Green tomatoes: salted and pickled. Instant spicy green tomato appetizer

In the old days, all pickles and marinades were made and stored in large wooden barrels. It was quite convenient, practical and reliable, because you could prepare a lot of tomatoes for big family and not be afraid that they will deteriorate over the winter. Today it is almost impossible to find such barrels, living in big city, and why salt it like that? huge amount vegetables for one family? That is why the barrel cooking recipe changed slightly and “transitioned” to the pan version.

Of course, you cannot expect the same effect from enamel cookware as from wood. The fact is that when salted in wooden barrels, vegetables acquired not only a pleasant aroma, but also a better taste. However, the saucepan version of cooking tomatoes has gained no less popularity, so today we will devote this article to it.

In order to pickle tomatoes for the winter, it is recommended to take green fruits (especially if you want to get not only a tasty, but also healthy marinade). Due to the fact that these vegetables are not yet fully ripe, they contain many times more vitamins, and the taste is suitable for pickling. In addition, it is green tomatoes that are combined with pickling spices, which greatly simplifies your work. So, let's start preparing delicious and healthy green tomatoes for the winter.

Since an enamel pan can also be used on the farm, and you do not have the opportunity to leave it in the cellar all winter, we only recommend cooking the tomatoes in it, then transferring them to ordinary jars for storage for a long time. So in addition to the pan, you should also prepare and sterilize several jars well. Of the ingredients, we will need 3 kilograms of fresh green tomatoes, 350 grams of coarse salt, currant, cherry or cherry leaves, a bunch of dill, horseradish root and, of course, black pepper to add spice.

Cooking process:

  1. First, carefully clean the tomatoes, removing the stem, but without cutting them in half. Some housewives also recommend removing the peel so that the finished product is convenient to eat, but this significantly reduces the amount of storage time for tomatoes, so you should still leave the fruits whole.
  2. Place washed cherry and currant leaves on the bottom of the pan, as well as cloves of garlic, cut lengthwise.
  3. We place the tomatoes on the “green pad”, trying to place the large fruits down, otherwise they will simply crush each other.
  4. Between the layers of tomatoes we place sprigs of dill and horseradish root.
  5. Prepare the brine separately by dissolving 350 grams of coarse salt in a liter of water. We wait until it boils and you can pour in the tomatoes.
  6. Lightly compact the finished marinade and place a weight on top. In a week, the tomatoes will be ready to eat.

Bon appetit!

In one of the previous issues we discussed a lot different ways. In today's article I want to show you a couple interesting recipes for preparing lightly salted green tomatoes instant cooking in a saucepan and in a jar.

It's not the season for pickling tomatoes yet. So why did I decide to pickle tomatoes so early? The fact is that this year we planted quite a lot of tomatoes for our garden. Our plot is not large, but still quite normal for a family of four adults and one child.

So, it turned out that after we harvested the first harvest, the tomatoes (bushes) began to dry out. What this is connected with is not clear. Although all the other vegetation is in perfect order. This is the first time that tomatoes have wilted in the middle of summer. There were quite a lot of unripe green and slightly yellowed tomato fruits left on them.

So we thought: “Let’s not let the goodness go to waste.” I collected every last thing from the bushes. I once heard that only fruits that already have seeds inside are suitable for consumption. I had so many small tomatoes, the size of plums, that I felt sorry to dispose of them. And I decided that they would also be salted. And if the taste is not very good, then it is never too late to throw them away. I decided on this.

So what can you do with green tomatoes? Of course, there are many salads that require green rather than red fruits. But still, the most common snack made from this unripe vegetable is considered to be lightly salted tomatoes.

Their sweet and sour taste is loved by many people on our planet. In my opinion, this is one of the most delicious and excellent snacks. They can be served every day, and their presence will brighten up any holiday table.

You can cook them in any way. There are even quick recipes in 5 minutes - in a package. In my opinion, this is not exactly what is meant by the name lightly salted tomatoes. If you wish, you can even use recipes that lightly salt cucumbers.

