Game program for any party. Summer camp event. Scenario of the game program Summer camp event 100 ideas for friends

Target: introduce children to universal human values- humanism, patriotism, collectivism and friendship; to help increase the performance, stamina and endurance of children, to create conditions for the natural satisfaction of children’s needs for movement and play;
Bring up positive emotions, free and relaxed communication between adults and children.
Equipment: 2 gymnastic benches, 2 large chairs, 4 balls, 2 jump ropes, tunnels, small hoops, 8 small chairs, skittles, 2 buckets, 2 brooms, prizes.

The progress of the holiday

Leading: Dear friends!

Today's sports festival dedicated nice day- It’s Defender of the Fatherland Day, so it’s especially nice to see grandfathers and fathers in the hall. Here they are in front of us - cheerful, fit, collected and invincible.

We sincerely congratulate our brave, sympathetic men, always ready to help.

Here come the moms! They are always in shape. Constant training in women's triathlon makes itself felt: the stove, running to the shops, doing the laundry. Today they will be active, caring fans.

And finally, our children! Today they are participants in fun relay races and will demonstrate their dexterity, courage, and resourcefulness.

We, the fans, heartily welcome and congratulate everyone who will take to the start line today. Good luck to our teams and victories!

Leading: Friends! Today, at our holiday, undoubtedly, experiences await you, but I ask you not to turn pale with fear, not to be discouraged and to look more cheerfully. Are you ready? Let's begin!

The teams walk around the hall and take their places.

Leading: Teams will be invited one by one. At the end of the relays, the team will receive a word for a motto. When all the teams have completed the relay race, it will be possible to create a motto from the words.

So, teams with numbers 1 and 2 are invited. Formation in a team in pairs: adult-child.

Relay races for teams

  1. WITH BALLS. While moving, dad throws the ball, claps his hands once, catches them, etc., moving to the chair and back in the same way. A child rolls a ball on the floor. The balls are passed to the next pair.
  2. "FIGURE SKATING". The child stands in front of the adult. Holding hands. They raised their left legs and jumped on their right ones - up to the chair, changed their leg, and back on their left. The baton was passed on to the next couple with a handshake.
  3. An adult and a child in a couple hold hands. A child runs along a bench. The adult holds his hand, then they run to the chair, around it and back along the bench. The baton was passed on to the next couple with a handshake.

Teams receive words on signs.

Leading: Teams numbered 3 and 4 are invited.

Relay races for teams.

  1. A child crawls on a bench. Dad jumps rope to a chair. You need to run around the chair and back in the same way. Pass the rope to the next participant.
  2. "CROSS THROUGH THE TUNNEL." A child crawls in a tunnel. Dad meets him, puts him on his shoulders and goes back. The baton is passed on with a handshake.
  3. "FUN TRAIN". The whole team runs back and forth between the pins.

Teams are given words on plaques.

Leading. Have you played? Aren't you tired? All the words of the motto have been received. Show them! Now let one representative from each team come forward. They make up a motto from the words on the signs: we, nowhere, do not, friends, in, despair, trouble, do not, leave.

We have chosen all the words

And we learned our motto.

Let's say it in unison.

Everyone says the motto: “We never lose heart, we don’t leave our friends in trouble!”

Leading: And now I offer you fabulous relay races in which only children will participate. Before each relay race, my assistants will demonstrate its correct execution. And then it's your turn.

Children with numbers 1 and 2, 3 and 4 are invited.

1st relay. "BABA YAGA". In what fairy tales does she appear? ( Answers). Well done. And now we will try to portray Baba Yaga. For this we need a bucket and a mop. You put the bucket on your leg, and take the mop in your hands and, pushing off with the mop, jump on one leg to the chair, change legs there and back.

Uzuryan Zinaida Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher additional education
Educational institution: MBU DO DTDM
Locality: Rostov-on-Don
Name of material: methodological material
Subject: Collection "One Hundred Ideas"
Publication date: 04.06.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education of the city of Rostov-on-Don

"Palace of Children and Youth Creativity"

Sector of social and pedagogical orientation


(competitions, games, quizzes)

methodologist Uzuryan Z.V.















(K. Chukovsky)



11. WHAT WAS THE cradle made for Thumbelina? (FROM THE SHELL














20.WHAT FAIRY TALE ARE THESE LINES FROM? (The poor girl endured everything in silence

resentment and did not dare to complain even to my father. The stepmother cleaned him up like that

to his hands that he now looked at everything through her eyes...)



And everyone becomes kind and trusting_-

"And good morning"

will last until evening.

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears:... (“Good afternoon.”)

The boy is polite and developed,

He says when meeting:... (“Hello!”)

The ice block will melt

From the Good Word... (“Thank you!”)

When people scold for pranks, We say: ... (“Forgive me, please!”)

If you can't eat anymore,

We will tell mom: ... (“Thank you!”)

In both France and Denmark they say goodbye: ... (“Goodbye!”)

Much love to all of you

I wish... (Good health.)

Kindness is the most valuable thing moral quality Russian people.

How many proverbs and sayings about kindness have been created by Russian folk wisdom!

Remember some of them:

1. A kind word also pleases the cat.

2. It is not clothes that make a person, but his good deeds.

3. Hurry for a good deed, and the bad will come in time.

4. Good brotherhood is stronger than wealth.

5. Do not boast about silver, but rather boast about good things.

6. Whoever does good will be rewarded by God.

7. In whom there is no good, there is little truth.

8. Don't look for beauty - look for kindness.

Guys, many of you have read or seen a cartoon about how a Boa constrictor

said hello to Monkey. In our next game hi is necessary

will catch.


