Exercises with a gymnastic wheel. The most effective ab roller exercises

Among the huge variety of devices for practicing at home, there is a place for such a tool as gymnastic roller. With it you can pump up your abs and strengthen your back, as well as work out well top part torso. You can read about what exercises you can do with this device in our article.

A gymnastic roller can be called another useful piece of equipment designed to keep the human body in good shape. With it, your figure will become more toned, and your strength and health will increase. The cost of such a device is extremely low; within 400-800 rubles you can buy a completely convenient and practical model that will serve you for a long time.

A gymnastic roller looks like one or two wheels connected to each other, on the sides of which there are handles that must be grasped when performing movements.

A gymnastic roller is considered to be a strength training device that can be used at home or in a sports center. This device is quite easy to use if you have some training and practice regularly. sports training. The gymnastic roller is very attractive for home purposes, since it does not take up much space and can easily fit in a closet. The roller will allow you to work out your muscles abdominals, tighten the shoulder muscles, as well as the muscles of the lower leg and thigh. You will discover the opportunity to strengthen your back and chest muscles, all with the help of one machine!

With the help of such sports equipment, you can pump up seductive six-pack abs, if, of course, you devote the proper time to exercise. When working with a roller, many muscle groups are involved, which affects the general condition of the body. Before exercising with an apparatus, be sure to do some stretching exercises and do a short warm-up.

If you are new to sports or have not been involved in sports for a long time, then at the beginning it will be quite difficult to work with the roller. Unprepared people should learn simple exercises and wait until the muscles become stronger. After this, you can move on to more complex exercises. However, there is no need to try too hard, since the load on the lower back and spinal muscles is quite high.

Not everyone is recommended to use gymnastic roller. In particular, if you have a vertebral hernia, exercises with this apparatus should be avoided. If you ignore this recommendation, there is a risk of extremely unpleasant consequences.

There is no need to exercise with the apparatus for people who often experience pain in the lumbar back. By strengthening your back with the help of other exercise machines, you can gradually move on to training with a roller, but only when you really prepare your muscles for such intense work.

Let's look at the main models of gymnastic rollers that you can find in modern sports stores.

  • Rollers with handles that follow the contour of the hand. With such devices, training becomes more comfortable, but if you are an experienced athlete, such a detail is unlikely to attract your attention.
  • Models with rubber wheels. Rubberized wheels do not allow one or two wheels to slide. The contact with the floor is higher and the noise level is lower.
  • Gymnastic roller for lower abs. This is enough a new version a projectile that allows you to work out your lower abs. This item is equipped with special fastenings for the legs. You just need to lower your feet into special fastenings and rest your hands on the floor.

When starting your first workouts with a gymnastic roller, adhere to the following simple rules:

  • Do a joint warm-up first.
  • Start the first exercises on your knees, without straightening your body completely. For support, you can use a wall, against which you should rest your heels. Try to perform 10-15 extensions in 2-3 approaches. Each time, try to slightly increase the range of motion.
  • Gradually increase the angle over and over again. Thus, each time the exercise will be more difficult. However, you should not immediately “rush” and train at full strength. You should move to the next level only when you understand that you can handle the previous stage quite easily.
  • When training does not cause discomfort and you feel light, stop leaning against the wall. Having passed this important stage, you can diversify the exercises and start working on the oblique abdominal muscles, broad muscles of the back and lumbar region. To do this, straighten your body not only straight, but also to the right and left. It takes quite a long time to consolidate this stage.
  • Move to exercises that focus on your feet rather than your knees. Make sure your pelvis is pulled up. Train your breathing, when straightening your body, inhale and hold your breath, when bending, exhale.
  • Try stretching your arms with a roller. To do this, sit down on the floor, take the roller behind your back with both hands so that your palms are directed towards the floor. Make light jerks and exhale, go down slowly and smoothly, your hands should move away until your back is on the floor. Elbows should be straight.