But I have my own, already proven, special recipe, which you are unlikely to find on the World Wide Web. At least I've never come across this method. To be honest, this was the first time I made this recipe. Just based on what I thought would go well with the green tomato flavor.

Initially, after I had already put the tomatoes under pressure, for some reason it seemed to me that I had gone too far with the spices and the finished product would be unfit for consumption. As it turned out later, I was deeply mistaken, and my fears were in vain. Well, in the end, the result exceeded all expectations.

Of course, nothing unusual is included in the composition. All ingredients are likely to be found on everyone’s household, in any kitchen. And if not, then you can easily, without high costs, purchase everything you need in any store or grocery market.

Well, okay, I won’t stray too far from the topic and will show you a recipe for the most delicious lightly salted green tomatoes. So let's begin...

Recipe for lightly salted green tomatoes in a pan

You know, I didn’t even have to buy anything - everything was from my own garden. Except that I used store-bought garlic, since we didn’t plant it this year (although it’s not too late). And everything else is straight from the garden. It’s still good when you have your own vegetation on the site, in the form of vegetables and fruits.

As I already wrote above, I took into account both large and small fruits. Only among the green ones there were several yellowish ones. I thought that I would pickle them separately. I put them aside and, to begin with, started preparing the main mass.

You will find a recipe with yellow tomatoes below this recipe. It's a little different from this method, and due to the fact that there weren't many yellow ones, I made them in a jar. But more on that later. And now...


  • Green tomatoes - 7 kg.
  • Garlic - 1 large head
  • Dill umbrellas - 2 pcs.
  • Horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.
  • Grape leaves - 7-8 pcs.
  • Peppercorns
  • Sugar
  • Paprika
  • Bay leaf
  • Capsicum hot pepper - 2 pcs.


These lightly salted tomatoes turned out to be so appetizing and tasty. Very tasty and juicy. IN overall class! Try it and you won't regret it. Bon appetit!

Green tomatoes in a jar according to lightly salted recipe

Now, as I promised, I'll show you what I did with the remaining tomatoes. The recipe is basically the same as the previous one. They only have a few differences. And you know, as a result, these minor changes radically changed the taste of the finished snack.

If in the first case we got sweet and sour green tomatoes with notes of bitterness, then in this case the taste and aroma are completely different. I don’t know what influenced the differences - the degree of ripening or the difference in ingredients, but I can tell you for sure that both options are very good - each in its own way.

So give it a try and I hope you will be pleased with the result.


  • Tomatoes - 0.5 kg.
  • Bell pepper - 2 pcs. (small)
  • Garlic - 6 cloves
  • Horseradish leaf
  • 2 grape leaves
  • Peppercorns
  • Sugar


This is how I ground green tomatoes that had already ripened and began to wither. Very tasty!

What do you think about this? Have you ever tried this recipe? I would like to know your opinion. I'm waiting for you in the comments.

Well, that's all for today. See you. Bye!

Pickling green tomatoes in a saucepan- This modern interpretation salting tomatoes in barrels, which was used even before the advent of glass jars. Nowadays, salting in saucepans and even in aluminum buckets is in demand and popular among housewives, so it is imperative to figure out which recipes to choose.

Pickling green tomatoes in a pan for the winter, with a capacity of up to five liters, is an ideal option for home canning vegetables. In several small saucepans, you can cook tomatoes according to several different recipes, and then, together with your family, choose which recipe produces the most delicious green salted tomatoes. During pickling, a plate (smaller in diameter) and a weight are placed on top, and when storing, the container is closed with a lid, although the tomatoes can be placed in glass jars and stored under nylon lids in a cool room.

First, the saucepan must be washed with a hot solution baking soda. After scalding it with boiling water, this will remove extraneous odors and disinfect, which means you can guarantee the excellent taste of salted tomatoes.

Salted green tomatoes in a saucepan will keep for a season if you place them in a cool room. Many housewives put the already pickled fruits in three-liter jars and store them in a cool place.

