When can you start exercising after childbirth? Recommendations for performing exercises during the postpartum period. Recommended time to start exercising

All the exercises that are listed in this complex can be started on the first day after giving birth, if your health allows and the doctor monitoring your health does not prohibit you from doing so. Exercise remains relevant throughout the postpartum period, and not just in its early phase. They can and preferably be done over a period of 10-12 weeks.

It is best to start exercising on the first day after giving birth.

Exercises should be performed regularly, several times a day. Most of them are performed lying on a flat surface - this can be a bed with a regular, not very soft mattress; for comfort you will need a small pillow.

Movements must be performed smoothly - in no case abruptly.

The room where you practice should be well ventilated. The optimal temperature is 18-20°C.

It is necessary to exercise in comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement.

Don't forget to visit the toilet before training.

It is better to exercise after breastfeeding.

During pregnancy, a complication such as varicose veins of the lower extremities often occurs. The 1st and 2nd exercises will help prevent further progression of varicose veins and its complications - the formation of blood clots in the veins, etc.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 1

Starting position: lying on your back, both legs bent at the knees, feet on the bed. Arms along the body, palms on the bed.

Straighten your legs without lifting your knees from each other. We squeeze our toes tightly 10 times (“retract the claws”) and release again.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 2

Starting position: the same.

Straighten one leg. We perform the movement with the foot, pulling the toe toward you at a slow pace and with a large amplitude, 10 times. We return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg.

If you have varicose veins while carrying your baby, or if you had them before pregnancy, use special elastic stockings while doing the exercises.

Exercises 3 to 5 are aimed at training abdominal breathing and strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 3

Starting position: lying on your back, both legs bent at the knees, feet slightly apart. Hands are placed on the lower abdomen.

We inhale slowly through our nose and then exhale just as slowly through our mouth, while making the sounds: “haaaaa,” trying to draw in the stomach as much as possible. During exhalation, we slightly “help” him with our hands, moving our palms in the direction from the pubic bone to the navel. In this case, you should not press with your palms, but simply stroke your lower abdomen with your hands. We repeat the exercise 10 times.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 4

Starting position: lying on your side (you can use a small pillow or cushion under your neck), knees slightly bent.

We repeat the inhalations and exhalations as described in exercise 3, combining them with movement from the pubic bone to the navel. We perform the exercise 10 times on each side.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 5

Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms resting on your elbows. Place a small, dense pillow under the lower abdomen. It is important that there is minimal or no pressure on the breasts, as this can be painful after childbirth.

When exhaling (to “haa”, “pff” or “pooh”) we move the pelvis forward. While inhaling, we return to the starting position. Repeat 10-12 times.

The next exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum. One of the functions of the perineal muscles is to support internal organs: uterus, bladder, intestines. During childbirth, the “holding” muscles of the urethra, vaginal opening and rectum are greatly stretched. Sphincters (circular muscles that close the urethra and rectum) weaken, and problems with urinary control and, less commonly, defecation may occur. Immediately after childbirth, due to compression of the bladder and urethra during childbirth, there is often no urge to urinate. These exercises will help you cope with this problem. If during childbirth an incision was made in the perineum or there is a rupture, then these exercises should not be performed until the suture has healed (in the first 2-3 weeks after birth).

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 6

Starting position: lying on the bed or sitting in a chair.

We try to alternately strain the muscles of the vagina and anus, as if “blinking”. At first, it may seem like alternating reductions are impossible, but this is not the case. Soon you will be able to separate muscle tension. As soon as we learn to separate the “blinking”, we try to use our muscles to draw a “wave” from the anus to the pubic bone. This exercise is also an assistant in the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids. During the exercise, be sure to monitor the muscles of the mouth. The tongue, palate, lips should be relaxed. This will help you relax your perineum and make your breathing soft. The exercise should be repeated 10-15 times.

In exercises 7 to 12, breathing control and stress on the pelvic floor are complemented by training the abdominal muscles. Please note: all exercises are performed while exhaling and with gentle tension in the pelvic muscles.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 7

Starting position: lying on your side; the head, chest and pelvis lie on the same line. Knees bent. The lower arm is bent at the elbow, palm under the head. The upper arm is abducted, bent at the elbow and resting on the bed with the palm or fist approximately at the level of the navel.

As you exhale, raise your pelvis, resting on your fist (palm). While inhaling, we return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times on each side.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 8

Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet on the bed.

