Ways to increase sales in the wholesale business. How to increase your sales level: valuable tips

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From time to time, websites run advertising promotions to attract customers. Even if a company offers the consumer some kind of discount, it is not at all a fact that this promotion will attract the customer’s attention. Why? How do stores usually reason when giving a customer a discount? A simple example. Gave a 10-15% discount to visitors and sit, sip coffee and don’t forget to count the money from sales. But that was not the case.

In fact, if you follow this principle, store sales will tend to zero. Competition is growing every day. And there is less and less creativity, and advertising campaigns are no exception. Everyone gives a 10-15% discount for selection and waits for something, working at a loss. But there is a discount! What promotions are needed then to increase sales?

Promotions to attract customers

1. Express savings as a percentage and in rubles

Let's consider an example: the company decided to hold a promotion to attract attention: “Gives a 15% discount on a product that costs 7,590 rubles.” It may seem that the prospect of saving 15% will help attract a client and increase sales.

What really? The client does not see his benefit: 15% is how much in rubles? Correct answer: 1138.50 rub. But do you think customers will calculate this themselves to understand how much they are saving? Most won't bother with this. Rather, they will look for another store where it is clearly and specifically indicated how much they can save. Fortunately, there is a lot of choice now.

The solution is obvious: To attract, indicate exactly how much the client saves when purchasing a product in the store. Agree, “savings - 1138.50 rubles.” sounds clearer and more interesting than “some 15% discount.”

2. Short deadline

The shorter the duration of your promotion, the better for increasing sales. What does the client think when the company decides to hold a promotion that is valid for 1-1.5 months? “I’ll have time, what’s the hurry. I have a whole month ahead of me.” It’s not hard to guess that the client will simply forget about the interesting promotion. And the company will wait for him to remember about the excellent offer and hurry up to place an order.

Promotion to increase store sales

This promotion is very popular among car sellers to increase sales. An example of an attraction method: On the last day of the month, car buyers can receive a RUB 5,000 discount. True, there are no cheap cars available, but there is one in a more expensive configuration. With a discount it will cost the same as a cheap one without a discount.

And another interesting condition of the promotion: the sale must be completed today, before the last day of the last month ends. Many customers are aware of the tricks of sellers, but still fall for these promotions.

Example of a promotion: Today is SALE! TODAY ONLY... Bring this car home in time for dinner. The keys are in the ignition, the tank is full, she's waiting for you!

Time is a tool for creating scarcity. Phrases like “Offer valid for a limited time” create the effect of time pressure. This helps attract customers to the store.

3. Prepayment

Does the company provide prepayment services? A client who is ready to pay 100% immediately should be given a discount.

4. Pre-order

Another situation: soon some new goods or services should go on sale in the store. But you can start actively promoting them now. Warm up your customers' interest in upcoming new products, including through interesting promotions. Example: take and provide a discount to those customers who placed an order for a new service/product before the start of sales.

5. Rationale

Any promotion launched by the company must be “transparent”. “What’s the point of such generosity,” the buyer might think. Perhaps they are selling him another product that has been left behind or is not in demand? And no one wants to be a donkey.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to justify your interesting promotions. Example: “In honor of a holiday”, “For the company’s birthday”, “Store opening”, “Seasonal discounts” or something else.

6. Gift

A discount is good, but a gift is better. It is more tangible and understandable for the client.

Marketing campaign for stores

Example: “When purchasing in our store for an amount of 6,900 rubles. one of four exclusive shower gels as a gift” (Fig. 1)

Fig. 1 A discount is good, but a gift is better

7. Club cards

Pamper your regular customers. Don't forget about them. They are your loyal fans, cheerleaders. They need to be treated with care. Come up with some special, interesting promotions for them. Available only to them. Show that they belong to a privileged, exclusive club.

8. 1 purchase = 10 gifts

Be more creative in your sales. Come up with new formats promotions.

Promotions for stores

Example: Provide a discount when purchasing a larger volume (Fig. 2). Or make not one gift, but several - a kind of set. “For any purchase in the amount of 3,000 rubles. in the period from June 1 to June 10, you receive 10 gifts."

Fig. 2 A discount for the volume of a one-time purchase encourages buyers to purchase a larger “batch” of goods

9. Cumulative discounts

This type of promotion will help attract new customers and form a base of regular ones. It will be more difficult for the client to leave and make a purchase from someone other than you. You thereby “softly” tie him to your company.