A few more exercises with a gymnastic roller

Now we will tell you in more detail about the basic exercises with a roller, which you can perform at home on your own without any additional support or assistance.

  • Sit down on your knees, pick up a gymnastic roller and place it on the floor so that your arms are straight. After this, lean on the roller and begin a smooth movement forward while simultaneously lowering your body down until your chest touches your hips. After this, return to the starting position and start the movement again.
  • Lie on your stomach and pick up a gymnastic role j. Place it in front of you with your arms barely bent at the elbows. Start the movement by pulling the machine towards you, arching your back well. Your hips should not leave the floor during the exercise. The roller must be moved as close to you as possible. When you reach the maximum point, you should linger at it for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. You can do 8-10 repetitions of this exercise.
  • Take the starting position: sit down on the floor, straighten your back, point your legs forward without bending your knees. Place the roller on your right side. Place your straightened arms on the roller and, leaning on it, bend into right side together with him until the moment his chest touches the floor. After this, you should return to the starting position and shift the roller to left side. Do the same. Do 10 sets on each side. This exercise will allow you to perfectly pump up your oblique abdominal muscles.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart without bending your knees. Place the exercise machine in front of you and lean against it so that your arms are straight. Move forward smoothly without sudden movements. The maximum point will be full straightening and “freezing” in it for 2-3 seconds. After this, slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.

Training with a gymnastic roller will allow you to improve your body. Isn't this what every girl dreams of? However, do not get too carried away with this device, otherwise you will overdo it and your body will no longer be so attractive in the eyes of men. The roller is affordable and always available in sports stores, so you can buy it quickly if you haven’t already!

The modern pace of life and work does not always leave room for maintaining physical fitness in the hall. An alternative for many busy people in Lately started training at home. However, most exercise machines are bulky, which is a serious problem in an ordinary apartment, and not all of them are universal. One of the most convenient, compact and functional devices is a gymnastic roller. This trainer has different names: ab wheel, ab roller, gymnastic wheel and others. Its distinctive feature is that with systematic training, a visible result is achieved quickly enough, even with independent studies Houses. The body becomes more athletic, sculpted, slender, the skin becomes more elastic and toned. In this article we will talk about the most effective ab roller exercises for women and men.

Benefits of doing ab wheel exercises

What muscle groups are worked out using a gymnastic roller:

  • rectus and oblique abdominal muscles;
  • back;
  • muscles of the arms and legs (arms become stronger, legs become toned);
  • buttocks.

The abdominal wheel is a universal exercise machine for almost the entire body, but the main sports load Of course, the stomach and back get it. Thanks to the simultaneous work of all muscle groups, you can tighten your body and pump up your abs in a relatively short term. A certain share of the load falls on the gluteal muscles, which is especially valuable for girls in the quest for a perfect figure.

The uniqueness of training with a gymnastic wheel is that it allows you to work out the lower abs, which is quite difficult to “reach” with other exercises.

Exercises on the abdominal wheel should not be done with tension - this is fraught with severe soreness in the next few days. Also, you can’t start with a heavy load right away. An exercise with abdominal rollers already provides a more intense load than a regular “twist,” so it’s very easy to overdo the load, especially for a beginner.

To get used to abdominal wheel exercises as comfortably as possible, you need to start with three sets of 10 repetitions - such a progressive load will not be stressful for the body and will not cause inconvenience. Provided you exercise 4-5 times a week, the first visible result appears within a month to a month and a half - during this period it is possible to pump up the first abs.

Pros of the gymnastic wheel:

  1. Simplicity, ease of use. Even a child can easily master such a simulator;
  2. High effectiveness of classes. Ab roller exercises help to shape your figure and lose overweight and pump up sculpted abs;
  3. Ergonomics and savings. The exercise machine is compact, does not take up much space, you can do exercises without leaving home (saving time and money on visiting the gym);
  4. Versatility. This type of fitness equipment is suitable for the whole family; it is effective for both men’s and women’s exercise programs;
  5. Relatively low price.

