How to bake eggplant for rolls in the oven. Recipes for eggplant rolls with various fillings

The oblong appearance of eggplants suggests that these vegetables can be thinly sliced ​​lengthwise, fried or baked until tender, and wrapped with a variety of fillings in soft sheets. This is what they do, making rolls from low-calorie eggplants, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Let's look at sample recipes with photos of eggplant rolls with with different fillings, their dietary use, restrictions that exist.

Eggplant rolls with different fillings step by step - recipes with photos

Eggplants like food product, have two features:

  • bitterness, more or less characteristic of their pulp,
  • high content of toxic solanine in overripe fruits.

Therefore, when purchasing eggplants, you need to choose exceptionally dense, shiny, evenly colored vegetables without dark spots, with green stalks. The characteristic bitterness is eliminated by sprinkling the slices with salt or soaking them in salt water.

In addition, when frying and baking, eggplant pulp absorbs a lot of fat, so pans and baking sheets need to be greased vegetable oil not too much.

A wide variety of fillings, meat and vegetarian, are wrapped in cooked thin slices of eggplant. Their composition determines the final calorie content.

Let's consider two completely dietary recipe such rolls.

The first one is eggplant roll With minced chicken, soft cheese and garlic:


  • Wash the eggplants, dry them with napkins, cut off the ends of the fruits, and then thinly (no thicker than 3 mm) cut them lengthwise. Salt each plate, place in a colander, and after half an hour squeeze out the released juice.
  • Peel, rinse, finely chop the onion and garlic, fry them until the onion is transparent in a small amount of vegetable oil in a well-heated frying pan. Add minced meat from chicken breast, season with oregano, simmer, stirring, for 5-6 minutes.
  • Cool the filling, add chopped parsley, finely chopped soft cheese and olives, cut into thin rings. Mix well.
  • Place 2 tablespoons of the prepared filling on each eggplant slice and roll into rolls, securing them with a wooden toothpick.
  • Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and bake the stuffed eggplant rolls at 170ºC - 10 minutes on one side and 10 minutes on the other.

Calorie content does not exceed ready-made food 150 units in 100 grams.

Second - with baked sweet peppers:


  • Sweet pepper wash, dry, bake in the oven until ready, put in a bag. After 10 minutes, peel off the skin, cut in half, and remove the seeds.
  • Mix well soy sauce with vegetable oil.
  • Cut the washed and dried eggplants with the ends cut off lengthwise into strips no thicker than 3 mm. Brush the slices on both sides with a mixture of soy sauce and butter, place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and place in the oven preheated to 180ºC for 15 minutes.
  • Chop fresh herbs and mix thoroughly with finely grated garlic.
  • Spread plastic wrap on the table, place eggplant slices on it close to each other in two rows of 6 pieces each, spread a mixture of chopped herbs and garlic over them, season ground pepper and salt.
  • Place the baked pepper halves across the eggplant rows, leaving only the last 5 cm of the overall “mat” covered so that it can be conveniently rolled up. Season the filling with ground pepper and salt.
  • Using the film as a general casing, roll up the roll, wrap the edges well and keep in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

Calorie content ready-made dish does not exceed 100 units in 100 grams.

Eggplant roll in the diet menu

Eggplant pulp is not rich in calories, but is rich in vitamins, phosphorus, sodium,. This elemental composition helps strengthen bones, revitalizes hematopoietic processes, strengthens the immune system. Based on these healthy vegetables, even a separate two-week slimming diet has been developed with a final weight loss of 6-8 kg.