10. Related products

Make an interesting promotion not for the main product, but for some related product. Thus, the sale is no longer just one product, but a complete set. At the same time increasing store sales.

11. Only one pair left in your size

An artificial shortage in a store is created very simply. When we see the phrase “Only one pair left in your size” or “Last set left in stock,” we subconsciously feel that we better hurry up and make a purchase. Artificial scarcity is good for attracting attention and increasing sales.

Example of a promotion for travel agencies

“Buy now! Only 2 tickets left at this price!

Thus, if there is a shortage of any product, its value in our eyes increases and we want to get it even more. The product becomes more valuable and desirable to us.

12. Expensive things can’t be bad.

The promotion is that the more expensive the product (and therefore less accessible), the higher its quality. We subconsciously prefer expensive goods. Our subconscious tells us: expensive means good!

13. Sorry, but you can't have it.

Another promotion is to introduce restrictions from time to time. When something cannot be obtained, then real scarcity begins. The more inaccessible the goal, the more stronger desire achieve it. As a result, the stricter the prohibitions in stocks, the more we will strive to circumvent them.

Bottom line: The value and desirability of any thing often depends on how difficult it is to obtain. Limited products or promotional periods create a subconscious fear among visitors that they may be late. And this forces them to act.

Promotions to attract customers: 3 important rules

  • The promotion must justify your costs. Don't work at a loss.
  • Don't sell discounted items en masse. On the one hand, you will get more attracted customers, but you are sure that they will buy your product without a discount. Introduce promotions proportionally - only for a limited set of goods.
  • Make new promotions on miscellaneous goods at different periods of time. And watch the reaction of buyers.

Efficiency of the actions carried out

Take a look at your stocks and adjust them based on the recommendations outlined. Using 13 examples best options, set out in the article.

Successful promotions to you!

P.S. Do you want to increase sales without increasing your advertising budget? Then this is the place for you - Increase conversion

The article was written for the magazine “Marketer”

Read other useful articles

1. Introduce bonuses for the number of meetings for managers exceeding the average.

2. Strengthen the visualization of sales results using chips, buttons, squares, pictures

3. Introduce negotiation matches for managers once a month.

4. Run a test drive of your product, service, service, etc. For a few days, for a week, for a month.

5. Place stickers on your products with information about a special offer.

6. Buy an expensive coffee maker for clients.

7. Post a video greeting from the director on home page site.

8. Mail memorable postcards to clients.

9. Implement interactive map directions in the contacts section.

11. Conduct correspondence with clients via WhatsApp.

12. Post a fun corporate newspaper in the public domain.

13. Make a beautiful design commercial offer to PDF and use it in business correspondence.

15. Create an original greeting that the client hears during the call.

16. Implement letter templates for managers for all occasions.

17. Implement cloud CRM.

18. Create a script for successful negotiations and monitor its implementation.

19. Launch 2-3 new marketing campaigns every month.

20. Hire a sales department assistant and shift as much paperwork from the managers to him as possible.

21. Give an employee a monthly bonus for best idea to increase sales.

22. Appoint one of the employees as the chief information officer on competitors.

23. Launch remote sales without opening an office in all key regions.

24. Hire another employee for cold calls.

25. Compare your website and 10 competitors in your industry - maybe it's time to improve it.

26. Make a selling price list.

27. Work with managers on 3 options for presenting your company: in 1 minute, in 10 minutes and in 30 minutes.

28. Convene a strategic sales session with the participation of consultants and all managers.

29. Develop a system of guarantees and returns without any conditions for customers.

30. Analyze the sources of information about potential clients.

31. Teach managers to quickly determine what is most important for the client - price, quality, speed of problem resolution, completeness of the solution, reliability.

32. Delegate more authority to managers to provide discounts and bonuses.

33. Find several assortment items for which it is painless to raise prices.

34. Work on the company's presence on social networks.

35. Move to an open-space office.

36. Add 3-4 lead generation channels.

37. Order a professional photo session for all employees and place it in the reception area.

Trade-related organizations have always been concerned with one question: how to increase sales. I recommend 5 surefire ways!

Commerce has long been one of the most popular ways to organize your own business and become a rich person.

