How to pickle large tomatoes in jars. How to salt tomatoes in jars for the winter

There is probably no person in the world who does not like homemade pickles and marinades. There is nothing tastier and more appetizing than a salty red tomato with fried potatoes. Eating such a dish, although not exactly an exquisite one, is a great pleasure. On any winter holiday it is impossible to imagine festive table without such deliciousness. Pickles serve both as table decoration in winter and as an excellent addition to the menu. And a pickle made from such tomatoes in the morning after the celebration comes in handy.

Everyone loves them very much, but not everyone knows how to pickle tomatoes in jars at home. There's nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to follow some advice from excellent housewives and adhere to cooking technology. Not only the taste of pickles, but also their shelf life depends on this. If you do everything correctly, then the quality of the prepared salted tomatoes can please you next year.

How to pickle tomatoes in jars: preparation

The most important factor in this case, the sterility of the jars is important. In its absence, even if everything else is done correctly, after a while you can notice how the brine becomes cloudy. Moreover, a jar of preserved food may ferment, and all the work will go down the drain. To prevent this from happening, jars and lids must be thoroughly washed, sterilized and placed upside down (until completely dry) on a clean towel.

In the meantime, you can prepare the ingredients that will be used for canning. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to properly salt tomatoes. The most important thing is, of course, the tomatoes themselves. They should be red and moderately ripe, not very large sizes. Large ones are more suitable for tomato juice. To ensure that the tomato does not crack in the jar in the future and is well saturated with brine, you need to pierce it in the area of ​​the stalk with a needle. It will take some time, but the tomatoes will be even tastier. You will also need dill, horseradish, onions, and garlic. This all also needs to be washed thoroughly and doused with boiling water.

How to pickle tomatoes for the winter: recipe

In an already dry jar you need to put an umbrella of dill, a piece of five currant leaves, a couple of cloves of garlic and an onion cut into four pieces. After this, the tomatoes are laid in dense rows. Ready? Now all this is poured with boiling water and covered for about 15 minutes. Then the boiling water is poured into a pan and put on fire.

Meanwhile, 5-6 black peppercorns are thrown into the jar. Salt, sugar, and bay leaf are added to the boiling water that has been drained from the jar. Bring it all to a boil, turn it off and add vinegar. Just one for the marinade three liter jar you will need:

3 tbsp. l. salt;

8 tbsp. l. Sahara;

150 g vinegar;

5 pieces. bay leaf.

Pour the prepared marinade into a jar of tomatoes. All this is rolled up with a special key and sent to the basement. Now the question of how to pickle tomatoes in jars at home has been resolved. Feel free to experiment. Stop at the very interesting recipe and make your household happy in winter.

Canning tomatoes at home is widely used experienced housewives. This procedure helps to save everything beneficial features a product that is rich in organic acids, vitamin C and minerals. Thanks to proper salting, tomatoes retain their consistency and are an excellent addition to main courses in the winter. Let's consider the most delicious recipes in order and highlight important aspects conservation process.

  1. When closing tomatoes for the winter, do not mix fruits of different shapes and sizes. The same applies to varieties; they should not differ much from each other.
  2. Before you start canning, sort the tomatoes according to their degree of ripeness. Give preference to specimens collected on a dry and sunny day.
  3. For pickling, select only small and medium-sized tomatoes. Use large fruits to make tomato juice or preserve them in slices.
  4. Pierce the area where the leg was located using a thick sewing needle or toothpicks. This move will prevent the tomatoes from cracking during the pickling process.
  5. Weed out sick and damaged specimens; they are not suitable for conservation. It is allowed to use unripe (green) fruits; they retain their structure better.
  6. Shortly before rolling, sterilize the containers in which the tomatoes will be placed. These can be liter or three liter glass jars, sealed with tin/plastic lids (they also need to be boiled).
  7. Before closing vegetables for the winter, wash the fruits with running or purified water and a kitchen sponge. This move will prevent the ingress of chemicals and bacteria, which lead to rapid deterioration of the final product.
  8. Homemade preservatives and stabilizers when rolling homemade tomatoes are acetylsalicylic acid, a solution based on citric acid, table vinegar (6%) or essence (70%), food gelatin.

