beat a chicken egg into the middle.

Khachapuri is ready when the egg is fried. This dish is very satisfying, and the golden crispy sides are a delight. TO this species Sauces are great for cooking. For example, tartare, homemade mayonnaise or adjika.

We hope that our article will be useful and informative for you.

A very popular Georgian dish that everyone has tried is khachapuri. This is a kind of flatbread with cheese filling that Georgians use instead of bread.

In Georgia, every housewife has her own secrets for preparing this dish. Therefore there is currently great amount interpretations of preparing khachapuri using different dough And different fillings. We offer you the best of them.

Khachapuri with lavash cheese

This recipe is considered the simplest because there is no need to prepare the dough. For the dish you you will need:

  • pita;
  • 250 gr. Suluguni cheese;
  • 250 gr. kefir;
  • 250 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • butter.

Cooking khachapuri with cheese

  1. First you need to beat kefir with eggs. Grate the cheese and mix it with cottage cheese, adding salt to the mixture to taste. The pita bread must be laid out on a greased baking sheet so that one part remains free.
  2. The remaining pita bread is divided into pieces, which are dipped in the kefir mixture. Some of these pieces are placed on top of the pita bread laid out on a baking sheet and sprinkled with part of the cheese mixture on top. This procedure is repeated three times and after the edges of the pita bread are folded up and covered with the free part of the pita bread.
  3. All this is coated with the remaining kefir-egg mixture and put in the oven for 30 minutes.

Megrelian khachapuriwith cheese

To prepare this type you will need:

  • 350 gr. Suluguni;
  • 1 egg;
  • 300 gr. flour;
  • dry yeast;
  • margarine.

Cooking khachapuri with cheese

  1. First, prepare the dough. To do this, take 200 ml. water and add salt and sugar, then add yeast, flour and add margarine while kneading. Leave the resulting mixture for about an hour, maybe a little more.
  2. While the dough is rising, grate the cheese. After the dough has arrived, roll it out and stuff it.
  3. Gather the edges, pinch in the center, brush with yolk and place on a baking sheet. The yolk can give not only a very tasty, but also an aesthetically pleasing crust. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese and place in the oven for twenty minutes.

Puff khachapuriwith cheese

Puff pastry and cheese are a very tasty combination. To please your loved ones, you need to take the following ingredients with such a dish:

  • 500 gr. puff pastry;
  • 500 gr. feta cheese or suluguni;
  • one egg.

Cooking khachapuri with cheese

  1. To prepare, roll out the dough into 3-5 mm flat cakes. In each we put grated cheese, previously mixed with an egg. Fold into an envelope and bake until golden brown.
  2. Before serving the dish, you need to grease the flatbread with a small amount of butter.
  3. Here you can experiment by adding ham with cheese.

Khachapuri with Adjarian cheese

Adjarian khachapuri is a special variation of this dish. Firstly, they differ in shape, and secondly, they have an original taste and unusual way eating.

Required ingredients:

  • dry yeast;
  • flour;
  • 300 gr. suluguni, feta cheese or Adyghe cheese;
  • butter;
  • vegetable oil;
  • egg.

Cooking khachapuri with cheese

  1. First, knead the dough. In 150-200 ml. add yeast to the water and leave for 15 minutes, stirring thoroughly before doing so. Then add 0.5 kg of flour.
  2. It is very important that the dough is the right consistency so that it can be easily manipulated. If the dough turns out to be too liquid, then you should add flour, but if it’s the opposite, then you should dilute the resulting mixture with water.
  3. After this, add 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and put it in a warm place. On average, the raising time for such a dough is one to two hours.
  4. For the filling, grate the cheese with butter and mix thoroughly.
  5. Once the dough is ready, the fun begins. Roll it out into medium-sized circles and add filling to each one. Then we twist each side like a roll and connect it, leaving the center free, so that it looks like a boat. Place more filling in the center and brush the edges with egg yolk.
  6. Cooking time is 15 minutes. You must not miss the moment when the center filled with cheese begins to boil and carefully beat 1 egg into it.
  7. When the protein sets and becomes white this is a signal that khachapuri can be served.

How to eat khachapuri with cheese

It is very interesting that you need to eat such khachapuri correctly, breaking off the edges and dipping into the filling in the center.

Whatever khachapuri recipe you choose, you will get wonderful pastries that can be used as an independent dish or as an addition to the main menu.

Khachapuri with cheese - video recipe