Rhythmic music sounds. To the music, the children begin to clap their hands.

Approaching first one, then the other at the moment when he claps, the leader

quickly passes his palm between the palms of the clapping person. The last one, in his

turn, tries to “catch hello” with a clap, that is, the leader’s hand. That,

whoever succeeds in this becomes the leader himself.

Guys, now I will ask you to fulfill creative task. More than once

we were convinced that good triumphs over evil. Please stage it

a story from your life that confirms this idea. (The children break into

groups of 2-3 people. You can take a story from the life of the detachment. If children

it is difficult to complete this task, you can analyze the story of Baby

Raccoon. We know that at first Little Raccoon quarreled, as it turned out, with himself

yourself. And only a kind smile, a kind look and kind word let him

make friends with yourself and the world around you.)


The presenter reads a poem, and the players insert words.


Terribly polite penguin

He knew the magic words

From these wonderful words

Flowers bloomed, grass grew

Among the snow and ice

They made my soul warm

Everyone who was nearby

It's just a pity that I'm already

I forgot those words

Or maybe one of you

Are you ready to help trouble?

And will he add a few words to my impolite story?

Lived and been among the polar ice floes

Terribly polite penguin

One day a seal came in

For a cup of tea

Penguin in the words D... d...

Meets a friend

And if the walrus waves his

With a huge wet flipper,

Penguin answer him quickly

Screams louder - Z….e!

But the neighbor penguin is bringing him a big fish,

What will he say now?

Thank you, thank you!

And if a bird flies into the distance -

Farewell wishes

Bon voyage penguin

And whispers - Goodbye!

Can't allow it

He is mercilessly rude

And if he wants to ask,

He says - Please

And if he knows that he is wrong

There is no other solution -

He, having pacified the penguin temper

He goes to ask for forgiveness.

Such a polite penguin

Lived and been among the polar ice floes

Thanks to everyone who was ready

Help words find

After all, without these magic words

There's no way around it!

Training game " Magic flower good».

Children, stand in a circle, stretch your arms slightly forward, palms up, and

close your eyes. Imagine what I'm going to tell you now. (Can

turn on a beautiful, pleasant melody.)

Draw in your imagination a flower of kindness and good mood.

Place it on both palms. Feel how it warms you: your hands,

your body, your soul. It gives off an amazing smell and a pleasant

music. And you want to listen to it. Mentally place all the goodness and

the good mood of this flower inside, into your heart.

Feel how goodness enters you and gives you joy. You have

new forces appear: the forces of health, happiness and joy. Do you feel

how your body is filled with pleasure and joy. How nice for you

face, how good and joyful your soul becomes...

A warm, gentle breeze blows around you. You have a kind, soul-warming


Open your eyes. Look around. Grasp

hands. Looking each other in the face, wish something good. (Children

do.) I want you to remember how you feel right now and

took with them when leaving this room. Warm feelings and good mood

will continue to be with you... All the best to you!



Burn, burn, clear,

So that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky -

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing.

The players line up in pairs. The driver becomes a burner

first, two or three steps ahead of the first pair, with your back to them. As soon as

he has taken his place, he is not allowed to look back or look

on the sides.


to the burner. WITH

with the last words, the last couple separates their hands and

runs forward, one to the left, the other to the right of the players standing in pairs.

The task of the runners is to run past the burner and

again join hands in front of him.

The burner forms a new pair with the caught one, and they become

ahead of other couples. And the uncaught one remains to burn.

"Limping Fox"

The number of players is from five to ten people. The driver, aka

“lame fox” stands in a “hole” outlined by a semicircular line. All players

They run around the room on two legs, and the driver runs on one. If the driver has become

on both legs, then the players drive him into the “hole” with the words “Fox, into the hole” and

at the same time they can quietly push him. Whomever the fox hits, he becomes

"Cat and Mouse"

The drivers are chosen - a cat and a mouse. The remaining players become

in a circle and join hands, forming a gate. The mouse is inside the circle, and

the cat stays outside. The cat must catch the mouse. If the cat

manages to get inside the circle, then the players open the gate and let out

mouse, blocking the cat's path.

"Fishing rod"

A fishing rod is a rope with a bag of sand attached to the end.

earth, sawdust. The “Fisherman” stands in the center of the circle, holding in his left hand

a reeled-in “fishing rod”, and a “fish” is located facing it in a large circle.



"fishing rod". The “fish” jump up one by one, trying not to touch the ropes. Who



Players in the circle do not have the right to leave their seats, the “fisherman” at any time

time can change the rotation of the fishing rod, the “fisherman” should not leave

center of the circle and raise the bag higher than 10 cm above the ground.

"Geese - Swans"

The drivers are chosen - the mistress and the wolf, the rest are “geese-swans”.

The housewife leads the geese into the house, and the wolf goes “downhill” and sits there

for the time being.

The hostess asks:

Geese, geese?


Do you want to eat?

Yes, yes, yes!

Well, fly...

The geese scatter across the field, talking to each other “Ha-ha-ha!

Ga-ga-ga! and looking at the wolf sitting in the bushes.

The hostess calls: “Geese-swans, come home!”




(right) to the front player, and the other (left) to the back player. You need to face up

one way. The driver becomes the first and directs the movement of the whole

snakes. He can speed up, turn the other way, run along

"The sea is agitated"

The sea is worried!

in front of me

Beats on the shore

Wave after wave.

This wave

Not very strong

And this wave -

Stronger than an elephant!