Classic recipe for canned tomatoes

To twist this way, give preference to plum-shaped tomatoes. Soft fruits absorb too much salt, causing them to quickly wrinkle and acquire a rough aftertaste.

  • tomatoes - 6 kg.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • purified water - 6 l.
  • bay leaf - 8 pcs.
  • pepper (peas) - 10 pcs.
  • crushed salt (preferably sea salt) - 225 gr.
  1. Wash the jars with boiling water, pour 1 tablespoon of soda into each container, and sterilize thoroughly. Place in a wide saucepan and boil for a quarter of an hour. At the end of the procedure, wipe dry and do the same with the lids.
  2. Sort through the tomatoes, set aside the thick-skinned ones, and wash them. Chop and peel the garlic, cut the cloves into 2 parts, place one section (half a head) at the bottom of the jar.
  3. Add 5 peppercorns and 4 bay leaves to the garlic. Place the tomatoes so that they reach the middle of the container.
  4. Now place the remaining garlic, bay leaf, and allspice on the tomatoes again. Fill the jar to the top with tomato fruits, retreat 2-3 cm from the neck.
  5. Dilute 225-250 g in 6 liters of filtered water. fine salt, stir, wait until the crystals dissolve. As soon as the granules melt, pour the brine into the container with the tomatoes.
  6. Close the jars with plastic lids, place them in a room at room temperature, and wait 20-25 hours. After the time has passed, preserve the product with tin lids and send it to the basement or cellar for 2 months.

  • tomatoes - 3 kg.
  • drinking water - 5.5-6 l.
  • granulated sugar (cane) - 245-250 gr.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch
  • fine table salt - 120 gr.
  • allspice (peas) - to taste
  1. Wash the tomatoes under the tap using a foam sponge, dry them, sort them by shape and variety (they should be the same). Sterilize the jars with soda and boiling water, wipe, and leave to dry at room temperature.
  2. Peel the garlic, cut each clove lengthwise, place ½ head at the bottom of the container. Add peppercorns and chopped dill (half a bunch) to this.
  3. Depending on the size of the tomatoes, they must be cut or placed whole in a jar. Place the other half of the dill and some of the garlic on top of the tomatoes.
  4. Pour filtered water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add granulated sugar and ground salt, stir. When the granules are completely dissolved, pour the brine into a jar of tomatoes, seal, and leave at a temperature of 20-23 degrees for 24 hours.
  5. After the specified period, send the tomatoes to a cellar or pantry with a reduced temperature. After about 5 days, you can enjoy the great taste and serve the dish as a snack.

Canned tomatoes with horseradish

  • small tomatoes - 2.7-3 kg.
  • coarse table salt - 75 gr.
  • granulated beet sugar - 25 gr.
  • allspice (peas) - 8 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 7 pcs.
  • fresh or dried dill - 20 gr.
  • garlic - 0.5 heads
  • horseradish (root) - 10 gr.
  • currant leaves - 3 pcs.
  1. Wash the jars with running water, then place in a wide saucepan and pour boiling water over them. Keep on the stove for about 5 minutes, then proceed to sterilize the lids. After completing all steps, dry the containers with a towel.
  2. Poke 3-4 holes in the ponytails with a toothpick or 1 hole with a knife. Mix peppercorns, bay leaves, dill, currant leaves, horseradish and pre-peeled garlic into one mixture (cut the cloves into 2 parts).
  3. Next, start preparing the brine: mix granulated sugar with salt, pour over boiling water, wait until the crystals dissolve. After this, pour the solution into a jar and seal with plastic lids.
  4. Send the containers to a room with a temperature of 18-20 degrees, wait about 10 days. During this period, fermentation will begin, then you need to move the tomatoes to the cellar for 1 month. Only after this time have passed can they be eaten.

  • sweet red tomatoes - 2.3 kg.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • table vinegar (6-9%) - 80 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 120 gr.
  • filtered water - 2.4 l.
  • salt - 15 gr.
  • seasonings (optional) - to taste
  1. Boil cans of soda, wash and dry them. Place seasonings, if using, in the bottom of the container. Cloves, bay leaves, and peppercorns are suitable.
  2. Slice onion half rings or small squares, divide the quantity into 4 sections.
  3. Place ¼ of the total number of tomatoes in a jar, place onions on top, then tomatoes again. Repeat until all layers have been laid out.
  4. In a separate jar, dissolve granulated sugar and salt, pour boiling water over the products. Next, pour in the vinegar solution and add the resulting marinade to the jar of tomatoes.
  5. Screw on the containers with sterilized lids, turn them upside down and place them on the floor until they cool completely. After this, send it to the cellar for 1-2 months.

