Diet for weight loss, eating tasty and healthy. Healthy nutrition menu for the week

Almost every person who suffers from excess weight strives to lose weight. Many resort to strength training, and other difficulties. With a well-designed menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for a month, you can lose weight without additional effort.

What is proper nutrition?

Eating before bed, overeating, and regularly eating fast food are harmful. Proper nutrition– these are certain requirements for preparing and eating food. By complying with the requirements, a person will be able to:

  • get rid of excess weight and will not gain it in the future;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve health;
  • look better and stay youthful longer.

Terms proper diet are as follows:

  1. Regular. You should eat 5 times a day, strictly according to the clock.
  2. Control calories. For women, it is recommended to consume no more than 2000 kilocalories per day, and for men - 2500 kilocalories. Required to lead an active lifestyle.
  3. It is necessary to distribute calories daily, the first three meals are nutritious, then light ones.
  4. Diversify your diet so that your body is regularly supplied with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Nutritionists recommend: reduce portions, do not overeat, eat strictly at the same time. While eating, you should not be distracted, read, watch TV, etc. Every day you need to drink two liters of still water.

The principle of proper nutrition requires eliminating fried, spicy and salty foods. Animal fats need to be replaced with vegetable fats.

Proper nutrition menu: losing weight in a month

Before creating a proper nutrition menu, you need to establish certain rules that should be followed constantly:

  • Have breakfast every day; if you don’t do this, there is a risk of overeating in the evening;
  • give up high-calorie food; you can replace it with baked chicken breast or fish;
  • reduce the consumption of cappuccino, lattes, juices and sweet tea;
  • alcohol stimulates the appetite, try not to drink alcohol;
  • You cannot completely give up fats; a deficiency of elements in the body leads to various disruptions, including hormonal ones;
  • It is not recommended to season food with store-bought sauces; you can make them yourself;
  • You need to be well-fed when you go to supermarkets to buy groceries.

Important information! You cannot create a meager menu in order to quickly get rid of extra pounds. A healthy diet is a balanced intake of all vitamins and minerals.

When creating a monthly food menu, it is worth remembering that you should not overeat. It is necessary to leave the dinner table with a feeling of slight hunger.

  • chips;
  • flour products with cream;
  • burgers;
  • sausages;
  • salted nuts;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sweets;
  • white flour pasta with cheese.

Options for creating a monthly menu

Thanks to the abundance of healthy products, you can create a menu for a month at once.

First day:

  1. Breakfast – cottage cheese and banana casserole, tea.
  2. The first snack is an apple.
  3. Dinner - mushroom soup, buckwheat porridge, chicken fillet(meatballs).
  4. The second snack is fruit.
  5. Dinner – baked fish, salad.

Second day:

  1. Breakfast - porridge with water, berries, tea.
  2. The first snack is cottage cheese and banana.
  3. Lunch – tomato soup, chicken fillet and salad.
  4. The second snack is a vegetable salad.
  5. Dinner – baked fish, potatoes.

Third day:

  1. Breakfast – porridge with water, apple, tea.
  2. The first snack is boiled eggs.
  3. Lunch – rice soup, chicken cutlets.
  4. The second snack is fruit salad.
  5. Dinner – baked turkey fillet, boiled rice.

Fourth day:

  1. Breakfast – chicken fillet, cucumber, cottage cheese, coffee.
  2. The first snack is bananas and nuts.
  3. Lunch – fish soup, baked fish.
  4. Second snack – cottage cheese and tea.
  5. Dinner – egg, cottage cheese, salad.

Fifth day:

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal pie, tea.
  2. The first snack is citrus fruits.
  3. Lunch – boiled rice, chicken breast, cucumber.
  4. Second snack – vegetable salad, tea.
  5. Dinner – buckwheat porridge with water, cucumber, beef stew.

Sixth day:

  1. Breakfast - cheesecakes and bananas, tea.
  2. The first snack is fruit.
  3. Lunch – borscht, vinaigrette.
  4. Second snack – cottage cheese, egg.
  5. Dinner – baked fish, vegetable casserole.

Seventh day:

  1. Breakfast – rice porridge with water, baked hake, tea.
  2. The first snack is an apple, a banana.
  3. Lunch – cheese soup, vegetable salad.
  4. Second snack – stew, kefir.
  5. Dinner – stewed fish, seaweed, bread.

The menu for the next weeks is approximately the same. It is necessary to understand a competent diet - food intake rich in vitamins and minerals required by the body. And also the required calorie content.

It is important to know that there are differences in a properly composed menu for men and women. The amount of food depends on the person's needs.

For women with average activity, this menu will be acceptable. Ladies who work physically need more high-calorie foods.

A young man with high physical activity needs to increase his portions. It is recommended to increase caloric intake by 20% for those who are losing excess weight, and by 40% for those who maintain their shape.

  1. A teenager's body is developing, so they are prohibited from sitting on low calorie diets and spend fasting days.
  2. The immune system depends on a varied and balanced diet.
  3. Without fail, the child needs to have breakfast in order to activate metabolic processes in the body.
  4. Overweight children are advised to exclude fast food, high-calorie foods and soda.
  5. Appetite regularly disappears during this period, the optimal solution is fractional meals, 5-6 times a day.
  6. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet is as follows: 30%, 20%, 50%.
  7. It is recommended to limit sweets and consume them before 13.00.
  8. A teenager's daily calorie intake depends on his physical activity. Those who exercise should increase by 500 calories. Girls need no more than 2,400 calories, and boys - 2,800.

A proper diet is good for everyone. By observing certain requirements, a person will, over time, enter his weight category and improve his health. Therefore, it is very important to take only proper and healthy food, and reduce the consumption of harmful foods to a minimum.

There are many different diets, but they all don't work as well as we would like. Often people face problems: either the diet is so meager that they don’t want to sit on it for a long time, or the efforts made give such a minimal effect that as a result the desire to continue eating this way disappears long time. And a breakdown occurs. What to do?