Filling options for eggplant rolls

The long, soft slabs of cooked fruit wrap comfortably around a variety of ingredients and pair well with flavor. Fillings include:

  • Other vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, stem celery, carrots (including those cooked in Korean).
  • Meat – mainly minced meat and finely chopped smoked meats. White chicken, veal and beef, which do not have fat layers, are suitable for slimming diets.
  • Fish - only low-fat varieties are appropriate in dietary menus.
  • Dairy products - hard cheese, cream. Valid for dietary purposes general rule, according to which the fat content of cheese should not be higher than 30%, and the percentage of fat in sour cream should not be more than 10.
  • – eggplant slices are dipped into raw ones before frying, hard-boiled ones are added to the filling.
  • Flour, breadcrumbs - used to coat eggplants so that they do not absorb too much oil. Such additives are not recommended in dietary menus.
  • Mayonnaise is another “persona non grata” for healthy nutrition with limited calories.
  • Tomato paste, tomato sauce– preference should be given to products made from natural raw materials without preservatives, flavor enhancers and dyes.
  • Fruit juices - mainly lemon and , go well with most fillings and eggplant wrappers.
  • Mushrooms – and edible forest ones, give the rolls new flavor and aromatic shades and practically do not increase the overall calorie content.
  • Nuts – most often well chopped.
  • Spicy and hot spices - mixtures of peppers, adjika, suneli hops, sets of French and Provençal herbs.

How to make eggplant rolls - video

The presented videos show in detail the making of eggplant rolls with various fillings. In the first of them, thin flat slices of eggplant are pre-fried in a frying pan lightly greased with vegetable oil. Then they are filled with nuts, cottage cheese, fresh cucumber and celery stalk with garlic. There are 2 ways to roll filled rolls.

In the second video, the dish, prepared in 20 minutes, turns out to be strictly vegetarian. The eggplant strips are baked in the oven until done. The filling for eggplant rolls will be a mixture of walnuts and red onions, chopped in a blender. The finished dish is impressively decorated with a mixture of multi-colored lettuce leaves, cherry tomatoes and sun-dried tomatoes.

Eggplant rolls, rich in vitamins and minerals, depending on the composition of the filling, can be more or less high in calories. Vegetable, mushroom, lean meat and fish fillers are optimal for diets focused on weight loss. At the same time, spicy and hot seasonings speed up metabolism and additionally promote the burning of fat deposits. For diseases of the digestive system and diabetes, the consumption of eggplants is contraindicated.

What fillings do you use for eggplant rolls? Do you prefer to fry or bake them? Are such rolls included in your diet menu? Share your culinary experience with us in the comments!

If you are planning holiday menu, then such an appetizer as eggplant rolls is a must have on your list of dishes. The filling for rolls can be very different, depending on the time of year, and you can prepare a snack out of season (in winter and spring) from frozen eggplants.

You just need to fry or bake eggplant slices in vegetable oil, place them in a bag and freeze. Such roll preparations take up very little space in the freezer, so they are suitable even for the most modest-sized models.

Do you want to surprise your guests every time and prepare eggplant rolls with new filling? Then bookmark my recipes. For your convenience, each eggplant appetizer for the holiday table presented on the 8 Spoons website is accompanied by step by step photos And detailed description cooking process.

I really hope that you will like and enjoy these recipes. What is your favorite filling for eggplant rolls? Please write in the comments, or in the 8 Spoons VK group, I will be very interested!

If you are looking for a spectacular appetizer for some kind of celebration, then you should like my recipe today. We are talking about eggplant snack rolls with cottage cheese and herbs - bright and appetizing. Your guests will certainly like these eggplant rolls with cottage cheese - after all, appearance, and its taste is beyond praise.

Are you looking for delicious eggplant spring rolls? I suggest making eggplant rolls with feta and tomatoes: it turns out not only beautiful and bright, but also very tasty. Feta is good on its own, and even better in company with ripe tomatoes, aromatic herbs and fried eggplants- especially.

Are you looking for an interesting hot appetizer for your holiday table? Pay attention to the eggplant rolls with minced meat. Combination of fried eggplant and minced meat very successful, and if you add tomato sauce and hard cheese, you get something amazing!

This eggplant appetizer is both beautiful and delicious. So you can prepare these eggplant rolls for your holiday table. Fried eggplants go perfectly with delicate cheese, nuts and fresh herbs.

