Regulations "Children's creativity festival "Kapel". Regulations on the VI interregional Easter festival of children's creativity "light of the soul" Regulations on the festival of children's creativity for children


U T V E R J D A Y:

Deputy Director for VR

Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 20

Protocol No. 5 of 01/01/2001


about the festival children's creativity

"School Spring 2011"

1. General provisions

1.1. Festival of children's creativity "School Spring - 2011"(hereinafter referred to as the Festival) is held in support of children's creativity.

1.2. The organizer of the Festival is Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 20.

2. Goals and objectives

2.1. Popularization of creative achievements of students.

2.2. System development aesthetic education students, image strengthening creative child as a youth leader.

2.3. Strengthening students' diverse creative and cultural skills.

2.4. Increasing the level of artistic skill of students, as well as their communication skills.

3. Dates and venue

4.2. Class teachers, organizing creative work their teams, submit an application to the organizers no later than March 1, 2011.

5. Regulations

5.1. The festival takes place in 2 stages.

The first stage is the presentation of a complete multi-genre concert program. The display time is no more than minutes.

The second stage is a gala concert, summing up the results.

5.2. The following genres can be represented in the competition:

1) Musical direction (pop vocals, folk vocals, classical vocals, art songs, musical groups).

2) Dance direction (pop dance, folk and folklore dance, ballroom dance, modern - modern choreography, freestyle and breakdancing.

3) Theater direction (variety miniature, small theater, artistic expression)

4) Original genre (fashion theater, pantomime, parody, synthesis act).

6. Summing up and awarding

6.1. The results of the competition are summed up after viewing the concert programs of all class groups.

6.2. The main nomination of the Festival is “Best concert program»graded to I, II, III place.

6.3. By decision of the jury, additional nominations may be made.

6.4. The winners receive diplomas and prizes.

7. Festival jury. Competition evaluation system

7.1. The Festival jury is formed by the organizing committee.

7.2. The competition uses a 10-point rating system.

7.3. The concert program is evaluated as a whole and by nomination.

8. Requirements for phonograms and props

8.1. Phonograms must be presented on a CD-r or USB drive indicating the team and class.

8.2. The organizers provide the groups with a standard stage set: tables, chairs, “stage clothes”. Teams must inform the organizers in advance about additional details.

Children's festival creativity "Kapel"



TARGET- creating conditions for children’s creative self-expression through visual arts, music, dance, poetry;


Find children with talents and abilities in certain types of creativity, present them to a wide audience; help in the development and formation of their personalities, contribute to the preservation and revival of cultural, spiritual and moral values peoples of the world;

Disclosure creative potential and development aesthetic taste children;

Involving students in participation in concerts and exhibitions;

Popularization of children's creativity;


    stage culture

    performing arts

    musicality, artistic interpretation piece of music

    purity of intonation and sound quality

    compliance of the repertoire with performing capabilities and age category performer

    stage culture

    performing arts

3. CHOREOGRAPHY"Dance Kaleidoscope" Criteria for evaluation:

    performing skills – technique of performing movements

    compositional structure of the number

    stage performance (plasticity, costume, props, performance culture)

    artistry, disclosure of artistic image

4. THEATER GENRE(dramatization of a fable, fairy tale ).
Criteria for evaluation:

    opening and brightness artistic images

    stage presence (plasticity, presence of costumes and their correspondence to the performance, performance culture)

    decoration performance, props

    diction of actors, emotionality of performers

    repertoire matching age characteristics performers

Participants provide 1 piece lasting no more than 5-10 minutes

5. LITERARY WORD -"Master poetic word».
Criteria for evaluation:

    completeness and expressiveness of the disclosure of the theme of the work

    artistry, disclosure and brightness of artistic images, performance level

  • complexity of the piece being performed

    correspondence of the repertoire to the age characteristics of the performers

6. Applied creativity - “Golden Pens” Evaluation criteria:

    high level skill, artistic taste, technique;

    originality, imagery and artistic solution of the composition;

    aesthetic appearance of the product.


O"Light of the Soul"

Founders, organizers and coordinators of the festival:

Kuznetsk diocese

Department of Culture of the city of Kuznetsk, Penza region

MBOU DO "Children's Art School" of the city of Kuznetsk, Penza region

Goals and objectives of the festival:

Spiritual and moral education of the younger generation based on Orthodox traditions;

Unlocking creative potential, improving the personal status of children;

Introducing to the heritage of domestic and foreign musical and artistic culture.