Is it possible to lose weight with proper nutrition?

If you eat right and follow a healthy lifestyle, you will not need to think about your figure, since such food itself helps to reduce excess weight and maintain health.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: weekly menu, food table - these are the main components in losing weight without harm to health

This article will look at proper nutrition, provide tables of foods that promote weight loss, and provide different menus that will help maintain a balance between filling and low-calorie foods.

To lose weight with proper nutrition, you don’t need to force yourself and deprive yourself of long term favorite dishes. You can eat familiar foods in a certain, correct combination and forget about the feeling of hunger.

In order for such nutrition to lead to the expected result, several rules should be followed:

  • count calories of consumed foods;
  • check the composition of food;
  • prepare food correctly;
  • follow the daily routine.

Being on a proper diet, you can sometimes allow yourself even forbidden foods in small quantities. This approach helps reduce cravings for cakes, chips and other similar products, since there is no categorical prohibition. You just need to understand that there should be much less junk food than healthy food.

But such nutrition does not contribute too much sudden weight loss, since the caloric reduction is only 500 calories per day. And this means that weight loss will be only 1.5 kg or 2 kg per month.

But if you add exercise to such a diet, the results will improve significantly. In this case, you can lose weight even by 7-8 kg in a month.

Is it possible to lose weight on baby food?

Proper nutrition also includes baby food. Boiled vegetable, meat or fruit purees are very good for weight loss because they are quickly absorbed by the body.

The advantages of a diet for baby food This includes not only the speed of weight loss, but also the ease of eating. After all, you don’t need to prepare such food; you can simply open the jar and enjoy the taste at any time of the day. Well, if you have enough time to cook yourself, then you just need to boil and then puree your favorite food.

But there are also disadvantages to such a diet. One of which is a small amount of fiber. Therefore, if you follow a diet for more than a week, you need to include green vegetables in your diet. Another minus is the minimal choice of dishes. So this diet may soon become boring.

Interesting fact! The baby food diet was developed by Tracy Anderson, who is Madonna's personal trainer. Many celebrities have already tried the effect of this diet.

How to eat right to lose weight (the basics of proper nutrition)

It is better to give preference to boiled food with low fat content. Raw vegetables and fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities because they are too low in calories.

For example, you can eat cucumbers or tomatoes even in the evening to satisfy your hunger. But it is better to exclude fried, fatty and floury foods from the diet; such foods are very difficult for the body and contribute to its slagging and the formation of harmful cholesterol.

To make it easier to understand how much food you need to eat to lose weight, you need to count all the calories you consume per day and subtract 30% from this amount. The resulting amount is exactly the amount of calories that will not cause obvious discomfort and will contribute to weight loss by 1-2 kg per month.

Diet for weight loss

The process of losing weight largely depends not only on the choice of products, but also on the diet. In addition to traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks are allowed, but they must be minimal in calories. Raw fruits and vegetables are best for this.

It is best to eat at these times:

List of products for proper nutrition and weight loss at home

To make it easier to figure out what you can eat with proper nutrition and what you can’t, there are tables of healthy foods. They indicate the number of calories and the ratio nutrients. Such tables help you navigate when choosing a product for your main meal or snack.

What foods should you eat to lose weight?

Prepared products Amount in g and ml Fats Carbohydrates Squirrels Kcal
Low-fat cottage cheese100 1,85 3,34 18,02 101
Kefir 0.1%50 0,05 8,52 1,24 38
Hercules30 1,85 18,55 3,68 105
Milk 1.5%100 1,5 4,72 2,92 44
Chicken fillet170 2,12 39,24 188
Buckwheat50 1,71 35,74 6,63 172
bell pepper100 0,31 6,04 0,98 26
Onion100 0,08 10,12 0,91 42
Green beans100 0,22 7,57 1,82 33
Sunflower oil30 13,61 120
Egg yolk1 piece4,52 0,62 2,71 55
Egg white3 pcs.0,18 0,71 10,78 51
Tomato1 piece0,24 4,83 1,09 22
Cucumber2 pcs.0,34 10,88 1,96 45
Olive oil30 13,52 119
Banana1 piece0,38 26,94 1,28 105
Pollock300 2,41 51,55 244
Rice50 1,11 38,36 3,92 172
Green peas50 0,19 6,85 2,62 38
Salmon150 22,64 31,18 338
Whole grain pasta50 0,66 35,24 5,52 169
Cottage cheese casserole200 8,85 20,48 24,01 260

Almost all fruits and vegetables have minimum quantity calories, so you can safely eat them at any time. They can also replace any foods or use them as snacks.

What foods to exclude to lose weight

With any diet, it is important to exclude unhealthy foods., which contain too much fat, sugar and simple carbohydrates. Such carbohydrates are dangerous because they are quickly broken down in the body, thereby increasing blood sugar.

But this sugar decreases just as quickly, so after a while you want to eat again, which provokes gluttony. In a balanced diet, sugar should be almost at the same level.

A few of the most unhealthy foods to avoid when losing weight:

Food diary for weight loss: how to keep it correctly

To know your weak points, you can keep a food diary, which will help you monitor the food you eat during the day and adjust the correct approach to losing weight.

There are different types keeping food diaries, but they all boil down to one thing - to ensure ease of control:

  1. Keep a diary This can be done either in a notebook or electronically.
  2. Notes should be taken daily, preferably immediately after meals.
  3. Must indicate meal time.
  4. For convenience you can make a table where the amount of food, calorie content, the presence of protein, fat and carbohydrates will be recorded (as shown in the table).
  5. Amount of food It is better to indicate in grams and milliliters.
  6. Calorie counts and the amount of fat will help you do certain programs.
  7. Diary you should always have it with you.

Nutrition program for weight loss

There are many nutrition programs for weight loss. It all depends on lifestyle, sports activities, individual preferences and the ability to comply with the rules of the program. Almost every program is based on compliance with the diet and control of consumed products.