As you exhale, pulling your socks towards you, at the same time we reach with your left hand towards your left foot. While inhaling, we return to the starting position. Once again, as you exhale, pulling your socks towards you, at the same time we reach with your right hand towards your right foot. We return to the starting position. The hands seem to glide along the surface; there is no need to lift the chest or lift the heels from the surface. Repeat 5-6 times in each direction.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 9

Starting position: standing on all fours (knee-wrist position), shoulders and pelvis are on the same line. The knees are placed a short distance apart.

As you exhale, draw in your stomach, simultaneously lifting your left knee and right palm. While inhaling, we return to the starting position. Then we change the “diagonal” - we raise the right knee and left palm. Repeat 10-12 times.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 10

Starting position: standing on all fours; the insteps of the feet lie on the floor. As you exhale, straighten your knees, distributing the body weight on your palms and the instep of your feet. We try not to bend in the lower back. The back and legs should be in a straight line. While inhaling, we return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 11

Starting position: lying on your side, knees bent. The upper arm lies along the body, the lower arm is bent at the shoulder joint at an angle of 90 degrees (palm down), providing emphasis on the plane.

As you exhale, pull in your stomach and lift your pelvis off the bed. While inhaling, we return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times on each side.

Exercise 12 (aimed at strengthening the abdominal and back muscles)

Starting position: standing facing the wall, legs apart and slightly bent at the knees. The hands rest against the wall with the palms, the forearms are also pressed against the wall (elbows pointing down).

We tense the abs, as if bringing the right elbow together with the left knee, then the left elbow with the right knee, without lifting either the palm from the wall or the foot from the floor. No actual movements need to be made - only the abdominal muscles and back muscles are worked. As you inhale, relax your muscles.

After childbirth, the following recommendations must be followed during physical activity.

  • When rising from a lying position, first roll over onto your side and only then stand up.
  • It is better to lie on your stomach most of the time, thereby promoting contraction of the uterus and ensuring the best outflow of postpartum discharge.

Getting up early on the first day, a few hours after birth, and walking support recovery processes.

Greetings, dear readers of my blog! Today my article is devoted to a topic that will not leave indifferent those of you who have experienced all the phobias associated with changes in the body before and after childbirth. First of all, fears are associated with a changed figure. Of course, pregnancy and childbirth - natural processes in the life of a physiologically normal woman. But is it normal that a slender girlish figure after childbirth disappears behind a sagging belly, thick hips and shoulders? Ubiquitous statistics indicate that a third of divorces in young families occur due to the transformed figures of women after childbirth. Alas, men love with their eyes. Are there any radical means to solve this problem? There are no radical ones. There are special exercises that will help you get back to normal after childbirth in a short time. So, recovery after childbirth is a set of exercises , and everything connected with it is in this article.

After childbirth, the uterus retains a volume corresponding to four months of pregnancy. This is a rather convex tummy and only after two months the uterus returns to its pre-pregnancy state. Such a big belly after childbirth can be for three reasons:

  • Severely distended uterus;
  • Accumulation of fat during pregnancy in the abdominal area;
  • Significantly stretched muscles belly.

In order for the uterus to recover faster after childbirth, gymnastics is necessary, which is easily performed by a woman at home:

Breathing exercises

  • Lying on your back, alternately pull the toe towards you and away from you. Repeat several times. Breathe deeply;
  • While inhaling, perform a contraction muscles pelvis At the same time, hold your breath, counting from 1 to 7. Relax as you exhale. Repeat up to 12 times.

Kegel exercises

These exercises are not only shown for the uterus, but also for other internal organs: kidneys, bladder, intestines. The fact is that stretched muscles of the pelvic floor and abdomen cannot hold these organs in their normal position, which is fraught with their prolapse and other problems.

Place your hands on your stomach and suck in air through your nose. At the same time, inflate your stomach. As you exhale, contract the vaginal muscles and tense, as if stopping the flow of urine when urinating. Remain in this position for up to five seconds. Repeat up to ten times. By practicing several times a day, this exercise will become easy to perform. It not only improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, but also promotes faster contraction of the uterus.