Canned tomatoes without sterilization (cold cycle)

  • plum tomatoes - 2.5 kg.
  • crushed food salt - 75 gr.
  • garlic - 7 cloves
  • table vinegar solution (9%) - 120 ml.
  • filtered water - 2.3 l.
  • granulated sugar - 110 gr.
  • dried dill - 15 gr.
  • celery - 10 gr.
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.
  • allspice black pepper - 15 peas
  • acetylsalicylic acid - 1 tablet
  • seasonings (optional)
  1. Prepare the jars: wash them, add soda, pour boiling water over them, leave for 5 minutes. Next, remove the residue with water, boil in a large saucepan and dry.
  2. Place dried dill, ground celery, peppercorns, garlic cut into 2 parts, bay leaf and other seasonings of your choice at the bottom. Start filling the jar with tomatoes, placing the fruits tightly on top of each other.
  3. Start preparing the brine: mix salt with granulated sugar and vinegar, pour the mixture with purified cool water, wait 5 minutes. When the granules are completely dissolved, pour the resulting solution into the container with the tomatoes.
  4. Mash acetylsalicylic acid between two spoons to form a powder. Pour it into the jar, do not stir. This move will prevent the formation of mold.
  5. Seal the tomatoes with plastic (nylon) lids and place in a cool place for 2 weeks. After the time has passed, the product can be eaten.

Canned Cherry Tomatoes with Garlic

  • Cherry tomatoes - 2.4 kg.
  • bell pepper - 3 pcs.
  • fresh parsley - 0.5 bunch
  • fresh dill - 0.5 bunch
  • garlic - 1 head
  • pepper (peas) - 10 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 8 pcs.
  • table vinegar - 80 ml.
  • granulated beet sugar - 110 gr.
  • salt - 120 gr.
  1. Sterilize jars and lids in advance. Place half a head of garlic on the bottom, after peeling it and chopping the cloves into 2 parts. Add chopped dill and parsley, peppercorns to this.
  2. Take a toothpick and use it to make several holes in the stem of the tomatoes. Start placing the tomatoes in the jar, starting with large ones, gradually working your way up to small ones.
  3. Slice bell pepper straws, alternate them with tomatoes, laying out the fruits in rows. Finally add the remaining garlic.
  4. Make a brine from sugar, salt and vinegar, pouring the listed ingredients with filtered water. Pour the product into a saucepan with enamel walls and boil until the granules dissolve.
  5. Pour the solution into a jar of cherry tomatoes and seal with tin lids. Turn the containers upside down, place a towel, and leave for 3-4 hours until completely cooled. After this, take the jars to a dark room. After 4 weeks, the tomatoes can be served.

Canned green tomatoes

  • unripe tomatoes (green) - 1.3 kg.
  • cookery table salt(large) - 55 gr.
  • drinking water - 1.3 l.
  • cherry or currant leaves - 1 sprig
  • dill - 1 umbrella
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • mustard powder - 15 gr.
  • horseradish - to taste
  1. Start by preparing the brine: mix sugar and salt, add hot purified water, wait until the crystals dissolve. Next, add mustard powder and stir.
  2. At this time, start sterilizing the jars: pour boiling water over them, wipe and dry. Place seasonings (horseradish, cherry leaves, dill umbrella) on the bottom.
  3. Place the tomatoes in rows, alternating the fruits with cloves of garlic (previously cut into small pieces). Seal the containers with tin lids and take the jars to the cellar.

It is not difficult to pickle tomatoes for the winter if you have sufficient knowledge regarding preservation technology. Be sure to sterilize the jars, add seasonings at your discretion, and choose fruits of the same size and variety.

Video: how to pickle tomatoes for the winter

Pickled tomatoes are one of the popular preparations for the winter. They are an excellent substitute for tomato paste, ketchup and tomato dressing when preparing various dishes.