Hello, dear readers! If you are reading this article, then, like me, you are an eggplant lover. Our family has loved this Georgian horseman for a long time. I especially like it not only for its taste and ease of preparation, but also because it is very healthy. This gives the vegetable a huge advantage in that it can be eaten by the whole family, including children.

In previous articles we have already talked about. Today we will talk again about snacks that can be made using eggplants. I cook them more often during vegetable season, when they can be pulled from the garden and used. In winter we buy them in supermarkets, but cook them less often. Still, eating your harvest is doubly pleasant.

A selection of useful articles on the topic:

So, delicious recipes snacks are ready to read and require immediate preparation. Stock up on the necessary products, stand at the stove, we are starting...

This appetizer will decorate any celebration. The taste, thanks to the right combination of ingredients, is very harmonious, and the aroma of garlic and cheese is appetizing. Such a delicacy never lingers on our table and the plate is empty long before dessert is served.

Making these rolls is easy and simple. The main thing is that the treat turns out great, you need to remember two things: important features eggplant:

  1. They love to soak up oil. When hot, they absorb it like a sponge. To avoid excessive fat in the dish, you can prepare an egg batter for this vegetable. The egg layer will prevent too much oil from getting into the pulp. Also, after frying, it is better to place the eggplants on paper napkins for 20 minutes. Excess oil will drain;
  2. If eggplants were harvested late, they may taste bitter. This can also be easily dealt with by keeping them in salt water or covering them with salt for half an hour.

So, to prepare eggplant rolls with filling you will need:

  1. 3 ripe eggplants;
  2. 150 grams hard cheese;
  3. 3 cloves of garlic;
  4. 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  5. salt;
  6. oil for frying.

Rinse the eggplants thoroughly. There is no need to clean them. Cut the vegetable into slices lengthwise. The width of each layer should be no more than 5-8 millimeters.

Now, as we already said, you need to get rid of the bitterness. I just sprinkle the layers with salt and leave them for half an hour. You can soak them in well-salted water for the same time.

Then drain the liquid and rinse under running water. Pour a little oil into a bowl with eggplants and mix with your hands so that it is evenly distributed over all layers. Now place the slices in a hot frying pan (no need to grease with oil) and fry on both sides until golden brown.

Fry all the eggplants, placing them from the pan on paper napkins.

Grind the cheese with a grater and pour into a bowl. Squeeze the garlic there through a garlic press and add mayonnaise.

Mix thoroughly. This will be the filling for our rolls. Apply spread to each layer of eggplant. You can distribute it along the entire length, slightly retreating from the far edge, or you can apply it only to the upper edge. Whoever likes it.

Roll the plates into a roll and carefully place them on a beautiful plate.

You can decorate with herbs, lettuce or fresh vegetables. But even without decoration, the rolls will be quickly eaten. Checked!

Recipe for eggplant rolls with walnuts in Georgian style

This Georgian recipe has been in great demand in our country for many years. Exquisite combination eggplant, walnuts and garlic will not leave anyone indifferent.

For the rolls you will need;

  1. 2 ripe eggplants;
  2. a pinch of red pepper;
  3. 1 teaspoon hops-suneli;
  4. salt;
  5. some fresh coriander;
  6. 3 cloves of garlic;
  7. 1 onion;
  8. 150 grams of walnuts;
  9. 100 grams of water;
  10. 2-3 tablespoons of white vinegar.

Wash the eggplant, wipe and remove the stem. Cut them into layers 3-5 millimeters wide. Sprinkle them with salt and set aside for 20 minutes.

While the eggplants release their juice, and with it the bitterness we don’t need, start preparing the nut butter. To do this, place nuts in a blender bowl, add salt, red pepper, suneli hops, coriander and garlic. Grind until a homogeneous mixture is formed.

So far the mixture has turned out to be a bit dry, so you need to add water and white vinegar and turn on the blender again for a few seconds.

Now the mass is paste-like, which is what we wanted.