According to the counting rhyme, children choose a driver. Then make up the chairs (their

there should be less than guys) and according to the driver’s exclamation “the sea is worried”

run, jump, pretending to be waves. At the cry: “The sea has calmed down,” they rush

take up space. For the children left without a place, the driver assigns forfeits -

asks them to dance, sing or recite a poem.


All the guys repeat the words after the leader:

Two stomps (stomp)

Two clap (clap)

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs

Forged, forged (they hit each other with their fists)



Running in place, running in place (arm movements back and forth)

Bunnies, bunnies (they show the bunny ears with their hands above their heads)

Come on, together, come on together...

Girls! (girls scream).

Boys! (boys shout).






"Goal, missed"

The hall is divided into two halves. The leader raises up one by one

right, then left hand.

The children take turns shouting:

Goal (left hand)!

Past (right hand)!

If the leader raises both hands up, the children shout “Barbell.”


The hall is divided into two halves. One half speaks with a wave of the left

hands shouts the word "tick". The second half of the children - by wave right hand -





They walked like this:

The presenter raises his hands up, the children imitate the sound of the walkers “tick-

Leading: But suddenly one day my watch broke and started going like this:

(the presenter confuses his hands, the clock moves out of order) tick-tick-tock-tick-tick-tock-tock.

Leading: I took it to the watchmaker, he repaired it, and the watch went:



The children walk in a circle and say: “Fokas had seven children, seven

children - seven daughters. They didn't drink, didn't eat, they all looked at each other and

they did it like this!”

At the words “We did it like this!” Foka makes some gesture or

a movement that all players must repeat.

"Sparrow"(dating game)

The guys walk in a circle saying:

A sparrow walked in a circle, strike, strike.

I gathered my friends, zey, zey.

Few, few, few of us, us, us

They'll come out... now!

The leader in the circle calls several names (Katya, Sasha, Tanya). Those whom

he called, they go out into the circle. Two circles are formed. The game starts over again

until everyone gets to know each other.

"Shaggy Dog"

the one on the opposite side represents a dog. Children in a crowd

quietly approach him, and the presenter at this time says:

Here lies a shaggy dog,

With your nose buried in your paws.

Quietly, quietly he lies,

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up

And let's see what happens!

Children approach the dog. As soon as the presenter finishes reading

words, the dog jumps up and barks loudly. The children run away, the dog chases them and

tries to catch someone and take him to him. When all the children hide, the dog

returns to his place and lies down on the mat again.

"Hares and the Wolf"

Children-hares hide behind bushes and trees. Off to the side behind a bush

there is a wolf. Hares run out into the clearing, frolic, and jump. On signal

host of “The Wolf Is Coming!” the hares run away and hide behind the bushes under the trees.

The wolf is trying to catch up with them.

You can use the following text in the game:

The bunnies are jumping: hop, hop, hop,

To the green meadow.

They pinch the grass, eat it,

Listen carefully

Is there a wolf coming?

Children perform the actions described in the text. Happy ending

In the poem, a wolf appears and begins to catch hares.

"Take care of the object"

Children stand in a circle. Each child has a cube at their feet. Leading

is in a circle, he tries to take an object from one or the other

child. The player, to whom the presenter approaches, crouches, closing

the cube with your hands, and does not allow you to touch it; as soon as the leader leaves,

the child stands up, leaving the cube in the same place.

"Traffic light"

The leader has three circles in his hands - red, yellow, green. If



green -


comes up with a new task (sit on one leg, jump, stomp on

place, jump on one leg, etc.).



driving -



1.5 meters is the owl's nest. A chair is placed in a circle and he sits on it.

Players join hands, forming owls around big circle. Then

walk with side steps and say:

Oh you little owl.

You are a big head.

You are sitting on a tree.

You fly at night, you sleep during the day.

The command is given: “The day is coming, everything comes to life.” Children pretending

mice, stand on their toes and run around various directions, approaching

owl's nest. Then the teacher says: “Night comes, everything freezes!”

The mice freeze in place. The owl flies out to hunt, vigilantly inspects

players and sends to the bench those who move. When the owl catches

three players, the game stops. A new owl is selected, and the eliminated

players return to the circle. At the end of the game, children are called who have never

were not caught by the owl, and the owl that caught greatest number mice.

"The Cook and the Kittens"


driving -


playing -

A circle with a diameter of 2 meters is indicated - this is the cook’s house. Place 5-6 around

cubes. The cook enters the house and the game begins. Children walk in circles around

cooks at home and say the words:

Pussies are crying in the corridor,

The kittens are in great grief.

Tricky cook for poor pussies

Doesn’t let you steal the sausages.”

WITH the last word kittens jump into a circle, trying to take the cube and

quickly, jump, go back. The cook stains the players at this time.

The stained players return the dice to the circle and the game continues.

"Gray cat"

According to the counting rhyme, a “cat” is chosen. The rest are “mice”. "Mice" stand up

behind the “cat” in the column. The column moves along the site. "Between the cat and

“mice” there is a dialogue:

Are there mice in the haystack?

Are you afraid of the cat?

And I, the cat Kotofey, will drive away all the mice!

The “mice” run away, and the cat catches them. Whoever gets caught becomes

Reading: A cat wanders through the grass,

Wears a dream on his sleeve.

How do you see this dream?

Come out, little mouse, out!

"Paint Market"

10-15 people play. They choose a Shoemaker, a Tailor, a Weaver. They

leave the room. Children choose what colors they will use. Then on



They answer: “Yes! Which one do you need?

Tailor begins: “I want the blue one.” Blue paint comes out and goes to

to the tailor.


Red. If there is no paint, the children answer: “No paint, no paint.”

Craftsmen ask for paints one by one.

Whichever one of them has more colors at the end wins.