Salted tomatoes can also be served as an independent snack.

Hot salting requires a lot of time and skill: jars must be carefully sterilized and sealed; the brine may become cloudy and the jars may explode.

Ideal option quick salting cold rolling of tomatoes appears.

Benefits of cold salting

The cold method of pickling tomatoes has many pros:

  • The pickles turn out much tastier than when rolled in other ways;
  • Less loss of vitamins from tomatoes (due to lack of heat treatment);
  • Doesn't take much time.
  • Easy salting technology;
  • There is no need to boil the water for the brine;
  • Tomatoes can be eaten within three weeks after pickling;
  • Blanks can be produced in any containers (including sterilized jars);

The disadvantage of this method is that all containers with pickles must be stored in a cool place, otherwise the tomatoes will spoil.

Preparing for pickling

First, let's select the tomatoes that we will salt:

  • Tomatoes must be of the same degree of ripeness (you cannot take green, pink and red tomatoes for one container);
  • The fruits should not show signs of rotting or mold;
  • Tomatoes should not be broken or soft;
  • You should not pick tomatoes that have damage - cuts or punctures - for pickling.

All tomatoes need to be separated from the stalks, rinsed well, dried with a soft towel and a neat puncture made next to the stalk (so that the skin of the tomatoes does not crack when storing them in brine).

First, select tomatoes of approximately the same size. When you run out of identical tomatoes, you can salt tomatoes of different sizes in one container.

Next we prepare container, in which we will carry out salting:

  • If we use jars, we should wash them thoroughly (preferably with detergent) and sterilize. To do this, hold the glass container over steam for 3–5 minutes, then set it to cool, covering it with a clean towel;
  • Containers made from other materials should be Rinse(using detergents);
  • Used for pickling container maybe with defects, because we won't need to roll it up.

Then select salt. The following types of salt are used for pickles:

  • Iodized. Rich in iodine, sometimes gives a slight bitter taste;
  • Marine. Rich in various microelements, but if magnesium is removed from it, then it is ordinary table salt;
  • Black. Rich in potassium, beneficial for the human body;
  • Hyponodium. Salt for hypertensive patients because it uses potassium and magnesium salts. This prevents fluid retention and increased blood pressure.

Note! To obtain delicious salted tomatoes, it is recommended to use only coarse salt.


1. Cold pickling of tomatoes

Products, necessary for salting:

  • Tomatoes– 2 kg;
  • Vinegar 9% – 1 dessert spoon;
  • Salt– 2–3 tablespoons;
  • Sugar- 1 tablespoon;
  • Garlic– 1 large head or 2 small ones;
  • – 2 umbrellas;
  • Greens leaves horseradish. You can take currant leaves (white) or

Step 1. We prepare the container for pickling.

Step 2. Preparing the tomatoes. Be sure to get a puncture!

Step 3. We place plant leaves at the bottom of the container so that they completely hide it. Next, lay out the dill umbrellas.

Step 4. Fill the container with tomatoes. Place the tomatoes tightly together. You need to make sure that the tomatoes are not crushed or damaged. It is advisable to place tomatoes with the punctures facing up. When laying out layers, you need to cover them with leaves and add chopped garlic cloves. Leave about 5–7 cm of free space on top.

Step 5. Pour salt, sugar and vinegar into the container. Pour boiled cold water over the tomatoes.

Products, necessary for salting:

  • Tomatoes– 2 kg;
  • Salt– 150 g;
  • Sugar- 1 tablespoon;
  • Garlic– 1 large head;
  • Dill– 1 umbrella;
  • Lava leaf– 3–4 pieces;
  • Celery;
  • Carnation dried;
  • Mustard seeds or dried mustard– 3 tablespoons;
  • Green leaves horseradish or root.

Step 1. Let's prepare container

Step 2. Processing tomatoes. Delete stalks, wash the tomatoes under running water and make puncture near the place from the stalk.

Step 3. Posting spices to the bottom of the container.

Step 4. Lay out in layers tomatoes. Place spices between layers. Leave about 2-5 centimeters of free space.