And, of course, businessmen different eras were concerned about one question: how to increase sales, because more sales - more money.

Businessmen were looking for various ways, sometimes their searches were crowned with success, sometimes they turned out to be completely useless.

U modern entrepreneurs related to trading, as well as managers, whose income depends on the number of sales, have one undeniable advantage over their colleagues from the past: they can not only use other people’s ideas, but also have access to various useful sites, such as “Diary Success."

Thanks to such sites, you can get the advice you need not only about your business activities, but also about other important issues.

What determines sales volumes?

Any organization associated with trade, be it a small store or a large enterprise that not only sells, but also manufactures goods, has always been concerned about one question: how to increase sales.

It was the activity of the sales department that was the main measure of the company’s success: sales are growing - everything is great, but they are falling - which means you need to look for sources to increase their volume.

And only when things were going really badly did the emphasis shift: the goal was not to increase sales, but to retain existing customers.

Certainly, main reason The reason why it is so important to keep sales volumes high is profit.

As the number of customers decreases or their purchasing power decreases, the profits of everyone, from sellers to the owner of the business, will fall.

AND big companies, and small ones often make a common mistake: when sales fall, management begins to blame the departments responsible for them or the sellers themselves for everything.

This is wrong, because no matter how qualified and pleasant the seller or manager is, the buyer will not purchase the product if:

  • the store has a meager assortment - he simply won’t find what he needs;
  • there are interruptions in supplies - there are now enough stores, so you can purchase the required product elsewhere, rather than wait until it appears at your place;
  • V trading floor dirty or has an unpleasant odor;
  • the product is not advertised, etc.

What are modern methods of increasing sales volume based on?

Sales volumes can be increased if:

  1. Increase the number of clients.
  2. Increase the average bill of each client.

“If you don't take care of your client, someone else will.”
Konstantin Kushner

Depending on the problems you have, start acting in either one or several directions.

    Increase in the number of clients.

    Those who suffer the most from a small number of clients are those who have just appeared on the market and have not yet managed to win an audience, or long-registered companies that are rapidly beginning to lose their clientele due to competition or internal problems.

    When chasing new clients, the main thing is not to lose old ones.

    Often executives or creative managers decide to completely transform the company's work or change the product range, which is why old customers begin to leave.

    If you have nothing to lose (for example, there are too few clients), then you can act radically.

    Otherwise, it is better to introduce innovations smoothly.

    Increase the average check.

    Let's say you have two dozen regular customers, but every day they buy only a loaf of bread in your store, but your neighbor businessman has only three regular customers, but each of them spends 200-300 hryvnia in his store every day.

    It is clear that the neighbor’s profit is much greater.

    You need to convince your regular customers that not only your bread is delicious, but that your other products are also excellent.

5 ways to increase your sales

Experienced entrepreneurs advise not to limit yourself to any one direction (that is, not to focus only on increasing the number of customers or, having given up attracting new customers, try to convince existing ones to purchase more goods), but to act in a comprehensive manner.

There are plenty of effective ways to increase sales, but I have chosen the 5 most effective, both according to experts and in the opinion of my friend, a successful entrepreneur:

    Study the market thoroughly.

    Commerce does not tolerate haphazard actions.

    You have to study the trends modern market, the stories of your competitors, the reasons for their defeats and adapt the information received to your business.

    Create a written strategic plan.

    If filming full-fledged commercials and demonstrating them is not available to you, then use modern methods: newspaper advertisements, social media, emails, telephone information to potential clients, distribution of leaflets, etc.

    Make prices flexible.

    You know what some domestic stores do before sales: they raise prices (for example, by 20–40%), and then lure customers with attractive advertisements: “Discounts on the entire range up to 50%!”

    There are no financial losses, and clients react to the word “discount” with lightning speed.

    Carry out more promotions.

    Most buyers love them.

    In my opinion, the leader among supermarkets in creative promotions today in Ukraine is Silpo.

    Even serious ones reasonable people they get hooked on their promotions: “Price of the week”, “Hot offer”, “ Thematic days", "Coupons for increasing points", etc.

    Make changes to how your company operates.

    See what exactly isn't working.

    Maybe it’s due to slow sellers, or your product range is outdated, or your prices are much higher than those of your competitors, or it’s time to renovate the premises, or maybe the logo is repelling customers.