"Fruit Basket"

All participants, except one, sit in a circle on chairs. Left without

chair - Buyer.




says: “I came from the market and bought an apple and a pear.”

is changing

The buyer must have time to sit in the place of one of these players.

Then, the remaining one becomes the new Buyer. The game repeats itself.

"Golden Gate"(Russian folk game)

The famous “trickle” came from this game. 15-20 people play.

All players are divided into two parts. A certain number of pairs are formed.


The remaining participants join hands so that a chain is formed.

Gate players

counting rhyme

between them.


Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

We open the gates

Golden Gate,

Hurry up everyone here.

Let's skip once

Let's skip two

And for the third time -

We won't miss you!

go down

slam shut.

participants who are caught become gates.

"Palm, fist"

in a semicircle,


accompanied by



To the command “Palm!” children point one hand upward, palm



rest against



rest against


The pace of the teams increases, those who lose their way are eliminated. The one who wins

who was the last one left in the game?

"Blind Man's Bluff in Japanese"

A funny Japanese game about a Bird locked in a cage.

The players stand in a circle, one in the middle blindfolded.

The others walk around him and say: “Bird, bird, it’s me. Birdie,

bird, it's me."

After going around several circles, they stop and ask: “Who

is behind you?



"Needle, thread, knot"

On the count of one-two-three! the needle begins to run, quickly turning in

different sides.

The task of the Thread and Knot is not to come off. And they can't hold on

for each other.

comes off

is changing

comes off

A knot, it changes with a needle.

"Gray Wolf"

The driver is chosen - a wolf. He steps aside. At some point

a line is drawn at a distance beyond which is a safe zone.

The rest have the following conversation with the leader in chorus:

Where are you going, friends?

We are going into the dense forest.

What do you want to do there?

We'll pick some raspberries there.

Why do you need raspberries, children?

We'll make jam.

What if a wolf meets you in the forest?

The gray wolf won't catch us!


I'll pick berries and make jam,

My dear grandmother will have a treat

There are a lot of raspberries here, it’s impossible to pick them all,

And there are no wolves or bears to be seen at all!

runs out

the rest. Everyone runs away safe zone. If the Wolf kills someone, he

becomes the new Wolf.


(quiz based on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin)

Quiz progress

I. Organizational moment.

Participants are divided into teams.

1.. Presentation of commands

Guys, today we are holding a fairy tale quiz. our beloved

poet A. S. Pushkin. Let's start with a warm-up.

1. Where was A. S. Pushkin born? (In Moscow.)

3. From whom little Sasha learned Russians folk tales? (From nanny Arina


4. How many fairy tales did he write? great poet? (6, didn’t finish one of them.)

5. Name these fairy tales. (“The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious son and

the mighty hero Prince Guidon Saltanovich and the beautiful princess

Swans." "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Tale of dead princess and about seven

heroes." "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel." "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker"

Quiz stages.

Stage 1 Find out the fairy tale from the words.

1. Path-road, tower, spinning wheel, sun, moon, mirror, wind, wedding.

(“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.”)

2. Farm, fool, hut, tower, queen, trough. (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”)

3. Market, greed, horse, stove, quitrent, sea, rope, retribution. ("The Tale of

priest and about his worker Balda.")

4. Army, commanders, sage, tent, Shemakha queen, astrologer, cockerel.

(“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.”)

5. Window, king, sisters, barrel, island, swan, heroes, squirrel, wedding,

pay. (“The Tale of Tsar Saltan. About his glorious and mighty hero son

Prince Guidon Saltanovich and the beautiful Swan Princess.")

Stage 2 Find out these lines.

Quiz participants must recognize the fairy tales and continue the lines.

1. Three girls under the window

We spun late in the evening.

“If only I were a queen,”

One girl says... -

(“Then for the whole baptized world

I prepared 6 feasts.")

2. “If only I were a queen,”

Her sister says... -

(“Then there would be only one for the whole world

I wove 6 linens.”)

“If only I were a queen,”

The third sister said -.. -

(“For Father Tsar I would

She gave birth to a hero.")

4. An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea; They lived in a dilapidated

dugout exactly... (Thirty years and three years. The old man was catching fish with a seine.

The old woman was spinning her yarn.)

5. “My light is a mirror! Tell me... (Yes, report the whole truth: Am I the only one in the world

sweeter, more rosy and whiter than all?)

6. Balda goes towards him, not knowing where, “Why, dad, so early?

up? What are you asking for?” Pop him in response... (I need a worker:

Cook, groom and carpenter. And where can one find such a Servant who is not too


Stage 3. Staging.

Teams need to stage any episode from A.S.’s fairy tales.

Pushkin so that others recognize the chosen fairy tale.

Stage 4 Crossword.

1. Everyone is equal, as if by choice, The guy is with them... (Chernomor.)

2. The king... (Saltan) marvels at the miracle.

3. Towards him... (Balda). He goes without knowing where.

4. Horizontally: Beats... (Swan) among the swells,

The kite flies over her.

4. Vertical: Fairytale Bay, where the Scientist cat walks.


5. ... (The squirrel) sings songs and gnaws all the nuts.

6. A cloud is walking across the sky,

... (The barrel) floats on the sea.

7. God be with you, golden... (fish), I don’t need your ransom.

Stage 5. Answer the questions.

1. Where the boyars put the young queen and her son in "The Tale of king

Saltan..."? (Into the barrel.)

2. What was the name of Tsar Saltan’s son? (Prince Guidon.)

3. What song did the squirrel sing under the Christmas tree? (“Whether in the garden, in the vegetable garden...”)

4. Who did Prince Guidon turn into and in what order? (Mosquito-

fly - bumblebee.)