Meals must be adjusted to your daily routine. For breakfast and lunch, you can eat fairly high-calorie foods containing carbohydrates, and for dinner it is better to consume low-calorie protein foods.

You also need to take into account daily physical activity. If low physical activity is planned, then the number of calories should be reduced. And with increasing loads, the caloric content of the diet increases.

Pay attention! Any nutrition program for weight loss works many times better if you exercise. After training, it is better to eat no less than 30-40 minutes later. Products must contain fiber and proteins.

Healthy (balanced) diet for weight loss

Anyone who wants to reduce body weight has probably heard the following phrase more than once: “To become thinner, you need to eat less!”

But proper nutrition for weight loss does not mean reducing the amount of food itself, but reducing the calories consumed.

In order for weight to decrease, you need to consume approximately 1500 kcal per day. Also, nutrition should be balanced. That is, you need to maintain the proportions of protein, fat and carbohydrates in a ratio of 40-30-30%.

Dietetics - proper nutrition (diet) for weight loss: menu for the week

Dietetics is whole science, which helps women keep fit. Many nutritionists recommend learning how to eat right first. To do this, you must adhere to the rule of the golden mean - consume almost equal amounts of nutrients, as well as Reduce the number of calories so that more of them are burned than entered into the body.

First, you should try to create a menu for the week, calculating the number of calories and nutrients in the foods you consume. The table above and the approximate menu list below will help with this, the products in which can be replaced with ones of equal calorie content.

Proper nutrition menu for weight loss for a month

For such a diet, you need to eat enough protein-containing foods for a month. It’s easy to calculate: you need as many grams of protein as a woman weighs in kilograms. This number is then multiplied by a factor of 3.3. You need to consume the resulting amount 2-3 times during the day.

It is imperative to eat more vegetables and fruits, drink juices and teas. Sugar should be replaced with stevia or dried fruits, and bread with bran. Drink approximately 2 liters of fluids per day.

Three meals a day for weight loss

The daily amount of food should be divided into 3 times. The menu below can be consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Depending on whether the menu is drawn up for a week or a month, choose 2-3 dishes for yourself, which are replaced daily in accordance with their calorie content.

Healthy breakfast (proper nutrition for weight loss)

  • 50 g porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, wheat),
  • 50 g boiled fish,
  • 50 g boiled chicken meat,
  • 150 g vegetable salad,
  • fruit salad,
  • 30 g granulated bran,
  • 100 g cottage cheese 0% fat.

From drinks you can choose 150 ml of juice, tea, coffee with milk or compote.

Healthy lunch (proper nutrition for weight loss)

Healthy dinner with proper nutrition for weight loss

Be sure to eat 30 g of granulated bran and 200 g of vegetables or fruits. You can drink it with low-fat yogurt, kefir or tea. You can eat boiled vegetables, poultry fillet or lean meat - boiled or baked. But no more than 50 g.

If the food eaten for breakfast or lunch is not enough, you can eat fruit or dried fruit for lunch or an afternoon snack, and wash it down with juice, tea or yogurt.

Nutrition for weight loss and exercise

If you just eat right, losing weight is not so effective. And if you also exercise, your body weight decreases much faster. But here you need to follow some nutritional principles.

The body stores fats in case of lack of energy. That's why, to force him to spend these reserve reserves, you need to not eat before the workout itself. And you should definitely eat about 2 hours before, so that it’s not hard to study.

The meal should be carbohydrate, but in small quantities. This way, the body will be sure that food is entering it, and will not drive you crazy during training with a feeling of hunger. And he will take the missing part of the energy from fat reserves.

You can eat oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, vegetables and fruits.

Important to know! If you feel dry mouth, drowsiness or worsening mood, this may indicate a lack of water in the body. With a weight of 70 kg, the daily water intake is 2 liters. If you weigh more, calculate the amount based on body weight - for every extra 10 kg you need 250 ml of water.

Post-workout nutrition for weight loss

After training, you need to give the body some more time to burn reserve fats, and only after 2 hours can you start your first meal. Now you need protein products: cottage cheese, egg whites, boiled chicken, boiled seafood. It would also be nice to have a vegetable salad with a spoon of vegetable oil.

If you feel very hungry after a workout, you can drink juice, yogurt or tea.

Fractional (five meals a day) meals for weight loss: menu for a month

This system involves eating every 2-3 hours. When losing weight, portions should be small, but contain enough calories for normal well-being.

Food must have beneficial properties, even if it's a snack. The basic principle of this diet is that during the day you need to eat a hot meal 3 times and have something light to snack on twice. Sweets are allowed only 1 time, and only 1 piece.

Approximate fractional meal menu:

  1. Breakfast may consist of porridge and fruit. You can drink tea or coffee.
  2. For lunch Be sure to have soup, baked or raw vegetables and lean meats (chicken, turkey).
  3. Have dinner Can be boiled fish, meat or eggs in combination with vegetables.
  4. Snacks– fermented milk products without fat (yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir), fruits, grain bread and tea.
  5. Before bed If desired, it is better to drink kefir.

Fractional meals for weight loss, reviews from those losing weight

Considering the reviews of women losing weight on this diet, it can be argued that this diet reduces weight slowly, but the desired effect lasts much longer than with rapid weight loss. In addition, this method can be used by everyone without age or health restrictions. Therefore, we can safely say that this power system is much better than others.

Separate meals for weight loss: menu for the week

In order for food to be better absorbed by the body, it must be consumed separately, divided into proteins and carbohydrates. This is necessary so that gastric juice that is neutral in acidity is released to digest carbohydrates. And proteins require a more acidic environment, while carbohydrates are not digested in such an environment.

From this it follows that 1 meal should include either proteins or carbohydrates. But since almost all products contain both, they are usually divided into groups. When creating a menu, you must take into account the compatibility of products.