Step 5. Cooking brine. Add salt, sugar and remaining spices to water (2 liters). Pour the resulting brine into the container with the tomatoes. It is not necessary to prepare the brine separately. You can simply pour salt, sugar, spices into a container and fill it with cold boiled water.

Step 6. Making mustard traffic jam to prevent rotting and mold on tomatoes. Fold 3 times gauze(bandage) and cover the surface of the tomatoes placed in the container. We leave gauze around the edges in double or triple the size of the neck of the container. Pour mustard powder or mustard seeds onto cheesecloth so that all the tomatoes are closed. Cover the top of the mustard with the hanging edges. Close the container with a lid.

3. Cold pickling of green tomatoes

Products, necessary for salting:

  • Tomatoes– 2 kg;
  • Salt without additives, coarse grinding - 3 tablespoons;
  • Sugar- 1 tablespoon;
  • Garlic– 1 head;
  • Dill– 3 umbrellas;
  • Mustard powder;
  • Greens leaves horseradish, currants (red, white, black) or cherries.

Step 1. We prepare the container.

Step 2. We process the tomatoes (wash them, remove the stems). We make a puncture next to the hole for the stalk.

Step 3. Place horseradish (currant, cherry) leaves on the bottom of the container.

Step 4. Layer green tomatoes in layers, alternating them with spices.

Step 5. Prepare the brine. In 2 liters boiled water dissolve the salt. You can add a couple of bay leaves.

Step 6. Pour the brine into the container with the tomatoes. Do not add salt sediment!

Step 7 Fill the neck of the container with mustard powder. The containers should be closed with lids scalded with boiling water.

4. Cold dry pickling of tomatoes

Dry salting is usually carried out in wooden tubs. Tomatoes are infused under a wooden press(lid), so they turn out crumpled.

  • Tomatoes– 2 kg;
  • Salt– standard kilogram pack;
  • Dill– 1 umbrella and a handful of dried dill;
  • Greens leaves horseradish, cherries and currants.

Step 1. We prepare the container.

Step 2. We process the tomatoes: wash them, separate the stems, and pierce them with a fork.

Step 3. Cover the bottom of the tub with leaves and dill.

Step 4. Lay out the tomatoes. Season each layer generously with salt. Salt consumption depends on taste preferences.

Step 5. Place currant, cherry and horseradish leaves. They should cover everything last layer tomatoes.

Step 6. We cover the leaves with a wooden circle and place a weight.

Step 7 Let the tomatoes sit in a warm place for 24 hours.

Important! Cold pickling is done in any container, but if glass jars are used to store tomatoes, it is still better to sterilize them.

Recipe cold pickling basically the same, only different additional Ingredients. The taste of pickled tomatoes depends only on your fantasies.
Ingredients, which are added to pickling:

  • Aspirin. It gives tomatoes a special taste;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Table vinegar, grape vinegar or apple;
  • Dry dill;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Pepper peas;
  • Celery;
  • Tarragon;
  • Any spices, herbs and seasonings

Storage of workpieces

Prepared salted tomatoes should be stored in a cold or cool

It starts with sorting and washing. Then the fruits are placed in a pre-prepared container along with spices. This could be a tub, a large enamel pan or bucket, or just glass jars. Spices are placed in three stages: on the bottom, in the middle and on top, i.e. the same as with cucumbers. At the same time, this should be done as tightly as possible, remembering to lightly shake the container.

Stacked tomatoes filled with brine are usually covered with a napkin, then with a circle on which a suitable weight is placed. Don’t forget to periodically remove mold and wash the circle. After a month and a half, the tomatoes become ready to eat.

Here are the most common tomatoes for the winter in the past.
Photo: RussYa,

Tomatoes 10 kg
Fresh dill 150 g (1 bunch)
Garlic 220 g (5-6 heads)
Horseradish 50 g (1 root)
Tarragon 25 g (2-3 stalks)
Hot pepper 10 g (1 pod)
Brine: water 8 l, salt 400 g

Tomatoes with sweet peppers

Tomatoes 10 kg
Fresh dill 150 g (1 bunch)
Garlic 30 g (1 head)
Sweet pepper 250 g (8 pcs.)
Hot pepper 15 g (1 pod)
Brine: water 8 l, salt 500 g