Procedure and conditions of the festival:

The festival is held at the Children's Art School in Kuznetsk on April 11-13, 2018. in the following categories:

academic singing,

- instrumental performance,

- art,

- arts and crafts.

Music students, art schools and art schools.

Performances by festival participants, competition works assessed by a professional jury. The jury's decision is made based on discussion and open voting. The decision of the jury is final and cannot be revised.

The winners of the festival are awarded the titles of laureates and diploma holders, and festival participants are awarded participant diplomas.

Festival program.

Nomination "Academic Vocal"

Solo singing;

Vocal duet;

Vocal ensemble;

Academic choir.

Junior group – 8 – 10 years old;

Middle group - 11 - 13 years old;

Requirements: one piece reflecting the theme of the festival and appropriate to the age of the participants. For choirs and vocal ensembles, it is possible to perform two different works, reflecting the theme of the festival and appropriate to the age of the participants.

Using a phonogram for musical accompaniment not allowed.

The registration fee for participation in the festival (without drawing up contracts, invoices and acts) in the “Academic Vocal” nomination is 300 rubles.

Piano (soloists)

Junior group – 2-3 grades

Middle group - 4-5 grades

Senior group – 6-8 grades.

Requirements: one concert piece.

Organizational fee for participation in the festival (without drawing up contracts, invoices and acts) in the nomination “Instrumental Performance. Piano" costs 300 rubles per participant.

Nomination "Instrumental Performance"

Folk instruments: button accordion, accordion, domra, balalaika, classical guitar(soloists, ensembles)

Junior group – 8 – 10 years old;

Middle group - 11–13 years old;

Senior group – 14 – 17 years old.

The age of participants is determined on the day of the festival

Requirements: one concert piece. For instrumental ensembles it is possible to perform two different works.

Participation of teachers in ensembles is not allowed (with the exception of the accompanist).

Organizational fee for participation in the festival (without execution of contracts, invoices and acts) in the nomination “Instrumental Performance. Folk Instruments" costs 300 rubles.

Nomination "Fine Arts"

"Holy Easter"

"Folk Traditions"

"The beauty of our native land"

Evaluation criteria: originality of the creative concept and solution, level of skill, compliance with the given theme, independence of color and compositional solutions.

Group II – 9-10 years inclusive;

Group V - 15-17 years old inclusive.

Performance technique: watercolor, gouache, tempera, pencil, mixed media.

Registration requirements: work format – A3. Works are accompanied by information about the author: full name, age, title of work, technique of execution, full name. teacher, name and address of the institution where the author of the work is studying (the label is printed and placed on the back of the work). The winners' works will not be returned. The organizers reserve the right to use works for participation in exhibitions.

Nomination "Decorative and applied creativity"

The festival accepts works on the following topics:

"Holy Easter"

"Folk Traditions"

"The beauty of our native land"

Evaluation criteria: originality of the creative concept and solution, level of skill, compliance with the given topic.

Group I – 6-8 years inclusive

Group II – 9-10 years inclusive;

Group III - 11-12 years inclusive;

IV group – 13-14 years old inclusive;

Group V - 15-17 years old inclusive.

The age of participants is determined on the day of the festival.

Performance technique: any

Registration requirements: Works are accompanied by information about the author: Full name, age, title of work, technique of execution, Full name. teacher, name and address of the institution where the author of the work is studying (two labels are issued in printed text: one is placed on the back of the work, the second is attached separately in a file). The winners' works will not be returned. The organizers reserve the right to use works for participation in exhibitions.

The registration fee for participation in the festival (without drawing up contracts, invoices and acts) in the “Fine Arts” nomination is 100 rubles per work.

Time and place of the festival:

Concert hall of the MBOU DO "DSHI" in Kuznetsk

Opening of the festival.

Audition for festival participants nomination "Academic Vocal"

Summing up and awarding laureates, diploma recipients and festival participants in the “Academic Vocal” nomination.

Concert hall, orchestra class of MBOU DO "DSHI" in Kuznetsk.

Audition for festival participants in nomination “Instrumental performance. Piano", "Instrumental performance. Folk instruments".