Disadvantages and features:

  • it’s easy to overdo the load;
  • a period of adaptation is necessary (you need to get used to exercising with this simulator, adapt to it; at first it is difficult for an unprepared person to exercise).

It is also important to remember that abdominal wheel exercises in order to lose excess weight effective only in combination with proper nutrition; For visible results in working out the abs, classes must be regular.

Benefits for the body from abdominal roller exercises:

  • development of abdominal muscle strength;
  • increase muscle mass;
  • formation of a muscle “corset”;
  • increasing the body's endurance;
  • improved posture;
  • prevention of injuries, back pain;
  • the ability to use up to 20 muscles during training.

Ab wheel exercises for women

Down on my knees

This is the simplest version of abdominal exercises, which is suitable even for beginners. Standing on your knees, you need to rest your hands on the gymnastic wheel and move forward, rolling the roller and stretching your body, and then go back. A more complex variation of this exercise is using a fitball.

Exercises while standing

The technique is the same as in the previous version, but from a standing position. However, it is more complex and not suitable for beginners. It can be practiced only after the basic technique has been mastered - on the knees.

Lying exercises

To perform this, the wheel must be equipped with slots for the legs: you need to insert your legs into the slots and pull the roller towards you, while bending at the lower back.

No less effective option: lying on your stomach with your arms extended forward (with a roller), try to pull it as close to you as possible, making sure that your legs do not leave the floor.

Sitting on the floor

The back and legs are straight, extended in front of you. The gymnastic roller along with the arms is on the left. You need to roll the wheel to the left, describing a semicircle, until your chest touches the floor. Do the same on the right side. This exercise is especially effective in shaping the waistline.

Start practicing for 5 minutes, doing no more than 10–12 repetitions in 2–3 approaches, eventually increasing the training time to 20 minutes. For the female body, this is the optimal load that will allow you to lose weight and build muscle.

The photo below shows the basic techniques of exercises on a wheel for the press.

A set of exercises with abdominal rollers for men

  1. On my knees. A more complicated version of the classic exercise: you need to work on the machine only with your hands, keeping your back straight. At the same time, not only the abs are worked out, but also the arm muscles. You can also roll the barbell with plates to increase the load.
  2. A variation of this exercise is stretching to the full amplitude, up to horizontal position on outstretched legs as far as possible.
  3. Exercise for shoulders and triceps: lift the wheel up like a bar, lower it to the floor and roll from right to left and vice versa, drawing a semicircle, while spreading your legs as far apart as possible.

To learn how to properly distribute the load and perform exercises, it is worth watching several training videos - this will help you understand all the subtleties of “interaction” with a gymnastics video.

To avoid mistakes, injuries and overexertion during training, you must adhere to certain rules for performing exercises:

  • you need to start with minimal loads, perform exercises at a slow pace, without sudden movements (beginners are recommended to preview the technique);
  • to avoid excessive stress on the joints during exercise, you should not bend your lower back;
  • exercises should be performed standing on a mat, wearing comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement;
  • During training, you need to control your breathing. While performing the exercise, you need to breathe through your nose, inhaling air when bending over, and exhaling when moving back. By saturating the blood with oxygen, the effectiveness of exercise increases and calories are burned better;
  • Eating should be at least 1.5–2 hours before training. You should also refrain from drinking for an hour before class;
  • Do not strain your muscles while performing exercises;
  • you need to increase the pace, amplitude, and number of approaches gradually, dosing the load;
  • Contraindications to performing exercises with abdominal rollers are the presence of hernias and other back diseases.

Exercises with a wheel for the press in the fight against excess weight

The problem of “protruding” abdomen and sides is especially relevant for women. In pursuit of ideal forms, with a wasp waist, women sometimes exhaust themselves with diets, pills and other fat-burning procedures, sometimes forgetting about the most important component of beauty and health - physical activity.