5. Who did the girls become by order of Saltan? (Weaver, cook, queen.)

6. How many times did the old man throw the net into the sea on the day he caught

goldfish? (Three times.)

7. What did the old man catch the first and second time? (First time -

mud, the second time - sea grass.)

8. Name in order what the old woman wanted from the fish? (The old woman sent

old man to the fish five times. The requests were as follows; new trough, hut,

the desire to become a pillar noblewoman, then a free queen and, finally,

mistress of the sea.)

9. What was the name of the prince, the princess’s groom in “The Tale of the Dead Princess...”?

10. In whose mansion did the missing princess stay? (At the seven heroes.)

11. Who helped Prince Elisha in his search for the princess? (Sun, month,

12. What happened to the evil queen at the end of the fairy tale? (She died.) -- 13. Who

hired Balda as his employee and for what fee? (Pop in 3 clicks.)

13. With whom did Balda compete to receive the quitrent? (With an imp

(little devil)).

14. What phrase ends with “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”? (A

Balda says reproachfully: “Don’t you, priest, chase after cheapness

Summing up. Rewarding.

Irina Yamolova
Sports festival “One hundred ideas for one hundred friends”

Scenario sports festival

"One hundred ideas for a hundred friends»

drama teacher

Yamolova I. V. -

physical education teacher


Introducing children and parents to a healthy lifestyle.


Urban sports festivalis intended to promote:

Introducing children and their parents to physical education and sports;

Promotion of health, development of physical qualities of children;

Education morally - strong-willed qualities: determination, courage, endurance, organization, independence, perseverance in achieving positive results;

Formation of motor skills and abilities in basic movements;

Development of attention and reaction speed in preschoolers;

Education of patriotic feelings in preschool children;

Strengthening family relationships;

Fostering a sense of camaraderie and respect for competitors in competition.

Competition participants

Senior preschool teams age preschool educational institution city, consisting of 8 people (4 boys, 4 dads).

Requirements for participants

High level of physical fitness.

Uniform team uniform.

Preparing for sports festival

Introducing children to the history of the origin holiday;

Conversations about the branches of the military;

Development of a scenario, distribution of responsibilities between teachers;

Production of attributes, posters, selection sports equipment;

Preparation of applications for the participation of preschool educational institutions teams in competitions;

Selection musical accompaniment and preparation musical numbers pupils of preschool educational institutions;

Team training;

Hall decoration;

Inviting guests.

Progress of the holiday.

Leading: Hello, dear guests! Sports holiday"One hundred ideas for a hundred friends» gathered us all today. Everyone who values ​​their health, everyone who wants to live longer. Welcome friendly sports families, we meet those who will go to the start. To achieve sports awards! We wish the teams success and victories!

The march sounds participants enter the hall:

1. We welcome the family...they are sure that if there is peace and harmony in the family, then there is sporty way of life.

2. We meet the family….Smart and brave, and skillful in everything.

Look at us, we are just a great family!

3. Our friendly team sports loves to study - this is the motto the family lives by...we greet them with loud applause!

4. Family…. at least we have somewhere,

They are always friends with physical education.

The family participates in all competitions,

always healthy, young and strong at heart.

5. family….they are confident

that the main assistant in business is sport!

success is sport, and laughter is sport!

And the most excellent resort is sport, sport, sport!

Your thunderous applause!

6. Meeting the family….!

They think it's best to start new life not from Monday, but from morning


7. Maximum sports, maximum laughter

This way we will achieve success faster!

The family is sure of this...

8. Welcome family!

Their family motto: "Health and sport leads to success» !

9. Physical education, sport, their health is the best Friends!

And he knows this for sure sports family....!

Your applause!

Leading: To awards achieve sports, everyone will have to work hard! In frequent training, dexterity will appear.

On our guests are present at the celebration: ___

The floor to greet the participants is given to___

Knopa runs in: I don’t understand what happened.

Am I in a dream or in reality?

There is laughter and fun everywhere,

Everyone is in a great mood!

Maybe people celebrate,

Glorious New Year holiday?

Leading: You, my friend, didn’t guess right!

The sports festival brought us all together.

Everyone knows, everyone understands

It's nice to be healthy.

You just need to know

How to become healthy!

Health friendly sport:

Stadium, swimming pools, court,

The hall, the skating rink - we are welcome everywhere...

Knopa: Well, all these are fairy tales that you say,

How to believe this?

What sport is fashionable?

Isn't it better to stay warm at home?

Are there cartoons or movies on TV?

Leading: You're wrong, Knopa!

Sport is life!

And today we will try to convince you of this!

In our difficult century,

In our turbulent century,

No one without sport cannot last forever!

There is a champion in every person,

A person needs to believe in this!

Knopa: I want to be a champion!

How to become a champion? (scratching the back of his head)

Leading: And to become a champion,

You need to harden yourself in the mornings and evenings,

We need to do physical education!

Let's see, Knopa, how friendly our families are in the relay race "Pass the ball".

The family will show... .

The team lines up in a column, the first participant has the ball. Pass the ball between each other's legs, the latter runs to the basket, changes the ball and stands in front of the column, passes the ball, etc. to the post.

Arrange the equipment!

Let's start! Attention! March!

Knopa: That's how deftly and amicably they handled the ball!

Leading: Knopa, please tell me, can you jump rope?

Knopa: Yes! I can show you. (takes a skipping rope, gets tangled in it, falls)

Oh, something’s not working!

Leading: Look how our athletes can.

Correct execution of the relay race "Jump rope" a friendly family will show...