Summing up and awarding laureates, diploma recipients, festival participants in nomination "Instrumental Performance".Piano", "Instrumental performance. Folk instruments".

Awarding of laureates, diploma recipients, festival participants in the nomination “Fine Arts”, “Decorative and Applied Creativity”.

Closing of the festival.

Applications that do not correspond to the age of the participant, the position of the festival and those received after the specified deadline will not be accepted and will not participate in the festival.

In case of refusal to participate in the festival, the registration fee is not refunded.

For the nominations “Fine Arts”, “Decorative and Applied Creativity”, works are accepted until March 10, 2018 (by postmark) to the address:

442537, Penza region, Kuznetsk city, Oktyabrskaya street 62 A.

Tel./fax 8 (841-57) 2-62-29

Director Filaretova Yulia Aleksandrovna

The registration fee is accepted by postal order to the address:

442537, Penza region, Kuznetsk city, Oktyabrskaya street 62A.

MBOU DO "Children's Art School" in Kuznetsk.

Ziteva Svetlana Yurievna.

Form applications attached.

Application (sample)

to participate inVI Interregional Easter Festival of Children's Creativity"Light of the Soul"

the name of the institution

Last name, first name of the student

Age, age group


Name of the group (for choir, ensemble),

Age, age group


Last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher

Surname, name, patronymic of the accompanist

Last name, first name, patronymic of the director of the educational institution

Executable program (for musicians)

Featured works (for artists)

Number of participants (for choir, ensemble)

(Full name) (signature)

I am familiar with the conditions of the festival __________ ___________

(teacher signature) (Date)

Director of the educational institution ______________ ___________

(signature) (Date)


All children are talented. It is very important to notice talent in time and reveal it. Kindergarten stands at the cradle of talent.


The festival is a network event, which is organized for children's preschool institutions and institutions additional education Tyumen region (South Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). This regulation defines the goals, objectives, procedure, content, categories of participants in the festival of children's creativity "At the Cradle of Talent", hereinafter referred to as the Festival.


2.1. The goals of the Festival are:

Improving the system of artistic and aesthetic development of children preschool age;

Supporting children's creativity, identifying talented children in the field of arts;

2.2. The objectives of the Festival are:

Instilling in children a love of art and beauty, the formation of aesthetic taste, sociocultural adaptation of a modern preschooler;

Preservation and development of traditions multinational culture Tyumen region;

Creating conditions for the exchange of experience between teams, managers and teachers of preschool institutions, supporting creative contacts between them ;

Formation of innovative methods of interaction government agencies and funds mass media in the field of supporting children's creativity;


3.1.The founders of the Festival are:

Editorial office of the electronic periodical “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region”;

Institute of Fine Arts and museum technologies Tyumen State Academy of Culture, Arts and Social Technologies.

The festival is held with the support of the Tyumen Regional Duma and the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region.

The festival is dedicated to the Year of Culture and the 70th anniversary of the formation of the Tyumen region.


4.2. Stages of the festival:

I. Preparatory: from August 14 to August 31, 2014 – announcement about the Festival, electronic distribution of information letters and Regulations about the Festival to municipal education authorities and educational institutions of the Tyumen region..

II. Practical: from September 1 to October 19, 2014 – acceptance of applications and package of documents, publication of materials of the Festival participants on the portal “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region”.

IV. Final: October 31, 2014 – summing up the results, awarding the winners, presenting diplomas and certificates to the Festival participants, sending documents and gifts by post.

4.3. Venue: online publication “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region”.

4.4. The festival is held in one round online.


5.1. The Festival is managed by the Organizing Committee.

5.2. Chairman of the Festival Jury is the head of the department of decorative and applied arts and ethnodesign of the Institute of Fine Arts and Museum Technologies of the Tyumen State Academy of Culture, Arts and Social Technologies (TGAKIST), Ph.D. - Evseeva Olga Yurievna.