    There is no reasonless drop in sales.

    For example, my friend told me that when she worked as a salesperson in a perfume store, customers left because the cleaning lady not only exuded the aroma of sweat, but also scrubbed the floors with such frenzy in their presence that they quickly retreated.

    So, there are no unimportant little things in this matter.

I bring to your attention a video with practical advice,

how to increase the average customer check in a store.

The above sales methods are really effective, you will see when you try to use them in combination.

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Such store formats are popular not only due to pricing policy, but also due to the possibility of making complex purchases.

Products presented in hypermarkets include food, household chemicals and cosmetics, dishes, children's products, clothing and footwear, recreational and sports products.

Organizing the operation of a hypermarket is associated with high costs due to the need to support a wide range of goods, warehouse stocks, payment of personnel and utilities. Therefore, to increase the number of customers and the size of the average check, hypermarkets organize various events on promotion and sales stimulation.

What marketing techniques does the hypermarket use to attract customers?

The marketing promotion strategy depends on the type of hypermarket (a network of retail outlets or the local location of one store), pricing and assortment policy.

  • ATL advertising (television, radio, press, outdoor advertising);
  • BTL advertising (sales promotion, promotions, POS materials, trade marketing, direct marketing, exhibitions and fairs, development of loyalty programs, event marketing, database management, etc.).

ATL advertising

To improve the image of a hypermarket and increase sales, it will be effective to use the following communication channels:

  • commercials on regional television channels and radio stations;
  • placement of advertising messages in regional print media;
  • advertising on billboards installed within a radius of up to 1 km from the store;
  • advertising on transport, the route of which runs in the area of ​​the hypermarket;
  • advertising at bus stops public transport near a commercial establishment.

BTL advertising

If, with the help of ATL advertising tools, stores attract potential buyers to retail outlets, then BTL advertising helps them complete the purchase, makes it possible to highlight one or another group of products, and “stand out” from competitors with the help of unique offers. BTL advertising involves communication with a narrower segment of the target audience, with personification of the advertising message, individual work with each target group. Such methods allow hypermarkets to be closer to their consumers, since the self-service system, which is most often organized in large stores, is “soulless” and does not allow customers to receive high level service and attention of sellers.

Sales promotions and promotions

Sales promotion activities can be organized as short-term incentives to make a purchase, or as long-term programs aimed at repeat purchases of goods. With the help of incentives, you can increase sales volume, purchase frequency and average check.

The main tools used to stimulate sales in hypermarkets:

  • Discount programs. Using cards with cumulative discounts increases the possibility of repeat purchases. The discount amount received using a discount card can be written down on the receipt so that the buyer knows how much he is saving.
  • Reducing prices for a product/group of products. This method is optimal for achieving a short-term effect when promoting a new product or sale. It is best to indicate the old price and the discount amount (in monetary or percentage terms) so that the consumer can evaluate the difference. In addition to discounts, you can offer price reductions when purchasing a package of goods or a set of related products. Providing an additional quantity of goods for free at the old price is effective.
  • Reduced prices at certain times (for example, for home-made products - baked goods, salads, semi-finished products - “from 19.00 to ...").
  • Special prices for a certain category of consumers (students, pensioners, disabled people).
  • Application of "psychological" prices. A product that costs 200 rubles, when the price is reduced to 199.99, is already perceived as more economical.
  • "Product of the day/week." A product (group of products) is set at a very low price to attract customers to the store, who will undoubtedly purchase a whole list of products they need.
  • Offering a unique product (among competitors in the area). This could be fresh baked goods, signature salads, freshly squeezed juices, “live” beer, etc.
  • Aromarketing.

When carrying out promotions, the following methods are used:

  • Free gifts, distribution of samples and samples, tastings. Promotion tools such as tastings or distribution of samples are effective when introducing new food products, cosmetics and perfumes to the market. You can give gifts during a variety of promotional events - when purchasing a certain number of goods, holidays, “every hundredth buyer”, etc.
  • Games, lotteries and competitions. IN play activities, encouraged by prizes, both children and adults willingly join in.