Finely chop the onion.

Fry it in oil until golden brown and combine with the nut filling.

Onions can also be added fresh or not added at all. Decide at your discretion.

Let's return to our eggplants. Delete excess liquid and rinse them clean water. Fry them in a hot frying pan in oil on both sides.

Place fried vegetables from the pan onto a paper mat to remove excess oil.

Apply about 1 teaspoon of nut paste to one piece of eggplant and spread it over the entire area, slightly retreating from the far edge. Roll up the roll.

Do the same with the rest of the eggplants.

Decorate the dish in a way convenient for you and immediately bring it to the table. Surely, your loved ones are already salivating from the aroma that has been hovering in the house for several minutes. Bon appetit!

Eggplants - quick and tasty! (filled with tomatoes and cheese)

Guests are on the doorstep, but you don’t have time to prepare a decent treat? Don't worry. Tasty doesn't mean long. This recipe will definitely help you out when you have too little time to cook, and your loved ones demand delicious food.


  1. 1 large or 2 medium eggplants;
  2. 200 grams of curd cheese;
  3. cherry tomatoes - 5-10 pieces or 1-2 medium tomatoes;
  4. garlic 2-3 cloves;
  5. green;
  6. salt;
  7. Oil for frying.

Wash the eggplants, remove the tops and cut into strips along the entire length. Sprinkle them with salt and leave them alone for half an hour.

As soon as liquid is released, drain it and rinse the layers with water. Dry on a napkin and start frying. In a hot frying pan, fry the plates on both sides.

Cut the tomatoes into slices. If you use cherry tomatoes, then just divide them into 4 parts; if you have larger tomatoes, then cut them smaller.

Combine curd cheese with garlic passed through a press and chopped herbs. If the mass turns out to be thick and does not spread well, then add a little mayonnaise.

Apply an even layer of cheese and garlic filling onto the eggplant layer, place 1 piece of tomato on the top edge and wrap the roll.

So, roll up all the rolls and serve.

It turns out very beautiful and original. And I’m generally silent about taste impressions. However, you will understand everything yourself when you try.

Eggplant sandwiches in the oven with cheese

Continuing the eggplant theme, let's also consider the option of sandwiches with them. Both children and adults adore them. It turns out very tasty, and is prepared in a matter of minutes. Let's cook them together!


  1. 1 eggplant;
  2. 2 tomatoes;
  3. 2 bell peppers;
  4. 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  5. 1 teaspoon mustard;
  6. 1 tablespoon soy sauce;
  7. a little ground pepper;
  8. 200-300 grams of semi-smoked sausage (or any other sausage to your taste);
  9. 150 grams of hard cheese
  10. 1 baguette or sliced ​​loaf;
  11. vegetable oil for frying.

Cut a loaf or baguette for sandwiches.

Wash the eggplant and, without peeling, chop it into small cubes.

Peel the pepper from seeds, rinse and also chop into cubes, like eggplant.

Fry the eggplant and sweet pepper cubes in oil. As soon as the vegetables become soft, the pan can be removed from the heat.

Cut the sausage and tomatoes in the same way, into cubes.

IN stewed vegetables add pepper, salt and soy sauce. Mix thoroughly.

To remove excess moisture and oil, place the vegetable mixture on a paper towel for a few minutes.

Combine mayonnaise and mustard in a bowl and apply this mixture to the loaf slices.

Once all the excess has drained from the eggplants, combine them with sausage and tomatoes. Mix thoroughly.

Apply the resulting mixture onto bread with mayonnaise-mustard spread. Place future sandwiches on a dry baking sheet. Sprinkle grated cheese onto each serving and place the dish in the oven at 180 degrees for about 10-15 minutes.

As soon as the cheese melts and browns, the dish is ready!

Serve on lettuce leaves, garnished with herbs. Beautiful and very tasty!

In general, eggplant is universal in its use. It is boiled, fried, steamed, and stored for the winter. But the snacks are the tastiest. In my family, such delicacies are not uncommon.