The path to a beautiful, graceful body is never easy, especially when you are predisposed to excess weight. To enhance the effect of training you need A complex approach to the issue, in particular, a review of food intake and diet, water procedures, and adequate sleep patterns.

A special low-calorie diet is required; kefir and kefir-apple diets are especially effective. They are quite “strict”, but their effectiveness is due to the fact that these products help remove excess liquid from the body, cleansing it of toxins, normalizing the functioning of the stomach. Kefir diet requires use within three days exclusively of this product, with the gradual addition of others in the following days. Kefir-apple diet is designed for a week, the daily diet consists of 1.5 - 2 kg of apples and one liter of kefir. In the future, after finishing the diet, you must adhere to proper nutrition.

Water procedures are an important part of comprehensive measures on the path to a healthy, attractive, athletic body. This includes swimming (in the pool, in open reservoirs), and dousing, and hydromassages, and just a contrast shower. Thanks to water procedures, fat is burned more effectively, the body is perfectly toned, the skin receives the necessary hydration and maintains firmness and elasticity, despite weight loss.

Sleep is an essential component in the fight against overweight. Lack of sleep is perceived by the body as a stressful situation, and losing weight under such conditions is very problematic.

If all of the above conditions are met, the stomach and sides will significantly decrease after a month or two of training (and eventually disappear altogether), the abs will become prominent, not only tangible, but also visually noticeable, the body will become slimmer, fit, and athletic.

An ab roller is a sports equipment that has a fairly simple design. It consists of a handle divided into left and right sides by a wheel, which is located in the middle, making it as comfortable and convenient to hold with both hands. The simplicity of the device does not mean that it has low efficiency.

Exercises performed with a roller pump up the abdominal, back and triceps muscles well. This is only true when the execution technique is followed. Training with a roller is highly effective, and for most exercises you need to be a fairly experienced athlete.

Sports equipment must be such that it supports the body well and allows it to move backwards and forwards without jerking. A gymnastic rigid roller has a device that allows you to exercise on a tile or mat without making intermittent movements. The device, which has a double wheel, has a wide base and distributes the mass as evenly as possible.

It is recommended to choose a wheel so that it maintains its stability under the weight of the athlete while rolling. For beginners, I find it easiest to work with rollers that have two parallel wheels or one, but quite wide one. To achieve good stability, you must choose a rubberized wheel. It is stable on absolutely any surface. The device should have ergonomic handles made of foam.

This material allows you to firmly hold the wheel and maintain balance well. There are designs equipped not only with handles, but also with pedals. Such versions of rollers help to diversify the set of exercises performed using this sports equipment. The handles must fit snugly on your palms, and the pedals help support your feet without any slipping.

Ab roller exercises require good preparation. Without well-developed muscle mass, it is impossible to provide proper support for body weight when doing rolling. The use of the roller forces the body to move, and the spine is stretched during the entire movement. This puts difficult task for deep-lying spinal stabilizers and rectus and transverse abdominal muscle tissues.

This effect makes the roller an ideal device for pumping raised and strong muscles press. The movement also uses the auxiliary muscles of the hips, shoulders, latissimus, and triceps. They are responsible for stabilizing the body from shoulder girdle and right down to the toes, which allows you to maintain balance when the wheel rolls under your body.

9 Ab Roller Exercises

You should work with the device from a simple plank, but with support on a roller wheel, and only then move on to more complex ones, that is, when you have complete confidence that you can move on to exercises that involve the knees, and only then to a full roll and other more complex variations. An absolute beginner can work with a fitball first.

The plank performed with the help of a wheel strengthens the stabilizing muscles and also helps to get a feel for how to properly hold the roller and balance.


  • get on all fours in front of the gymnastic roller;
  • grasp the handle with both hands, palms pointing down;
  • the torso is raised to a plank position, and then straightened in one line from the head to the very heels;
  • the body is kept in constant tension and held in the accepted position for 30-60 seconds.