In order for sales promotion and promotion activities to be effective, it is necessary to inform potential buyers about them in advance using ATL advertising tools (television, radio, printed publications, outdoor advertising), as well as through the distribution of advertising leaflets that can be delivered to mailboxes and distributed at public transport stops. When designing promotional designs to communicate price reductions, it is important to indicate the old price so that potential buyers can evaluate the benefits of making a purchase.

Various psychological techniques are also used to increase sales volumes:

  • competent display of goods;
  • using large carts (the buyer subconsciously tries to fill the empty space in the basket, and accordingly purchases more goods);
  • placing pallets of products directly in the path of customers;
  • placing key products away from the store entrance.

Direct marketing

With this type of marketing, direct communications between the store and the end consumer are established. Electronic mailings or postal letters are used. Information about buyers' contact information can be obtained by filling out questionnaires (to receive discount cards, when participating in lotteries and competitions). It is effective to send letters of congratulations on birthdays, national holidays, and to inform about large-scale promotional events.

Development of loyalty programs

Forming customer loyalty is the key to increasing sales and forming a circle of regular customers in the long term. The main methods of building loyalty are:

  • Quality control of presented goods (in any price segment). The results of numerous studies show that a buyer dissatisfied with the quality does not return to the store, and will tell his friends and relatives about his negative experience, therefore quality control of all goods should occur at the level of selecting suppliers for a trading enterprise.
  • Staff work. In self-service stores, the speed of cashiers’ work, their politeness and competence are very important. The presence of consultants on the sales floor will help customers understand the wide range and easily find the product they need.
  • Advertising communications (image articles in the press, competent dissemination of rumors, etc.).
  • Additional services. Additional services include, for example, assistance in packing goods (especially important on holidays, when queues form near the cash registers), as well as the placement of terminals for replenishment mobile phones, ATMs. You can also organize a “children’s zone” with animators inside the hypermarket so that parents can leave their children while they shop; cafe or fast food restaurant; You can place movie rental points, sell small souvenirs or gift wrapping. Current trend Online grocery orders have begun, so the store can organize a home delivery service.
  • Extended work schedule (optimally - 24/7). Making purchases at a store where you can purchase groceries in weekdays occurs most actively in the evening.

Event Marketing

To attract new customers to hypermarkets, it is effective to conduct various situational marketing events - holidays, competitions, fairs, flash mobs. The target audience must be informed about planned events in advance through the media.

POS materials

  • attract attention to a certain group of products;
  • form customers’ opinions about products and the hypermarket itself.

Advertising materials placed near stores or in windows attract additional visitors.

Types of POS materials that can be used for hypermarkets:

  1. Dynamic objects (with elements of movement, blinking, etc.). They can be located in front of the store entrance, on shop windows, in the sales area.
  2. Refrigerators and display cases, branded in the corporate style of the products placed in them.
  3. Advertising stands/displays (work well in the checkout area for making impulse, unplanned purchases).
  4. Wobblers, shelf talkers - signs that are attached to the rack and highlight a certain group of goods, used for vertical displays.
  5. Mobiles are shaped non-standard structures that are attached to the ceiling above the advertised product.
  6. Posters and posters. With the help of print advertising, you can advertise a specific product, or announce planned promotional events.
  7. Flags and garlands. They effectively highlight a display area or department and can be used during sales and seasonal promotions.
  8. Polyethylene bags with the logo and store contacts printed on them.

Audio and video advertising in the sales area

  • advertising audio clips;
  • public address announcements;
  • use of LED plasma screens to promote goods and services.

Assortment management

All presented trading company products can be characterized by the following indicators: breadth of assortment (number of product groups), depth of assortment (number of products in a group), balance (optimal combination various groups goods taking into account the store format, pricing policy and the needs of the target audience).

Forming an assortment for hypermarkets involves providing large quantity commodity items (tens of thousands). Assortment management is one of the most important tools for increasing sales and optimizing warehousing and storage costs. When forming a product range, it is necessary to analyze competitors and the needs of your target group in order to differentiate your product offer. Traditionally, the assortment of grocery stores is divided into three price segments - economy (50%), business (40%), premium (10%).

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As you know, three conditions are necessary for anyone who wants to trade properly: money, account and order

Increasing sales: 101 tips for sellers

The most important of them is cash and various other valuables, without which it is difficult to trade... The second condition for trading is to be able to keep books correctly and count quickly...

The third and last necessary condition is the conduct of one’s affairs in due order and as it should be, so that all information regarding debts and claims can be obtained without delay.