What do you make from eggplants? What is yours signature dish? Share with us, your opinion is important to us! Bon appetit and see you soon!

A must-have for any holiday table is snacks. Guests need to be surprised at the beginning of the feast: full and satisfied, they will not even notice the error in the main dish. Prepare delicious snack can be made from simple ingredients. Serve eggplant rolls with different fillings and your guests will appreciate your efforts.

Easy to prepare

The homeland of eggplant is India. The vegetable is so often used in Slavic cuisine - it’s hard to believe that they once didn’t know about it in Europe. Eggplant is valued not only for its taste, but also for its benefits. B vitamins, ascorbic and nicotinic acid, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, pectin and fiber - this is just a small list of benefits contained in the vegetable. The vitamins and minerals contained in eggplant help strengthen blood vessels, have a beneficial effect on heart function, improve immunity and elevate mood.

Eggplant is a versatile vegetable. Dishes from it are appropriate both in the everyday menu and on the festive table. Incredibly tasty, beautiful, healthy and inexpensive - this is how eggplant dishes can be described.

People call eggplants “little blue”. They are classified as vegetables, but if you look at them from a botanical point of view, they are berries.

Subtleties of the preparatory stage

Eggplant rolls are a simple dish that is hard to mess up. Cut the eggplant into plates, fry them and wrap with any filling - the dish is ready. However, if you don’t know the subtleties, the result may be disappointing: the snack will turn out to be too fatty and will taste bitter. The hostess should remember only four secrets, and the dish will definitely turn out tasty and appetizing in appearance.

  1. Selection of vegetables. The taste of the rolls depends on the base - eggplant. Only young vegetables can be eaten. Overripe ones contain corned beef, which can cause poisoning. Buy dark blue fruits with thin, smooth skin. Medium-sized eggplants are ideal for rolls. Large ones have a lot of seeds, which will spoil the taste of the dish. It is not so easy to make preparations for snacks from small vegetables, and there is a possibility that during the frying process they will turn into “porridge”. Pay attention to the “tail”: if it’s green, the vegetables were picked recently, if brown, it’s a long time ago.
  2. Cutting plates. To make eggplant rolls, you need to cut the vegetables into slices. Do not remove the skin, otherwise the slices will lose their shape when cooked. The ideal thickness of the workpiece is 0.5 cm. If you make the plates too thin, they will tear when twisted. Thick pieces are difficult to fry, and if you succeed, there is a chance that only the taste of the blue ones will be felt in the appetizer.
  3. Getting rid of bitterness. Before frying, it is necessary to remove the characteristic bitterness from the blue ones. The most popular way is to soak the slices in salted water for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse under running water. You can use another method - salt the eggplant slices and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.
  4. Frying. Eggplants absorb vegetable oil like a sponge. Do not use a lot of oil when frying, otherwise the rolls will run off with fat on the plate and lose their presentable appearance. After soaking, you can pour vegetable oil over the plates directly in the plate (calculation - four tablespoons per kilogram of vegetables), mix with your hands for even distribution and fry in a dry frying pan. It is recommended to place the fried plates on a paper towel: it will absorb excess fat.

Eggplants are a godsend for those who watch their figure. 100 g of vegetable contains only 25 kcal. Calorie content increases when frying in oil. But the rolls can also be made dietary: bake the plates without oil in the oven. This will take about 15 minutes (temperature 180°C). To make the plates soft and easy to roll, after baking you need to keep them in a plastic bag for ten minutes.

Eggplant rolls with different fillings: preparing snacks...

Eggplant rolls can often be seen on the holiday table. The appetizer is simple to prepare; a minimum of ingredients is required, and the guests are full. Each housewife has her own recipes for eggplant rolls. If the base is mostly prepared in the same way (blue plates are fried until golden brown), then they experiment with the filling ad infinitum.