Separate nutrition table for weight loss

Nutrients Products
SquirrelsMeat, fish products, cheeses, beans, nuts and cereals
Simple carbohydratesAll sweet fruits and dried fruits that do not contain acid - bananas, dates, pears, etc. As well as sugar and sweet syrups.
Complex carbohydratesWheat, rice, potatoes come first. On the second - pumpkin, zucchini, green peas, beets, carrots and cabbage. Other vegetables and greens contain very few carbohydrates.
FatsAll vegetable oils, avocado and nuts, fatty fish.
Sour fruitsLemons, grapes, etc.
Semi-acidic fruitsEverything tastes sweet low content acid fruits and berries - pears, plums, sweet apples, etc.

Important to know! Products containing to a greater extent proteins or carbohydrates do not combine with each other. But they can easily be consumed with fats and fruits.

Separate meals for weight loss, reviews from those who have lost weight

Based on reviews of this type of nutrition, one can judge that at first it will be quite difficult to get used to such a diet, since our usual dishes are too far from such a system. You will need to learn to cook again and get used to new tastes. Some girls observed changes in their mood and stress, which they associated with inferiority separate power supply.

Another category of those who have lost weight using this system claims that switching back to a mixed diet is quite difficult because the body gets used to light and well-digested food. Many people even like to stay on this diet.

But all the reviews about this diet unanimously state that such a system works flawlessly and with its help you can lose 10-25 kg within 3 months. This is an excellent diet for those who are very heavy.

Intuitive eating, reviews from those who have lost weight

Intuitive eating is more of an anti-diet. Here you can eat whatever you want, you just need to control the amount of food you eat so as not to overeat.

Interesting fact! Intuitive Eating was created by Stephen Hawkes, who was also overweight for a long time. He tried many diets and came to the conclusion that they all gave short-term results.

Then he began to listen to the desires of his body and eat only those foods that he wanted. Stephen argued that everything depends only on the psychological factor.

All kinds of diets popular at the end of the 20th century are being replaced by proper nutrition (PN). Millions of supporters adhere to these principles healthy image life around the world. Correct is called fractional nutrition, which includes the necessary daily norm proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calories. They are calculated individually for each person. PP is approved by nutritionists and adhered to by athletes.

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    Concept and rules

    Basic principles of proper nutrition:

    1. 1. Often, but little. 4-6 meals in small quantities per day are considered optimal. The average serving is 300 grams for breakfast, lunch and dinner and 150 for a snack. The time interval between them is 2 - 3 hours. It is important to follow a regime so that the body gets used to the arrival of food at a certain time and works well.
    2. 2. Drink to stay slim. It is mandatory to drink plenty of clean, plain water - on average 35 ml per kilogram of weight or 8-10 glasses per day. At the same time, taking into account the physiological characteristics of digestive processes, experts recommend not drinking liquids during meals, but strictly 20-30 minutes before and 1.5-2 hours after. This speeds up metabolic processes and prevents dehydration.
    3. 3. No to sugar and white flour. Confectionery and white sugar are not welcome in the diet of adherents balanced nutrition, they are replaced with healthy sweets: fruits, dried fruits, marshmallows, jelly, dark chocolate and organic sweeteners: honey in limited quantities and products such as stevia, xylitol.
    4. 4. "No" sausages, smoked meats and other meat substitutes with questionable composition.
    5. 5. The list of prohibited products includes store-bought sauces and food waste in the form of carbonated sweet drinks and snacks with flavor enhancers and flavorings.
    6. 6. The list of products allowed for consumption is quite extensive: various types of lean meat, seafood, most types of fish, eggs, fermented milk and dairy products, cereals, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, products made from rye and whole grain flour, seeds, nuts, vegetable oils and others.
    7. 7. In the process of preparing dishes, exclusively gentle heat treatment methods are used: in a double boiler, on a non-stick coating, on the grill, stewing, sautéing, boiling.
    8. 8. In the first half of the day, preference is given to carbohydrate foods, in the second and evening - protein foods.
    9. 9. The basics of combining products are proposed in the diagram.

    Proper nutrition is suitable for men, women, children of any age. It can be followed by both those losing weight and those not pursuing such a goal. To get rid of excess weight, the daily diet is composed of a calorie deficit, which is calculated individually.

    Proper nutrition for weight loss: menu

    Proper nutrition for weight loss is the best way to say goodbye to excess weight and not harm your health. The main advantage of this method is considered to be gradual, which allows you to maintain the result for a long time, and also that it can be followed throughout your life. The result will not come as quickly as with extreme diets, but from such a menu the body will become healthier and the general condition will improve. To lose weight, you need to reduce your daily caloric intake by 300 calories.

    In medicine, proper nutrition is considered an auxiliary method of therapy and prevention of most diseases.

    Products for the week

    Healthy nutrition is conventionally called smart, because its implementation involves detailed menu planning for the week, for every day and for the month, taking into account the ratio of microelements needed by the body. This allows you to diversify your diet. There are a lot of food options. Below you will find an approximate weekly diet, which can be adjusted to your own preferences. Full list required provisions for one adult for a week:

    1. 1. It is recommended to choose vegetables according to the season, giving preference to green ones: zucchini, cucumbers, white cabbage, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage, broccoli, green beans, asparagus, peas, spinach and others, as well as tomatoes, carrots, beets, onions, greens. On average, about 4 kg of vegetables are needed for 7 days. Potatoes are not included in the list of foods allowed for daily consumption.
    2. 2. Fruits in season, a minimum of sweet ones - bananas, grapes, dates, the main emphasis on citrus fruits, berries, green apples, pears, apricots, peaches, plums. You will need 3 kg.
    3. 3. Dried fruits and nuts - 200 grams of mixture or favorite type for 7 days.
    4. 4. Cereals: buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal, protein: lentils, chickpeas, mung bean - approximately 0.5 kg each, a portion of durum flour pasta.
    5. 5. Meat: beef, veal, turkey, chicken, rabbit - the favorites of proper nutrition, based on the calculation of 0.5 kg per day (raw).
    6. 6. Fish: preferably sea fish, up to 1 kg, seafood.
    7. 7. Eggs: chicken - 5-7 pieces, quail 10-12.
    8. 8. Dairy and fermented milk products: milk - up to 1 liter, low-fat kefir or yogurt - up to 1.5 liters, cottage cheese - up to 1 kg.
    9. 9. Rice and oat flour.
    10. 10. Sweetener, honey.
    11. 11. Vegetable oils: flaxseed, olive.
    12. 12. Whole grain or rye bread, lavash.