Gymnastics for the abdomen

To remove belly fat and quickly restore his muscles, you need to perform the following exercises:

  • Press tension. It can be performed sitting or standing and while breastfeeding . You need to pull in your stomach and hold it in this position for 20 seconds. Repeat several times;
  • In a lying position, you need to raise your pelvis with your knees bent. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat several times and gradually lengthen the time of holding the pelvis in weight;
  • Wall squats are a great exercise. for the press. Stand straight up against the wall with your shoulders pressed against it. Slide smoothly down the wall to a squatting position. After holding for 20 seconds in this position, slowly climb up the wall again. Repeat several times;
  • The plank is an exercise not only for eliminating the abdomen, but also for losing weight. It strengthens the muscular corset of the back and pelvic muscles. In addition, it involves the muscles of the legs, arms and neck. Lying on your stomach, stand on your forearms so that they create a right angle with the floor. Rise up on your hands and toes and stay there with your back straight for 30 seconds. Each time the duration of the plank can be increased.

Exercise vacuum

This exercise is great for getting rid of belly flop and fat loss. from the sides.

  • Lying on your back with your knees bent and your arms spread to the sides, you must first take a few breaths and exhales;
  • When inhaling, the ribs of the chest should diverge greatly, and when exhaling, return to their previous position. You need to take such a deep breath that the ribs move apart, and as you exhale you need to prevent them from returning to the opposite position. In this case, the stomach is pulled under the ribs. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds;
  • Repeat several times.


Fitball - exercises on the ball. They help strengthen your abs and get rid of excess fat on the sides.

  • Plank on the ball. Your feet should be placed on the ball and your hands should be on the floor. Straighten up and hold the plank for several seconds;
  • Standing on the floor, lift the ball up with both hands with straight arms. Having raised, slowly lower your hands with the ball, while bending your torso by tilting your hip joints. Repeat several times;
  • Lie on the ball with your back and try to bring your lower ribs closer to your pelvic bones. At the same time, stay on the ball with your legs apart.

When to start postpartum exercises

To say exactly When can you do exercises after giving birth?, the woman’s attending physician may say. But, if the birth was normal, without complications from the perineum, then the physical Exercises can be started already on the second day. They will have a beneficial effect on the tone of the uterus and its faster cleansing of bloody discharge. These exercises can be done while lying on the bed. After discharge from the maternity hospital, exercises should become systematic so that the body recovers in better condition after childbirth. short time and congestion did not develop in the pelvis.

  • For weight loss;
  • To contract the uterus;
  • To strengthen the press;
  • To strengthen the chest. It must be borne in mind that chest exercises can be done after finishing breastfeeding;
  • To strengthen the back muscles;
  • Breathing exercises.

A set of exercises from Cindy Crawford


Postpartum gymnastics not only restores a woman after childbirth physically, but also emotionally. Many young women, after such a serious ordeal as childbirth, become depressed. It is gymnastics that helps to get out of this state. But getting to gymnastic exercises You need to be attentive to yourself - listen to your body. Don't push yourself to the point of exhaustion. This approach can give exactly the opposite results. You should not choose recovery complexes on your own. It is better to consult your doctor.

So, dear visitors of my blog, I will be very glad if my article helped you accept correct solution for recovery after childbirth. If you perform the simple exercises given in the article at least once a day, you will quickly get a positive result.

After giving birth, many young mothers want to get back in shape as quickly as possible. What exercises are there after childbirth? How can you lose weight and strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, chest and perineum without harm to your health?

Why is gymnastics needed?

Keeping your body in good shape gives every woman the opportunity to be not only beautiful, but also full of strength. Even in ancient times, it was believed that to maintain health you need to eat right and move more. And if women who have just given birth have no questions regarding the first point, then certain difficulties arise with motor activity. Many women are not sure that immediately after the birth of their baby they can take care of their body and perform various exercises to lose weight. Is it really?

Experts say that the sooner a woman returns to active life, the better for her. Of course, after difficult childbirth And caesarean section you will have to wait until the stitches heal, but this period usually takes no more than 14 days. On average, most women can do simple exercises already in the maternity hospital. Early physical activity not only gives strength, but also promotes contraction of the uterus, which significantly improves the general condition.

Why do you need to exercise after having a baby? Gynecologists say that training the muscles of the abdomen, chest and perineum is very useful for young mothers. What does this give?

  • The ability to always be on your toes.
  • A chance to lose extra pounds.
  • A charge of vivacity and energy.
  • Increased self-esteem.

Get checked by a gynecologist before you start exercising at home.

Gynecologists around the world unanimously speak about the usefulness of Kegel exercises. This gymnast's selection allows you to naturally restore and strengthen important pelvic floor muscles. On Internet forums, Kegel exercises after childbirth are often called Kernig gymnastics, but this Russian therapist has nothing to do with training the vaginal muscles.