Whatever the housewives put inside the rolls to surprise guests with a new taste. Both red fish and crab sticks, and hummus. But you don’t have to look for new flavor combinations for your guests to be delighted. There are proven filling options that are impossible to resist. Cheese, vegetable, mushroom fillings are already classics. You can make Georgian-style roulettes with nuts or wrap bacon inside - the dish will fly off the table. And be sure to have herbs and seasonings to make the taste brighter.

It is better to serve eggplant rolls on a plate covered with lettuce leaves, or sprinkle the rims of the tray with chopped herbs. The appetizer lacks colorfulness, but with green stuff the dish looks more appetizing.

With cheese and garlic

Peculiarities. Eggplant rolls with cheese and garlic can be called a culinary classic. Many housewives prepare snacks. For filling you can use processed cheese, any hard cheese. Dill can be replaced with parsley and cilantro. It is better to use homemade mayonnaise: it is harmless, but taste qualities beats the purchased product.

You will need:

  • eggplants - three medium fruits;
  • any hard cheese - 200 g;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • dill - half a bunch;
  • mayonnaise - three tablespoons;
  • refined vegetable oil - for frying;
  • spices - to taste.


  1. Cut the blue ones into slices and soak. Fry the preparations.
  2. Prepare the filling: combine grated cheese with finely chopped dill and garlic passed through a press. Season with sauce.
  3. Place cheese spread on cooled plates. Roll the rolls and secure with a skewer.

A variation on the theme of rolls with cheese and garlic - eggplant rolls with cottage cheese. The recipe is the same, but instead of cheese they use cottage cheese, instead of mayonnaise - sour cream. The appetizer is both tender and savory.

With Korean carrots

Peculiarities. Moderately spicy, eggplant rolls with carrots and garlic will appeal to those who love savory snacks. According to the recipe, you need to use Korean carrots, but you can use fresh carrots: they are grated and fried. If you make tubes with fresh vegetables, then for a piquant taste, use more garlic than indicated in the recipe.

You will need:

  • Korean carrots - 100 g;
  • garlic - clove;
  • medium fat mayonnaise - three tablespoons;
  • spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - a little for frying.


  1. Fry the prepared blue slices until golden brown.
  2. Add spices and garlic to mayonnaise (use a press).
  3. Lubricate the plates with garlic mayonnaise.
  4. Place on the edge of the workpiece Korean carrots, make a roll.

If you mix mayonnaise and sour cream in equal proportions, add herbs, it will taste tastier, and the appetizer will have fresh notes.

With nuts

Peculiarities. Spicy eggplant rolls with walnuts - « business card» Georgian cuisine. Unusual taste Khmeli-suneli and cilantro add a nutty filling. Lovers savory snacks can use more garlic.

You will need:

  • blue ones - two vegetables;
  • walnuts - half a glass;
  • garlic - three cloves;
  • onion - one large onion;
  • cilantro - half a bunch;
  • grape vinegar - a teaspoon;
  • salt, khmeli-suneli - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


  1. Chop the onion and sauté until golden.
  2. To prepare the filling, puree the nuts, fried onions, garlic, and herbs in a blender.
  3. Add seasonings to taste, vinegar. Mix thoroughly. You should get a paste.
  4. Fry the pre-cooked eggplant slices. Once cool, roll up the nut filling.

If the nut butter turns out too dry, add a little wine vinegar or half a teaspoon of adjika. You can also eliminate dryness with the help of pomegranate juice: it will emphasize the “Georgian” notes in the dish.

With tomatoes

Peculiarities. The combination of blueberries with tomatoes is one of the most successful: the eggplants are hearty, and the tomatoes have a light, fresh taste. Blue rolls with tomatoes according to this recipe are high in calories. If you want to transfer the snack to the dietary category, bake the roll plates in the oven, and use low-fat sour cream instead of mayonnaise.

You will need:

  • blue ones - four vegetables;
  • tomatoes - two large;
  • egg - two hard-boiled;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • any hard cheese - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise - three tablespoons;
  • seasonings - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - by eye (for frying).