    Menu for the week

    For ease of use, the menu is presented in a table.

    Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
    1 Oatmeal pancakesFresh fruitVegetable salad, boiled meatYogurtBaked fish and vegetables
    2 Buckwheat porridgeDried fruitsSteamed beef cutlets, vegetable sautéKefir, berriesStew with chicken breast
    3 Curd casseroleHomemade energy barVegetable puree soup, chicken sausages (homemade)CitrusFish cutlets
    4 Rice flour pancakesNutsLazy cabbage rollsApple baked with cottage cheeseBeef stewed with vegetables
    5 Oatmeal with dried fruits and honeyFresh fruitBrown rice, boiled turkeyKefirChicken breast roll with cottage cheese and herbs
    6 SyrnikiDried fruitsPasta with seafood and spinachYogurtSalad with chicken breast, eggs, Chinese cabbage
    7 Oat pancakesNutsCabbage salad, meatball soup with any meatApple baked with cottage cheeseBaked zucchini stuffed with minced chicken


    Table with some recipes from the proposed menu.

    Dish Required Products Cooking sequence
    Oatmeal pancakes
    Oatmeal - 100 g, milk - 100 g, egg - 1 piece, stevia - to taste1. Pour hot milk over oatmeal and leave to swell. 2. After 15 minutes, add the egg and sweetener to the oatmeal-milk mixture and mix well. 3. Bake on a non-stick coating for a few minutes on each side. 4. Serve with honey, fruit, cottage cheese or low-calorie jam. If you do not use a sweetener, you can use cheese, meat, mushrooms, and vegetables as a filling.
    Curd casserole
    Low-fat cottage cheese - 0.5 kg, 2 eggs, a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal or rice flour, sweetener, dried fruits1. Combine all ingredients using a blender until smooth. 2. Bake in a slow cooker or oven at 180 degrees for up to 20 minutes. Before serving, let the casserole rest in the bowl in which it was baked for 10 minutes.
    Energy bar
    30 g of nuts, dried fruits and oatmeal 1. Grind all products in a blender until smooth. 2. Form a bar. 3. Bake it in the oven for 5-7 minutes
    Chicken sausages
    Minced chicken - 0.5 kg, milk - 150 ml, nutmeg - 10 g, salt, pepper1. Combine ingredients. 2. Roll a tablespoon of the mixture into cling film, can withstand temperatures up to 120 degrees, in the form of sausages. 3. Cook in boiling water for up to 10 minutes
    Rice flour pancakes
    Rice flour - glass, milk - 300 ml, 4 eggs, sweetener1. Beat the eggs with a whisk until smooth, but not to peaks, without separating the whites from the yolks. 2. Gently fold milk and flour into eggs. 3. Add sweetener. 4. Bake pancakes in a non-stick frying pan
    Chicken breast roll with cottage cheese and herbs
    1 chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese briquette, herbs, garlic, salt1. Beat chicken meat. 2. Beat cottage cheese with herbs and seasonings in a blender until a paste-like consistency. 3. Place the filling on the beaten breast, roll it up and tie it with thread. 4. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes
    Oat pancakes
    100 g oatmeal, lemon or orange, 150 ml milk, 2 eggs1. Pour hot milk over the cereal and leave to swell. 2. Peel the orange and squeeze the juice out of half. 3. Grate the orange and lemon zest. 4. Mix the oatmeal-milk mixture in a blender until it forms a paste. 5. Add orange juice, eggs, sweetener and zest to the dough, mix well. 6. Bake pancakes on a non-stick coating. Can be served with honey and cinnamon
    Pasta with seafood and spinach
    Pasta - 80 g, seafood cocktail - 200 g, spinach - 50 g1. Simmer seafood and spinach in water for 10 minutes, leave to simmer over low heat. 2. Meanwhile, cook the pasta in salted boiling water until half cooked. 3. After about 5 minutes (depending on the type of pasta), throw the pasta into the seafood and spinach mixture, add salt and leave to cook over low heat for 4-5 minutes. 4. If the goal is not to lose weight as quickly as possible, you can add 50 ml of 10% cream to the water in which spinach and seafood are stewed.
    Baked zucchini stuffed with minced chicken
    2 medium zucchini, minced chicken- 200-300 g, greens, onions1. Peel the zucchini, cut in half, and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. 2. Combine the minced meat with finely chopped onion and add salt. 3. Stuff the vegetables with the meat mixture. 4. Bake at 200 degrees for 12 minutes. 5. Sprinkle with herbs before serving


    As part of proper nutrition, it is allowed to consume forbidden foods at a certain frequency - once every 7-15 days. Athletes call this violation of the rules a “cheat meal.” It is necessary in such cases:

    • A pronounced food addiction, a healthy diet is difficult. Such “belly holidays” will help you get used to the new rules of eating psychologically and will serve as a good prevention of breakdowns.
    • The weight stopped falling - to shake up the metabolism.

    How to enhance the effect of proper nutrition?

    In the process of losing weight and building a beautiful body, it is important not only to get rid of fatty tissue, but also to keep the skin and muscles toned. For this it is best to use integrated approach: workouts and body care treatments. Everyone should know that it is impossible to lose weight locally - only in the legs or stomach. The biggest contributors to weight loss are:

    • Cardio: running, cycling, brisk walking.
    • Strength loads: basic exercises with weights: squats, deadlifts, lunges, leg press.
    • Combined training using cardio and strength training.