Pickling green tomatoes in a saucepan

If you are interested pickling green tomatoes in a saucepan, recipes You can take several types. For every kilo of green tomatoes, take two bunches of greens - dill, parsley, add a little celery, several large horseradish leaves and mint leaves, which will add piquancy and freshness to the pickles. You also need to take hot peppers, several pods to taste, a large head of garlic, four leaves each of cherry and black currant, three grape leaves.

A large saucepan is best suited for pickling tomatoes; they should be placed in the container tightly, but without pressing, so that they do not crack or become deformed.

If you have fruits of different degrees of maturity, for example, some are completely green and dense, while others have already turned purple and become slightly soft, then pickling can be done with or without spices. The fruits must be selected so that they are not damaged, their surface must be smooth and the flesh elastic.

The fruits that you have selected must be thoroughly washed and the stalks removed. Place a third of the indicated spices in the recipe on the bottom, then tightly pack the vegetables up to half the container. Remember that on taste properties Salted tomatoes are affected by how tightly you place them in the saucepan; even if you cook according to the same recipe and do not place them tightly, the tomatoes will turn out over-salted.

So, half of the saucepan is filled with vegetables, now we need to put some more spices in the middle, then the rest of the green fruits.

Place herbs on top. And you can make a saline solution, calculating the proportions as follows: about 800 grams of salt (not iodized) for every ten liters of water. But for red tomatoes in this recipe there is a completely different concentration of salt solution: for 10 liters you will need a kilo of salt.

When the saucepan is filled, you need to fill it with strained brine, then put it in a cold place to salt for 15-20 days. Thus, in a maximum of three weeks, you will be able to treat yourself to salted tomatoes with a piquant taste and unsurpassed aroma.

You may notice that mold has appeared on the surface; to avoid this, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil to the saucepan. However, the moldy film will not spoil the taste at all; it is easy to remove.

Pickling green tomatoes in a pan: recipes

So, the simplest one recipe “Pickling green tomatoes” in a saucepan involves several stages of preparation. First, you need to buy vegetables, choosing smooth fruits without damage or rotten areas. They need to be washed several times under running water; some housewives prefer to pour boiling water over them.

The fruits must be laid out on a towel so that all excess liquid absorbed. Now you need to take a large saucepan, pour boiling water over it and put black currant leaves on the bottom, they should cover the bottom well, you can make two layers of them. Then lay the vegetables quite tightly, sprinkling the layers with salt, then come the vegetables, which need to be lightly sprinkled with salt, you can add mustard seeds, which will add a special aroma to the pickles. Also, each layer of vegetables should be topped with blackcurrant leaves. Like this, laying tomatoes in layers, you need to fill the entire saucepan. Cover the top layer again with a thick ball of blackcurrant leaves. And now the most interesting part of this recipe: the tomato mass, which is prepared by grinding tomatoes in a meat grinder.

You also need to add another half of the total amount to the tomato mass. rock salt, mustard seeds. The saucepan with tomatoes should be placed in a cold basement, it can be equipped for storing various preserves, or it can be better stored there in the refrigerator.

Quickly pickling green tomatoes in a saucepan occurs with the use of various herbs, which can give vegetables a unique taste and aroma, making the pickles even more delicious.

Carefully sorted and washed green tomatoes should be placed in a bucket, rearranging the rows with herbs - you can take thyme, blackcurrant leaves, tarragon, cherry leaves.

When you place vegetables, you need to shake the pan periodically, this way the rows will lie more densely, and your tomatoes will be evenly salted, which means they will be even tastier. Once you fill the bucket, you can add the brine.

For five liters of chilled boiled water you need to take 400 grams of rock salt. Place a wooden circle or plate on top of the saucepan and place a small weight, for example, a bottle of water. After a month and a half, the tomatoes will be ready and can be served at the dinner table, cut into pieces, sprinkled green onions and seasoned with vegetable oil.