Dad puts on the jump rope, the child holds on to the handles, runs to the stand, around, and back in a straight line, mom jumps over the rope to the stand and back.

Let's start! Attention! March!

Knopa: They're doing great!

Leading: If you, Knopa,

A hundred fun exercises with a jump rope and a ball!

You will do them without laziness,

You will become a strongman too!

Knopa: Fine! I will train. But I can do a lot of things with a hoop. (Twists the hoop on his waist, arm, leg, neck - it falls)

Leading: Oh, you made us laugh, Knopa! Look how dexterous and flexible our participants are!

Correct execution of the relay race "Gymnasts" a clever family will show...

Dad and mom are holding hoops. A child climbs through hoops. Dad runs around mom, gets in front, mom runs around dad, gets in front, the child, without stopping, climbs through the hoops. Execution to the rack.

Teams! Let's start! Attention! March!

Musical break

Knopa: Hoops, balls, jump ropes - these are good in the summer, in the sun. And in winter - what to do? Lie on the couch and watch cartoons!

Leading: You're wrong, Knopa! And in winter you can have fun together and benefit your health! Never be discouraged, hit the target with snowballs,

And rush down the hill on a sled,

And go skiing -

That's the secret of health.

Be healthy!

Knopa: Physical education - hello!

Leading: Guess the riddle.

There's a game in the yard in the morning

The kids played out

Screams: "Puck!",

“Past!”, "Hit!" -

So there's a game... (hockey)

Knopa: I don’t know, I don’t play such games.

Leading: (address to fans) Guys, help Knope name the game!

Children: Hockey!

Leading: But come to the family, they will show you how to play hockey.

The child begins to dribble the puck with his stick "snake", between the pins, scores into the goal, takes the puck, returns in a straight line, passing the stick and puck to the next participant.

Arrange the equipment!

Let's start! Attention! March!

Knopa appears with skis in his hands, with a rifle on his shoulder, addressing the teams.

Knopa: We run fast on skis,

And we shoot at the target deftly,

What is this type called? sports?

All: Biathlon!

Leading: Let's see how our participants accurately hit the target and ski quickly!

The family will show you how to perform the relay correctly...

Each participant wears "skis", runs with a sliding step to the hoop, throws 5 "snowballs" to the basket., return to the starting line. The child runs to the nearest hoop to the basket.

Arrange the equipment!

Let's start! Attention! March!

Leading: We did a great job with the relay race.

Running fast is common to everyone.

Now let's jump Friends!

Let's find out who our jumping family is?

Knopa: (jumping on a hop) I! I! I! (falls)

Leading: Next relay "Jumpers", the correct execution of the relay race will be demonstrated by the jumping family.... Look carefully, Knopa! Remember and you will succeed!

The child jumps on the hopper ball to the counter, around the counter, and back.

Does the team understand the task? Let's start! Attention! March!

Musical break

Knopa comes out with a big candy.

Knopa: I’m hungry, let me help myself to some candy.

Leading: To become a champion, Knopa, you need not only play sports, but also eat right!

No wonder the proverb says “Vegetables and fruits are a pantry of health!”

Button. But I have never heard that.

Leading. Come on, Knopa, let's see how families know how to choose the right food products for healthy image life.

Button. I'll watch, watch, learn.

Leading: Correct execution of the relay race "Vitamins" a cheerful family will show... Each participant with a basket in his hands runs in a straight line, takes one object from the hoop, returns, passing the basket to the next participant. Everyone runs 2 times.

Arrange the equipment!

Are the teams ready?

At the start, attention! March!

Leading: Button, look what the teams didn’t put in their baskets.

Knopa goes and looks into the hoops to see what’s left there,

Sports KTD are aimed at strengthening the health of children, instilling in them endurance and discipline. Motor activity of children is one of the main activities in the camp.

"One hundred ideas for friends"

Breakdown: Participants are given one card each with numbers written on them. Time is given for the participants to form teams so that the sum made up of the numbers of cards is equal - for one team 21, for the other - 16.

Competition 1. “Archery”.

The target is a bucket. Onion - onions.

The bucket is placed five meters beyond the finish line. The bulbs lie on the finish line, their number is equal to the number of participants. The first participant, at a signal, begins to move from start to finish, takes an onion and throws it into a bucket, and so on until the last participant.

Competition 2. “Figure skating”.

Teams are divided into pairs. Couples join hands (right to right, left to left). Both raise their left leg at a signal and begin to jump from start to finish and back.

Competition 3. “Pencil tugging.”

Two participants take hold of opposite ends of the pencil and try to pull it out of the opponent's hands. The hands of the participants are smeared with something greasy. You can hold a competition among all those present for the title of the most “sticky-handed”.

Competition 4. “Night orienteering”.

One person from each team participates. They go to the start line, there is a chair in front of each of them, they are blindfolded. They must reach an obstacle, go around it and come back. Teams can give hints to players.

Competition 5. “Synchronized swimming”.

Two people are invited from each team. Couples stand opposite each other at a distance of one step. Each pair is given one balloon filled with water. The first player throws the ball to his pair, if the second player catches the ball, then he takes one step back, etc. The winner is the couple that moves the maximum distance away from each other without bursting the balloon.

"These funny animals"

Breakdown: participants are given cards with animals on them. All herbivores are united on one side, all carnivores on the other.

Competition 1. “Penguins”.

Penguins walk very interestingly, and they also manage to carry the eggs of their babies between their legs so that they do not freeze. Players hold the ball between their knees and carry it to the mark and back (you can’t jump, you have to walk). To keep the “cub” from freezing, you need to pass it to the next player from foot to foot, without using your hands.