5.3. The Festival jury includes:

Actress GAUK TO " Tyumen Theater puppets", Associate Professor of the Department of Directing at the Institute of Music, Theater and Choreography of the Tyumen State Academy of Culture, Arts and Social Technologies (TGAKIST), teacher of stage speech - Gryaznova Olga Vasilievna;

Choreography teacher, head of the choreographic Studio "Rechenka" MAOU DOD DYuTS Fortuna", Honorary Worker of Secondary special education, multiple laureate of regional and All-Russian festivals- Amosova Olga Gennadievna;

Teacher of conducting and choral disciplines of the department of music and art education State Autonomous Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Tyumen Pedagogical College No. 1", excellent student of public education of the Russian Federation, laureate of the regional competition "Teacher of the 21st Century", multiple laureate of regional choral festivals - Khireva Tatyana Evgenievna;

Teacher of the Department of Fine Arts, Drawing and Design, Department of Music and Art Education, State Autonomous Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Tyumen Pedagogical College No. 1" - Korgozha Irina Alexandrovna;

5.4. The general management and coordination of the Competition is carried out by the editors of the electronic periodical “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region” - Chief Editor - Osmakova Marina Vasilievna(awarded with a Certificate from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Gratitude from the Chairman of the Tyumen Regional Duma and the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region, 2013)


Preschool children from 5 to 7 years old - preschool pupils are invited to participate in the Festival educational institutions and institutions of further education. Children are represented by educators, additional education teachers or parents.


I.Concert directions:

Representatives of the Festival participants (educators/teachers of additional education/parents) send to the Festival organizing committee a video of a child/children's creative group performing in the following categories:

Vocals (pop, folk)

* solos, duets, trios, ensembles, choirs.

Choreography(folk, pop, sports ballroom dance)

*solos, ensembles, dance studios.

Folk dance is performed to any folk music or stylized. Sports ballroom is performed in pairs or an ensemble (formation), pop dance is any children's dance.

Instrumental performance

*solo on musical instruments, ensembles, orchestras.

Theater arts children's performance, musical, (miniatures and excerpts from children's performances), plastic compositions.

Artistic word

*poems, prose, monologue.


A concert number is exhibited, which is considered as an integral composition, where the costume plays the role of artistic means of expression super tasks.

*“Fashion Theater” is a collection that represents a synthesis of fashion with theater, directing, scenography and choreography, in order to create a single artistic image.

*“Unconventional Fashion” is a collection made using non-traditional materials and techniques, revealing the designer’s special vision and approach to fashion.

II. Non-concert directions:

Representatives of the Festival participants (educators/teachers of additional education/parents) send a master class to the Festival organizing committee: a series of photographs depicting the work process of a child/children's creative team in the following categories:

Work is performed using any technique with any material:

*Working with paper (applique, quilling, papier-mâché, origami, paper plastic, decoupage, etc.)

* Working with wood (painting, burning)

* Working with fabric, leather and fur (doll, soft toy, batik, collage, etc.).

* Working with natural materials (cones, shells, fruit seeds, vegetables, etc., floristry).

* Working with metal (embossing, wire products, etc.).

* Embroidery, patchwork (threads, ribbons, beads, sequins, etc.).

* Sculpture: small form, relief panel (plasticine, clay, plastic, salty dough, sand)

* Weaving (beads, macrame, wicker, straw, weaving from paper strips and candy wrappers, etc.)

* Technical creativity (modelling, elements of artistic design, prototyping).

Can be used mixed media work. Usage unconventional techniques and materials are welcome!

The festival provides a series of photographs describing the process of making the work.

The Festival Organizing Committee reserves the right not to open a nomination if there is a small number of participants (less than 5)

ATTENTION! One child or one children's creative team can present one act or one work!



  • Purity of intonation – 2 points,
  • Diction, rhythm, sound quality – 2 points,
  • Artistry and stage culture – 2b.
  • Correspondence of the repertoire to the performing capabilities and age category of the performer – 2b.

Instrumental performance

  • Performance technique, degree of instrument proficiency – 2 points,
  • Musicality, sound culture – 2 points,
  • The embodiment of a musical image - 2b.
  • Compliance of the repertoire with the performing capabilities and age category of the performer - 2 points,
  • Artistry, stage appearance, aesthetics of performance – 2 points,


  • level of choreographic training, plasticity – 2 points,
  • musicality and expressiveness of performance – 2 points,
  • Dance composition – 2 points,
  • correlation of choreographic vocabulary, musical material and stage costume – 2 points.