    Proper nutrition combined with regular physical activity is guaranteed to bring results in weight loss. And if these 2 components become a habitual way of life, then the person will always be slim.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

    I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

    But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelifting? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

PP diet for weight loss is one of popular destinations recent years to normalize weight. For some, the phrase PN has become the norm for lifelong nutrition, while others are just getting acquainted with the simple rules of PN. In this article we will understand all the intricacies of the diet and try to find out whether this is really “proper nutrition” or just another marketing ploy by nutritionists.

So, deciphering the combination of PP is proper nutrition, a technique based on normalizing the diet and bringing it to the correct, optimal option. The diet will not require such sacrifices as fasting, giving up meat, mono-eating or drinking kefir alone. All that is needed from a person is to make the proposed regime the norm for the rest of his life, and this, as nutritionists promise, is not only the key to elegant forms, but also to good health.

Goals and purpose of “Proper Nutrition”

A balanced diet certainly helps normalize weight, which is associated with improved metabolism and the transition to proper, physiological nutrition. Meanwhile, PN nutrition is positioned as optimal for people with digestive problems, suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, in postpartum period and as a preventive nutrition against many diseases (hypertension, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, cholelithiasis, etc.).

Healthy eating - PP diet rules

Certain rules will have to be strictly followed. Moreover, proper nutrition after a diet is the diet itself, i.e. it must be observed throughout your life. The rules themselves are not burdensome, but at first they will require the use of willpower and the refusal of a number of “goodies”.

  • Fast food and other “junk” foods are completely and forever excluded from the diet: crackers, chips, soda, chocolates, confectionery, French fries, pizza, sugar, sausage, sausages, sauces, candy bars, alcohol (except for natural wine), food instant cooking etc.
  • Salt is significantly limited.
  • Every day you should start with a glass of clean water, drinking it slowly, in small sips. Breakfast is in half an hour.
  • Cooking methods: boiling, stewing, baking and steaming.
  • 20% of the daily diet consists of raw fruits and vegetables.
  • 20% of the daily diet consists of fats, mainly from the group of unsaturated fatty acids: seeds, nuts, salmon, trout, olive, flaxseed oil, avocado.
  • You can only eat slow carbohydrates: wholemeal bread, cereals, durum wheat pasta, unsweetened vegetables. The exception is fruits, berries and a little honey. But they should be distributed correctly throughout the day - sweet ones should be eaten in the first half of the day, sour ones - in the second half.
  • Potatoes and pasta are independent dishes. They should not be used as a side dish for protein foods.
  • The amount of animal protein consumed daily should be 1 gram per 1 kg of body weight: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products, avocados, nuts.
  • You should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day, be sure to drink a glass of water half an hour before meals.
  • Carbohydrates can be consumed for breakfast and lunch. In the evening, it is advisable to eat only protein foods.
  • It is highly advisable to start your meal with raw vegetables or a salad made from them (if they are included in a specific meal).
  • You should eat from small plates, in small portions, often. This allows you to relieve the body and increase the digestibility of food.
  • The maximum break between meals is 4 hours.
  • Chew your food thoroughly, focus on your food, and do not eat while watching TV or talking on the phone.

Replacing “harmful things” with “benefits”

Surely every person who has experimented with diets knows how difficult it is to make restrictions, especially those related to harmful foods, when you would give half your life for a piece of chocolate! Such desires are the main reason for breaking the diet.

According to nutritionists, when a person craves “junk food,” the body experiences a deficiency of certain substances that can be obtained from healthy foods without disrupting the diet:

Desired “harmful” product What does this indicate? "Healthy" substitute

Carbonated drinks;

Fatty foods

Calcium deficiency Cheese, sesame seeds, broccoli, legumes, grapes, almonds, apples, cottage cheese.
Black tea, Sulfur deficiency Broccoli, strawberries, cranberries, carrots, almonds, cucumbers.
White or black bread (not whole grain) Nitrogen deficiency Legumes, nuts.
Fried Carbon deficiency Fresh fruit.
Salty Chloride deficiency Dry seaweed, sea ​​salt(in dishes).
Sweet Lack of chromium and carbohydrates Fresh fruits, champignons, barley groats.
chocolate Magnesium deficiency Seeds, nuts, legumes, parsley, olives.

PP diet: menu

Initially there was no clear menu in the method; all recipes were created gradually, both by nutritionists and people practicing this system losing weight. When creating a menu, you should adhere to the rules of the diet and your own taste preferences.

Proper nutrition diet - menu for the week

Ideally, there should be 4 meals, the last of which should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. For a snack, raw fruit or 1 glass of kefir is allowed. 5 meals are acceptable, but only if 3 of them are main meals, and 2 are snacks. You should eat at the same time, setting up the optimal biological rhythm of digestion.

PP diet for a week - sample menu:

Breakfast (30% energy value) Lunch (40-50%) Dinner (20%)
Day 1
Toast with naturally salted herring. Vegetable salad (200 gr). Green tea with natural ginger and honey. Boiled veal. Stewed broccoli. Herbal tea. Vegetables baked with cheese and herbs. Mint tea.
Day 2
Steamed omelette made from 2 eggs, herbs and fresh tomato. Fruit. . Pumpkin soup. Boiled fish with boiled rice, raw vegetables. Lemon drink. Low-fat cottage cheese 150 grams. Fresh unsweetened fruit. Mineral water without gas.
Day 3
Whole grain pasta with herbs. Toast. Red tea. Turkey meatballs on a coat of raw vegetables. Pea puree. Fresh fruit. Vegetable salad with cottage cheese. Tea.
Day 4
Oatmeal with apple, cinnamon and butter. Low-fat yogurt. Tea. Chicken breast and wild rice pilaf. Vegetables are raw without dressing. Natural unsweetened vegetable juice. Steamed fish cutlets with stewed carrots. 1 toast Lemon drink.
Day 5
Baked potatoes with cheese and green beans. Lettuce with olive oil. Toast. Tea with lemon. Puree soup with cauliflower, steamed salmon, green salad. Cranberry juice. Steam omelette with broccoli. Green tea.
Day 6
1 boiled egg. Whole grain muffin with nut butter. Fruit tea. Boiled lentils and salad with orange-peanut sauce. Turkey in gravy. Stewed beans and green salad. Kefir.
Day 7
Lavash made from buckwheat flour with cheese and vegetable filling. Lemon water. Boiled veal. Green soup. Raw vegetable salad. Mineral water without gas. Trout baked with lemon juice. Tea.