Kegel exercises can be done already in the maternity hospital, provided that the young mother is in good health. The American doctor Arnold Kegel, who developed this program, assures women of the usefulness of such exercises. Training the muscles of the perineum allows you not only to improve your intimate life, but also to avoid the development of urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse and other serious health problems.

A selection of exercises for intimate muscles.

  • Slowly and gradually contract your muscles as if you want to stop urinating. Gradually pull them up, holding them in this state for several seconds. Ideally, a woman can hold up to 4-7 “floors” of perineal muscles this way. Gradually relax in the same order.
  • Quickly contract and relax the muscles of the perineum.
  • Push the muscles outward as during childbirth or during bowel movements. Feel how the muscles of the vagina and anus tense during exercise.

Doing Kegel exercises (often called Kernig exercises) will help you quickly get back into shape and restore the structure of your perineum.

Abdominal muscles - second weakness a woman who has given birth to a child. For fast weight loss and restore your abs, you can do the following exercises.

  • Learn to breathe correctly. Pull your abdominal muscles inward, inhale slowly and direct all the resulting air into the chest. Hold your breath for 10 seconds.
  • Get down on all fours and arch your back like a cat. After two cycles of diaphragmatic breathing, bend your lower back down, while maintaining your muscles abdominals inside.
  • Stand on your forearms and toes, pulling your abdominal muscles inward. Hold the pose for 10 seconds.
  • Lie on your side with your knees bent. Slowly pull your abdominal muscles inward. Stay in this state for a few seconds. Repeat the abdominal exercise 6 times.
  • Lying on your back, pull in your abdominal muscles and fix them in this position for 5 seconds.

These simple postpartum recovery exercises will help you not only lose weight, but also keep your body in good shape for many years.

Start exercising no earlier than 6 weeks after giving birth.

Fitball training is also recommended for weight loss after childbirth. Simple gymnastics on a ball is aimed at strengthening all the abdominal and abdominal muscles.

What can you do on a fitball?

  • While sitting on a fitball, push off from it with your feet. Remember to breathe rhythmically and pull your abdominal muscles inward.
  • Lie on your stomach on the ball and walk forward on your hands. Roll on the fitball so that the ball passes over your entire body - from your chest to your knees. Don't forget to contract your abdominal muscles.
  • Kneel down with the ball under your chest. At the same time, extend and lift your arm and opposite leg. Keep your balance on the ball.
  • Lie sideways on the ball with one hand on the floor. Fix your lower leg, slowly raise your upper leg and lower it just as slowly. Retract your abdominal muscles during the exercise.

What abdominal exercises will help you lose weight quickly? Young mothers ask this question almost in the delivery room.

The following selection of exercises is recommended for weight loss.

  • Lying on your back, gradually lift your pelvis up, tightening your buttocks and drawing in your abdominal muscles. At the same time, raise your head and press your chin to your chest. Breathe evenly and deeply.
  • Lying on the floor, describe large circles with your outstretched legs. Don't forget to tighten your abdominal muscles.
  • Sitting on the edge of a chair, pull your stomach in, lift your legs, bend your knees, and lift them off the floor. At the same time, you should not bend in the lower back and relax your stomach. Hold your raised legs for 10 seconds.

For effective weight loss combine gymnastics with proper nutrition.

Chest exercises

Women do gymnastics after childbirth not only for the purpose of losing weight. Many young mothers dream of regaining the shape and firmness of their breasts after the birth of their baby.

What can be done to strengthen pectoral muscles?

  • In a standing position, slowly bring your hands together in your palms at chest level. Press your palms against each other with maximum force. You can hold a regular tennis ball between your hands.
  • Clasp your hands together and try to tear them apart. Feel how your chest muscles tighten during the lead.
  • Place your hands on the wall and push against it with all your might. Relax your chest and abdominal muscles, then repeat all the steps.
  • From a standing position, move your shoulders forward and back. Do 6 circular movements to strengthen your chest muscles. Repeat the exercise with your hands on your shoulders.

What do you need to know?

When starting Kegel exercises or performing other physical exercises after childbirth to lose weight, remember that all workouts should be fun for you. Do not start exercises if you feel unwell! Fatigue and disappointment are what awaits you when you try to exercise through force. During menstruation, you should also postpone classes for a few days.

Exercises for the chest and abdomen should be alternated with breathing exercises. In order to quickly lose weight, you can visit the pool or sauna starting from 6 weeks after birth. Special attention You should take daily walks. Let it be a morning jog or a leisurely walk with a stroller - Fresh air will strengthen your strength and give you a boost of energy for the whole day. Walking before bed also has a good effect on health. Two hours a day outside the home is enough to restore strength, maintain health and strengthen the immune system after childbirth.