Do three to four repetitions.

This is the next most difficult exercise, which allows you to move to a new level of difficulty. At first, rolling from your knees is best done with a folded towel or flat pad underneath.


  • kneel down, grab the handles and stretch out your arms;
  • to avoid arching the lower back, tense the abdominal muscles;
  • roll forward slowly as much as possible;

It is best to extend your arms as far forward as possible so that your chest is slightly higher than the floor surface. If this is difficult to do, then lower them halfway. The number of repetitions ranges from five to ten times.

It is best to start doing the exercise with small ranges, increasing progress gradually. Each athlete chooses the optimal rental length for himself. You need to move until you are able to return back by using your abdominal muscles.

This is another option for beginners, allowing you to perfectly maintain both the fixed length of the video and the pace of the training. Using the wall as a focal point. It is recommended to roll rather slowly.


  • stand about a meter from the surface of the wall;
  • roll from the knees so that the roller comes into contact with the wall;
  • return to their original position.

Do from five to ten repetitions.

Performing a full roll with a roller is an exercise higher level complexity, but with a wide stance it is much easier to do. When the exercise is mastered, the position is changed, narrowing the distance between the legs, until a full roll is completed.


  • legs are placed shoulder width apart, bending at the waist, and then grasping the handle of the roller lying on the floor;
  • keep your back and arms straight and roll forward until your torso becomes horizontal to the floor surface, rest your feet on your fingers, similar to push-ups;
  • the wheel is rolled back towards the legs and again bent at the waist to return to the starting position.

Do from five to six repetitions.

When rolling from the knees in a wide stance is mastered, they move on to full rolling, but with a narrow stance. The exercise allows you to effectively use the muscles of the whole body and involves the muscles of the shoulders, back, abs, and arms.

The next option after the frontal exercise is the oblique roll. The main emphasis in the exercise is on the oblique muscle groups of the abdomen.


  • get down on both knees and grab the handles;
  • but, instead of moving straight, they begin to roll forward, and then turn under acute angle(45 degrees), completing the exercise in this direction;
  • return to the starting position, and then slowly roll at the selected angle to the right.

Do about five or ten repetitions.

This rental is a complex version of the frontal. The weight is held by the hand on the roller. The main advantage of this exercise is the creation of additional tension on the stabilizer muscles. Initially it is quite difficult, so you should not start with full version. It is better to practice rolling from your knees first.


  • kneel down or stand directly in front of the roller, depending on whether they are practicing or working;
  • bend at the waist, and then grab the handle with one hand;
  • slowly move forward, focusing on the muscle groups of the body;
  • return to their original position.

Do from three to five repetitions. When rolling, make sure that the body does not tip to the side. To maintain balance, you can stick to the floor surface with your free hand.

On one leg

It is a more complicated version that requires great strength from the stabilizer muscles. You should proceed to this exercise after mastering a full roll on two legs.


  • stand directly in front of the projectile;
  • bend at the waist and grasp the handles of the wheel;
  • keep your back straight, and extend your arms and roll them forward;
  • return to the starting position, standing on one leg and bending at the waist again.

Do about five to ten repetitions.

This variation of rolling requires the use of a roller, which is equipped with special pedals for the feet, since rolling is carried out not with the hands, but with the lower limbs. This exercise works the arms, shoulder girdle, obliques and abdominal muscles.


  • the feet are secured in special pedal devices and stand in a plank position, holding the arms straightened at the elbow joints under the shoulders;
  • roll the wheel using the legs so that both knees move towards the chest, holding the upper part motionless;
  • straightening the knee joints until they return to the plank position.

This variation engages the stabilizing muscles and obliques.


  • the feet are fixed in the pedals and stand in a plank position, arms extended in front of the shoulder joints;
  • the wheel is rolled with the feet and moved to the right elbow;
  • return to plank position and roll to the left.