Tomatoes with cherry leaf

Tomatoes 10 kg
Fresh dill 100 g (1 bunch)
Horseradish 60 g (1 big root)
Sweet pepper 60 g (3−4 pcs.)
Cherry leaves 100 g
Hot pepper 20 g (2 pods)
Brine: water 8 l, salt 400 g


Tomatoes with blackcurrant leaves

Tomatoes 10 kg
Fresh dill 150 g (1 large bunch)
Horseradish 60 g (1 large root)
Blackcurrant leaf 100 g
Hot pepper 30 g (2 pods)
Brine: water 8 l, salt 500 g

Tomatoes with bay leaves

Tomatoes 10 kg
Fresh dill 100 g (1 bunch)
Bay leaf 1 g (12 leaves)
Allspice 2 g (40 peas)
Brine: water 8 l, salt 400 g

Tomatoes with cinnamon

Tomatoes 10 kg
Bay leaf 5 g (25 leaves)
Cinnamon 3 g (one and a half teaspoons)
Brine: water 8 l, salt 500 g

Photo:Zoonar/ANTON EINE,

Tomatoes 10 kg
Bay leaf 6 g (30 leaves)
Walnut leaf 50 g
Sugar 150 g
Salt 120 g
Mustard powder 8 g (4 teaspoons)
Brine: water 8 l, salt 300 g

Tomatoes in their own juice

The peculiarity of this recipe is that instead of brine, tomato mass is used. Tomatoes are sorted by size and degree of ripeness, washed and begin to be placed in a container. Its bottom is preliminarily covered with a blackcurrant leaf. Then there is a layer of tomatoes sprinkled with dry mustard, on top of a layer of blackcurrant leaves, etc. When the container is filled, it is filled with tomato mass. For its preparation, red tomatoes are used, rejected during sorting.

Tomatoes 10 kg
Blackcurrant fox 250 g
Tomato mass 10 kg
Salt 300 g
Mustard powder 2 g (1 teaspoon)

Photo: tycoon101,

Pickling green tomatoes for the winter

If you salt in the usual way, they turn out tough. To avoid this drawback, before salting you should keep green tomatoes in boiling water. saline solution within 1−2 minutes.

Green tomatoes 10 kg
Fresh dill 200 g (2 bunches)
Black currant leaf 100 g (80−100 sheets)
Sugar 200 g
Brine: water 5 l, salt 250 g

Two recipes for pickling tomatoes in jars

When red tomatoes are salted in a barrel, they usually become deformed and lose their attractive shape. Therefore, most ripe fruits it's better to salt in glass jars. Selected tomatoes are placed in jars along with spices and filled with 5% brine (500 g of salt per 10 liters of water). After this, they are kept for 3 weeks, the brine is added and the jars are sealed with lids.

For 1 liter jar you will need:

Ripe tomatoes 500 g
Bay leaf 1 g (2−3 leaves)
Allspice 1 g (6−8 peas)

Green tomatoes 500 g
Fresh dill 20 g (2-3 sprigs)
Black currant leaf 5 g (4−5 leaves)
Horseradish 3 g (root piece)
Sugar 20 g
Brine: water 0.5 l, salt 25 g (1 tbsp. spoon)

At the end we offer an original homemade

Recipe for pickling tomatoes in sugar

After all, sugar, like salt, is also a natural preservative.

Tomatoes 10 kg
Black currant leaf 200 g (160−200 pcs.)
Ground allspice 10 g (2 teaspoons)
Cinnamon 5 g (4 sticks)
Sugar 3 kg
Salt 3 tbsp. spoons

Choose from the vintage tomatoes presented the one you like.

Pickling tomatoes for the winter in jars- this is one of the best ways vegetable preparations. Due to the content of lactic acid and salt, seaming can be stored for several years and retain its excellent taste.