Don't forget about rest and good sleep. Take care of yourself, listen to your body and don’t push it to the point of exhaustion. Remember that your goal is to regain health and vitality, and not to harm yourself with hard training.


After the birth of a child, a woman’s body undergoes enormous changes. He needs to return to former forms and norms. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. The breasts sag, the tummy appears, the scales now show a much higher number than before, and sex life has completely ceased to bring satisfaction to both. In fact, all these undesirable consequences can be avoided if you take care of your physical fitness and help the body and body “come to their senses” as quickly as possible. You just need to regularly perform exercises specially designed for this purpose after giving birth.

A variety of physical exercises after childbirth, if performed regularly and correctly, without missing a single day, can do a lot:

  • restore the tone of the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles;
  • promote proper blood circulation in the legs;
  • activate metabolism;
  • give energy;
  • improve mood;
  • mobilize the body's strength;
  • lead to weight loss;
  • restore vaginal muscles after childbirth, due to which lochia goes away faster and sexual life becomes bright and harmonious;
  • support beautiful shape breasts;
  • do not allow the stomach to sag;
  • reduce muscle pain and spasms.

An excellent track record that is worth taking a closer look at in order to put it into practice and enjoy the effects of specially designed gymnastics. Do you want to recover physically and emotionally after the birth of your baby? In this case, choose a set of exercises after childbirth at home and start exercising as quickly as possible, before time is lost. The sooner you come to your senses and start working on your own body, the better the results will be. But do not forget that in some cases physical activity is contraindicated for young mothers. Absolutely everyone needs to keep this point in mind.

Contraindications: who should not

After the birth of a baby, a woman feels broken both physically and emotionally. She gets tired quickly, she wants to sleep more, her whole body is in a semi-relaxed state. It is quite understandable that most of them are perplexed: is it possible to exercise after childbirth, when the body seems to be cracking from the stress? Indeed, in some cases, gymnastics is contraindicated during this period. These include:

  • caesarean section: you can start exercising only with the doctor’s permission after 1 month;
  • perineal ruptures: you will have to wait until complete, which, with intense exercise, can disperse and cause an inflammatory process;
  • birth injuries of various kinds, which can only get worse during physical activity;
  • serious diseases of a chronic nature;
  • severe postpartum exhaustion of the body.

In any case, no matter how much you would like to quickly return to your previous shape, if you want to do exercises after childbirth, these contraindications must be kept in mind. And if you have the slightest doubt, seek advice from a doctor. As a result of a complete medical examination, he will not only give or not give you permission for physical activity during this period, but will also advise which particular complex you need. After all, they are different.

Types of postpartum gymnastics

If a young mother has no contraindications to physical activity, she needs to start looking for the necessary complex, what exercises can be done after childbirth to restore various organs and systems. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the health problems that arose during this crucial period. You can choose a variety of complexes.

  • To maintain breast shape

During lactation the form female breast may not change the most better side. To return her to her former shape, beautiful outline, elasticity and eliminate stretch marks, a nursing mother needs to choose a special set of daily exercises.

  • To tighten the abdomen

A hanging belly after childbirth worries all women. For some, it disappears on its own after some time, while others begin to worry about the fact that the unpleasant fold does not want to go away and thereby spoils the figure. To combat this problem, you need to select exercises for the press that will make it as elastic and toned as possible.

  • Exercises for weight loss after childbirth

During lactation, any diets are simply contraindicated, because mommy needs to feed her baby full-fledged breast milk. Meanwhile, the scale continues to show treacherously terrible numbers, and your favorite jeans turn out to be unbearably small. The solution to this situation after childbirth will be physical exercises for weight loss, designed specifically so that the woman can become slim again.

  • To strengthen the vaginal muscles
  • For the spine

After the birth of a baby, many mothers complain about the spine and bones. This is due to the increased load on them. To restore them, you need not only to avoid lifting heavy objects (including frequently carrying a child in your arms), but also to select special exercises for the back and spine after childbirth.

  • Respiratory

Those who have problems with the lungs (asthma, insufficiency, etc.) can be advised to perform breathing exercises after childbirth, which will give good mood and energy for the whole day. This is explained by the fact that with regular exercise, oxygen enters the brain and other organs in sufficient quantities.