Perform eight to twelve repetitions.

This variation resembles a fold, but the legs are kept straight:

  • the feet are also secured in the pedals and stand in a plank position, arms extended under the shoulder joints;
  • engage the muscle groups of the body and slowly roll the roller wheel to the top, bend at the hips, lifting the gluteal muscles upward;
  • roll the roller to its original position.

Do from eight to twelve repetitions.

The abdominal roller may seem quite simple to use, but it requires serious effort from the athlete, and, most importantly, well-developed muscle groups of the body, since they are activated during the roll.

If exercises are done incorrectly, the excessive stress placed on the back muscles and hip flexors increases the likelihood of injury. They are not recommended for those people who have problems with intervertebral hernia or lower back.

To comply correct technique to avoid injury when working with the roller, you should follow several rules:

  • always check that the movement is carried out with the help of a wheel, and not due to the movement of a rug located on the floor;
  • do not bend at the lower back and do not allow the body or knees to touch the floor surface;
  • always keep your back, legs and arms straight;
  • do the rental, regardless of the degree of difficulty, slowly, increasing progress gradually;
  • reduce the range of motion if there is pain in the shoulder girdle;
  • concentrate all your attention on the abdominal muscles.

A proper ab roller workout involves maintaining a slow speed. When the back begins to sag, it means that the ride is either done from the knees or the length is shortened. Keep your head in a neutral position and keep your chin slightly tucked in to help protect your neck and lower back.

It is recommended to perform exercises with a roller after a good warm-up, since they immediately put an intense load on the muscles of the whole body. At the end of the training, do a cool-down, that is, a good stretch. Beginners should use the wheel twice a week, and only then increase the number of training days with it to five times. This also applies to repetitions. You need to start with two or three, and then increase the pace.

Wheel, gymnastic roller - this is the name of a sports equipment that is used for strength exercises. Most often it is used by those people who form their beautiful figureslim stomach with pronounced “cubes”, triceps and biceps, a sculpted back and chest. But this video will be an excellent choice for those who want to lose weight. It is a wheel of different diameters with handles.

Read in this article

The benefits of a gymnastic roller for weight loss

If we consider exercises with a roller for weight loss, then it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • the load is forceful on the body, which means that all muscle groups “work”;
  • breathing during exercise becomes frequent and deep - the body is saturated with oxygen, which stabilizes and accelerates metabolic processes (metabolism);
  • within 24 hours after training, the body still continues to burn fat.

If you perform exercises with a gymnastic roller daily for 15 minutes or 2-3 times for 40 minutes, you will not only lose weight, but also strengthen muscle tissue. This means that as you lose weight, your skin will not become loose, cellulite will disappear, and your entire figure will become slimmer.

Advantages and disadvantages of gymnastic equipment

If we consider the advantages of the “wheel” sports equipment, we can conclude that it is suitable for both women and men. Experts highlight the following positive points:

  • the simulator is small in size and does not require a lot of space in the apartment;
  • the cost of the wheel is extremely small, but this does not make its effectiveness any less - training both on expensive simulators with an instructor and on a roller independently brings the same result;
  • during the exercises, the abdominal muscles (abs and obliques) are especially actively worked out;
  • when performing the complex correctly exercise stress It turns out to affect other muscle groups - the legs and buttocks, the lateral and arms, on the back.

Gymnastic rollers

Thanks to the complex effect on the muscles, it is possible to increase the overall tone of the body - energy is added, endurance improves, and sleep is normalized.

Many are sure that the gymnastic roller has no disadvantages, but this is not entirely true. Doctors and trainers warn that for physically unprepared people, performing even basic exercises will be not just difficult, but almost impossible. Therefore, before starting the training complex, you will need to slightly strengthen the abdominal muscles - classic abdominal exercises will prepare the body for more serious loads.