Diet for a month

Based on the menu presented above, you can develop a diet for a month, including porridge from cereals, vegetables, eggs, poultry, fish, seafood, meat, and always raw fruits and vegetables.

How much can you lose on the PP diet?

If you strictly follow the nutritionist's advice, without failures or indulgences, you can lose 5-6 kg within 1 month. However, this is not the safest weight loss; it is not advisable to lose more than 4 kg in a month.

Diet: proper nutrition for weight loss - doctors’ opinion

In general, medical practitioners have a positive attitude towards the proposed diet, without highlighting any contraindications to the diet, but with some comments.

Proper nutrition is a very vague and conditional concept, which is often exploited by unscrupulous nutritionists, fitness trainers and marketers who, under the guise of “proper nutrition,” sometimes offer a useless and even harmful diet.

According to doctors, a single, universal system of proper nutrition that would suit people with different indicators weight, health and age simply do not exist. Every person is an individual with characteristic features metabolism, excess or deficiency of certain microelements and vitamins. In order to choose the optimal diet for a person, you should take tests, identify what substances are missing in the body, take into account physical, mental and sports loads, age and existing diseases. And based on the data obtained, select a suitable diet.

From this we can conclude that the decision to “go on the right diet” should be deliberate, balanced, and most importantly, acceptable given the state of health!

Lose weight up to 5 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 750 Kcal.

There is a huge variety various techniques figure transformations. But, alas, many of them, after losing weight, provoke weight gain back. It turns out to be a vicious circle. It seems that all you are doing is losing weight (or rather, trying to do it). Especially strict diets are generally hazardous to human health. It is also worth emphasizing that special weight loss techniques do not always take into account individual characteristics body. What helps one person lose extra pounds may not work for another.

It is much more correct, as many nutritionists and doctors note, instead of looking for another miracle way to pay attention to a diet for proper weight loss.

Diet requirements for proper weight loss

To eat healthy and rationally, while losing excess weight (if necessary), you need to consider the following principles.

Diversify your diet with a large number of vegetables and fruits, focusing on non-starchy ones (and there should be an order of magnitude more vegetable products). Pamper your dishes by adding various greens. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, useful not only for weight loss, but also for overall health.

We all know that it is necessary to drink enough water. This is true, but you shouldn’t get too carried away. Two liters of water per day is usually quite enough. More fluid can lead to swelling. This condition is harmful to both appearance, and for the body. Water in the right amount will help improve digestive processes and have a positive effect on your appearance. It will be very the right decision limit as much as possible in your diet drinks that contain unnatural sugar, caffeine and various chemical additives.

Of course, it is worth reducing contact with high-calorie foods such as buns, cakes, cookies, sweets and their other relatives. But a diet for proper weight loss does not call for a complete abstinence from sweets. With prolonged use, this can cause a decrease in mental and physical abilities, especially if sweets were previously on your menu in considerable quantities. Allow yourself your favorite foods, but in moderation and in right time(in the morning). By the way, not all sweets are equally harmful to the figure and contain high calorie content. Instead of high-fat, high-nutrition cakes, try eating some marmalade, marshmallows, or marshmallows. Natural honey, dried fruits, and jam also perfectly discourage cravings for harmful sugars. Eat them instead of another portion of cake and it is likely that the next time you want to eat something sweet, you will gladly prefer them.

Have porridge for breakfast more often. Some believe that cereals contribute to the acquisition of extra pounds. But why gain weight if the porridge is boiled in water and consumed in moderation? For example, a portion of oatmeal with pieces of bananas or your favorite dried fruits, on the contrary, will help, by saturating the body well, to get closer to the desired figure. Don't like oatmeal? No problem. A great start to the day could be rice with natural honey or buckwheat with a small amount of carrot and onion fried. If you want, you can charge yourself with a protein component. Good choice There will be an omelette with vegetables or just boiled eggs.

At lunch you can eat protein and carbohydrate products together. For example, eat buckwheat porridge or boiled rice in the company of fish or chicken cooked without adding oil. Also be sure to include non-starchy vegetables in your lunch. It is worth eating liquid dishes more often for lunch, for example, low-fat vegetable-based soup. This is good for the stomach and helps you avoid absorbing more food during your next snack, ensuring quick satiety.

Try not to eat after 18:00 (or at least 17:00). This practice will certainly help you lose money faster. overweight, and going to bed with a full stomach won’t lead to anything good. If lunch was a long time ago, and you didn’t manage to have a snack in the evening on time, you shouldn’t starve yourself. Having a later dinner from time to time is perfectly acceptable. But when moving towards the night time, it should acquire even greater lightness and, accordingly, lose calorie content. A good choice would be a vegetable salad, steamed or stewed vegetables or a little low-fat (optionally, low-fat) cottage cheese. If acute feeling There is no hunger, limit yourself to a glass of kefir. In general, at a normal dinner time, try to make it protein-vegetable. For the first component, an excellent solution would be meat, fish, seafood, eggs (if you didn’t eat them for breakfast), cooked without adding oil, or cottage cheese and other low-fat fermented milk products.

It's no secret that physical activity also helps you lose weight. This provision is especially significant for people with sedentary work and those who, due to constant employment, cannot find time for full-time work. sports training. Try to be active at least on weekends. Go to the pool, ride a bike, dance (even in a nightclub, combining business with pleasure). It is known that muscle weighs more than fat. Make them work and grow in the right way.

It is very important to eat mindfully. While eating, you need to focus on the food you are consuming. Watching TV, reading, talking at the table very often lead to the fact that the human brain does not have time to catch the signal of saturation in time, and you overeat again and again.