Recipe for pickling tomatoes in jars for the winter

Required Products:

Red pepper pod
- red tomatoes – 1.6 kg
- 50 g green dill
- black currant leaves - a couple of pieces
- tarragon, parsley, celery – 15 g each

To prepare the brine:

Salt - about three glasses
- 10 liters of water

Cooking features:

Prepare the brine: dilute kitchen salt in a small amount of hot water and combine with cool water. After settling, strain it through a thick cloth. For pickling, select pink, identical tomatoes. Wash them thoroughly in a basin, changing the water several times. Cut off the stems. Wash all the greens, leaving the water to drain. Fold on the bottom, place the tomatoes. After pouring brine, transfer to a room with a temperature no higher than 20 degrees. Don’t forget to cover with nylon lids and let stand like that for 2 weeks. This time is enough for fermentation to take place. The brine will become cloudy and will be partially absorbed into the vegetables. Remove foam and mold from the surface, add saline solution up to the neck. Now you can sterilely seal the caps and transfer them to a cool place.

Consider and.

Pickling tomatoes for the winter in jars - sweet

You will need:

Sweet pepper - one piece per jar
- apples – 3 pcs.
- a handful of grapes, blackberries and currants
- tomatoes
- 3 pieces of bay leaf
- 50 g sugar
- 50 g table salt
- peppercorns – 10 pcs.

Cooking features:

Chop the apples into slices and place them in the previously prepared container. You can also add a handful of blackcurrants, blackberries and grapes - the taste will be piquant and very interesting. Place the tomatoes in a thick layer in containers. Add pepper, cut into 4 parts. Fill each container with water. Pour the water into a saucepan and boil. Fill the jars with boiling water again and leave for a couple of minutes. Drain the liquid and prepare the marinade. Add sugar, peppercorns, bay leaves, and salt to the water. Boil the marinade, pour into containers, cover with prepared steamed lids. Roll up the container and turn the rolls upside down.

You will like it too.

Pickling tomatoes in liter jars for the winter

Required components:

25 g tarragon
- 150 g garlic
- horseradish root – 20 g
- tomatoes – 10 kg
- chilli pepper - several small pieces

For the brine:

Salt – 400 g
- 8 liters of water

How to prepare:

Prepare the brine in advance: dissolve table salt in water, let it sit for a while, strain. Prepare clean jars with lids. Select strong tomatoes: rinse in cool water, tear off the stems. Remove the garlic husks and rinse in water. Cut large cloves in half. Remove the peel from the horseradish root, rinse, and chop into slices. Rinse the peppers and herbs. Dense layer Arrange the tomatoes, layering with spices and herbs. Throw one pepper into each container. Fill with brine and cover with plastic lids. Leave in a warm place for 12 days. Remove moldy foam from the surface and add more clean brine. Close with simple lids and transfer to the cellar. If you want to receive sharp workpiece, add more horseradish.

Consider and.

Simple pickling of tomatoes in jars for the winter

You will need:

Hot pepper - several small fruits
- 30 g garlic
- 145 g dill
- tomatoes – 10 kg
- capsicum bell pepper – 0.25 kg

To prepare the brine:

8 liters of water
- salt - ? kg

How to prepare:

First prepare the brine: dilute the salt in some water, set aside for a while until it becomes concentrated. Prepare lids and jars in advance. Select ripe tomatoes, wash them, and pick off the stems. Remove the husks from the garlic and wash it. Wash the bell pepper, divide in half, cut out the seed part. Chop into long slices. Rinse fresh dill in a basin. Place the tomatoes in a container, layer with herbs, pepper slices and garlic cloves. Pour the brine on top and transfer to a warm place for ten days. After fermentation is complete, remove any mold or foam from the surface. Add new brine, cover with lids, transfer to a warmer, and seal tightly.

Browse and pickling tomatoes for the winter in jars video. You will learn a lot of useful things from it.

Cinnamon Recipe


1.5 teaspoons cinnamon
- 5 g bay leaf
- tomatoes – 10 kg
- 8 liters of water
- half a kilogram of salt

How to cook:

Make the brine in advance: dilute salt in it. After it has settled, strain it. Select strong and red tomatoes. Wash them, cut off the stalks. Place in a thick layer in jars. But it’s not worth accepting. Add cinnamon and bay leaves to each container and distribute the number of tomatoes equally. Fill with brine, cover with plastic lids, and let sit for at least 10 days to infuse. In this case, the room temperature should be at least 20 degrees.