Exercises for the abs, from the abdomen and sides

Classes should take place in a comfortable environment, so some kind of rug is placed under the knees. One thing to remember right away important point– all exercises must be performed so that the chest does not touch the floor, and the torso is not positioned strictly parallel to it. The fact is that it will be almost impossible to rise from such a “deep” position - you need to train the body gradually, without jerking.

There are no separate gymnastics complexes on the wheel, since all problem areas are worked out at once - the abs, stomach and sides:

  • Get on your knees and grab the handles on the apparatus with your hands. Leaning on the wheel, you need to move forward as much as possible, tilting your torso. Without delay at any point, you need to immediately return to the starting position.
  • Lie on your back, rest your feet on the handles of the gymnastic roller, bend your legs in knee joints, place your arms along your body. Raise your buttocks above the floor to the maximum possible height and move the wheel back and forth with the lower part of your legs. This exercise works great on the gluteal and thigh muscles.
  • Sit on the floor with straight legs, place the sports equipment on the side, and grab the handles. The wheel should move to the side, “dragging” the body with it. Immediately return to the starting position. The exercise is performed in both directions.
  • Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, take a gymnastic roller in your hands. Lower it to the floor, bend over, and begin to roll forward. Having reached the farthest point (if possible), return to an upright position.

These 4 exercises will give desired result only subject to following recommendations:

  • Before each workout you need to do a warm-up. 5-10 minutes are enough for the muscles to “warm up” and the joints to prepare for the load. You should perform regular exercises from exercises.
  • The slimming roller can only be used for smooth and calm movements. People who are overweight will not be able to perform exercises too quickly, but this figure needs to be increased each time.
  • Each of the 4 exercises must be repeated at least 10 times, preferably 15. It will be difficult for untrained people to fulfill this requirement, so you can increase the load gradually.

Proper training is when a person literally “falls” after exercise, sweat pours out of him, and his breathing increases significantly. But severe pain should not be felt, although such discomfort may be felt in the first days - this is how stagnant muscles react to the load.

To learn how to properly perform an exercise with a gymnastic roller, watch this video:

Will it help your back?

Losing weight is only possible if the muscles of the whole body are toned. The gymnastics roller is an excellent back workout – the muscles along the spine become stronger and their endurance increases. With regular training, posture is corrected, a person, even at rest, moves with straight shoulders and a retracted stomach - this already happens reflexively.

It is very important to understand that the load on the back during exercise is heavy. People with spinal diseases (any) should not start losing weight in this way without first consulting with their doctor. Just one careless movement, an accidental jerk of the wheel can lead to injury to the intervertebral discs and pinched nerve endings.

The gymnastic roller can be used for weight loss - it is really effective. Instructors believe that additional training will not be needed, such a large load is placed on all muscle groups of the body. But the results will not be noticeable immediately, but only after 1 - 2 months.

Sporting goods stores, fitness rooms and “rocking chairs” today are ready to offer their visitors exercise equipment that amazes with its versatility and size. Against their background, a simple and compact gymnastic wheel, “inherited” from parents, looks very unprepossessing. However, the mother’s figure, despite her age, is attractive and slender, and the father can still boast of sculpted muscles. So does the effectiveness of training devices depend on their complexity?

The design of a classic gymnastics roller for the press is simple: a small-sized wheel equipped with an axle and handles.

But not every beginner is able to immediately perform the entire set of exercises. Therefore, depending on the fitness and endurance of the athlete’s muscles, the appropriate model of the simulator is selected from a wide range of sports equipment.

Features of exercises with a fitness wheel for beginners

the first classes are difficult for beginners, so it is recommended to do 3-4 approaches

Which ab roller to choose and how to prepare the musculoskeletal system, heart and lungs for performing a set of exercises in in full? A correctly selected exercise machine model will help avoid injuries:

  1. Roller with two wheels. Stable design will help you quickly master the principles of training without diverting attention to maintaining balance and coordinating movement.
  2. Roller with return mechanism. It will also help to avoid overload. The mechanical forced return of the wheel to its original position greatly facilitates the athlete’s task and reduces the load on the lumbar spine.