  • For the pelvis

Very often, birth injuries are associated with damage to the pelvic bones, which, during the birth of the baby, either do not move apart at all (as a result, cracks and even fractures form) or move apart too widely. Typically, these complications are accompanied by quite severe pain and interfere with enjoying communication with the child. After consulting with your attending physicians (surgeon and gynecologist), you can select special exercises for the convergence of the pelvic bones after childbirth, etc.

In order not to get lost in the abundance of gymnastic complexes designed specifically for young mothers, you need to know your problem and purposefully strive to get rid of it. If in any doubt, it is strongly recommended to seek advice and assistance from specialists. They can also tell you when to start doing physical exercises after childbirth, so that they help and not harm the body.

Deadlines: when can I start?

In general, the very first exercises after childbirth, if the young mother is in good health and there are no contraindications, can be performed the very next day after happy event. Of course, it is necessary that their number and intensity be minimal in the first few days. The pace needs to be increased gradually.

If there are injuries or stitches, the first physical exercises after childbirth can be performed only after they have completely healed and only with the permission of the doctor. In these cases, it is strictly forbidden to make decisions about classes on your own.

To maximize the benefits of exercise after childbirth, you must adhere to the recommendations from doctors and those mothers who have experienced their effectiveness. This applies to the frequency, timing, and intensity of their implementation.

  1. With your doctor's permission, exercises after childbirth can be started on the first day and continued until 12-13 weeks.
  2. You need to exercise daily. If time and energy allow, do the same complex 2-3 times a day.
  3. For practice you will need a flat surface. For example, a bed with a regular or orthopedic, but most importantly, not very soft mattress. For convenience, you can purchase a small pillow.
  4. The exercises should not be performed too abruptly: do everything smoothly.
  5. The practice room should be well ventilated. The optimal temperature for such exercises performed after childbirth is from 18 to 20 ° C.
  6. Prepare comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement in advance.
  7. It is better to go to the toilet before physical activity.
  8. Classes should be carried out after you have already fed the baby.

If we take into account these useful tips, any exercises to restore the body and organism after childbirth will bring noticeable, tangible results in the shortest possible time.

Exercise sets

You will have to choose a set of exercises to recover after childbirth yourself. If you are afraid of making a mistake, consult with doctors and fitness instructors who will take into account your individual characteristics and wishes when choosing gymnastics.


Many women are interested in the question of what exercises can be performed immediately after childbirth, i.e. the very next day after significant event(in the absence of contraindications for physical activity). Fitball is one of these developments. True, if you have not done it before, for the first time it is better to go to a trainer who will be able to select for you a complex specially designed for the postpartum period. However, keep in mind one important nuance: this takes time. A variety of exercises on a fitball are easy, enjoyable, quickly restore your figure and at the same time train the muscles of the perineum.

  1. Twisting. Sitting on the ball, keep your hands on the back of your head. Bend your knees. Rise up, twisting your body, while simultaneously lifting your shoulders and head.
  2. Weighted twisting. While sitting on the ball, lift and lower 1.5-kilogram dumbbells.
  3. Sitting on the ball, roll so that it is under your back. Twist your body, raising your shoulder girdle.
  4. Bridge exercise over a fitball.
  5. Jumping from a sitting position on a ball.
  6. Lying on the floor, put your feet on the fitball. Bend your back, lift your torso up.
  7. Lie on the ball so that your face is down and your toes touch the floor. Bend your arms at the elbows and clasp them behind your head. Raise your shoulders, bend back, without straining your neck.

Choose any exercises on the ball: all of them, if performed correctly and regularly, will be very useful for you. With them you will quickly regain your former slim and beautiful shape.

For the chest

  1. Classic push-ups.
  2. Stand facing the wall. Place your hands, bent at the elbows, against the wall (approximately at chest level), and begin to press on it. Feel the tension in the pectoral muscles.
  3. Join your arms, bent at the elbows and positioned in front of you, into a lock. Press your palms against each other with all your might.
  4. Raise your arms to shoulder level, clasp your left elbow with your right hand (and vice versa, respectively). Tilt your head forward and press your forehead as hard as you can into your folded hands.
  5. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and make circular movements with your hands back and forth.
  6. Raise your arms above your head, press your palms together. Retract each elbow in turn as much as possible, without separating your palms.