L. Pacioli

Starting my trading activities, every company, regardless of whether it is successful or not, dreams of how to make it sell more.

After all, an increase in sales means a 100% increase in company profits. And this only brings benefits, since more money appears, the company expands, and the salaries of employees increase, starting from an ordinary salesperson and ending with the director of the company.

Everyone knows the saying that money is never too much. It’s not easy to make them grow more, but by taking certain steps towards increasing sales, even a novice entrepreneur will achieve success.

After all, most often failures occur not because a person does nothing, but because he does not know what to do. The problem always remains relevant. So what needs to be done to significantly increase sales? What methods and tools should you use?

Are there certain tools to increase sales?

In such a matter as increasing income from trade, there is not so much technology. There are so-called tools used to increase sales, which, if implemented correctly, increase work efficiency:

Although there are not many methods, with constant use they are guaranteed to increase sales growth. It’s worth taking a closer look at them and learning how to use them correctly.

Methods to increase retail sales

Everyone wants more. And the increase in retail sales is based on methods that have already proven positive:

  • Cross-selling. When purchasing one thing, the client is offered to provide the corresponding service. For example, having bought an aquarium, the buyer orders installation and maintenance services. And everything is in one place. The store only needs to have agreements with such companies, attract customers and receive a percentage from this.
  • Upselling. Offer an additional purchase to the main product. Let’s say that when you buy a phone, you are immediately offered to buy a SIM card for it, or the purchased bouquet is packaged for an additional cost. You just need to adhere to the rule that the cost of an additional service should not be higher than the main purchase. In such cases, an increase in sales can bring 30 percent profit.
  • Determining the purchase threshold. There is no specific model, only the imagination of the store owner. General essence is as follows:
  1. When making a purchase above a certain amount, the buyer receives free shipping, a coupon for a drawing, or a gift.
  2. When you buy two products, you get the third one free.
  3. By purchasing three products, the buyer receives them for the price of two.

The list can be continued for a long time. Each store tries to come up with something of its own, looking for new ways to increase sales:

  • Payment of change in goods. This technique not very common, but quite interesting. When a buyer pays for an item, he receives change not with money from the cash register, but with goods from the store, such as matches or candy.
  • Yellow and red price tags. This method has long been recognized. In many supermarkets, goods that expire and no one buys are sold at reduced prices, which is what the different colored price tags indicate.
  • Limited time price or discount. This formula for increasing sales greatly motivates buyers, forcing them to make a purchase at this particular time.
  • Possibility to return the product if you don't like it. Moreover, there is a law that still obliges you to take the product back if it is returned within 14 days after making the purchase.
  • Hints on price tags. On the price tags there is information that with this product they buy another and a third. The client, seeing this, will definitely buy something in addition to what he wanted to buy.

The listed methods will allow you to increase retail sales at any retail outlet several times. They also guarantee that the buyer will return to this store for his next purchase, since he was offered so many different things there that there is no point in looking in other places.

Methods to increase wholesale sales

In addition to retail trade, there is also wholesale. It is the sale of large quantities of goods that provides a significant increase in wholesale sales. Any leader strives for this. To achieve better results, it is required, as in retail trade, apply various methods and techniques:

  • Emphasis on staff professionalism. After all, a lot often depends on the seller or manager. In order for professionalism to develop, workers should be regularly trained and given the opportunity to practice acquired skills in practice.
  • Only high-quality products at the most affordable prices. The optimal price-quality ratio attracts wholesalers more than other indicators. By constantly selling such a product, a positive reputation increases and is consolidated, and this increases sales efficiency by a considerable amount.
  • Creation of your own transport department. This provides additional benefits in the uninterrupted supply of orders. Of course, significant financial investments will be required, but after a certain time they will pay off and generate additional income.
  • Creating a good marketing department. Its specialists must research the market for the products they sell, look for new opportunities, completely optimizing all processes.

All these methods are exactly what you need to increase sales. By following them, an entrepreneur can be confident in the success of his business.

10 tips on how to negotiate price with a client during a sale?

Determining the price of a product - the right way for sale. But you still need to present it to the client and convince it of its justice. It’s not just the ability to bargain, but constructive dialogue that can lead to results. What keys can you use to successfully negotiate price?