An important element is proper breathing. But The main attention should be paid to training with an incomplete range of motion: This is how muscle strength and endurance develops without overstraining and pain.

The catch lies in the constant monitoring of holding the projectile along the entire trajectory of movement.

Exercises for Beginners

your back should be straight, do not arch in your lower back

Kneel with your feet against a wall or other stationary support. Place the wheel in front of you and, leaning on the handles with straight arms, slowly move it forward. Bend your torso, trying to touch your chest to the floor. If possible, stay at the end point for a couple of seconds. Smoothly return to the starting position. Perform 3-4 sets of 8 to 10 each. The number of repetitions can be increased to 15 as training progresses.

How to learn to work with an ab wheel (video lesson):

Advanced ab roller workout

exercises with double wheels and tension bands significantly increase the load on all muscle groups

Alas, our body is created in such a way that it most steadfastly resists our desire to be slim and fit. That is why every effective exercise aimed at correcting problem areas is so valued.

For men

Of course, by combining this simulator with an ever-increasing weight, you can increase muscle volume. Slow execution of the program will allow you to achieve steel with beautiful “cubes” on the appropriate simulator:

  1. With 1 wheel and shifted center of gravity.
  2. Scrolling the wheel of this apparatus requires considerable effort, which is only suitable for experienced athletes.

  3. Trimmer with tensioners.
  4. Moving the double wheel of this projectile is complicated by the tension of the cords attached to the legs. It is possible that the tensioner is equipped with a roller for each arm separately.

  5. With the Assist System mechanism. The internal system increases the load due to additional resistance.

For women

the unusual arrangement of the handles increases the load on the abs

Fast and dynamic movements with a suitable model will help you get a flat stomach and lose extra pounds:

  1. With 1 wheel and classic handle arrangement.
  2. This design requires average physical fitness and certain skills.

  3. With side handles arranged like bicycle pedals.
  4. Diversifies the program, increasing the load on the shoulder girdle and abs.


When performing, it is extremely important to tense your abs and buttocks, keeping your arms straight and your back without bending.

    Take a position lying on your stomach with the roller in outstretched arms. Slowly arching your back so that your hips do not leave the floor, roll it towards you with straight arms. After pausing for 2-3 seconds, slowly return to the starting position. Do 3-4 approaches. The number of repetitions increases from 8 to 15 as training progresses.

    Sit on the floor, keeping your back and legs straight. Lower your straight arms onto the roller located at your right hip. Roll it to the right until your chest touches the floor. Come back and repeat the bend 10 times. Move the roller to your left thigh and repeat 10 times, moving the roller to the left.

    The transition to the most difficult exercise is possible after a long study of the previous ones. Stand in front of the wheel with your feet shoulder-width apart. Leaning on it with straight arms, roll forward without bending your legs. Touching your chest to the floor, fix the position for 2-3 seconds. After doing the exercise in reverse order, take the starting position.

Anatomy of exercises with a gymnastic wheel

during exercises, the load is distributed to the muscles of the abs, shoulder girdle, arms, back and hips

It is believed that this one is simple The sports equipment belongs to the category of exercise equipment for Pilates and cardio training. Indeed, its use helps to burn extra pounds and maintain muscle tone, develop their strength, endurance and give noticeable relief.

First of all, straight and oblique beams of the anterior abdominal wall are worked out. The payload also falls on other muscles:

  • Major, minor and serrated pectorals.
  • Respiratory muscles.
  • Girls with broad shoulders and developed arm muscles should not focus on power models of the exercise machine: a large load falls on the muscles of the shoulder girdle and, including the muscle fibers of the forearms, and.

  • Superficial and deep muscles backs. Loaded depending on the range of motion.
  • Gluteus maximus. Involved statically, i.e. does not increase in volume.
  • The anterior surface of the thigh and lower leg.