For the press

  1. The familiar exercise “bicycle” perfectly pumps up the abs after childbirth, allowing the abdominal muscles to once again become elastic and firm, as in youth.
  2. Lie down, bend your knees. Press your lower back to the floor, clasp your hands behind the back of your head. Raise your head so that your chin does not touch your chest. Stay in this position.
  3. Lie down, bend your knee, place the other ankle on your bent knee. Press one hand to the floor so that it is perpendicular to the body, bend the other, and place it behind your head. Elbow bent arm bring to the opposite knee without touching the chest with the chin.

For weight loss

  1. There are many exercises for the buttocks after childbirth: as a result of regular exercises, they become elastic and beautiful, without a hint of orange peel and stretch marks. Stand straight, heels together. Tighten your abs, lower your shoulders. Exhaling, slowly lower yourself, spreading your knees to the sides. Stay longer. Inhaling, slowly rise.
  2. An excellent exercise for losing belly fat after childbirth: stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and lower your arms along your body. Lunge forward with your right leg, bending your knee until it touches the floor. The thigh should be parallel to the floor. Bend your left leg at the knee 90°C. Keep your back straight. Stay longer.
  3. Stand near a chair and hold on to its back. Raise your left leg, make several swings to the right and left. Turn sideways and swing back and forth again.

For the spine

  1. Sit up straight, cross your arms over your chest.
  2. While sitting, clasp your hands behind your neck.
  3. Turn your body to the left, to the right. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Sitting, extend your arms in front of you and bring them together. Hold this for 5 seconds.
  5. Raise, without separating, both arms above your head as high as possible, and hold.

For the lungs

  1. Lie down on the floor. Post right hand on the stomach, left on the chest. Slowly inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, through almost closed lips. Over time, the exhalation needs to be prolonged.
  2. Bend your elbows, rest them on the bed, raise your chest as much as possible, inhaling. Lower yourself back down, relax, exhale.
  3. Grasp the head of the sofa or bed with your hands, straighten up, press your legs tightly together. Turn in different directions. Maintain calm, even, rhythmic breathing.

For the pelvis

  1. This exercise for the pelvis allows the bones to return to their original, prenatal position, which was disturbed when the baby passed through the birth canal. Sit on the floor. Straighten your legs or bend your knees. Move like this in an unusual way around the apartment.
  2. There is an exercise after childbirth that is useful to do for pain in the tailbone, the cause of which is birth trauma. Lie on your back. Exhale, draw in your stomach, pull your knees to your chest.
  3. Lie on your back. Tighten your buttocks and slowly lift them off the floor. Reach maximum height, hold. As you exhale, lower your buttocks and relax.

When choosing a complex, pay attention that you can do many exercises with your child, which is very convenient, because it is not always possible to find a free moment during maternity leave and devote free time yourself, beloved. However, try to perform gymnastics without the baby in order to avoid an unsuccessful turn or pinching. And the exercises themselves will be much more effective in this case.

Any girl always strives to look stunning, following various diets and performing many exercises to keep her body in good shape. After all, everyone wants to have a beautiful and fit body, they want to please men, and even themselves, looking at the reflection in the mirror. But all worries about being slim disappear in the postpartum period, when it would seem that the body needs adjustments more than ever. But at this time the young mother devotes all her strength and care to her newly born baby, because there is nothing more important in a girl’s life than her long-awaited child, who requires a certain amount of care, protection and responsibility.

After a short adaptation period, mothers realize that their figure has become far from ideal and needs to get rid of excess weight. But during the lactation stage, any diets are strictly prohibited, so you need to build your figure with the help of exercises that will quickly bring you back to your former shape.

All classes and exercises after the birth of the child can be started no earlier than a month and a half later. This period may increase if the birth took place by caesarean section, otherwise the sutures that were placed after childbirth are at risk of coming apart.

How to make your body perfect again after childbirth

On this moment There are a large variety of exercises, special programs, and workouts designed specifically for the postpartum period. Exercises can be performed with or without any equipment, using a regular jump rope, etc.

What can be used for training:

Jump ropeIt allows you to get rid of excess weight in a fairly short period of time, and at the same time get rid of cellulite.
Gymnastic ballThere are a lot of exercises with a gymnastic ball, it is quite effective when used correctly, it is also important to choose it correctly for your size
DumbbellsDumbbells will help restore strength to your arms; it is best to buy ones that come apart so that their weight can be adjusted
Elastic tapeYou can also use it for many exercises, and their effectiveness will be high, if you choose it correctly, it should not be longer than 2 meters

Training program

Conducting warm-up exercises is usually standard procedure for all workouts: you need to stand on the floor with your feet wide apart, then raise your arms high while taking a deep breath. You need to close your raised arms and stretch your entire body, then exhale and lower your arms down, while completely relaxing. This exercise must be repeated 5 times, and walk in place for at least 2 minutes. After the warm-up has been completed, you can begin the main training process.