Recipe: Pickling green tomatoes in a saucepan

But it’s better to prepare it in small jars, like other salads, which always turn out aromatic and piquant. But still, there is nothing tastier than pickled tomatoes, which have gained immense popularity in our country. It can be assumed that when tomatoes began to be grown en masse in our country, they came up with an option for fermenting green fruits.

is a popular recipe, but no one bothers to transfer the cooking process to a saucepan. To do this, you need to take two large heads of garlic, parsley and dill, bell pepper(10 large pods), you can add horseradish root and a few pods of hot pepper. The brine is prepared from a glass of coarse salt, two glasses of sugar, five liters of water and two glasses of six percent vinegar.

All of these products must be mixed to prepare the brine, then put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Leave the brine to cool. In this recipe, the tomatoes are not fermented whole, so they need to be cut in half. Additional ingredients must be prepared: first peel, then cut into pieces. They need to be mixed and filled with brine.

The pan with tomatoes should be placed in a cool place. After two days, you can taste your pickled green tomatoes. Thanks to vinegar and garlic, this snack can be stored long time, gradually it sours, but this only makes it tastier.

The main advantage of fermenting tomatoes in a saucepan is that they are easy to prepare, but they turn out fantastically tasty. The appetizer will complement the lunch and even holiday table.

Quickly pickling green tomatoes in a saucepan

A wide variety of vegetables can be salted in pots and buckets; this is what is most often done in villages, where pickles are prepared for a large family for the whole winter. We will look at one of the most amazing recipes that combines bell peppers, onions, and carrots. You can even call this a culinary innovation, so this recipe is a must try.

This snack will look like stuffed peppers. The whole peculiarity is that the filling will be a mixture of carrots, onions, garlic and green tomatoes. You will need so many ingredients: five kilograms of pepper, the same amount of green fruits, several large heads of garlic (about 300 g), one large carrot and one onion. Also here we will need to prepare the brine separately so that our appetizer can be salted faster. For the marinade you need two glasses of vinegar, the same amount of sugar, the same amount of vegetable oil, two tablespoons of rock salt.

You need to peel the garlic, chop it, for example, you can chop it finely, or you can, as always, crush it in a garlic press. Cut green fruits into small slices. Preparing peppers involves removing the stem with the inner seeds. Then they must be washed under running water.

Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, mix with chopped onions and carrots, add garlic. Mix. Stuff each pepper with the green-garlic mixture. Then place them tightly in a saucepan, you can sprinkle with chopped onions and chopped parsley.

In a separate pan, cook the marinade, thoroughly mixing all the ingredients that we indicated. The boiling marinade now needs to be poured into the pan with the peppers and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes.

Pickling green tomatoes in a pan for the winter

If you choose, you will probably really like them, but they need to be prepared in bottles. Most often for such preservation they take big banks- two-liter or three-liter.

And if we choose not only in a saucepan, but also in aluminum buckets, then we can immediately pickle twice as many vegetables.

The choice of herbs plays one of the main roles in proper pickling, because the aroma of the vegetable after cooking depends on them. Each leaf, be it black currant or cherry, horseradish or thyme, will give its own notes of taste.

At first glance, it may seem that nothing can be done with unripe tomato fruits - all that remains is to throw them away. However, green tomatoes are widely used in cooking. In this article we will reveal the secrets of pickling such tomatoes and describe delicious simple recipes.

Unripe tomatoes are strong, which is why they can be stored in absolutely any conditions. Taste salty The fruit is quite piquant and is perfect for both summer and winter tables.

There are various recipes green tomato snacks. Process preparations salty tomatoes is not difficult. The main thing is to choose the right spices, as they can highlight the taste of the dish.

Tomatoes should not be used for pickling. large sizes, it’s better to limit yourself to average ones. Salt small tomatoes it is impossible, since they often contain solanine, a toxic substance that can cause poisoning.

To completely eliminate the risk of poisoning, it is recommended to take brown tomatoes. If you still want to pickle small tomatoes, there is way, which helps get rid of solanine. This way is ordinary salted water, in which you need to put the tomatoes and leave for several hours.

Suitable container

The choice of container for pickling tomatoes depends on several factors. If pickles fast are eaten, use barrels. Tomatoes are preserved in them cold way. One batch can weigh either ten or thirty kilograms.