  1. Fry pre-soaked and dried eggplant slices. Place them on a paper towel to remove excess fat.
  2. Grate the cheese and eggs. Combine in one container. Squeeze the garlic through a press here and add mayonnaise. Stir.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into thin circles, and then divide each circle in half.
  4. Brush eggplant slices with cheese-egg paste and top with a slice of tomato. Roll up the rolls.

Do you like really spicy dishes? Add finely chopped chili peppers to the filling. The tandem of pepper and garlic will tickle your taste buds. Don’t overdo it with the spiciness if you plan to serve the dish to guests: not everyone likes “fire in the mouth.”

With mushrooms

Peculiarities. You can use any mushrooms for the filling, but champignons are the most affordable option. You can add garlic to the filling. The greens are chosen according to your taste, but if you add basil to the mushrooms, new gastronomic experiences are guaranteed.

You will need:

  • blue ones - two vegetables;
  • small champignons - 300 g;
  • onion - large head;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • sunflower oil - for frying;
  • greens - optional;
  • seasonings - to taste.


  1. Cut the blue ones into slices, soak for half an hour in salted soda.
  2. Fry the pieces until nicely golden.
  3. Cut the mushrooms and onions into small cubes. Start frying the mushrooms in a small amount of vegetable oil, after ten minutes add the onion and a piece of butter (the taste of the filling will be more delicate). Fry until done.
  4. Add grated cheese, spices, and herbs to the hot filling. Stir.
  5. Place the mushroom filling on the slices and form into rolls. Secure with a skewer and you are ready to serve.

If you want unusual flavor combinations, add finely chopped prunes to the mushrooms, and sprinkle crushed walnuts on top of the tubes.

...and hotter

Eggplant rolls are mainly served as a cold appetizer. But if you bake the filled tubes in the oven, you will get a satisfying second course. The base is prepared as for an appetizer: the plates are soaked, fried or baked. But after the rolls are formed, they are not served, but sent to the oven. The main thing is to choose the right filling. Usually the dish is prepared with meat and cheese - it turns out incredibly tasty.

Eggplant is a seasonal vegetable. It is not safe to buy it in winter: you can get a portion of chemicals instead of useful things. But thrifty housewives can prepare the basis for rolls for future use. You need to freeze already fried eggplant slices: the raw vegetable after defrosting tastes like cotton wool.

With ham and cheese

Peculiarities. Ham and cheese rolls are tender and juicy. The dish will be an excellent option for a second breakfast - hearty, but not heavy. Basil and Parmesan add an Italian touch and are responsible for the aroma - the whole household will come running to the smell of the finished dish.

You will need:

  • eggplants - two unripe vegetables;
  • ham - 200 g;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • parmesan - 50 g;
  • basil - six sprigs;
  • salt - to taste;
  • olive oil - for frying.


  1. Prepare the blue ones: cut the washed vegetables into slices, remove the bitterness by soaking the slices in salted water.
  2. Fry the preparations in a frying pan with the addition of a small amount of olive oil. Place the slices on a paper towel. While they give off excess fat, start preparing the filling.
  3. Grate the cheeses, but do not mix them.
  4. Finely chop the basil leaves.
  5. Slice the ham into thin slices and then divide each slice in half.
  6. Place two half-circles of ham overlapping each other on an eggplant plate, sprinkle shavings of hard cheese on top, and basil on top of the cheese. Twist the roll and secure with a toothpick.
  7. Grease a baking dish with olive oil. Place the rolls and sprinkle with grated Parmesan.
  8. Bake for ten minutes, temperature - 200°C.

The cheese for the filling should be one that melts well. “Emmental”, “Gouda”, “Gruyère” are suitable.

With minced meat

Peculiarities. Rolls with meat filling with tomato and sour cream sauce - a hearty main course. It can be offered to household members for an everyday lunch or served to guests for a festive dinner. There is no frying among the cooking processes, so you don’t have to worry about your figure.