Exercises for losing weight after childbirth:

  1. Regular walking is very effective and the simplest among existing exercises. At the same time, you can walk with your child, making circles over long distances. It is advisable to start with ten minutes a day, gradually increasing the time. You don't have to speed up your step for the full effect, because any walking can tone the muscles of your buttocks and also improve blood circulation, which helps you lose weight.

  2. Enough good exercise for weight loss in the postpartum period is a bridge using a gymnastic ball. To perform it, you need to lie on the floor, put your feet and knees on the ball, while spreading your arms along the length of your body. Then you need to rest your heels on the ball and slowly raise your hips, in this position you should stay for 3 seconds and get to the starting position. This exercise should be repeated at least 5 times in one approach, you can start with 2 approaches.
  3. One more no less effective exercise is to repeat squats using an exercise ball. To do this, you need to stand up straight and pick up the ball, raising it to chest height. Then you should squat down, bending your legs so that they create a right angle. You need to stay in this position for 3 seconds, then lower the ball to your waist and rise. The exercise must be repeated at least 5 times, the number of repetitions must be at least 3.

  4. Next effective exercise is a lunge using an exercise ball. To perform it, you need to place the ball on the floor next to you, your fingers should support it. Then you need to lunge forward and stay in this position for 3 seconds, then stand up. The exercise involves 3 sets of 5 times, the number of times can be increased according to your desire.
  5. The next exercise requires the presence of both a gymnastic ball and a gymnastic ribbon; it is aimed at strengthening the pectoral muscles. To perform it, you need to lie on a gymnastic ball with your back, bending your legs to a right angle. Your shoulders should rest on the band, then your arms should be raised up, crossing your arms and the ends of the band. You need to stay in this position for 3 seconds and return to the starting point. The exercise is performed 5 times in 3 approaches.
  6. The next exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and shoulder. To do this, you need to sit on a gymnastic ball, while keeping your back straight, and stretch your whole body upward. The legs should be at shoulder level, and the tape should be under them. Then you need to take the tape and start pulling it towards the knees, and then towards the shoulders. In the final position you need to hold on for 3 seconds. The exercise should be repeated 3 sets of 5 times.
  7. Exercise with dumbbells is also quite effective for losing weight during the postpartum period. To perform the next exercise, you need to lie on an exercise ball with your feet a short distance apart. You should have dumbbells in your hands. Then you need to raise your arms up, while straining your abdominal muscles. You need to stay in this position for 3 seconds and return to the starting point. The exercise should be repeated 3 sets of 5 times.
  8. The following exercise will help you strengthen your arms. To do this, you need to sit on a gymnastic ball with your feet the width of your pelvis. You need to take dumbbells in your hands, lift them up, placing them behind your head, and press your elbows to your head. In this position, you need to raise and lower your arms, repeat it 5 times, performing 3 approaches.
  9. A fairly effective and simple exercise is jumping rope; everyone has been familiar with it since childhood, but many do not even suspect that jumping rope is a faithful assistant on the path to a slim figure. Jumping rope should start with a small number of jumps, gradually increasing them. You can start with 100 repetitions, adding a few more every day. This exercise helps to get rid of a large number of calories and eliminate problems such as cellulite.
  10. The last exercise in this workout will be the press, which again involves the use of an exercise ball. To perform this exercise, you need to lie on the floor with your knees bent. Place your bent legs on the ball, place your palms behind your head and spread your elbows in different directions. Next, the exercise is performed like a regular abdominal swing. It costs 3 sets of 5 times to perform it.

Video - How to quickly lose weight after childbirth

During the postpartum period, when performing exercises to lose weight, you must adhere to some fairly important rules:

  1. Pay great attention to your breathing.
  2. If the proposed load seems small to you, you should increase it gradually without overloading your body.
  3. After performing each exercise, you need to drink clean water.
  4. The entire set of exercises should be present during the postpartum period. on a regular basis, do the exercises at least 3 times a week, and then they will really be effective.

Thus, you should not give up on your figure after pregnancy, which many, unfortunately, do quite often. After all, in the world there is a large number of exercises that will quickly restore your figure to its former slimness and tighten your skin. This will in no way prevent you from caring for your child; on the contrary, you will spend more time together, because even walking with your child is a good exercise for losing weight.