Today, plastic barrels are quite popular. Their main advantages are cleanliness and convenience. However, there is a minus: plastic is quite cheap and contains a certain amount of harmful substances.

The best container for salting green tomatoes, are barrels made of wood. Before salting, be sure to disinfect it by dousing it with boiling water.

Housewives often use iron utensils, in particular enameled containers, for salting.

Without any of the above, you can pickle tomatoes in a glass jar.

Cold cooking method

To pickle tomatoes in this way, you need the most common spices.

Required ingredients:

The above ingredients are for 10 kg of tomatoes.

The brine must be strong (at least seven percent, which means that 70 grams of salt will be used per liter).

There are no restrictions in the choice of spices for pickling - you can safely add any favorite seasonings, for example, cinnamon or cloves.

Description fast cold salting method:

  1. Tomatoes are placed at the bottom of the barrel;
  2. Salt and spices are placed between the layers of tomatoes;
  3. Vegetables are poured with cold water (it is better to use hard water for this).

Better to use in an apartment glass jars. Except long-term storage, recipe The preparation of tomatoes in jars can be absolutely anything. In addition to tomatoes, you can add other vegetables to the dish.

Recipe with garlic and herbs

Garlic is a versatile spicy vegetable that can be added to any pickles. To strengthen the immune system, you should also eat garlic - even pickled it will preserve useful qualities.

Recipe green tomatoes with herbs and garlic pretty simple , for him You can take either warm or cold brine.

Required ingredients:

The first step is to make cuts on the top of the tomatoes. Next place garlic to the tomatoes, cutting it into slices. Then put all the vegetables in a jar, adding spices between layers. Finally, you need to fill everything with brine.

Tomatoes in a pan

Very popular recipe for pickling green tomatoes in a saucepan. You can store tomatoes in a large container until spring.

Cooking time is about one and a half hours. The snack can be eaten within a week.


  1. 1/2 tbsp. l. pepper (black, peas);
  2. 1 cup white vinegar (distilled);
  3. 4 tbsp. l. dill seeds;
  4. 3 tbsp. l. salt (you can use sea salt or table salt).
  5. half a chili pepper.
  6. 1 liter and 1/4 cup of water;
  7. 6 cloves garlic small size;
  8. several firm tomatoes (about 5) of medium size.

Cooking process:

Place dill seeds, pepper and garlic in a saucepan. Wash the tomatoes well and cut them into quarters. Cut out spots, remove stems. Place everything in a saucepan (leaving about 5 cm on top). Prepare the brine by mixing water, vinegar and salt. Place the resulting solution on the stove and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally until the salt dissolves. Pour the prepared brine over the tomatoes and cover with a lid. Cool to room temperature. Keep in the refrigerator for about two days.

Quick pickled tomatoes

For this recipe you will need the following products: 1.5 kg of tomatoes, herbs, garlic, black pepper (peas), onions, currant leaves, white mustard (seeds), horseradish root powder, allspice, hot pepper (pod).

Wash the greens thoroughly, peel the garlic, and put in a jar along with the spices. Place the washed tomatoes in a jar as well. IN boiled water add vegetables, close the lid and leave for 20 minutes. Drain the marinade through a cloth (gauze) into a pan. Pour sugar, salt into it and boil. Add vinegar. Finally, fill the jars with marinade and close the lid. Place the jars with lids on the floor, cover and wait for complete cooling.

These tomatoes turn out to be quite tasty and aromatic. They must be stored in the basement. Periodically take them out from there in winter to the table.

Recipe with capsicum and herbs

This appetizer is good as a complement to meat. You will need the following ingredients:

Rinse tomatoes in cold water. Place water in a saucepan, bring to a boil and add parsley and celery. Cook for about five minutes, then remove the greens. Cool. Add salt. Cut the garlic clove into four parts. Cut the pepper lengthwise, remove the seeds and cut into rings. Place tomatoes in jars, adding herbs, pepper, garlic and bay leaves between layers. Pour brine over everything, close and put in a dark, dry place. Wait two weeks.

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