Theater arts

  • Directing and teaching work: compliance of the choice of material with the performing capabilities of children, degree of liberation personal qualities little artists. – 2 points,
  • Performing (acting) skill: emotional contagiousness, freedom of body and voice, ability to communicate with a partner and the audience, plastic expressiveness - 2 points,
  • Organic action with words: free breathing, quality of voice, clear diction – 2 points,
  • Stage decision of the teacher-director when implementing the concept of the material: mise-en-scene, scenography (costumes, scenery), lighting design, presence of music - 2 points,
  • The ideological content of the material (educational moment) and artistic and aesthetic embodiment (harmony of all components of the stage performance) – 2 points,

Artistic word

  • Speech technique – freedom of breathing and voice, organic action with words, emotionality – 2 points,
  • When performing poetry - the ability to maintain the rhythm of a verse line, maintain the melody of the author's intonation, the expressiveness of the author's word and sound, the originality of the author's rhyme -2 points,
  • When performing a work - the ability to control the perspective of the story being told - 2 points,
  • Acting - the organic nature of existence during performance, the degree of influence on the listener, mastery of the power of words - 2b.
  • Artistic and aesthetic solution - music, lighting, stage appearance - 2 points,
  • Compliance of the repertoire with the performing capabilities and age category of the performers – 2 points;


  • Originality and relevance of the idea, creative approach – 2 points;
  • The imagery of revealing the theme of the collection, entertainment, acting, fashion show and choreography – 2 points;
  • Musical and artistic design – 2 points;
  • Integrity of the composition, stage culture of performance - 2 points;
  • Novelty of forms and materials – 2 points;
  • The skill and quality of the work presented – 2 points.

Arts and crafts

  • Imagination in the use of materials for manufactured products, mastery of the selected equipment - 2 points;
  • Application of new technologies and materials, unconventional use of known materials – 2 points;
  • Artistic taste, originality, imagery – 2 points;
  • Compositional solution – 2 points;
  • Color scheme of the work, expressiveness of national color – 2 points;
  • Aesthetic appearance and design of the work, age appropriate – 2 points;


Titles are awarded in each nomination Laureate of I, II and III degrees, as well as titles Graduate.

The laureates are awarded diplomas, medals and valuable gifts.

Diploma holders are awarded Diplomas and Participant medals.

All teachers and leaders of children's creative groups representing the participants are awarded certificates for preparing children for the Festival.

"Prize audience choice» awarded to the winners of online voting. (There will be 2 winners in total: One in the individual and one in the group)


The financial base for organizing the Festival consists of sponsorship funds and monetary organizational contributions from participants.

The registration fee includes: registration, creation of a website for the Festival participant, expert review jury, connecting online voting, registration and mailing of award documents and gifts, overhead costs.

Size org. The fee depends on the number of Festival participants and the form of participation. Scheme for calculating the registration fee. Download: APPLICATION 4.docx

Payment for services is made by non-cash transfer to the Contractor's bank account. Download the receipt: APPENDIX 3.docx You can pay for the receipt at any Sberbank branch or directly on the website. Payment form is at the end of this page.

For preschool educational institutions, it is possible to pay the bill by bank transfer; an agreement for the provision of services is concluded. To do this, you need to make an application and send the company card to the email address : [email protected]

State, public, commercial and other organizations, media and individuals can provide any assistance for the festival or act as information partners.


1. Application for participation in the Festival Download: APPENDIX 1.docx (12.46 KB)

2. Photo of the child in jpg format (photo of the creative team)

3. Link to the video with the participant’s performance, which is previously posted on the website ( detailed instructions for posting videos on YouTube) Download: APPENDIX 2.docx (13.86 KB)

ATTENTION! There is no need to send the video itself to the editor! The duration of the video is from 2 to 10 minutes depending on the nomination. Works of low quality, containing obscene text or video that violate the legislation of the Russian Federation are not allowed to participate in the festival program.

For the “Arts and Crafts” nomination, send a series of numbered photographs (5-10 pieces), which reflect the main stages of the child’s work. A description of the sequence of manufacturing the work in stages, exactly corresponding to the image in each photograph, is presented in a Word text document.

Photos are accepted only in jpg format, original sizes (from the camera, without reduction, at least 800x600 pixels in size). Photos must be of high definition, with a plain background that does not distract attention from the subject.