Competition 2. “Turtle”.

The brightest distinguishing feature This animal has a house on its back and graceful slowness. Relay participants need to “turn” into turtles. Their shell will be a pelvis placed on their back, and to prevent it from falling, they must crawl on all fours, and very slowly!

Competition 3. “Spider”.

4 people from a team participate in this relay race at a time. They pretend to be a spider: they hold their hands together with their backs turned to each other, then they run to the mark and back, passing the baton to the next four. (The path of the “spider” may not be straight, but rather winding - along a line drawn on the ground - a “web”.)

Competition 4. “Centipede”.

The centipede, as you know, has many legs and therefore runs quickly. The first team member runs to the mark and back, then takes the second member with him (the second holds on to the first’s belt) and completes this journey with him. Then a third, fourth, etc. is added to the pair.

Competition 5. “Caterpillar”.

Unlike the centipede, the caterpillar moves slowly, in “waves.” All team members run at the same time, holding hands. (On the path of the “caterpillar” movement, 4–5 obstacles are installed, under which it must crawl under or climb over them.)

Competition 6. “Boa constrictor.”

The entire team, except three people, participates in this relay race. They stand on the relay line at an equal short distance from each other and do nothing, just stand. And the players of the rest of the team at this time turn into “boa constrictors”. Participants need to line up in a column and all players place their hands on the shoulders of those in front. The captain will be the “head of the boa”, bringing up the rear of the column – the “tail”. The “boa constrictor” is ready to move, and it moves, as you know, by wriggling. Our “boa constrictor” will also have to wriggle, that is, go around the players on the relay line. The winner is determined by the “boa constrictor’s tail,” i.e., by the last participant.

"Higher, faster, stronger"

Breakdown: cards with various sports attributes.

Competition 1.

Each team comes up with a name and chant. All teams receive the same score (initial points).

Competition 2.

You need to put as many inflated balloons as possible into the clothes of one of the team members.

Competition 3.

Each team stands in one line, each person placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Two “snakes” are formed, which, on command, begin to move forward, going around obstacles (pins).

Competition 4.

Teams are given light balls of cotton wool. On command they throw them up and blow on them. The goal is to keep the cotton wool in the air for as long as possible.

Competition 5.

Imagine, a sculpture gallery opened with the name “Victims of Sports”. Create for this gallery sculptural composition with title:

v a weightlifter who did not have time to jump away from the barbell;

v the goalkeeper who caught the puck with his teeth;

v to a skydiver who forgot to open his parachute.

Competition 6.

Cards with numbers, for example from 1 to 18 (according to the total number of participants in both teams), are scattered face down on the floor in a chaotic manner. The presenter assigns serial numbers to all participants. Task: as quickly as possible, each of the team members find their serial number, but if they find a number that is not theirs on the floor, it is forbidden to pass it on! The card must be returned to the floor face down.

"Always Together"

Breakdown: atoms and molecules. All players move randomly around the playing area, at this moment they are all “atoms”. Atoms can turn into molecules. A molecule can have two, three, or five atoms (depending on how many commands are needed). Players playing at the command of the leader will need to create a “molecule”, i.e. multiple players will need to grapple with each other. If the presenter says “a molecule of three atoms,” this means that three players - “atoms” - merge into one “molecule.” The most recent number of combining atoms into molecules should be the number of team members.

Competition 1.

The first team members must run around the chair, while hitting the ball on the floor, and pass the ball to the next participant. He repeats the actions of the first. And so on until all team members have run.

Competition 2.

At the leader’s command, all participants take off their shoes and place them in a straight line with their toes to their heels. The team whose snake is longer wins.

Competition 3.

The team lines up in a column near a chair on which there is a plate of water and a spoon. At a certain distance from this chair there is another chair with an empty glass. It is necessary to transfer as much water as possible into the glass with a spoon within the allotted time.

Competition 4.

Each team occupies one corner of the room or playing field. At the signal, each team tries to move as quickly as possible to the diagonally opposite corner of the playing field, having previously announced exactly how they are moving. The group whose members reach the opposite corner before others wins. You can move as follows:

v just run across;

v walk backwards;

v jump on one leg.

Participants must be warned to observe the rules of mutual courtesy.

Competition 5.

The ball is tied with a long rope to a peg driven into the ground. The player stands against the ball and is blindfolded. Task: walk forward 6 steps and kick the ball. It is quite rare to do this accurately.

"Fast Walkers"

Breakdown: children draw cards on which two types of shoes are drawn - sneakers and sneakers, thus making two teams.

Competition 1.

Pairs of guys compete in a 20-30 m race. Pairs hold hands and run, touching each other’s backs. Having reached the finish line, they return to the start. It turns out that the player runs normally in one direction, but backs away in the other.

Competition 2.

The guys stand behind each other at intervals of up to 5 steps. You need to bend your head and bend yourself, leaning on your leg bent at the knee. The latter runs up and alternately jumps over everyone standing in front, resting his hands on his back. The players gradually straighten up, increasing the height of the jump. Everyone who jumps over takes the lead. Anyone who fails to jump is eliminated from the game.

Competition 3.

And in this relay the team is divided into pairs. In each pair, one will be the “horse” and the other will be the “rider”. The “rider” sits on the “horse” as if it were all the same, as long as his legs don’t drag on the ground. Start! And the “horse” rushes forward, trying not to drop the rider. A turn, a way back, passing the baton... The team whose “horses” are “faster” and whose “riders” are more “persistent” wins.

Competition 4.