You will need:

  • blue ones - two young vegetables;
  • chicken (fillet) - one piece;
  • egg - one;
  • tomato - two large;
  • any hard cheese - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 150 ml;
  • garlic - optional;
  • greens - optional;
  • salt, pepper


  1. Prepare the base of the rolls: cut the blue ones into plates, remove the bitterness by soaking or salt.
  2. Make out chicken fillet minced meat using a blender.
  3. Grate the cheese, combine it with the minced meat, beat in the egg. Add spices, herbs if desired. Mix the filling.
  4. Remove the eggplant slices from the salted water and pour boiling water over them. This is necessary so that the workpieces become plastic and can be easily rolled into rolls.
  5. Make rolls with cheese and meat filling. Place in a baking dish.
  6. Prepare the sauce: blanch the tomatoes, peel them, chop the pulp, mix with sour cream, add garlic.
  7. Pour the sauce over the rolls. Send to bake for 40 minutes. Temperature - 200°C. If you like a cheese crust, ten minutes before the end of the cooking time, sprinkle the rolls with grated cheese and send them back to the oven.

You can use any minced meat for the filling, but only chicken will bake quickly. If you use beef or pork, it is better to pre-fry the chopped meat until half cooked. To prevent the minced meat from becoming dry, add finely chopped tomato pulp to the pan.

Eggplant rolls are a great snack option for a picnic. You don’t have to prepare the dish at home and take it with you: make a snack in nature. It’s tastier and more fun. The rolls are sprinkled with olive oil and grilled until cooked. Picnic dishes should be light, so fill the rolls with fresh vegetables and herbs. You don’t have to “bother” and simply wrap slices of fresh tomatoes in eggplant slices - in nature, such a snack will fly apart in a matter of minutes.


If you have never tried such an appetizer as eggplant rolls, do it right away! This is an incredibly delicious, colorful summer dish that you need to make at least once in the summer. I admit, the cooking process itself is long, but believe me: it’s worth every minute spent.

I bring to your attention, dear friends, one of the options for how to prepare eggplant rolls for festive table. Also, I’ll share a little secret so that the rolls don’t turn out too greasy. Less fat - more benefits!

So, we prepare eggplant rolls with cheese, garlic and tomato. Eggplant, cheese and garlic are made for each other, and the tomato refreshes the taste of the appetizer and adds even more summer notes in this incredible melody of summer colors.


  • Eggplants 3-4 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil 100 ml

For the filling:

  • Soft cheese “Russian” 150 gr.
  • Mayonnaise 100 gr.
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Tomato 2 pcs
  • Hard boiled eggs 2 pcs
  • Salt to taste


When I first made eggplant rolls, they were very tasty when finished, but the appetizer turned out to be very greasy. And it’s not surprising, because the eggplants must first be fried in vegetable oil, plus mayonnaise, eggs and cheese are fatty foods in themselves.

Therefore, I came up with the idea of ​​not frying eggplants for rolls, but baking them. With this method of processing, much less oil is used, and the taste of the finished dish does not change at all.

We cut the eggplants into slices 0.4-0.5 cm thick.

Using a brush, first lightly grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil. Lay out the eggplant slices.

Lubricate the eggplants on top with oil, also using a brush.

The most convenient way is to pour the oil into a small bowl and dip the brush a little at a time. Eggplants absorb oil very quickly, so you need to work quickly!

If the oven uses top and bottom heat at the same time, then it is not necessary to turn the eggplant slices over.

When the eggplants are ready, place them on a plate and let them cool.

Grate the cheese and eggs onto a fine grater. Press the garlic through a press.

Mix eggs, cheese, garlic and mayonnaise in a bowl.

Cut the tomatoes into slices. If the tomatoes are juicy and watery, then you need to remove the part with the seeds, otherwise the rolls will leak.

Using a knife, spread a thin layer of cheese filling onto each plate.

Place a piece of tomato and wrap it in a roll.

Place the rolls in a bowl, seam side down.