Pickling green tomatoes in jars for the winter

Required components:

Sugar – 0.2 kg
- black currant leaves – 90 g
- green tomatoes – 10 kg
- fresh dill – 0.2 kg

To prepare the brine:

Fine table salt – 0.25 kg
- five liters of water

How to prepare:

Make a pickle. After settling, strain it. Select green tomatoes and wash them. Cut off the stems. You can also carefully tear them off. Rinse the greens. Dip the tomatoes into boiling water in small batches and soak for two minutes. blanching. Cool them quickly under the stream cold water. If you exclude heat treatment, the vegetables turn out to be harsh. Place the fruits in a thick layer in a clean container. Top with fresh herbs. Pour sugar into each container. Add brine and leave for fermentation in a warm room for a week. Be sure to add fresh brine. After sealing with nylon caps, transfer to a cool place.

Try also

Recipe with tomato paste


Tomato mass – 10 kg
- currant leaves – 40 pieces
- red tomatoes – 10 kg

How to cook:

Wash good, ripe tomatoes, tear off the stems and stems. Rinse the picked currant leaves in clean water. Line the bottom of the containers with currant leaves, arrange the tomatoes, and add salt. Place the currant leaves again and the vegetables again. Sprinkle with salt again. Fill all containers in the same way. Prepare overripe tomatoes tomato paste. Rinse the vegetables first in cool water. Cover the containers with lids and keep for a week at 20 degrees. Once fermentation has begun, move to a cooler location.

Pickling cherry tomatoes in jars for the winter

You will need:

Cherry – 0.6 kg
- parsley with herbs – 50 g each
- garlic clove – 3 pieces
- aromatic peppercorns – 3 pcs.
- laurel leaf – 2 pcs.
- bell pepper

To prepare the marinade:

Liter of water
- 0.025 liters of acetic acid
- a couple of tablespoons of salt and spices

Place 2 garlic cloves, chopped herbs and aromatic peppers into the processed container. Prick the cherry tomatoes in the area of ​​the stalks and place them in containers, starting with large tomatoes. Layer the fruits with parsley and sweet pepper. Add spices and water. Pour into the canned food and let it sit? hours. Pour back into the saucepan and boil again. Combine the marinade with vinegar and roll up with tin lids. Turn the preserves over, place them on the lids, wrap them in a warm cloth, and let them cool completely for several weeks.

Cold salting of tomatoes in jars for the winter


Red tomatoes – ? kg
- garlic clove - a couple of pieces
- acetic acid – 30 ml
- table salt – 15 g
- a tablespoon of sugar
- water – 500 ml
- greenery
- aspirin tablet

Place fresh herbs, garlic, bay leaves and peppercorns in a treated glass jar. Fill the container with ripe, whole tomatoes. They should be pressed tightly against each other. Prepare a brine using cool filtered water and spices. Stir the contents thoroughly and leave for two minutes. Top up cold brine. Crush an aspirin tablet and pour it on top. This will prevent nasty mold from forming.

Recipe with cloves

Prepare the following components:

One and a half kilograms of tomatoes
- a pair of dill umbrellas
- aromatic and black peppercorns
- two sprigs of fresh parsley
- two clove buds
- a small spoon of mustard
- cherry and blackcurrant leaves
- a pod of hot pepper
- garlic clove – 3 pieces

To cook the brine:

Small spoon of granulated sugar
- 4.2 tbsp. spoons of salt
- two liters of water
- laurel leaf – 2 pieces

How to cook:

Sort out ripe plum-shaped tomatoes with thick, whole skin. Wash and pick the stalks. In the basin with clean water rinse cherry leaves, parsley, dill. Remove the husks from the garlic and wash it. Wash the pepper pods and cut off the dried husks. Try not to damage the flesh, otherwise the workpiece will turn out extremely sharp. Prepare clean containers with lids. Place some of the spices on one. Fill containers with tomatoes. Place peppers between the fruits. Cover the top layer with mustard seeds and greenflies. Fill a saucepan with water, throw in the bay leaves, add granulated sugar and salt. Boil the brine for exactly five minutes. Remove from the stove and cool. Fill the contents with cold brine and seal the container with plastic lids. Place the rolls in a cool room for three weeks.

There are many variations of pickling tomatoes. It doesn’t matter which one you choose for yourself, because each recipe is original in its own way. The preparation can include other vegetables and even fruits and berries. This makes the taste of the preparations even more interesting!