This relay also requires pairing. One of this pair will have to become a “wheelbarrow” - a relic cargo transport with one wheel and two handles. Only here instead of a wheel there will be arms, instead of handles there will be legs. So, the “wheelbarrow” player lies on the ground, focusing on his hands, at this time the “wheelbarrow” player-driver takes his partner by the legs so that the body of the “wheelbarrow” is parallel to the ground. The “wheelbarrow” is ready to move. There is a signal, and the “wheelbarrow”, moving on its hands, “reaches” the turning flag and returns back, where a new “wheelbarrow” is already ready to move. The strongest and fastest win.

Competition 5.

Siamese twins. “Grow together” for players, how Siamese twins will have to turn their backs. To do this, you need to stand with your back to each other and clasp your hands tightly. You can only run sideways in this position. Therefore, the first couple stands sideways on the starting line, runs sideways and returns in the same way, passing the baton to the next “conjoined twins”. The backs of the players must be pressed tightly against each other throughout the run. The most coordinated and fastest team will win.

"Forward, people!"

Breakdown: team captains are appointed and they take turns choosing team members from all the participants.

Competition 1. “Running with a hoop.”

All team members take turns running to the turning point and back, twirling the hoop on their belts. The most flexible and fastest win. The following tasks can serve as a complication of the relay race: twist a hoop around your neck; twist the hoop on your hand; jump through a hoop like jumping rope.

Competition 2. “Three Jumps.”

To perform this relay race, you need to place a jump rope and a hoop at a distance of 8 - 10 m from the starting line. After the signal, the first participant, having reached the rope, takes it in his hands, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and rushes back to pass the baton to the next one. The second participant, having reached the lying objects, takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it (like jumping rope). The third participant takes the jump rope again, etc., alternation takes place. The arrival of the last team member at the start line means the end of the relay. Victory goes to the fastest.

Competition 3. “Lifebuoy”.

The lifebuoy that will help you cross the “river” in this relay race will be a hoop. The start line will be one “shore”, the line opposite will be the other. The team captain puts on the hoop and, holding it at waist level, runs to the set mark. Returning, he grabs the next team member with the hoop and runs with him, “transporting” him in a “lifebuoy” to the other “shore”. So, one by one, the captain “transfers” the entire team to the opposite side. The team that gets to the other “shore” the fastest wins.

Competition 4. “Eye of the Needle.”

There are two or three hoops on the ground along the relay line. When starting, the first participant must run to the first hoop, pick it up and thread it through himself (like a thread passes through the eye of a needle). Then, having reached the next hoop, do the same exercise with it. And so with all the hoops on the forward and return path. The winner is the team whose all members thread the “thread” faster, that is, complete all the operations with the hoops.

Competition 5. “Running with a skipping rope.”

The first team member runs at the signal to the turning flag and back, jumping rope. Then he passes the rope to the next one and so on until victory or failure.

Municipal budget educational institution

Additional Children's Education Center children's creativity"Constellation"

municipality Ust-Labinsky district



Developed by: methodologist,

additional education teacher

Chirichenko S.I.




Participants is heard By one card, on which the numbers are written. Given time, A participants should connect V groups So, to sum, compiled from numbers on cards, it turned out equal to 21 - For one teams, 16 - For another.

Competition "Shooting" from Luke"

The target is a bucket, the bow is an onion. The bucket is placed 5 meters beyond the finish line. The bulbs lie at the finish line, their number is equal to the number of participants in each team. The first participant, at the leader’s signal, runs from start to finish, takes an onion and throws it into a bucket. So until the last participant.

Competition "Figure skating"

Teams are divided into pairs. Couples join hands - right with right, left with left. Both participants raise their left leg at a signal and begin to jump from start to finish and back.

Competition "Pencil Drag"

2 participants take hold of opposite ends of the pencil and try to pull it out of the opponent’s hands. The hands of the participants are smeared with something greasy.

You can hold a competition among all those present for the title of the most “sticky-handed”.

Competition "Night Orienteering"

One person per team participates. They go to the start line blindfolded, with a chair in front of each of them. You need to reach the obstacle, go around it and come back. Teams can give hints to players.

Competition "Synchronized Swimming"

Two people are invited from each team. Couples stand opposite each other at a distance of one step. Each pair is given one balloon filled with water. Firstthe player throws the ball to his pair, if the second player catches the ball, then he takes one step back, etc. The couple that manages to move the maximum distance away from each other wins.

Competition "time" - money"

Teams must divide the clock face into 6 parts so that the sum of the numbers on each part is the same.

Competition "ABC"

Instead of dots, teams need to insert a letter to make a word:

M...zgi, ...m,, u...enie and others.

Competition "letter-eater"

Teams need to write as many words as possible starting with the same letter - M, L, D. Each subsequent one must be 1 letter longer than the previous one. For example:



















Competition "B" fun math"

Teams are given cards containing 6 words with numbers underneath. We need to define a new word. For example, source words with numbers:

Kolos house code Vol Niva pier

52143 321 3214 321 3214 321

The resulting words are falcon, dock, fashion, fishing, wine, scrap. To compose cards, you can use the following words: bar - slave, saw - linden, grade - growth, sickle - Persian, salt - elk, tire - niche.

Competition "Questions"

All teams receive cards with questions that are the same on all cards. The speed and correctness of answers is assessed.

Question options:

    The inscription on the envelope that indicates to whom the letter is to be sent. (Address.)

    Fruits and berries boiled in sugar syrup. (Jam.)

What stands between day and night? (AND.)

Competition "Shifters"

Teams need to guess the inverted proverbs:

    The cat is the monkey's enemy. (A dog is man's friend.)

    Oil is no one's feet. (Bread is the head of everything.)