Learn to substitute products. Many high-calorie foods can be found with analogues that have much lower nutritional value, while at the same time being significantly more beneficial to health. For example, it is quite possible to replace fatty pork with chicken or beef, heavy cream or mayonnaise with natural yogurt or kefir, sunflower oil- olive fruit products, sugar - honey or at least a sweetener (but it’s better not to abuse it).

It is worth minimizing the amount of alcohol you drink. Naturally, we can say unequivocally that this type of product is not available. modern world It’s difficult, and many people simply don’t want to do it. In this case, when you want to drink some alcoholic beverages, make it a rule to choose the least energetically significant options. For example, dry wine. And don't consume more than a glass or two at a time. Would you like a beer? Allow yourself it, but in the amount of one jar. Moderation is important. But what is better to abstain from altogether in terms of alcohol is liqueurs, which contain plenty of sugar and are very high in calories. Does it make sense to save calories in your diet and then instantly make up for them with a small amount of some kind of liqueur or sweet champagne?

It is very important to reduce portions. It is recommended to eat small meals and not eat more than 200-250 g of food at a time. The ideal diet for proper weight loss is 3 main meals and 2 light snacks between them. This will prevent sudden changes in blood sugar levels, which in turn provoke acute hunger, and often overeating. Small psychological technique: take a smaller plate than you are used to (for example, a dessert plate). If you put the recommended amount of food in it, it will seem full, and thus psychologically it will be much easier for you to get used to smaller portions.

Snack on vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, low-fat dairy and fermented milk products.

Don't go to the grocery store on an empty stomach. Otherwise, there is a high probability of buying products that you do not need at all and that you did not intend to purchase. Try to at least roughly plan your menu in advance (especially if you have just switched to proper nutrition) and go shopping, writing a list of the necessary products to avoid unnecessary food temptations.

To evaluate the menu, calculate the calorie content of your diet. If you are far from the recommended figures, at least in the beginning it is still advisable to weigh how much and what you eat. Later, you will probably be able to determine your caloric intake almost by eye, understanding how much and what products you can eat, and what it is better to abstain from. Of course, it is better to calculate the caloric content of your diet, taking into account your lifestyle, age and physical activity. There are now a great many calculators on the Internet that allow you to do this. In short, to lose weight, the average woman needs to consume 1,200 calories per day. Men can increase this figure to 1500 units. When you reach your desired weight, simply increase your caloric intake slightly (controlling the movements of the weight needle so as not to overdo it) and try to eat, remembering the basic principles of a diet for proper weight loss. She is the road to health, beauty and longevity.

Diet menu

Sample diet for proper weight loss for a week

Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal cooked in water, sprinkled with 1 tsp. honey
Snack: banana.
Lunch: boiled chicken breast and a serving of raw vegetable salad with plenty of greens.
Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir or natural yogurt.
Dinner: cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5% and an orange or several tangerines.

Breakfast: buckwheat stewed with your favorite vegetables.
Snack: 2 medium-sized apples.
Lunch: boiled or baked beef and a salad of white cabbage and fresh cucumbers.
Afternoon snack: a little low-fat cottage cheese.
Dinner: stewed fish with herbs; grapefruit for dessert.

Breakfast: boiled rice and vegetable salad.
Snack: 50 g of walnuts, which can be seasoned with a small amount of natural honey.
Lunch: boiled veal and vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat natural yogurt.
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs and fresh tomatoes.

Breakfast: wholemeal pasta mixed with a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese.
Snack: salad of medium-sized apple and banana.
Lunch: boiled or stewed beef plus any non-starchy vegetables.
Afternoon snack: a glass of milk pure form or tea with milk; a handful of dried fruits of your choice.
Dinner: boiled shrimp (or other seafood that you like).

Breakfast: boiled rice (preferably brown) and a piece of baked fish.
Snack: 2 tbsp. l. honey and unsweetened tea.
Lunch: stewed vegetables (possibly with potatoes).
Afternoon snack: 1-2 boiled eggs.
Dinner: boiled chicken fillet and fresh cucumbers.

Breakfast: oatmeal, cooked with water or low-fat milk; favorite dried fruits.
Snack: salad of non-starchy fruits, seasoned with honey.
Lunch: low-fat meat broth plus a piece of meat with vegetable salad and herbs.
Afternoon snack: a few slices of low-fat cheese and a glass of kefir.
Dinner: a portion of low-fat cottage cheese.

Breakfast: boiled or baked potatoes and other fresh non-starchy vegetables in the form of salad.
Snack: large apple.
Lunch: boiled beef and any citrus for dessert.
Afternoon snack: a glass of yogurt.
Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese.

Diet contraindications

The only contraindications for following a diet for proper weight loss are pregnancy and lactation (when you should not reduce the calorie intake so much), and diseases that require special nutrition.

Advantages of a diet for proper weight loss

A diet for proper weight loss has many benefits.

  1. Habits are formed rational nutrition, which will certainly help you maintain your new weight in the future. After all, you don’t just eat a few foods, strictly limiting yourself in order to get rid of those hated pounds, but learn to eat wisely.
  2. This food is good for health.
  3. The choice of products is wide. Use your imagination, cook, and you probably won’t get bored with the diet.
  4. The products recommended for consumption are rich in substances necessary for the body.
  5. A diet for proper weight loss also has a positive effect on your appearance. Remember: we are what we eat. Surely, you will notice pleasant changes in the condition of your skin, hair, etc.
  6. You will not encounter weakness and apathy, which are often associated with many other weight loss methods.
  7. You will be able to lead a full active life and play sports.

Disadvantages of the diet

  • Probably, almost the only drawback is the speed of weight loss.
  • Kilograms, as a rule, do not run away at lightning speed, but go away gradually, surely and reliably. But such a rate of weight loss may not be suitable for those who need a quick body transformation.

Repeated diet for proper weight loss

If you feel well, you can repeat the diet with these principles again whenever you wish and when your body needs changes again. After all, in general, this is a healthy diet, and not a strict reduction in diet.